#mika the cat lady
hotvintagepoll · 4 months
I'm making a playlist of songs with titles that are/include names of the vintage hotties (e.g. Bette Davis Eyes), and I was hoping I could crowdsource suggestions I might have missed! Happy to link what I have so far, but I can't remember if tumblr asks block links these day.
This is an amazing idea! Please send me the playlist link. (Tumblr is weird about links but if you throw a couple spaces into the url Tumblr won't know it's a link and I'll be able to figure it out.)
Off the bat:
Dorothy Dandridge Eyes (Janelle Monae)
Grace Kelly (MIKA)
Bela Lugosi's Dead (Bauhaus)
Errol Flynn (Dogs D'Amour)
Ingrid Bergman (Billy Brag)
And if you expand past having hotties in the title to just old Hollywood mentions and references, you have:
Vogue (Madonna, name-drops several stars)
Puttin' on the Ritz (many versions, name-drops Gary Cooper)
Thriller (Michael Jackson, Vincent Price cameo)
Year of the Cat (Al Stevens, references Casablanca, Bogart and Lorre)
Bad Romance (Lady Gaga—I know I know but she mentions several Hitchcock movies on purpose)
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otomiyaa · 4 months
TGI Tournament
Cynonari | Chili | Wrioney | Kavetham
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A/N: HAPPY BDAY FABIIII @lovelynim !!! Busy day so a little late, but it's still your birthday hoho. I combined some of your fav pairings into this random fic, hope you enjooooy :3
Summary: Aether launches his first own international Genius Invokation TCG tournament and is surprised when things get a different turn than expected. (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 2.9K
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Genius Invokation TCG wasn't just a game. The more time Aether spent traveling around Teyvat, the more he discovered about it. He had come to the realization that this special card game was actually what connected all nations to each other the most.
Not visions, archons, beliefs, cultures or customs: it was one single card game they all had in common. The rules were the same across all of Teyvat.
Sure one person owned better cards than the other and some players were more invested, skilful and passionate, but in the end, the game was also all about chance.
With this game, a young boy like Timmie could beat the mightiest archon if the odds were in his favor. An everyday farmer could beat the smartest Akademiya scholar if he believed in himself. A beginner, like Aether himself not long ago, could beat someone as obsessed and skilled as Cyno.
He smiled proudly. Aether admired all that, and so thanks to his growing love for the game, the day had officially come: the first 'Traveler's Genius Invokation TCG Tournament', hosted by him, with assistance of Paimon, Diona and Amber, right here in Mondstadt at the Cat's Tail!
They equipped the place with smaller tables to fit in more, and decorated it with flags and decorations from all nations. Because, it wasn't just a Mondstadt event. It was international!
Aether had used his own network to invite various friends, not only from Mondstadt but also from other nations, to play in this international tournament. And he felt so gleeful to have gathered such a nice group of people who valued their friendship and also loved playing the game!
"I can't believe so many came from all over the world!" Paimon squeaked, watching how crowded the Cat's Tail was. Aether was truly surprised too. When he sent the invitation, he didn't expect them to travel all the way to Mondstadt.
"Mondstadt economy is booming thanks to us. Next time we should ask them to pay ー" Aether's reaction to Paimon's sassy comment was blowing into her face, and she whined in response.
"Welcome, everyone! To the first edition of the Traveler's Genius Invokation TCG Tournament, in short, TGI Tournament, " he called out to the crowd. Sadly not everyone could come, but there sure were some surprising faces!
Most surprising were Wriothesley and Alhaitham. How were they able to drop their busy work to come all this way? Glancing at Lyney and Kaveh next to them, grinning triumphantly, he vaguely got a clue...
"We made a tournament chart, you can view it on the board. We will start the first round shortly!" Paimon announced next. The crowd gathered around the board, and excited and also enthusiastic yells could be heard.
And so, after a few more minutes of excited discussions and preparations, the tournament started, with quite the interesting first round, which resulted in even more interesting winners, and various words were exchanged.
Cyno VS Kaeya
Albedo VS Tighnari
Rosaria VS Kazuha
Childe VS Diluc
Fischl VS Lyney
Sucrose VS Bennett
Venti VS Wriothesley
Eula VS Mika
Mona VS Kaveh
Xiao VS Noelle
Zhongli VS Lisa
Alhaitham VS Jean
"Bennett? You won? You're not that unlucky after all!"
"S-S-Sucrose just w-went too easy on me...!"
"What's this, what's this? You lost, Diluc?"
"Shut up, Kaeya. You lost too."
"Eula, did you let Mika win on purpose?"
"I did no such thing."
"Hey.. Is it me or did Mondstadt get owned pretty hard?"
"Maybe a little."
"Guys, do you know why no ladies are left in the next round? Because after all, it's a tourna-MEN-t."
Aether chuckled to see all the reactions to the first tournament round, and he walked over to Amber and Diona who were busy working on the chart and scores.
"So I guess it's time for round two soon, then?" Aether said, and he glanced at the new pairs.
"Oh. This is interesting," Aether said, seeing the pairs they made especially since Amber and Diona didn't know everyone that well which actually contributed to the fairness. It needed to be completely random.
Diona nodded and misunderstood what Aether meant with interesting: "Ah yes I know. It's bad for Mondstadt we put the only two left on one table. But you see, Bennett said that-"
Amber interrupted Diona and quickly waved her hands. "I-it's just better this way!"
Aether grinned and nodded. Either one of the two, probably Bennett, was too shy to play against people they weren't too familiar with, or they just wanted to play together. Which was fine of course.
Either way, the next line-up was mostly interesting because for some magical reason they happened to put at least 4 couples together, and not many people knew about their relationship, let alone Amber and Diona!
"That must be a coincidence," Paimon whispered the obvious as she looked over Aether's shoulder, and he nodded.
So, round two:
Cyno VS Tighnari
Kazuha VS Xiao
Childe VS Zhongli
Wriothesley VS Lyney
Bennett VS Mika
Alhaitham VS Kaveh
Amused, he watched how the pairs sat at a table together. Bennett and Mika started playing their game quite cheerfully. Kazuha and Xiao were the ultimate combination for a quiet, calculated and intelligent game of cards without many works spoken.
But those other pairs....
"If I win this, you'll have to listen to at least ten of my jokes without running," Cyno said as he rolled the dice.
"You're going to claim such a big prize after just the second round?" was Tighnari's sassy response.
"Finally. I thought you were never going to play against me again after that last massacre~" Childe sang.
Zhongli did not seem amused. "Stop talking. It's your turn."
"Look at us, traveling all this way for me to beat your ass like I can do at home."
"Don't be so confident, jail guy. I have polished my skills since our last game."
Aether gulped to hear this remark from Wriothesley towards Lyney, but then giggled to hear Lyney's new nickname for the confident Duke.
Alhaitham and Kaveh were having a hilarious staring contest, barely looking away from each other as they played card after card.
"I win. I win again. Oh, I win." Alhaitham was clearly winning and liked to rub it in with live commentary.
"If you say it once again I will kick your ass," Kaveh grunted.
"Are those guys close?" Diona asked as she noticed the interesting dynamics, and she cocked her head.
"They... They are all from the same nations," Aether explained with a stiff smile.
"Eep! Did we mess up?" Amber squeaked.
"No that's fine. I like it this way," Aether said, smirking to see more funny situations unfold.
He was just gazing at the quiet game between Kazuha and Xiao when a funny noise could be heard from another table.
"Childe, stop."
Aether stared. What was... "Hmm, why?" Childe said, followed by the same funny sound.
"Dohohon't!" Seeing Childe reach under the table, there was no doubt he was tickling Zhongli's leg.
"Do nohohot distrahahact mehehe!"
"So you admit. This is distracting you."
Aether smirked. How childish. "Chihilde!"
Not many people present seemed to know how rare it was to hear Zhongli's laughter, and as it was getting louder, he could see Venti walk over there. He had been spectating the game between Kazuha and Xiao, but now joined in with teasing Zhongli.
"What's going on here?" he chirped.
"Hehe's c-cheheating!"
"How's this cheating, then? Old man?" Zhongli's laughter increased when Venti tickled his sides, and the concentration and focus that had been very strong in the first round, now crumbled.
"I'll tell them to stop," Diona said, walking over there, but the moment she was gone, Aether heard another laugh. He turned his head and saw the one laughing was... Cyno!
"Huh?" Paimon had been too busy serving drinks to the participants who lost the first round, so she hadn't noticed the funny mess at Zhongli's table. However she came to look the moment Cyno could be heard barking near them.
"Nahaahahari! Don't dohoho thahat! Thihihighn-aahaha!"
"That's right. I'm tickling your thigh."
"Nohohot fuhuhunny!"
"You dare tell me my joke isn't funny?"
Whatever the reason, Tighnari must've been inspired by the tickly mess at the other table. Right at that moment, Aether heard a loud noise. Lyney just banged his head against the table from underneath. Huh?
"WRIAh- nohoho! Don't you dahahare- why ahahare you- gahhh!"
"For a magician, that was petty and embarrassing. You dropped the dice on purpose when they didn't give you the result you wanted. You know I won't let you get away with cheats, kitten."
Aether blushed when he overheard the exchange. These two weren't subtle at all. He watched how Wriothesley tickled Lyney who had crawled under the table to pick up the dice, but Wriothesley was tickling his sides and ribs relentlessly, trapping him under the table and punishing him for his apparent attempt to cheat.
"Why did it turn out like this?" Amber sighed when Diona returned to their side as well.
"They're not stopping," she complained, hehe, poor girl. Only Aether seemed to be amused by the little chaos. Childe had even jumped up and teased and tickled Zhongli with the help of Venti.
Aether noticed Bennett and Mika had stopped playing for a moment and watched the tickly chaos with smiles on their faces.
Kazuha and Xiao were still playing as if nothing was happening.
Ah, he then remembered he hadn't checked on Kaveh and Alhaitham who were tucked away with their table in the corner, surrounded by various Mondstadt people who were watching their game. He could hardly see them, but sounded like they didn't let the others bother them.
A loud cry made him look away from the busy table again to see Wriothesley throw his head back as he laughed loudly.
"Ahahalright! Alrihihight alreheheady! L-lehehet's continuehehe!" he laughed, and Lyney was still under the table but there was no doubt he was tickling Wriothesley's knees and thighs from under there.
"You started it, Wrio. Besides, I wouldn't have dropped the dice if you weren't distracting me on purpose. And then you accuse me of cheating?"
Aether had no idea who was in the right, but he decided to not interrupt them and walked around, ending up at Zhongli's table.
He tapped Venti's shoulder who was still tickling him together with Childe. "Let's not disturb their game," he said. Venti whined.
"Why? We're having fun."
"At least keep it in between them," Aether disagreed, dragging Venti away, but it didn't stop Childe from simply abandoning his own seat and wriggling himself onto Zhongli's lap, just to tickle him uncontrollably. There was no game to speak of anymore, except a tickle game.
Looked like their duel of Genius Invokation TCG was already abandoned.
"Disqualified," Diona said as she stood next to them, but the Harbinger merely responded with a cheerful peace sign.
"Did you hear that Zhongli? We're disqualified."
"Stohohop thihihis instahahant!" Poor Zhongli. Luckily he didn't need to be too embarrassed since by now, the duos not having a silly tickle fight at their table were in the minority.
Wriothesley and Lyney were next, but there wasn't much left of their game anyway. Besides the dice, also some cards had fallen off due to the struggle under the table.
"I think they are still trying to play," Amber said, pointing at Cyno and Tighnari. Despite getting tickled, Cyno was playing card after card, and Tighnari was laughing too, so it looked like they were having a tickle fight under the table while playing the game.
"Stop that, or, disqualified," Diona told them. It seemed to work at first, but the moment she left, Aether could see they started again. Hehe, how cute and silly.
At this point everyone was just laughing and messing around. "There goes our tournament!" Amber whined.
"You'll pay for that!" Cyno and Tighnari had now left their table as Cyno chased Tighnari to the other side of the room. Aether saw that their game was totally messed up, cards and dice scattered over the table and floor.
"Disqualified after all," Diona muttered next to him, shaking her head in disappointment. Tighnari fled into the crowd around Alhaitham and Kaveh's table, trying to hide behind the usually cool and aloof Alhaitham, but it didn't stop Cyno from chasing after him, hands formed into claws.
"Guhuhuys hehehelp!"
"I'll get you for ruining our game!" Everyone backed away and squealed and cheered in surprise when Tighnari was thrown over Kaveh and Alhaitham's table, sending cards falling and flying, and Aether covered his own face in defeat.
"Game over," he said, trying to hide his smile while Diona fumed angrily.
"Such bad manners!" she cried. Tighnari was laughing and flailing as he was tickled by Cyno, and Kaveh and Alhaitham merely got up and went to get a drink, giving up without a complaint.
"You must be glad about this. I was winning," Kaveh said proudly. Alhaitham rolled his eyes.
"How can you say that when I was about to obliterate your final card?"
"I had a strategy."
"A strategy for loss, indeed."
Aether finally stood on top of a table in the middle and clapped. "Alright you guys! That's enough!" His voice wasn't loud enough to interrupt the tickle chaos, so Paimon took her megaphone and yelled instead.
"STOOOOOOOP!" All laughter stopped abruptly. Diona also climbed on the table and crossed her arms.
"Is there anyone who is still playing?!" she yelled. Bennett shyly raised a single finger.
"I won..." he said shyly. Mika scratched the back of his head and shrugged.
"Bennett is really lucky today," he said.
"Anyone else?" Amber asked kindly, looking around. Kazuha also raised his hand.
"I won," he announced sweetly. Woah. Aether saw the indifferent look on Xiao's face and giggled. He felt sorry for him. Xiao was the only one who didn't get a proper invitation, but he simply summoned him by calling his name and dragged him into this.
"Sorry," he mouthed in his direction, to apologize for the chaos, and he was pleased to see a gentle nod in response. Xiao didn't seem to blame him for losing control over the tournament.
"Good! Well then," Paimon said, and she pointed towards the board where Diona made the final adjustments. Exactly two people were left for the finale which ended up taking place sooner than planned.
Cyno VS Tighnari
Kazuha VS Xiao
Childe VS Zhongli
Wriothesley VS Lyney
Bennett VS Mika
Alhaitham VS Kaveh
While the final table was prepared for Kazuha and Bennett's duel, Paimon passed by the other duos to scold them.
"I can't believe all of you just turned it into a tickle fight! YOU started it!" she yelled at Childe, poking his chest and making him giggle.
"Sorry not sorry. Maybe next time we can have a tickle tournament instead," he said, probing Zhongli's side playfully.
"Don't give the Traveler ideas," Paimon sighed. Aether was already smirking. Don't, indeed. The idea of a tickle tournament sounded quite interesting.
"Well then! Last round!" Diona and Amber looked exhausted as the final round finally started. This time everyone was gathered around Bennett and Kazuha's table, with some people getting drinks and giggling at the funny turn of events.
Walking around the room to check on everyone and clean up some of the mess, Aether then saw an interesting display, and shuffled closer to watch and listen.
"D-dohohon't! You bohohoth ahaahare-eepp!" To his surprise, Kaveh had cornered Alhaitham in an abandoned spot behind the crowd and was tickling him now.
Alhaitham was also a rare one to witness laughing, so Aether couldn't help but chuckle at the remarkable sight.
"Y-you g-gaahha q-quihihit ihihit! Y-you're suhuhuch a sohohore loseheher!" Despite laughing, Alhaitham didn't seem amused, but Kaveh wouldn't let him go.
"Sore loser, me? I wasn't losing though." Kaveh looked smug, and Alhaitham appeared very flustered to get tickled in public like this. Not that anyone except Aether was noticing them now. And- woah.
He gulped to see Alhaitham lose his cool. He managed to break free from Kaveh's grasp, grabbed his collar and dragged him outside. Oh. Aether had a feeling that they were returning to their hotel room and that Kaveh was going to get a taste of Alhaitham's revenge in private.
"What are you spacing out for? The finale is almost ending! Come, quick!" Paimon suddenly squeaked, making him jump. Aether quickly returned to the table, making his way through the crowd, and was just in time to witness a unique sight.
Bennett won.
"Congratulations," Kazuha said, shaking his hand formally. Before Aether could say anything, Kaeya already dashed forward and lifted Bennett up.
"We have a winner! Woohoo!" Amber and Diona cheered as everyone applauded. Who would have thought. Bennett, the unlucky guy, but lucky today.
Aether nodded proudly and stepped forward. "Bennett! This is for you." He handed him the trophy he had crafted specially for this event, and Bennett took it with sparkling eyes.
Seeing him so happy, Aether thought that the fact that many other pairs ended up getting disqualified, shortening the tournament enormously, might have contributed to Bennett's luck. He absolutely deserved the win.
Seeing the smiles on Diona and Amber's faces, and the proud Mondstadt people, Aether was glad they also weren't too upset that their tournament turned into a little chaos.
"Let's do this again next year!"
Aether nodded proudly. "We will," he said, although he had to admit the thought of a Tickle Tournament was now paving its way into his mind first. He wondered if he could get anyone to participate...
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sunshinemoonrx · 5 days
top 5 toku yuri?
I had to search my soul for this one I hope you know. You can tell my 80s sci-fi bias because Luka/Ahim didn't even make it and they're cutest married forever. Answers under the cut!
5. Annie/High Priestess Poe [/the Gals]
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Okay I'm aware Annie and Poe's thing kind of only exists for one episode but it drives me CRAZYYYYY thinking about it. Not only is there a transgender sorceress but she's got a yuri moment with the heroine AND the show implicitly clarified this isn't just because she's "actually a man" (a stance this 40 year old show shockingly never takes!) by also having one of the other lady villains form her own fixation on her later and invite her to a murder-date...all these hot dangerous women obsessed with her...passing her around[delusional
Idk there's just something about Annie. She's the perfect adventurous potential damsel in distress (sapphic). Every time the Gals all grab her at once my brain lights the fuck up. Sorry girl my problematic trait is I'm rooting for you to get captured every episode.
4. Rei (DynaPink)/Princess Chimera
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What if we were GIRLS and we were RIVALS and we were obsessed with tracking each other down for various kinds of 1 on 1 duel and wearing each others' clothes and stripping each other and
3. Ruriko/Hiromi (Hachi-Aug)
I've rambled about how UNBELIEVABLY hot Shin!Ruriko is to me (demanding cold-affect cyborg in shiny leather? For me?) but she also has a samurai dominatrix evil ex-girlfriend who's got a light-up multilayered monster suit and an obsession with breaking her down to make her cry? For MEEEEEE???
2. Bioman (collectively)
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I'm back in my delusion mode but this is the most wlw sentai, to me. Jun is girlfriends with Hikaru who was girlfriends with Mika (I have a whole essay on the contrast between these two relationships!) who was Rivals with Farah Cat who is Farah's S&M pet and- (I'm right is the thing) Somersaults are an expression of love. To me
1. Helen/Diana
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GREATEST OF ALL TIME!!! Star-crossed lovers ... Diana's growing obsession as she gradually shifts from "I have to help my bestie reunite with his sister" to "wait his sister is kinda hot" to "IF I DON'T GET TO SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE WITH HELEN I AM GOING TO EXPLODE". (when she's not getting distracted by other ladies my best girl is just chaotic OK) Fleeting meetings. Unwilling fights. Huge emotionally explosive reunion. Then they're bike sharing and clinging to each other and fighting for their future together and--so this might be my favourite TV show in the world.
Gifset I made:
Anyway honourable mention to the time in the Ex-Aid movies when a hot lady doctor put a collar on Poppy and made her be her maid and her imaginary bride and tied her to a chair and force-fed her cherries because I am ALWAYS thinking about it
...okay so it turns out what I focus on is half the time weird possessive power play over heartwarming love stories. Tee hee!
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new-tella-us · 3 months
Slightly NSFW Matthew Question
Children, go away.
You guys think the reason Matthew is aware that he likes cat play is because he saw Mika/Noryn in a cat outfit once and he never fully recovered?
Which that would be made much easier in my AU timeline where Mika works at the Pink Lady Cafe so she would absolutely participate in the cat cafe event.
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Also, potential list of the yandere characters under the read more!
1. Cutthroat from Akudama Drive
2. Belphegor (Obey Me)
3. Griffith (Berserk)
4. Mimimi, Hypnosis Mic
5. Zenos yae Galvus from Final Fantasy 14
6. Shion Sonozaki from Higurashi
7. Yandere-Chan from Carflo + co's Yandere High School Minecraft Roleplay series
8. Luo Binghe, Scum Villain’s Self Saving System
9. Monica Campanella, Baccano!
10. Creed, Black Cat
11. Seiko, Blood on the Tracks
12. Makima, Chainsaw Man
13. Mao, Code Geass
14. Mariko Shinobu, Dear Brother
15. Mika Harima, Durarara
16. Akito Sohma, Fruits Baskrt
17. Shigure Sohma, Fruits Basket
18. Yuno Gasai, Future Diary
19. Satou, Happy Sugar Life
20. Yukako Yamagishi, JJBA Diamond is Unbreakable
21. Himiko Toga, My Hero Academia
22. Haru, My Little Monster
23. Oz, Pandora Hearts
24. Kuroi, Thou Shalt Not Die
25. Seishirou, Tokyo Babylon
26. Kish, Tokyo Mew Mew
27. Asami, Audition
28. Lucille Sharpe, Crimson Peak
29. Alex Forrest, Fatal Attraction
30. Jareth, Labyrinth
31. Annie Wilkes, Misery
32. Evelyn Draper, Play Misty for Me
33. Charlie Stoker, Stoker
34. Nellie Lovett, Sweeney Todd
35. Victor Frankenstein, The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein
36. Frollo, Hunchback of Notre Dame
37. Erik, Phantom of the Opera
38. Fu Shenxing, Who is the Prey
39. Heathcliff, Wuthering Heights
40. Joe Goldberg, You
41. Missy, Doctor Who
42. Lestat, Interview with the Vampire
43. Kilgrave, Jessica Jones
44. Masato Kisaka, Kamen Rider 555
45. Siyun Baek, Dreaming Freedom
46. Tomoya/Sam, He’s Harmless I swear
47. Morae Baek, I don’t want this kind of hero
48. Lady, I don’t want this kind of hero
49. Yuta, Kubera
50. Thaddeus, Madame Outlaw
51. Yunsu, Trapped
52. JD, Heathers
53. Erik, Yeston and Kopit Phantom
54. Der Tod, Elisabeth
55. Callisto, Villains Are Destined to Die
56. Hannibal, Hannibal
57. Reinhart, I failed to oust the villain
58. Yul, Secret Alliance
59. Hananoi, A Condition Called Love
60. Naoka Ueno, A Silent Voice
61. Sumireko Hanabusa, Akuma no Riddle
62. Esdeath, Akame ga Kill
63. Dracula, Bram Stoker’s Dracula
64. Mashiro Mai, Dead Tube
65. Monika, Doki Doki Literature Club
66. Lucy, Elfen Lied
67. Juvia, Fairy Tail
68. Mimi. flip flappers
69. Akise Aru, Future Diary
70. Elena Aoki, Gleipnir
71. Hades, Hadestown
72. shuu iwamine, Hatoful Boyfriend
73. Luka, Alien Stage
74. LT. Oscar, Lupin the III, The Woman Called Fujiko Mine
75. Sumin Jeong, Marry My Husband
76. Reiko Ichijou, Migi and Dali
77. Diane Selwyn, Mulholland Drive
78. Harry MacDougall, Outlaw Star
79. Root, Person of Interest
80. Jackson Rippner, Red Eye
81. Kozue Kaoru, Revolutionary Girl Utena
82. Seyoung Jin, Surviving Romance
83. Sudou Kayo, Tailer of Enbizaka
84. Hayase, To Your Eternity
85. Tooru Mutsuki, Tokyo Ghoul RE
86. Kichimura Washuu, Tokyo Ghoul RE
87. The Creature, Lisa Frankenstein
88. Pig, Disco Pigs
89. Shinpei, Firefly Wedding
90. Aiko, Goodnight Punpun
91. Sal, Wadanonara
92. Jung, Cheese in the Trap
93. Khalid, From a knight to a lady
94. Margot, Gremoryland
95. Bibi, I love Amy
96. Kairos, I Shall Kill that Sweet Devil
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Tag game by @genxrocker ! Pick a song for each letter of your URL, and then tag that many people!
"Thank you" for tagging me @official-lauchzwiebel 😩🫗
B - Ballade Pour Adeline - Richard Clayderman
R - Relax, Take It Easy - Mika
A - An Ever-Growing Wonder - We Came As Romans
N - Não Se Controla - Danilo Timm
D - Die Besten Dinge - Juli
Y - Your Sympathy - Mika
B - Black Cat Swing - DELUXE×DELUXE
R - Ring Ring - Mika
A - Applause - Lady Gaga (Just Dance 2014 I love you!<3)
D - Dynamite - Taio Cruz (Just Dance 3 I love you even more!!! 😭💞)
Y - You Know What They Do to Guys Like Us in Prison - My Chemical Romance
R - Rock Lobster - The B-52's (Just Dance 4 ❤️‍🔥)
A - Anata ni Kubittake - DELUXE×DELUXE
N - No Tengo Amigos - Genitallica
D - Don't You Dare Forget the Sun - Get Scared
Y - Yellow Sneakers - Sonic and the Secret Rings
A - Around The World (La La La La La) - A Touch of Class
N - Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley
D - Die Jungs WG Rap mit Lyrics [2011]
Y - Yi Jian Mei - Fei Yu-Ching
N - Nice To Neet You ! - AOP
D - Durch den Monsun - Tokio Hotel
Y - You Are The Music in Me (Sharpay Version) - High School Musical 2
Jesus Christ.
Tagging the usuals: @jofngve @berg-gry @9puppiesdrowninginapool @frogtossing @thia-chattering @sauerland-2001 @midnightxxcrisis @bertie-w-wooster
And as always, everybody else who follows me and wants to do this! <3
Please tag me if you do it, I want to see 👀
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shytastemakerthing · 2 months
Hello! May I have a matchup for Enstars/Twst/FNAF/Poppy Playtime please? (One of the four, of your choice because I can't decide 😅) I'd like it to be romantic.
I'm an INTJ and I kin Shu+Kanata
I really like mint-flavored things and have a high spice tolerance.
I really like Lolita style and dollcore. I sew but I keep losing motivation to finish my projects 😔
I also draw, but only bjds. I am crap at drawing anything else.
I listen to Vocaloid (mostly Kikuo), Vivaldi, and Enstars songs most often.
I find it hard to communicate with people so I make squeaking/chirping noises instead, which have been described by my mother as catlike.
I daydream a lot and I'm not too good at listening to people talk since I zone out a lot.
I can speak English, Mandarin, and Cantonese fluently. I can also read Japanese, but not speak or write it. I translate Enstars stories and fanfics for a friend sometimes.
I like singing and used to play piano and violin. Most of my time is spent on playing video games and reading fanfiction.
I don't understand internet vocabulary very well and get confused when people reference memes. I've been told that my writing style makes me seem like an old lady.
Also I live with four cats: Tohru, who belongs to my brother, Fräulein, Boo, and Billie. I am kind of a cat magnet? Fräulein and Boo do not cuddle up to anyone but me. In fact, Fräulein runs when people other than me go near her.
Regardless of whether you take this request or not, thank you for reading this, Shy. Have a wonderful day.
A/N: Hello and thank you so much for your request and for your patience as well, it has been very much appreciated! I chose to do an Enstars match-up for this request so I hope that you like it! Have a wonderful day/night!
Request: Romantic Match-up, Enstars chosen
I match you with.........
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Shu Itsuki
As someone whose favorite characters happen to be both Shu and Kanata, this was very hard for me to choose between the both of them, but Shu ended up being our winner!
(Also, can we take a moment to appreciate just how beautiful Shu looks in the Acanthe outfit??? Like, darling please)
First things first, be prepared to be a model for anything that he happens to be making at the time, everything about you is just perfect for it
Especially after seeing your usual type of style
.....it is only merely coincidence that some of the clothes he is now making are more catered to your style
.....Yes.... coincidence indeed
Listen, you just look so wonderful in them and seeing each creation adorning your figure only adds to the drive to make even more of them
Meaning he will also help in any way to get your creative drive going once again should you find yourself in a slump
How about a nice trip to Paris?
You are sure to find wonderful inspiration there, he certainly has
Will absolutely spoil you
Look, he never thought that he would have a partner one day. Between his work and duties with his unit, it never really crossed his mind
He might be a little overwhelming at first but he's learning, just help him out a little here and he'll have it down pretty quick
He could (and has) listen to your voice for hours on end
It is just so soothing to him, especially after a rather long day
Sing him a lullaby and he'll fall right asleep, man works himself way too hard
Perhaps you'd like to appear in Valkyrie from time to time?
Mika will 100% come to you when Shu is too into his work and hasn't eaten or taken a break
You're the only one he listens to with that
Just show up at the doorway and he already knows
Time to tuck the overworked and exhausted boy into bed.... chances are you're there too, he clings in his sleep (as much as he refuses to admit to it)
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Thank you so much for your request!
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koholint · 3 months
today's playlist:
Yasuyuki Okamura - Dog Days
Chisa Yokoyama - Natsu ga Kita! Natsu ga Kita!
Kazusa Murai - Steppin' to Love
Akihisa Matsuura - The Wreck of the Lady Binsense
Masayoshi Takanaka - Dancing to Cat Guitar
Izumi Kobayashi - Feeling Free
Umi no Sachi - Chibarayaasai
Mika Uchizato - Hounen Ondo
Kabushikikaisya Okinawa Entertainment Group (?) - Haisai Ojisan
Qujila "Dragon" Orchestra - Coconut
Haruko Momoi - Oyo・ge・na・i -Body Beat Board Version-
Dialogue+ - Meccha Only You
Yosui Inoue - Feminist
Eiichi Ohtaki - Manatsu no Hiru no Yume
Pardon Kimura - Zen
thanks for listening!
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esidolmail · 11 months
Love your songs
Combat Insecurity
Adore your songs
Knights Appreciation
I love you
Good mental breakdown songs(?)
In the classic tale...
Cherry Blossom Season
Tsukasa Suou
Blessing pulls?
All my love
Feature Scout Outfits
Riddle Rosehearts
Waiting for your climax event
Favorite types of sweets
Learning Utensils
Your Center
Strawberry Skittles (Hair)
Caught eating cake
Duel against Hiiro Amagi?
Leo Tsukinaga
Drawing a Knights member
Comforting Words
Lots of love
Beautiful Songwriting
You've helped me
History Project
Big Fan
Taylor Swift
Writing together?
Birthday 2024 - 1
Izumi Sena
The knights of hope who chases dream - Izumi's Masterlist
Ritsu Sakuma
Halloween Dress Up
I love you
Cutest idol ever
All I want for christmas is...
What would your job be if not idol?
Depression relapsing
Snack with your tea?
Letter for Niki, Mika, & Ritsu
Do you like children + Marriage
Why won't you come home?
Do you think I can have 10 girlfriends
Canker sore & Flu Shot (Also hair)
Roommates (w/ Mika)
Small gifts
Valentines 2024 - 1 2
Trouble Sleeping
Pillow Problem
Piano Tips
Why are you so cute
Roadtrip Things
Ruffle Hair
Blood Drinking
Pranking the older brothers
Month before school ends
Arashi Narukami
My Queen
Arashi's Singing Voice
Love at first sight
Ideal type
Thank you letters - 1 2 3
Mini shrines
Self Love
"You are so lady"
Showing who you are
How are you so pretty all the time
I love you so much
I love you so much 2.0
Cats and Bruises
Happy (Belated) Birthday Maxx
Getting along with Nyanko
Favorite Animal
Birthday Response (Maxx)
Ryusei Pink
Caught a Cold
Favorite type of Clothing/Jewelry
My pookie wookie
Dance of the Jabberwocky performance
About my Day
Anniversary & Cheers
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Main Masterlist
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boseobrien · 1 year
Ceila and Mika are both confirmed cat ladies 🤭
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illcitaffrs · 1 year
bose and mika have a cat, her name's lady marie, just like in aristocats
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littlefankingdom · 2 years
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Finished Leo's playlist, which means I'm doing the whole squad now. The one for Donnie is also close to finish
Again, YouTube is better because I used covers and one song ins't on Spotify: Youtube | Spotify
Applause | Lady Gaga
The Bitch Is Back | Elton John (remastered)
Bohemian Rhapsody | Queen
Boss Bitch | Doja Cat
Confident | Halocene (cover)
Everybody Loves Me | OneRepublic
Glory | The Score
Grace Kelly | MIKA
How Far We've Come | Matchbox Twenty
I'm Picky | Shaka Ponk
Me Too | Meghan Trainor
A Perfect World | Tom Jones
Poker Face | Lady Gaga (remix)
SAD | Young Rising Sons
Space Oddity | David Bowie
Sweet Dreams | Sebastian Böhm (cover)
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baked-alaska-bigs · 11 months
For REAL this time... Full list of available models for requests/commissions below the cut:
Baldur's Gate III Astarion Lae'zel Karlach Shadowheart
Cyberpunk 2077 Judy Panam Meredith Rogue Takemura V (Female)
“Souls” Series Lady Maria Emerald Herald Crossbreed Priscilla Sister Friede Blaidd the Half-Wolf Malenia, Blade of Miquella Ranni the Witch Maliketh, the Black Blade
DC Comics Harley Quinn Poison Ivy Wonder Woman Batgirl Catwoman Batwoman
Destiny Saint-14 Mara Sov Petra Venj Eris Morn Exo Stranger Ana Bray
Disney/Pixar Mother Gothel Mrs. Incredible Cass Hamada
Final Fantasy Cloud Aerith Tifa
HALO Cortana Sarah Palmer Female Sangheili
Life is Strange Max Caufield Chloe Price Joyce Price Kate Marsh
League of Legends Vi Jinx Caitlyn
Marvel Rogue Emma Frost Laura Kinney (X-23) Psylocke Black Widow Spider-Man Black Cat Silver Sable Yuriko Watanabe Rio Morales
Mass Effect Fem!Shepard Aria T’Loak Matriarch Benezia EDI Jack Liara T’soni Miranda Lawson Samara Tali’Zorah
Misc. Aloy (HZD) Mettaton EX (UT) Female Pinhead Cenobite (Hellraizer) Emily Kaldwin (Dishonored 2) Lilith (Diablo IV) Desdemona (Fortnite) Helen Park 80’s Outfit (CoD) Female Yautja (Predator)
Mortal Kombat Mileena Sheeva Kitana Cassie Cage Sonya Blade Sindel
NieR Automata 2B 9S A2 Commander White
Overwatch Brigitte Mercy Tracer Widowmaker Sombra Junker Queen
Resident Evil Ada Wong Annette Birkin Mr. X Nemesis Jill Valentine Mia Winters Lady Dimetrescu
Star Wars Trilla Suduri Shaak Ti Ahsoka Tano (Rebels) Hera Syndulla Stormtrooper
Street Fighter Seth (SFV) Chun Li Poison R. Mika Juri Han
Legend of Zelda Link (Gerudo Outfit) Zelda (BotW) Urbosa Purah (TotK) Sonia (TotK)
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Shu feeding a stray kitty in France because it reminds him of Mika and he accidentally gets way more attached than initially intended because the cat just follows him around like a little duck so now he has a cat that lives in his Appartment and he pretends to be annoyed by it but in fact he's become a cat lady is this anything?
It's everything. To me.
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cyrah-is-cool101 · 2 years
Punch Out AU: Archie Comics AU
I love the Archie Comics and here's an AU based on it. What if Punch Out characters were living together in the little town known as Riverdale?
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Little Mac: After moving to Riverdale with his adoptive family, Macintosh Sanders or Mac for short, made new friends with Archie and the Gang, he's also friends with others who also move to Riverdale as well, including Mika, Birdie and so many others. Mac is both smart and athletic, even though people would often made fun of his short structure but he has a good heart and a great heart.
Star Mika: Mac's childhood friend from middle school who just moved to Riverdale after her dad got a new job as police commissioner. Mikaela Florence Tiongson is very sweet, kind and always lend a helping hand, a straight A student and student council president. She's a multipotentialite, meaning that she on many different interests and hobbies and she's also an otaku by heart who has a love for cosplaying. Mika also has a crush on Joe, the French teacher but she somehow got into a love triangle with Aran and Don, making her somewhat the alternate opposite to Archie. And if anyone can rival Betty's baking, then Mika is that person.
Doc Louis: Louis James Sanders, better known as heavy weight boxer Doc Louis, is Mac's adoptive father and is good friends with Coach Clayton. He owns a small gym in Riverdale and has a love for chocolate.
Glass Joe: Joseph Le Verre or Joe for short, is a French teacher in Riverdale High who teaches, well French of course. He's often called 'Glass Joe' due to getting his jaw broken every time he tries to do sports, Joe also knows that Mika has a crush on him so he started developing feelings towards her even though their ages are different.
Von Kaiser: Viktor Von Kaiser is a strict boxing instructor who works in Doc's gym and he teaches boxing to young children. Even though he's strict, he's a bit of a scaredy cat and often say 'Mami (Mommy)' whenever he's scared or often gets startled.
Disco Kid: Dean Martin Sanders is Mac's adoptive brother who is a year older than him although he goes to the same school as he's brother. Dean is a lover for disco dancing and has a bit of an 80's aesthetic which he often has given the nickname of 'Disco Kid' due to his talent for dancing. He's also Chuck's wingman when it comes to finding ideas for Chuck's dates with Nancy.
King Hippo: Maui Māhoe is a mute Hawaiian who comes from the mysterious place known as Hippo Island and is the heir to the throne but he decided to have a normal life with his adoptive Hawaiian family in Riverdale. He was given the nickname 'King Hippo', due to him grunting and eating a lot, sort of Jughead's opposite counterpart. Piston Hondo: From Tokyo, Japan, Takeo Hondo is the son of the CEO of a car company and if anyone can rival Betty's knowledge of auto mechanics, then it's Hondo who's the one. He was given the nickname 'Piston Hondo', due to his skills in auto mechanics and he's also the guy who will fix any car of his friends.
Bear Hugger: A great jolly man who's similar to Santa Claus, Bryan Harris is a Canadian man who works at Riverdale's Lumber Mill. He's a nature lover, a down to earth person and has a pet bear and squirrel named Mr. Bear and Chipper, that's why people would often call him 'Bear Hugger'. He loves the maple bacon burgers at Pop Tate's and often tell stories about the days in the forest to the 'youths' as he would describe teenagers.
Great Tiger: Ranjeet Patel is Raj's cousin from India. He's got magic powers that no one can understand and often helps Raj with his films since he supports his dreams. He's given the nickname 'Great Tiger', due to his love for tigers and has magic abilities.
Don Flamenco: Raphael Santa Cruz, better known by his nickname as 'Don Flamenco', is a Spanish exchange student who comes from a long line of matadors or bull fighters. He's also a bit of a ladies man, a real charmer that can rival both Archie and Reggie for girls' heart. Even though he already has a girlfriend name Carmen, he's in a love triangle with Mika and Aran, making him the alternate counterpart to Veronica.
Aran Ryan: Aran Conor Ryan is an Irish bad boy and is Reggie's rival when it comes to pulling pranks. If Reggie is worse, then Aran is 10x way worse than him. He often brings bad luck whenever someone tries to tick him off or make fun of his friends, then you better watch out for this feral menace. He's the somewhat Betty counterpart in the love triangle between Don and Mika.
Soda Popinski: The Russian employee at Pop Tate's, Ivan Grigoriy Paccewich, better known as 'Soda Popinski', loves soda and would often try to cheer any customer down with his signature flavors of soda. Pop and Soda would often be named 'The Fizzy Duo', due to their love for finding ways to cheer up customers with just a soda in one hand and an ice cream scoop in the other. Bald Bull: Burak Deniz Agha is a security guard at Riverdale High and would often catch anyone trying to sneak off of campus. He was given the nickname of 'Bald Bull', due to his lack of hair and anger issues, he's also camera shy.
Super Macho Man: The very rich and 'very strong' Steven Marley or better known as 'Super Macho Man', the face of Curly Cola and swimming coach at Riverdale High. Steve loves posing for the picture and guess who's Steve's biggest? None other than Reggie Mantle, who sees 'Mr. Marley or Coach Marley' as his idol.
Mr. Sandman: The serious Geography teacher, Mr. Samuel Elliot Sands or the students prefer to call him 'Mr. Sandman', since he always check the time, an early bird and night owl at the same time. He's a very close family friend to the Claytons and the Sanders and whenever he feels overtired, he would often sleep in his desk when the class is doing an activity.
(Bonus: Super Punch Out)
Birdie: Billy Byrd is Mika and Mac's childhood friend from middle school and the jokester of the trio. He's been called 'Birdie', due to being speedy and fast, the star of track and field.
Gabby Jay: The school librarian Gabriel François Lavigne or Gabby Jay for short, he's Joe's somewhat grandfather figure since he would often gives him advice and works part time as a waiter in Pop Tate's. He's also currently dating Doc, despite Mac's and Birdie's dismay but Mika thought it was romantic.
Bob Charlie: The class comedian Baron Ajani Whyte or Bob Charlie for short, if anyone who can rival Disco Kid's moves then it's got to be Bob Charlie. Bob is a very mellow and calm guy, your typical 'hippie' but he can get ticked off whenever someone plays really loud music.
Dragon Chan: Haitao Chen, better known by his friends as 'Dragon Chan', is the club president of the Martial Arts/Kung Fu Club and Hondo's best friend. Dragon is always quick to think however he would often gets reminded by his friends or his 祖父 (grandfather), Hoy Quarlow.
Piston Hurricane: Alejandro Bembe González, better known as 'Piston Hurricane', is Birdie's rival in track and field and bookworm who would often hang out with Moose and Dilton.
Masked Muscle: Riverdale High's very own luchador, Santiago Ángel Hernández or by his stage name 'Masked Muscle'. Santiago is a bit of a prankster, always trying to one up with Aran and Reggie but he often flirts with girls, much to the dismay of Don, Archie and Reggie.
Heike Kagero: Riverdale High's fashion king and kabuki dancer, Heike Kagero. He loves hanging out with some of the girls in school and because he became so popular due to his long hair, often getting mistaken for a girl himself.
Mad Clown: Leonardo Esposito, better known as 'Mad Clown', runs the Riverdale Children's Hospital as both a doctor and an entertainer. He used to be an opera singer until he retired from the stage.
Narcis Prince: Nathaniel Howard Prince, is your typical narcistic pretty boy who would often rival with Veronica and Cheryl due to their families' wealth. He was given the nickname of 'Narcis Prince', due to his narcistic personality and mannerism. The only friends who support him are Mika, Aran (sometimes), Birdie and Heike.
Hoy Quarlow: Hoy Xu Quarlow is Dragon's grandfather and teaches kung fu lessons at home. Even though he may look old but he's stronger than you think.
Rick and Nick Bruiser: Richard Phillips and Nicholas Phillips, better known as the 'Bruiser Brothers', are your typical jocks/delinquents however they both have different personalities: Rick is rowdy, cheerful and lazy while Nick is smart, serious and quiet. Both would often support each other and often people would mistaken them for identical twins.
(Please feel free to add your own OCs! Enjoy this wacky AU of mine!)
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cringefailfagcat · 2 years
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I posted 5,818 times in 2022
That's 5,818 more posts than 2021!
343 posts created (6%)
5,475 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,157 of my posts in 2022
Only 46% of my posts had no tags
#no id - 1,776 posts
#tw caps - 763 posts
#cats &lt;3 - 219 posts
#csm - 216 posts
#mp100 - 135 posts
#sweet meowthings - 125 posts
#get meowed at - 108 posts
#jjk - 92 posts
#lycoreco - 51 posts
#milgram - 45 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
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ID: A screenshot of a Google search of Romeo. It is set on the 'overview' page and shows several photos of different portrayals of Romeo.
Below is a summary of the character that reads:
'Romeo Montague is the male protagonist of William Shakespeare's tragedy, Romeo and Juliet. The son of Lord Montague and his wife, Lady Montague, he secretly loves and marries Juliet, a member of the rival House of Capulet, through a priest named Friar Laurence. (link to Wikipedia page)'
Following is a list of information that reads:
Play: Romeo and Juliet
Parents: Montague
Creator: William Shakespeare
Significant other: Juliet
Notable aliases: Gnomeo, Roma, Romeo Montague, Romeu, Romeu Montagú, Roméo, Roméo Lamontagne, more'
end quote. The word 'Gnomeo' is highlighted in pink.
end ID
41 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
sorry lycoris recoil makes me so happy every time I remember that mika and yoshi are canon exes.
like they could have gone for the perfect route and just made chisato/takina canon (which could still optimistically happen. maybe. hopefully. probably not but hey) but no.
these two men who train special operatives and shit are in gay love and have a child together and then have a messy breakup because one of them decides that he wants their kid to die instead of potentially reaching adulthood.
oh and they still have a ridiculous amount of sexual tension.
44 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
reblog to tuck the person you reblogged from into bed
73 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
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ID: An digital collage made to show a white t-shirt with a picture of Light and L from Death Note kissing in the rain with all caps black text reading 'I survived the yaoi wars'. end ID
I need this t-shirt
74 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i'm sorry for being fucked up. can we kiss with tongue?
100 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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