#middle east red meat market
ashu-digiroads-01 · 1 month
A Closer Look: Comparative Analysis of Middle East vs. Global Red Meat Market Trends
In the world of global commerce, understanding regional market trends is paramount for informed decision-making, particularly in industries as dynamic as food and agriculture. One such segment is the red meat market, which serves as a vital component of diets worldwide. In this blog, we delve into the Middle East's red meat market, comparing and contrasting it with global trends to provide insights into its unique dynamics.
Middle East Red Meat Market Overview:
The Middle East, a region with diverse cultural and dietary preferences, holds a significant position in the global red meat market. Beef, lamb, and mutton are staples in many Middle Eastern cuisines, reflecting the region's rich culinary heritage. Factors such as population growth, urbanization, and increasing disposable income contribute to the steady demand for red meat in the Middle East.
Key Trends:
Shift in Consumption Patterns: Traditionally, lamb and mutton have been the preferred choices in the Middle East, owing to cultural and religious influences. However, there's a noticeable shift towards beef consumption, driven by changing lifestyles and influences from Western cuisines.
Rise of Halal Certification: With a predominantly Muslim population, the Middle East has a high demand for halal meat products. The increasing awareness and adherence to halal standards have led to a surge in the production and consumption of halal-certified red meat.
Import Dependency: Despite efforts to enhance domestic production, many Middle Eastern countries rely heavily on imports to meet their red meat demand. This dependence exposes them to fluctuations in global prices and trade regulations, highlighting the need for strategic interventions to bolster local production capacities.
Global Red Meat Market Trends:
To contextualize the Middle East's red meat market, it's imperative to analyze global trends and their implications.
Health and Environmental Concerns: In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the health risks associated with excessive red meat consumption, such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Additionally, concerns about the environmental impact of livestock farming, including deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions, have prompted some consumers to reduce their red meat intake or opt for alternative protein sources.
Rise of Plant-Based Alternatives: The emergence of plant-based meat substitutes represents a significant trend in the global food industry. While these alternatives initially targeted Western markets, they are gradually gaining traction in the Middle East Red Meat Market as well, driven by health-conscious consumers and environmental considerations.
Trade Dynamics and Supply Chain Disruptions: Global red meat markets are susceptible to various factors, including trade tensions, disease outbreaks, and supply chain disruptions. These uncertainties can significantly impact prices and availability, affecting both producers and consumers worldwide.
Comparative Analysis:
When juxtaposing the Middle East's red meat market with global trends, several key insights emerge:
Cultural and Religious Influences: Unlike many Western markets where secular trends often drive dietary choices, the Middle East's red meat consumption is deeply rooted in cultural and religious practices, shaping demand patterns and preferences.
Sustainability and Health: While health and environmental concerns influence global consumption trends, the Middle East's focus on halal certification underscores the importance of both religious observance and sustainable practices in the production and consumption of red meat.
Import Dependency vs. Self-Sufficiency: The Middle East's reliance on red meat imports contrasts with the growing emphasis on self-sufficiency in some global markets. Balancing domestic production with import dependency is a strategic challenge for Middle Eastern countries seeking to ensure food security and economic stability.
The comparative analysis of Middle East and global red meat market trends reveals a complex interplay of cultural, economic, and environmental factors. While the Middle East Red Meat Market remains a significant player in the global red meat trade, its unique dynamics necessitate tailored approaches to meet evolving consumer demands and navigate the challenges of a rapidly changing landscape. By understanding these nuances, stakeholders can make informed decisions to foster sustainable growth and resilience in the region's red meat industry.
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dduane · 11 months
Diners first making the acquaintance of this modern Arlene high-table delicacy generally become too busy enjoying it to bother inquiring about its origins. But its refined appearance as served by the royal kitchens in Prydon to the King's guests (or to casual passers-by, since Kynall Castle's refectories are open to all) goes far to conceal its robust genesis as a fishermen's dish of the coastal and riverine country between the eastern and western branches of the Upper Arlid.
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The original version of what would later be known as "Silver and Gold" (Arl./N.Arl. Dekhen-u-Ihrsen) was devised by North Arlene prawn fishermen who needed to find a use for shellfish they'd caught that were too small or damaged to offer in the coastal markets of Fûrdéin and Asfahæg. These "subpar" shrimp would be boiled in brine abroad ship and then kept submerged in frequently-renewed seawater until the fishermen made port.
There the ocean shrimp-fishers would meet with their freshwater-fishing counterparts, some of whom would be bringing in new-landed starscale pike (and other types) from the broad and busy breeding grounds of the upper Arlid delta. Cooked salt-water prawns would readily enough be bartered for sweetwater pike and their fine-grained, golden roe—or acquired by taverners in the "borderer" port towns east and west of Rûl Tyn—and cooked together with them.
A popular longshoremen's approach, because it kept well after cooking, was to mix and bind the chopped-up shrimps with grated dried bread and egg to make fish balls or thick cakes. These would be stuffed with chunks of roe from either marine or riverine fish—pike's roe being a favorite for its buttery and slightly smoky flavor, and the roes sometimes being cooked separately first. Then the (sometimes) breaded fishcakes would be fried in whatever fat was regionally most plentiful.1 The fried cakes could afterward be served up in a number of ways: by themselves—though often dipped in savory sauces heavy on whitefruit—pressed onto bread trenchers or sippets and sauced on top, or wrapped in wheaten or oaten platebreads in the Darthene coastal style.
But later on, during the period in the mid-1900s p.A.d.2 when a series of dynastic and climatic disasters led the North Arlene crown to resign most of its major functions to the Arlene Throne, the nature of the dish (as of many others originally native to North Arlen) began to change. Late-century cooks in Prydon and other northern Arlene cities began to upscale North Arlene cuisine in general as a kind of culinary tribute to a kingdom in decline. In the process they transformed this coastline shellfish dish into a more sophisticated composition seen (correctly or incorrectly) as more suited to urban palates, and tailored to emphasize the fresh marine flavor of the prawns.
The dish's modern name refers specifically to the classic Prydon-devised version in which the pale color of the meat of the shrimp is made to contrast strongly with the gold of pike caviar—in this presentation, now delicately rubbed out of the original "skeins" of roe to be served on top. And while we can certainly approach the flavor of the dish when making it on our own Earth, one thing we can't approach is the perfect paleness of the Arlene versions.
This is because we lack a specific and vital ingredient: the Arlene pewter shrimp, Metacrangon peltrumis medioregnis. While otherwise generally similar to Crangon crangon, the common our-Earth north Atlantic "gray shrimp", M. peltrumis is missing something normally commonplace among crustaceans: the protein complex called astaxanthin, which normally reacts with another complex called crustacyanin to produce the red shell and pinkish flesh coloration typical of cooked shrimps.3 As a result, the cooked flesh of the pewter shrimp is pure white, with no other colors to interfere with the shrimp's silvery presentation on the plate.
These more citified versions of dekhen-u-ihrsen involve, somewhat paradoxically, less cooking but more labor. After peeling and deveining, the cooked and chopped pewter shrimp are crushed and pounded in a mortar... hence the term "brayed" in the recipe name. (This indicates that the mortared shrimp mixture has a consistency smoother than something knife-chopped, but nonetheless more textured than an otherwise-mechanically produced puree.) After the addition of soured cream and spices, the mixture is molded between spoons and chilled in an ice-room until it firms slightly, and then served forth on toasted sippets and topped with iced pike caviar.
The use of the term "sallet" in the recipe name harks back (in one linguistic direction) to our many uses for the word "salad", and (in a different, more archaic one) to transitional early-1900s versions of the dish in which the pounded and formed shrimp was served out on roasted lettuce or cooked bitterleaf greens. In current versions, such as the one we illustrate here, greens are often still part of the presentation. But the main theme of the dish remains the contrast between the pale delicacy of the pounded shrimp and the glistening gold of the caviar.
See the right-hand tab on this page for the full recipe. 
1 In North Arlen this would normally be sunflower, palm oil, or treenut oil (from the Middle Kingdoms version of our Shea tree, Vitellaria paradoxa).
2 The commonly-used abbreviation for pai Ajnedäre derüwin: "since the Arrival". i.e. of the Dragons, and the destruction of the Dark.
3 More information on our Earth's recent discovery of this chemical interaction can be found in this interesting paper.
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hellenic-whore · 6 months
Had to draw a thing about organ transplants and trafficking. Took some notes about it too cause why not.
Did this partially because of the meat garden episode from the Magnus archives.
It was mostly about the middle east as it was for my middle eastern literature class, so yeah.
Notes and some interesting quotes are down below. The main source I used was "The Red Market:On the Trail of the World's Organ Brokers, Bone Thieves, Blood Farmers, and Child Traffickers" by Scott Carney.
If you want to read it yourself it's a pretty good book, you should be able to find a PDF of it pretty easily!
•Organ donors oftentimes are impoverished and sell their organs commercially to make money to feed themselves, afford rent etc.
•A migrant put the issue this way "If you cannot find work when you get to Egypt, you will not find mercy. This is why people sell their kidneys."
•In Egypt, an organ seller will receive 2000$ while a buyer will pay 2000$.
•Refugees are especially vulnerable to organ trafficking because of a lack of legal protection.
•People in underdeveloped countries often view their organs in the same way one might view social security or unemployment benefits- as a safety net.
•One woman who was, in essence, scammed out of her kidney, alleged a police complaint about the fraud. When the police attempted to arrest the broker for organ trading, the police also tried to arrest the donor for selling her kidney. The broker was let off with a warning.
• "Flesh... Moves up the social hierarchy, not down" (Carney 53)
•"In America, it is taboo to suggest US transplant centers are in the business of buying and selling organs. They're here to save lives." (Carney 56)
Stylized gore warning for all of you that are new to here.
Sources and the picture are under the cut.
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Here are my sources in big fancy mla format cause why not
Carney, Scott. The Red Market: On the Trail of the World’s Organ Brokers, Bone Thieves, Blood Farmers, and Child Traffickers. William Morrow, 2022.
“Human Trafficking and Trauma in the Digital Era.” Google Books, Google, books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=2PtWEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA159&dq=organ%2Btrafficking%2Brefugee&ots=D-PcbX-U0k&sig=2Fv19I115KGwnpgjAHCaq_LAIO4#v=onepage&q=organ%20trafficking%20refugee&f=false. Accessed 13 Dec. 2023.
Lesniewski, Matthew James. “Monitoring Human Trafficking in Displaced Populations.” eTD Explore, 1 Jan. 1970, etda.libraries.psu.edu/catalog/21347.
“Organ Trafficking in Egypt: ’they Locked Me in and Took My Kidney.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 9 Feb. 2019, www.theguardian.com/global-development/2019/feb/09/trafficking-people-smugglers-organs-egypt-mediterranean-refugees-migrants.
Osmandzikovic, Emina. “How Conflicts Turned the Middle East into an Organ-Trafficking Hotspot.” Arab News, 10 July 2020, www.arabnews.com/node/1701871/middle-east#:~:text=The%20protracted%20conflict%20in%20Syria,the%20region’s%20red%20market%20hotspots.
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Michael de Adder :: @deAdder :: Nov 1 :: The Toronto Star
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November 3, 2023
NOV 4, 2023
Today, Representative Ryan Zinke (R-MT), who was former president Trump’s Interior Secretary until he left under accusations of misconduct, introduced a bill to ban Palestinians from the United States and to revoke any visas issued to Palestinians since October 1 of this year. Although the U.S. has resettled only about 2,000 Palestinians in the last 20 years, ten other far-right members of the House signed onto Zinke’s bill, which draws no distinction between Hamas and Palestinian civilians.
This blanket attack on a vulnerable population echoes Trump’s travel ban of January 27, 2017, just a week after he took office. Executive Order 13769 stopped travel from primarily Muslim countries—Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen—for ninety days. The list of countries appeared random—Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, countries from which terrorists have sometimes come directly to the U.S., weren’t on the list—and appeared to fulfill a campaign promise and assert a new view of executive power.
Insisting that immigrants endanger the country is a key tactic of authoritarians. Excluding them is a central principle of those eager to tear down democracy: they insist that immigration destroys a nation’s traditions and undermines native-born Americans. With tensions in the nation mounting over the crisis in the Middle East, this measure, introduced now with inflammatory language, seems designed to whip up violence. 
Representative Greg Landsman (D-OH) called out his Republican colleagues on social media. “Un-American and definitely NOT in the Bible, [Speaker Johnson],” he wrote. “You going to tell them to pull this bill?”
But, far from trying to work across the aisle, Johnson has been throwing red meat to his base. In the last two days, for example, the House has voted to slash 39% of the budget of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and 13% of the budget of the National Park Service. It voted to require the Biden administration to advance oil drilling off the Alaska coast. It has voted on reducing the salary of the EPA administrator, the director of the Bureau of Land Management, and the Secretary of the Interior to $1 each.
Yesterday, Johnson told reporters he considers extremists Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Thomas Massie (R-KY) close friends and said “I don’t disagree with them on many issues and principles.”
To direct his communications team, Johnson has tapped Raj Shah, a former executive from the Fox News Corporation, who was a key player in promoting the lie that Trump won the 2020 presidential election. As the head of the “Brand Protection Unit,” Shah demanded that the Fox News Channel continue to lie to viewers who would leave the station if it told the truth. Johnson has hired Shah to be his deputy chief of staff for communications and, according to Alex Isenstadt of Politico, “help run messaging for House Republicans.” 
The extremists are doubling down on Trump and his election lies even as his allies are admitting in court that they are, indeed, lies. Trump’s former chief of staff Mark Meadows is in trouble with the publisher of his memoir after admitting that under oath that the election had been fair. The publisher is suing him for millions in damages for basing his book on the idea that the election had been stolen and representing that “all statements contained in the Work are true.” 
The publisher says it has pulled the book off the market. 
House extremists continue to back Trump even as he is openly calling for an authoritarian second term. In September, former chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley had to take “appropriate measures” for his own security after Trump accused him of disloyalty to him, personally, and suggested that in the past, such “treason” would have been punished with death. 
On Wednesday, Jonathan Swan, Charlie Savage, and Maggie Haberman of the New York Times reported that Trump was frustrated in his first term by lawyers who refused to go along with his wishes, trying to stay within the law, so Trump's allies are making lists of lawyers they believe would be “more aggressive” on issues of immigration, taking over the Department of Justice, and overturning elections. 
They are looking, they say, for “a different type of lawyer” than those supported by the right-wing Federalist Society, one “willing to endure the personal and professional risks of association with Mr. Trump” and “to use theories that more establishment lawyers would reject to advance his cause.” 
John Mitnick, who served in Trump’s first term, told the reporters that “no qualified attorneys with integrity will have any desire to serve as political appointees” in a second Trump term. Instead, the lawyers in a second term would be “opportunists who will rubber-stamp whatever Trump and his senior White House staff want to do.” 
Trump has also made it clear he and his allies want to gut the nonpartisan civil service and fill tens of thousands of government positions with his own loyalists. Led by Russell Vought, who served as Trump’s director of the Office of Management and Budget, Trump’s allies believe that agencies like the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Securities and Exchange Commission should not be independent but should push the president’s agenda. 
This week, Trump vowed to take over higher education too. In a campaign video, he promised to tax private universities with large endowments to fund a new institution called “American Academy.” The school, which would be online only, would award free degrees and funnel students into jobs with the U.S. government and federal contractors.
“We spend more money on higher education than any other country, and yet they’re turning our students into communists and terrorists and sympathizers of many, many different dimensions,” Trump said. “We can’t let this happen.” In his university, “wokeness or jihadism” would not be allowed, he said.
In admirable understatement, Politico’s Meridith McGraw and Michael Stratford noted: “Using the federal government to create an entirely new educational institution aimed at competing with the thousands of existing schools would drastically reshape American higher education.”
Trump has made no secret of his future plans for the United States of America. 
Meanwhile, Republicans appear determined to push their agenda over the wishes of voters. In Ohio, where voters on Tuesday will decide whether to amend the state constitution to make it a constitutional right to “make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions,” Republicans first tried to make it harder to amend the state constitution, and then, when voters rejected that attempt, the Republican-dominated state senate began to use an official government website to spread narratives about the constitutional amendment that legal and medical experts called false or misleading. 
Adding reproductive health protections to the state constitution is popular, but In an unusual move, the Republican secretary of state, Frank LaRose, quietly purged more than 26,000 voters from the rolls in late September. LaRose is a staunch opponent of the constitutional amendment and is himself running for a seat in the U.S. Senate. 
In Virginia, where Republicans are hoping to take control of the state legislature to pass new abortion restrictions as well as the rest of Republican governor Glenn Youngkin’s agenda, a study by the Democratic Party of Virginia shows that officials are flagging the mail-in ballots of non-white voters for rejection much more frequently than those of white voters. As of today, 4.82% of ballots cast by Black voters have gotten flagged, while only 2.79% of the ballots of white voters have been flagged.
In Richmond, The Guardian’s Sam Levine reported, city officials flagged more than 11% of ballots returned by Black voters but only about 5.5% of ballots cast by white voters. After the ballots are fixed, or cured, the rate of rejection for Black voters remains more than twice as high as that of white voters. 
Virginia officials also reported last week that they had accidentally removed more than 3,400 eligible voters from the rolls.
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charlesandmartine · 1 year
An Epilogue for Australia 2023
I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel-sea,
Her beauty and her terror
The wide brown land for me!
An excerpt from:
My Country
By Dorothea Mackellar
We made all the arrangements for this trip last summer which seems ages ago now and it troubled us whether we had packed enough into the itinerary, if we were really just repeating too much, and if the destinations were to be interesting enough. We ought not to have worried because none of that was so. It turned out that the balance was almost perfect. Lovely to see Jill again and stay in her amazing apartment in Balgowlah which we like enormously. The cruise to NZ was really enjoyable, seeing both the south Island where we haven't been before and revisiting the north Island, especially Napier. We were particularly pleased to visit Christchurch which we loved and the Sounds were stunning. We felt so fortunate that we completed this cruise when we did because soon after Cyclone Gabrielle came across flooding areas in the north and of course our condolences go out to those people.
The second part of the trip I think changed the way we view this wonderful country, that is our journey to woop woop, pronounced wup wup ie the middle of nowhere and beyond. We broke ourselves in gently before getting to the outback by first calling into some amazing beaches and then heading due west. The outback is a different Australia entirely; the accent is different, harder, broader. Some live in such remote places that there's no apparent reason for the place to be there at all. The couple who ran the cattle station could, with binoculars, see their neighbours. The girl in the bottle shop in Roma dreamed of the day she might go to Bondi Beach! Outbackers do not go to cities which are most likely unaffordable, and city dwellers don't go to the outback apart perhaps from Uluru, called Ayers Rock in pre decimal days. There are at least three levels of society in this amazing country, City, Outback and First Nation. We absolutely loved the outback; we loved the simplicity, the isolation, the one street, the bar where it goes quiet when you walk in, the friendliness, the pleasure they get when outsiders visit their town, the nothingness, the 'I went to Brisbane once, I didn't like it ' comment, the 'if we need to go shopping we drive 2 hours to Charleville', the big huge skies, the massive sunsets, the red dirt, the space, the long long straight empty roads, drive for 280km and not see a single building, community that appears to actually work, we loved it all that's all nearly 5000kms of it in Mr Avis's SUV.
We learned stuff. Staying on the cattle station we saw how hard life could be with not enough help, the danger of moving heavy cattle around, the changing climate, the financial loss that results from drought, the difference rain can make, the condition of the grass therefore life for the cattle or not. Having witnessed the cows being sent to market was a salutary moment for a meat eater versus vegetarian or at least non beefeater.
The rains had returned to the east of Australia with the red dirt turning green. This meant more food for animals such as kangaroos which meant they were not so evident in human occupied land. They talk of El Nino and the effects it has on the climate, La Nina is it's opposite number and it would appear there's a transition. We saw the vast coal mining operations in Newcastle and Blackwater and are both disturbed by this but also understand the economic arguments that allow it's continuance.
We learned more about Australian dinosaurs, crocodiles and how to kill one if necessary, cattle handling obviously, Australian politics and how similar they are to ours, societal problems like interest rate levels, inflation, long hospital waiting lists for hip replacements, shortage of doctors, superannuation, staff shortages in general, mortgage rates, high cost of energy, shortages, scrutiny over COVID handling, proposed Submarine purchases from AUKUS and the list goes on and on and we rub our eyes to see if we are at home or abroad!
The outback is such a fascinating place of great extremes. It breeds a tough and resilient kind of person constantly battling against an environment that views humans as an itch that needs to be scratched, a boil that needs lancing and moreover eradicated. Nature wiped out the dinosaurs of Winton millions of years ago and it does its best now to get rid of their modern day replacements. It does this by seven years of immense drought followed by fire terrifyingly tearing across the tinder dry land and scrub killing and destroying anything in its path. Then come the rains with such intensity the waters rebound, fill the creeks and the vast floodplains drowning animals small and large that inevitably get caught up in it. And then comes the cyclone that blows away structures and trees that dare to challenge it. Nevertheless the communities are tough and stubborn and rebuild because this is a great land. If you want precious stones mounted in precious metals, it is to be found here. If it can be eaten, drunk or cooked with, it is here. If it is needed to generate heat or power then it can be found here. If it is a rare mineral and it is to be found in the periodic table, it can most likely be found in Australia somewhere. If you want to make batteries for new generation electric vehicles, the lithium can be found there. If you want to increase your chances of being bitten, poisoned or eaten to death then Australia has it in droves. It is not the home of Shakespeare; no play contains the words G'day Mate, or own any work entitled Two Gentlemen from Woop Woop, but they try. They are both a young country with no history beyond 200 years and yet they have the combined history's of its many nationalities. They also have the fascinating and hidden history of the indigenous peoples going back 60,000 years! They have European Art which is developing more now into something of their own. More encouraging is that indigenous works are beginning to be appreciated now as works of art in their own right and not as they previously were merely as objects of interest.
This is a marvellous country unsurpassed anywhere else on the globe and deserves to be explored and appreciated for the incredible experiences it so readily offers
Perhaps one of the last images we will recall might be at Sydney Airport:
'Repack or pay' screamed the fierce looking Australian woman behind the Malaysia Airlines check-in desk at the overweight Indian family presenting equally overweight luggage. She could do well in a banshee yelling competition. They were escorted to a quiet spot where silver changed hands.
We have so enjoyed our time here with the variety of things we have done. We went to the SOH three times on this trip and were blown away by each performance, each different from the previous in different ways. We took a very fond look back at Sydney Harbour as we walked away from it last night, the place we really love and of course Manly, not wanting to leave it, but it's au revoir not goodbye, we are simply going to be absent for a while and we shall be back.
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snigy46 · 17 days
Kosher Food Market Major Manufacturers, Trends, Demand, Share Analysis to 2031
The Insight Partners introduces its new market research as “Kosher Food Market Industry Analysis| 2031”. The company specializes in syndicated market research and consultation services. Through this research company is offering both qualitative and quantitative data assisting Kosher Food market investors.
Key Chapters Under This Research
Current Market Scenario and Estimates to 2031
Market Drivers, Opportunities, and Trends
Market Competition Analysis
This chapter offers insights on established and new entrant Kosher Food market players. Understanding competition helps companies understand their position in the market. Through this chapter, the report offers insights on threats and opportunities ahead of Kosher Food market players. Comparing pricing strategies and organic growth strategies used by key market participants provides opportunities for growth in the Kosher Food market.
Report Attributes
Segmental Coverage
Product Type
Culinary Products
Snacks and Savory
Baker and Confectionery Products
Distribution Channel
Supermarkets and Hypermarket
Grocery Stores
Online Stores
North America
Asia Pacific
and South and Central America
Regional and Country Coverage
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
South / South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South/South & Central America)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of MEA)
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
Bob's Red Mill
Conagra Brands, Inc.
Dean Foods
Empire Kosher
Nestle S A
The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (Hain Celestial)
Tropicana (PepsiCo)
Other key companies 
Research Methodology
This Kosher Food market report includes findings based on scrutiny of different factors impacting on business environment. Both primary and secondary methods of research are used to generate insights. Details on Kosher Food market share, key players, micro-financial pointers, and other demographic factors.
Key market players are analyzed for their market share and overall growth in the industry. Based on forecast duration, these key market players are evaluated for their incomes. This market research brings local, regional, and national level information on the market
Go-To-Market Framework:
Development trends, competitive landscape analysis, supply-side analysis, demand-side analysis, year-on-year growth, competitive benchmarking, vendor identification, CMI quadrant, and other significant analysis, as well as development status.
Customized regional/country reports as per request and country-level analysis.
Potential & niche segments and regions exhibiting promising Kosher Food market growth are covered.
Analysis of Kosher Food Market Size (historical and forecast), Total Addressable Market (TAM), Serviceable Available Market (SAM), Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM), Market Growth, Technological Trends, Market Share, Market Dynamics, Competitive Landscape, and Major Players (Innovators, Start-ups, Laggard, and Pioneer).
Key Benefits for Buyers
Strategic Insights to increase per-customer revenue and overall consumer experience.
Assistance and strategic roadmap to device marketing tactics
Details-oriented approach, authorized information, and new optimal business solutions
Preferred target demographic, regions, and market channels
Customized Insights and Consultation services.
About Us:
The Insight Partners is a one-stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We specialize in industries such as Semiconductor and Electronics, Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Transportation, Biotechnology, Healthcare IT, Manufacturing and Construction, Medical Devices, Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Chemicals and Materials.
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bhushans · 19 days
The Rise of Tech-Driven Therapies: Reshaping the Global Fecal Pancreatic Elastase Testing Market
The global fecal pancreatic elastase testing market is poised for significant growth, with projections indicating an increase from USD 15,306.7 million in 2023 to USD 31,842.3 million by 2033. The market is expected to capture a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.6% from 2023 to 2033.
This substantial growth is attributed to the rising prevalence of pancreatic disorders and gastrointestinal diseases worldwide, driving the demand for accurate diagnostic tools such as fecal pancreatic elastase testing. These tests play a crucial role in diagnosing pancreatic insufficiency, facilitating timely intervention and improved patient outcomes.
The market’s expansion is further propelled by advancements in testing technologies, increasing adoption of point-of-care testing solutions, and growing awareness about the importance of early detection and management of pancreatic disorders.
Fecal pancreatic elastase testing is used to primarily diagnose pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI), a condition characterized by inadequate pancreatic enzyme production. One of the many reliable and precise diagnostic techniques that will probably be in great demand globally as awareness of gastrointestinal problems and pancreatic disorders increases is fecal pancreatic elastase testing.
Request Your Detailed Report Sample With Your Work Email: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-14507
Rising Pancreatic Cancer Rates:
Several factors contribute to the increasing prevalence of pancreatic cancer, including:
Obesity and Physical Inactivity: These lifestyle factors are linked to an elevated risk of developing pancreatic cancer.
Dietary Habits: A high-fat diet low in vegetables and high in red and processed meat consumption can increase pancreatic cancer risk.
Improved Treatment Options Spark Optimism:
New developments in therapeutic possibilities provide a glimmer of optimism despite the obstacles. Patients with pancreatic cancer are seeing longer life times thanks to the discovery of novel medication regimens and combinations.
Focus on Early Detection Remains Key:
Even though there are potential new treatment options, improving patient outcomes still heavily depends on early detection. The market for fecal pancreatic elastase testing is essential to this battle since it offers a non-invasive instrument for early detection and better patient care.
Competitive Landscape:
Manufacturers employ a number of crucial strategies to increase their clientele. Including the introduction of new products, developments in technology, collaborations, and distribution contracts amongst industry players.
Recent Development:
In June 2020, BÜHLMANN unveiled the BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo, a revolutionary turbidimetric immunoassay. It has received CE certification and is intended to speed up the detection of human pancreatic elastase.
Pancreatic Elastase-Turbidimetric test, a quantitative turbidimetric test for the detection of human Pancreatic Elastase E1 in human solid stool samples. It was introduced by Vitassay, a developer and distributor of diagnostic tests, in May 2020.
Some Key Companies are as follows:
Laboratory Corporation of America® Holdings
ScheBo Biotech AG
Immundiagnostik AG
Invivo Healthcare
DRG Instruments GMBH
Verisana Laboratories
BÜHLMANN Laboratories AG
CerTest Biotec S.L.
R-Biopharm AG
American Laboratory Products Company, Ltd.
Vitassay Healthcare, S.L.U.
Key Segments Covered in the Market:
By Product:
Fecal Pancreatic Elastase ELISA Kits
Rapid Fecal Pancreatic Elastase Kits
By Indication:
Chronic Pancreatitis
Type 1 Diabetes
Cystic Fibrosis
By End User:
Diagnostics Laboratories
Specialty Clinics
By Region:
North America
Latin America
South Asia
East Asia
The Middle East and Africa
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grandhotelabyss · 2 months
How do you deal with the reality of everything in the discourse being overshadowed by its role in signaling some team - I remember when that "sound of freedom" movie came out, and I obviously thought "wow, what obvious outrage marketing-" but you cant tell that to the pro side while the anti side uses it too to push a dishonest narrative of "see this is the only example of propoganda, isnt our side so much smarter and better???"
While even trying to explain how both sides are wrong will leave you looking like a freak that alienates everybody.
I just try to say what I think is true regardless of the signaling. Now I do try to be diplomatic about certain things—there's no point in being gratuitously unpleasant if you're trying to persuade someone of something—so I have to be conscious of the signaling to that extent. But I try not to succumb to throwing red meat to some imagined ideological audience, even if I imagine some of my readers find some of my views a bit evasive or opaque insofar as they're not on an obvious "side." For example, my footnote on Israel/Palestine in the latest Substack. Or the portrayal of gender identity in Major Arcana. It helps that both "sides" are so crude in the polarized climate. The truth is not somewhere in the middle, but off to the side of the crude opposition between, for example, dueling eliminationisms in Middle East politics, or between a wholly unreflective gender essentialism on the one hand and an excessive credulity toward the emancipatory potential of totally medicalizing gender for youth on the other. And so on.
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hedoughnism · 2 months
If you have ever interacted with your state Fish and Wildlife Service, or If you have ever read anything with a large mainstream US based conservation NGO ( like Audubon or the National Wildlife Federation) you have probably come across “ The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation” ( or some variation thereof ) the idea is that conservation, at-least on this continent, is somehow crucially tied to hunters, that hunters provide most of the real support for conservation, either financially as hunting licenses, duck stamps, and taxes on equipment help fund state and federal conservation programs, or in terms of being an interest group, as hunters want wildlife habitat/wildlife so they can hunt, and that this is a great innovation of the US/Canada we should be patriotic about ( in a vaguely rural Red Tribe way)
To get a sense of what makes hunting in the US different from what is before, we have to go back to Europe, throughout most of European history since at-least the Middle Ages, hunting, at-least of large “game” animals like deer, boar, bison, and wild cattle. Was an Aristocratic activity, It was often restricted legally from commoners at all. ( If you ever heard the funny factoid about The Queen owning all the swans in Britain, this is why) . Aristocracy wanted to hunt animals, and this motivated them to conserve There populations, in part by restricting and regulating hunting to avoid the tragedy of the commons . We also see them maintain large areas of non cultivated semi-natural space as “ hunting parks” so The wildlife has habitat to maintain their population in , so they can continue to hunt them.
The last wild European Bison populations ( before reintroduction from captivity) belonged to the Russian Tsars and before that the Polish-Lithuanian Aristocracy, from the 13-17th century the last Aurochs populations could only be hunted by Aristocracy and then Royalty, and a number of British cattle breeds ( Chillinghan, British White Park , Vaynol, British White) are descended from populations of Feral White cattle kept as ornamentation and hunting victims on large semi forested/ semi-meadow parks since the Middle ages
I want to highlight this was not a uniquely European Phenomenon, for example, In China, the last herd of Milu Deer, in the late 1800’s , was maintained in the walls of The Nanyuan Royal Hunting Garden, owned by the Emperor Tonghzi. Eventually the garden was stormed by German Soldiers, and the only reason the species survived is some were exported beforehand from the Garden to European zoos. You can also look at the Establishment of Game Reserves for the white elite in Southern Africa.
As european settlers colonized North America, armed with guns and free from Aristocratic regulations, and eventually coupled with the rise of large industrialized populations in the North East, they engaged mainly in not the subsistence, sport hunting, or even hunting of pests your probably more familiar with, but Market-Hunting , hunting, especially unregulated and at industrial scale , for the sale of the animals body parts as commercial goods, Meat, Leather, Fur and Feathers from wild land animals were sought in large numbers by the general public, including in densely populated areas.
Elk and other deer, Geese, Heath hens, Passenger pigeons, Carolina Parakeets, pronghorn, Wading birds, Bison, Beaver, Fishers, american Martens, sea Otters, sea mink, trumpeter swan, Labrador duck, Great Auk, and many other species had There populations severely impacted, often to the point of extinction, by this commercial scale hunting for their body parts
Meanwhile, we started to see the formation among the settlers, at-least the Upperclass ones, of an American Identity in contrast to that of the English or other Europeans. This identity thought of themselves as tougher, more rugged, less civilized ( but better suited for “civilizing”, this wasn’t seen as in conflict, like how a wild tough man may tame a wild Bronco) than the Europeans, and was tied to the idea of the US as a Wild uncivilized land not yet altered by man ( and of-course the dehumanization of native Americans and the Denial that they have shaped and altered the land severely). Think of Davy Crocket, and Pail Bunyan, and Buffalo Bill. Look at The Hudson River school of landscape painting, and how it diverged from older European styles, the focus on wild landscapes instead of farmland, the sharp jagged rocks and landscape formations , the twisted trees and snapped broken branches, the dramatic storm clouds, and rushing waterfalls. It is nature wild, but particularly nature powerful and rugged, untamed and full of rough “imperfections”, this is how the US Naturalists of the time saw themselves and There country in contrast to Europe.
Now the Environmentalist movement as we know of it was really kicked off by Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring, in 1962. That is when it went mainstream, when we see a greater focus on pollution, and the start of the understanding of different species as playing an important role in supporting a functioning ecosystem rather than being set pieces on the landscape
Before this Modern Environmentalist movement however , we had an older Conservationist movement, that was based in this rugged American Identity I discussed already. These people were “ Naturalists” , mostly outdoorsy upper class white men, who engaged in sport hunting alongside other outdoorsy leisure activities , There focus was on conserving natural resources, like Game Animals or Timber, so they could be exploited in perpetuity, as well as preserving scenic natural areas for themselves to hang out in and maybe shoot something in.
Teddy Roosevelt’s role in the timber industry is a great non-animal example of how these people see the natural world, he brought much needed regulation and reform to the Lumber industry, without which we might have lost all our forests and the US ran out of wood, but he only saw a forest as a source of wood, not as an ecosystem, so today large areas of federal/state land, that are in theory natural areas, are leased out to the timber industry to operate what are essentially monoculture farms, no more a forest than an apple orchard, but labeled as forests by the US government.
So these upperclass sport hunters, who recognized that the demands of the Market economy were unsustainable, put extreme regulations into place. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act, was aimed mainly at protecting birds, especially wading birds, from the feather trade for women’s hats, as was the first National Wildlife Refuge, Pelican Island. hunting and fishing regulations and licenses were introduced, operated by state governments, that restricted how many animals could be taken by how many people, Regulations on the production and sale of meat restricted Market hunting for venison, poultry and other meats for the table out of existence. The International Whaling Commissions Moratorium heavily restricted commercial hunting of large Whales globally, and among other things, the first National Park, Yellowstone, was note worthy for being home to the last wild bison herd in the US, with continued hunting in the park labeled “ poaching” .
Today the fur trade is all that’s left of Market Hunting of warm blooded native animals in the US and Canada, and even then it it only exists still as means of supplemental income and a hobby, not as a large scale industry and means of living.
So while the Conservationist of old were sport hunters motivated by sport hunting, their success largely if not mostly was due to being able to control, restrict, regulate and curb hunting. Including regulating Market Demand related hunting practically out of existence. The focus has been on how to control hunting pressure, giving money from hunting activities to the Fish and Wildlife Services makes extra sense in the light that they mostly exist to keep the hunters in line in the first place. If there was something novel about the North American Model, it wasn’t hunting incentivizing conservation, or even putting the wildlife into government hands, It was the democratization of hunting, while avoiding the tragedy of the commons, and the Near Elimination of trade of terrestrial wild animals based goods.
While it’s true Hunters give a share of funding to “conservation” larger than There share, it’s still a tiny share of the total ( 6% as of 2015 according to one study, likely decreasing, while they were 4.6% of the population in 2020 ( combined with fishers 18% in 2016)), and much of that is due to peaceful wildlife/nature goods, like high end cameras, Kayaks, or camping equipment, not getting the Conservation Taxed, additionally a large share of those funds would not be needed, or could be used for other things, without hunters , as they wouldn’t be needed for hunting regulation/support in the first place. We could also see great support for mushroom or wild plant foraging for income, or better yet, better funding from the general pot of State or Federal governments. But either way , the vast majority of funds, 94%, is already from the General public, not hunters specifically)
( This isn’t even to get into the ways advocate encourage damaging environmental practices or damage the environment themselves even under this system, but I’ll leave that to another post maybe, this is already extremely long)
The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation is based on the democratization of what we do with wildlife, and the regulating out of entire forms of hunting entirely. , as the general public supports conservation and protection of wildlife even if they don’t hunt, As hunters make up a tiny shrinking share of the population ( 7.7% in 1960 and shrinking since) , are not a crucial source of conservation funds, and a minor but large and growing share of the public disapproves of hunting, opposing hunting, and decentralizing hunting interest groups from wildlife and ecosystem management discussions , is not only the morally right choice, but in the spirit of the North American Model hunting advocates praise.
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ashu-digiroads-01 · 2 months
The Role of E-commerce in Transforming Middle East Red Meat Retail
The Middle East is witnessing a significant shift in consumer behavior, particularly in the way people purchase red meat. Traditional retail methods are giving way to the convenience and accessibility of e-commerce platforms. This transformation is not only reshaping the landscape of the Middle East red meat market but also presenting new opportunities and challenges for retailers and consumers alike.
The Growing Middle East Red Meat Market:
Red meat consumption in the Middle East has been steadily increasing over the years, driven by factors such as population growth, rising disposable incomes, and changing dietary preferences. Countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Qatar are among the largest consumers of red meat in the region, with beef, lamb, and goat meat being the most popular choices.
Traditionally, consumers in the Middle East have relied on brick-and-mortar stores, butcher shops, and local markets to purchase red meat. However, with the advent of technology and the proliferation of smartphones and internet connectivity, e-commerce has emerged as a game-changer in the retail landscape.
The Role of E-commerce in Transformation:
E-commerce platforms have revolutionized the way Middle Eastern consumers buy red meat by offering convenience, variety, and transparency. Here are some key ways in which e-commerce is transforming the Middle East red meat market:
Convenience: With e-commerce, consumers can now order red meat from the comfort of their homes or workplaces, eliminating the need to visit physical stores. This convenience is particularly appealing to busy urban dwellers who value their time and seek hassle-free shopping experiences.
Variety and Quality: E-commerce platforms offer a wide range of red meat options sourced from local and international suppliers. Consumers have access to premium cuts, specialty meats, and organic products that may not be readily available in traditional retail outlets. Moreover, e-commerce allows consumers to compare prices, read reviews, and make informed decisions about the quality of the meat they purchase.
Traceability and Transparency: One of the key concerns for consumers when buying red meat is its source and quality. E-commerce platforms address this concern by providing detailed information about the origin of the meat, its production methods, and any certifications it may have. This transparency builds trust among consumers and ensures that they are getting safe and ethically sourced products.
Digital Payment Solutions: E-commerce platforms offer a variety of payment options, including credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and cash on delivery, making it easier for consumers to complete their purchases. This is especially beneficial in a region where cashless transactions are becoming increasingly common.
Challenges and Opportunities:
While e-commerce holds immense potential for transforming the Middle East red meat market, it also presents several challenges that retailers need to address. These include logistics and supply chain management, ensuring the freshness and quality of products during transit, and building trust among consumers wary of online purchases.
However, with the right strategies and investments in technology and infrastructure, retailers can capitalize on the opportunities presented by e-commerce. This includes leveraging data analytics to understand consumer preferences, optimizing delivery networks to ensure timely and efficient fulfillment, and investing in marketing and customer service to enhance the online shopping experience.
E-commerce is reshaping the Middle East red meat market, offering consumers greater convenience, variety, and transparency in their purchasing decisions. By embracing digital technologies and adapting to changing consumer preferences, retailers can tap into this growing market opportunity and stay ahead of the competition. The future of red meat retail in the Middle East lies in the seamless integration of online and offline channels, providing consumers with the best of both worlds.
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dduane · 1 year
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The whitefruit (Darthene andénne, Arlene and N. Arlene onten, Steldene emdenet) is instantly recognizable as a member of genus Capsicum – part of the Solanaceae or nightshade family, in which the Earth-based chilies / chiles are all included.
If we stick to Terran-style taxonomy (and why not, for the time being), the main Middle Kingdoms-based whitefruit species (Capsicum albifructans medioregnis) would likely most closely correspond to Capsicum annuum x chinense – a naturally hybridized species sharing traits of the jalapeño and the Habanero. The heat of the main species can vary wildly between not too horrific (Scoville 2500-5000) and it’ll-fry-you-like-an-egg (Sco 500,000 and upwards).
The original wild whitefruit species come from the colder mountainous regions of the Middle Kingdoms’ south, and it’s generally agreed that the best ones are grown in southern Darthen and Steldin; the closer to the Highpeaks, the better. The plant prefers poor soil – glacial if possible – and a somewhat adversarial climate featuring bright sunshine (though not necessarily heat) and cold winters. They prefer a bit of altitude and tend not to grow well in the milder north, giving rise to the very old saying “No [white] fruit north of the Road” – suggesting that the Kings’ Road marks both the upper edge of the area for successful cultivation, and that southerners transplanted to the [politically and meteorologically] hotter climes of the North may not necessarily prosper.
The white color of these chiles – a bit unusual on our Earth – is the normal color in the Kingdoms, with light greens reminiscent of mild Hungarian chiles, and darker Jalapeño-ish greens, being not quite as common. Yellow, red, purple and black cultivars are rare, and prized as much as ornamentals as for culinary use; but generally they don’t match the heat of the white breeds.
Naturally, in the Kingdoms as here, there are people who prize the fruit more for its heat than its flavor… with the result that some whitefruit cultivars have almost no flavor left at all, but make their way in the markets by their names: “tonguefire,” “Dragonbreath,” et cetera and ad infinitum. The single flame-colored cultivar able to match the hottest of the whites (heading for the low Sco 1-millions) commands high prices at market. But unscrupulous stallholders are known to take advantage of careless buyers by substituting milder lookalike fruits, giving rise to another saying: “Don’t see red without tasting first”.
At the culinary end: Steldene cooking favors whitefruit so strongly that it’s hard to find any food east of the Stel and south of the Road that doesn’t contain it. (Pastries layered with whitefruit-laced honey are one of the national passions: think of a baklava that bites back.) They also routinely appear in many other sweet dishes, and every kind of meat preparation imaginable, both as cooking ingredient and independent condiment. The present King of Arlen picked up a serious taste for whitefruit during his outlaw days on the run in Steldin, and is constantly badgering his spouses to bring him some home when they’re out that way on business, or near the better market towns in southern Darthen. (TDISu, TOTF1, TOTF2)
(via Food and Cooking of the Middle Kingdoms)
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marketinsight1234 · 4 months
Gourmet Salts Market: Global Industry Analysis and Forecast 2023 – 2030
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Gourmet Salts Market was valued at USD 7800 million in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 13260 million by the year 2028, at a CAGR of 7.87 %.
Gourmet salts (NaCl or Halite) are special salts that are unrefined and naturally gathered. They usually contain no additives and generally have minimum sodium content. Gourmet salt is observed to be high-quality salt, different from standard table salt in size and texture to flake, flavor, and color. They are specialty salts, deliciously unique, and perfect for boosting and improving ordinary dishes or drink. Gourmet salts are huge in minerals and impart properties of flavor to the food. In addition, gourmet salts are also desired for their vibrant colors. Some well-known gourmet salts such as Himalayan pink salt, Peruvian pink salt, red and black Hawaiian salt, and Australian salt.
Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @
The latest research on the Gourmet Salts market provides a comprehensive overview of the market for the years 2023 to 2030. It gives a comprehensive picture of the global Gourmet Salts industry, considering all significant industry trends, market dynamics, competitive landscape, and market analysis tools such as Porter's five forces analysis, Industry Value chain analysis, and PESTEL analysis of the Gourmet Salts market. Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. The report is designed to help readers find information and make decisions that will help them grow their businesses. The study is written with a specific goal in mind: to give business insights and consultancy to help customers make smart business decisions and achieve long-term success in their particular market areas.
Leading players involved in the Gourmet Salts Market include:
Cargill, K+S Aktiengesellschaft, SaltWorks, Cheetham Salt, Amagansett Sea Salt, Murray River Gourmet Salt, INFOSA, The Savory Pantry, Evolution Salt, HEPP'S Salt, J.C. Peacock & Co, Morton Salt and other Major Players. 
If You Have Any Query Gourmet Salts Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of Gourmet Salts Market:
By Product Type
Coarse Salt
Flake Salt
Fleur de Salt
Indian Black Salt
Italian Sea Salt
By Application
Bakery & Confectionery
Meat & Poultry
Sauces & Savory
Desserts & Frozen Food
By Regions: -
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
What to Expect in Our Report?
(1) A complete section of the Gourmet Salts market report is dedicated for market dynamics, which include influence factors, market drivers, challenges, opportunities, and trends.
(2) Another broad section of the research study is reserved for regional analysis of the Gourmet Salts market where important regions and countries are assessed for their growth potential, consumption, market share, and other vital factors indicating their market growth.
(3) Players can use the competitive analysis provided in the report to build new strategies or fine-tune their existing ones to rise above market challenges and increase their share of the Gourmet Salts market.
(4) The report also discusses competitive situation and trends and sheds light on company expansions and merger and acquisition taking place in the Gourmet Salts market. Moreover, it brings to light the market concentration rate and market shares of top three and five players.
(5) Readers are provided with findings and conclusion of the research study provided in the Gourmet Salts Market report.
Our study encompasses major growth determinants and drivers, along with extensive segmentation areas. Through in-depth analysis of supply and sales channels, including upstream and downstream fundamentals, we present a complete market ecosystem.
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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Introspective Market Research (introspectivemarketresearch.com) is a visionary research consulting firm dedicated to assisting our clients to grow and have a successful impact on the market. Our team at IMR is ready to assist our clients to flourish their business by offering strategies to gain success and monopoly in their respective fields. We are a global market research company, that specializes in using big data and advanced analytics to show the bigger picture of the market trends. We help our clients to think differently and build better tomorrow for all of us. We are a technology-driven research company, we analyse extremely large sets of data to discover deeper insights and provide conclusive consulting. We not only provide intelligence solutions, but we help our clients in how they can achieve their goals.
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kirancmi · 5 months
Rising Demand For Sustainably Produced Building Materials Drives Growth In The Dutch Brick Market
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The Dutch brick is a type of fired clay masonry units that have been traditionally used in construction in the Netherlands. Made from locally abundant clay, Dutch bricks are renowned for their durability and resilience against all weather conditions. The bricks are typically irregular in shape and size and have a textured surface and earthy red color due to the unique firing process. They are commonly used in load-bearing walls, pillars, arches and decorative features of buildings across residential and commercial segments.
The global Dutch brick market is estimated to be valued at US$ 4.19 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 9.7% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. The Dutch bricks have gained popularity in modern architecture and infrastructure development projects owing to their inherent sustainability and longevity. Produced without extensive processing, they have minimal environmental footprint compared to other contemporary building materials. Their porosity and high moisture retention ability also contributes to better indoor climate control and thermal insulation. Further, innovations in production technologies have enhanced durability and design flexibility of Dutch bricks. This has expanded their adoption in large commercial constructions, civic infrastructure and restoration of historic buildings. Market Dynamics: The rising demand for sustainably produced and eco-friendly construction materials is a key driver augmenting growth of the Dutch brick market. Dutch bricks are manufactured using traditional firing techniques that consume negligible energy compared to modern brick kilns. Their production does not involved extensive resource depletion or generate significant carbon footprint. Further, natural pores in Dutch bricks aid absorption of atmospheric pollutants, offering an additional advantage. In addition, initiatives by governments and construction agencies to promote use of locally manufactured and recycled materials in civic infrastructure projects have provided impetus to Dutch brick market expansion. For instance, European Union directives mandate use of sustainably sourced and recyclable materials in government contracts and public works. This in turn has accelerated the replacement of carbon-intensive alternatives with Dutch bricks. SWOT Analysis Strength: The Dutch brick market has a large consumer base owing to the presence of Muslim consumers in the Netherlands. Brick manufacturers have strong distribution networks across the country to ensure product availability. Quality assurance and food safety practices adopted by brick producers meet international standards. Weakness: High production costs due to stringent quality and safety regulations make Dutch bricks expensive compared to alternatives. Fluctuations in raw material prices such as meat and spices pose challenges. Opportunity: Growing Muslim population worldwide increases demand for halal-certified food products. Export potential to neighboring European countries and the Middle East offers new revenue streams. Introduction of innovative packaging and product variants can attract newer consumers. Threats: Competition from local and international players expands choice for consumers. Economic slowdowns may reduce disposable incomes and affect demand. Strict regulations around food imports pose barriers to new entrants. Key Takeaways The global Dutch brick market size is expected to witness high growth over the forecast period supported by increasing Muslim population worldwide and their growing preference for halal certified food products. The global Dutch brick market is estimated to be valued at US$ 4.19 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 9.7% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031.
Regional analysis related content comprises - The Netherlands occupies a leading position accounting for over 35% value share of the global market in 2024. Rapid economic growth and high per capita incomes fuel the demand for premium halal meat snacks in the country.
Key players
related content comprises - Key players operating in the Dutch brick market are QL Foods Sdn Bhd, Al Islami Foods Co., DagangHalal Group, Saffron Road, Kawan Foods Berhad, Janan Meat Ltd, Prima Agri-Products Sdn Bhd, Cargill, Inc., BRF S.A., Nestle S.A., and Tahira Foods Ltd. The players focus on product innovations and strategic partnerships to expand their geographical reach
Get more insights on this topic: https://www.newsstatix.com/dutch-brick-market-industry-insights-trends-dutch-brick-market/
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jayanthitbrc · 8 months
Global Commodity Plastics Market Overview – Market Growth Analysis And Key Drivers
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The Commodity Plastics Global Market Report 2023, provides comprehensive information on the commodity plastics market across 60+ geographies in the seven regions - Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa for the 27 major global industries. The report covers a ten year historic period – 2010-2021, and a ten year forecast period – 2023-2032.
Learn More On The Commodity Plastics Market’s Growth:
As per The Business Research Company’s Commodity Plastics Global Market Report 2023, the market size is expected to grow from $465.38 billion in 2022 to $498.49 billion in 2023 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.1%. The Russia-Ukraine war disrupted the chances of global economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, at least in the short term. The war between these two countries has led to economic sanctions on multiple countries, a surge in commodity prices, and supply chain disruptions, causing inflation across goods and services and affecting many markets across the globe. The market size of commodity plastics is expected to grow to $637.15 billion in 2027 at a CAGR of 6.3%.
Get A Free Sample Of The Report (Includes Graphs And Tables):
Product advancement is a key trend gaining popularity in the commodity plastics market. Major market players are focusing on technological advancements to sustain their position in the commodity plastics market. For instance, in August 2021, Krehalon, a Netherlands based packaging company, launched the KreCycleTM to meet the demand for more sustainable packaging options, as well as a portfolio of conveniently recyclable high barrier flexible films for fresh food applications. The KreCycleTM product line includes polyester (PET), polyethylene (PE), and polypropylene (PP) based solutions with customized barrier qualities to meet the needs of specific applications. It is perfect for packaging fresh protein products such as red meat, poultry, processed meat, fish, and hard cheese. Flexible thermoforming films, flowrap films with a high barrier option, lidding films, and vacuum pouches are among the products available. For the convenience of the consumer, there are additional lock and peel seal options.
The commodity plastics market is segmented:
1) By Type: Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Polystyrene (PS), Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) (PMMA)
2) By Plastic Type: Reusable, Recyclable
3) By End-User: Packaging, Construction, Consumer Goods, Automotive, Electronics, Textiles, Medical and Pharmaceutical, Other End Use Industry
Asia-Pacific was the largest region in the commodity plastics market in 2022.
The table of contents in TBRC’s commodity plastics market report includes:
1. Executive Summary
2. Market Characteristics
3. Market Trends And Strategies
4. Impact Of COVID-19
5. Market Size And Growth
6. Segmentation
7. Regional And Country Analysis
27. Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles
28. Key Mergers And Acquisitions
29. Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
Learn About Us:  The Business Research Company is a market intelligence firm that pioneers in market, company, and consumer research. TBRC’s specialist consultants are located globally and are experts in a wide range of industries that include healthcare, manufacturing, financial services, chemicals, and technology. The firm has offices located in the UK, the US, and India, along with a network of proficient researchers in 28 countries. Through the report businesses can gain a thorough understanding of the market’s size, growth rate, major drivers and leading players.
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pearlsmith25 · 1 year
Natural Food Colors Market: Unlocking the Power of Nature's Pigments for Eye-Catching and Health-Conscious Foods
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The natural food colors market refers to the industry that deals with the production, distribution, and sale of food colors derived from natural sources. Natural food colors are additives used to enhance the appearance and appeal of food and beverages. Unlike synthetic food colors, which are chemically derived, natural food colors are sourced from plants, fruits, vegetables, and other natural sources.
Here is some comprehensive information about the natural food colors market:
Market Overview:
The natural food colors market has experienced significant growth in recent years due to increasing consumer demand for clean label and natural products. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the ingredients used in their food and beverages, leading to a shift away from synthetic additives. Natural food colors provide an attractive alternative as they are perceived as healthier and safer.
Types of Natural Food Colors:
Natural food colors can be derived from various sources, including:
Carotenoids: Obtained from fruits and vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, and paprika. Anthocyanins: Derived from berries, grapes, and red cabbage. Chlorophyll: Extracted from green plants like spinach and spirulina. Caramel: Produced by heating sugar or carbohydrates. Spirulina Extract: Obtained from blue-green algae. Turmeric: Derived from the turmeric root. Beet Extract: Obtained from beetroots.
Application Areas: Natural food colors are used in a wide range of food and beverage products, including:
Dairy products Beverages (juices, soft drinks, energy drinks) Confectionery and bakery products Snacks and cereals Frozen desserts Meat and seafood products Soups, sauces, and dressings
Market Drivers: Several factors are driving the growth of the natural food colors market, including:
Increasing consumer demand for clean label and natural products. Growing awareness about the potential health risks associated with synthetic food colors. Stringent government regulations and guidelines regarding food additives. Rising preference for plant-based and vegan products. Growing food and beverage industry, particularly in emerging economies.
Market Challenges: Despite the positive market outlook, there are some challenges faced by the natural food colors market, such as:
Limited color options compared to synthetic food colors. Variability in color intensity and stability. Higher cost compared to synthetic alternatives. Technical challenges in maintaining color consistency. Regulatory complexities and variations across different regions.
Regional Market Analysis:
The natural food colors market is geographically diverse, with key regions including North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. North America and Europe have been leading markets due to strict regulations and increased consumer awareness. However, Asia Pacific is expected to witness significant growth due to the growing middle-class population, changing consumer preferences, and increasing disposable incomes.
Key Players: The natural food colors market is highly competitive, with several key players operating globally. Some prominent companies in the market include:
Chr. Hansen Holding A/S Sensient Technologies Corporation Archer Daniels Midland Company DDW The Color House Naturex SA (Givaudan) Döhler GmbH Kalsec Inc. FMC Corporation Symrise AG Roha Dyechem Pvt. Ltd.
Future Outlook:
The natural food colors market is expected to continue its growth trajectory in the coming years. Factors such as increasing consumer demand for natural and clean label products, regulatory support for natural food colors, and innovation in extraction and stabilization techniques are expected to drive market expansion. Additionally, the development of new sources of natural colors and advancements in technology are likely to contribute to the market's growth.
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pravalika · 1 year
Wet Pet Food Market - Forecast (2022 - 2027)
The Wet Pet Food Market size is estimated to reach $36.4 billion by 2027. Furthermore, it is poised to grow at a CAGR of 4.8% over the forecast period of 2022-2027. Wet pet food has been a growing market owing to rising consumer preferences to feed nutritional or functional foods to their pets. Wet pet foods have a predominant portion of water, added to the dry ingredients which allow the pet owners to provide the necessitated water intake. Additionally, owing to old age various dogs or cats are not able to digest dry ingredient food items, which in turn allows the market to grow. Wet pet food is often fulfilled with necessary protein and amino acids, hence, non-vegan options such as beef chicken turkey pork are regarded as pet’s favorite. Furthermore, surveys have revealed that pet owners have established a humanitarian bond with their pets which propels them to buy various treats in form of kibble or others. Additionally, an amalgamation of taste and functionality would be a keen space for marketers in the coming period. The animal feed industry has been observing certain key trends from wet pet food and is readily adopting strategies to amalgamate their current offerings with future potentials. Product development along with the humanization of pets supplemented by a wide product offering along with better technology connecting pet owners with each other and veterinarians and diet suppliers are some of the key factors driving the Global Wet Pet Food Industry in the projected period of 2022-2027.
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Wet Pet Food Market Report Coverage
The report: “Wet Pet Food Market Forecast (2022-2027)”, by Industry ARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Global Wet Pet Food Industry
By Animal Type- Dog, Cats, and Others.  By Nature- Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian.  By Distribution Channel- Offline and Online Retail. By Geography- North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico), Europe (Germany, United Kingdom (U.K.), France, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe), Asia Pacific (China, Japan India, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand, and Rest of Asia Pacific), South America (Brazil, Argentina, and Rest of South America), and Rest of the World (the Middle East, and Africa)
Key Takeaways
Wet Pet Food Segmentation Analysis- By Animal Type
The global wet pet food based on animal type can be further segmented into Dogs, Cats, and Others. Dogs held a dominant market share in the year 2021. Dogs have had shared a prime focus in terms of adoption, as pet owners have often stated that they connect on a scale higher to dogs as compared to cats. Additionally, the humanization of dogs has allowed them to hold a massive share. As per a US study, around 67% of households or about 90.5 million homes own a pet, of which dogs account for nearly 64%. Moreover, pet owners have confirmed that wet pet food allows easy digestion for older dogs and allows them to stay away from dental maladies. Further, pet shop owners have commented that owners wish to spoil their dogs with diverse meals-which has been a prime focus. However, the cats’ segment is estimated to be the fastest-growing, with a CAGR of 6.0% over the forecast period of 2022-2027. Cat adoption has been growing, and predominant offerings and product developments are now being centered around cats, which allows for better opportunities. Further, around 45.3 million households own a cat in the U.S., which is projected to increase with time.
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Wet Pet Food Segmentation Analysis- By Nature
The global wet pet food market based on nature can be further segmented into Vegan and Non-Vegan. Non-Vegan held a dominant market share in the year 2021. The non-vegan option includes and is not limited to beef, lamb, chicken, salmon, and chicken broth. Moreover, each form of meat offers unique advantages to pets. Various forms of proteins and amino acids are present in red meat. Additionally, the omnivore nature of animals makes them favor non-vegan options more than vegan options. As per Pet Food Institute, around $1220 million worth of beef was being used for making pet foods. Additionally, around $691 million worth of lamb was being used for making pet foods. However, vegan options are estimated to be the fastest-growing, with a CAGR of 5.6% over the forecast period of 2022-2027. Humanization of pets has been a prime reason for the estimation, as humans are turning heavily cautious of consuming only sustainable and cruelty-free food items, they have been trying to adopt the same for their pets. Additionally, plant-based meats are now being developed pets-which can be given in the wet form. Additionally, a blend of vegan and non-vegan offerings would push the use of vegan ingredients. As per Pet Food Institute, whole grains have been the most used ingredient by weight-comprising a value equivalent to 1.87 million tons.
Wet Pet Food Segmentation Analysis- By Geography
The global wet pet food market based on geography can be further segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and Rest of World. North America held a dominant market share of 41% in the year 2021. It is owing to the presence of major pet adopters in the countries like the U.S. Additionally, U.S. spending power allows it to cash some new pet offerings, owing to a strong humanization bond shared. For example, within the U.S., around 69 million households own a dog while around 45.3 million households own a cat. Further, food is the second highest expenditure a pet owner makes after veterinarian visits. However, Asia-Pacific is expected to offer lucrative growth opportunities over the forecast period of 2022-2027. Predominant reasons are Japan’s indigenous spot of being a leading importer of prepared dog and cat food. Additionally, markets in India and China are owed to see rising consumer expenditure trends.
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Wet Pet Food Market Drivers
The growing number of pet adoptions throughout the study period has been of key help.
The pandemic didn’t halt the increasing number of pet adoption. Reports suggest that nearly 49% of the Americans had gotten a pet during the woes of lockdowns and other shutdowns in 2020-21. Of those surveyed, it was observed that 53% of the people bought a dog, 32% bought home a cat, and moreover, 14% had adopted both cats and dogs in the previous year. Moreover, 40% of the pets adopted were from an NGO, and the other 24% was done from taking pets from another family. Lastly, 26% bought pets from a breeder in the U.S. Additionally, pet adoption has grown worldwide, especially in developing countries. However packed foods aren’t yet present in numbers but experts estimate that better product positioning at competitive pricing would allow better entre featurettes. Additionally, pet humanization has been of key help for market growth. As per reports from industry leaders, they observed double-digit growth in 2021 owing to heavy adoptions in 2020. Owing to such reasons, the wet pet food sales grew and would continue to follow the trajectory.
The growing knowledge pertaining to animal health nutrition and product innovations along with the growing field of custom-made meals have now allowed the market to register steady growth.
Supplements along with healthy pet food nutrition have allowed the market to grow. Wet pet food allows the pet owner to provide the needed water intake along with various micronutrients. For example, Glucosamine is a prevalent ingredient/ nutrient added to dog meals to lessen the chances of developing arthritis or ailing in easy pain management with those afflicted. As per a study, around 20% of the dogs above the age of 1 and 80% of dogs above the age of 8 would start showing symptoms pertaining to arthritis. Additionally, models such as Prey Model Raw which guides pet owners to use whole prey nutrition have allowed the wet pet food market as well. A major proportion of innovations have taken due to the rising prevalence of pet adoptions in millennials. “To improve mental health” was seen as a prevalent reason for adopting pets. Furthermore, companies such as Nom-Nom-Now adapt to strategies of “nose-to-tail” nutrition, which allows pet food owners to adopt for custom portion meals, and AI along with deep tech is used to find the needed nutrition of the pet, and if the pet is underfed or overfed-the AI would alert the company and owner. Owing to such factors, the market is robustly paced.
Wet Pet Food Market Challenges
Lower shelf life along with higher product cost supplemented by incoherent owners’ preferences have impeded the overall market growth.
The product cost between dry pet food and wet pet food can be easily demarcated, and the higher cost of the latter often becomes the pain point for manufacturers. For example, a can of wet pet food can cost nearly $8.29- which roughly translates into 23.0 C/ Oz. Whereas, 20.4 lb dry pet food only costs $13.49. Furthermore, the products have a relatively shorter shelf life as they have beef broth or other gravy portions which can turn malignant in a shorter form of time, and adding various stabilizers in the mix can further harm the end-user. Veganism has been doing rounds in the western economies, and the owner interests have now started to be observed in pet foods, as owners are now replacing their meals with vegan options. However, it has been proven time and again, that animals need non-vegetarian nutrition owing to the constitutional build-up of being a predator or higher in the food chain.
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