#mild ichthyosis treatment
rpurnama309 · 3 years
Seven Causes Of Dry Skin
Dry skin is one of the most common problems. This condition can be caused by many things, ranging from aging, irritation, to certain diseases. Dry skin can occur only on the arms, hands, and feet, or it can occur all over the body.
Dry skin is easily recognized by its symptoms, such as itchy, red, rough, and peeling skin. In more severe symptoms, dry skin can cause deep cracks and may bleed.
Dry and itchy skin should not be scratched often because it can cause the skin to be easily injured and infected.
Here are 7 things that can cause dry skin:
1. Skin irritation
The first cause of dry skin is irritation of the skin. Triggers can vary, ranging from exposure to dust and pollution, antiseptic in bath soap, alcohol in perfume, to detergent in laundry soap.
Especially alcohol, detergents, and antiseptics, these three chemicals can also reduce the production of sebum or natural oils that function to maintain skin moisture.
2. The habit of rubbing the skin
Too often scrubbing the skin with a sponge or scrub while bathing or scrubbing too vigorously with a towel afterward can also cause dry skin. The reason is, when rubbed too often and tightly, the moisture on the surface of the skin will decrease.
To prevent dry skin, try not to rub your skin too often and dry your body gently with a towel after bathing.
3. Aging
As people get older, a person's skin will become thinner so it is easy to become dry. This can occur due to reduced collagen and sebum in the skin.
4. Weather changes
Changes in weather also affect the level of humidity in the air. The lower the humidity, usually occurs when the temperature is cold, the skin feels drier.
5. Frequent hot showers
Hot showers and saunas can indeed make the body more relaxed. However, if it is done too often or for too long, this habit can actually make the skin dry. This is because hot temperatures can reduce the skin's natural moisture.
Not only hot baths and saunas, too long activities in the sun can also cause dry skin.
6. Certain health conditions
There are many diseases or medical conditions that can cause a person to have dry, scaly, and red skin, such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, or psoriasis. The disease can also make the skin feel itchy.
In addition, dry skin can also be caused by kidney disease, ichthyosis, thyroid disorders, malnutrition, and diabetes.
7. Drug side effects
Consumption of certain drugs can cause side effects in the form of dry skin. Examples are diuretic drugs, cholesterol-lowering drugs such as statins, retinoid drugs such as isotretinoin, and chemotherapy drugs.
How To Cope With Dry?
Dry skin can not be overcome in a simple way, but it needs to be done consistently. Here are some of them:
Change bath frequency and duration
If you have dry skin, keep your body clean by bathing in moderation and not too often. Also, try to take a shower no more than 10 minutes and don't use hot water too often.
Use a soap that contains moisturizer
To improve and prevent dry skin, you should use a soap that contains moisturizing and mild chemicals. After bathing, you can also use a moisturizing cream to keep the skin moist.
Don't forget, always use a soft towel to dry your body and don't rub it too hard.
Limiting excessive sun exposure
Exposure to direct sunlight for a long time and don't forget to wear sunscreen when you are outside the house. Sufficient fluid needs also every day with about 2 liters of water or the equivalent of 8 glasses to prevent dehydration.
Skin problems can be overcome by applying some of the tips above and the factors that cause this condition.
However, if your skin is still dry or the problem arises because of certain diseases, such as eczema or dermatitis, allergies, or other diseases, you should ask for dermatologists to get the right treatment.
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skurupfan · 3 years
Dermatologist-Recommended Remedies for Dry Skin
Now, who does not wish for blemish-free, healthier-looking, youthful skin? And, contrary to popular belief, it’s not far-fetched as well. All you have to do is have a robust skincare regimen in place, and to religiously follow the best practices. A skincare regimen is essential, especially if you have a dry skin type as it is more sensitive than an oily skin type. Besides, it is also more susceptible to wear, and tear, loss of elasticity, wrinkles, scaly appearance, etc.
Before we delve deeper into the remedies for dry skin, first let’s understand what causes it. Here are some of the prominent causes of dry skin.
·       If you have been residing in a relatively chilly environment, you may experience dry skin and subsequent challenges
·       You might use a host of products such as soaps, and creams, lotions, etc. as a part of your daily routine. The harsh chemicals found in these products may also lead to dry skin.
·       While cleaning your skin daily a few times is necessary to keep away the dust particles, dead skin cells, allergens, and other particles, too much scrubbing may lead your skin to lose its natural hydration
·       Unbalanced pH is another prime factor that leads to dry skin
·       Lifestyle disorders such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, etc. have been studied to cause dry skin
·       A host of skin-related disorders such as atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, and psoriasis may also lead to dry skin
 Let’s now understand how to address these impending challenges to keep dry skin at bay.
·       First, and foremost lifestyle measures, such as using moisturizers and avoiding long, hot showers and baths can prove beneficial in avoiding dry skin. It is essential to follow a skincare routine for dry skin. 
·       For mild dry skin cases, dermatologists may recommend an over-the-counter (nonprescription) cream that contains lactic acid or lactic acid and urea. However, for acute conditions such as atopic dermatitis, ichthyosis or psoriasis, dermatologists may prescribe creams, ointments, the best moisturizers for dry skin or other viable treatments in addition to home care.
·       Moisturizers provide a robust shield over your skin to keep water from escaping. Besides, White Pine® Pycnogenol® as a nutritional supplement is proven to possess moisturization capabilities. When it comes to antiageing and antioxidant properties, it is 20 times more effective than Vitamin C and 50 times more effective than Vitamin E. It is also essential for supple and youthful skin. 
·       It's best to use the right skincare products for dry skin such as gentle skin cleansers, moisturizers, sunscreens and exfoliators such as Light Routine® range of products and avoid soaps with harsh chemical compounds.
·       Hot, dry, indoor air can parch sensitive skin and worsen itching and flaking. A portable home humidifier or one attached to your furnace adds moisture to the air inside your home. Be sure to keep your humidifier clean.
It is best advised to consult your dermatologist before trying out any remedies for dry skin for avoiding worsening the situation, and deriving optimal results. 
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The anti-dandruff pet shampoo
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You notice that your dog has dry white flakes on his back and has been leaving flakes on his favorite dog bed. If this flaking is just occasional and he seems otherwise comfortable, it isn't something to worry about, but persistent flaking and/or itchiness may indicate that something else is going on.
Can Dogs Get Dandruff Like Humans Do?
Yes, they can get just like in humans, dandruff occurs in dogs when flakes of dead skin cells start falling out of place and hanging out on the hair and wherever they land. While in humans dandruff usually affects the head, in dogs one of the most common places is the back (especially toward the tail).
You may see dry white "flakes" on your dog's coat or in places where he likes to hang out and nap. You may also notice that his skin is dry and be able to see it flake when giving him a good scratch. One option is to use an anti-dandruff shampoo for the dog.
What Causes Dandruff on Dogs?
A variety of things can cause dandruff in dogs, and any breed or mix can be affected. In some cases, it is a primary issue due to a genetic condition like primary seborrhea (most commonly in cocker spaniels, West Highland white terriers, and basset hounds) or ichthyosis (affected breeds include golden retrievers, Cavalier King Charles spaniels, and Yorkshire terriers). But more often it is either caused by something in the environment or an underlying health disorder.
Dry Air
Just like us, dogs can be afflicted by dry skin in the winter months when the air is drier than normal. Forced-air heating can exacerbate the issue. If you only notice dandruff on your dog during the winter months, lack of humidity in the air may be to blame.
Walking Dandruff and Other Parasites
Cheyletiella mites are large enough to be seen with the naked eye and look very similar to white dandruff flakes. Like other external parasites such as fleas, ticks, and Demodex and Sarcoptes mites, these unwelcome guests live and feed on your dog's skin, and will cause him to be very itchy.
Obesity and Nutritional Issues
An improper diet can cause your dog to miss out on nutrients that he needs to keep his skin and coat healthy. Make sure that your dog is eating high-quality, balanced dog food. Fatty acids such as omega-3s and omega-6s play a role in skin health, and some dogs benefit from additional supplementation of these in their diets. It's important to check with your vet before introducing anything new to your dog's diet, however.
As you know, obesity puts your dog at risk for a wide variety of health conditions. Poor skin health is just the tip of the iceberg.
Skin Infections
Bacterial and fungal infections on the skin can also cause dandruff to occur. These tiny invaders may also take advantage of your dog's weakened skin due to other conditions to cause a secondary infection. Whether dandruff or the skin infection came first, bacterial and fungal infections require appropriate treatment to get your dog's skin back to a healthy state.
Food and environmental allergies in dogs usually manifest as skin problems. Dandruff is usually just one symptom of a dog with allergies.
Hormonal Conditions
Diseases such as hypothyroidism and Cushing's disease can cause changes in your dog's skin health. A weakened immune system will also make him more vulnerable to secondary infections.
Idiopathic Seborrhea
Sometimes we don't know what causes seborrheic dermatitis, hence the use of the term 'idiopathic,' or spontaneous. Dogs, where the cause of flaky skin is unknown, can be treated symptomatically to provide relief, and additional management care can be provided as needed.
Visit the Vet for Your Dog’s Dandruff Problem
If your dog just has mild seasonal or occasional dandruff, it's probably nothing to worry about. But you'll want to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian if your dog is also experiencing any of these symptoms:
· Itchiness
· An odor to the skin
· Excessive amounts of dandruff
· Hair loss
· Red, irritated skin
· Other signs of illness or discomfort
Diagnosing the cause of your dog's dandruff will depend on your dog's exact symptoms and what your vet suspects might be the problem based on a physical exam. Your vet may do a skin scrape to look for parasites, a culture to check for fungal and bacterial infections, and/or blood work to check for underlying systemic disorders.
Dog Dandruff Treatment and Home Remedies
Depending on how severe the case is, your pup's dandruff can often be treated on your own at home. Incorporate some of these tips into your regular care routine to help get your dog's dandruff under control and help him feel more comfortable again.
Regular grooming is the cornerstone of skin and coat health in dogs and plays an important role in managing dandruff. Brushing your dog helps to disperse the excess skin oils throughout his coat so that they aren't pooling on the skin, and also removes dead hair.
Bathing your dog is often beneficial for bacterial and fungal infections. Rinse thoroughly after all baths, whether you are using a medicated shampoo for a dandruff outbreak or regular shampoo for maintenance grooming as many shampoos can be irritating if they are not rinsed off.
Your vet may also recommend giving your dog fatty acid supplements such as omega-3s and omega-6s. Always be cautious when choosing a supplement, as these products are not as heavily regulated like medications.
Healthy Diet
Be sure to feed your pooch a balanced diet that meets your dog's nutritional needs.
Humidifier Usage
It may be beneficial (for you and your pets) to use a humidifier in your house or apartment during the winter or if you live in an arid climate. The steam can help soothe and hydrate his dry skin to make your dog more comfortable and less itchy.
Treat Other Health Conditions
As well as home care to manage dandruff, your dog will need to be treated for any underlying conditions that he may have. This may include antibiotics for bacterial infections, anti-fungal for fungal infections, steroids and/or immune suppressants for immune-mediated disorders, and allergy testing and medications.
Me & My Anti-Dandruff Pet Shampoo an Anti-Dandruff Shampoo for Dogs & Cats package in 200ml
Best Anti-dandruff pet shampoo that helps your pet to get rid of dandruff and dermatitis and rejuvenates soft silky hair coat for Dogs and Cats.
PH Balanced Arnica Extract & Calendula Extract Nourishes dry flaking skin
Also Read: Things you need to know about Veterinary Homeopathy Medicine
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eczend · 3 years
How To Cure Itching Flaky Dry Skin And Get Rid Of Eczema?
Do you want to know how to cure itching flaky dry skin? Healthy skin has ten to twenty percent water content. Flaky skin occurs when the defending natural oil generated by the skin starts to dry up. As an outcome, water misfortune in dry skin is multiple times unrivaled than typical skin. As the skin loses both oil and water, the skin starts to dry out and its highest surface kicks the bucket and starts to strip away, ordinarily in tiny, slender fragments called chips. Flaky skin can be separated from a red rash with rankles or from scales by the manner in which it looks.
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Cold weather donates to flaky skin, as a combination of cold dry air outside along with forced-air heat and shortage of humidity inside combine to dry out the skin quickly. However, flaky skin can also be a rejoinder to extended experience to heat, like in hot baths, heated swimming pools, hot tubs, as well as saunas. Additionally, certain drugs, skin cleansers, as well as chemicals can dry out the skin plus cause flaking. Ultimately, flaky skin is also an indication of a number of precise disorders.
Flaky skin can at times resolve without help from anyone else or with proper saturating skin health management. Notwithstanding, when flaky skin is brought about by sickness, it is significant that you get therapy for that basic reason, as well as changing your skin health management routine.
To get rid of eczema psoriasis and Ichthyosis, you'll need to shield them from unforgiving family cleaners and dish cleansers, which are demonstrated skin aggravations. Utilize non-latex elastic gloves when it's an ideal opportunity to clean. Or then again even better, make a twofold boundary of security: Wear a couple of elastic gloves over a layer of slight, delicate cotton ones preceding you contact a can or wipe.
Shower and moisturize after a swim
Utilizing chlorine to keep your pool clean can also dry your skin out. The finest treatment: As soon as you or your kids step out of the pool, head inside to rinse off with water as well as a mild soap. Proceed with a moisturizer that lists glycerin as the primary ingredient. It will assist your skin hold on to moisture and avert future dryness.
Try coconut oil
Because it has vital fatty acids (EFAs), coconut oil can assist keep your skin hydrated and secluded. Ask your doctor about adding it to your diet to assist keep your skin moisturized. You can also utilize it as a moisturizer plus rub it on your skin. If you want to get rid of itching, consider visiting our official website. 
Source URL: https://ext-5513366.livejournal.com/3207.html
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kritikarehani · 3 years
Netherton Syndrome (NS) Market Insights | Netherton Syndrome (NS) Market 2030
DelveInsight has launched a new report on “Netherton Syndrome Market Insights, Epidemiology and Market Forecast 2030.”
Netherton Syndrome (NS) Overview
Netherton syndrome can also be a disease of the skin, hair, and system. Newborn babies with Netherton syndrome have red and brown skin (erythroderma), so the skin can leak fluid. Some affected infants are born with a narrow membrane, and sunlight covers their exposed skin as a result of the collodion membrane. Because newborns with the disease do not have normal skin protection, they will dry out and develop infections.
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Netherton Syndrome (NS) Causes 
The mutations that cause Netherton Syndrome (NS) have been detected in the SPINK5 gene on the long arm (q) of chromosome 5 (5q32). This transformation is transmitted independently as a superior asset. Humans should have two genetic variables in the sense of disruption, with each parent contributing one genetic mutation. Parents (carriers) do not show evidence of Netherton syndrome.
The SPINK5 type attaches the brake protein to the activity of certain proteases (enzymes that digest proteins) within the skin protein. Increased protease activity within the skin causes very few layers of the outer skin (stratum corneum), not in as many layers as in other types of ichthyosis.
Request for sample pages: https://www.delveinsight.com/sample-request/netherton-syndrome-market
Netherton Syndrome (NS) Signs and Symptoms
Netherton syndrome is most commonly diagnosed at birth or during the first few weeks of life. The skin is moisturized with a small amount of dry and very red (erythroderma) (ichthyosis). The delicious eczematous rash can be seen, especially later in childhood.
Many newborns with severe symptoms may fail to grow within a year of life, and in the second year of life, although the health of most babies will begin to improve, most will remain fat and short and long. Other symptoms that a patient may experience at some point in their life include:
Ichthyosis linearis circumflex is characterized by a rounded appearance on the skin. The disease usually appears after two years and is characterized by flare-up followed by months without skin complaints. The blast is round, with a strong horny hem and a slightly flexible pattern.
Bamboo hair
Excessive allergies
Click here to know more.
Netherton Syndrome (NS) Treatment
Current treatment options are limited to treatment with topical moisturizers containing petrolatum or lanolin and/or skin barrier formula containing ceramics or cholesterol.
Topical calcineurin inhibitors (pimecrolimus and tacrolimus) are helpful for people with Netherton and should be used sparingly because they are easily absorbed by the abnormal corneum, and overuse can cause high blood pressure. Topical steroids are also easily prescribed and can be used in low potency forms in limited areas of the body for a short period. Several recent reports of Netherton syndrome treatment on the body's immune system have recently been published. The undoubted benefits of these drugs should be weighed against the risks of systemic drugs.
Netherton Syndrome (NS) Market
The treatment of Netherton Syndrome (NS) is based on specific symptoms that are present in an individual. NS treatment is indicative, often complex, and can be customized to the specific needs of the patient. Recommendations include regular use of emollients as well as light creams and lotions. Some topical agents should be used with caution because the skin in NS can allow the ingredients of certain topical drugs to enter the bloodstream, which can be harmful to the baby.
Topical keratolytic agents, such as urea or acid derivatives, may reduce skin irritation and may be stored for older children. Basic treatments include oral antihistamines, which can help treat itching, eczematous parasites, and topical or systemic antibiotics as needed. To treat skin irritation, mild dandruff shampoos and topical steroids can help.
Oral and oral steroids help reduce inflammation and are therefore part of the eczematous disease. However, the well-documented side effects of long-term steroid use need to be considered. Oral retinoids are used with varying degrees of success, leading to significant improvements in some patients and greater severity of disease in others.
Netherton Syndrome (NS) Epidemiology Insights
Netherton syndrome can be a rare genetic disorder characterized by skin rash, hair loss, increased incidence of atopic eczema (a condition of the skin that will end up on dry, red, and scalp), high levels of IgE, and other related symptoms. Netherton syndrome is inherited as an autosomal disorder.
According to Genetics Home Reference, Netherton syndrome is estimated to affect one in 200,000 newborns.
According to the Japanese Dermatological Association, Netherton syndrome is rare and has an epidemic in women. In Japan, there are exactly ten patients reported. Prevalence is reported in about 1 in 200,000 newborns.
According to a small article published in the Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, the prevalence of Syndromic Ichthyosis is estimated at 1.9 million (95% CI [1.6-2.6]). Netherton Syndrome was the most common form, with 0.80 million (95% CI [0.66-1.06]).
Netherton Syndrome (NS) Key Pharma Players:
LifeMax Laboratories
Dermelix Biotherapeutics
BridgeBio drug company
Sixera drug company
Quoin drug company
Netherton Syndrome (NS) Pipeline Drugs:
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weonline-blog1 · 5 years
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Tretinoin, also known as all-trans-retinoic acid, is a naturally occurring derivative of vitamin A . Retinoids such as tretinoin are important regulators of cell inbreeding, proliferation, and differentiation and are used to treat pimple and photodamaged skin and to manage keratinization disorders such as ichthyosis and keratosis follicularis. Tretinoin also represents the class of anticancer drugs called differentiating representative and is used in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia
 How does it Work?
Retinol 0.04% prevents the reappearance of blackheads, pimples and other skin disorders by blocking the hardening processes of the outer layer of the skin. Supatret Gel 0.04 benefits also facilitates the shedding of old skin cells to better promote the formation and growth of new ones. It also improves skin pigmentation by speeding up melanin elimination processes in the skin. Once we combine all these effects together, we get a product that not only speeds up skin cell turnover, but supatret 0.04 gel also clears up blackheads, pimples and other acne symptoms that could be so hard to get rid of under normal circumstances.
 How to uses:
This medicine is for external use only. Use it in the dose and time gap as advised by your doctor. Check the label for directions before use. Clean and dry the insincere area and apply the gel. clean your hands after applying, unless hands are the affected area.
You have been suggested Supatret 0.04% Gel for the treatment of pimple.
Clean the area to be treated with water and a non-medicated soap, and let it arid for 20-30 minutes before applying Supatret 0.04% Gel.
It may increase the severity of the lesions in the first few weeks of use. Continue using it as prescribed by your doctor.
It may cause stinging sensation or a sentiment of warmth when you first start using it. Inform your doctor if this persists.
Avoid exposure to sunlight while using Supatret 0.04% Gel as it raised the sensitivity of your skin. Use protective measures such as sun-cream and protective clothing.
Do not use this Gel if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Supatret 0.04% Gel may be danger to use during pregnancy.Animal studies have shown reverse effects on the foetus, however, there are incomprehensive human studies.The benefits from use in pregnant women may be acceptable despite the insecurity. Please consult your doctor.
 Side Effects:
Mild burning, stinging and tingling of the skin when you first apply the medicine
Chapping and/or slight peeling of the skin
Redness, dryness or unusually warm skin
For how long it should be used?
Use Retinol 0.04% for the full course of the treatment, or as advised by your doctor. Do not stop the application of the drug without consulting your doctor or physician first.
Supatret 0.04% store  at space temperture away from moisture and heat keep the bottal tightly closed when not
in use.
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Your Patients’ Skin Conditions and Disorders
Skin conditions can range from being painful, itching, and embarrassing to life-threatening.  There are a number of conditions and diagnosis processes to determine the proper course of treatment for the patient. As a nurse, you are likely to encounter many skin conditions in your patients who may be admitted into care for something completely different.
Here is a list of the most popular skin conditions you may encounter:
Skin Conditions
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Every skin condition has its own unique characteristics, and under most circumstances will need to be diagnosed by a physician to determine cause and course of treatment.
Common Skin Conditions
Shingles- if you have worked with a patient that has shingles, you have undoubtedly seen firsthand how painful and uncomfortable it can make the patient.  Shingles looks very bad on the surface; however the surface is just the beginning of the shingles virus.  It goes under the skin and affects the nerves, which is very painful.  Shingles can cause lasting nerve damage even after the virus is cleared up.  People over age 50 are more likely to develop shingles, and there is a connection between having chicken pox as a child and getting shingles as an adult.  
Fortunately, there is a vaccine to prevent shingles, and anyone over age 50 should inquire regarding the benefits of the vaccine.  
Psoriasis- this is a skin condition similar to eczema. It can appear anywhere, but is often on the legs, arms or neck.  Skin looks rough, dry, and red.  It can be sore, and embarrassing to deal with.  There is no actual cure for psoriasis, but there are numerous medications that help the condition.
Eczema- this common skin condition has varying types. Often on the hands, it can cause very dry skin, cracks, and painful sores.  Medications can help, and in some cases a dermatologist uses UV therapy to help heal.
Basal Cell Carcinoma- this is a form of skin cancer, very often appearing on the legs or arms.  It may look like a very light colored mole, or just an abnormality in the skin.  The only way to diagnose properly is to do a biopsy.  Unlike some other forms of skin cancer, Basal Cell is very slow growing and generally remains in one spot.  This makes this type of skin cancer easily treatable by removing the lesion.  
Melanoma- this form of skin cancer is very dangerous and can spread quickly.  Usually developing from a mole that has darkened, or changed shapes.  This cancer spreads quickly, and should be treated very quickly in order to ensure complete treatment.
Fungal Infections- this can occur virtually anywhere on the body, including the nails.  A fungus of the nails can  be extremely hard to treat, and the best, option is to avoid exposure.  Always wear flip flops when walking near pools, or in gym locker rooms and showers.    This condition can be treated, however it is, often a slow process.  
Related:   Forensic Nurses
Skin conditions can have an impact on someone's life, ranging from mild to severe to fatal.  Conditions such as eczema often mimic the look of ringworm, which can make people uncomfortable and embarrassed.  Certain skin conditions can be painful and unsightly.  Proper treatment and care by a physician can help clear up most conditions in a relatively short amount of time.  It's also important to maintain proper nutrition. As there is a link between skin conditions and poor nutrition.  A multivitamin may help ensure proper nutrition, and natural sunlight in moderation can improve several skin disorders.
Where children are concerned, skin conditions can be very contagious depending on what condition it is.  Day care centers often have outbreaks of skin related illnesses due to unclean hands and close proximity.  There have been occasions that day care centers were required to shut down until proper sanitation measures have been taken.  
Nursing homes also have a high rate of skin infections. MRSA is one that can be deadly if not treated aggressively.    MRSA is resistant to many antibiotics and can be difficult to treat because of this. Anytime you work with a patient that may potentially have MRSA, it's vital to follow all protocol to protect yourself. Because MRSA goes under the skin, it can spread rapidly and cause extreme tissue damage.  
Regardless of what condition occurs, it's important to get a proper diagnosis to begin the correct protocol of care.  Most skin conditions are treatable. A family care provider can advise on the course of treatment. A dermatologist may recommend for a course of testament and therapies to clear the condition.  Follow medical advice and instructions to have any skin conditions treated, and be sure to use moisturizers throughout the day.  
Related:  Distinguished Registered Nurse Carla A. Boutin, RN, BSN, will be Highlighted in the Worldwide Leaders in Healthcare
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Harlequin Baby with Mild Skin Disorder: Two Years Follow Up
Authored by: Ismail Biyik* 
Harlequin ichthyosis is a member of nonsyndromic inherited ichthyosis. Neonates born with HI have generally poor prognosis. In this case report, a case of harlequin delivered at the 37th gestational week was presented. Antibiotic prophylaxis was given to the baby with emoillent creams in the newborn period. The boy is now 2.5 years old and does not have a disease other than scaly skin. The child continues to receive emoillent cream treatment. However HI has a high mortality rate during the newborn period, we believe that early antibiotic prophylaxis and the application of softening creams may prevent mortality.Go toIntroductionThe ichthyoses is a keratinization disorder of skin. These disorders are heterogeneous group. The great majority of ichthyoses are inherited. Harlequin Ichthyosis (HI) is a member of nonsyndromic inherited ichthyosis. HI is a rare, severe form of congenital ichthyosis, which may be fatal [1]. Newborns with HI present with thick, fissured armor-plate hyperkeratosis, severe ectropion, eclabium, and malformation of the auricle. Early complications result from infection due to fissuring of the hyperkeratotic plates. Prior reports suggest that the mortality rate in the neonatal period is approximately 50 percent. Many infants with HI die shortly after birth. Fortunately improved neonatal intensive care and early treatment with oral retinoids may improve survival [2].Go toCase Report23 years old parous pregnant was admitted to the hospital with complaints of premature membrane rupture at 37th gestational week. There was a healthy baby and early pregnancy loss in obstetric history. There was a healthy baby and early pregnancy loss in obstetric history. The woman was followed up with regular pregnancy. Sonographically there was no anomaly detected. 2800g male baby born with vaginal delivery. His first and fifth Apgar scores were 8 and 10, respectively. It was seen that the newborn was a white layer covering the whole body of the baby separated by red cracks on the examination (Figure 1). Ectropion and eclabium were seen on the face. Due to excess of scales around the mouth gave the typical fish-like appearance. The family history was taken and pedigree analysis was done. There was no history of dermatological-related disorder or any other genetic disease. Emollients, lubricants and antibiotic pomades were applied on baby's skin. Prophylactic antibiotics were given to prevent sepsis The baby was referered tertiary hospital. When the child was examined at the age of 2.5, it was seen that there was no disease other than a scaly skin (Figure 2). The child still continues to receive emoillent cream treatment and development is normal. He use emoillent cream regularly He has not limb contracture.Go toDiscussionNeonates born with HI have generally poor prognosis. Perinatal death is very common because of sepsis or respiratory failure. In this case prophylactic antibiotics were given to prevent skin and other infections. Emolillent cream were used for softening face and body skin. Breastfeeding was successful in neonatal period with emollient treatment. Early breastfeeding prevented malnutrition and infections. Rajpopat et al. Reported a survival rate of 56%. In that study 16 of 45 HI cases survived for 7 years or more and the longest surviving case reached 2 5 years [2]. Pejaver et al. [3] reported survial of a baby with HI is 22 months [3]. There are some reports indicating a 50% survival rate with advanced intensive care [4]. Mithwani et al reported that survival 7 years of a male baby with HI is 7 years [5]. Ugurel et al reported a case with HI was survive only 1 week [6]. In the literature, there were reported high mortality rates in HI cases. In our case, the baby is 2.5 years old and healthy except the scaly skin.Go toConclusionHowever HI has a high mortality rate during the newborn period, we believe that early antibiotic prophylaxis and the application of softening creams may prevent mortality.NoteThe pictures and information belonging to the child were shared with the written consent of the family
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srlotion · 2 years
Best Treatment to Cure Dry Skin Diseases
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Instead of masking the dry skin for a few hours like other products. Our G16 lotion which is specially designed to treat Ichthyosis gently removes dry skin completely, stimulates healthy new skin growth, moisturizes without leaving any greasy layer or residue, and shows results fast too. With many thousand happy customers, we can confidently say that you won’t be disappointed.
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Congenital Ichthyosis-Juniper Publishers
Authored by Gadzhimuradov MN
What’s already known about this topic?
a) The disease usually occurs in consanguineous marriages.
b) Genetic defect in a skin disease is also accompanied by a rapid growth of hair and nails, deformation and thickening of a nail plate, subungual hyperkeratosis, palmoplantar keratoderma, ectropion and lips, and sometimes mental retardation.  
c) Genetic counseling before entering into marriage is the prevention of it.  
What does this study add?  
In the family with non-blood related marriage there are a child with lamellar ichthyosis and three cases of stillbirth.  
Genetic defect in this skin disease is also accompanied by disorders of gastrointestinal tract, an allergic condition of body, high levels of C-reactive protein and the total of IgE, the defeat of internal organs which determine the severity of state.
 A suggestion of research was made to study the factors causing a gene mutation.
The article describes the own observation of lamellar ichthyosis - a child aged 14 months, was born from the 8-th pregnancy. It is noteworthy that out of 8 pregnancies mother has 3 stillbirths (2 boys, 1 girl), 1 miscarriage in the 2nd month of pregnancy, 2 medical abortion. Two surviving children are a girl of 14 years (health), and the boy. The patient was diagnosed with pathology of gastrointestinal tract, an allergic condition of body, high rates of C-reactive protein and the total of IgE, the defeat of internal organs which determine the severity of his condition. The literature indicated mainly in skin lesions in this disease, and sometimes mental retardation, and it occurs in consanguineous marriages. Considering that the parents of a sick child are not related to each other, it can be assumed that the mutation occurred during intrauterine development. Considering that this family has three cases of stillbirth it is necessary to examine mutagenic factors causing a gene defect. It is necessary to take into consideration the fact that none of family members of this family have been recorded by such a skin disease and by the fact of stillbirth before.
Keywords:  Lamellar ichthyosis; Cases from practice; Photophobia; Keratitis
There are many forms of ichthyosis, and in 2009 in the framework of the 1st Consensus Conference on the Ichthyosis (Sorez city, France), approved the unified classification and terminology of ichthyosis. The group of autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis includes lamellar ichthyosis [1,2]. 8 known genes coding for these violations: ABCA-12, ALOX12B, ALOXE3, CERS3, CYP4F22, NIPAL4, PNPLA1, TGM1. Approximately half of the gene mutation of transglutaminase-1 (TGM1), which is involved in the formation of corneocytes shell leads to the development of lamellar ichthyosis [3]; one of the loci - 14q11. The disease usually occurs in consanguineous marriages. Defeat captures all skin folds in which the process is more pronounced. Hair and nails grow fast, nail plates are deformed, thickened, typical subungual hyperkeratosis, keratoderma of palms and soles. There are lip and eyelids eversion, which promotes the development of infections and, as a consequence, lagophthalmos, keratitis, photophobia. Sometimes mental retardation [1,4,5] is observed in lamellar ichthyosis.
Here is our observation of clinical cases of lamellar ichthyosis. The child is a male aged 14 months enrolled in a skin clinic with complaints of peeling and dryness of the skin. The child was born from the 8-th pregnancy. Parents are not related to each other. It is noteworthy that out of 8 pregnancies mother has 3 stillbirths (2 boys, 1 girl), 1 miscarriage in the 2nd month of pregnancy, 2 medical abortion. The two surviving children are a girl of 14 years (health), and the boy.
From history
Fifth births in 37 weeks, the amniotic fluid with a meager bright yellow grease. On the 4-th day transferred from the maternity hospital to the children’s hospital.
A serious condition; cutaneous covering hyperemic, with marble, the subcutaneous layer is sealed, imposing remains of the colloidal film; on the skin of cheeks, thighs, areas of the epidermis peeling irregular shapes. Eating is enough.
Respiration is puerile, it is over all lung fields, the number of respiratory movements
42 per minute, pulse - 138 per minute. The abdomen is soft. The liver protrudes from under the costal arch in 1cm. The spleen is not palpable.  
Male, the testes in the scrotum does not clearly palpable.
Neurological status
Movement are shackled; reaction to the inspection is excessive and negative. Scream is painful. The head is rounded, cranial sutures are closed, large fontanelle is not strained (1,5x1,5cm).
 Structural brain is tissue; periventricular region is of slightly increased echogenicity. Flow rate via a vein of Galen is 7cm/s. Lateral ventricles: left is 1-1,5-5mm, right is 1-1-7mm. The third ventricle is 2mm.
Heart ejection fraction is 75%. Diastolic dysfunction of the right ventricle with moderate tricuspid valve insufficiency.
a) Chest X-ray - pulmonary atelectasis.
 b) Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity - the left kidney - cups to 9mm, pelvis is 10*8mm, right pelvis is 9*5mm.
Sowing from skin gave rise to Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae Blood cultures is sterile.  
Procalcitonin test to 0.5ng/ml.
Alanine aminotransferase is 1U/l, aspartate aminotransferase 21U/L. Total protein is 47-48g/l; in the general analysis of blood - lymphocytosis and neytrofillez.
Consulting of an ophthalmologist - allergic dermatitis of eyelids, of a gastroenterologist - a syndrome of malabsorption in the intestines.
The diagnosis of primary: intrauterine infection of generalized form, dysbiosis of gastrointestinal sub compensated. Bilateral outer diffuse otitis. An allergic dermatitis of eyelids.  
Main 2: congenital ichthyosis, bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma.  
Malabsorption in the intestines; postnatal malnutrition is of 2-3 degrees; mild anemia.  
Related: posthypoxic neonatal cardiomyopathy with diastolic dysfunction and tricuspid valve insufficiency; pyelectasia left.
Heparin, glucose-saline solutions, ampisid (9 days), amikacin (8 days), prednisolone, mediflyukan, sulperazon (10 days), pentaglobin №3.
Intramuscularly once introduced antibiotic - aseptic necrosis at the injection site. Intramuscular injections hereinafter are contraindicated!
Diflucan, bifidumbakterin, Summamed (10 days) of prednisolone, a polyvalent bacteriophage (12 days), Enterofuril, Creon (6 days).  
Locally on the skin a methylene blue 1% aqueous solution, oily solutions and creams. The patient was discharged in mid and grave condition of the skin, malnutrition. It is recommended to continue inpatient treatment for the syndrome of malabsorption and malnutrition.
lagging behind in physical development (in weight almost does not add), seen crying loudly. The vision is normal. The thyroid gland is not increased. Palpable obligate group of lymph nodes - not enlarged, painless, not soldered, mobile. Heart: rhythmic tones, clear, sonorous, the correct ratio. Breathing puerile, carried out in all parts of the lungs, wheezing does not listen. Belly is of regular shape, a bit swollen, symmetrical, painless, soft, available deep palpation. The liver appears in 1cm. from under the costal arch. Regular chair, decorated, without pathological impurities. Urine output is sufficient. External genitalia are formed correctly (for izoseksual type).
Status specialis
 Lesions of a skin is diffuse in the form of vivid hyperemia, infiltration, large and lamellar peeling over the entire surface of the skin (Figure 1), including the folds. Face is mask-like, mucous of eyelids turned inside out (ectropion), dehiscence of mouth, radial furrows in the perioral area, deformed ears (Figure 2). There is some infiltration and swelling of fingers and toes (Figure 3&4).
Laboratory data complete blood count
Hb-108g/l, er.-4,05.1012/l tromb.- 482,109/L, LS-7,5.109/L, P.-0%, SV-42%, e. - 2% 0% B.- lymphocytes - 50% monocytes - 6%. Urinalysis is normal. Biochemical analysis of blood: glucose - 7.17mmol/L, Alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase. - OK, C-reactive protein -25.0mg/l (normal 0.00 -up to 5,80), IgE-total 131.99IU/mL (normal 0.00 -up to 22.80). Thyroxine (T4) free - 13.3pmol/l thyrotropin (TSH) - 5.83mU/L.
Ultrasonography (ultrasound) of the internal organs
Spleen signs of additional shares, pyelitis-calycectasis left, hyperechoic parenchyma of the lower pole.  
 Rhinitis, protracted course, carriage of pathogens.
Perinatal central nervous system of mixed origin, hydrocephalic syndrome.
NSG, ophthalmologist, consultation neyrohyuurga, exercise, Pantogamum syrup.
a) Ophthalmologist: conjunctivitis symptoms have not been identified; fundus without disease, macular reflex is pronounced.
b) Neurosonography: asymmetry of lateral ventricles.
c) Neurosurgeon: Information for Increased intracranial pressure is not obtained. There are not compelling indications for neurosurgical intervention.
d) Pulmonologist: at the time of inspection there was not pathology of the respiratory disease. In attacks of difficulty breathing - inhalation beroduala 7 drops 3 t/d, Pulmicort 250mcg 2 t/d, mucolytic Lasolvan 7.5mg (1mL) 2 times /day.
e) Ultrasound of the heart: the pathology is not revealed.
f) Consultation of gastroenterologist: aggregate data we can talk about the presence of immunodeficiency.  
g) Clinical diagnosis: lamellar ichthyosis.
h) Treatment: prednisone 1mg per 1kg of body weight with gradual withdrawal, lendatsin 400mg intravenously №7, asparkam 2 1/3 tablet twice a day, retinol acetate 1 capsule 1 once a day for kreon ½ tablet 1 per day bifiform 1 capsule 2 times a day, Suprastinum on ¼ tablet 2 once daily, Pantogamum by ¼ 3 times a day, Otofa 3 drops zykapyvat ear 3 times a day, podideksa spray into the nasal passages injected 3 times per day .  
He is discharged in a satisfactory condition with an improvement of the skin process. As can be seen from the description of the disease a genetic defect in this skin disease is also accompanied by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic condition of the body, high levels of C-reactive protein and the total of IgE, visceral, which determine the severity of the condition.
Given that the parents of a sick child are not related to each other, it can be assumed that the mutation occurred during fetal development. In this family, three cases of stillbirth, and therefore it is necessary to study the mutagenic factors causing gene defect. In attention it is necessary to accept the fact that none of the family members of this family have been recorded like skin disease and the fact that stillbirth.
Considering that the parents of a sick child are not related to each other, it can be assumed that the mutation occurred during intrauterine development. This family has three cases of stillbirth as well that’s why it is necessary to examine mutagenic factors causing a gene defect. It is necessary to take into consideration the fact that none of family members of this family have been recorded by such a skin disease and by the fact of stillbirth before.
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timclymer · 5 years
When Dry Penis Skin Is Due to Ichthyosis Vulgaris
Penis skin is very delicate, which may be surprising considering the amount of friction and action it must endure. Its tone and elasticity help protect it from damage caused by sexual activity, but the skin itself can be prone to any number of penis health issues, and dry penis skin is certainly one of the most common complaints. Dry penis skin can be caused by a wide variety of factors; one which many people are unaware of is a medical condition known as ichthyosis vulgaris.
Ichthyosis vulgaris
The name ichthyosis vulgaris is certainly offputting. “Ichthyosis” is a term that refers to a whole family of skin conditions, many of which are extremely rare. Ichthyosis vulgaris is one of the five main forms of ichythosis – and fortunately, it’s one of the milder forms. It’s also one of the more common forms (“vulgaris” in fact, means “common” in Latin); about 1 in every 300 people are affected by it.
So what is it, exactly? Ichthyosis vulgaris is a condition in which skin cells do not behave as they are supposed to. The skin cells start out the way they should, but when they get to the uppermost layer of the skin, the cells aren’t able to separate properly. This causes several layers of skin cells to build up over each other, creating a “scaly” look to the affected area. The scales have a fine, pale look to them.
Although it’s possible to have this scaling effect over many different parts of the body, it’s usually confined to one area. The lower legs are the most commonly affected, but other parts of the body can also be a target – including the penis and the area around it.
Ichthyosis vulgaris is a genetic disorder. People who contract it are born with a genetic predisposition, marked by the presence of too little profilaggrin, a protein that is needed in the epidermis. How severe the condition is depends upon how little profilaggrin the body can naturally produce.
Often this form of skin disorder appears early on in childhood, but it may not appear until much later. In some cases, the skin effects are fairly mild, and it is often diagnosed as dermatitis or another common skin condition.
For many people ichthyosis vulgaris can vary, often becoming much better in the summer or in certain climates. And in many cases, it disappears as a person ages.
Dry penis skin
When dry penis skin is caused by ichthyosis vulgaris, it requires the same treatment as when found on other parts of the body. Special moisturizing ingredients may be recommended to ease the dryness. In addition, a person with ichthyosis vulgaris needs to make sure they stay well hydrated, which in turn keeps the skin more hydrated; drinking a healthy amount of water each day is recommended. They should also be sure to use mild soaps on their skin and mild detergent when doing the laundry; the presence of harsh chemicals or fragrances can exacerbate the problem.
Dry penis skin, due to ichythosis vulgaris or other causes, will respond to treatment more effectively if the skin is in good health otherwise. Daily use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can play an important role here. First, be sure to select a crème that includes a combination or potent moisturizing ingredients, such as a high-end emollient (like Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E). Second, keep the skin in even better shape by finding a crème with alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant. This will help to find and eliminate excess free radicals which, left unchecked, can wreak oxidative damage upon the penis skin.
Source by John Dugan
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/when-dry-penis-skin-is-due-to-ichthyosis-vulgaris/ via Home Solutions on WordPress from Home Solutions FOREV https://homesolutionsforev.tumblr.com/post/185244921115 via Tim Clymer on Wordpress
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homesolutionsforev · 5 years
When Dry Penis Skin Is Due to Ichthyosis Vulgaris
Penis skin is very delicate, which may be surprising considering the amount of friction and action it must endure. Its tone and elasticity help protect it from damage caused by sexual activity, but the skin itself can be prone to any number of penis health issues, and dry penis skin is certainly one of the most common complaints. Dry penis skin can be caused by a wide variety of factors; one which many people are unaware of is a medical condition known as ichthyosis vulgaris.
Ichthyosis vulgaris
The name ichthyosis vulgaris is certainly offputting. “Ichthyosis” is a term that refers to a whole family of skin conditions, many of which are extremely rare. Ichthyosis vulgaris is one of the five main forms of ichythosis – and fortunately, it’s one of the milder forms. It’s also one of the more common forms (“vulgaris” in fact, means “common” in Latin); about 1 in every 300 people are affected by it.
So what is it, exactly? Ichthyosis vulgaris is a condition in which skin cells do not behave as they are supposed to. The skin cells start out the way they should, but when they get to the uppermost layer of the skin, the cells aren’t able to separate properly. This causes several layers of skin cells to build up over each other, creating a “scaly” look to the affected area. The scales have a fine, pale look to them.
Although it’s possible to have this scaling effect over many different parts of the body, it’s usually confined to one area. The lower legs are the most commonly affected, but other parts of the body can also be a target – including the penis and the area around it.
Ichthyosis vulgaris is a genetic disorder. People who contract it are born with a genetic predisposition, marked by the presence of too little profilaggrin, a protein that is needed in the epidermis. How severe the condition is depends upon how little profilaggrin the body can naturally produce.
Often this form of skin disorder appears early on in childhood, but it may not appear until much later. In some cases, the skin effects are fairly mild, and it is often diagnosed as dermatitis or another common skin condition.
For many people ichthyosis vulgaris can vary, often becoming much better in the summer or in certain climates. And in many cases, it disappears as a person ages.
Dry penis skin
When dry penis skin is caused by ichthyosis vulgaris, it requires the same treatment as when found on other parts of the body. Special moisturizing ingredients may be recommended to ease the dryness. In addition, a person with ichthyosis vulgaris needs to make sure they stay well hydrated, which in turn keeps the skin more hydrated; drinking a healthy amount of water each day is recommended. They should also be sure to use mild soaps on their skin and mild detergent when doing the laundry; the presence of harsh chemicals or fragrances can exacerbate the problem.
Dry penis skin, due to ichythosis vulgaris or other causes, will respond to treatment more effectively if the skin is in good health otherwise. Daily use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can play an important role here. First, be sure to select a crème that includes a combination or potent moisturizing ingredients, such as a high-end emollient (like Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E). Second, keep the skin in even better shape by finding a crème with alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant. This will help to find and eliminate excess free radicals which, left unchecked, can wreak oxidative damage upon the penis skin.
Source by John Dugan
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/when-dry-penis-skin-is-due-to-ichthyosis-vulgaris/ via Home Solutions on WordPress
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gethealthy18-blog · 6 years
Ichthyosis Vulgaris – Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/ichthyosis-vulgaris-causes-symptoms-and-treatment/
Ichthyosis Vulgaris – Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment
Ramona Sinha March 14, 2019
Ichthyosis vulgaris is a very common skin condition. Also known as “fish scale” disease, this is a condition in which your skin becomes so parched that it develops fish-like scales. Currently, though there is no cure for this condition, its symptoms can be managed. In this article, we have discussed everything that you need to know about this skin condition. Read on!
Table Of Contents
What Is Ichthyosis Vulgaris?
Ichthyosis vulgaris is the most common type of ichthyosis (Ick-thee-O-sis), a group of diseases that make your skin dry and scaly. In this condition, your skin looks like it has developed fish scales. There are about 20 different types of ichthyosis, and ichthyosis vulgaris is the mildest of them all.
Ichthyosis vulgaris remains confined to just one specific area of your body. However, in very rare cases, it can spread and cover large areas of your body, such as your legs, arms, chest, and abdomen. This condition often develops during childhood. Children inherit the genes causing this condition from their parents (either one or both the parents). However, it is not necessary that the parents show symptoms of this condition or have the disease to pass on its genes. This is known as inherited ichthyosis vulgaris.
It is very rare for adults to develop this condition. However, they can acquire this disease. For instance, you may develop ichthyosis vulgaris as a result of the side effects of certain medications. This is known as acquired ichthyosis vulgaris. Certain health conditions – like HIV, kidney failure, and some cancers – may also cause this condition.
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, about 95% of people who have ichthyosis develop ichthyosis vulgaris as opposed to any other form of the disease. This condition can be so mild that often people mistake it for extremely dry or dehydrated skin (1). That is the reason it usually goes undiagnosed.
Now, let’s explore the causes of this condition in detail.
What Are The Causes Of Ichthyosis Vulgaris?
As mentioned earlier in the article, you can either inherit or acquire ichthyosis vulgaris.
Causes Of Inherited Ichthyosis Vulgaris
This is caused by changes or mutation in your genes. Your genes are like codes that instruct your body to produce specific proteins and decide how your body is going to function. You can inherit this condition when there is any mutation in the gene that is responsible for encoding a protein called filaggrin.
This protein helps in developing the natural barrier of your skin. In the absence of this natural barrier, your skin cannot lock in moisture and maintain a steady pH balance. With chronic dehydration, your skin cells start to thicken and turn hard. That is when its surface becomes scaly.
A majority of the ichthyosis vulgaris cases are inherited. Those who have just a single copy of the aforementioned gene experience mild symptoms while those who get two copies of the gene (from both the parents) experience severe symptoms. However, some people have the gene mutation but still don’t experience any symptoms. These people are “carriers” who later pass on the gene to their children.
Causes Of Acquired Ichthyosis Vulgaris
Usually, adults acquire this condition. The exact cause of this type of ichthyosis vulgaris is still unknown to doctors.
People often acquire this condition from another health condition they might have. These include:
Kidney issues
Liver failure
HIV infection
Underactive thyroid gland
Cancer (especially Hodgkin’s lymphoma)
Sarcoidosis (a condition that causes patches of inflammation inside your body)
Ichthyosis vulgaris may also develop as a side effect of certain medications you might be taking. These includes
Nicotinic acid (used for managing high cholesterol levels)
Cancer medications such as vemurafenib, hydroxyurea, and protease inhibitors
Medicines containing kava
Apart from that, ichthyosis vulgaris may also co-occur with other skin conditions that you might have, such as:
Atopic dermatitis (also known as eczema)
Keratosis pilaris
It is not that difficult to identify ichthyosis vulgaris by its symptoms. Here’s what you need to look out for.
What Are The Symptoms Of Ichthyosis Vulgaris?
Ichthyosis vulgaris makes your skin extremely dry, flaky, and scaly. It is characterized by the excessive build-up of keratin on the uppermost layer of your skin, which leads to the slowing down of your body’s natural shedding process. Symptoms of ichthyosis vulgaris include:
Extremely dry and flaky skin
Tile-like scales on your skin
Gray, brown, or white scales
Thick and hard skin
Deep and painful cracks on your skin
The most common parts of the body where the symptoms appear are:
Face (especially cheeks and forehead)
Elbows and shins
If it is inherited, you will not see any symptoms until the infant is at least two months old. Scaling of the skin can cause extreme discomfort. The severity of the condition increases with age and intensifies during puberty (if it is inherited). If you think you have this condition, it is better to consult a dermatologist for further diagnosis and to manage the symptoms. Here’s what you need to know about the diagnosis and treatment of this condition.
Ichthyosis Vulgaris: Diagnosis And Treatment
A dermatologist can diagnose the condition just by taking a look at your skin condition. However, they may also:
Inquire about your family history of skin issues
Ask at what age you first experienced the symptoms
Ask whether you have any other skin condition(s)
Take note of the areas where the patches of dry skin have appeared
Perform blood tests and skin biopsy
These steps will help the doctor chalk out an effective treatment plan to manage the symptoms and rule out the possibility of any other skin conditions with similar symptoms (such as psoriasis).
Unfortunately, this condition cannot be fully treated. However, the doctor will prescribe medicines and ointments to manage the symptoms and get rid of the dead skin cells and inflammation.
They may prescribe ointments and creams that contain:
Propylene glycol
Alpha hydroxy acids
Taking measures to retain the moisture levels of your skin also helps in managing the symptoms. You can try the following methods to reduce scaling, dryness, and inflammation:
Soak the affected area in bath salts or regular salt mixed with water.
Soak the affected area in lukewarm water for a few minutes and then gently rub it with a pumice stone to exfoliate.
After taking a shower, apply a generous amount of a moisturizer containing salicylic acid, urea, or AHAs on the affected area.
If you have scaling on the scalp, gently brush your scalp to remove the flaky skin.
If the symptoms are severe, use oral medications. Oral vitamin A pills can help reduce the scaling.
Always use body lotions and skin products that have a high-fat content.
Also, you must also keep the following things in mind to reduce the chances of aggravating the condition:
Avoid cold and dry environments and air (be extra careful during winters).
Take short showers.
Apply moisturizer immediately after a shower.
Avoid air-conditioned rooms.
Use a humidifier at home.
Avoid exposing your skin to cold winds.
Use sunscreen whenever you go out.
Avoid artificial tanning.
Stay away from swimming pools as the water may contain chemicals and chlorine that might irritate your skin.
Managing the symptoms of ichthyosis vulgaris can be challenging, considering the restrictions and lifestyle changes that you may have to follow. The most important thing you need to be mindful of is your personal care. Talk to your doctor, follow these tips, and make them a part of your daily routine. That’s the only way to lead a healthy and normal life with this condition.
Do you have any more questions about this skin condition? Or do you have any tips that have helped you manage its symptoms? Comment below to let us know.
“Ichthyosis Vulgaris…” American Academy of Dermatology.
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skinbeautystore · 6 years
Dry Skin
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Severe dry #skin is a feature of the inherited group of disorders called ichthyosis: the most common form of ichthyosis is defined ichthyosis vulgaris, characterized by fine scaling that is most prominent over the legs and usually presents within the first few months of life. Skin owes its soft, pliable texture to its water content. Dry air (low humidity), probably the most common cause of dry skin, causes an evident reduction of water content. Furthermore, dry skin results when lipids are depleted and there is not enough water in the stratum corneum for it to function properly. Atopic dermatitis, a common dry skin condition in childhood, shows reduced lipids levels in the stratum corneum and, consequently, an important loss of water. Skin represents our barrier against the environment and it consists in three layers: hypodermis, the deepest layer, constituted mainly by adipose tissue, with vessels, nerves; dermis, constituted by connective tissue, with collagen and elastin fibers, blood vessels, oil glands, hair follicles, sweat glands; epidermis, the outer layer, constituted by keratinocytes which divide and mature moving from the basal layer to the stratum corneum (the outermost compartment of the epidermis). Keratinocytes, localized in the stratum corneum, feature an insoluble structure composed of several proteins called cornified envelope, cytoplasm filled by keratin filaments and nuclear dissolution. These cells are embedded into lipid layers constituted by cholesterol, fatty acids and ceramides. Stratum corneum provides skin hydration and, in particular, lipids play a significant role against evaporation holding water. Sweat and oil glands products, skin natural moisturizing factors (consisting of a mixture of highly hygroscopic molecules as amino acids, sugars, lactic acid, urea) partecipate to moisture content maintenance, acting as endogenous humectants. Involved skin appears dehydrated, peeled, irritated and inflamed. It feels rough, scaly, sometimes painful, and itchy. Severe conditions may be characterized by intense redness and itchiness; skin shows the tendency to crack, causing deep fissures that may bleed and they are signs of extremely dry skin. Dry skin, also called xerosis, is a very common skin condition that occurs at all ages. Usually, it doesn't represent a serious problem but sometimes it can be difficult to treat. Moreover, it might be correlated to other skin diseases or associated to pathological conditions such as diabetes, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. These are easy suggestions that are important to keep in mind: Choose short showers over baths. Long baths or showers, especially in hot water, increase the loss of natural oils from the skin and worsen skin dryness. The shower should be in warm rather than hot water. Apply a moisturizer after shower or hands washing. Apply moisturizing creams, emollients or ointments moisturizers several times a day: they are fundamental in dry skin treatment because they reconstitute cutaneous hydro-lipidic film holding water in the skin. Cream moisturizers, when applied they disappear when rubbed into the skin because of they are more popular than other treatments. They protect damaged and sensitive skin and make skin softer and smoother. They preserve natural skin lipids and limit dehydration trapping and sealing water in the stratum corneum. Choose a non-alcohol-based moisturizer. Use a mild non-soap skin cleanser. Harsh soaps remove the oils from the surface of the skin and dry it out. Avoid antibacterial soaps. Place a humidifier in your home or add it to the central heating system to maintain the air moisturized during the winter and in dry weather. Avoid rubbing or scratching the skin. Wear gloves, hats, and scarves in the winter. Avoid dehydration caused by drinking alcohol and by neglecting to replace fluids lost through sweating. Avoid itchy clothing because it might get more itchy. Dry skin is especially sensitive to contact irritants and it may worsen itching and redness.   Curated from Dry Skin  |  American Skin Association   Read the full article
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srlotion · 2 years
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Ichthyosis can be genetic or develop during life. Genetic or inherited Ichthyosis Vulgaris occurs due to a single genetic flaw that is passed on through one or both parents. It can also develop as a new fault in the gene in the early stages of fetal life. The signs and symptoms of inherited Ichthyosis appear at birth or within the first year of a baby’s life. If you develop Ichthyosis later in life, it is usually associated with another condition like an underactive thyroid, kidney disease, sarcoidosis (this is a rare condition that causes small red swollen patches of tissue to develop in the body’s organs), Hodgkin Lymphoma (a rare type of cancer), the HIV infection and some medicines can also trigger Ichthyosis. Certain medications can also trigger Ichthyosis.
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srlotion · 2 years
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Ichthyosis Vulgaris is a dry skin condition that leaves the skin scaly and flakey or dry and cracked which affects a person's confidence. To deal with Ichthyosis Vulgaris properly G16 soaks into your skin within three minutes of applying and does not leave any clamminess on the skin whatsoever. Thus leaving an unnoticeable micro-layer of lotion on the skin to hydrate it throughout the day whilst penetrating deep where it is needed.
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