#midoyia izuku
thirstyallmightfan · 3 months
Why do you think people don't like All Might? As an All Might fan to another I wonder what you think his flaws might be.
So sorry for the long response time
(This is my first ever ask so I’m sorry if I missed anything )
From what I’ve heard it mainly come down to three main features
-lack of screen time and not enough focus on his story
-his relationship with midorya
-his age
When I’ve said to people my (unhealthy ) obsession with him they say how he’s a p3d0 even though he isn’t.
It doesn’t help that lots of people ship dekumight because of their father/son relationship that they have.
On his age people always say how he’s just a weak old man past his prime and how he’s old enough to be Midoyia’s dad.
The weird part is the people who say that are usually people who like toji who has a son that’s around izukus age so they (toji and all might) would be around the same age.
Also even if he is older than me, it’s better than simping for an underage character, eg bakugo.
If I’m being honest, from a personal standpoint not taking in anything people have told me, I have no idea why they don’t like him.
Hope this answers your question ☺️
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ariasfandom · 1 year
Title: Painful Hug Pairing: Todoroki Shoto/Midoriya Izuku Rating: Teen Word Count: 1050 Warnings: angst, no happy ending, past child abuse Summary: Shoto is in love with Izuku and it is completely destroying him from the inside out. Everyday he feels like dying, until one night, he musters the courage to confess. Only Izuku had his own secret to confess first. A/N: First time doing an unhappy ending fic, I can't stop crying Created for @lgbtqbingo B4 'self loathing' | @anyfandomangstbingo I2 unrequited Love
Shoto had become a master at masking everything. His facial expressions, his body language, his tone, and at some point, he feared that he’s internalized them. He needed it to survive the last ten years with his father, but living at UA? Reclaiming his quirk as his own? His mask was slowly melting away. On his own terms.
All thanks to that damned bone breaker Midoyia Izuku.
And sometime in between the sports festival and now, he’d fallen head over heels in love with him. 
He had absolutely no idea how to show affection. It wasn’t like he could ask anyone in his family, especially when his object of affection was a boy, knowing his father.
So, he started with small stuff. Things that always made him feel better. When Izuku had been acting weird and trying his hardest not to cry, he comforted him in the only way he knew: by giving him half his soba. 
After that Midoriya started to become more affectionate with his classmates. They had all grown so much together. He was always at Midoyia’s side, always trying to fight for him and protect him. He didn’t need protecting, but he was willing to die for the boy that gave him everything.
Sometime past and his usual nightmares had gotten worse. Instead of his father looming over him, beating him with suffocating heat, it was Shigaraki disintegrating him as he begged for shoto to help him. Other times, he had confessed his love and he laughed in his face. Or he would confess his love to Izuku, and he’d react with anger and disgust, wondering how someone as worthless as him could love someone like Izuku who could move the stars themselves.
Shoto woke up one night from one of his repeated nightmares. He noticed himself crying and it was hard to breathe. He wiped his tears and went back to using the mask that kept him safe all this time. He slowly shuffled his way from his bedroom to the common room to get some fresh air and tea. 
It wasn’t until he finished making his cup and noticed a large fluffy ball of hair in the living room hunched over. Izuku hadn’t noticed him yet, or he was asleep. Shoto decided to quietly call his name, “Izuku?” Izuku jumped and looked back at him, face drenched in still flowing tears. 
“Hey!” He forced a smile and wiped his eyes. “What are you doing up?”
“Same reason as you, I think,” Nightmares. It had to be. What else would someone be up in the middle of the night crying about? Shoto softly said as he made his way to the couch to sit next to the hero he was madly in love with. He felt his heart pound in his chest. They were both so vulnerable and so alone. He put the cup of tea on the coffee table and looked at Midoriya.
“Do you… Want to talk about it?” 
“I’ve just…” Shoto could swear he saw him blush. Or maybe he was just red from crying. Shoto was never good at this sort of thing. So he decided to keep his mouth shut and let Izuku talk. “I’ve been spending a lot of time with this girl from class 1B. I know,” he shook his head and the smile Shoto would die for was wide and wavering. “I know about our classes rivialy, but I don’t care! I really like her!” He proudly said as he looked up at his best friend. “I asked her out and she said yes!” He started to cry again. Izuku was crying because he was happy.
And he was so grateful he could hide his emotions, because he was completely breaking inside. Izuku was happy, so why wasn’t he? That’s what he wanted, right? Izuku to be happy no matter what, even if he wasn’t there. So why did he feel like he was dying? Like something worse from his living nightmare had come true. He hoped he was dreaming. He prayed he was dreaming.
“What about you?” Shoto was snapped from his thoughts. “What was yours about? If you don’t mind talking about it!” He could tell Izuku felt bad about turning Shoto’s nightmare into talking about his love life. He also didn’t realize how much that broke him inside.
Well… Izuku liking someone else was like Ibara’s thorns wrapped around his heart and squeezed it to ribbons, but Izuku was happy. He didn’t hate him. He could never. And why would he feel anything about Ibara? She had nothing to do with any of this. And that's when his mask finally shattered. He broke down crying in loud, violent sobs. Izuku panicked and pulled him into a tight hug and rubbed his back. 
It’s just a hug. It’s just a hug that doesn’t mean anything. He knew it didn’t mean anything to Izuku. He hugged everyone. He was a loving and affectionate person like that. He didn’t even realize just how much that meant to Shoto.
Shoto, who the last time he ever felt a kind touch, let alone being held so gently when he needed it was his mother. Shortly before she poured the boiling water on his face. Rei was still terrified to touch him after he started to come and visit her as of late. He didn’t blame her, he almost flinched beforehand which didn’t help either of them.
But with Izuku… He melted into his body and touch. Savoring every part of him.
Deep down Shoto knew he wasn’t special. He was completely devoted and in love with Izuku and he knew he’d never feel the same way.
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Mha Scenarios
@drbumpkin said:
May I have separate headcanons for being the sibling of Bakugo, Todoroki and Midoriya? 🙏 They can be younger or older 
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You’re his older sister, so of course you two fight a lot
It’s not because you two have stuff to argue about, but because you two are so different
You’re this beautiful, calm, confident young lady who managed to become a hero by 20 and have your own hero agency by 30
All your parents can talk about is how amazing you are
It’s fair to say that you’re a lot more like your father than mother
Bakugo hates talking about you to his friends, since you’re all his parents talk about
It’s honestly where a lot of his confidence issues come from
You are kind though, so it’s hard for him to be mad at you for that
When you come home from college, he stays far away
He hates how happier your parents are with you than him
He’s not jealous though, he knows you deserve it more
He doesn’t talk to you for awhile when he’s in middle school, until you get hurt from a villain attack
You’re in a 3 week coma, and he comes everyday
Since you can’t respond, he tells you about everything going on in his life
“I went out running today and I saw Deku training on that dumpy beach.”
“Mom is getting on my nerves about my grades, it’s not my fault I can’t get all A’s like you.”
“UA is having their test, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to get out of bed for it.”
“I’m just so nervous, I literally feel like I’ll kill myself if I don’t make it in, I almost don’t want to go and just avoid the rejection.”
“I think Deku cleaned up an entire beach but I might be crazy.”
“Why can’t I be calm like you? I yelled at a girl for tripping in front of me and almost making me trip. She started crying and then I yelled at her for crying.”
“I got suspended for punching a kid. How come I’m not good like you?”
“I got into UA, so why do I still feel like a nobody?”
“I want to jump off the roof of UA, but you might come back. I miss you so much.”
“I met this kid named Kirishima. He’s different from anybody else. He makes me feel like maybe life is worth living.”
“Y/n, I think I’m gay.”
“Kiri and I went on a date, he wants to meet you. You could maybe meet him when you wake up.”
“Please wake up, I can’t do this much longer.”
“Life is just awful, I’m such a jerk to everyone.”
“Please come back, I miss my study buddy. My grades are dropping fast.”
“You went to UA right? Aizawa talked about you a lot in class today, I started crying. Fuck, damn Deku tried to comfort me.”
When you finally wake up, you make eye contact with him and he immediately knows you remember everything
But you just hug him, and he hugs back even tighter while silently crying
“I love you Bakugo.”
He mumbled back, but that’s more than you ever thought he would do
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You’re his baby sister, and you two were close
The relationship of you two is not a common one, but Todoroki was never the talker
Whenever either one of you would be upset, Shoto would sit you in his lap and turn on his music in his room, simply hugging and rocking you back and forth
He’s six years older than you, and you’re the baby of the family
He was forced to watch your father abuse you when you were just a toddler, and he was a powerless teenager
Even though you were a girl, he did not go easier on you like he did to Fuyumi
You had a powerful quirk like Shoto, and he knew that you were the last child he would have a change to make the best
Endeavor had the habit of digging his nails into you whenever you stood next to him and he would get angry, as well as pushing you around whenever he got angry with someone else
Todoroki snapped at his father once when Endeavor threw a glass vase at you when he had gotten off an aggravating phone call with his hero agency and had put you in the hospital due to the extreme cuts over your body
The two guys had only stopped arguing when you fell to the floor unconscious, and forced them both to rush you to the hospital to avoid death
Todoroki lost all respect for his mother who did nothing, and took responsibility for you with his sister and brother
When Fuyumi and Natsuo left the household, and Shoto was about to leave for UA himself, the three of them were terrified for your safety
They knew that you simply weren’t safe, and your mother would not be any help for you
Fuyumi simply couldn’t take you due to her constant traveling around the world, and Natsuo knew that he was moving soon and you would be forced to switch schools
They needed a way to keep you at your school so reporters wouldn’t question it, and yet keep you away from your father
Finally, Todoroki managed up the courage to go to Aizawa, All Might, Midnight, and Present Mic
They insisted on meeting you, and immediately agreed, Midnight even wanting to take you under her wing
She was the mom you had never had, and never knew that you needed
You lived with Shoto in the dormitory, and the year he left UA was the year that you got into UA, due to the training you had done with Midnight
Your father and mother had insisted that Shoto bring you back, but that just caused Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shoto to threaten to go to the police which shut them up
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You are Deku’s twin sister, being the older one of course by two whole minutes
You guys are the best of friends and have been inseparable since birth
Yet you guys couldn't be more different. You got your amazing quirk when you were three. You claimed the ability to melt, reshape, and move items with your mind, a mix of your father and mother’s quirk that left you very strong
Even Bakugo was impressed, calling you his partner in crime whenever the kids at school would awe over both of the powerful quirks
Izuku, Katsuki and you are a big group of friends who do everything together, from exploring in the forest after every school day, and going into the city with your moms on the weekends
When Deku was announced to be quirkless for his entire life, you were heartbroken
You noticed how Bakugo slowly began to tease/bully Izuku more, and want to hang out with only you
“Who needs him?! Aren’t siblings supposed to have different friend groups after all? Plus, you and I will be the Dream Team when we’re older!”
It wasn’t until Izuku came home with a black eye and a cut on his lip when he confessed that Bakugo and a few of his followers had been chasing, punching, kicking, and bullying Izuku at school
The next morning in class, you stormed over to Bakugo’s desk in front of the entire class and hit him with your chemistry textbook
“You jerk! You say you’re my best friend and then you beat up my brother?! It’s not his fault he’s quirkless! It’s not anybody’s fault!”
Bakugo is standing up, embarrassed as everyone is watching and judging him from being yelled at by a girl, especially someone who everyone knew Bakugo liked
“So you’re telling me that you don’t see it?! He’s an emotional wreck of a person who is a waste of space and you know it! Just admit that we’re better than him and I’ll-”
You slap him across the face, shutting him up as he stands there, totally unknowing of what to do as you both have tears in your eyes
“I hope you hurt!! You can yourself a hero?! No, you’re a villain! I can’t believe I ever was your friend!! Forget the Dream Team Katsuki, I’m never talking to you again!”
You rip off the necklace Katsuki got you the weekend before when you guys went to a concert, and slam it into his desk before storming out, leaving him totally shocked and unaware of what to do
“Heyyy Bakugo, don’t let a girl get to you. That whore doesn’t-” One of Bakugo’s followers can’t finish his sentence as Bakugo slams his fist into his fist with all of his force, knocking out many teeth and earning Bakugo a week long suspension
Word spreads around the school quickly, and you are labeled as the boss bitch of the school, while Bakugo is somehow known as the jackass who doesn’t respect girls, Izuku going uninvolved in the gossip going around
When you meet up with Deku to walk home, you sees he’s been crying
You ask him who hurt him, ready to bitch-slap anyone, but it met by him hugging you tightly
“T-Thank you so much Y/n. I love you so much.” 
You two hug for awhile, before you walk home to be met by your loving mother
Inko never finds out about Izuku’s bullying, and you like it that way, so Izuku can forget about it when he’s home
Thanks to you, Izuku stops getting bullied and is left to be alone, everyone knowing that you’ll kill anyone who even looks at him weirdly
When your last year of high school is ending, it is announced that Bakugo, you and Izuku are the only ones who are trying to get into UA
People shoot Izuku sarcastic glances, but nobody is allowed to say anything
Izuku ends up getting his quirk from All Might, which he quickly tells you all about, and you are left to train with All Might and your brother throughout the Summer to become great for the UA entrance exam
“I promised that we’d be together forever. Even at UA, when it was thought to be impossible.”
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kiwibirbs-library · 3 years
oKiE, oKiE, so I had this idea. A long time ago (also sorry if any of these are like stupid and not what you are looking for) it’s a longer one but I have like two other shorter ones too. Okay whew, I’ll stop rambling and just spit the idea out! So, it’s like a fantasy au thing where your a royal in an arranged marriage (I was kinda imagining Bakugou whilst thinking abt this but ik a lot of ppl like him so it doesn’t have to be him) but you don’t want to be in said marriage. So, one day your kinda just strolling through the village and you run into Midoriya or Shinso. (you could literally run into them or it could be like you went into a shop to get something and met them). So, you guys start talking and you kinda start liking him. BUT, they are a villager, and your a royal who is already betrothed to someone. So, basically just the whole sneaking out of the castle to go on dates with them, making up dumb excuses as to where you where. Idk how this would end, ig you could pick an ending. When I was brainstorming this, the ending I came up with as like the person you were betrothed to ends up doing something horrible and gets banished. So, then you and MIdOrIyA or Shinso live happily ever after. And even though he’s a commoner, you two still get to be together. Sorry for any typos
a/n: IM A SUCKER FOR ROYAL STORIES OH MY GOD btw this is long lol
Star Crossed
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You know what’s wrong? Engaging a 3 year old to another 3 year old. You know what’s worse? Not letting them meet until a month before the god forsaken wedding.
You sighed as your maids bustled about your room. One tightened your corset, another showed shoes to you, a couple others going from dress to dress. You stood still as it happened, not in the mood to get scolded for squirming.
Finally the maids got you to give the go ahead on a dress and began matching everything to it, making you look like an angle in the flesh. You called one to follow behind you when your guard finally arrived to walk you for eh throne room.
Your guard.
Izuku has been you personal guard since you became an adult, his sudden appearance and talent taking notice immediately. Originally you were wary of him, you knew most of the knights were either big headed of themselves or so loyal it was a bit creepy. But when he was assigned to you you learned how quiet he was.
He would stand next to you when ever you sat and you would here quiet mumbles about god knows what or you would catch him writing things down in a notebook you don’t know where he kept.
Today however he stood next to you, unsteady glances to you constant as you go closer to the dreaded room.
“Izuku,” you sighed. You heard him straighten quickly. “You can relax a little you know. It’s just a meeting,” you laughed sadly.
“But isn’t this your fianc—“ you held a hand up.
“Let’s not call him that just yet Hmm?” You gave a glance to him and a smile before stopping at two large wooden doors.
“Ready?” Midoryia asked, placing his hands on the doors. The maid behind you quickly fixed your dress and checked you over.
“Ready,” you breathed in as much As you could with the suffocating corset on. Midoryia gave a push to the doors and the creaked open. As you walked in you whispered to him. “After this could you meet me with a cloak please?” You smiled. He gave a slight nod and bow before the doors closed and he stepped to the side where the other guards where.
“Daughter!!” Your father yelled. “It’s about time you two were introduced is it not?” He smiled as he gestured to the man in front of him.
“Yes I think it is,” you forced out before bowing. “A pleasure... your highness.” The man smiled. It was cold and made you antsy.
“Like wise princess.”
“Izuku!” Your whisper yelled into the dark room. “Izuku Midoryia I swear. I know your there,” you laughed a little.
“Sorry sorry yes I’m here,” he stumbled out from his spot, a cloak draped over his arm. “What did you need this for?”
“Oh no reason no reason,” you smiled before taking the cloak from him. “Now could you do me another favor?”
“Of course.”
“Can you go stand down there, right under my window?”
“Princess— hold on,” he looked nervous.
“Please?” You smiled and gave him a look. Even in the dark you could see the red that hit his face. He sighed. “Thank you!” You clapped.
It took about ten minutes for him to get into position. You knew no one would think much of him leaving the castle at such a late hour. However if he had some person in a cloak and they checked her, you wouldn’t get anywhere. Besides there was festival tonight and you were not missing it.
“Princess?” You heard his voice come from the ground. You waved to him before sitting out the window. With one quick glance to the door you hopped down. You smiled as you get Midoryias arms.
“Phew thanks Izuku. You made this whole thing a... lot... easier,” your words were drawn out when you looked up to meet his eyes.
You always had thought this but, Izuku is really attractive isn’t he.
Hes got really nice eyes too.
They’ve got this look in them.
You couldn’t really place what it was but you liked it.
Maybe if the the prince was like—-
Woah woah woah woah.
Hey no no. He’s a knight. Your a princess. Stop. Don’t Even try to entertain the idea.
“P-princess?” He stuttered out. You smiled.
“I’m not princess tonight Izuku. Y/n is all ok?” You held onto him as he set you down gently.
“What! But I can’t call you Th—“
“Y/n?” You smiled again and patted his cheek. You didn’t understand what that smile could make him do.
“Y-y/n,” you saw the color that flooded his face as he said your name. You had always wanted to hear him say it. No matter how you asked he would turn you down though. Never straying far from princess or you highness.
“It sounds better than I though it would,” you laughed. “Now, I’m going to go to the festival. What about you?”
“I can’t just leave you princess—Y/n,” he stood straighter.
“Does that mean you’ll join me?!” You smiled widely.
“I guess it does,” he gave you a soft smile before tucking a star and of hair behind your ear and reaching behind you to pull your hood up. You felt the heat rise in you face as you looked up. “Ready?”
“Ready,” you gripped his hand before you both snuck around the hedges of the castle and over the short wall.
“MIDORIYA!!” You both turned to the loud yell. A man with fire red hair came barreling up and knocked straight into your knight. “How you been man?”
“Kirishima! You back for the festival?” Midoriya smiled at the man as you watched them talk. This was the third stop and they only just entered the town. It made sense Izuku was popular. With his attitude and looks he could make friends with anyone.
You looked around at the lights hung up everywhere. No one was in lavish gowns and there were no treats you were used too but everyone seemed so lively and happy. The parties you had been to were filled with people silent judging others, always ghosting or throwing Someone out. Here everyone was talking to anyone.
There was a circle of dancers the spun around and a band off to the right of them. Vendors were speed everywhere selling things. You felt a tap on your shoulder.
“Are you Midoriya’s friend?” You turned to a tall man in armor.
“I um— yes. Yes I am!” You smiled and held a hand out. He took it and kissed the top.
“Tenya Iida miss, we are all very sorry to stop you. We all went to school in our you her years together,” you smiled at the story. More people gathered around Midoryia, all of them excited to say hello.
“Oh wow really?” You giggled.
“If I may ask how do you know him?” The man with glasses asked. You froze up.
“Oh well I um—“
“Through work! We met through work actually,” you heard Izukus voice behind you. You bit your lip. You didn’t think you’d get caught this early.
“Oh I see! Are you a Knight or a servant?” Your eyes widened before smiling. Midoryia looked at you to see what you would say.
“Well let’s just say I work in the castle for now,” you laughed into your hand at the few puzzled looks you got from his friends.
The entire night was filled with Midoryias friends taking you around and showing you the town. You played festival games you dreamed to as a child, they bought you some sweet circle covered in a glaze and drinks. Most of his friends were drunk by the end. Midoryia stuck closely to you during the entire ordeal, earning you a couple of curious glances as you went.
When you got home Midoriya took you through the knights entrance and you found the back passages to your room. It was the most fun you had had in a long time. You laughed slightly as the bulky man closed the door and flopped down on the couch. You took a spot next to him, finally shedding your cloak and undoing your hair.
“Did you enjoy yourself Y/n?” He happily asked, sitting up and leaning to you.
“Of course I did! I never knew festivals were so— bright! I wish I could do it again,” you smiled, kicking your shoes to the floor and tucking your legs underneath you.
“Well, I don’t think it’s a good idea to be sneaking out, but the festival is going on for the next three days you know,” he scratched the back of his neck. Your smile widened and you popped up, nearly toppling on top of him. He caught your waist and you propped yourself up on his chest.
“Really?!” You didn’t seem to register the position the two of you were in. Him leaning back onto the arm of the couch with you almost straddling him. If he was being completely honest he didn’t want it to end.
The halo of light from the window that came up behind you made you glow. He harshly swallowed as his grip tightened on your hips. Your eyes widened slightly as you finally took in what was going on.
Neither of you realized you were leaning in until your lips touched.
You should have ended it there.
You should have had him leave.
You should have... but you didn’t want to.
You’d been denying all of this for years, why couldn’t you do what you wanted just this once. Just this once you could have one thing you’ve been wanting.
You deepened the kiss as you threw out the thought of stopping.
Izuku knew what your decision was immediately.
He knew you should have stopped this too.
But he could help but feel a swell of pride when you didn’t.
Besides, as long as he didn’t get caught it would be alright— right?
It had been a month since then. Since you both threw out your common sense and began this little affair.
You’ve started dismissing you maids early, allowing Midoryia and to slide in the door and steal a kiss or two. You both knew the day that was coming up however. A day you both tried to avoid bringing up.
You had three days until you were married off to the man from a month ago. You grimaced at the thought of his face as your maid finished sinching up your dress. You sighed at the knock on your door. You would have to greet him as he stays for the next week for the wedding.
Midoryia thought he was miserable when he opened the door but the look on your face made him want to just take you and hide you in the town for a while. He tried giving you a little smile but the one you tried to give back looked dead. You told your maid to go ahead for a moment.
“How ya doing?” Midoryias voice was soft and overflowing with concern as he stepped forward to cup your face.
“Cant I just hide out in the town for while?” He Heard- you murmur under your breath. He let out a chuckle.
“I thought that too,” you looked up to meet his eyes. You both knew that wouldn’t work. You were the only princess to this kingdom. They would turn houses upside down to find you.
“I don’t want to do this,” you sighed. You had thought in that moment that you were finally doing something that you wanted. But even that couldn’t last long could it. Midoryia put a finger under your chin and lifted you head to look at him.
He didn’t like seeing you this sad.
He never wanted to see you like this.
“What if I find something?”
“Find something?” You looked at him confused.
“I could do some looking into him. With that sort of aura he has to have done something unworthy of you,” he paused. “Anything hes done is unworthy of you.” You laughed a little at that.
“You sweet talk me too much Izuku,” you placed a hand on his arm. “I won’t say no to what you do, just.... don’t get caught.”
“I’m good at that,” he smiled before leaning down and kissing you. You slapped his arm a bit before leaving the room and meeting your made down the hall.
Your foot tapped violently on the rug beneath your throne. Tomorrow was the day you would loose you life for a new one so, why were you called to the throne room this late?
You knew it was for only one reason. No one would call at this time if it wasn’t urgent.
You sucked your lips in to hide your smile when that familiar green hair showed in the room.
“Sir Midoriya, personal guard of the Princess Y/n, and apprentice of the Knight All Might. What is your reasoning for this emergency meeting of us?” Your father belted from his throne next to yours.
“Your majesty, I was running some errands in the next kingdom over and found a closed investigation that was never finished. When I found the source of I being closed I found information of our kingdom and others in the sense of targets. I think you should look into it,” Midoryias head stayed in a bow as he spoke. You paused, waiting for your fathers response.
“What errands?” He asked.
“I sent him. There was a craftsman I wanted to check that they still lived there,” you quickly put in. Your father looked at you to your knight before nodding.
“Continue Sir Midoryia.”
You sat there with you father for almost three hours as Izuku explained everything. You were shocked by how in depth it was. By the end of it the king was enraged to the point the guards were forced to hold him back from storming the bastards room. When they did leave the throne room he yelled a hasty order to Midoriya to take you back before storming out.
“Wow,” you crossed your legs on your seat. You had to say you were impressed.
“What? Is something wrong?!” Midoriya was kneeling in front of you in seconds. You laughed a little at his mannerism.
“No nothings wrong, I’m just impressed. I didn’t think you’d put that much work in,” you laughed. Midoriya pulled back a little.
“How could I not put this much work in. I didn’t the love of my life would have had to marry a sleez ball,” you snorted at his words.
“Well my night in shining armor, what would you like as a reward?” You giggled before standing up. Midoryia smiled to you.
“Could I have a small token to remember this?” You smiled up to you, a hand going out in asking. You put yours on his.
“Oh my are you proposing? My my knight, how foreword of you,” you laughed again at his sudden blush. No matter how strong his words were he was still your easily flustered knight.
“What if I am?” You heard him mumble. You smiled and got down to his height.
“Well then we need to bestow a title upon you so I can give you an official yes,” you giggled at how his eyes shown to your words. “That will have to happen later, for now,” you leaned over and kissed him.
“Is that all?” He asked as you pulled away.
“Well we have all night dont we?” You laughed before standing and walking to those large wooden doors. “Izu?”
“Your highness!” He happily followed you as you both went down the hall.
Man was he happy he was assigned to you.
Being in love was one heck of a feeling.
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chaoticgirl-writing · 4 years
Could you do a Tododeku fic where one of them has a nightmare and the other comforts them pls? I love your blog! 💜💜
I am so sorry for taking so long to reply to this darling!! And THANK YOU!! also yes,, i love this idea and i am personally a HUGE tododeku shipper and that is on what?... periodt I HOPE YOU LIKE IT !
Pairing: Shoto Todoroki x Izuku Midoyia
Word count: 782
Warnings: mentions of abuse, mentions of child neglect, angst, mentions of isolation, mentions of poor mental health
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Late Night Memories | Tododeku angst/fluff
It was a deep feeling of dread in his gut that dragged the small male from his sleepless position on his bed, and up the three flights of stairs separating him from the hetero-chromatic male he called his friend.
Something had been off about Todoroki these past few weeks that Midoriya just couldn't quite figure out. He was more detached than usual, staying alone in his room while their friends were going out just for fun. It was strange, he had come so far only to dive head-first back into old habits.
“Todoroki?” He called softly, quiet sobs filling his ears as he leaned against the door, trying to get a clue as to what was going on inside.
“Not now, Midoriya.” A raspy voice called from inside.
“Todoroki, please let me in. I just want to help.”
It was quiet for a moment, both males waiting for the sound of movement, but it wasn’t long before the taller male quietly stood. Accepting the fact that he secretly didn't want his friend to go, and walking towards the door and letting the smaller male inside.
“Todoroki, what’s wrong?”
Silence was his answer, but Midoriya did not glance over the bi-colored male’s tear stained cheeks.
“Todoroki?” He inquired once inside. “Can you please talk to me?”
A wave of emotion seemed to crash over the teen in that moment, a heartbreaking sob escaping his lips as his knees buckled. The green haired male wrapped his arms around his waist, slowly lowering him to the ground as Todoroki buried his face in his neck.
“Did you have a nightmare or something?” He nodded. “Do you want to talk about it?” He shook his head. “Okay, do you think we could sit on your bed? Would that be more comfortable?” A soft nod.
Hesitantly pulling back, Izuku carefully led his companion over to the bed, mulling over the various possibilities that could have shattered the almost impassable wall of stone to his emotions and left him in such a state. It was almost as if the taller male was on autopilot, movements stiff as he sat down, staring blankly at the wall in front of him.
They sat in silence, the smaller male gently massaging his companion’s hand in an attempt to calm him down. 
“It was about my brother.” Shoto finally sighed, shifting his gaze to the ceiling in a feeble attempt to stop the coming onslaught of tears. More silence followed. “Which one?”
“Touya.” He whimpered. 
Izuku sat in silence, all words leaving him as an immense wave of sorrow crashed over him. He knew that family was never something Shoto could easily talk about, especially his older brother Touya. In fact, he had only heard about the male once or twice before, knowledge of him being bare minimum at most. “It was a memory, I think.” The hetero-chromatic male hesitated. “I-” he sighed heavily, breath wavering as he thought back on the dream he was having moments prior. “I was maybe 5 or 6 and all I wanted to do was play with my big brother.” 
He shifted his hand, the one that the smaller male had been playing with, and laced his fingers with Izuku’s using the contact to ground himself.
“My father didn’t want me to play with any of my siblings of course, even if it was my birthday.” He paused, contemplating whether or not he should continue. “Touya got in trouble because of me. He fought our father, telling him that because it was my birthday. He couldn’t have been older than 12, but regardless he was thrown around like a rag-doll.” Izuku gave his hand a reassuring squeeze as Shoto’s voice wavered. “Our mother was in the hospital, no one was there to-” a painful sob escaped him as memories of the beaten 12-year-old boy filled his head. “He had to go to the hospital.” He shook his head. “Endeavor told the doctors he fell down the stairs. It was bullshit. I should’ve just gone with him. If I had just gone with him instead of-” “Shoto, it’s not your fault.” Green eyes met blue and grey. “You were a kid, and just wanted to spend time with your brother. Your dad is messed up, but you couldn’t have known.” They starred at each other in silence for a moment before more tears filled his hetero-chromatic eyes, and sobs filled the room once more, Shoto falling into Izuku’s chest.
They stayed like that for a while, Izuku letting the male cry into his chest as he softly stroked his head, muttering kind words to him until they both fell asleep in the comforting embrace of one another.
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randomfangirl330 · 5 years
So my brain’s been spitballing a BNHA Mamma Mia AU
Here’s what I've come up with so far:
Sophie - Izuku Donna - Inko Skye - Todoroki Sophie's Friends (Rather, Izuku’s) -Uraraka and Iida (Maybe also Bakugo and Shinso) The Dynamos - Mitsuki Bakugo, and Present Mic with Aizawa filling the role manager The Possible Dads - Toshinori Yagi, Hisashi Midoyia and maybe All for One(?)
IDEAS (In no particular order)
Like I stated earlier, Inko was in a band with Mitsuki and Yamada and Aizawa was their manager
Yamada and Aizawa are married (Eventually adopts Shinso which is why he and Midoriya are friends)
Mitsuki was already married and got pregnant with Katsuki around the same time as Inko got pregnant with Izuku. With 2/3 of the band expecting, it leads to the band disbanding
The Bakugos decided to live on the island like Inko, leading to Katsuki and Izuku still growing up together
Yamada and Aizawa doesn’t live there, but visit often enough
Toshinori is a big-time actor, best known for playing the superhero All Might
Toshinori left Inko because he didn’t want to drag her into the craziness of his Hollywood career
Izuku managed to send the invitation to Toshinori because he left Inko an address to a very private residence that a very select few know about
Hisashi is basically going to be Harry from Mamma Mia. Banker, closeted queer (at the time), but still cares for Inko and appreciates the time they spend together
I’m still figuring out details for Hishahi’s sexuality (Whether he’s gay, bi, possibly demi) and the exact circumstances for him and Inko getting together
IDK if I want All for One in this, but I can’t think of a possible 3rd dad. I may end up just going with 2, but where’s the fun in that? Still thinking it through
Endgame Toshinko
Izuku and Todoroki meet when his family moves to after a messy investigation of his father (Endeawhore free zone)
Kirishima just suddenly shows (Maybe backing around?) up and is very obviously into Bakugo. He joins in a random conversation and Bakugo just goes “Who the fuck are you?”
Thinking about combining the romance plot of Rosie and Bill & Tanya that one guy she sings Does Your Mother Know to make the Kiribaku storyline
Random Stuff
- Inko singing Slipping Through My Fingers to Izuku... just.. yes. - “Mom, I don’t care if you’ve slept with hundreds of men” “It was not hundreds!” - Todoroki and Midoriya’s brief argument getting maybe a little too real
“Shoto, at least you know who your dad was! I have no idea where half of me came from!”
“And I wish I didn’t know him! Didn’t you tell me that I am not half of my parents? That I was me?! Because the same goes for you! I didn’t fall in love with half of Inko and half of some random man! I fell in love with you!”
- No matter how I decided to execute it, Kirishima is singing Take A Chance On Me to Bakugo - “There was... more than one guy...” “Damn Inko, get it!” “Mitsuki PLEASE!” - Toshinori leaves showbusiness after the final All Might movies and basically disappears from the public eye because he developed a serious disease. He didn’t contact Inko partly because he heard she ran off with someone else and partly because he didn’t want to force her to possibly watch him die. He thankfully survives, but physically leaves him unrecognizable. - Inko is still able to instantly recognize him - Aizawa agrees to be the band’s manager for several reasons, but mostly because he doesn’t want Inko (The only sane one) to deal with Mitsuki and Yamada’s craziness alone -Toshinori’s stage name is Darius Forrest because he was suggested to have a more American name. Sometimes he regrets having people not put in the effect to pronounce his real name, but he also enjoyed the privacy of using his real name when the time calls for it.
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dollipauper · 4 years
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Hello, I am Doll, and I am in love with Izuku Midoyia.
What do you mean I'm married? Yeah! To Izuku!
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Mha Scenarios
I recently found your blog and i'm in love with your writing! ❤ So, since we are in May... could i request individuals scenarios for Deku and Mirio with the theme mermaid reader x pirate? You can invert roles if you prefer ^^
Haha I got bored and mixed in some yandere vibes and magic!! Hope you don’t mind!
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Deku was the co-captain of the UA or Unified Anchor, one of the most respected and yet also most feared pirate ships in the world. They were known for putting a gun to everyone’s head, taking the treasure, and then leaving without a single casualty. That’s why Deku liked it, he didn’t have to get his hands dirty to have the sweet reward. Some called it lazy, but honestly they were jealous that they hadn’t thought of it first.
The captain was All Might, the strangest pirate captain on Earth. He was a kind simple man, but with the protection he felt over his crew, and his too-large-to-be-possibly-real-right? muscles, he was deadly to all but his crew. The ship crew was like a family, and he was going to pass it on to Izuku Midoryia once he grew too old.
“Deku! Get rid of the sail!” Ochako called out from the deck of the boat as Deku pulled on the rope, pulling the sails up and out as the boat began to surface on the island. “Look, it’s land ya hoes!” Denki grabbed Deku by his foot and swung him around playfully, helping the guy get down from the tall ledge where he stood.
The kids and All Might walked onto the powdered sand of the beach, shining like a crystal. “I know there’s something around here that’s gotta be worth taking. Refill the water buckets and harvest all the food we can get from this place. Bakugo! Midoryia! Search the island! It’s not that big, and surely you can see it all by midnight.” All Might pulled the boat onto the shore to resist the drag of the waves and then pulled it entirely onto the beach. 
“Set camp for us Shoto! Denki, I need you to load whatever we don’t need off the boat and get rid of it. This island looks as if it has plenty to offer.” All Might explained while Deku and an angry blonde boy began to walk into the forested area of the island. Izuku ruffled his dirty green hair and fixed his red shoe with a hole in it. All Might had offered to get him new ones, but these shoes were like his trademark in life. He needed them, and they needed him to feel as one together.
Izuku, using his sword, slashed through the palm trees and bushes in his way, before hearing a scream from nearby, as well as yelling. It was a girl’s scream. Deku ran as fast as he could through the forest, until he saw Bakugo pulling the hair of a girl on the ground. “Kacchan, what the hell do you think you’re-” Deku stopped cold, looking down to see that from the girl’s waist and below was a fishes tail.
“She’s a fucking mermaid! Stop moving bitch, I’ve got to find a net or something!” Bakugo was about to run off before Deku pulled him back angrily. Katsuki stared at Izuku, confused by his sudden change in personality 
“She can’t breathe asshole! Come on, it’s okay.” Deku took out his canteen filled with water and began pouring it on the girl’s neck where she was gasping from, as he saw the fish gills under her chin. “You’re not going anywhere. You’re going to help me get her back home.” She began coughing through her mouth, finally able to breathe once more.
Bakugo groaned, but accepted as he walked back to her, receiving a devil’s glare from the mermaid. “Where do you need us to take you?” Izuku asked as she gestured with a nod of her head towards the forest. Izuku smiled lustfully at her pretty face as he picked her up bridal style and began to walk that direction, Bakugo following slowly. 
With a few glances and nods of her head, she was able to show them back to a lagoon that came off the ocean bay. “Here.” Izuku set her in the water, not caring that his shoes were getting wet. As soon as he buried her into the calm water, he saw her mouth open and vibrancy return back to her body as she popped up, staring at his with stars in her eyes. “You saved me. How can I thank you?”
Izuku froze, blushing at how beautiful her voice was. So enchanting, so luring even. “Um...” Izuku paused, thinking of it would be selfish to ask for gold or something. “Our crew would love some of your mermaid treasure! Whatever you can spare, we’ll take it!” Bakugo exclaimed, receiving an annoyed side eye from the fish. “I would never do anything for you, but for you.” The mermaid looked back at Izuku with hearts in her eyes.
“I’d do anything for you!” She smiled, making the green-haired blush. “Then yes, if you have any treasure it would make our job a lot easier.” Deku smiled back as she nodded, before she grabbed Bakugo’s shirt. “Follow me boys. It’s just in the cave.” Before either of them could react, she pulled Bakugo into the crystal-clear water, and deep into the water beyond Deku’s sight. “Kacchan!” Deku screamed, before diving into the clear sea and swimming after her into the cave. 
Just as he was about to run out of air, he felt a hand grab him by the shirt and speed him inside a cave, bringing him up for air. “Izuku!” The mermaid brought him to the land inside the cave, pressing up and down on his chest. As Deku began to wake up, she wrapped her arms around him. Goodness, you should have waited for me to come back for you! Humans can’t swim fast enough to get here before running out of air.” She explained as Izuku nodded, looking up to see Bakugo wringing the water out of his shirt. “Bitch... getting me all wet...”
The mermaid got off of Deku, allowing him to get back on his feet. “Are you alright? You swallowed a lot of water.” As the mermaid hugged Izuku, he felt her heart beating fast. The two slowly began to come together, their lips pressing slowly as Izuku was enchanted by her beauty and the seduction of her fantasizing voice. Just as their lips pressed, the two were startled by Bakugo’s loud screams.
“Lord, you weren’t joking! Come on Deku, stop thinking about your dick and look at all this!” He yelled as Deku got off his knees, blushing as he looked over at what Bakugo was talking about. In front of Bakugo’s feet was a pile of gold coins, tiaras, swords, and clumps of jewels and gems. “Oh my god! Now this is a treasure! Come on Deku, let’s grab what we can and scram!” Bakugo began grabbing the treasure by the handfuls and stuffing his pant pockets.
“Don’t hesitate Izuku, this is the dumpster where we put the treasure we don’t want. My sisters use it for luring pirates like yourself to their death, or trading with the other mermaid colonies who can’t find good treasure like we do.” The mermaid explained as Izuku’s eyes widened at her words. “You... kill pirates?” Deku asked, ignoring his crewmate stuffing his pockets and mouth to the brim with coins and jewels.
“Not me, but my sisters. It’s one of the main jobs of our kind to lure pirates who have treasure that we want to their death.” She confessed as he nodded, his eyes still wide. “Not you, though. My sisters have left on a trading mission to the North, so you won’t have to worry about mermaids around these areas for months.” The mermaid smiled sweetly, cupping Izuku’s face with her soft palms. “Now go, get as much as you can carry Izuku.” She blushed as he slowly left her side, walking to the treasure.
You watched him slowly walk, loving the look of his legs walking. You wanted to see how he would look swimming... “Wow Kacchan, this is too good to be true!” Deku exclaimed as he finally had filled his pockets as much as possible. “Alright fish girl, take us back to the surface! Maybe we can come back once I empty out, we can bring back our crewmates!” Bakugo yelled, walking back over to the mermaid. “What? There are more of you? Tell me about them Izuku.” The mermaid smiled as he joined Kacchan, grinning at her. 
“Oh, you’d love them! Ururaka would love how soft your hair is, and Mina loves swimming so she’d love you!” He exclaimed as the mermaid’s eye twitched creepily, but only Bakugo noticed. “Oh, there are girls? Do you like any of them?” She asked as Izuku blushed, shaking his head. “Oh no, they’re just friends! Although I did kiss Ururaka once when we were young, but we liked each other just because we were dumb kids.” As Izuku and the mermaid continued to talk, Bakugo began to feel uneasy.
“Ahem, Izuku. Stop talking and just get us out of here. I don’t like this place.” Bakugo whispered as the mermaid began to get angry at him. “Oh Kacchan, I’ll take you back up right now. Wait here Izuku, I’ll come back for you.” The mermaid grabbed the blonde’s hand and began to pull him back into the water, being careful to not spill any of the gold coins out of his pockets. Izuku sat on the sand, playing with it’s soft texture as she soon returned. “Did Katsuki make it back safe?” Deku asked, standing and preparing to leave.
“Oh yes, he promised to get every single one of your crewmates to come to the shore in a few minutes. I can’t wait to meet all the girls.” She smiled as Deku lowered his hand, ready to leave. “Oh no, you’re not leaving Izuku~baby.” She smiled as his eyes widened, confused and now worried. “What do you mean?” He asked as she smiled wider, her eyes filling with evil and lust. “Why would I let you go when you’re going to go back to the girls? I need to keep you here, so no other girl will ever look at you again! You’ll be all mine!”
Izuku began backing up, shaking his head upsettingly. “N-no! When you bring them down here, they’ll bring me back!” He shouted as she began laughing, rolling around happily in the water. “Oh silly, don’t be such a dummy! I’m not bringing them down here!” She exclaimed as Deku’s eyes widened at what she meant. “I’ll drown each and everyone of your crewmates! My sisters will be so proud of me! My first mission was your crew, and I’ll get every single one of them!” She smiled as Izuku began crying, fearful and upset.
“Oh, and then once they’re gone you’ll be all mine! God, you’re going to stay here until death! I’m so excited!” She smiled, reaching for his shirt to grab him by and hug him. “I’ll bring you food three times a day, and never leave your side! I’m so in love with you! It’s thanks to you that my kill count will meet the requirements to become queen! Once I kill 20 people, I’ll be allowed to take the crown! You’ll be my king Izuku~Baby!” Deku crumbled to his knees, unable to believe the fact that it was his fault that his entire crew would die.
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Togata was a pirate, but one of the lowest class. He always did the night shifts with his witch friend Nejire, and his friend Tamaki who was training to become the captain. Mirio didn’t have much to do at the time, and could only wait until Tamaki became the captain so he would be promoted like Tamaki had promised. Until then, Mirio was living life day-by-day, bored out of his mind and looking for more.
“Ahh, we’re here Mirio! Look!” Nejire pointed to the island approaching, a cove, waterfall, lagoon, and a lush forest all appearing to his eyes. “Wow, look at that. I call the lagoon, I missed swimming without having to worry about sharks.” Mirio smiled as Nejire smacked him playfully in the back of the head. “Fine, Tamaki said that All Might needed more coconuts, I’ll get some of those.” Nejire smiled back, finally being able to climb onto the sandy beach.
Mirio grabbed his bag and got off the boat himself, walking along the shore towards the water. Looking back, he saw everyone pile off and look around, unknowing of what to do next. All Might had always been one to let the crew do their own thing. As Mirio entered the area of the water, he began to strip himself of his clothes. That was, until he heard a noise from a far. A sort of... gasping?
He turned and began swimming quickly to the shore where he heard the noise, getting out of the water and running to where the noise came from. Shocked, he gasped as his eyes laid upon a girl struggling, a rope wrapped around your neck tightly. As you grasped and pulled at it, Mirio ran to your side, scaring you As he pulled out the knife and put it to your neck, you began hyperventilating in fear of him trying to kill you. When he cut the rope and threw it from your body though, you realized what he meant to do.
You rolled into the water, splashing as you began to get away from Mirio. “W-who are you?!” You demanded to know, swimming slowly away from him as he put his hands up. “I’m not trying to hurt you! I saw you were stuck and wanted to help!” He explained as you stopped, looking down at the knife in his pocket. Noticing that he still had it out, he quickly tucked it away into his pocket. “T-thank you. What’s your name? I didn’t know humans were on this island.” You asked as his eyes widened. Had you just called him a human? Weird.
“U-um, human? What do you-” As his eyes peered down her body, he was left to not look upon legs beyond your waist but a fish tail. No, a mermaid tail was more precise. Looking at you again, he noticed the shell necklace, voluminous yet wet hair, and the starfish on your head. He realized now that all that wasn’t just a coincidence, but a design choice. “Y-you’re a mermaid.” He muttered as you giggled happily, doing a flip in the water, showing off your light teal tail. 
“Yes? Now what’s your name human pirate?” You asked as he smiled, unable to remove his eyes from your happy emotion. “W-well, I’m Mirio Togata, but you can call me Miri.” Togata turned on his charm, allowing you to smile at him. “I’m Y/n, like to meet you Miri.” You grinned as he could help but blush at your cuteness. Y/n was such a beautiful name... “So, where’d you come from human boy? If you were on this island, I would have heard about it.”
He grinned, sitting down on a rock on the shore close to you, and began to explain. “Well, my crew and I just got here. They’re unpacking, but I have nothing to do so I thought I’d come here and swim.” You nodded, your eyes sparkling at the idea of others. “Well then you should swim with me! It’d be so much fun!” You began to tug at his arm playfully, laughing happily with him. “How long can you hold your breath? How fast can you swim?!”
Mirio felt his heart smile at your enthusiasm as he stripped himself of his shirt and pants embarrassingly. “Come on slow fish! Come on in!” As Mirio was about to protest, you smacked her tail against the water, spraying him with the sea water. “You’re on!” He yelled before diving in, coming up to face you. You two began splashing each other happily, and Mirio couldn’t help but feel weird about how fast he had connected with this random girl- eerrrrrr, mermaid? 
“Mirio! Where are you dummy?” Mirio and you turned surprised, hearing Nejire’s voice near them but hidden away. “Dang it, I don’t want to go back already.” He mumbled, beginning to swim to the shore before you grabbed his arm. “Do you trust me?” You asked, holding his arm tightly as he looked at you with a questioning stare. “Answer me Miri.” As he looked into your innocent e/c eyes, he nodded hesitantly.
In that moment he was swept under the water, and quickly pulled under the waves. As he went deeper and deeper, the amount of light began to quickly decrease until he was in pitch darkness. He held his breath though, and in a few moments later he was brought to the surface, your grip still holding his arm firmly in her grasp. “Good, you weren’t moving for a minute and I got scared. Here we are!” You exclaimed, motioning to the small amount of land you were on.
Looking behind you, Mirio saw a waterfall hiding you two from the rest of the world, allowing him plenty of room to lay on the beach. “You can stay here for as long as you want, I come here to hide too.” You smiled sadly as he slid onto the sand, leaving his legs in the water. “What do you have to hide from?” Mirio asked curiously as you glanced at him, sadness in your eyes. “D-don’t make a big deal about it, but I’m becoming queen of my territory next week. My dad is insisting that I need to get married, but I just can’t seem to find someone who I like who also likes me.”
You sighed, resting your head in his lap as you continued your stressed rant. “I come here to hide, where nobody is pestering me about royal duties or my dad isn’t setting me up with every other guy in the ocean. Here, the water is so loud that you can just scream, and nobody will hear you.” You smiled before feeling his arms wrap around you tightly. “It’s okay, I promise you’ll find someone.” You turned to him, hearts in your eyes as you stared at him.
“You think? That means a lot coming from a stranger, but you just don’t know me. I’m childish and I play pranks on the butlers when my dad isn’t in town to lecture me. Sometimes, I feel like I have no purpose, and I’m just waiting for my dad to give me a reason to stick around. Ya know?” You explained as Mirio’s eyes lit up. You were just like him, like he was waiting for Tamaki to hand him a position to give him a reason.
“Actually, I’m just like you. My pal is going to become captain in a few months and then give me a job, but until then I’m just waiting for something to happen and make my time worth-while.” He explained as you smiled, suddenly wrapping your arms around his neck. “Oh Miri, you’re the greatest. If you were a merman I’d have no issue finding someone to marry.” You smiled at him, before your face went all red as you backed away, realizing what you had just said.
“I... uh- what I meant to say was that I wish you were a merman. Then I could give you a purpose like marrying me and then helping run the kingdom... until I were to find someone, which would probably never happen.” You tried to save yourself, but the damage had been done. As Mirio was about to comment, he heard his friend once more, except now Tamaki was with her. “Mirio! Buddy?” Mirio rolled his eyes, beginning to stand. “Y-you’re leaving?” You asked as he shook his head, putting a finger to his lips to tell you to be quiet.
“I’ll be right back, I just need to tell them I’m okay.” He smiled, walking out into the water past the waterfall and out of your sight. You smiled sadly, resting your head on the shore as you thought about the blond and his dreamy blue eyes. Mirio walked up to his two friends, smiling and waving. “Ahh, there you are! I saw your clothes by the rocky side of the bay and got nervous.” Nejire explained as Tamaki chuckled. “You okay there bud? Your face is really red.” Tamaki obliviously commented as Mirio sighed, knowing there was no point in hiding it from his friends.
“Actually I-” His sentence was cut short by yelling coming from the cave inside the waterfall, your voice to be certain. “Mirio! No, please! Wait a second! Miri!” All three of the pirates began running to the waterfall only to find scratch marks on the sand and rocks, showing signs of struggled that lead to someone being dragged into the water. Immediately, Mirio’s mind went into immediate panic mode as he turned to Tamaki and Nejire. 
“Nejire, do you know how to turn someone into a mermaid?!” He asked as she looked at him with the most bizarre expression before nodding. “You mean just a tail and the ability to breathe underwater? Of course.” She nodded as he smiled, gripping her hands. “Listen, I can’t explain now but I need you to turn me into one. Please, I’m begging you!” He exclaimed as she began waving her hand, muttering a spell.
“I’d hurry if I were you, I’m making the temporary one that lasts 20 minutes. The permanent one involves a potion and all that.” She explained before continuing to mutter the spell, Mirio feeling his legs go to Jello as he fell into the water. Looking down, his long legs had been changed into a red merman tail like Y/n’s. “Alright, I’ll be back soon.” He gave them a thumbs up before disappearing into the water, leaving his friends alone and very confused. Dipping into the water, Mirio had one mission. Save you from whatever had taken you.
Left and right, he followed the pebble path on the ocean floor while learning the mechanics of the tail before gasping. In front of him was a village, houses surrounding one large castle. You must have been taken there. In the distance, he could hear your voice as he began to race towards you, going faster than he ever thought possible. Once he was inside the village, he kept his head down, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention. He continued to follow your voice, until finally seeing you.
At the gate of the castle was you, two guards grasping each of your arms, and who he thought of as the King and Queen. “Y/n!” He yelled out, receiving you to look his way and watch his eye, your face lighting up. Without even having to try, you pulled your way out of the guard’s grip and raced towards him, enveloping him in a tight hug. “Y-you’re a merman? No, this is a spell! You would probably have a blue tail if it was a potion...” 
You murmured, continuing to look him up and down as the guards, King, and Queen began slowly swimming your way. “I came after you once I heard you screaming. I thought you could possibly be in danger, I got worried.” Mirio explained as you smiled, tears coming to your eyes. “I... I didn’t want to lose you.” He confessed, his cheeks highly tainted red as you smiled, kissing his cheek. “Y/n... who is this?” You father asked as you turned to him, smiling like an idiot.
“This is the guy I want to be my King.”
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kiwibirbs-library · 3 years
alrighty, these two are a bit simpler and not as long. Maybe a one shot where you and MIdOrIyA are cleaning out y’all’s kitchen cabinets and there’s music in the background. You guys are kinda just mindlessly organizing until you hear your favorite song come on. Then, you kinda half heartedly are like “ooo, my favorite song” so then Midoriya comes over and offers his hand out to dance. And you two just end up dancing to the song. Idk, sorry if is dumb….
a/n: I wanna be friends with you. Like so freaking bad. Can we be friends. Please.
Caught in 4K
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After living in the dorms with Midoryia for almost a year and a half now you’ve learned three things.
1. This man LOVES All Might even more than you thought.
2. He is willing to lift up the fridge for you to get a penny.
And finally,
3. He can’t work in silence.
So it’s not not uncommon to find him doing paperwork on the coffee table in the commons and hear some kind of music playing.
His music taste never has been solid so normally it’s just whatever anyone else was listening too or, if he’s alone, a playlist you made him a while ago. Before then it was just the radio.
Midoryia also has issues with loosing track of the time
And the playlist and long as I’ll get out
So when it finally ended and he looked up and around him the commons are dead silent and dark
Well ya know except or the kitchen which still had the lights on and had some noise coming through
So he got up and went over to see who it was
And low and behold it was you his wonderful girlfriend
And for the reasoning of coffee, sleep deprivation, and that sudden 2am hit of motivation you had the pantry open and emptied
“Love? Whatcha doing?” He asked as he got closer
He could see all the food on the counter tops and it seemed like you were only throwing expired items
But still what were you doing?
“Huh—oh babe! I came down for a snack and saw you working and thought I’d wait for you and then I got distracted and thought I would organize the pantry. Are you done?” You smiled and went to hug him
Midoryia smiled and hugged you back before really looking around
“Want help?” He smiled down
“I would love it!”
And now you two were almost done while your speaker played out your playlist
You were starting to feel the burnout of staying up late
And then you heard that opening note
After a second you stopped to listen better
“What’s wrong?” Midoriya asked, seeing you stop
“Oh ya, I’m alright. It’s just this is my favorite song,” you smiled
Midoriya stopped and mirrored the look on your face
He took a few steps back and did a dramatic now and stretched his hand out to you
“Shall we?” He glanced up to see you laughing a little
“I’d be honored,” you giggled
He pulled you in and pulled your arms up to wrap around his neck before pulling you against him
You giggled as you both swayed to the beat
You both just went around in circles for a majority of the song
And then this dork suddenly spins you out and dips you
“Oh hello... come her often?”
this idiot that I’m helplessly in love with
Literally it’s a wonder what being in a relationship with him long enough for him to be confident does man
He gently started pulling you back up when you pulled him down to meet him half way to kiss you
You two kinda just hung there for a hot minute after pulling away
I mean we all know he has the strength lmao
So you two were just there
Very very close
Whispering and laughing about random shit and how cheesy his line from before was
When there was a clicking sound
I mean probs to Aizawa for finally checking in and making sure everyone was on curfew
But like
It was 3am by now
And when I say Midoryia SCRAMBLED
It was so funny he went ghost white my guys
So you just laughed and followed behind him as he threw himself down the hall
“Sorry Sir, goodnight” you gave your teacher a bow before going up to deku’s dorm
Lol like that’s not against the rules too
Aizawas just to tired to deal with you
For the next hour you got Midoryia basically suffocating himself in your chest and bright red all the way tot he back of his neck
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