ackermanist · 4 years
I recently almost left Naruto fandom for its toxicity to others while this manga literally rocked my entire adolescence, and I mean it. Pairing stories are the worst, especially when they involve shounen characters type. It's hard to resist the temptation not to see our favorite characters end up together in a beautiful romance that 3/4 of us don't even have in our real life . But already, the first thing I saw when I came into this fandom was how romance in fiction makes people twist, AGAIN.
This post will be about EreMika since they are for me not the most probable pair, far from it, but the almost canonical one. Whether you've read the manga, or just the anime, Eren and Mikasa are the couple that jumps out at you... it's literally undeniable. They are beautifully written, have always had a development and that's why so many people are either opposed to their union, or for their canonical unification although, I'll say it again, will be unlikely, in the turn of events in this manga, unfortunately.. be honest.
Why I say that Eren and Mikasa are the almost canonical pair of SNK... ? Well, simply because of the constant evidences that we're dropping from Isayama among others.
First of all, Eren and Mikasa were the two main characters introduced in the manga as well as in the anime, and already after 3 minutes, the soft and shared behavior of these two characters gives us a lot. We fast-forward through the story that is SNK in short, to find the past of Mikasa and how she landed at the Yeager's. I’ll skip the story of Mikasa's past and how she was rescued by Eren, to come to the moment when he offers her his famous scarf (red in the anime). This was not a meaningless gesture for Eren or Mikasa and even for us as readers or viewers. And the color red is also ultra important and was not chosen at random ... The legend of the red thread of lovers or soul mates is an important part of a lot of manga/anime... For those who don't know this legend, google it, and you'll see what I'm talking about. To make a long story short, two souls who are supposed to belong to each other are linked by the red thread of destiny. Red is the color of love, passion, and romantic feelings. You offer red roses to your beloved, because it is the symbolism of love itself. In an ending of SNK anime, (the first season it seems to me) we see Mikasa, which is why she became the Mikasa we know today, and she sees EREN, nobody else but EREN, it seems to me that she even loses her red scarf and flies away in the wind < (well, all this is another symbolism and deserves other explanations). Eren and Mikasa are linked by this stupid red scarf, and this since the beginning. Mikasa is clearly in love with Eren since the beginning of this show, and have always taken care of each other. The development of their relationship has gone through many significant stages of denial, anger, fear of losing the other, platonic affection, and lying. They are young, now 19 years old in the current timeline, and live in a world that is clearly not conducive to a relationship. (Eren is going to die in 4 years) It is not surprising in this that any relationship, whether friendly, platonic or romantic, is somewhat biased. It is now funny that Isayama makes fun of his fans by putting us on doubts about them like Eren and Historia, is he the father? The Ackerman-bond. My personal opinion on the question of Eren's paternity is that he is not the father of this baby. The current canon has already shown us an Eren who totally disagrees with this but is only exposing facts to Historia, it doesn't prove in any way, that Eren and Historia had to have sex in order to have a child or even that Eren has feelings for Historia. Sorry to say it but it's the strict truth, Historia was canonically attached to only one real person in her life and it was Ymir as Eren is canonically attached to only one person in the romantic sense and that's Mikasa. To make him become the father of this child would ruin his character as well as his convictions. He would then become a cheap character, able to crush his own values for nothing..? Why does Isayama give us two panels inclined to pair EreMika if Eren has no feelings for Mikasa? Scene #1: "What am I to you?" Eren is desperately asking for a confession, to be sure before acting the way he was going to act. Scene #2: Zeke cuts himself and became aware that he's lost Eren's attention, and Eren seems to be immersed in his thoughts... Zeke doesn't even need to ask Eren what he's thinking about.... Zeke knows that... Eren is thinking about Mikasa. (and the others ofc but still mikasa is the biggest stuff in his memories) (This scene is still controversial for me, because Zeke says that Mikasa acts like that towards Eren because she loves him, but what does he know? Mikasa and Zeke have hardly ever interacted, if not at all, he doesn't know her...while he claimed to Levi in the woods that Levi couldn't read people's minds, he couldn't either! no? So how does he know that Mikasa is acting this way because of her feelings for Eren and not because of the Ackerman bond? Believe me, I'm a pro EreMika, but I like to stay concrete and only take material canon that Isayama gave us.
This post was created in order to say that you’re free to ship whatever you want, (im a pro eremika but I also love rivamika and levihan, and would kill to see mikasa and jean to end together, lol and I honestly find Eren and Historia really cute together..) but do not bash others pairings in order to prove that yours is better. This is toxic and really unhealthy. But above all, be honest with yourself and stop denigrating this manga's almost true canon romance, for now at least.
Don't become like the fucked Naruto fandom. Please.
Thank you for reading.
PS: To all the people following me who are in the naruto fandom, SasuSaku stans, stop self-inserting yourselves into EreMika! Your pairing will never match them. Complain to Kishimoto. Thanks.
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duckface165 · 5 years
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Don’t reblog, just screenshot and tag your OTPs
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dya-bae · 2 years
Sometimes I kinda think that Armin and Eren love each other, like soulmates in a friendship while with Mikasa they were soulmates but in a romantic way
😭Eren why?!
#Eremin #Mikaren (what's the name of their ship?) Dmn I forgot
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welcometoclasmia · 4 years
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Been working on a fish-like organism that convergently evolved the body plan, but diverged from it’s more worm-like ancestry. Of course, just like in nature, that just made it look like a fish anyways. This little fella would be the base model, and it would be related to the “mikaren” or eelworm very distantly. To illustrate this, the fishy boi still has his four eyes, but they’ve arranged themselves to better suit his bilateral symmetry. The external gills essentially retracted themselves into complex spiracles rather than Earthly fish gills, but the jury is out on whether or not this is as efficient.
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With Eren dead in the canon world now, I doubt we're going to see final ships, but if we do, it'll be Levihan and mikaren
I doubt Eren is actually dead tbh
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unclecrungle · 4 years
Ill never forgive the snk fandom for trynna convince each other that mikaren was ok cause they were adopted siblings
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welcometoclasmia · 4 years
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A digital piece I did a year ago, figured I’d share it here~
Deinomurena spina, known locally as mikaren, inhabit the murky rivers of Tempari and Brutkam, particularly in the most tropical regions. Members of Murenamimidae vary in size from just a few inches to over ten feet in some cases. Mikaren are one of the larger genera of what we call “eelworms” at around seven feet long, and are hazardous denizens of the rainforest.
Unlike snakes, eelworms eat smaller meals much more often. Mikaren in particular is a voracious ambush predator, often blending in with the water plants and watching through the cloudy water with all four of it’s eyes. The true danger for us, however, lies in the mikaren’s defense: the spines running down it’s back. If one were to step on or be brushed up against by the mikaren, a potent neurotoxin will paralyze the victim in mere minutes. This very present danger still plagues the mind of young Tempari and Brutkami children looking to go for a swim.
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shia-suprise · 10 years
College AUs are pretty cool but listen...... Dirty Dancing AU.
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rivaillexmikasa-blog · 10 years
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Eren x Mikasa doujin by くろずあめ
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rhyfelwrdewr-blog · 10 years
EreMika Oneshot (Oneshot #10)
Ever since he met Mikasa Eren wanted to make her smile. But no matter what he tried, he failed. He never saw a smile lighten up her face, it was always the same expression. And her eyes were always cold, cold,cold.
"Mum, I want to make Mikasa smile, but she doesn’t smile. Doesn’t she like me?" Maybe it was just because of him that she didn’t smile? Maybe he was annoying her? "Don’t worry, Eren, I’m sure she likes you. Just give her a little time." The boy nodded and hugged his mom. Then he turned around, he had an idea how he could make Mikasa smile.
It was her birthday today. Of course the Jaeger’s couldn’t know, she never told them, but somehow she wanted a party. A cake and Eren and Armin celebrating with her. The thoughts of the party that would never happen made her sad, she felt the tears in her eyes, but she tried to blink them away. Then Mikasa decided to climb into Eren’s bed, because he always made her feel better.
"Are you crying, Mikasa? What happened?", the boy asked. "No, no, I’m fine, don’t worry." He turned around to face her, but before he could see anything she pressed her face against his chest. He knew she was crying, he felt the wetness through his shirt. But since she didn’t want him to know he didn’t say anything. Instead, Eren wrapped his arms around the little girl.
When she woke up she was still pressed against Eren, his arms wrapped around her. It felt good, so she nestled her cheek against the soft fabric of his shirt. 
"Good morning, Mikasa!" Carla smiled at her when she entered the kitchen. "Where’s Eren?" "He wanted to do something… Without me." The little girl was hurt. Of all days he had to choose her birthday to do something without her. "It’s not because of you, Mikasa. I’m sure. Sometimes Eren just has his phases in which he wants to be alone." She nodded and sat on a chair and remembered the birthdays she celebrated with her family. Though she didn’t want to the little girl cried, because she knew it was never gonna be like this anymore. 
"Mikasa, don’t cry! Pshh, it’s okay. It’s fine. We’re here." Mikasa heard the door opening and she knew Eren was back, so she whiped the tears away. "Mikasa, come!" The little boy grabbed her by the hand and went outside.
"Why were you crying?" She looked at the ground. "Because today is… Never mind." The boy smiled and covered her eyes with his hands. "Follow me!" She didn’t have a choice.
"Happy Birthday, Mikasa!" He took his hands away and Mikasa saw a beautiful meadow full with flowers. "You’re the flower queen! Here’s your crown!" He placed a beautiful flower crown on her head. "Please marry me, flower queen!" He took out a little flower ring and stuck it to her finger. "You… You…" She was crying again. "No, please, Mikasa, we can go back, don’t cry, I-" But when he saw her smile he couldn’t say anything. He realized her tears were tears of joy. "Thank you, Eren", she said when she placed a kiss on his cheek, and he was the happiest boy on the world-.
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bokato · 10 years
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someone had to do it, ೭੧(❛▿❛✿)੭೨ watermark is my IG btw =•v•=
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sangrebelleza · 11 years
Was thinking of Drawing Male! Mikasa  , but don't know whether to draw Jean or Eren  with him . Should i do both , it would be funny to see a cat fight between Fem! Eren and Jean. Maybe  have Mikasa go on 2 seperate dates .
Anybody have any ideas ?  I wanna draw some good Male! Mikasa Fanart would like some input with my fellow Mikasa A. Fans.
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