#miguel rivera x reader
reareaotaku · 28 days
Miguel Rivera from Coco?
This request was asked years ago- I'm so sorry. Aged up +
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👩🏼‍🎨You're an artist and love to draw all the people around you. You notice all the little things wouldn't notice, because of your attention to detail. That's how you noticed a boy.
👩🏼‍🎨 You saw him going into Ernesto's mausoleum. You look around to see if anyone else noticed, but it seemed everyone was to busy with their music. So, you decide to follow him. You catch him red handed with the guitar-
👩🏼‍🎨 You both fight for it, before police show up and you drop the guitar holding the guitar off. You had failed to notice the pedals that had flown around you, but you did notice how the police didn't notice you or the boy.
👩🏼‍🎨💀 He runs away and you quickly follow him, angrily yelling at him to stop.
👩🏼‍🎨💀 You both end up falling into a grave and his relatives see him??? Thankfully they were nice to you, even though they didn't notice you. You learned his name was Miguel, thanks to his dead family.
🩻 They [The family] brought you and Miguel back to the land of the dead to find out how to bring you back to the living realm. Miguel's great-great grandmother; Mama Imelda, was stuck in the land of the dead, because Miguel had taken her photo of the ofrenda.
💀 The skeleton guy behind the computer tells you that since Miguel brought you here, his great-great grandmother can send you back. You were thrilled, but Miguel was not. You both went back, but were immediately sent back, but this time he wasn't going to give up music.
👩🏼‍🎨 You didn't understand why he was being so reluctant, but then he compares it to your art [Based on the paint all over you] and saying how would you feel if someone tried telling you you could never create art again.
👩🏼‍🎨💀 You decided to help him find his great-great grandfather to get his blessing and are dragged all across the land of the dead. You have to avoid his family, so they don't take either of you back.
👩🏼‍🎨💀🦴 You both ran into a man named Héctor, who decided to help you both- Without knowing the full truth. Though he is not pleased when he does.
👩🏼‍🎨💀 🦴 You are both embarrassed when Hector calls you 'boyfriend & girlfriend' which you both adamantly deny. Hector puts his hands up apologizing.
👩🏼‍🎨💀 🦴 So, off you all are to find Ernesto to get that blessing, but you have to be quick, because you and Miguel are slowly becoming skeletons. Miguel promises that he won't let you die here and that if push does come to shove, he will take his great-great grandmother's blessing, just so you can be back and safe in the mortal realm. He doesn't want you being stuck because of him. You don't deserve that- At least, not to him.
👩🏼‍🎨💀🎸You are both surprised when Ernesto tries to kill you both. You had become close to Miguel in this time, after having spent so much time together and bonding over your love and passions. You wanted to help him. You didn't think it was fair that his family was trying to take away his passion because of something that happened a long time ago
🦴 Come to find out, Hector is Miguel's real great [2x] grandfather and that Ernesto killed him.
💀🦴 Miguel and Hector have a cute bonding moment. It made you really emotional, especially knowing what was taken. A whole family ruined because of a selfish man.
🐕💃🏼 You're all thankful when Imelda found you- Thanks to Miguel's dog- But she was not happy to see Hector
💃🏼 She takes you back to the rest of Miguel's family, who are happy to see you both in one piece. You may not have been apart of the family by blood, but you were now seen as one of them, especially since their descendent had brought you to this place. You were still surprised when she [Imelda] expressed concern for you and hugged you. Though she beredes Hector, but Miguel is quick to his defnese.
💀💃🏼 Miguel says he'll finally take her bless, but he has to find Hector's photo from Del la cruz, so he can come to the world of the living, but Imelda is still convinced he left the family. Miguel explains to her what really happened, but she's unconvinced and doesn't seem to care, still heartbroken about what he did.
🦴💃🏼 Imelda and Hector have a good moment together and while she says she doesn't forgive him, she's more than willing to help.
👩🏼‍🎨💀💃🏼🦴🎸🩻 There is a great moment where you go backstage. Imelda hits Ernesto for murdering the love of her life and trying to kill her grandson and you. You and the rest of Miguel's family chase him trying to get the photo. You and the rest are bombarded by security- But Imelda finally gets the photo, but is brought to the stage.
💃🏼 Imelda sings while on stage, while trying to give one of you the photo, but security is on her- not to mention Ernesto also catches her, making it hard for to give you the photo. He ends up snatching the photo from her, but she stomps his foot and is able to give it to Miguel. She finally gives you and Miguel her blessing, but changes the condition to remember how much her family loves her, until Ernesto grabs both you and Miguel.
🎸👩🏼‍🎨 Miguel ends up slipping from his hand, but Ernesto keeps a tight grasp on you and Miguel's spirt guard tries saving you, but Ernesto wasn't having it. He throws you towards the edge of the stage[?], before slowly cornering you to the edge, nearly causing you to fall. They all try and calm him down, but it's not working.
💀 Miguel sees the opportunity to turn on the camera and put it at you and Ernesto and everyone in the audience watches as Ernesto nearly kills you
🎸👩🏼‍🎨🐈‍⬛ You scream when he throws you off the edge and all that crosses your mind is that you were going to die- You nearly hit the ground when Imelda's spirt guide saves you after Miguel's spirt dog tries to. You are so thankful for that flying cat, you nearly cry.
👩🏼‍🎨💀💃🏼Miguel was the first to hug you and apologize when you're back on the roof. He would have kissed you if his whole family [and thousands of audiences] wasn't watching him. The rest of the family surrounds you, making sure you are alright.
🐈‍⬛🎸Imelda's spirt animal goes out, throwing Ernesto around before flying him through the air, before he hits a bell and hits his ultimate demise.
💀👩🏼‍🎨 You apologize to Miguel for losing the photo and telling him you can try looking for it, but it's too late. He's disappointed, but not mad, because you almost died. You grab the guitar and rush with him back to his place- After he follows you. There's so much going on that you end up getting pushed to the back. It's incredible when hearing Miguel sing to her and she responds. You almost feel like you're intruding on a family moment.
With the letters Coco kept, everyone realizes what Ernesto had done and Hector becomes famous, as he should have been. You and Miguel become bonded over the experience and eventually start dating, knowing no one would ever know each other like you know each other.
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I was recalling some things that Miguel's spanish dub VA said during an interview and he mentioned that he had to record a lot of lines that didn't make in to the movie, that some variants of those lines were spicier than the ones we know from the movie... he even mentioned that some of them were just too much for him, it makes me wonder what Miguel could have said
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ssadumba55 · 3 years
Spending Halloween with Disney Characters!!!
Request: there was none. I figured I'd thank you all for 900+ followers and also just give you a sweet Halloween treat! Happy Halloween everybody! Stay safe to all of you heading out and all of you staying in, enjoy your night.
Woody, Buzz + Jessie (Toy Story)
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While Andy is out trick or treating, the toys will play!
And by play, of course I mean sit inside Andy's room and watch one of the many Halloween themed kids movies Andy and Molly have
Stealing Woody's hat to wear on your own head. When he asks for it back, explaining that you can't give it back because you're being a cowboy for Halloween
Scaring Rex, Hamm and Mr. Potato Head (they're really easy to scare and Jessie loves pulling Halloween pranks with you!)
Mission with Buzz to steal some of the Halloween candy mom bought for the trick or treaters downstairs
Sitting on the windowsill with Woody, watching the neighborhood children go door to door
And yeah, you fall asleep way before Andy gets home
And yeah, Woody steals his hat back
Halloween well spent though, you think
Lilo & Stitch
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Halloween is one of Lilo and Stitch's favourite holidays
Their love of the holiday inspires you to love it just as much
The three of you do all the classic Halloween traditions
Carving pumpkins, trick or treating, dressing up in costume, watching horror movies (or the child equivalent because Nani won't let you watch actual horror movies)
Every house you go to praises Stitch's costume, you're not exactly sure if they're referencing his actual costume or just the fact that he's an alien
Either way, you all get a really good haul and at the end of the day, you split it all evenly. You and Lilo pick out your favourites and Stitch gets all the rest.
And yeah, you're all bouncing off the walls for months after that but it's a lot of fun!
Miguel Rivera (Coco)
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Halloween isn't really a huge thing in Mexico, but children still celebrate it nonetheless
Miguel often gets stuck being in charge of his younger family members while his parents, uncles and aunts hang out
So, the two of you have to go really slow for trick or treating
But you don't mind, it's actually one of your favourite times of the year for that reason
Sometimes, Miguel will bring his guitar and strum a bit while the two of you walk
Somehow, the night always ends with the two of you siting together laughing
Costumes aren't really your guys' thing, you guys don't really collect candy anyway. That's more for the younger kids. It's just an excuse for the two of you to hang out without any worries for a night and be a kid.
Nick Wilde + Judy Hopps (Zootopia)
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You can't tell me Nick and Judy wouldn't be an absolute delight to spend Halloween night with!
They would definitely be the type of people to take you to a costume party, they just seem like they really enjoy the vibes of a good party
The three of you would totally match costumes too, it would be Judy's idea, Nick would just go along to make her happy, you would love it just as much
And yeah the three of you would have a blast, dancing together
But you'd all definitely leave the party early and pick up some candy from the local grocery store
And you'd definitely sit on the couch for the rest of the night, in your costumes watching horror movies
Nick loves them, Judy would rather watch something else but since Nick gave into her costume idea she wouldn't say a word
You'd just be happy to be spending time with them
(Nick would totally try and scare you and Judy sometime during the night as well. Sly fox.)
Lightning McQueen + Mater (Cars)
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These two would be so much fun to hang around on Halloween because they literally would just love scaring people
Seriously, there would be so many laughs in Radiator Springs that night
A lot of masks and hiding behind walls/buildings to scare the other townfolk
Sally scolds the three of you several times during the night, telling you to stop with the shenanigans and do something else
Luigi and Guido join in at some point during the night
Fillmore and Sarge watch you guys from Flo's, you're not sure if they're disappointed or amused
Sheriff and Lizzie both nearly lose it when you scare them but they think it's funny afterwards
Ramone and Flo stay in all night, which is disappointing to your scaring gang
Doc doesn't even flinch. You're all literally just a pain in his behind while he's trying to do more important things.
Red is the only person you actually manage to upset but it's okay! You all apologize!
(Bonus: if Lightning is at a race for Halloween, then the three of you scare the other racers and Mack instead)
Goofy + Max (A Goofy Movie)
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The last time you tried to go trick or treating with the Goof family, Goofy ended up in the ER
(it's a long story, but really that person shouldn't have left their garden gnome out in the centre of the dimly lit walkway)
So this year, you and Max decide to stay in instead
You make popcorn and set up a movie to watch
Goofy promises he won't join and ruin your teenage fun, but that doesn't last very long. By the time you're halfway through the second movie, he's joined in
And it's a lot of fun sitting there watching movies, occasionally getting up to hand out treats to some of the trick or treaters
Max actually finds he doesn't mind his father being there as much as he thought he would
The three of you have a really pleasant evening and yeah, you fall asleep on the couch but it's well deserved after a long fun filled night
The Duck/McDuck Family (DuckTales 2017)
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McDuck Manor is the best place to spend Halloween
The children all go out for Halloween, so does Scrooge, which leaves the manor in the capable hands of Donald, Della and Launchpad (who still doesn't have a firm grasp on this whole thing but he's trying)
Oh and Launchpad's boyfriend, Drake Mallard, because Dewey invited Gosalyn to trick or treat with them
Donald hands out candy, because he loves seeing the smiling faces on the children as he adds to their sugary loot for the night
Della tries (and mostly fails) to scare the kids, kids aren't as easily scared nowadays as they were before she ended up on the moon. Stupid internet.
You, Drake and Launchpad spend most of the night with your feet propped up watching Darkwing Duck reruns and tossing candy halfheartedly at each other from across the room
Things get a tad bit more interesting when Gyro and Fenton join the group to wait for Boyd to come back from trick or treating with the kids
And by interesting, of course, I mean, the group of you decide to play Halloween charades but it just turns into a one sided showing up contest on Drake's part
Either way, fun night and you hope you can spend time at the manor for holidays more often
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breanime · 5 years
Breanime’s 2000 Followers Event! (Song/Character Lists)
“Angel of Mine”- Monica
“The Bones”- Maren Morris
“Helpless”- Phillipa Soo
“The Only One For Me”- Brian McKnight
“Sinning With You”- Sam Hunt
“Cop Car”- Sam Hunt
“U Should’ve Known Better”- Monica
“Cuz I Love You”- Lizzo
“I Won’t Say I’m In Love”- Susan Egan
“Perfect”- Ed Sheeran ft. Beyonce
“Mine”- Naya Rivera cover (original by Taylor Swift)
“Break Up With Him”- Old Dominion
“Take It From Me”- Jordan Davis
“Still Into You”- Paramore
“Buttons”- Pussycat Dolls
“Just The Way You Are”- Bruno Mars
“U Got It Bad”- Usher 
“My Boo”- Usher ft. Alicia Keys
“When You’re Mad”- Ne-Yo
“10, 000 Hours”- Dan and Shay
“Marry You”- Bruno Mars
“Shut Up and Dance”- Walk The Moon
“Bed”- J. Holiday
“Body Party”- Ciara
“Hotel Key”- Old Dominion
“Movement”- Hozier
“Si o No”- Anitta ft. Maluma
“Take Me To Church”- Hozier
“Want To Want Me”- Jason Derulo
“Or Nah”- The Weeknd, Wiz Khalifa and DJ Mustard
“Wicked Games”- The Weeknd
“Neighbors Know My Name”- Trey Songz
“Cater 2 U”- Destiny’s Child
“Dance For You”- Beyonce
“Promise”- Ciara
“Bad”- Walf ft. Tiara Thomas and Rihanna
“Naked”- Marques Houston
“The Hills”- The Weeknd
“Lovers and Friends”- Usher ft. Lil Jon and Ludacris
“Trading Places”- Usher
“Get U Wet”- Plies
“Makin Good Love”- Avant
“Motivation”- Kelly Rowland
“Bow Chicka Wow Wow”- Mike Posner
“Satisfied”- Renee Elise Goldsberry
“On My Own”- Samantha Barks
“Whiskey Glasses”- Morgan Wallen
“Bad At Love”- Halsey
“Devil’s Backbone”- The Civil Wars
“I’m Not That Girl”- Idina Menzel
“Come Over”- Sam Hunt
“El Tango De Roxanne”- Aaron Tveit
“Battle Scars”- Lupe Fiasco ft. Guy Sebastian
“Closer”- The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey
“When I Was Your Man”- Bruno Mars
“Never Enough”- Loren Allred
“She Got The Best Of Me”- Luke Combs
“4 Minutes”- Avant
“Lie About Us”- Avant
“Yo Side Of The Bed”- Trey Songz
“i hate u, i love u”- gnash ft. Olivia O’Brien
“Thinking Of You”- Katy Perry
“Let Me Love You”- Mario
“Obsession”- Frankie J ft. Baby Bash
“How To Deal”- Frankie J
“Need You Now”- Lady Antebellum
“Next Contestant”- Nickleback
“The Way I Loved You”- Taylor Swift
“Ego”- Beyonce
Here is the list of characters that I will write for during this event:
Billy Russo
Logan Delos
Caspian X
Sirius Black
James Potter
OT3 (Sirius Black x reader x James Potter)
Jax Teller
Miguel Galino
Angel Reyes
Coco Cruz
Nick Amaro
Rio (Good Girls)
Details/rules/instructions for this event are in THIS POST
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reareaotaku · 4 months
Masterlist IV [Complete]
Masterlist V | Masterlist III | Masterlist II | Masterlist I Updated: Aug. 28, 2024 [9:39 PM CDT] * = Slight Nsfw/Nsfw Content
Beetlejuice & Lydia Deetz Headcanons
Lydia Deetz
Beetlejuice & Lydia Deetz Headcanons
Goofy Movie
Max Goof
She Said See You Later, Boy [Pt. II of He was a Skater Boy] Birthday Celebration Max Goof Headcanons Max NSFW Headcanons* Max Dating Headcanons
Bradley Uppercrust III
Bradley Headcanons Birthday Celebration Bradley NSFW Headcanons*
Peter Pete Junior "P.J."
Birthday Celebration
Bobby Zimmeruski 
Birthday Celebration Bobby Headcanons*
Birthday Celebration
Birthday Celebration
Teen Mutant Ninja Turtles
Michelangelo 'Mikey'
Mikey Headcanons
Sweet Pretty Thing
Stranger Things
Mike Wheeler
I Wanna Be More Than Friends
Tori Vega
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Andre Harris
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Cat Valentine
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Robbie Shapiro
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Beck Oliver
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Jade West
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Miles Morales
Miles Morales Headcanons Another World
Gwen Stacy
Yandere! Gwen Stacy Headcanons
My Babysitter's a Vampire
Ethan Morgan
[Yandere] Ethan Morgan Headcanons
Richie Tozier
First Kiss
Emperor's New Groove
Male! Yzma Headcanons
Miles Fairchild
Impress a Crush New Girl
Dork Diaries
Mackenzie Hollister
Mackenzie Hollister Headcanons
Malcom in the Middle
Reese Wilkerson
Reese Wilkerson Headcanons
The Middle
Axl Heck
Love Thy Sister's Friend Axl Heck Drabble
Kim Possible
Kim Possible
Being Friends w/ Kim Possible [& More]
The Goldfinch
Theo Decker
But I Love You
Boris Pavlikovsky
Yandere! Boris Pavlikovsky Headcanons
Diabolik Lovers
Kou Mukami
Yandere! Kou Mukami Headcanons
Azusa Mukami
Yandere! Azusa Mukami Headcanons
Carmen Sandiego
Graham Calloway
Yandere Crackle Headcanons
Inside Job
Brett Hand
[Toxic] Brett Hand Headcanons
Gravity Falls
Bill Cipher
Bill Cipher Headcanons Bill in Prison Equally Obsessed Reader Hate, Hate, Hate Yandere Bill Cipher Headcanons Yandere! Ford vs Yandere! Bill Jealous/Yandere Bill Headcanons
Reverse Pine Twins
Rev! Pine Twins vs Pine Twins Keep You Here [Pt II]
Pine Twins
Rev! Pine Twins vs Pine Twins Monster Fall AU Monster Falls [Pt II]
Dipper Pines
Aged Up! Dipper Pines Romantic Headcanons Reader who can Jump Dimensions
Stan Pines
Teen! Stan & Ford Pines Headcanons Monster Fall AU Lost in Town [Pt I] Stan Pines Headcanons Yandere! Stan Pines Headcanons
Ford Pines
Teen! Stan & Ford Pines Headcanons Monster Fall AU College Ford w/ Painter Reader Yandere! Ford Headcanons Yandere! Ford vs Yandere! Bill Stanford Gleeful Headcanons Enemies 2 Friends to Something More* Hot & Sweaty * [^PT II] Good Morning I Can't Have You*
Schroeder Headcanons
Phineas and Ferb
Jeremy Johnson
Jeremy Johnson Headcanaons
Ferb Fletcher
Ferb is quiet as a mouse
Fairly Oddparents
Periwinkle 'Peri' Fairywinkle-Cosma
Peri Headcanons Human Reader More Peri x Human Reader Headcanons Peri x Toothfairy!GN! Reader
Billy Loomis
Prank Call
Game Of Thrones
Daenerys Targeryan
A Knight
Bran Stark
Yandere! Bran Stark Headcanons
Jon Kent
Apple of My Eye
Damian Wayne
Apple of My Eye
Dick Grayson
Watcher or Stalker?
Tim Drake
Tim Drake Headcanons
The Umbrella Academy
Five Hargreeves
True Hate-filled Love
Mean Girl
Regina George
Regina George Headcanons
Own Characters
Rich Boy Lucas
Kidnapping Lucas
Yandere! Jinx Headcanons
Miguel Rivera
Miguel Headcanons
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Prince/Fire Lord Zuko
Yandere Zuko Headcanons
Katara Headcanons
Avatar Aang
Avatar Aang Headcanons
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breanime · 5 years
Breanime’s 2000 Followers Event!
WOW! I can’t believe I have 2000 people following me! I am SO grateful for each and every one of you, seriously. It’s unbelievable that there are people out there who enjoy my writing, I am seriously so happy that you all chose to follow me!
To show my appreciation, I’d like to do an event. I want to do songfics, but the last time I did them, it took me FOREVER because I kept getting requests for songs I’d never heard of before. And, as some of you well remember, Mama got hella burnt out as well (I am Mama). SO, I complied a list of over 60 songs that I know (and love) for you guys to choose from. 
(Info under the read more)
So here’s what we’re gonna do:
Choose a song FROM MY LIST (copying it below, and I’ll also make a separate post of just the songs) that you want me to use for your prompt- please include the TITLE of the song, not the number from the list
Send me an ASK with the title of the song, the character you want me to write, genre (fluff, smut, angst, or a combination of those three), as well as any other little details you’d like to see in the prompt
Maybe a nice little note for me or something, I feel like we don’t talk enough you guys! :)
To be clear, I categorized the songs based on its content as well as the general vibe that I get from it, but if you see a song that you want to use for a different genre (let’s say there’s a song in the angst category that you want to use for a fluffy piece), feel free to use it. You are, however, limited to the songs I have on the list, so please don’t send any other songs for this event that I haven’t listed. 
Here is the list of characters that I will write for during this event:
Billy Russo
Logan Delos
Caspian X
Sirius Black
James Potter
OT3 (Sirius Black x reader x James Potter)
Jax Teller
Miguel Galino
Angel Reyes
Coco Cruz
Nick Amaro
Rio (Good Girls)
Now here are the songs! Go crazy my sweet babies!
“Angel of Mine”- Monica
“The Bones”- Maren Morris
“Helpless”- Phillipa Soo
“The Only One For Me”- Brian McKnight
“Sinning With You”- Sam Hunt
“Cop Car”- Sam Hunt
“U Should’ve Known Better”- Monica
“Cuz I Love You”- Lizzo
“I Won’t Say I’m In Love”- Susan Egan
“Perfect”- Ed Sheeran ft. Beyonce
“Mine”- Naya Rivera cover (original by Taylor Swift)
“Break Up With Him”- Old Dominion
“Take It From Me”- Jordan Davis
“Still Into You”- Paramore
“Buttons”- Pussycat Dolls
“Just The Way You Are”- Bruno Mars
“U Got It Bad”- Usher
“My Boo”- Usher ft. Alicia Keys
“When You’re Mad”- Ne-Yo
“10, 000 Hours”- Dan and Shay
“Marry You”- Bruno Mars
“Shut Up and Dance”- Walk The Moon
“Bed”- J. Holiday
“Body Party”- Ciara
“Hotel Key”- Old Dominion
“Movement”- Hozier
“Si o No”- Anitta ft. Maluma
“Take Me To Church”- Hozier
“Want To Want Me”- Jason Derulo
“Or Nah”- The Weeknd, Wiz Khalifa and DJ Mustard
“Wicked Games”- The Weeknd
“Neighbors Know My Name”- Trey Songz
“Cater 2 U”- Destiny’s Child
“Dance For You”- Beyonce
“Promise”- Ciara
“Bad”- Walf ft. Tiara Thomas and Rihanna
“Naked”- Marques Houston
“The Hills”- The Weeknd
“Lovers and Friends”- Usher ft. Lil Jon and Ludacris
“Trading Places”- Usher
“Get U Wet”- Plies
“Makin Good Love”- Avant
“Motivation”- Kelly Rowland
“Bow Chicka Wow Wow”- Mike Posner
“Satisfied”- Renee Elise Goldsberry
“On My Own”- Samantha Barks
“Whiskey Glasses”- Morgan Wallen
“Bad At Love”- Halsey
“Devil’s Backbone”- The Civil Wars
“I’m Not That Girl”- Idina Menzel
“Come Over”- Sam Hunt
“El Tango De Roxanne”- Aaron Tveit
“Battle Scars”- Lupe Fiasco ft. Guy Sebastian
“Closer”- The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey
“When I Was Your Man”- Bruno Mars
“Never Enough”- Loren Allred
“She Got The Best Of Me”- Luke Combs
“4 Minutes”- Avant
“Lie About Us”- Avant
“Yo Side Of The Bed”- Trey Songz
“i hate u, i love u”- gnash ft. Olivia O’Brien
“Thinking Of You”- Katy Perry
“Let Me Love You”- Mario
“Obsession”- Frankie J ft. Baby Bash
“How To Deal”- Frankie J
“Need You Now”- Lady Antebellum
“Next Contestant”- Nickleback
“The Way I Loved You”- Taylor Swift
“Ego”- Beyonce
I am so excited to get this started! Thank you again for all the love!
(As of right now, my ask box is open for requests for this event! If you can, please limit yourself to three separate requests for now. If that changes, I’ll let you guys know!)
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