#mile and apo did not hold back
haeseolar · 4 months
he's the one i dream of
mileapo - school!au, student council president apo, delinquent mile
rated G, 2k words
twitter / based on these photos
“P'Mai, you’re late again.”
Mile glares at Apo as he passes by, making sure their shoulders brush against each other. It sends a shiver down his spine. Whether it’s simply from the touch or the knowledge that with everyone else Mile would have no issue bumping straight into them out of spite, he’s not sure. 
Apo doesn’t let Mile walk far without him, trailing hot on his heels, heaving his backpack higher up as he goes.
“Have you been smoking again? Is that why you’re late?”
Mile throws a cold glare over his shoulder but doesn’t respond. It’s fine - Apo is more than used to this by now, having spent almost the entire school year worming his way under Mile’s skin enough to just get him to look at him. And so what if he had to pull out the ‘I’m the president of the student council’ card one too many times? It barely worked anyway, considering Mile’s general lack of respect and interest in such a hierarchy, only made worse by the fact that Apo is a few years younger than him. 
“P'Mai, you -” Apo jogs so they can walk side by side, although the view of Mile’s broad back was nice while it lasted. He likes looking directly at the other boy, eyes tracing over the contours of his build - wide shoulders, only made more obvious with the bulk of their school blazer, then the gradual taper down into his slim waist. It makes Apo sweat a little under his collar, his tie suddenly feeling too tight around his throat.
“Slow down for a second!” Apo finishes, grabbing a hold of Mile’s bicep.
He finally stops, those narrowed eyes zeroing in on Apo again. “You were telling me off for being late, but now you want me to be even later?”
“Well,” Apo shuffles, his white trainers squeaking against the linoleum flooring. He doesn’t let go of Mile’s bicep and uses his other hand to push his glasses back up his nose in a nervous gesture. “It’s been a while since we last spoke, so I just wanted to check-in. How’s your music class going?”
Mile sighs, the fight leaving him. He always turns up to school like this: pent up, his muscles wound up tightly like he’s gearing for a fight. Usually, he is, but not because of his own doing - the neighbourhood kids and other nearby schools all seemed to revere him as some type of prize to beat. You take down Mile Phakphum, and you’re the king of the area, earning the respect and fear of hundreds of others. Apo finds it completely pathetic and unnecessary, especially considering that they were all nearing their 20s.
“You could’ve texted me and asked this,” Mile replies flatly, his eyes straying to where Apo is still gripping him.
Apo jolts, hurriedly letting go. He tries to ignore the flush blooming across his cheeks. “I would’ve done, but you take forever to reply.”
Mile raises an eyebrow, looking down the straight slope of his nose. Apo clears his throat, heart hammering away behind his chest. He always feels so small when he’s in front of Mile, despite their height difference barely being even a few inches.
Taking over the student council had been easy. Rallying everyone into some form of subordination to show his authority had been easy, too. It had taken plenty of work, endless days of continuously proving himself, but it’d worked out. The worst thing about it was that Apo looked like a walking target for bullies. He’s not ignorant of his outward appearance and the way he carries himself - for him, it’s a matter of his personal pride. He likes looking smart, with his small circular frames and neat hair, pristine uniform and spotless track record, along with straight A’s in all his classes. Trying to get people to take him seriously and look at him as anything other than an object to ridicule was something he didn’t think would be possible, but he still did it.
Being faced with Mile’s handsomeness, on the other hand? That’s still something Apo is trying to manage. He’s seen the same face, the same features, heard the same voice and admired the same silhouette now for months, but it never gets easier. His pulse still speeds up, his stomach explodes with butterflies, and his cheeks go pink without any proper reason apart from just being within the general vicinity of Mile. Apo’s gone through worse and conquered a whole lot more, yet this one seems like the only mountain he can’t reach the top of.
He’s not sure when it started. It was as if he woke up one day - normal, no Mile centric thoughts - and then the next, he was head over heels for him and it was all he could think about. After that, his brain was completely infested with thoughts of Mile’s sharp jawline, his piercing deep brown eyes, his thick eyebrows, and the soft scent of smoke sweetened by a vanilla cologne. His strong arms, even stronger calves that he only saw when he peeked outside the classroom window during the other’s P.E class to watch, and - 
Apo hears a sigh, and then there’s a hand on top of his head, ruffling his hair.
“Stop worrying about me and get back to class yourself, prez,” Mile says gently.
Apo startles out of his thoughts, but not quite. 
Maybe it was the time that Mile finally responded to him with more than a glare. Or maybe it was the time that Apo managed to break up a fight that was brewing outside the school gates, and Mile gave him a curt nod of thanks before walking off. Or, maybe, more recently, it was when Mile started to truly pay attention to him, letting him stay with him in the music room during lunch, listening to Apo’s complaints and ramblings, even chuckling at some of his jokes. Then, if it was around that time, it could’ve been when Mile smiled properly at him for the first time. Not just a small upward quirk of his lips, but a real, genuine smile that completely transformed his whole face. It lit him up like a golden halo, making his eyes crescent into delicate moons, his lips pulling across his teeth as he beamed, his cheeks bunching up sweetly, two sets of dimples appearing with the action. It stole the breath right out of his lungs, looking like a fish out of water as he gaped, and even now at the mere thought of it, he fears he may do anything to try and see it again.
Apo swats his hand away, delayed in trying to smooth down the wild strands of hair that Mile had messed up, caught up in his daydreaming about Mile’s smile. “I’m allowed to be a little late, you’re not!” 
Mile rolls his eyes, shoving his hands into his blazer pockets. His tie is barely done up, loose underneath his shirt collar, and his shirt is half-untucked into the waistband of his trousers. It’s enough to have him written up for a dress code violation. Apo should write him up. Yet, if he does that, it’d mean losing sight of the effortless dishevelled look that Mile pulls off. He supposes he finds it… somewhat charming, after all. Even if it means he’s showing bias amongst the pupils, he can’t find it in him to care. 
Apo never said he wasn’t perfect, and he definitely never said he wasn’t selfish.
Especially when it means that he can reach out, trying to steady his shaking hands, to redo Mile’s tie for him. 
“You’re always so messy,” Apo mutters, the toes of their trainers pressing against each other, the warmth of their bodies radiating between them from their close proximity.
Mile’s breath hitches. He’s seen Mile’s football teammates initiate physical contact with him easily, and Mile accepts it just as quickly, only batting them away from his hair but nothing else. Apo wants - he wishes - he had the courage to do that. To reach out without a second thought, without being bogged down with all these fluttering nerves and the sound of blood rushing in his ears from a simple interaction between them. Apo wonders if he tried to brush down the stray strands of hair from Mile’s bedhead, would he be pushed away too? Maybe Mile would let him get away with it, just like a lot of other things the student allows him to do without more than a mumbling complaint. 
Apo glances up at him through his eyelashes above the tops of his lenses, curious, but Mile isn’t looking at him. He’s staring past them with a scary amount of concentration, the muscles in his jaw twitching from being clenched so tightly, his cheekbones pinkened. Apo’s stomach sinks. It’s clear from that alone that Mile is fine with everyone else touching him, just not Apo. He supposes that’s fine - if anything, considering Mile is somewhat of a delinquent, and Apo is the equivalent of a thorn in his side, he guesses that it wouldn’t be the most ideal situation for Mile to feel comfortable in. It doesn’t take long for him to sort it out, the sting of rejection fuelling him to go quicker as he’s used to doing it with practised ease on himself. Within a few twists and tugs, Apo pushes the tight knot up to the base of Mile’s throat, making sure it settles nicely in the middle of his collar.
“There,” Apo declares, patting Mile on the chest. 
Mile jolts beneath his palms, his pectoral muscles tensing and then relaxing. He peers down, running a hand over the newly tied tie.
His expression gives nothing away, not even when their gazes meet. “Not gonna nag me about my shirt as well?”
“Unless you want me to shove my hands down your pants, you can do that bit yourself,” Apo scoffs, crossing his arms petulantly. 
The air thickens around them, Mile’s neutral expression falling into something else. Something dark, dangerous, a twinkle in his eye forming. Apo feels cornered, a piece of fresh meat in front of a starving lion. He adjusts his frames on the bridge of his nose again, wishing that the lenses were tinted so he had some form of physical barrier between him and the way Mile is watching him.
“Shame,” Mile says vaguely, tucking the hem of his shirt lazily into his waistband. It looks even worse than before, sticking out at odd angles, and Apo’s hands itch to get a hold of it and sort it out for him. 
Instead, Apo wrinkles his nose at it in distaste, his ears burning with the insinuation of Mile’s response. “Just… be on time tomorrow, okay? Then I won’t have to nag you so much.” His voice comes out more venomous than he intended, biting and exposing the fact that it hurt his feelings a little.
“But then I wouldn’t have an excuse to see your pretty face first thing in the morning,” Mile replies, smirking when Apo looks at him in pure shock.
Mile leans in, his breath hot over Apo’s lips, sending puffs of condensation across his skin. His skin ripples with goosebumps, tiny spikes and shivers working their way down his whole body. Mile’s hair tickles across his forehead, catching behind his glasses. 
“I’ll see you later, prez,” Mile whispers.
He pulls back as quickly as he comes, walking away down the hallway to his next class. Apo remains still from shock, enduring roils of embarrassment and something else he’d really rather not put a name to stirring in his gut until Mile is almost too far away to see.
“I knew it,” Apo unfreezes, delirium powering him as he spins around on the balls of his feet to face the same way Mile went. 
“Your breath stinks of cigarette smoke!” He yells after him, pouting when all he hears is Mile’s laugh echoing around him in reply.
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ladypeonies · 6 months
MileApo and the industry....
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OG credit.
I wished all Mile and Apo fans would see it and understand it. I want you to go back to 2022, last year, the whole year, are you there? Remember KinnPorsche aired from April to July. Do you recall how huge it was? The trending for each episode, KP Asian tour, Vogue gala, 4M tweets on twitter, brand deals (D7, Farmhouse, etc.). I mean I started this blog in June 2022 and it was hard to escape KP on social media.
And despite all that, and even more I didn’t mention, last year at the Red Sea film festival brands didn’t want to lend them suits, yes you heard it right, brands refused to lend them suits. I triple checked the translation. The Dior deal was sealed in January 2023, I believe. They were on vogue and for the fashion industry, THEY WEREN’T ENOUGH. Who came to the rescue? The decorum BKK, one of Apo’s favourite place and his friend helped, giving them suits for Apo, Mile and Bible, Apo is never leaving that place.
Brands dress celebrities for important events, it’s a give and take system, advertisements, prestige for the brand and no headache for the celebrities. Some celebrities buy their own clothes above all when they aren’t that well known. But for a new entertainer, it’s expensive, above all, when you have dozens of events and you aren’t supposed to wear the same outfit twice.
It’s easier to have high street brands, but for festivals, red carpets, celebrities need to aim higher, and it gets complicated. That’s why the deal with Dior, a luxurious brand was so important.
Why did the brands refuse? Various factors I’m sure but they probably believed MA were a one-time wonder, they weren’t really established enough, lack of power, etc. They also were probably waiting to see where BOC and MA were going. It could also be that the condition attached to that loan wasn’t satisfying for MA. There are also trivial matters to take into consideration, like other celebrities wearing the brand and they didn’t want someone else to wear it. Trust me, it often happens. As I said I doubt, it was only one reason but various.
The entertainment industry, including fashion industry (they feed from each other, they’re part of the same ecosystem) isn’t a kind world. And you hear a lot about the ‘YES,’ and not about all the ‘NO’ the celebrities get. You can’t be where MA are without having heard, no many many times. They have listened to the backhanded compliments, the doubts about their talent, about their masculinity, etc., from journalists, executives, other actors, etc. And on top of that they have to deal with haters.
It’s not because they trend on twitter that they have made it, and the work will be falling on their lap, nothing is guaranteed. And it’s something we need to remember. And some toxic solo fans don’t get that, Mile’s competition isn’t Apo, Apo’s competition isn’t Mile, no one is pulling the other back. Their main adversary is the industry until they conquer it, and it's a marathon. They haven’t made it yet, they have to prove every single day that they’re good enough, their fan base is holding, they will produce quality work, etc. Their agency is still young and has to prove its ability as well, but there is a reason they chose BOC, their choice to make not ours.
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discluded · 1 year
My Top 10 memorable 2022 MileApo moments 💚💛
In no particular order,
Mile defending Apo and telling him he's not weird. Mile Phakphum #1 apocolleague #1 Apo defender #1 Apo protector 😖
2. Whatever they put in the water that day at the XBlush shoot 🥴
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3. The Moon Represents My Heart at KPWT Taipei (curse you one video per post Tumblr limit). The audible gasp and excitement from the audience when they realized what song it was!!!
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4. MileApo at the Vogue Thailand Gala. Everything about them and how beautiful they were... Mile had just gotten out of COVID isolation #2 and now they had a Vogue spread and were mingling with the movers and shakers of the Thai ent industry. Also specifically these boyfriend soft launch selfies 😖
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5. Paper Mile at the KPWT send off. This one was bittersweet and making the best of a bad situation... Apo was doing his best to have Mile be included but even Apo was not his usual sparkly self. The appearance of paper Mile per the request of quarantined Mile really put the smile back on his face.
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6. Sharing dessert and water in the Red Sea Film Festival IGL
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7. Apo taking this sexy photo of Mile in Phuket and immediately being exposed as the photographer. Thank you @ apovision for God's work and thank you @/may for exposing them.
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8. Mile replying to this tweet. Yeah it's a tweet. Yeah he interacts with many fan tweets. But trust me, this is the one that made all of us deranged. It's the reason why I'm deranged now. I think about this all the time.
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9. Mile and Apo kissing live at KPWT Bangkok. I'm just going to make peace with the fact that we're likely never gonna see another live kiss at a KPWT show again. But we got this one.
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10. Holding up the pride flag together at KPWT Taipei. Wasn't Taipei beautiful!?! 😭 It was a beautiful moment for the entire cast and the audience, since it was Pride Week in Taipei 🌈
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Bonus: 11. Meeting all of you 🥰💕 Yeah I'm sappy as heck, what are you gonna do about it.
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If you've ever sent me an anon or liked or reblogged one of my posts or followed me or stalk my blog but don't have a Tumblr or written fic or drawn fanart or written meta or made gifs or made edits or trended for MileApo, thank you for making fandom a fun place. If you've learned anything new about yourself or the world or changed your perspective in life because of anything I reblogged, I'm glad something I said or did affected you 🥰
We often talk about about when being in fandom is annoying, but really, it's a community. If you've stayed, thanks for embracing respecting each other and loving KinnPorsche and loving Mile and Apo and the people in their lives (which includes all of us!)
Maybe the real MileApo was the friends we made along the way 🥹🥹🥹 (Mile would agree because he is equally sappy like me).
Many other beautiful memories I wanted to include... but I loved these so much. It was hard picking favorites, but I'm gonna 😤
Bonus runners up:
Looking like a royal couple at their first fan meet
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KPWT Seoul date (are you going to give us the video or not BOC...)
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Apo lifting Mile in the KPWT Taipei behind the scenes video
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Mile discretely rubbing Apo's waist underneath his suit jacket at the D7 event 🤭🤭🤭
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KPWT Taipei goodbye (x2)
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(alright no more for real or else I'm gonna be here all day)
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nattaphum · 1 year
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Earlier this year at the Gateway of India in Mumbai, Phakphum Romsaithong — or more affectionately known by his nickname “Mile” — was spotted at the Dior Women’s Fall ’23 show together with fellow co-star “Apo” Nattawin Wattanagitiphat. There was plenty of buzz surrounding their attendance: #MileApo appeared on Twitter’s trending page, while “Did Mile and Apo come to India” became one of many common Google searches about the two actors. Despite being just two years into their careers in the Thai entertainment industry, the duo requires no introduction — and it is all thanks to the seminal action and romance television series KinnPorsche: The Series.
Since it first aired on 2 April 2022 after a year of production delays, the show consistently trended worldwide as each weekly episode arrived. While a shift in scriptwriting — especially as the story pursues themes of the Mafia with darker, complex themes that most series in Thailand have shied away from — many have reasoned that the natural interactions of Mile and Apo in the series are a rarity. Coupled with an intense promotional strategy that saw graphic teasers each time an episode was announced and a slew of behind-the-scenes footage available in durations twice as much as the series, it made sense why these actors have rapidly risen into contemporary pop culture knowledge.
While we have come to know both Mile and Apo, rarely do we get a glimpse of Mile without his tether to Apo. Once a communications and journalism graduate, the 31-year old — who never expected that acting would be his calling — has been going back and forth between personas. For faithful fans, he might be Kinn but within closed doors, Mile remains just as he was before the series. Two years on, Mile is still intensely committed to his fans. “I approach my work with an open mind, not knowing the extent of its potential success,” Mile mentions. “Nevertheless, my main focus remains on giving my absolute best and ensuring the happiness of those who witness it. Their satisfaction is of utmost importance to me.”
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Hello Mile, how are you these days?
I’m currently doing well, although quite occupied at the moment. If we were to represent it as a graph, it might appear as a lull period. However, I am utilising this time to engage in self-care — both physically and mentally — and to make necessary preparations.

What did it feel like waking up the morning the show debuted? 

I’m thrilled to be addicted to the series once again. Its irresistible charm keeps me coming back for more, just like others who are captivated by its captivating story. Seeing people enjoy it and receiving positive feedback brings me immense joy. These moments are truly cherished, and I take great pleasure in being a part of it.
In a few interviews, you mentioned that a career as an actor and singer/songwriter was not your first choice. Looking back, do you still have any reservations about acting?
Each of us harbours a multitude of aspirations, not confined to a singular goal. For me, true fulfilment lies in pursuing what truly ignites my passion and brings me joy. I am steadfast in my commitment to constant self-preparation and growth.
When presented with an opportunity, I choose to wholeheartedly embrace it — giving nothing short of my best. I am prepared to immerse myself in the pursuits that captivate my interest, dedicating my heart and soul to them. Though it may not be my ultimate objective, I am aware of my deep desire to embark on this path and so, I persistently ready myself for it.
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Your life has now changed seeing that you are arguably one of Thailand’s most recognisable personalities. What is one thing you miss from before your fame arrived?
Engaging in conversations with strangers holds a special place in my heart. As of right now — due to time constraints — I haven’t had the opportunity to fully immerse myself like that anymore. The days of encounters and spontaneous conversations with unfamiliar faces have become a rarity. However, such encounters have always been a source of genuine enjoyment for me. The sheer pleasure of conversing with individuals from all walks of life knows no bounds. Regardless of their background or disposition, I find immense fulfilment in the simple act of exchanging thoughts and ideas.
Any moments with your fans that have had a lasting impact on you?
Each encounter with my fans brings an overwhelming sense of joy and fulfilment. Lately, I’ve been immersed in reading the heartfelt messages written on cards by my devoted supporters. I’m already halfway through this heartfelt endeavour. Last night, I came across a touching note from a fan expressing their desire to learn English in order to communicate with me. It’s remarkable to witness the lengths people go to — dedicating their time and efforts to learning languages like Thai, English, or even regional dialects — solely for the purpose of connection. Their dedication truly moves me.
You are almost inseparable from Apo, both on and off-screen. What is your most fond memory of him?
It has been twelve years since we coincidentally worked together, and his unique appearance remains vivid in my memory. Recently, passionate fans stumbled upon a video of our first meeting, leaving me pleasantly surprised. This unexpected revelation serves as a gentle reminder of life’s unpredictable nature, occasionally gifting us with delightful surprises along our journey.
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On fashion, Mile elaborates that “the fashion world captivates us and draws us into its allure. Active participation in this industry involves immersing myself among talented stylists and continuously expanding knowledge.” But while Mumbai is not his first breakthrough with Dior, Mile has always had his eye on fashion. “I actually embarked on this journey at the age of eight,” Mile explains. “Seeing my mother in beautifully crafted clothes when I was young and experiencing the influence of television were transformative moments that sparked my passion for the captivating world of fashion.”
Tell us more about the Dior Men Fall 2023 collection you are wearing today. What did you like most about it? 

This collection exudes an exceptional uniqueness and embodies the distinctive character that Dior presents. I was remarkably comfortable during my time in Mumbai, which pleasantly surprised me. Despite the inquiries from others about its potential heat-inducing qualities, I found it to be quite the opposite. Even with its simple yet captivating designs and understated colour palette, it effortlessly stands out. Wearing these pieces becomes easy and is an enjoyable experience. Rather than mere excitement, my emotions were fueled by an intense enthusiasm when I delved deeper into the realm of Dior.
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How about your first fashion show with Dior, what was it like?

Attending a fashion show proved to be a transformative experience, one that expanded the horizons of my perception. It was a delightful and invigorating journey, allowing me to witness the unfolding of a whole new world. The show by Dior in the enchanting city of Paris was truly remarkable. Each garment conveyed a profound message, intricately woven into the fabric of the event. This combination of creativity and storytelling made for an unforgettable spectacle.
Are there any Dior items in your wardrobe that you would consider your favourite?
I love the Dior Lingot bag in the large size, I believe it is the 50. It truly holds everything I need. And when you have a very busy schedule, a large bag is just what you need.
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Yet, despite the tremendous achievements he currently possesses, the story is far from over for Mile. In some ways, KinnPorsche could be likened to only the dawn in what promises to be an impressive career. Be On Cloud — the company managing Mile and Apo as well as a host of other up-and-rising Thai stars — has recently announced a new film later this year and it involves Mile as its lead actor. Titled Man Suang — an ancient descriptor which translates to a “heavenly city of gods and angels” — the film will be set around the emerging Thai kingdom and its historical inception as a modern civilisation in epic proportions. Teased as a complete departure from the contemporary themes explored with KinnPorsche, the film has been marked as one of the largest and most ambitious film projects in Thailand with a production budget that rivals even that of Hollywood.
Much of what is shown in the trailer is meant to mislead, Mile teases, with more yet to be revealed at this point of writing. Apo will return as Mile’s co-star, but with a different dynamic between both actors this time. Its quality is meant to be top-notched too and make no mistake, there is plenty of anticipation for the film to be huge — the film’s trailer arrived weeks before its premiere at the 76th annual Cannes Film Festival, suggesting that Be On Cloud has its eyes on taking the film all over the globe.
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There has been quite a bit of buzz about Be On Cloud’s Man Suang, especially since there has not been much information released at this moment other than its debut at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. It is noteworthy to mention that the film marks your first main role in a motion picture. Can you tell us more about it? 

This movie carries a truly unique essence, captivating its viewers with a narrative that invites imagination and contemplation. It weaves a mysterious tapestry intertwined with the rich traditions and stories that unfolded in Thailand during the Rattanakosin period. The beauty lies in the artful portrayal of each character as they share their tale, allowing us to witness the profound transformations that humans undergo. It serves as a reminder that our beliefs — though held strongly — may not always yield definitive outcomes, offering a glimpse into the diverse possibilities that exist.
Let’s also get into the fact that it will be a historical film, and it marks a departure from the contemporary style of KinnPorsche. What kind of research did you do to get into the role?
For every character I embody, I dedicate myself to meticulous preparation, adopting a consistent approach. I delve into the era in which the character resides, immersing myself in its historical backdrop. It is almost like method acting and it is very similar to how I live my life. This thorough understanding enables me to comprehend the motives behind their actions and thoughts. I am grateful to be surrounded by a supportive team that encourages my creativity throughout this process, granting me the freedom to explore and bring my own unique perspective to the role.
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While it is a new project for you, you will be starring alongside Apo again. Will we see a different dynamic between the characters both of you are slated to play? 

In every performance I deliver, there lies a remarkable blend of 90% embodiment of the character and a 10% essence of my own being. This 90% is a testament to my growth as an actor, an opportunity for people to witness my evolution through each role I undertake. I wholeheartedly invite audiences to appreciate the dedication and effort I invest in every project. As each character holds a unique identity, spectators will recognise the striking distinction, unveiling the diverse range and versatility I hope I can bring to the stage or screen.
Before we end, would you like to share any messages with your fans? 

My heartfelt gratitude goes out to all the devoted fans who have supported me wholeheartedly throughout my journey. Your unwavering support has touched me deeply and means the world to me. Thank you for being there, from the bottom of my heart.
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matan4il · 7 months
Mileapo are on day 3 of their Hong Kong trip today, day 2 of Man Suang. They went out for a meal at a Xmas themed spot, and we can all try to guess together whether Apo took this pic of Mile:
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They were captured walking in a line, but Apo still turned around to talk to Mile... very husbandy of him!
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Then at rehearsal before the show, Apo did this, and made my eyes pop out of their place:
I mean, we've seen the show, I don't believe Apo holding Mile's hand gently is a part of it? I'm breathing normal right now, I promise.
But then another thing is that if you'll look up at the first pic, you can see Mile was wearing eyeglasses there. He's also usually the one who wears them on days when they've done Man Suang. But then at rehearsal Apo is wearing them? I can't tell for sure from Mile's pic, nor from Apo's update from that meal, where you can see the eyeglasses. The way they're placed, I can't decide if they're meant to be next to Apo, or next to the person sitting opposite of him. What do you think? Did Apo just go, "hubby's eyesglasses are mine, actually"?
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Mile as Chat touching Apo as Khem's face on stage is new as well, right? And then the way Khem *cough* Apo *cough* looks at him...
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Generally speaking, I'm so fine when they touch each other, like here:
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And here:
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Yes, please give me all the angles!
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Oh, and Apo said "especially with Mile," and I was totally a grown up, reasonable human being about it:
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They did this cutesy "surprise!" moment together, and I just wanna send them back under the same blanket cloak...
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(for my daily Kinnporsche/Mileapo posts, click here)
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kinnsporsche · 2 years
✨ a comprehensive guide on why daemi is literally the worst ✨
if y’all missed whats currently happening with daemi on twitter here we go.
context: daemi are the writers of the kp novels made up of two people. poi (a cishet female) and yok (a cis gay man)
1. barcode
poi admitted to essentially grooming barcode whilst they filmed the series. she claimed she “taught barcode how to be a good actor” by teaching him how to give her and yok massages. barcode was 16 at the time of kp filming. jeff calls them out for abusing and misusing their privileges as authors. jeff also emphasises that they’re not joking, he’s the second actor with mile to confrm that the harassment from the actors isn’t something they joke around with. (source x)
a couple people started digging through their old interactions with barcode and found him looking super uncomfortable around them to the point that jeff comes and intervenes, even perth looks uncomfortable with their interaction in the background. barcode also, whether jokingly or not, says that he’s scared of yok. (sources x and x)
2. apo
a video from what i assume is a live came out recently where yok and poi basically get apo to do some fanservice which he does pretty playfully in his usual apo style. poi seemed to think it wasn’t enough and got up and started trying to unbutton his shirt to make him take it off whilst he’s literally trying to fight her off and saying “don't do this to me, enough poi, please bring back the old poi.” she then slaps him on the arm and apo playfully starts pretending to hit her back for it but you can clearly see how uncomfortable and distressed he is when he leaves the room (sources x and x)
a few months back daemi decided to republish the novel with a picture of the cast as the book cover. they only booked bible, build, and mile, because they said apo was busy on a retreat and didn’t bother rescheduling the shoot despite the fact that he’s one of the, if not the, mains. fans started a campaign on twitter in support of apo and apo liked some of the tweets and yok started arguing with him on twitter. the conversations and screenshots are all buried and deleted so i dont have many sources for this but (source: x)
someone associated with the two of them (wannggjinn852 on twitter) accused apo of sexually harassing mile because he was teasing and joke-flirting with him the way he does in a live. a few days later daemi did a twitter space and invited the person who accused him into their audio call with them (sources x and x)
basically daemi really dislike apo and bully him a lot because of it. my guess is that they’re jealous of the friendship he has with mile because they both have a creepy obsession and infatuation with him which brings me onto
3. mile
he has openly come out and said that they sexually harass him, and he’s made it clear that it’s not a joke, that when he talks about what they do to him he’s not messing around, and they just laugh it off because they think they can get away with it all. (source x)
he’s also genuinley uncomfortable around them and they just don’t care and keep touching him and harassing him. when mile sees yok recording his exist post episode 7 underwater kiss he literally tries to hide himself and looks so uncomfortable. (source x and x)
yok is, by his own words, a digital content creator for be on cloud. today a pretty sensitive and jarring picture was posted on be on cloud’s instagram story that doesn’t fit with the rest of the content that they’ve posted over the last few days. it’s from an awkward and weird angle, has nothing to do with the tour, so there’s been speculation that yok was the one who took and posted it because of his obsession with mile. tw, the source includes the picture. (source: x)
4. bible
more harassment towards bible from yok. he asks bible to call him ‘mom’ or ‘mommy’ or something and bible refuses and says he already has a mom and keeps touching him and holding him when he tries to get up and leave. (source x and x)
5. pond
a video has surfaced that poi seems to have taken of her at a gathering with some other people. she pans the camera to pond (the screenwriter and director of kinnporsche the series) who smiles at it and then she leans in and kisses him without his consent. the discomfort is pretty clear in his eyes (source: x)
6. misc
made, and fully intended to sell, merch of vegas’ don’t worry i’m not gonna hurt you line before he assaults porsche in the show and only got rid of it when they faced backlash for proffiting off of sa (source x)
be on cloud had to tell them to stop hosting events around content for kinnporsche the series because they kept giving things away and people were getting mad at pond, mile, and apo, when it didn’t happen or when things were spoiled. (source x)
they’ve always been super disrespectful and rude to fans when they’re criticised and recently yok told international fans to fuck off in an instagram live (source: x and x)
tldr: everybody listen to bas
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everyforkedroad · 2 years
KP twitter drama - a hot take 🔥
I don't know if I'm going to get myself blocked or whatever for this diatribe but I have to get this off my chest.
If you are not aware (lucky you), KP Twitter is up in arms over Be on Cloud's alleged refusal to send Mile and Apo to accept the Mekhala Awards, citing scheduling conflicts. Granted, fans worked hard to make sure MileApo won that award.
In addition, many accuse BoC of holding MileApo back, of keeping content from fans, and not promoting them properly, taking their spotlight and putting on the other cast members instead.
Honestly, I don't know what to think of those accusations, but the behavior that I'm seeing is beginning to smack of a disturbing sort of entitlement.
MileApo and the KP cast just performed a two-day concert for which they rehearsed non-stop for ten days. Some of the cast were recovering from Covid and, in the case of Apo, performing despite symptoms and having to quarantine afterward.
MileApo are also doing preproduction for their historical movie, coming out next year, and are preparing for multiple concert dates between now and Sept, all the while fulfilling their sponsorship duties towards contracted companies.
What troubles me is that these are the same folks who worry about MileApo being exploited by BoC, but then turn around and demand that they do fanservice events and produce content when they are already so busy. This also smacks of exploitation, this time by fans.
Maybe it's a cultural thing and I'm missing the point by a Mile. If so, I apologize for my ignorance.
I just wish people would calm down and not jump on every last outrage. It's always the same people stirring up trouble and they do it for the engagement, not because they actually care about the actors or the series. Worse, they don't see the actors as human beings because if they did, they wouldn't be so obnoxious about demanding things that is beyond what they owe their fans.
Twitter is not the end-all/be-all of celebrity promotion. MileApo's career success isn't going to depend on the cute pictures they post or silly videos where they talk ad nauseum about how much they love each other. Their success will depend on the quality of their projects, the excellence of their performances, and the number of people who consume their commercial projects, the majority of whom are not picketing on Twitter.
And finally, not to be a corporate apologist, but BoC did issue a statement discouraging fans from participating in pay-for-vote contests. If fans chose to do it anyway, they can't turn around and get angry when BoC refuses to play along. They want their actors to be treated as professionals. Professionals wait for awards that acknowledge their work and their art. Not their popularity.
I am just as thirsty for MileApo content as everyone else and I like going on Twitter (and IG) because it's where MileApo can be found. But folks doing these hate campaigns have to realize that actors have been known to abandon social media for just this reason. Someone like Mile (or his SM manager), who is so generous with his SM posting, might be inclined to change the way he interacts, while I could see Apo ditching altogether. So maybe people should calm down and appreciate the work they do instead of demanding things they are not entitled to, or expecting the company to do things they have already clarified that they are not doing.
Rant over
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mileapo · 1 year
The Story Of Mile Phakphum In Three Parts
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Hello Mile, how are you these days? I'm currently doing well, although quite occupied at the moment. If we were to represent it as a graph, it might appear as a lull period. However, I am utilizing this time to engage in self-care — both physically and mentally — and to make necessary preparations.

What did it feel like waking up the morning the show debuted? 
 I'm thrilled to be addicted to the series once again. Its irresistible charm keeps me coming back for more, just like others who are captivated by its captivating story. Seeing people enjoy it and receiving positive feedback brings me immense joy. These moments are truly cherished, and I take great pleasure in being a part of it.
In a few interviews, you mentioned that a career as an actor and singer/songwriter was not your first choice. Looking back, do you still have any reservations about acting? Each of us harbors a multitude of aspirations, not confined to a singular goal. For me, true fulfillment lies in pursuing what truly ignites my passion and brings me joy. I am steadfast in my commitment to constant self-preparation and growth.
When presented with an opportunity, I choose to wholeheartedly embrace it — giving nothing short of my best. I am prepared to immerse myself in the pursuits that captivate my interest, dedicating my heart and soul to them. Though it may not be my ultimate objective, I am aware of my deep desire to embark on this path and so, I persistently ready myself for it.
Your life has now changed seeing that you are arguably one of Thailand's most recognizable personalities. What is one thing you miss from before your fame arrived? Engaging in conversations with strangers holds a special place in my heart. As of right now — due to time constraints — I haven't had the opportunity to fully immerse myself like that anymore. The days of encounters and spontaneous conversations with unfamiliar faces have become a rarity. However, such encounters have always been a source of genuine enjoyment for me. The sheer pleasure of conversing with individuals from all walks of life knows no bounds. Regardless of their background or disposition, I find immense fulfilment in the simple act of exchanging thoughts and ideas.
Any moments with your fans that have had a lasting impact on you? Each encounter with my fans brings an overwhelming sense of joy and fulfillment. Lately, I've been immersed in reading the heartfelt messages written on cards by my devoted supporters. I'm already halfway through this heartfelt endeavor. Last night, I came across a touching note from a fan expressing their desire to learn English in order to communicate with me. It's remarkable to witness the lengths people go to — dedicating their time and efforts to learning languages ​​like Thai, English, or even regional dialects — solely for the purpose of connection. Their dedication truly moves me.
You are almost inseparable from Apo, both on and off-screen. What is your most fond memory of him? 
 It has been twelve years since we coincidentally worked together, and his unique appearance remains vivid in my memory. Recently, passionate fans stumbled upon a video of our first meeting, leaving me pleasantly surprised. This unexpected revelation serves as a gentle reminder of life's unpredictable nature, occasionally gifting us with delightful surprises along our journey. On fashion, Mile elaborates that “the fashion world captivates us and draws us into its allure. Active participation in this industry involves immersing myself among talented stylists and continuously expanding knowledge.” But while Mumbai is not his first breakthrough with Dior, Mile has always had his eye on fashion. “I actually embarked on this journey at the age of eight,” Mile explains. “Seeing my mother in beautifully crafted clothes when I was young and experiencing the influence of television were transformative moments that sparked my passion for the captivating world of fashion.”
Tell us more about the Dior Men Fall 2023 collection you are wearing today. What did you like most about it? 
 This collection exudes an exceptional uniqueness and embodies the distinctive character that Dior presents. I was remarkably comfortable during my time in Mumbai, which pleasantly surprised me. Despite the inquiries from others about its potential heat-inducing qualities, I found it to be quite the opposite. Even with its simple yet captivating designs and understated color palette, it effortlessly stands out. Wearing these pieces becomes easy and is an enjoyable experience. Rather than mere excitement, my emotions were fueled by an intense enthusiasm when I delved deeper into the realm of Dior.
How about your first fashion show with Dior, what was it like?
 Attending a fashion show proved to be a transformative experience, one that expanded the horizons of my perception. It was a delightful and invigorating journey, allowing me to witness the unfolding of a whole new world. The show by Dior in the enchanting city of Paris was truly remarkable. Each garment conveyed a profound message, intricately woven into the fabric of the event. This combination of creativity and storytelling made for an unforgettable spectacle.
Are there any Dior items in your wardrobe that you would consider your favorite? I love the Dior Lingot bag in the large size, I believe it is the 50. It truly holds everything I need. And when you have a very busy schedule, a large bag is just what you need.
There has been quite a bit of buzz about Be On Cloud's Man Suang, especially since there has not been much information released at this moment other than its debut at this year's Cannes Film Festival. It is noteworthy to mention that the film marks your first main role in a motion picture. Can you tell us more about it? 
 This movie carries a truly unique essence, captivating its viewers with a narrative that invites imagination and contemplation. It weaves a mysterious tapestry intertwined with the rich traditions and stories that unfolded in Thailand during the Rattanakosin period. The beauty lies in the artful portrayal of each character as they share their tale, allowing us to witness the profound transformations that humans undergo. It serves as a reminder that our beliefs — though held strongly — may not always yield definitive outcomes, offering a glimpse into the diverse possibilities that exist.
Let's also get into the fact that it will be a historical film, and it marks a departure from the contemporary style of KinnPorsche. What kind of research did you do to get into the role? For every character I embody, I dedicate myself to meticulous preparation, adopting a consistent approach. I delve into the era in which the character resides, immersing myself in its historical backdrop. It is almost like method acting and it is very similar to how I live my life. This thorough understanding enables me to comprehend the motives behind their actions and thoughts. I am grateful to be surrounded by a supportive team that encourages my creativity throughout this process, granting me the freedom to explore and bring my own unique perspective to the role.
While it is a new project for you, you will be starring alongside Apo again. Will we see a different dynamic between the characters both of you are slated to play? 
 In every performance I deliver, there lies a remarkable blend of 90% embodiment of the character and a 10% essence of my own being. This 90% is a testament to my growth as an actor, an opportunity for people to witness my evolution through each role I undertake. I wholeheartedly invite audiences to appreciate the dedication and effort I invest in every project. As each character holds a unique identity, spectators will recognize the striking distinction, unveiling the diverse range and versatility I hope I can bring to the stage or screen.
Before we end, would you like to share any messages with your fans? 
 My heartfelt gratitude goes out to all the devoted fans who have supported me wholeheartedly throughout my journey. Your unwavering support has touched me deeply and means the world to me. Thank you for being there, from the bottom of my heart.
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ladymcres · 1 year
i’ve already ranted about the ridiculous amount of hate build gets on twitter, but please, let me say again how childish and hypocritical things are getting. Let’s start from the beginning.
Weirdly enough, the vp photobook behind the scenes and a certain amount of vp content start to come out the moment rumor has it bible and build will get a new show for just the two of them (content that had been around since may apparently). Back then I thought they were starting to hint about a kp s2 focusing on vp, because that would have been smart. Clearly, I was wrong.
The announcement event starts, bible and build are revealed to be working with sammon on something very sammon-like. Sammon, for those who don’t know, is a prolific writer, and had some of her books turned into tv shows (Manner of Death and Triage, just to mention the most popular). She definitely does not need to plagiarize anyone.
One of the kp writer starts to go on a rampage on twitter, claiming she was betrayed by someone in boc and and unfollows build on twitter.
Reminder: a show has just been announced, but build is weirdly silent.
Couple of days pass, and guess what? The aforementioned writer withdraws from daemi house, stating she didn’t want her bad actions to reflect on her colleagues or something along those lines.
Today, Build decides to speak up about the issue and clarify everything and to apologize if unintentionally he hurt anyone. He stated that he never shared anything about 4 minutes, that he never stole ideas from the kp writers and that his relationship with them was over. Also, he apologized to the fans for all the mess that was going on even though really, he shouldn’t have. He literally did nothing wrong in this case. I also kind of appreciated the fact that he didn’t involve Bible (it could have been the easiest way) and that he mentioned it was a personal issue. He ends up breaking down because obviously getting continuous hate for something you said years ago will break anyone at a certain point, and when that hate gets revamped by people who you were kind of friends and colleague with, it just hit harder i suppose.
One would think that after all the shit the kp writers did to all the members of the cast, this time people would show reason and side with build, right? I thought something we all agreed on was that writers are trash m. Well, no, because some mile and apo stans decide it’s time to side with the writers because apparently poi talked about sa in her allegations (not directed to build, from what i gathered on twitter, but of course that wouldn’t matter if you’re keen on hating someone). Adding this later because i just got more info. Poi posted on her ig pictures of blood and injuries, hinting at the fact that she had been attacked. Guess what? The pictures had been downloaded from pinterest and she had to admit she was fine and nothing had happened. Again: disgusting behavior.
Now, my opinion on this matter is: the kp writers didn’t like to be sidelined by boc and first, they tried to bring the attention over them with the photobook, and then, poi decided to go for the jugular with her accusations. Attacking build is the easiest way to gain clout these days, everyone and their grandmas know that. If she’d tried something like that with mile, apo, jeff, barcode or bible, the whole kp fandom would have eaten her alive, but build? Build is an easy target, considering what happened in the past. Also, if she had actual evidence of what she claims, she would have brought them out and Build wouldn’t have had the guts to hold a public speech. We’ve been saying for months that poi and yok are dangerous, that the actors were uncomfortable when they were around and when one them actually speaks up about what’s going on (and clearly it’s not easy for him, because from what i gathered he was close to her), people need to go and be dickheads. The kp writers have been acting like they own the kp cast from the beginning, so it really doesn’t surprise me that exactly when the two actors who would have brought them the most money (let’s be real here, the moment vp raised, nobody really cared about the kp dynamic anymore) go and announce they’re working with a popular writer for their upcoming show, the female writer decide to feel betrayed and plagiarized? I find that suspicious, not going to lie. Also, there is the fact that build literally had a full break down, he was devastated. Who would like to be dragged through the mud the moment an important project of yours is announced? And to those saying he was faking it, i suppose you can believe what you want, but obviously it wasn’t something planned, it was clear not even bible was aware he was going to speak up.
At this point, i’ll cherish pete, vegad and kp s1 with all my heart but i really wish neither build or any of the cast will ever have anything to do with the writers anymore.
Edit: this post was written before poi came out with her screenshots. I legit don’t know what to think anymore, but one thing i can tell you for sure: until this whole mess well be cleared, i will not show any kind of support for neither of them
Edit 2: i will riot if build doesn’t get the justice he deserves
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ziusik · 2 years
MmmfmmfnnHFFdghdjHHhffFFFDHHHH I WANSN jsuts scrolling your new fic an I saw there were TWOW new ones YOUR WRITING IS MAGICAL IDK HOW I MISSED THE PREVIOUS ONE your get them SO WELL AND your mileapo and Kinnporsche fics are EVERYTHING I EVER WANTED❤️❤️. Mileapo slaying in pinkBnbfff did you see this
Hey anon, thank you so much!! I'm thrilled you're enjoying my fics, that makes me very happy :D Also, the beginning of this ask makes you seem like a very friendly monster, so thank you for the laugh, as well!
I did see them in pink & while I don't actually think they're holding hands here (looks like Apo is just holding his behind his back? I could be wrong), they looked amazing yesterday and I adore them with every fiber of my being 🙏 Apo teasing Mile! Exposing his secrets! What could be better, honestly.
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soft-husbands · 2 years
Did you reach the book kinnporsche? I am hesitant to start it. The show was really good (except for the last episodes but I will keep my thoughts for me tho we share the same) so I am afraid that if I read the book it might spoil the show for me. I value your opinion so my decision to read it or not relies on you! No pressure lol
I’ve never read the books and tbh I don’t really want to now I want to live with how Kinn and Porsche are from the show I want to cherish them as Mile and Apo and Pond made those characters (also the authors make me sick so I refuse to have anything to do with them lol)
But don’t listen to me if you wanna read it go for it!! Don’t let me hold you back lol 😝
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eldic12 · 2 years
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Porsche had a soft smile on his face the moment they were alone and when Kinn started leaning in, only to lose it instantly when Kinn (the jealous prick) lashed out on him. Porsche was so confused because he was anticipating some alone time with Kinn after all that has happened. Up until Kinn’s shouting, Porsche was actually looking forward to their reunion. He likes seeing the green-eyed monster Kinn because in way it reassures him he does care.
Porsche senses that Kinn is holding himself back, and after finding that tidbit from Vegas, he has an idea why. So Porsche kind of welcome the thought of Kinn getting jealous but he has no idea of the damage Kinn’s old flame has done. At first he meant to tease, but then realized Kinn was actually mad and Porsche quickly switched to a defensive mode. He lashed out as well and Kinn, blinded by rage, insecurity and jealousy insulted Porsche with words.
And just like before, Kinn’s harsh words have greater effect on Porsche, even more than the physical pain. That slap, I must say is well-deserved. Then Porsche dropped a bomb that doused Kinn’s anger. He just said he loved Kinn and it put some sense into his brain that when Porsche tried to walk away, Kinn embraced and dragged him back (we all know what happened next).
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Yes, their relationship right now is toxic but both get off on it. Their first encounter involved violence and two volatile individuals who don’t know how to articulate their feelings very well are bound to get as physical as they could to each other (yeah, I do mean literally like punches and such as well as intimately). If they could have another moment just like the one they had in the wilderness, that would salvage their relationship. They don’t have to be handcuffed to each other (or do they? Hmm). Kinn and Porsche just need to be honest with each other and tell each other how they truly feel.
P.S. I love forehead kisses. Can Kinn and Porsche always have moments like this? Is that too much to ask? I need them to have a healthy and thriving relationship because the world they are in is already messed up (next ep is not gonna be all bliss based on the preview).
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ladypeonies · 2 years
MileApo and the girlfriend gate.
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It’s been going on for too long, the girlfriend gate is so lame and boring. A video of Mile holding hands with an unidentified woman appeared at the beginning of this year, I believe or end of of last year, who cares? It wasn’t clear when the video had been taken, by whom, etc. Mile received backlash, of course. He said he was single, he had been flirting with Apo, how dare he? Bla bla. That poor woman was, of course, haunted down on social media and harassed.
Apparently, it’s impossible for a man in his 30s to have past, present or future relationships? What the ….?
Mile released a statement. Except for our fondness for one Apo, Mr Romsaithong and I have one thing in common, we studied journalism and communication. That’s why I know that statement was well thought out. It was for the public, the woman involved, and whoever could be in his life when he wrote it or would be in his life in the future. He considered each word carefully, and phrased it in a way which will be respectful to each party involved.
His statement had in mind the past, present and future. He said and I quote: ‘We chose to remember the good parts so that the past will become a beautiful friendship in the present.’ What he’s saying here is please be aware dear fans that since that lady and I are friends you may see her around me in the future.
Well, guess what? June arrives, Mile goes overseas, has a dinner with friends and that lady is supposedly there. Why can’t she have dinner with him? She’s his friend and live in the country he’s visiting. How did people know she is there? Idiots are spying on her, they found out they posted the same dinner meal and all hell break loose. Mile gets hate, called a liar, cheater (why, though?) and people go into fake concern for Apo, who was peacefully in Thailand visiting cafés and shopping.  
I’m confused, didn’t the man explicitly said she was his friend? And Mile did the only thing he could and remain quiet. Because everything had been said already. Since then, they are a number of accounts on social media who wants to expose him, spy on the alleged girlfriend for clues they’re together.
Looking into it, it’s really stupid, those people are on a crusade to expose him as a liar, a fake, etc. They’re outraged he’s flirting with Apo on social media and elsewhere. The thing is, Mile could be in a relationship and still flirt with Apo. He could be in a relationship and call Apo handsome. Why? Because it’s not YOUR relationship. It’s between his girlfriend and him, if he can flirt, how he can flirt, how far he can take it. It’s not respectful, says who? He’s not dating you, why would you care? If his ‘girlfriend’ doesn’t. You don’t know what kind of relationship they have or how they communicate and their boundaries. 
And it so annoying how they use Apo, as if the man hasn’t been supportive of Mile every time they start that nonsense, showing clearly that you should keep him out of this mess.
 Do I believe he’s dating that lady? No, the rumours are baseless and anyone who has been in a committed relationship for 20 minutes would see that it doesn’t make sense. They are out there saying a shadow on a window pane is Mile, that’s how desperate it is.
 I doubt he would be that bold if he was in a committed relationship. Also, he has no reason to lie, if he was dating her, he would have come clean, communication graduate ladies and gentlemen. The power is in the control of the information and when to release it. He knows people would dig and could find the truth eventually. He wouldn’t want a PR mess. And even by stating he’s in a relationship, he would have managed. As long as he isn’t married, women and men would still hope. He will still remain Alpha male Khun Kinn.
 But you know what? If he wants to go back with her, he CAN, if he wants to father six babies he can. It’s his life to play, date and do whatever he wants. And no one owns him and he doesn’t owe anyone anything.
 It baffles me how they are fixed on that poor lady, when Mile probably has exes living right now in Bangkok, and hundreds of women who want to have his babies and men who would love to be his Porsche.
 Those people want to expose Mile, they know rumours like this can hurt him, they did. It can lessen the trust his fans have in him. Those rumours attack his credibility and his honesty which are important for him as a man and as an actor. Also, what they go after is his work. By bringing Apo (whom they don’t give a damn about) into this, they are going after a brand.
 Like it or not MileApo is a brand, one which sells. Sponsors or brands love what they are as an individual and the power they hold together. Mile and Apo look good together, they fit. Brands want their warmth, their playfulness, the relationship they have which will drive fans crazy for their products. Farmhouse, D7, cosmetics, they all want a piece, of what MileApo have in and out of the screen. Fans would buy anything to be close to them and feel like they are also part of that unique combination.
 They could sell more brands but BOC is regulating and they don’t want them to be overexposed and lose that sense of uniqueness and exclusivity.
 Those people will keep doing it, dig, harass, create rumours, and the more successful Mile is the more desperate they will get. The best way to deal with that is to ignore, and don’t give them oxygen, don’t interact, don’t click. Your best source about Mile’s love life is Mile himself. If he has something to say, he will let you know when he’s ready.
 The power is in the control of the information and when to release it, he knows it.
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discluded · 2 years
To be honest I feel like as somehow Apo was able to let himself go more/be affectionate more with the Mile paper thingy than he would be with the real one in public.
It is so good to see that they let us in a little bit more in their own little world and starting to let go of their let’s say fear of how would the world react.
It is so beautiful how they helped each other through self-acceptance (Apo) and self-discover (Mile). I honestly love and respect them so munch. ❤️
I disagree: 1 2 3 4 5
if you mean physically affectionate 1) Mile standee can't move by itself and 2) yes, somewhat. like Apo would not give kisses to Mile in public in the view of fancams like he did to the shirt and the standee, but they're also at a work event. 99% of what we see of them interacting in public is in the context of work.
maybe I'm too old school but the PDA at work barometer of hypocrisy for this is if I saw a straight couple (Tom and Zendaya for example) promote their work and act more than at the level Apo (and Mile) has been regularly acting at would that be cool... and my personal answer is no.
So no I don't think Apo is holding himself back anymore and no I don't think he should do more either, especially in the context of work.
Also their relationship isn't for consumption. They can get to show us as much or as little as they want. I feel privileged to witness them sharing their happiness as it is.
but I respect that's your opinion and this is just mine 🤷🏻‍♀️
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nattaphum · 1 year
Man Suang timeline
May 4
We got four new updates during the Woody Talk Show
The video below is the first one:
mile said that the most recent time he teased Apo was some days before, during the filming of man suang. The scene was a very serious one because it was the climax of the movie but mile teased him anyway. Apo bursted out laughing after he finished his scene but didn’t want mile to be scolded by the director so he covered him up LOL
The video has real-time subs but it’s better to read the dialogue before watching the clip for a better comprehension:
Apo: i was standing right across him and i met his eyes then he turned his body and did the *😜👉🏻👉🏻* pose
Woody: okay let's pretend you're in the scene and you stand here. i'll be pond. ACTION!
Apo: *meets mile's eyes*
Mile: in my head i was thinking "nobody, nobody but you"🎶 and i did the 😜👉🏻👉🏻 pose
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Apo: *laughs* woody, do you understand that i was in a serious mode & in character while the camera was filming me? then when i faced his face i saw this "dancing pose" and in my head i was like "i'm fucked up" and i tried to hold back the laugh while the camera was filming me. When the scene ended i was scolded by pond… he was like "hey you, come here" but mile was like this (*stepping away*) and ran somewhere. I said "okay okay" since i didn’t want him to get scolded.
Second update: There will be a mix of Thai, Chinese & other cultures... there are no good or evil characters, everyone will develop their own character.
Apo shared the photo he took on Valentine’s day aka the first day of shooting man suang
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Woody asked for another spoiler so mile and apo reacted like this 😂:
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Then they said:
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May 8
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Tong posted his story but
then he deleted it (?)
May 10
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Pond: Working with people who share the same vision and beliefs is powerful. We don't do anything because we get something. We do something because we want to give. And starting today the theme song of #ManSuang is in the hands of Ohm @ohmhar, who is very kind and very into it. He started working before the official agreement was really done. Thank you @sodapor for understanding. Let's go together. Ohm, who is a dancer (Mi, his wife, likes dancing a lot too), has become another important part of #ManSuang to be proud of. Please wait, everyone.
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Khun Ohm is the lead singer of Cocktail band, a composer and a music producer. He's a co-founder of Gene Lab, a Thai record label and entertainment agency under GMM Grammy. He is also a judge on a famous thai survival show (x,x)
The comments of thai fans that i read are all very positive. They are excited it’s gonna be him to take care of the soundtrack because he always makes very deep and emotional song! They say he is perfect for the role!! 😍
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Apo today with someone from Gene Lab team:
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matan4il · 11 months
Last post of good-natured silliness regarding Mile and Apo's trips! (the first can be found here and the second here)
Jul 28, Mile posted a pic from the car in Paris in the rain set to Jazz (his and Apo's fave music genre). Then he started posting from flying back to and landing in Bangkok. He was wearing the same cap with a big 'A' on it that he wore during departure on Jul 19, even though weather wise, that cap didn't make sense then and even less so now.
When he left:
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And as he returned:
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This is kinda similar to Apo, who wore his trinket necklace both when he departed Bangkok on Jul 19 and when he came back on Jul 25. It has two silver circle rings, joined by a heart pendant.
Apo when leaving:
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And upon returning:
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Back on Jul 6, when they went to Song Wat together, I noticed these joined rings and that, because most of the time the heart holds the two together, it makes them look a lot like Mile's double circle silver ring, which he has had for years, way before KPTS.
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While Mile's ring is obviously not connected to Apo, I did wonder when Apo started wearing his trinket necklace which includes this pair of joined rings, and whether they might intentionally have been chosen for their similarity to Mile's (once locked together with a heart). I can't actually answer any of these questions, other than to tell you that Apo doesn't seem to have worn these rings before he re-met Mile in Oct 2020. At least I couldn't find any evidence that he did, not on his fingers and not on his necklace (though he did wear other necklaces). The first time I could find him wearing the joined rings on the trinket necklace is a pic Apo shared on Sep 13, 2021:
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He's also wearing it in a pic he shared Sep 16, 2021, you can see it a bit better there (especially since on Jan 10, 2022 he posted another pic from the same occasion where the necklace with the rings and heart is even clearer). Also, as far as I can tell, Apo changes the trinkets he wears with the paired rings, but he always wears those. Make of all this what you will...
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Mile posted a vid on Facebook from the plane as it approached Bangkok, captioned it with text about saving money to construct, buy and decorate a house, and added this post to his "Happiness during the day" album:
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He also pasted the same text about saving money for a house onto a vid of an apartment with a view of NYC, which he shared on his personal IG, and we all know who loves that city and even lived there for 7 months...
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After landing, Mile posted on IG pics and vids from the Eiffel Tower in the rain on Jul 27, and he captioned them with "Something is more romantic with rain... #LikeYou ^^". Within 13 minutes, Apo liked the post and commented, "Very romantic."
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Mind you, the entire 10 days they've been apart, neither one of them used the word "romantic" in any of their captions. While Mile WAS ACTUALLY IN Paris, at the Eiffel Tower, in the rain, he didn't use the word "romantic," but he did right away after he returned to Thailand.
Apo posted on IG 15 minutes after Mile did, sharing pics from Jul 21 in China, and he captioned them "Sleep no more." Except unlike me, Apo capitalized every first letter of each word, which is what Mile always does with his own captions in English. Mile commented not long after with "Cool."
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Another thing to note is the day before, Jul 28, as Mile was flying back to Thailand, Apo posted a pic from China, from Jul 23, where he's doing a half heart, and he captioned it, "Miss you."
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Just as a bonus... On the same day, while Mile was flying back to Bangkok, his mom posted multiple pics and vids of herself in a green shirt (Mile's color) and yellow pants (Apo's color).
Wait, bonus #2! Mile also mentioned returning very soon. Pond replied to a photographer that he'll see him in September. The Paris Fashion Week 2023 starts on Sep 25, so we might get some more Mileapo in Paris then.
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Did I miss anything? Probably, there's been a lot. But I hope this series of posts made you smile! You can find more of my Kinnporsche/Mileapo stuff under this tag. xoxox
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