lezkissgifs · 8 months
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Matar a la bestia (2021) dir. Agustina San Martín
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musicandotherstuff · 2 years
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Arctic Monkeys - Coliseo Live Bogota, Colombia
📸: David Micolta
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omens-badomens · 2 years
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John Micolta
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elceeu2morrow · 2 years
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Bogota, 6.3.22 [©️David Micolta]
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noticiasdelreino · 13 days
Dios Es Mi Fortaleza.
Por Andrea Micolta Andrea: Lo llevé rápido a mi carro, para ir al hospital. De camino Miguel no hablaba nada, iba enmudecido, solo caían lágrimas en sus piernas como gotas de agua cristalina, finalmente llegamos a la emergencia donde rápidamente lo recibieron llevándolo en una camilla, solo veía sus pupilas tan dilatadas y la palidez de su rostro. Cada vez lo veía más lejos, hasta que se cerró…
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ramtracking · 2 months
Pachuca vs. Club America: How to watch, TV channel [ C.F. Pachuca ]
Pachuca vs. Club America: How to watch, TV channel [Highlights] Club América and Pachuca will face off Tuesday night with a spot in the Concacaf Champions Cup final on the line. The two sides played out a… On Tuesday, we will discover the first finalist of the 2024 CONCACAF Champions Cup (CCC) when Pachuca host Club America in the second leg of… Teammates congratulate Pachuca’s Norman Micolta…
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saramisuu · 5 months
Favorite episodes from my favorite podcast - Part 2 📻
This is part 2 of my favorite episodes from "Radio Ambulante", my favorite podcast in 2023. Enjoy!
Wara. Not all the episodes of Radio Ambulante are tragic, there are some that can make you smile (and even laugh). That was one. The story of an unemployed man in Bolivia who created a female avatar in a video game and achieved great success.
No soy tu chiste. (I am not your joke). You'll like this episode if, like me, you're from Colombia and can't stand "Sabados Felices" type of humor (racist, sexist, fatphobic, homophobic…). The story of the disastrous and offensive character "soldado Micolta".
Nohemi. Another shocking Colombian story that made me cry even though I already knew it because it was on the country's media a while ago. With lies, they bring a girl from the countryside to the city to live with a wealthy family that does all kinds of atrocities to her.
Compartir no es un crimen. (Sharing is not a crime). Can you believe that sharing a scientific text online could put you in jail? This happened to a Colombian. It makes you think: What is more important? Copyright or free access to knowledge?
El extranjero. (The foreigner). This episode is bittersweet. A Haitian in a small town in Chile is welcomed and loved by the community. But just as he arrived, he left, leaving a void in those who knew him.
Cicatrices. (Scars). Thinking it is the best, a family sends a Latina girl to live with her aunt in the United States. The woman and her husband are radical Christians who despise and mistreat her.
La noche más larga (The longest night). The infamous takeover of the Palace of Justice in Bogotá in 1985 by the leftist guerrilla M-19 is a wound that Colombia has not yet been able to heal. To this day, many people are missing and their fate is unknown. Unmissable episode.
El soldado y el teniente. (The soldier and the lieutenant). A super emotional episode framed in the context of the war for the Falklands. Two men who could not have been friends due to their different ranks, become friends in the midst of adversity. Years later, they reunite.
Los Pibes. (The guys). Another story from Argentina, very moving. A night that seemed to be fantastic for a rock band and its fans ended in tragedy. One of the worst that has occurred in the country and of that type in the world.
13 lunas (13 moons). This 2-part episode makes it to my top 5. One of the things I have on my bucket list is to try Ayahuasca, but I might be a bit hesitant after this episode. The story of a shaman in Colombia who looks more like the megalomaniac leader of a cult.
I'll be posting part 3 soon.
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minstrelsyinthemedia · 6 months
How Blackface "Humor" Thrives in the Americas
While blackface is majorly condemned here, Americans are blind to its persisting legacy. In class, we learned about examples of anti-blackness and minstrelsy that are majorly supported. A prominent example is Soldado Micolta, a beloved TV character in Colombia.
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Soldado Micolta is an Afro-Latino soldier character played by a white man in blackface. Yikes. (image credits)
Afrolatinx protesters went to Bogota, Colombia in 2015 to protest Soldado Micolta, demanding the character to be taken off air. When this happened, however, Colombians responded by claiming that Soldado Micolta represented the country’s “diverse cultural and racial expressions of humor” (Meraji & Demby, 2018). 
Using humor to excuse racism is nothing new in Latin American society. There has been a recent study analyzing cases of racial discrimination brought to the Justice Tribunal of the State of Sao Paulo in Brazil. From 2012 to 2016, judges have often dismissed these cases because the question of criminal intent is analyzed through “the lens of racialized social teasing and jokes” (Hernández, 2019, p. 351). Racial discrimination, despite how hurtful it can be, continues to be ingrained in the culture because of how people continue to be flippant about it.
You would probably be asking, “What does this have to do with me? Sure, this sucks, but Black people in the US have it so much better now.” It would be silly to not recognize the changes that society has made to make the world a better place. However, we should not ignore the United States’s history of white supremacy and anti-blackness. Distinct non-white ethnic groups in the United States are continued to be seen as foreign, but often times, they would show support towards conservatism and racist ideologies. This can be explained with the idea of “multiracial whiteness.” Multiracial whiteness is an ideology that reflects the understanding of whiteness as more than a skin color. Whiteness guarantees a political identity and culture that represents dominance over others (Flores, 2021). Afrodescendants of today who are successful in a White-powered society like the United States’s look this way because of adaptation. While Americans have become more accepting of Afrodescendants, African-Americans have also adapted to white standards of life.
In fact, Latinx Americans, including all skin tones, participate in anti-Black violence. There has been a "disturbing trend" of more Latinxs joining white supremacist hate groups like League of the South and the Proud Boys (Hernandez, 2022, p. 103). There have also been isolated incidents where Latinx Americans have assaulted Black folks. In 2012, Peruvian American George Zimmerman murdered Black teen Trayvon Martin for walking in his neighborhood, but it was argued that he was not racist because of his Latino heritage (Hernandez, 2022, p. 102). Minorities in the US are just as capable as white people of being racist towards African-Americans, and we often ignore this fact.
“The problem today is that people are laughing at the wrong things,” my theatre and film professor, Allan Havis, tells me when describing blackface in film. There have been many examples in movies of blackface being used in satire, such as Tropic Thunder (2008) and Bamboozled (2000). While they have both received mixed opinions because of their controversial themes, there has always been an existing minority that finds these movies funny not because of the satire, but because of blackface itself. 
Reparations toward African Americans have always been the subject of a complicated debate, but I believe that they are necessary given the long-lasting stain of blackface from the past to the present.
Works Cited
Flores, Tatiana. “‘Latinidad Is Cancelled’: Confronting an Anti-Black Construct.” Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture, vol. 3, no. 3, July 2021, pp. 58–79, https://doi.org/10.1525/lavc.2021.3.3.58.
Hernández, Tanya Katerí. “Latin American Racial Equality Law as Criminal Law.” Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, vol. 14, no. 3, Sept. 2019, pp. 348–58, https://doi.org/10.1080/17442222.2019.1661971.
Hernández, Tanya Katerí. (2022). Racial Innocence: Unmasking Latino Anti-Black Bias and the Struggle for Equality. Beacon Press. 
Meraji, S. M., & Demby, G. (Hosts). (2018, June 13). Twenty-First Century Blackface. [Audio podcast episode]. In Code Switch. National Public Radio. https://www.npr.org/2018/06/13/619359049/twenty-first-century-blackface
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atletasudando · 7 months
Ecuador cerró su temporada con el Nacional Interclubes
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Fuente: Fed. Ecuatoriana La Federación Ecuatoriana realizó este fin de semana (9 y 10 de diciembre) en Quito el Campeonato Nacional Interclubes, donde participaron varias de las figuras de ese país. Entre ellas, la reciente medallista de los Juegos Panamericanos en marcha, Glenda Estefanía Morejón quien ahora participó sobre 10 mil metros y marcó 47:16.4, quedando segunda Paula Torres con 51:48.7. También entre los hombres estuvieron destacados marchistas y allí Jordy Rafael Jiménez recorrió la misma distancia en 43:03.5, seguido por Jonathan Amores con 45:05.4 y el juvenil Saúl Wamputsrik con 47:24.0. Marlon de León dominó las pruebas de velocidad con 10.2 en 100 y 21.6 en 200 (nwi) y Emerson Chalá –su escolta en 200 con 21.9- se adjudicó los 110 metros vallas en 14.5. También ganaron Marcos Luis Ponce en largo con 7.26, Estiven Palacios en triple con 16.01 y los juveniles Saúl Cuero en martillo con 50.44 y Yirmar Torres en jabalina cn 61.20. Nereida Santa Cruz fue una de las más destacadas en damas con sus 62.93 m. en lanzamiento del martillo. También ganaron Samantha Rosero en 100 con 12.2, Adriana Alajo en 100 metros vallas con 14.8, Joyce Micolta en salto en alto con 1.70, Merari Herrera en disco con 44.01 y la juvenl Hasly Ayoví en jabalina con 40.41. Read the full article
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Aldana Zavala, Julio Juvenal y Josía Isea. «Migración. Un fenómeno del siglo XXI.» Iustitia Socialis: Revista Arbitrada de Ciencias Jurídicas y Criminalísticas, (2019): ISSN-e 2542-3371, Vol. 4, Nº. 6 (Enero-Junio), págs. 52-70.
Ampuero, María Fernanda. Sacrificios humanos . Madrid: Páginas de espuma , 2021.
Bonilla-Molina, Luis. “EL PUENTE ROTO Y LOS PROBLEMAS PARA ATRAVESAR AGUAS TURBULENTAS: LAS PEDAGOGÍAS CRÍTICAS EN LA ERA DIGITAL. (Spanish).” Profesorado: Revista de Curriculum y Formacion Del Profesorado, vol. 27, no. 1, Mar. 2023, pp. 129–50. EBSCOhost,
Cavalcanti, Leonardo y Sònia Parella. «EL RETORNO DESDE UNA PERSPECTIVA TRANSNACIONAL.» REMHU - Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana (2013): vol. 21, núm. 41, juliodiciembre, pp. 9-20.
Cid Alarcón, Jorge Ignacio. «Más allá de las lenguas nacionales.» Caracol, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (2021): ISSN-e 2317-9651, ISSN 2178-1702, Nº. 21, (Ejemplar dedicado a: Mapas da poesia hispânica), págs. 1148-1171.
Goldstein, Roberto M. «Migración, identidad, lenguaje y resentimiento». Intercambios, papeles de psicoanàlisis / Intercanvis, papers de psicoanàlisi, 1999, Núm. 3, p. 42-45,
Gutierrez Dueñas, A. H., Cieza Paquiyauri, F. P., Castillo Vidal, J. M., & Mungarrieta Virguez, C. R. de la C. (2023). La pobreza, la educación virtual y el rendimiento académico en el contexto de la pandemia por la COVID-19. (Spanish). Dilemas Contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores, 10(2), 1–22.
Ig: @laspatronas_ddhh
Jarquín Ramírez, Mauro Rafael. “CAPITALISMO DE PLATAFORMAS, CORPORACIONES Y FILANTROPÍA EN LA NUEVA ESCUELA MEXICANA ONLINE. (Spanish).” Profesorado: Revista de Curriculum y Formacion Del Profesorado, vol. 27, no. 1, Mar. 2023, pp. 151–73. EBSCOhost,
LA BESTIA - Animated Short Film 2020. Dir. Ram TAMEZ, Alfredo Gerard KUTTIKATT Réalisateurs·trices : Marlijn VAN NUENEN. 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMfUdb9QUpM&t=88s.
León, Amparo Micolta. «Teorías y conceptos asociados al estudio de las migraciones internacionales.» Trabajo social ( Universidad Nacional de Colombia ) (2005): ISSN 0123-4986, Nº. 7, págs. 59-76.
Llevate a mis amores. Dir. María Karina Aguilar Romero, Bernarda Romero Vásquez, Daniela Romero Huerta, Guadalupe González Herrera, Leonila Vásquez Alvizar, Lorena Aguilar Hernández, María Antonia Romero Vásquez, Norma Romero Vásquez, Rosa Romero Vásquez Arturo González Villaseñor. 2014. https://archive.org/details/LlevateMisAmores.
Oliver, Mariana. Aves migratorias. Ciudad de México: Fondo Editorial Tierra Adentro, 2016.
Ruiz, Juana Castaño. «Discurso literario e inmigración: escritores y tipología de textos.» REVISTA ELECTRÓNICA DE ESTUDIOS FILOLÓGICOS (s.f.). https://www.um.es/tonosdigital/znum7/estudios/dinmigracion.htm.
"Voces cruzando fronteras". El Pozo De Vida. Spotify. https://open.spotify.com/show/6IYzaV4XX44dVs2YYM9kR9
Bibliografía fotográfica
Foto de Anete Lusina: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/maletin-con-documentos-colocados-sobre-la-mesa-4792282/
Foto de cottonbro studio: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/hombre-escritorio-cuaderno-boligrafo-6830888/
Foto de Craig Adderley: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/equipaje-de-viaje-azul-1682694/
Foto de David Peinado: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/hombre-en-pie-cerca-frontera-6547714/
Foto de David Peinado: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/industria-tecnologia-faro-poder-13396509/
Foto de David Peinado: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/paisaje-hombre-persona-construccion-13396753/
Foto de Hal Moran: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/naturaleza-rojo-flores-verano-15403913/
Foto de Hüseyin Salih Özarslan: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/jardin-patio-diccionario-definicion-13505458/
Foto de Jordan Benton: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/fotografia-de-enfoque-superficial-de-reloj-de-arena-1095602/
Foto de Judit Peter: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/persona-escribiendo-en-un-cuaderno-al-lado-de-macbook-1766604/
Foto de Nothing Ahead: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/libro-papel-texto-aprendizaje-4440715/
Foto de Vijay Sadasivuni: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/hombre-larga-exposicion-movimiento-cabeza-4406406/
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argemirojaramillo · 5 years
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A esta hora #sábadosfices de Caracol y ahí estoy como jurado presentando #mipecado junto a la bella #andreaguzman y #micolta Agonia ..#argemirojaramillo #elpoetadeldespecho #musicapopular #argemirojaramilloprensa #prensaargemirojaramillo #prensaelpoetadeldespecho #orimegra (en Caracol Televisión) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv73JKhl0ea/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u2rs3om9fiug
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thecelebritystatus · 7 years
thecelebritystatus.com . Love and Hip Hop star Joseline is in tip top sjapr. Yasssssss babygirl... that baby weight is gone and that waist is snatched! Lovely ❤❤❤❤ . #loveandhiphop #atlanta #reggaeton #bonnie #steviej #vh1 #joselinehernandez #Repost @joseline (@get_repost) ・・・ Working out while being the best mother you can be!!!!!!! I luv you at @bonniebellahernandez #nogymneedit #letmeshowyouhow #resultsin28days #bethebestyou #micolta #spanishrocksta #snapbackwithjos Resultsin28days.com Go follow my Partners @mr2weeksout @geebryant_ We will show you and guaranteed you that if you follow the routine on the Results in 28 days Website you will loose the weight. Or your money back!!!!!!!!!!!!
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tomlinsonedits · 2 years
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Bogotá, Colombia. © David Micolta
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dailytomlinson · 2 years
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Louis performing in Bogotá, Colombia, photographed by Davi Micolta
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