#but yeah they communicate thru their bodies
mejomonster · 1 year
I said I was writing a novel to someone
and they were like "oh that's good! Writings a good way to process what you've been through" and hoo boy right then did it slam home that to a medical professional it would seem I got health problem related trauma out the wazoo
#rant#ToT i was like. she thinks... i write... to cope with nearly dying in the hospital and starving months and being cut up a lot and in#a bunch of stupid sucky internal pain???#i mean. i wouldnt say i Dont have medical trauma....#when i read The Body Keeps the Score i realized i probably had some even from birth#the whole premie baby unit thing. then a heart problem taking all my calories to keep me alivr making me a tiny child with chest pain#age 5 birthday appendicitis and mu mom told me i didnt even cry i just said to her i was sad i couldnt play#age 8 heart surgery Fixing the lifelong to that point bullshit so i gained 100 lbs almost innediately once body could STORE ENERGY and#wasnt nearly dying nonstop. age 17 mental health decided to try and kill me for several years which id say was worse but not medical?#then fixed mental uealth and GALBLADDER tried to hurt me nonstop agh#then this gastroparesis etc gi bullshit#anyway. um yes i suppose there may be somr medical trauma compoundint the ptsd for other reasons lmao#but. i write cause... i like silly queer morally grey faeries...#and explorint the idea of who is a#person how much can someone change before they cease to be them. and there can be love and safety#and community and better days even if we go thru suffering or feel everyrhing is The Worst#shdjdj but yeah at physical therapy she was like ah yes youre in mega pain daily#writing is a GREAT OUTLET#dhdhdjfj???!!!!#dude no i want to do boxing now thats an outlet. i need to hit stuff#dancing is my actual outlet btw. unless im too injured to dance :c then mentally im WANTING to dance
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cypheragent · 3 months
"you aren't very EMPATHETIC to detransitioners! ☹️" yeah dude. that was kinda the whole point of the post. try again
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socksandbuttons · 6 months
Swap AU Stuff
Alright let's jsut try getting down basics maybe
Also this maybe long actually.
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The obvious Swaps Lunar and Eclipse: Basically how we meet them in episode. I legit went along with thinking this Eclipse wasn't memory wiped the whole time so thats kinda- in the air a bit. But Lunar being the original body (I have a post showing how Eclipse looked then), Eclipse with the one he made (to be taller. He can't stand being small... Well shorter than anyone really. A shame he has Bloodmoon towering over him.) The Glamrocks: They are as Swapped so Chica is Freddy, Freddy is Roxy, Roxy is Monty and Monty is Chica (I love them immediately after giving them luscious hair im sorry). Rox and Sun are friends and he's quite protective of Sun, also a cowboy cause swap au/Foxy etc. Digi in the discord came up with this and i died cause it was so good actually. Eclipse and Lunar still go thru the whole October Arc with Moon and Sun. Moon being far more quiet but aggressive. Made Sun to hinder Eclipse. Let me paste my lil paragraph i had in discord
"Sun likely has more denial about moons treatment of him, however like lunar he does start questioning if its good for moon to get the star (like sort of getting the Moon Wont Stop so i need to do something he might hurt himself etc) plus lunar and eclipses treatment of sun would be a huge factor too, eclipse obviously is terrible at communcating and while he's a bit of a jerk, realizing sun might be in danger or hurt is something he might catch on faster. maybe. im thinking anyway sun catches attachment to both that outweighs his denial of moon being terrible actually. he's still grasping at things even well after. doesnt realize he gets awful panic attacks until someone points it out actually. and then i lost my train of thought but moon still loved sun just…. very clearly was not the forefront of his goals tho. feels very betrayed by sun after and likely wont fogrive sun. vs sun whos too willing to forgive despite his anxiety screaming at him NOT TO. i just wanna show a different thing to this cause lunar recognized halfway into october and let moon handle the rest and recognizes that eclipse was hurting him much sooner than sun wouldve (see the… current sun. og sun recognizes now but it truly took him a WHILE, communication Real now.)" Anyway, Sun does end up getting adopted by both Eclipse and Lunar. He's never gonna be taller than Eclipse. But as mentioned he's got a lot of things to work through about Moon (Roxy will kick so much ass for him.) Generally trying to grasp that yeah no it was pretty fucked up of Moon to do anything to Sun. Now the timeline gets a lil weird beyond this because like KC would've also been in this plot. KC unlike our Bloodmoon, is actually far smarter (Im sorry to bm fans), he DOES work with Sun but generally more for his benefit of getting rid of Moon. He doesn't really need to be bribed for this actually. Imagine KC being so pissed about Moon showing up in his systems and hes LIKE WTF MAN. Zappity Zap Zap Double Dee Moon Anyway Cue Bloodmoon arriving. And like bloodmoon does- He does technically hold Eclipse hostage but gets bored. So there is mild agreement. Bloodmoon does what KC did and FORCED themself out (like our OG boy!). They're uh... theyre not very keen on sticking around a daycare as fun as itd be to tear it up. They like lightly bully Sun but Roxy to the rescueee. Anyway, 'Does KC die in this au?' No he doesnt. He gets CLOSE to it but Bloodmoon just goes 'Hmn. nah son you're coming with me'. Lunar still feels incredibly bad about it though. Space arriving sooner actually more or less helps like avoid some certain issues here and there. Unlike Earth where she arrives much later (due to be literally distracted.) Space goes directly to the daycare. Thus kinda- changing some bits. He does meet Bloodmoon, hates him though. 'Why aren't you thinking this through' 'We wanna see how much they scream' 'You'll be electrocuting yourself before you get the chance' '...That means Eclipse gets electrocuted?' 'Put down. the fork.' KC handles Bloodmoon with much exasperation. Bloodmoon picked up this sucker and went 'our Spawn'. Baffles KC. Space ends up meeting Crater, Moon got annoyed with Space's presence being literally really hard to work around. Sends Crater, Crater and Space get along well enough that it wasn't Moon intention but this works too. Space (theres irony here) gets concerned with Crater and her not viewing herself with autonomy. She is still just a 'basic AI' as she puts it. Does what she's told. Bloodmoon doesn't really use her just kinda shoo's her off to Space or Eclipse. 'No you're no fun-' 'I have told to monitor you' 'WE DIDNT ASK MOON FOR A BABYSITTER' 'I am programmed to defend' 'We dont need defending either' 'You are still vunerable' '...Go away' 'Affirmative. Destination please?' 'DAYCARE'
Anyway How do i sum this up. Roxy and Sun are besties Lunar and Sun vibe. Eclipse is soft with Sun.
Bloodmoon has claimed ONE child. Doesn't really claim Moon but thats a later thing. Moon and KC despise one another.
KC didn't really want this fatherly figure but he begrudgingly accept them. Funny things happen with these three. Bloodmoon doesn't become pacifist, just more or less moves away dragging KC with them. A little bitter at Lunar's murder attempt but its fine. No one died there but heavily maimed.
Eclipse and Moon still ultimately hate one another. There is a Swap version of Solar thats Moon and- we'll get confused so just know its out there. Space and Crater are good friends and partly why both end up questioning their existence but both support pillars to one another that it just kinda isn't as devastating. Unless someone dies. Crater does end up having her own personhood, Moon does get attached to her even if he doesnt admit it. Space doesn't question creator enough but Crater does and vice versa. Bloodmoon(s) does have a name but ill reveal that later??? idk
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Is anyone else just completely disillusioned? Done?
I could not think any less of people still talking about celebrities or how their biggest issues are not having a Starbucks cup that's $50
Like why are we as a collective letting people like that run the lives of everyone on the planet? A planet rife with unnecessary conflict and greed? People who can't be bothered to just Not go to chick-fil-a?
Why are people who clearly value profit over humanity in charge of humanity, ykwim? How the fuck did that become a majority opinion?
I drive thru my nuclear town, I go to our community events, our local small businesses, I try to support my community in ways I can everyday. But I can't help but notice that So Many of the people who do that alongside me, don't show up to protest for the rights of the people they claim to support.
Its all so incredibly shallow and one dimensional and obviously disingenuous and why the fuck are the rest of STILL begging for the ability to make changes within the framework they built?
Why are we still making educational posts for them and trying to make them understand when the first thing we are taught about reaching understand is that you must first be willing to listen and they refuse.
The ruling classes never listened. Never, ever have they granted anyone any oppressed group rights that they asked for without the group needing to fight for it. And it's always after generations of oppression.
I'm fucking tired of being nice and pretending the laws they made up matter and like their socially constructed bureaucracy is the only way to make change to be quite fucking honest.
They're LUCKY we use it EVER and now they don't even fucking listen to our voicemails?
The only things stopping me from taking what's mine are disabilities and I'm Dying to know what everyone else's excuses are.
Or is that?
Are we all physically too incapable? Is every single able bodied person actually a liberal fascist?
Asking for the disabled Turtle Mountain Ojibwe person typing this who's life literally depends on y'all caring enough about other people to make life anything but a list of systematic circumstances I'll suffer from until I eventually die early of an illness I can't afford medical aids for and which are not provided for me either.
And if you're able bodied and you feel the same... Start working outside that framework and stop asking so nicely. Stop giving a shit if you don't have the support of the oppressors and their liberal foot soldiers.
Stop worrying about what CNN is gonna say about you because I promise that the people who matter and Understand you will be inspired to follow in your foot steps and supportive.
Get active in your co-ops, mutual aid groups, and consider training like you're black bloc.
Learn what direct action is and how to do it and start doing it. Just reading theory era is over.
More of this
less whatever the level of cognitive dissonance this is
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Imagine saying 'i voted so I did everything I could' like the suffragettes didn't have an arson and bombing campaign because the people who Could vote were people benefitted from their systemic silence and thus did almost Nothing to help them get voting rights and they Refused to let oppressor laziness be their obstacle.
Yeah, they don't teach you that in Voting Matters School the suffragettes were bombing the UK just a year or two before they got their rights do they?
The only language oppressors will listen to is their own.
And I'm Tired of pretending otherwise because that delusion is what makes the privileged feel like they don't have to do anything but vote and makes them feel they're justified to criticize those of us that fight back through other avenues.
And maybe if we had politicians that gave a shit about any of us then those votes and movements and public sentiment would have a bigger sway in government, but they don't.
They don't fucking care.
Why are we still giving them power over any of us and letting them tell us what to do and demonize us when they use that power allowed to kill us and bury us in unmarked graves in some field in Mississippi? And make everything so expensive that the richest citizens on earth struggle to pay their bills?
Why can a government only "condemn" a state agent's right to shoot an unarmed protester 57 times, but they can bypass Congress to send Israel billions upon billions worth of weapons?
I'm tired of pretending this country is anything but a front for White Supremacists when every liberal I see is trying to gaslight everyone into thinking genocide is acceptable.
Shut the fuck up and get out of my equality tags, fascist.
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surftrips · 1 year
butterflies — part three.
pairing: rafe cameron x female reader
summary: after returning home from college for the summer, y/n runs into rafe cameron and the two form an unlikely relationship.
word count: 2043
a/n: little bit of a longer chapter, but i am having so much fun with this series! let me know what u think in the comments or my ask box :) masterlist.
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You couldn’t believe what you were looking at on your phone screen.
Incoming call… Dylan.
Was your ex seriously calling you now, two months after the breakup? Weeks after you had begun spending nearly every single day with Rafe Cameron? 
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” Rafe asked, sensing the anxiety coming from your body. 
You two were sitting in his car on a particularly hot day trying to cool down when the sound of your ringtone interrupted the comfortable silence. 
“It- it’s Dylan,” you responded, voice shaking. 
“Dylan? Like Dylan, Dylan? Dylan, your ex?”
“Yeah, yeah. Like my ex, Dylan. What do I do?” 
“Don’t pick up. Nothing he says can be good.” 
Even though you were the one to break up with him, you admittedly had moments where you found yourself close to pressing on his contact in your phone and apologizing. Part of you wanted to make amends, the other part of you was screaming to move on. 
Rafe agreed with this other part of you. After you had told him specific details from your relationship and how he treated you, he wanted you far away from him. 
You two continued to sit in silence as you stared at your phone and waited for it to go to voicemail. 
“Do you think he’s leaving a message?” you asked.
“Who cares? Come on, let’s go get dinner somewhere.” 
You hesitatingly agreed, but as you pulled into the drive-thru of a local burger joint, you couldn’t help but feel disappointed at the lack of a notification alerting you that Dylan had left you a voicemail. 
I care, you thought. I care if he still cares about me. I loved him. 
Rafe dropped you off at your house a little after 11 pm. You waved him off and started to head inside. 
You walked upstairs to your bedroom, ready to take a shower and settle in for the night. 
However, as you were about to turn on the water, the familiar sound of your ringtone broke the silence for the second time that day. 
You looked down at your screen, heartbeat picking up at the words.
Incoming call… Dylan.
What do you do? Rafe had made it very clear he didn’t like the guy. But this guy was the same person you had spent the last year and a half with. Maybe he deserved some closure after you had left him so abruptly? 
Suddenly, all of the bad things he had done to you were irrelevant. You couldn’t seem to remember why you were unhappy with him in the first place.
So, you told yourself it must have been muscle memory that you hit the accept button and pressed your phone to your ear, eager to hear a familiar voice. 
“Y/N?” he said. 
“I didn’t think you would pick up.”
“I didn’t think I would either. What’s going on?” 
“I just… uhm.” You heard him cough on the other side. “I just wanted to see how you were doing, that's all.” 
“Oh.” Rafe would kill me if he knew I was talking to you right now. “I’m alright, how’s your summer going?”
“Good, good. Pretty boring, actually.” 
You sighed. He was never a good communicator. Rafe was always straight to the point. You liked that about him.
“Dylan, what do you want?” 
“What, I can’t call my ex and ask her how she’s doing without having an ulterior motive?”
You could tell he said that as an attempt to lighten the mood, but you were in no such state to joke around with him. 
“No, not really, considering we didn’t end on the best terms.” 
He was silent for a moment. 
“Okay, fine. I was thinking we should get back together— and before you interrupt me and say no, hear me out.” 
“Dylan, are you serious right now?” 
“I said, hear me out! You said you broke up with me because I was too attached to you, right? I was too codependent or something?” 
When you didn’t respond right away, he continued. 
“Well, I think I can be better now. Now that I’m back at home, I’m a different person. I think school was just making me stressed and I feel like I wasn’t in the right state of mind to be in a relationship.” 
“What happens when we go back to school then? You’ll go back to your old ways?”
“No, Y/N. I know better now. Look, I’ve realized what I lost, okay? I’m not stupid, I know how lucky I was to have you. I know that I wasn’t the perfect boyfriend, but please, give me another chance. I promise I will be better.” 
Again, you were silent. 
“Y/N?” he said after a while. “You still there?” 
“Yeah, yeah. I just… don’t know what to say. I mean, I broke up with you, why would you want to get back together? I thought you would hate me or something.” 
“I could never hate you, love. You know that.” 
Shit. That name always worked on you. 
“Can you just give me some time to think about it?”
“Yes, yes of course,” he said, relief evident in his tone. “I love you, Y/N. You don’t have to say it back or anything, but I do. I always have.” 
After you hung up, you allowed your body to crash onto your bed. 
Oh my god, what am I doing? Am I seriously considering getting back together with my shitty ex-boyfriend? He can’t be serious about trying again? 
On the other hand, you didn’t feel like there were many options for you. Clearly, your fling with Rafe was not going to end up in a committed relationship before the end of the summer. And back at school, well, you felt very insecure. 
Dylan was your only chance at any sort of social life at Duke. Without him, you would probably be in your dorm room every night watching shitty romcoms and eating takeout. Being with Dylan made you feel special, he made you feel seen. 
You remember how hard it was to make friends when you started college. How you found yourself struggling to keep up with frat parties and sorority recruitments, always feeling one step behind everyone else. 
What would life be like when you got back to school in the fall? You were ashamed to realize that many of your friends were Dylan’s first, and none of them had hesitated to take his side in the breakup. 
And he did say that he loved you. No one outside of your family had ever said that to you, let alone show you any form of affection. All throughout high school you watched as all of your friends began dating people, wondering where you went wrong. Were you not deserving of love as well? 
Dylan was the first person to make you feel loved and supported. 
Oh god, I fucked up, didn’t I? I ruined the one real thing I’ve ever known. 
Hey, wanna hang out today?
You were typing a response to Rafe’s text when you heard the doorbell ring. 
“Rafe? What are you doing? My birthday already passed!”
“Y/N, I know when your birthday is. Today is another special day, and I’m surprised you don’t know it.”
You racked your brain for all the possibilities: birthdays, anniversaries, holidays… 
“Oh god, it isn’t your birthday, is it?” 
“No, it is not. But that makes me sad you don’t know my birthday.” 
“Rafe, please just tell me what day it is.” 
“Why, Y/N, it is July 17th. It has been exactly three months since you broke up with that pathetic excuse of a man.” 
“Oh, oh wow.” 
“I know, right? Time moves fast when you’re single and thriving! Look, I even got you a little cake.” 
He presented you with a mini cake decorated with yellow flowers that read Congratulations! in blue icing. 
“I couldn’t find one that said ‘Congratulations on being single!’ at the grocery store so I settled on this one. They really need to start expanding their selection,” he said. 
“Rafe, I don’t even know what to say.” 
If not for last night, you would have been swooning over this gesture. It was quite literally one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for you. 
However, last night did happen and you felt awful. Here was wonderful and caring Rafe Cameron at your doorstep presenting you with a cake for breaking up with your shitty ex, and now you had to tell him you had decided to get back together with said shitty ex. 
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” 
Rafe was always so good at sensing when you’re off. You hated that about him. Dylan could never read your feelings, and maybe it was because you didn’t want him to. 
“I’m sorry, is this too much? Am I overstepping? I thought it would be a fun little thing to do, but—” Rafe was beginning another one of his apology spirals and you weren’t going to let him continue. 
“No, please. This is amazing of you and I genuinely appreciate it so much. I appreciate you, so much. I’m so grateful for our friendship…” 
“But?” Again, he could tell that something was wrong. 
“But, I’ve decided that I’m going to get back together with Dylan.” 
Now, he was speechless.
You continued, “He called again last night. We talked, and he said that he’s going to try and be a better boyfriend. He’s had some time to reflect this summer, and he really loves me, and I don’t know I…” 
Now it was Rafe’s turn to interrupt you. 
“You really believe that?”
“You really believe that he’s going to be better? That he’s going to be any different from how he was to you last year?” 
Rafe Cameron, always straight to the point.
The thing about being straight to the point is that it sometimes feels like a shot to the heart. 
“I’m not naive. Or stupid,” you said, anger growing in your voice. “Yes, I really do believe him. Because I know him, and I know he loves me and I’m sorry if that’s so hard for you to believe, that I can be loved, but it’s true!” 
“Y/N- that is not what I was implying at all.”
“Then what were you implying?” 
“I just mean,” he sighed. “I know guys like Dylan. They don’t change, ever. They talk a lot of shit but their actions stay the same. You deserve someone so much better.” 
You scoffed, “Don’t you see? There is no one better! No one else is going to want me or love me the way he does! Before him, no one ever looked at me! I was invisible!” 
Rafe’s face was beginning to break. His facade was cracking. 
“You call how he treated you love? Y/N, he wouldn’t let you go anywhere without him! He pushed you away from all your friends and family, and now, now he’s manipulating you into getting back together with him!” 
Tears were beginning to stream down your face now, but you didn’t care. You never wanted to see Rafe again. He made you feel like a little girl again, someone who couldn’t make her own decisions or take care of herself. He had diminished your feelings and cast them aside, for what? Because he didn’t like Dylan? 
Well, he didn’t know Dylan like you did.
“Can you please just leave?” you finally asked. 
Rafe Cameron always knew when to stop pushing. “Y/N, I just want you to take some time to think about this. Text or call me tonight, okay?” 
You nodded silently, having already made up your mind. 
Surely, they are just friends. Rafe would never do anything to jeopardize his relationship with Y/N. She has come to mean the world to him, and losing her would be like trying to breathe without air. 
As he walked off from her house that morning, frustrated at himself and at the world, he thought I care, I care about you so much, I might even care about you more than you care about me. 
Then, I wish I could tell you.
TAGLIST: @holy-macncheese-balls @everythingmarveltopgun @maybankslover (let me know if you want to be added!)
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nuclear-smash · 3 months
So not to get sappy on main, but been very much broke and haven't been on hormones for like 7 months now, so I really need to get back on it plus pay for phones bills and whatnot. I'm really dry this month, a fly flies out of my wallet every time I check it, ya'know how it is.
Here's more information that this animation may or may not has; FULL BODY ART - €40 Just a simple illustration of any character of your choice, put in a colored void box! However, I can also add simple props and make it any color for free
RENDERED ILLUSTRATION - €100+ So, imagine if I put your guy in a situation. Yeah, what are you going to do about it. Jokes aside; if you want to see a character of your choice in a setting where they're actually part of, including lighting, shading, everything making sense AND it's fancy, then this one's for you! However, depending on the amount of details asked for it might go up for my own sake :']
ICON - €25 Simply, an icon, yeah. Usually I work within 3000x3000, but if necessary I can always change the size that fits more! Think of it as a headshot commission!
MS PAINT - €30 This is just a 'doodle' commission, I know it's worth more than an icon, however, you get full body art of your character for less AND it's in a fun art style! For easier pre-existing fictional characters it's only €20 (Like Yoshi, Waluigi, Mr. Saturn, you name it!)
EXTRA! For every extra character (including matching icons) it's +100% of the base commission! So if you were to ask me to draw two characters, just simply full body art, that'd be €80 instead of 40!
WHAT I CAN AND WON'T DRAW! ✔️ Human/humanoids, furries, almost anything, really! ❌ Bigoted art, NSFW/fetish art.
I only do invoices thru PayPal! When the commission is paid for, the commissioner is allowed for any edits/changes before it gets to the lineart stage! Afterwards it'll cost extra to change anything! All of my customers always get frequent updates on sketch - lineart - then finished product, however, if you want to see anything in between do let me know! I may take some time, but I'm always responsive and will happily communicate about it!
If tumblr's too weird to work with, you're free to send any inquiries via my email: [email protected] or DM me for my Discord!
Any reblobs and word of mouth really do help out a lot 🙏;_;
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esoteriamaya · 8 months
Hi! Im an oracle and have been doing readings for 7 years. So I prepared a small list of some of the tarot readings I’m doing for you all to choose from.
Here is a list of all the readings I do. They go from $5 to $25 At the moment.
What are you here to do? What is your path?  What is blocking your soul from truly expressing what it is here to do?
I’ll cover gifts and talents and what your soul contract is in this lifetime!
I focus on connecting to your ancestor team, showing you the way they would like for you to go. Also just helping you communicate with them is key here. Whatever they want to let you know at this time is the focus of this reading.
~PAST LIFE READING~  $25 Dollars 
I love this one. Our past lives shows us what karma, gifts, strengthens and weaknesses we have. I bring insight into these old lives and show you the keys to how to utilize the power of our past lives! 
Reading your energy around money, seeing what's in store for you and also anything that needs to be worked on. Any blockages, any gifts you may have in making money will be focused on this reading! Figuring out what you must do to shift the energy of money in your life, so on and so forth.
~THE SHADOW~  $25 
What is hiding deep beneath the surface within you?
Our shadow is always trying to speak, but yet we hide from who we truly are.
The shadow is nothing to be afraid of, which is why bring awareness to what lies inside those eyes of yours?
A general love reading where I focus on when you will receive love and also tap into your energy field and see what issues or any blockages tainting your connects with love. 
What lessons, trials and tribulations have you gone through, cycles you have been repeating in the acts of love if necessary? 
There is so much in store and its my most favored readings from people so yeah check it out <3
We'll tap into so much, how to tap into your sensuality, romantic energy and much more. Just send me a dm and we'll get into it.
 If you have a specific question we can also go for that as well. 
Are you ready to change your story? If you're ready to take that leap, spirit will give me just the answer. It's time to make a way when it feels like it isn't one. If you gotta lose something just to do something then this is where I come in to give you guidance.
Risks you need to take
Luck, how it comes thru you and where you should apply this knowledge
How your vibration moves to get what it wants. Being yourself is the key to getting all the answers
Moving out of your own way : What is it that needs a lift in your life? What needs to change?
For the closing piece , sometimes we tend to control our destiny when it isn't necessary. So be calm with yourself and learn to allow things to be. You can't control the answers you seek. You'll have to force yourself into driving steady and get on cruise control. Get it?
Where is your consciousness ? $ 20
This is for people who need a conscious re-boost. To deliver yourself from behavioral patterns or ways of thinking that have shaped your reality in a way that might not be favored. Our consciousness is the energy fuel for our desires. So when its not used correctly life can be a little daunting. So whoever needs a pick me up on where they need to be moving their body & brains, this is for you. I want to see what it is you guys got goin on, what talents and abilities are waiting to be used and making this reality something special. That's all.
To rebirth, shift your consciousness to the way your life is suppose to be. where it is meant to be.
capture the shadowy thoughts that are hidden.
fear of the unknown, what lingers in your mind? what thoughts are bothering you and haunting you from seeing the light?
Where does your energy need to be applied?
How to accept yourself? $ 15. 99
So this one is to help those who've lost there way, needing a pick me up and to remember thyself. You are loved, you are amazing and you are incredible. But why don't you see it? We will touch on some wounds that do need healing, and I will also show you the route to take for your beauty/self love rituals to be at its best.
What your soul brings to the table
What makes you well liked and what do people like about you?
How can you radiate more love?
Self love rituals. What works for you?
How to embrace your beauty !
Seeing 222? 555? 999? Seeing other strange numbers like 432 or maybe even 743 for example? Just anything random. Usually these are guides and ancestors trying to talk to use, sometimes even our highest self. Each number that shows itself to us has its own unique message. So whatever the number is trying to show you, is so that you can grow in whatever the energy of the number is expressing.
I'll answer up to 4 !
$8.88 Section !
Hey I have some more options for people who are interested in getting a reading.
Higher Self Oracle Spread
A small reading on what your higher self wants you to know.
In this reading I'm focusing on the higher self and empowering you. It's time to let go of that lower self energy, its holding you back. Our higher selves are connected to who we truly want to be and who we really are deep inside.
There's somethings I can get into about your personality/aura in general but for now here are some things I touch on in this reading:
What you need to focus on right about now
The vision your higher self has for you
What energies you need to be aligning with at this time 
Your aura and what it shows in the inside out
Letting go of Trauma
Why is this not going away? What can I do to fully heal? Remember, dealing with trauma takes time. Not an easy lift. But there are some ways we can heal our vibration through the acts of different activities, abilities, and vocations.
What is hidden from you?
What blockages do we need to uncover? 
What pain, trauma, and behavior patterns are constantly driving you in the same cycle?
How those the shadow help heal your past wounds? 
What can you do to allow the shadow express its value more to you.
Animal Spirit Guide :
Is it a dog? a bird? a pig? - My Animal Spirit Guide Reading will show you what the energy around you is.
This one is a small reading on the animal spirit guide that is connected to you at the moment. My focus is based on the energy in THIS ready. Sometimes animals can come up with a message for you so this is where I am coming from. Each animal shows a message with certain warning, talents, guidance and so on so forth. This is one of my fun readings so I hope y'all enjoy.
NUMEROLOGY READINGS $25 full length reading 
I cover the life path, destiny, soul urge, personality, etc.
With each piece of your chart, their are codes in each layer of your name that makes your path even more authentic to you.
A full length reading on your chart 
I go in depth on all of your aspects, house placements and what energies you must focus on. Your strengths and weaknesses & different types of talents and abilities.
I also go in on any blockages you may have as typically you can find them in certain aspects. 
I only do four at a time a month, because this takes a lot up a lot of time. 
Either I can write it in pdf form, or we can discuss your chart through phone. If by phone, this could take up to an 1-2 max. I’m not joking.  
If you have any questions please dm me!!!
My cash app is $dejadivine222
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danepopfrippery · 5 months
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No one is talking about the horrific hell Nicole Brown Simpson went thru even if u want to believe OJ didnt murder her. Theres horrific uncensored pics out there of her and Ron Goldman’s bodies. Theres photos of Nicole alive and bruised all over her face. Theres recordings of her calling 911 and correctly lamenting they wont do anything. It was a few months before her death.
She kept the photos, audio, and a journal of his abuse in a safe lockbox on advice of domestic abuse experts. When he murdered her OJ had the balls to claim she was lying and america shrugged and went cool we believe u juice.
On top of it if u werent alive the black community celebrated the legit racism of white (esp laps) cops being exposed but they did so at the expensive of a white woman who was murdered. Many who celebrated when he walked free said 15 years later oh um yeah i regret that now. Its also been said Simpson beat his first (black) wife. She just escaped and kept quiet.
I wanted an article that summarized all this for those not alive back then (i was 8). Couldnt find the best so heres a few:
After he skated free their kids were shared custody between Nicole’s parents and OJ. He kept them close and those who know them said the kids were convinced he was wronged. They stayed close to him. I assume the family named who were at his side when he died were the children
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So lets see if i've guessed the actual plot of this. Shannon actually IS pregnant and doesn't die, and she was looking onto terminating but changes her mind, once eddie finds out they decide they want to go thru with having the baby, but both are unsure of their own abilities, ENTER one evan buckley who wants to take home every kid he comes across. They're thinking lets bring him into this with us he's already got one foot thru the door😅 something along those lines?
Hey! Kind of! Yes to the first part - but it's a little bit more about them each overcoming an internal narrative holding them back and learning to communicate and going after the family that works best for them!
45 for 🔼:
The weeks after her accident scrape by at a painful pace for Shannon. 
If it was just the pain, she thinks she could handle it. Her body is bruised and wrecked, but that heals. Her ankle is swollen and struggles to bear weight, but that seems a little bit better every day, assisted largely by ice packs. Her shoulder is in a bad way. It’s sore and weak and confined to a sling. She finds it difficult to sleep. But even that, she knows, will eventually get better. It’d be great if she could take proper painkillers, but it is what it is. 
Likewise, if it was simply the early symptoms of her pregnancy, she thinks she’d get by. She’s not sure if it’s the pain of the accident muting them by comparison, but they’re not nearly as bad as when she was pregnant with Christopher. She had been so ill for months with him, starting at about seven weeks in. This time, it seems her body - maybe taking a look at all the other crap going on and throwing her a fucking bone - is taking it a bit easier. Other than a sudden and strong aversion to anything tomato-based, the rest of the symptoms are mild. 
Really, she could handle all the physical crap, she thinks, if not for the emotional side. The layer of ice between her and Eddie. She knows that that’s her fault. She knows she has no leg to stand on in complaining about it. But it’s driving her crazy, and she finds herself becoming more and more upset by their interactions. Or lack thereof, rather. 
It’s not that he’s ignoring her. He’s not. He brings Chris to see her until she’s well enough to get around on her own. He picks up errands for her, often without her even asking. He asks after the baby. He comes to her first OB appointment. As ever, Eddie is providing. Even better than before, he’s physically here. But emotionally? He’s gone again. And unlike when he came back from Afghanistan, haunted and hurt, this time, she’s acutely aware of what she did to cause him to withdraw from her. 
Shannon doesn’t want to address it. She doesn’t even know how she would. Hey, Eddie, I know I asked you for a divorce and lied about this baby, and destroyed what little trust you’d built back up in me, oh and that also your best friend nearly died and you’re struggling with that, but could you please just be a bit chattier with me? Because that’s what it comes down to, doesn’t it? He’s not being unkind. He’s not being unhelpful. He’s just keeping his distance, not really looking her in the eye, and only talking about their children. So what right does Shannon have to ask for more? 
It’s just getting to her head. It’s poking at a gaping loneliness she has felt for all of her adult life. Once upon a time, she’d had exactly two people in her life she could rely on emotionally. Eddie and her mom. Her mom is gone. And Eddie… Well, yeah.
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teecupangel · 1 year
Got it in one!
I was just thinking about how Lapis first communicated with Steven when she was still in the mirror
and I started stringing together like
What if, after the flare, Desmond ended up not in the Grey as the Reader
but like, in the mesh of POEs connecting them to the Grey
Which, exists somewhat out of the flow of time
and that in that mesh, he registered not as a user, existing where he shouldn't, or as a target, but as another piece of the machinery
Essentially, there's no inherent intelligences to the Apples
they could store and project ideas, orders, knowledge
but they don't *decide* things
they don't withhold information or toy with their users
there needs to be a mind to do that
Often in human history, that mind was Juno
but now, it's Desmond.
Desmond wasn't made for this. He's not Isu; the only POE he's used were modified to work specifically for him. Not to mention he *died* right before this, so he's not in the best shape when he gets tangled in the Eden network, not in the position to be making decisions. The network scans him in as equipment and makes use of him as such.
The Apples aren't made to make decisions? Well, now they are. There's a conveniently delivered brain pattern to use for interpreting questions and what relevant information to deliver. The brain is half fried and doesn't want to be doing this? Too bad.
Desmond's not even really conscious at first. Not really *Desmond.* And when he is...it's like being a long way under dark water. He can feel his legs kicking, his arms thrashing. But he can't see a surface. He can feels waves rolling him one direction and then another, but he doesn't know which way is up.
Until one day, like a shaft of sunlight piercing the depths, showing him the shape of his cage, Desmond hears a voice he recognizes: Altaïr.
Continuation of the ask:
....I don't know if I built it up right but.
Yeah Desmond gets brought up, more conscious, more aware when his ancestors interact with the Apples.
But the trouble is, even though he's more aware, he's still part of the Eden mesh. He's part of the machinery, the network, boxed in by operation parameters that he doesn't know how to break out of. Altaïr asks the Apple for knowledge, and he can feel the machinery at work, his brain co-opted for processing, sorting information to spit back out. It's overwhelming, burning, it hurts, he's left spinning and nauseous except he hasn't got a body, he doesn't even have the relief of letting it out.
It costs him more than he can say, to impose his will on the Apple. He knows what the target--Altaïr, not the target, it's Altaïr--is asking, knows which answers the use--*not* the user, Juno is not using him to influence his ancestors, he won't let her--wants him to give, to influence and entice. And giving something else leaves him reeling with pain, sends him back into that dark ocean for who knows how long.
But he claws his way back up. And he does it again, and again, and again, trying to to help, trying to tell Altaïr what he really needs to know (trying to say I'm here, I'm here, please, PLEASE)
And it took a while, too long as far as Desmond was concerned, before he could feel that Altaïr had noticed something.
And it had started so small that even Desmond didn’t realize it at first.
Altaïr’s voice had grown softer when he ordered the Apple to show him something. His question had become vaguer, giving Desmond more leeway on how to interpret the question, and lessen the pain he goes thru as he adds more than what Altaïr requested.
They cannot truly communicate with one another and Altaïr was cautious, understanding that the artifact in his hand had a hand in Al Mualim’s fall from grace (or perhaps it had simply shown the truth that Altaïr had not seen… had not wanted to see) so there was always this worry that this was simply another way for the artifact to get a hold of him.
He started testing his theory, asking vague questions to see how the Apple would react to it.
That was how he heard it.
The same voice he thought he had imagined back when Abbas had used the Apple during Al Mualim’s wake.
The same voice he had tried to reason was part of the mob back in Cyprus.
The voice that kept telling him, “I’m here, I’m here, please… please…”
Altaïr was sure it had come from the Apple itself.
The question was if the voice itself was truly begging for help or was this another one of the Apple’s tricks, trying to appeal to him.
He kept it a secret, both because he did not want to worry anyone and also because there was something inside him that could not help but wish to not share this.
A desire to find out the truth all on his own.
It was a selfish one, perhaps, but it was a desire so deep that he dared not go against it.
Not yet, anyway.
So he started to study the Apple more.
Questions such as “who are you?” seemed to hurt it for some reason, the Apple vibrating and heating in his hands until he could no longer hold it in fear of burning his palms. It would always show a vaguely humanoid shape created with golden dust that would scatter and fall if Altaïr attempt to touch it.
Altaïr noted them as the forbidden questions and tried to stir clear from them.
Vague questions work best.
“What should I focus on for now?” would show him a glimpse of an armor for a moment before it would shake, as if someone was trying to pull it away. That someone… would always take the same humanoid shape made of golden dust.
Someone Altaïr could only see from the corner of his eyes.
After that, he would receive a new vision, sometimes quite blurry that Altaïr wasn’t sure what he was supposed to be seeing. Sometimes, clear enough that Altaïr would be left frozen for just a moment because…
Because they were always warnings.
Abbas’ growing hatred and jealousy, fueled by the truth Altaïr had given him that he did not wish to believe and twisted by the tantalizing power he had as he held the Apple for a few moments all those years back…
Rauf’s future illness that would take his life decades from now. One that needed a specific medicine that was not available during this time yet could be created, Altaïr had the time and the procedures to make it now…
A sword glowing the same golden light as the Apple in the hands of a dangerous man he does not know yet…
Altaïr noticed the Apple tend to focus on Abbas a lot whenever he asked “What should I be worried about?” or “What should I be careful of” and a part of him, that part that was young and childish and still believed that their friendship could be fixed, wanted to believe that the Apple simply did not wish to have Abbas as its master once more.
But… he could sense it.
After being in the presence of the voice that continues to beg him to acknowledge his existence, he could hear the urgency and fear.
Not for itself…
But for Altaïr.
For his family.
So when it had shown him a… memory? A vision?
A possible future?
To see his face marred with wrinkles and greying hair…
To hear his own voice speak of Sef’s death in the hands of Abbas’ men…
He could not dismiss it.
So he asks the Apple…
“How… how can I save my son?”
And the Apple shuddered.
It was vibrating.
It grew hot.
It was happening once more.
Altaïr had asked a forbidden question.
Yet, he held the Apple.
The burning pain was bearable if it meant he could save Sef.
He could feel it traveling across his right arm, enveloping it in heat that threatened to burn him from the inside.
Until finally…
Everything went dark.
At first, Altaïr had assumed he had lost consciousness.
Then he saw the golden dust by his feet, forming a trail that Altaïr knew he must follow.
So he follows.
Deeper and deeper into the darkness…
It was no longer the darkness.
It had turned grey.
And the ground he was walking on began to play…
Altaïr wasn’t sure how he knew but he was sure…
They were visions of the future…
Of men and women who followed the Creed just as him, brothers and sisters who fought to defend mankind and free will.
So he continued to follow it…
Until he reached what might be the end.
Or perhaps the beginning.
Maybe even the middle of this endless grey.
A tree made of gears and golden metal, forever turning and moving as its very roots stretched all over.
And, in the middle of this machine…
Was a man with eyes glowing like the sun…
Surrounded by gears threatening to envelop him whole.
As Altaïr watched, he could see the way the gears continue to dig to his flesh, pushing him deeper and deeper into the metallic golden tree.
Altaïr wasn’t sure if he was making the right choice.
He wasn’t even sure if he should do such a thing.
The man wasn’t moving, his face still like a sculpture with eyes vacant and without life.
Yet, Altaïr swore he heard him even though his mouth remained close.
His name…
Spoken in the same voice as the one he had been hearing from the Apple for so long.
So he grabbed him and pulled.
The gears began to dig into his skin as well and Altaïr gritted his teeth as he felt the power of countless artifacts just like his Apple begin to assault his senses.
Ordering him to stop.
Or to join the man.
But Altaïr was nothing if not stubborn.
A persistent stubborn idiot as Malik would sometimes call him if he believed Altaïr was doing something futile.
And, every time Malik believed it would be futile, Altaïr would still find a way to succeed.
And this…
This would be no different.
He is, after all…
A persistent stubborn idiot.
When he comes to, he is back in his office, laying on his back on the floor. His entire body aches and he felt stinging pain from where he remembered the gears have dug into his skin.
He could not feel any gears though which he would count as a good thing.
He could still feel the burning pain on his right arm though but it was now a pleasant warmth.
The warmth of a person’s hand entwined with his.
Altaïr blinked.
Then he turned his head to look to his right…
And he saw the man in his vision lying next to him, eyes closed but breathing.
……… How was he supposed to explain this to Maria and Malik?
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chaos-lizard · 3 months
May I ask what a Soulbond is?
Hi sorry for taking forever, wanted to explain decent-ish enough,
(This is Leon System btw)
Don’t remember exactly what the community definition is (just know every Soulbond is different btw each has their own experience of it)
But how I/we see our Soulbond:
Soul connection, between souls, that transcends physical planes/boundaries/dimensions/universes/whatever/idk
Don’t have to be in the same universe, but we are
Details specific to us:
(From what I can tell cuz shit’s confusing asf)
I basically came from my universe one day to this universe
Don’t remember how I got here exactly or from which timeline/point in my life exactly (could be multiple)
Probably just really wanted to come join my soulbond-partner and shifted realities/warped thru space-time/idk
Also I decided to come live here permanently (some Soulbonds visit each other or don’t even live in same universe/etc.)
One day just realized I’m actually Here (we share a body)
I have some memories from my “home” universe
But yeah we’re also in love (not required for Soulbonding)
So for us kinda like we’re soulmates from different universes (multiverse theory explains a lot for us)
2 souls sharing a body is our experiences (we both happen to be systems so it’s like 2 systems sharing a body or something)
Anyways hope I answered well enough, if u have more questions bout whatever feel free to ask them
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bosskie · 24 days
Pet Fleech
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Man, after over three years, I finally drew a child Gluk with a Fleech! Yeah, this is supposed to be Molluck with his pet Fleech. I have just loved this pet Fleech lore since I read about it in Abe's Exoddus and been wanting to draw something related to it. I haven't seen anyone drawing stuff related to this either... But here's something at least!
There ain't any concept art about child Gluks, just eggs, so this is what like I would imagine them being. (Yes, there is that one lil drawing about lil Molluck with his Mother in Molluck's vault but I don't count it here since you can barely see him.) I draw children like never, so I tried my best here... I have tried to draw Gluk children 'n' babies before but I haven't felt like posting them here because they just look too awful drawings in my opinion... This is like the first succeeded drawing about them. I also wanted to try to figure out their anatomy, so that's the reason why he is naked... Man, being half-naked is quite common in Oddworld; just saying.
But yeah, I imagine Glukkons having more 'normal' body proportions when they are little. One reason for this is that their legs are described to be 'underdeveloped', so it made me wonder if their legs don't really grow when they go thru their puberty or whatever you would call it since worker Gluks got no reproduction organs. I just really wish to know more about Glukkons, so I gotta fill these gaps by myself... Glukkons are just my favourite Oddworld creatures, and basically the only species I'm really into... I just love Glukkons, okay.
I also tend to feel bad for the Gluks since they are basically just thralls too. Worker Gluks are born to run the companies for their investors and other higher status having creatures. Their mother forces them to do what she wants and if the Gluk doesn't wish to obey her will, it will be a bad thing for that Gluk. So yeah, Glukkons do have free will but they are under the control of the Magog Cartel. I bet that Gluks live under quite high pressure since failures ain't really allowed and can cost the Gluk's life. I guess that the Glukkons are free only after retiring, can just enjoy the moolah they have gained.
And those Fleeches relate to raising Glukkons since 'the rite of passage for many young Glukkons is to "Flush your own Fleech" down the toilet' (The Art of Oddworld Inhabitants: The First Ten Years 1994-2004). While drawing this, I just got an idea of what if Molluck ate his pet Fleech instead of flushing it... It would make sense and I like that idea, it fits him! But yeah, Glukkons are taught to be brutal and they live in a harsh world. I just mean that I don't believe that Glukkons necessarily 'born evil', it's their environment that affects their nature more but those Gluks are also different, own personalities. The actions of the Glukkons are just more complicated than they seem. I'm not justifying their actions, only trying to figure out why they are like that. I just feel like I understand Molluck and see that he ain't fully evil. I cannot help it but he just feels friendly and I believe that a loving relationship with him is possible. Yes, his personality has some issues but I love him being imperfect and can understand those issues. (Like, I understand why Molluck killed his pilot in that bad ending have just seem some people thinking that it made no sense. Of course it made no sense since it was an emotional act and he just made his situation even worse but he was just so pissed off, sad and mad, and the Slig didn't listen to his warnings to shut up about the topic... The Slig could have avoided his fate if he had listened to Molluck's warnings.) I just genuinely love Molluck so much... I also love his certain nastiness and love to see him being presented/drawn having that certain nastiness and ugly look. It's just somehow beautiful in my eyes... I also just see that behind his harsh way to communicate is friendliness, at least if you have a good relationship with him.
Man, I just cannot stop thinking about Molluck... I don't know what else to say but here's just lil Molluck with his pet Fleech. Isn't he a charming lil Gluk? 💖Oh, and yeah, that Fleech is basically screeching in a loving way...
Yeah, Glukkon stuff! ✨
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blueiight · 1 year
I dont see any way drinking between two vampires isn't sexual. When they drink from humans its purely for food like they are a different species so its like a human eating a steak, sure its more ethical to be vegetarian/vegan cause meat and animal cultivation is cruel but ultimately if you're a carnivore that's what you need to eat. Now Lestat sadistically playing with his food crosses that line to the point of it not just being about sustenance but if you're taking Louis and Claudia eating to survive, then yeah that's what they are meant to eat as a species.
When its between two vampires they have no need to drink other than for pleasure so when its done non-consensually its very much a sexual assault.
I think any act that in a consensual context is intended for sexual pleasure when done non-consenually is rape imo. Your body being violated in a way that's typically reserved for sexual/erotic pleasure is rape whether or not literal sexual penetration is happening (like I think for example forcing someone to give you oral sex or a handjob is also rape even without the act of penetration).
i think its interesting that u grouped louis & claudia together as subsistence shoppers when louis is indiscriminate & imo claudia is also sadistic like lestat in that aspect and that shared sadism is part of what made lestat + claudia kindred spirits at first but u certainly have a point in discussing the book vampires bc blood becomes a sort of .. subsitute for that communication of intimacy .u have to be mindful that memory and mental exchange occurs thru the sharing of blood and is the only way makers can read their fledgling’s minds (& vice versa) so its a lot! show vamps idk bc they can also have sex now the blood occupies a secondary / different relationship to eroticism if that makes sense. maybe itll become clearer in later seasons cuz mind u we still on the first cour of book 1
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fearowkenya · 1 year
Cold-blooded, ruthlessly efficient, and cruel in its methods. These are words that can be applied to an alligator, sizing up its target as it lurks beneath the surface and waits for the perfect opportunity to drag it into the depths. The same words can equally apply to Shuuji’s father, who never stops watching his every move, judging Shuuji for missteps he doesn’t even know he’s making as he tries to live up to unclear and impossible expectations.
Stressed, scared senseless, and operating entirely on adrenaline. These are words that can be applied to somebody attempting to escape from an alligator, desperate for a shred of hope. The same words can equally apply to a participant in a game of capture the flag, where one team’s lone survivor fights for their life in hopes that a singular small success will turn the tides.
Shuuji gets a weird text at the worst possible time. Ryo risks his neck for the sake of the team. There’s alligators.
yeah im not posting the entire fic under the readmore , im not prepared to spend another two hours of trial-and-error on formatting. anyway i have so much to say about digisurvive but im unfortunately not the type to talk about stuff unprompted until im much more confident n comfortable. instead i'll talk about the First Ficwriting Experience Since 2016
ive seen all four endings but i havent done what im calling my Victory Lap playthrough yet. what i mean by Victory Lap is that i got my guys at lvl 80+ and the only real purpose of going thru it all again is to see any early-game missed dialogue and take unnecessarily-meticulous character notes
im not about to claim to be a Blorbo Expert w a PhD or anything but i think ive got a pretty solid understanding of the bulk of the characters and can manage a pretty accurate portrayal . shuuji and ryo are definitely the easiest characters for me to write , and im anticipating that the same will be true for kaito. i cant say for certain tho since i havent explored his voice much yet but im more or less confident that i can do a good job
at first i was like oh god oh fuck i cant write aoi but i thought about it for 2 seconds and it turns out that uhhhhhhhh i was a lot like her when i was a teenager. the insecurities are exactly the same, it is so horrifyingly uncanny. so for me, saki is the one that i find the most difficult to characterize and i love that because it seems so deliberate. this girl DOES NOT want you to perceive her and is doing her best to ensure that you do not notice that she has anything to hide. if you are good at writing saki, i have a lot of respect for your tremendous power
but thankfully sakis presence in this is minimal so i dont have to worry about that just yet. what i AM worried about are my formatting choices. i think theres a lot of potential in fucking around with indentation, typeface, and text placement, so im taking a swing at trying to push it further than i have before. i think it can serve so well to imply when something is happening, what else is happening at the same time, and how it makes the characters feel without having to outright say so. i dont want it looking like a geronimo stilton book tho so i gotta learn to strike a balance lmao
SO much of the way i enjoy character portrayal comes from tone and nonverbal communication, especially really subtle stuff like eye movement and body language. i think it can be so challenging to write that stuff in a way that doesn't feel clunky or encumber the pacing. the thing im practicing right now is saying stuff without saying it, and also trying to improve my imagery & symbolic language. im having a lot of fun with it
mkay im actually late for work so i need to post this damn thing and move on my with my day. thanks for your time!!
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
✨ announcement: the trash library is OPEN! ✨
hi babes!!! exciting news for you today - we are TRYING A THING!!!
for a little context, this idea came about because i’ve deeply enjoyed getting introduced to some amazing new authors since i’ve started up my fic rec fridays this year! in addition, i get so very excited whenever someone shares something they wrote with me, whether it’s via a tag or a DM. i know firsthand how much vulnerability it takes to share something you've written, so it means the world, genuinely!!! i love getting to read and share y'all's works in this little community 🥺
but! as a person with wicked adhd, i have a hard time keeping up with sent fics when they’re all over the place- buried in my notes, forgotten about in my likes, conversed over in DMs. and then i never read them and feel bad, lol. so i thought we could try a new system!!
all this is to say: i now officially have a tracked tag!! that's right, we are building ourselves a #trashlibrary y’all!! ~party party yeah~ 🥳
join me under the cut for allllll the fun details!! 📚
what is a tracked tag? 📖 it’s just a regular ol' hashtag that you can add to a post (the same way you’d tag #bts fanfic or #jungkook x reader or anything else!) - but this is one i am personally following! that means i'll see everything in the tag and it'll make it much easier for me to keep track of it all, so that i can read all your delicious writing!
so how does this work? 📖 as far as i understand this magical mystical website, you’ll have to stick the #trashlibrary tag on any new post in order for it to show up in the tag. new posts only, unfortunately; editing or reblogging an old post and adding the tag on it won’t work. BUT! if you’ve got a brand new fic to post and you’d like for me to check it out, you can slap that baby at the end of your tags and officially add it to the trash library!!! it will need to be within the first 20 tags in order to actually show up in tumblr search, so pls keep that in mind! 🧐
what should go in the #trashlibrary tag? 📖 i’d like to keep it to written fanfiction specifically about bts, but other than those basic parameters, the world is your oyster! to make things easy, here’s a shortlist of stuff i enjoy in fics - if you write anything featuring ANY of the following, i would LOVE to see it show up in the trash library (but feel free to stick other stuff in there too!):
any member x reader (does my jihope preference need to be explicitly stated at this point 🤣), any combinations of member x member, ANYTHING with queer characters/themes or a diverse reader, POLYAMORY, group sex, HEALTHY kink (well-communicated & safe), unlikeable/flawed/complex characters, role play 🤤, ORAL!!!!!, dom/sub dynamics (preferably soft 🥺), overstim, SEX TOYS, ……cheating 🙈, drug use, sex work, anal play/pegging, experimental sex (trying something for the first time), unlearning shame around the human body and pleasure, forced proximity, hatefucking 😬, darker/more mature themes, semi-public sex, characters that are both horny for and enamored with one another lmao
i do also enjoy myself some tooth-rotting fluff or heartbreaking angst, i’m just less specific about my preferences there 😂 tagged works can be as short as a drabble or as long as you like, and literally ANYONE can use this tag - doesn't matter if it's your first fic or your hundredth, doesn't matter if we're besties or if we've never even so much as talked thru reblogs lmao. i’m up for it all!
will you read and review everything in the tag? 📖 i want to make sure this is explicitly clear from the jump. using this tag is the best way to ensure that i read and possibly review your work, but it is not a guarantee or promise that i will do either. not every fic is for me (WHICH IS FINE AND GOOD ACTUALLY, otherwise the world would be full of nothing but yucky porn 😂) and in addition: i’m just one person, with a whole-ass life, you know?
i will do my absolute best to keep up with this tag, and i'm very excited about it! but i kind of have no idea how much use it will see, and i may very well not be able to get to it all. what i can tell you is that i am much much much more likely to see your stuff if it’s in this tag, vs. lost in some other place that i have already forgotten about because i have 3 brain cells and 0 object permanence lmao.
by using this tag, you are telling me that you have read and understood this disclaimer, and that you can handle your emotions like a grown adult if i miss your fic, or even if it just takes me a while to get to it 💜
okay that's it! 🥺 i hope y'all are pumped - i know i'm excited to see what kind of goodies our library fills up with!!! see you in the stacks 😉
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pondslime · 1 year
vincent!!! and rz! mike myers, jason voorhees!! ( if you want !!! )
AAAAAAAA what a line-up!!!
regrettably tho, I never made it thru the entirety of rz's halloween 💀 I got about halfway in and then got distracted by smthn else hfdjhdfjshjdfsh 🤡 and UNFORTUNATELY..................jason's too much of my babylittleguydude for me to conceptualize smoochin him???? I tried and. he's too baby. hdfsjhjdfshjfdsh but I did TRY
so, like a basic ass bitch, I just wrote stuff for vinny. 😔 tysm for the ask tho aaaaaaaaa MWAH MWAH 💖
feel free to send me a character of ur choice for headcanons and I’ll give u 3 pros and 3 cons of dating them. if ur so inclined!!!!
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the calm of being able to exist in silence w/someone else. discovering a way to speak a language without words. finding a reprieve from the constant chaos in quiet moments where u can just.....BE. w/no pretense. sharing late night meals in the kitchen. taking naps in his subterranean lair while he sculpts for hours.
he gives me BIG body worship vibes. he's an artist and he's definitely thinking massive big brain thoughts about the curve of ur boob and comparing it to a hieronymus bosch painting. where tf did that connection come from?? well, come on the twenty-year odyssey voyage of his thought process and maybe u will figure out!! probably not, tho!! he's just a ponderous ass mfer. curious about every inch of u. v slow and methodical. all about taking his time and learning what makes u tick. this is for art!!!!
if artistic devotion and tributes get u goin, he's v much the Guy. get ready 2 be incorporated in all his pieces. u start finding lovingly detailed charcoal sketches of u on ur nightstand. he shows u a new oil painting and there are ur eyes, starin back @ u. meticulously crafted miniatures of u on the kitchen windowsill. granted, ur usually merged with a spider. or a serpent of some kind. and it's honestly pretty creepy. but the detail is really somethin.
SUPER weird codependent relationship. just like bo, I feel like he's absolutely searching for mama. perhaps even more so? bc I just feel that it's likely that he was sequestered inside for most of his youth. I can't see trudy enrolling him in school/letting him interact with a lot of people. he was her favorite of the twins and I'm sure she wanted to cultivate a relationship where he was entirely dependent on her. it would serve double purposes for her: being needed and adored unequivocally.......while also driving a wedge between the twins themselves. that one line in the og script where carly tells bo that he's talentless (LMAO) and that his mother hated him bc he stole her favorite's face. yep. YEAH.
a partner is more of a muse/concept than a person. v much a mirror of bo's weirdness, but in a less obvious way. due to what's bound to be TONS of one-sided communication, he's definitely prone to build up an idea of what kind of person u are. rather than really understanding u. the technicalities of who u are don't really matter bc he views u through a lens of a source of inspiration, something to be molded into his art, something ABSTRACT.
he's unpredictable. his violence is a LOT more unknowable......and significantly more difficult to comprehend than bo's violence. IMO! all of his kills are brutal and almost clinical. he grew up surrounded by medical textbooks and his childhood paintings are surreal and contort the human form into weird shapes. I v much feel like the anatomy of a body and how it is pieced together/could be taken apart is more important to him than.........idk........the fact that that body is inhabited by somebody. yikes!!! I think you'd v much be walkin on eggshells w/him. bc how do u know when the inspiration might run dry. and ur function will have to change. YIKES.
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