nullians · 2 years
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The nights
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hsnavenn · 7 years
Based on that tell your crush to get out of your school thing
If you play the game - you’ll get what I’m doing here. Also: I CANT DRAW HANDS!1!1!!! and this is quick rough sketch T~T 
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Midscare in a haunted house 😱 @matervenator
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nullians · 2 years
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Thank you so much @mangoberri for this wonderful commission!
It was a great pleasure to have you inflict feelings on those two guys with me. 10/10, will always recommend >:D
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nullians · 3 years
Fanfiction log #1:
14th of February, does that ring a bell?
Scarlet knew something was brewing up. Not only was Midnight standing idly on the border of the training field he’s been occupying, which Scarlet’s superior analysis abilities easily recognized as at least suspicious and uncommon, but the rest of his teammates’ chakras could be also felt in the nearby area albeit faintly as if they were actually kind of trying to hide. Which they weren’t, because their sensei has taught them well and this level of incompetence, when they were all chunins, would be nothing but laughable. So, something was happening, something he hasn’t been a part of, and as the lead prankster of their team, he kind of didn’t like that. But he couldn’t help being ever curious so he let Midnight be and continued his training regime without a hitch, kunai and shuriken marking all of his targets.
It took about ten more minutes before the lightning nin finally took a few steps towards him but there was enough hesitance to his moves that it actually made him wonder if something went wrong and this was the way he was going to find out. There was no point in pretending to not have sensed Midnight’s presence now so he acknowledged his presence with a quick glance before turning away to collect his scattered weaponry.
Alright, Midnight was taking his sweet time to close that gap of about two hundred meters between them, fine. It was a hilarious thing to think about if one knew his actual speed in combat, not to mention the numbers he could reach in open areas while not under any threat. Just as he was fetching the last shuriken from the training doll, the sound of quiet footsteps reached him, which signaled the perfect moment to whirl around and give the other boy a questioning look.
“Hello to you too, Midnight.”
Midnight made a face that could be roughly translated to “You could’ve let me finish the sentence first, really.” but quickly parried with a “We’ve already seen each other in the morning, you don’t get two hellos a day.”
“How stingy!”
“I’m fine with that.”
Scarlet laughed at that and if he squinted enough he could see Midnight’s mouth corners rising a bit as well, hesitance loosening its grip on him. They should get to the point then, it was getting dark.
“Okay, tell me what’s-”
“Do you want to hit the shops?”
They stared dumbly at each other, processing the clash of words.
“Wait, what? Yes. Yes, but why are you asking?”
Midnight actually looked a bit offended here. What on Earth was this about?
“Blaze, you’ve been whining about the decorations and limited sweets and seasonal discounts and heavens know whatnot for about a week now. Don’t play dumb.” He looked really unimpressed at the end of it, the memories of the other boy’s laments still fresh in his mind.
That’s when it finally clicked and Scarlet, for once in his life, felt actually kind of stupid. How could he have forgotten?? Well, actually after that mission they took two days ago he thought he deserved to be cut some slack as the captain but still-
“I actually forgot. Sorry, I- I really did. Kami!”
Were his cheeks heating up? Really, he was too old for this. Whoever was weaving the threads of fate must’ve read too many romantic cliches lately because this was simply embarrassing. And his friends won’t let him live this down, he could already see that with how their chakra signatures were wavering around. Bastards and traitors, all of them!
“You did.” Midnight was genuinely surprised.
“Look, the decorations and shop displays have been up for two weeks at least already! You can’t wholly blame me for this, it was also overexposure!” he grumbled, trying very hard to defend his honour with questionable success.
Midnight rolled his eyes but Scarlet could see he was debating something in his mind. Whatever it was though, Midnight seemed to cast it aside quickly enough. As if…
“So… let’s go?”
Scarlet’s brows furrowed ever so slightly.
“Ask me the right question first.”
“You could have let it slide, really.”
“Come on, use your words, Midi. It can’t be that hard. Or risky, for the matter.”
The way Midnight fought to form words would’ve been mildly entertaining if not for the fact that he could tell it was something important this time. So he waited. Waited and prayed that Breeze wouldn’t run out of patience and jump in to solve things her way. Which wasn’t necessarily bad but he did appreciate the rare moments of honesty between him and the Blade heir.
“…Will you be my Valentine?”
He blinked. And then, because it turned out their sensei was right and he could be on occasions the devil’s incarnate, flashed Midnight the cheekiest smile he could manage.
“Mmm, you know I don’t like that term!”
“What the hell! What do you want to be called then?!”
Scarlet let their eyes meet and took his delight at the moment Midnight realized it was a trap question.
“No, don’t answer that, I don’t want to know!”
But it was certainly too late for that and they both knew it. So Scarlet walked past the distance that still separated them and nonchalantly swung an arm around Midnight’s shoulders, doing his best to ignore the embarrassing wave of fuzziness that hit him at the contact.
“Hmm, what about ‘cute little meow meow’?”
Midnight immediately tried to shove him away and wow, his speed was back, but Scarlet for all of his wits had already anticipated that and clung on, laughing heartily at his more-than-friends partner because really. Really. This? This was all it was about.
And if his friends decided to accompany them, he was more than happy to have them around. Even if they were going to tease the hell out of the both of them… Not like he couldn’t point out that they could only do so because they all hid in the bushes like cowards just to do some eavesdropping.
And if the owner of the restaurant they’ve decided to dine at almost popped a vein at their statement about being in a five-people polycule then so be it, he should’ve thought it through twice before hanging the ‘discount for your partner’ ad.
And if… If Midnight decided that the perfect revenge would be telling the waiter his order as “For my cute little meow meow”… Scarlet… could live with that. He might’ve not been able to look any of the staff in the eye that night but hey, wasn’t that the alright price to pay for the time with his most cherished companions? He knew the answer would always be a yes.
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nullians · 3 years
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"I'm suffering academically" my brother in christ it was you who decided to make naruto online memes instead of working-
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nullians · 3 years
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Midnight_&_Scarlet_have_sth_going_on.jpg but it's like 2 home screens and a trophy, all from the game
Possible captions:
1) Scarlet sabotaging Midnight's fishing round 1/???
2) Guys, GUYS, can you be normal please?? and hold the ramen bowl like your other friends???
3) This is our get-along shirt
Bonus pics where they all are eager to fight but the ninjas in question are actually in the chakra-out mode:
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nullians · 3 years
The intersection between naruto online players who like the game’s protagonists and Vietnamese bl fangirls was by no means significant, yet here I am looking at this comic and getting double amounts of second hand embarrassment :’)
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hsnavenn · 7 years
Only Us Now
Summary: Scarlet and Midnight spent the Firework Festival together at the school pool while the others were at the festival. 
Scarlet dipped his feet into the cold clear chlorine pool water, watching the waters broke away into waves and resonated through. He tugged on his school sweater, the soft cotton enclosing his hand from the cold chilly air.
Then there were footsteps from behind and they became louder and louder. He didn’t have to turn around as a smile graced his lips and he tilted his head back, eyes brightening at the sight of pale skin and silver hair in the moonlight.
The vice-president kneeled down between the smaller figure and kissed Scarlet’s chap stick lips with a softness he only showed to the older.
“Hey to you too.”
Scarlet resisted the urge to blurt out the word ‘beautiful’ as he saw those baby blue eyes stared at him with love and doting, even throughout the years they been through together. He’s a sap by heart, and Midnight just encouraged the sap in him more.
“Take off your clothes.”
Scarlet turned around face to face with his lover and he could see one of Midnight’s brow rose questionably.
“We aren’t going to have sex, you pervert.”
He gave a playful shoved and Midnight laughed as he landed on his bottom.
“Hey, I didn’t say anything.”
Now it was Midnight who was smirking and Scarlet only chuckled at that as he ran a hand down the silver-haired boy’s tie, lightly loosen it.
“We’re going for a quick swim. Is that okay with you?”
Scarlet asked, because he always asks. He would never do things without the other consent, so that Midnight would always, always trust him.
“I thought we were going to watch firework.”
Midnight said as he curled his larger hand around Scarlet’s, helping him take off the tie.
“But I’m up for it.”
He added, smiling at his lover and Scarlet smiled back.
They worked through laughter and giggles, taking each other clothes until they were in their underwear. There’s nothing to fear. They were safe here, the rare privacy they had in their school compound as the others were busy with the festival on the field below.
“Come closer.”
Scarlet urged Midnight forward as the ball of his feet teetered against the edge of the pool. Midnight followed without hesitation and Scarlet draped his arms around Midnight’s slim waist, taking in the warmth from skin against skin and he took a breath.
He leaned back and the two fell into the cold water with a splash.
It was automatic. Scarlet felt firm arms wrapped around him and a pair of legs curled around his in the water. As they defied gravity in the water, he opened his eyes just as a nose brushed against his cheeks and met with Midnight eyes, blue iris still stood out amidst the clear, blue liquid surrounding them.
Scarlet wanted to laughed, wanted to cry in joy because he just felt so much love but he didn’t want water in his lungs and Midnight was pressing his lips against his anyway so they kissed, the coldness of the water suddenly gone as his heart seemed to explode in his chest.
Then, there’s a hand curling around the back of his hip before he was hoisted up and back to the surface again, both of them gasping for air.
Scarlet wheezed and shook off the water from his face, not wanting to lose his grip on Midnight. In return, the younger only laughed and wow did Midnight looked gorgeous with his bangs down, even though he saw them like that countless times already.
“You’re getting sappy again.”
Midnight pointed out, the edge of his lips curled up into a soft smile.
Scarlet wanted to retort, he also wanted to make the younger shut up because it was Midnight’s fault anyway that he’s getting all sappy but he didn’t get the chance to, for his words died in his throat just as fireworks exploded in the air.
And Midnight once more leaned down for a kiss, sealing their lips together. Scarlet closed his eyes, letting only the feel of the water under him, the pressure of Midnight’s body against him and the loud explosion of the fireworks evaded his sense.
It was like first time all over again, like the day they first got together. There were fireworks on their first kiss.
“Don’t close your eyes or you’re going to miss the fireworks, dummy.”
“It’s your fault anyway, stupid.”
Midnight breath could be felt on his lips as he chuckled. He felt a hand on his waist and then he was being guided to the edge of the pool, where they could have a perfect view of the firework display.
“Now, you can’t blame me for everything.”
Midnight said as he let go of him to prop his elbows against the edge of the pool, Scarlet mimicking the action.
“I do not blame you for everything.”
Scarlet defended with a pout, tilting his head to look at the other, because he admitted, Midnight was thousand times a better sight than the fireworks, especially when wet where his skin and hair seemed to glow under the moonlight and the vibrate light of the fireworks.
“Stop being sappy, Scarlet. I could almost feel it.”
Midnight chuckled and had Scarlet mention that his lover got a really nice laugh?
“Seriously though, I don’t blame you for everything. Like, confessing to you was my mistake.”
Scarlet said and that earn another heartfelt laughter from the other.
“Probably the best mistake you ever made, huh.”
Midnight eyes crinkled slightly and it only happened when he’s happy and that made Scarlet really happy. His lover deserved the best, because he had to deal with numerous stresses from being vice-president so it’s Scarlet’s job to be a good lover and unwinds him.
Make him feel loved.
“Stop that.”
Midnight scooted close and placed a chaste kiss on lips.
“You’re going to make me become a sap too.”
He said and Scarlet was just too intoxicated with love that he felt air was being pushed out of his lungs.
“I love you, Scarlet.”
Oh damn it. He can’t breathe.
Midnight was quick to grab him as he felt himself became weightless and nearly fell under and into the water.
“Hey, Scarlet?! You’re okay?”
Midnight arms wounded around his waist once more and Scarlet was content to just lay there in his arms, head snuggled in the crook of the taller teen’s neck.
They might get a cold, Scarlet thought as he watched the glistening water with dazed eyes, listening to his own heartbeat alongside Midnight’s and he smiled as the last fireworks fade out.
“Happy 5th anniversary, dummy.”
Scarlet mumbled from where he was snuggling contently against Midnight’s heated skin and he could felt the rumble of the younger’s chest as he laughed.
“May we grow old together?”
“Yes. Let’s grow old together.”
They are in love and they are going to get married and adopt as many children as they can and you can’t tell me otherwise.
I’m in full sappy mode when I was writing this while listening to Steven Universe – Something Entirely New piano ver.
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nullians · 3 years
There are group chats for MidScar exclusively but I can’t be a part of them because I don’t know any chinese aaaaa
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