#mileena x you
iliketangerines · 10 days
heyyy babes what do u think of mileena,,,,,holding an afab reader down n eating her out........a reader pretty much with shang tsung's personality - a little brat that just needs to be tamed <3
obey your empress
a/n: i'm gonna go drool over mileena now
pairing: mileena x afab!reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), overstimulation, pussy eating
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Mileena stares at you from across the hall, eye twitching as you show off some flashy trick with your fire magic once more
it was irritating enough to have to deal with the overly proud council who didn’t accept her and Tanya, and then it was another thing to have you in her court testing her patience
day in and day out all you did was jabber and boast and talk and talk and talk, and Mileena was quite frankly tired of it
Tanya gives Mileena an exasperated look as you do another showy trick for the court, and Mileena returns the look
all you seemed to do was annoy Tanya and Mileena
everywhere Mileena went, you went, boasting about your ability, criticizing hers, laughing at her mistakes and giggling all the damn time
and yet, she couldn’t retaliate as empress of Outworld because then she would be put into a lower view in the council’s eyes
and so all she can do is seethe in her seat as you critique and talk and ramble all about you and her and everything in between
she wishes she could put you in your place, to make you comply to her will or shut up at the very least, but technically, you haven’t done anything wrong
that left legal punishments out of the sort, and it left Mileena feeling frustrated all the time as she stared at you from across the room
the next day, Mileena stands in the training ring alone
she practices her moves, to try and hone them better, and there was no one around to bother her, everyone going home in the rising of the moon
and then she hears your familiar footsteps enter the ring, and she turns around and gives you a glare as you saunter around her
you taunt her a bit, saying that it’s a bit sad that she’s practicing all alone, isn’t she the empress, she should have a million people she can spar with
Mileena’s glare on you doesn’t falter as she stands across from you, and you give her a wide smile and challenge her to a duel, your weapons lighting aflame as you say that
the empress lets out a huff of air, taking a short second to think about it
she could just leave you hanging in the dust, she was the empress after all, why bend to the will of you?
and yet, something itches inside of her to fight against you and show you your place, and so she agrees, taking her stance and bearing her weapons
you lunge at her first with a ball of flame, and the spar commences
just like your words, your move endlessly, quick on your feet and clearly not taking the spar seriously as you dance around her
but Mileena waits patiently, waiting for your slip-up to take advantage of your mistake, and soon enough your steps falter as you misjudge the distance of a leap
she leaps toward you, knocking you down and pinning you to the ground, her thigh slotted between yours as she presses the point of her sai into your neck while her other hand pins your wrists above you
you struggle a bit, squirming in her grasp, not yet conceding, and Mileena presses the point further into your neck and moves her thigh up
and then she hears it, a small little moan, and she can see the way a blush overtakes your face and feel the way your cunt is so warm against her thigh
she moves her thigh experimentally against you, grinding it into you, and you let out a louder whimper and stop struggling on the ground
Mileena stays panting above you as you start to sputter out some pathetic excuse, but Mileena tunes you out as she replays the sound of you whimpering in her head
she wants to hear more, and so she moves the sai from your neck and let’s go of your wrists, but she pins your hips down to the ground and moves down
ripping at your pants, she finds you soaking wet, and you let out a yelp, squirming against her arms to try and get away
Mileena pinches your clit harshly, and it gets you to stop moving and squeal loudly into the air, and she smiles wickedly
she moves her hand to spread your folds, and she watches the way you clench around nothing, almost in a trance with how desperate your pussy seems
but you’re silent, nothing more than a blushing mess, and Mileena laughs at you, taunting you for finally having nothing to say
she gets a bit more comfortable, laying down on her stomach so that she’s face to face with your pussy, and she mumbles that you’re just a brat, aren’t you
you go to retort, but she just presses her face into you, burying her tongue into your heat while her nose rubs against your clit
all that escapes is a strangled sound of pleasure, and Mileena smiles against you at the way you’re unable to form a coherent sentence as she eats you out
she fucks you on her tongue, intent of making your mind turn to mush, and her arms pin your hips further into the ground as you squirm
your hands scramble anywhere for purchase, finally finding themselves in Mileena’s hair and tugging on it as you whine in pleasure
she moves her face up to suck on your clit, watching how you throw your head back in pleasure and listening to the way you whine when you come
continuing to lavish you with attention, she lets you ride out your first orgasm of the night on her tongue
and then she watches with delight as you realize that she wasn’t stopping, and you stutter out something
but Mileena ignores you, opting to slide two fingers into your warm cunt and curling her fingers to press right against your sweet spot
any words that you had melt out of your mouth and turn into pathetic whines, and Mileena pumps her fingers in and out of you slowly
her tongue presses into you with firm flat strokes, and she watches you fall apart underneath her fingers
your squirming gets more desperate as you cum again, pain starting to spark with the pleasure, and you plead with her to stop, that it’s too much
Mileena ignores your pleas, continuing to lap into your cunt and watch as you start to cry, head thrown back in pleasure
she finally parts just long enough to tell you that you’re a brat, and brats don’t get what they want before going back to abuse your clit with her tongue
you squirm in her grasp, gasping into the air while your tears stain the training grounds, and you’re useless against her strength as she forces orgasm after orgasm out of you
your struggles grow limp, and your cries turn into sniffles and sobs until finally you’re mostly silent, only the occasional whine coming out of your mouth
Mileena decides that you’ve had enough and teases just one more orgasm out of you, grinding her tongue into you hard and pressing her fingers just right to make you whimper
and finally, she pulls away and stands up, but you stay laying on the ground, fucked-out and exhausted, legs probably too wobbly to walk
she could leave you here, to suffer the humiliation of being found like this in the morning
she could find some rope and just tie you to the barracks, making you the training ring’s whore to keep you quiet
but as you sniffle and sob on the ground, Mileena sighs and picks you up into her arms, kissing your sweaty forehead and bringing you to her chambers
she lays you down on her lavish bed, stripping you of the rest of your clothes and wiping you down gently with a warm towel
you relax into the sheets, eyes fluttering shut and small snores escaping from you as you fall deep into sleep
Mileena wonders just what she’s gotten into, and she turns her head when she hears her bedroom doors open
Tanya stands at the entrance, hip cocked to the side and with a questioning look on her face
Mileena beckons her over to the bed, and Tanya stares at you sleeping peacefully on the bed and than back at Mileena with a small smirk
the empress throws a pillow at Tanya’s head in embarrassment
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angel-of-the-moons · 6 months
Some MK11 Mileena x GN reader fluff please?
A Quiet Moment
Mileena x GN!Reader
TW/CW: None! Fluff! (Well some minor violence in MK terms but nothing graphic)
A/N: Okay so let's go with the Titan!Mileena ending for context, so Mileena is the Khanum of Time, whereas Shao Khan and Sindel rule Outworld, and she has her daughter. (Tho let's go with a slightly less macabre nursery for the baby than what was in her Aftermath ending lmao)
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The sound of tiny, happy gurgles filled the room as pudgy little fingers reached up towards you, bright glowing eyes pinched with glee as your baby girl babbled at you while you cradled her in your arms.
"Yes, yes, Grandma just came to visit, didn't she?" You chuckle, giving Sindel a polite nod of your head as she left the room.
Shao Kahn had yet to visit his granddaughter today, but he was busy in the Koliseum overseeing some gladiatorial matches today.
Your wife, Mileena, the Khanum of Time and Keeper of The Hourglass, was due to return soon. She would linger for a few combat matches, before making her way to see you, her loyal and dutiful spouse, and your little bundle of sharp-toothed joy.
Mileena was the happiest you'd ever seen the moment she recovered from the birth and was told her baby was a girl. She proudly proclaimed that she would name her Kitana. You asked her where she got the name from, and she merely smirked and said:
"Oh... It just came to me."
You weren't entirely sure why she said it with such malicious glee, or why her eyes twinkled in a certain way... but it was a nice name.
Kitana reached her little hands towards you again, babbling through her little fangs, still twinged red from the meat you and Sindel had fed her for her lunch.
"Yes, yes." You hummed to her, rubbing your nose to hers.
"Mama will be here soon, sweetheart."
She carried herself with her head held high, her sharp, gnarly fangs hidden behind her gold and ivory helmet and mask; both of which fashioned in a similar way to her father, Shao Kahn's.
Servants and guards bowed deeply to the Khanum of Time as she strutted past them all, eyes averted out of respect and fear as she made her way to her chambers where you, her lovely and ever-devoted spouse was awaiting her return alongside your darling daughter.
Ah... you were the perfect partner. In her eyes, you had no faults, every facet and fleck of skin was as it was meant to be for you.
Your personality contrasted slightly from hers and her parents, where they were violent, and hard-spoken in courtly manners, you were quiet and demure unless tested.
Shao Kahn once questioned your worth to his daughter's hand, but after a long and lengthy discussion with Mileena and Sindel in private, Shao Kahn bit his tongue from then on.
But even he couldn't deny you were a wondrous parent to his granddaughter.
Ah, but right now Mileena was on her way to you after a boring day at court. Unfortunately she missed the feeding of Kitana (which was one of her favorite things to do as she loved watching the baby voraciously shred the pieces of meat that you would prepare for her) but she could still make time with her until dinner and bedtime.
Right now she just wanted peace and quiet, and time to cradle her daughter and have you tucked against her side.
As Mileena came in, your face lit up and it made her heart skip a beat once again, as it always did when you smiled at her.
Mileena pulled off her crown with a toothy grin as she placed it on a faceless marble bust, and quickly dropped her pauldrons on the same decorative piece.
She pulled her clawed gloves off one by one and set them on the cabinet next to the bust as she made her way over to you, scooping Kitana out of your arms and cradling her against her breasts as she brushed her nose to yours, her tongue flicking out briefly to slide over your lips on her best approximation of a kiss, making you laugh.
"She's missed you, today." You say, moving to stand and wrap your arms around her, propping your chin on her shoulder as you looked down at your baby, her little maw opening wide as she yawned.
"She's been fighting sleep all afternoon. Even your mother couldn't get her to settle down." You sigh to her, planting a kiss to her shoulder.
"I know, the conversations with Kano dragged on and on, the pretentious cretin." Mileena scoffed.
"Ugh, him?" You said, your nose crinkling at the thought of the man who claimed he was the leader of the "Black Dragons".
Mileena giggled maniacally at the sound of your disgust, it was no secret you disliked Kano, especially after the one time he dared try to come onto you.
It was the first time Mileena saw you move so fast, grabbing a knife from the table and burying it all the way through the back of his hand and through his palm.
Mileena had whisked you away to make love to you rather desperately after that.
Kano has since given you a wide berth, however, especially once Kitana was born. He knew better than to test the ire of a fang-toothed Titan mama and her knife-ready spouse.
"Yes, I made it clear that I was not interested and had better things to do. Father laughed at him." She replied to you, running her knuckles down your daughter's chubby cheek as she nuzzled into her bosom, her little eyes finally becoming too heavy to keep open any longer.
"Hah! Good." You laugh softly.
Mileena grinned again and gestured for you to follow her as she walked over to your large bed, tugging the cords that held the canopy open as she maneuvered her body carefully so she wouldn't drop or jostle your child as she laid down on her back.
You smiled as Kitana kicked her little foot out and snuggled against her mother, and you crawled onto the bed alongside Mileena.
You moved up her body until your head was comfortably resting on her shoulder, giving you a nice view of Mileena as she cradled the baby protectively against her chest. Mileena's favorite way to let her nap was to lay her across her chest and rub her tiny back.
Your child, precious little Kitana. Was her pride and joy.
And you? You were her heart and soul.
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doki-doki-imagines · 6 months
Who falls for the mistletoe trick? feat. mk1 Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Tomas, Mileena, Kuai Liang
author note: another severe case of "I'll die if I don't post them today" LOL. Hope you'll like them!
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Liu Kang -He falls for it. -For real? The creator of this timeline didn't expect a mistletoe from his partner at the entrance of their shared house? -Yes, Liu Kang knew from day one that this would happen, and he waited, breath itching and hands tingling in front of the doorstep each day since December started. -You point up, a knowing smirk on your face and Liu Kang acts surprised, white eyes widening a bit before looking down at you. "What a surprise, dear one." His voice is steady, like always, but your ears twitch, a mischievous undertone you can hear thanks to the time you spent together. "You knew this would happen right?" You said now in his open arms, steps lulling you, door closing thanks to Liu Kang's graceful kick. "Maybe" He looks up smiling like a fool "Now it is time to celebrate traditions." -You are the first to get closer, your lips pressed against his soft ones, his right hand finding peace in the back of your head, pushing you closer, the other on your lower back, moving in slow circle, his fire slowly enveloping you, his tattoos hidden under the bandages glowing faintly. -Liu Kang loves Earthrealm traditions.
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Johnny Cage -He doesn't fall for it, but you do for sure. -Not like you had any chance when all the ceiling is filled with mistletoes. -He welcomes you with open arms, smiling from one ear to the other knowing perfectly well that you won't avoid celebrating the tradition. -He asks for a kiss each step you make, they are fast, simple smacks. -Till, one step at a time, the back of Johnny hits the table, your body now laying on his one, not a single breath of air to separate your bodies. -His kisses trail down your neck, his moist lips leaving you warm all over, his right hand lifting one of your legs. -It's time to take the matter in a more comfortable place… -Bonus: How could you not expect Johnny to have mistletoe-themed boxers? "Since you have been so loyal to the tradition it would be bad to break them now, no kitty?" He says smirking, while you don't know if you wanna die or laugh at the situation.
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Tomas Vrbada -He falls for it! Congrats, it's not easy to surprise a ninja. -Tomas knows what a mistletoe means, he remembers when he watched with his sister Christmas movies, disgust plastered on his face. -Tomas feels giddy, a warmth that envelopes him completely. -He feels like a fool, a dumb kid during Christmas, a giggle escapes his mouth "So, don't I get a kiss?" His arms are open. -'It should be the other way around' you think, but it doesn't develop further, more excited to kiss your lover. -He is so overjoyed his legs become jelly, Tomas could only dream of being so loved by someone. -A simple gesture that brought him immense joy, fingers tapping on your back, playing your skin like a piano. -"Why so happy Tomas? Did I do something funny?" You question, lips barely apart. "You just reminded me of happy memories." He replies, hands now steady on your hips, grey eyes twinkling with joy.
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Mileena -She…doesn't fall for it. Not because she knows what a mistletoe hanging from the ceiling means, but because of her observation skill. -"Dear, why there is a plant on the ceiling?" Voice rasped, head bending slightly. "Well, it's a long story…" -You explain to her what it means, never looking at her in the eyes, worried she find the tradition (and you) stupid. -She smiles, 'thank god' you think, her plush lips finding yours before you can finish the explanation, making you stutter. The kiss is fast and for sure not satisfying, leaving you aching for more. -"Is this fine, dove?" her arms lay on your shoulders, keeping your bodies close, lips so close, but also so far away… "I think I'll have to show you how to do this, Empress" You finally close the distance, courage finally sparked your soul. Mileena grunts, a shiver runs down her spine thanks to her fave honorific. -You didn't exchange just one kiss that day.
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Kuai Liang: -He totally did notice the mistletoe but also doesn't know the meaning behind it so he just walks by. -"Ah, mister! Stop right there" Index finger touching his chest, hidden by so many layers of clothing "It's time to pay up." one hand caresses his cheek, while the other glides in his onyx locks, smirk plastered on your face. -But…he doesn't move? His brown eyes look at you questioning. "So you don't know about the mistletoe tradition, mh baby?" "Care to explain, fireball?" His eyebrows furrow, way more focused than he needs to be. -And so you do, looking at his face getting softer and softer at each phrase, just to end up snickering, a familiar sparkle in his brown eyes. -"You really find any occasion to get a kiss from me." "Are you saying you'd rather not?" You pull away, watching him in fake annoyance, eyes glued to his to notice if he takes the bait. -He does, a kiss fierce as he is, a kiss that leaves you breathless but that you wish it to be neverending. -"Is this fine?" Kuai Liang asks, a hint of jolly in his voice. "Yeah, but I think you should do that again, you know, just to be su-" -You won't need to finish the phrase.
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edenianleena · 7 months
OMG, Bi-Han.👀❄️💙✨
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I'm actually begging on my knees ya'll please write some fanfiction about the woman of mortal kombat. I understand that the new design of the male mortal kombat characters is immaculate, but PLEASE give me a fanfic of the women specifically Li Mei. I'VE BEEN WAITING BEFORE THE GAME EVEN CAME OUT 😭😖✊🏾
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getmeoutofhell · 4 months
Mk1 Women NSFW Headcanons part 2
includes: Li Mei, Mileena, Sindel.
part 1
warnings: SMUT! (ofc), pussy eating, degradation, STRAP! usage mentioned, mommy kink and blood kink mentioned, & more i think.
a/n: another WARNING! i added links to dildos to show a better description, just beware. sorry part 2 took fucking forever to do, but i’ve been working on other things. anyways enjoy!
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Li Mei:
THIS women treats you so right in bed.
i promise you’ll never feel uncomfortable around her.
she loves feeling your naked body against hers. when you two have sex, it’s very intimate for her, so we wouldn’t want anyone knowing what you guys do when you’re alone if that makes since.
her strap is definitely a blue-ish color (something like this!), and boy does she know how to use it.
some days she’ll fuck you slow, whispering sweet and beautiful words in your ear as she’s inside of you.
“i love you so much, my lovely.” she says to you, as she kisses up your neck.
other days, you’re fucked. literally.
when’s she’s not in the best mood she’ll fuck you like you’re nothing to her, but you have the best orgasms so you don’t mind much.
and also after she fucks you dumb she compliments you. then she eats you out as a reward for being so good. but don’t worry, she reassures you once she’s done to make sure you’re safe.
she eats you out at a slow pace, tasting every inch of what’s hers. sometimes when you’re to needy and want her to go faster, she’ll just slowly lick up your slit over and over again. it drives you fucking insane.
if you guys are out somewhere where people can see you, she’ll check out your surroundings every minute to make sure nobody’s looking at your beautiful body.
if you behave good in public, she’ll give you a reward once you get home. she’ll even maybe let you be in charge. isn’t that great?
just be a good girl for her and you’ll be fine.
she fingers you so good, that you cum so fast every time.
but just imagine her scissoring you and slightly chocking you.
she loves buying you lingerie as a reward also for your good behavior.
she loves morning sex and is the best at it.
if you sit on her lap, you won’t be walking for a few days.
not gonna go into to much detail but you’ll thank me later 😛.
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well if we’re talking about mileena after the incident she does a bunch of tongue action.
even when it comes to sex, a bunch of tongue action.
her strap is pink ofc with a spiral texture. (like this!) which has your g-spot touched beautifully.
if she’s pissed off (which happens a lot), you’ll know by how rough she is with you. nothing ever over the top but she’s not gonna be soft.
you’ll also know if she starts getting bossy with you. she might even yell a little bit, but nothing crazy.
you lowkey get pussy drunk with her every time you eat her out. and when she scissors you, you won’t ever get enough of it.
she licks all over your body. like all over. there’s not one spot she hasn’t licked on you. yes, that includes your ass crack, armpits, and feet. she’s a freaky girl.
she loves shoving her long tongue inside of your pussy. the feeling of that makes you lose your mind.
when she does eat you out, it’s very sloppy most of the time. her drool is everywhere. all over her, you, and the bed or whatever surface y’all are on.
she’d be down to try a bunch of kinks with you. you want it done? name it and she’ll do it with you.
she may of may not have a mommy and blood kink. i won’t go into to much detail…unless you want me to. 👀
if she’s horny when y’all are not home, y’all will be fucking anywhere. i’m not kidding. she’s a horny girl who gets horny often.
she’ll pull you into a room or bathroom to have you get her off, you’re fucked either way.
one of her favorite spots to lick you on your body besides your pussy, would definitely be your nipples. she just loves teasing them.
another thing she does in public is when she gets horny, she’ll eye you up and down in a certain way that tells you to come eat her pussy.
whenever y’all make out her tongue always immediately goes down your throat. your pussy loves it very much i tell you.
her fingers are pretty long, so when she fingers you, your legs basically become jelly every time. also, sometimes she makes you look at yourself in the mirror as she fingers you, hopefully you can keep your eyes open!
if you do somehow get to dom her, get prepared for her bickering. she still likes to be in control after all.
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well, she does have a mommy kink for starters.
dom. a hard dom at that. she’s always in control of everything, you are her little slut after all ofc!
she wants you to obey her, so if you do that, you’ll be rewarded. she’ll even ride your beautiful face, wouldn’t you like that?
you have the best orgasms with her i swear. she fucks you like a slut.
mommy sindel’s strap looks like (this!), and it has your toes curling every single time. be prepared to get your pussy stretched and fucked nicely.
rough back shots most of the time. if you have hair be prepared.
she loves making you suck her beautiful nipples as she rubs her fingers through your hair (if you have any). god the noises she would make…
she is the queen after all so, if anyone comes near you she doesn’t want…they’re dead. she always immediately assumes the person is only hitting on you for sexual reasons, so she gets jealous.
you want to ride her face? you have to earn it like the slut you are. beg her and maybe she’ll let you. or if you misbehave she’s gonna ride your face and you won’t get any pleasure done to you. so your pussy is just gonna be wet and empty :(
another reward is her eating your pussy. which only happens if you be very good with no mistakes. mommy sindel doesn’t play.
she will sometimes take pictures of her in lingerie or just flat out naked and send them to you as a treat. i hope you enjoy it.
she loves shoving your face in her breast. her pussy gets so wet whenever you do it.
her pussy is perfect. like- actually perfect. and it taste so fucking good. every so often you do something bad on purpose, just so she’ll make you eat her pussy. but she knows when you do.
no one knows about you two. it’s y’all’s little secret, and always will be.
sometimes on missions, she’ll get pretty horny after watching you battle for her. on the way home, she’ll rub her hand on your thigh, letting you know it’s gonna be a wild night.
another thing she does as a punishment, is have you get on your knees infront of her. “who’s your queen?” she’ll ask you. you love it tho.
as long as you behave well and obey her, you’ll be rewarded as a good girl. :)
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i hope you sluts enjoyed this. i’ve upgraded with my typing skills as you can see ;)
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shiresome · 10 months
DOES she??
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homuradefender · 3 months
The excitement I feel when there's a canon wlw ship is unexplainable.
( Please reccomend shows/games/etc with canon wlw characters.)
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vampireimiko · 8 months
anyway, today im gonna be changing my theme (possibly💀) and setting up masterlists SOOO send in some more mortal kombat requests 🫶🏾
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bruciemilf · 8 months
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Bi-Han wifed up the baddest bitch in Outworld (she can't fight her way out of a lunch bag and she's God's favourite idiot)
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buggyjuggie · 5 months
Hi Hi! I recently found your blog and really liked your work.
I was wondering if I could request some HCs about a masc reader who stays up late and wakes up super early (ex. Staying up till 12am but waking up at 3) but somehow is usually very energetic and hyper?
The character(s) are up to you, if thats okay? I read through the rules and everything and I think this is okay, but feel free to ignore if I messed up anything! 🫶
──★ ˙ ̟Mk1 characters x Masc reader who wakes up early and goes to bed late
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「 ✦ Johnny Cage ✦ 」
* Come on you know he definitely does the same thing.
* Doesn’t understand how your so energetic. If he wants to be anywhere near your energy level he NEEDS a crap ton of coffee.
* Easiest way he gets the both of you to sleep is by having a movie marathon or having a gym date and exhausting yourself’s.
* He always ends up going to bed/passing out first so you end up following him, even if Johnny can’t talk you still enjoy cuddling and being next to him.
* You end up picking him up from shoots and sets after long days, because your the only person he trusts that would still be awake at these hours.
* After a long day that was supposed to be about the both of you hanging out he ended up eating sugary snacks to stay awake and had the biggest sugar crash ever.
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「 ✦ Liu Kang ✦ 」
* When he learned of your habit was really worried for you, despite the fact that he has spent eons alone Liu Kang still remembers when ordinary people should go to sleep.
* Always tries to somehow convince with his words of wisdom for you to go to sleep earlier (it almost never works but its worth a try)
* I think that a god like him doesn’t need sleep but one of the ways he gets you to sleep earlier is by cuddles. He’ll hug and use his natural body heat to lull you to sleep.
* Both of you are opposites of each other but manage to make it work he takes time to do exciting and adrenaline pumping activities and you enjoy spending time with him drinking tea, meditating and talking about anything that you can.
* Anytime he sees you being hyperactive it always puts a smile on his face, just is stuck in trance watching you and being happy that he gets to have this.
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「 ✦ Li mei ✦ 」
* HOW?? JUST HOW??? she always asks herself.
* Being Sun Do’s first constable requires a strict schedule, despite the fact that she likes doing her job waking up early is not one of them.
* When she wakes up early Li mei tends to be grumpy and down she absolutely can’t understand how you getting so little sleep are in a good and cheery mood.
* She makes paper lanterns that help both of you fall asleep, they smell like lavender.
* If Li mei’s having a hard day she appreciates your energetic personality, it puts her in a good mood and help’s to keep her spirits high when struggling with Outworld’s conflicts.
* Let’s you take care of her spirit lion since both of you are very energetic and it has grown attached to you.
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「 ✦ Mileena ✦ 」
* Thinks that you just have a hard time sleeping.
* Because of the way her base outfit is designed i think Mileena owns a lot of fuzzy and warm sweaters. She gives then to you as a hope that it’ll help you sleep better.
* Tries to do literally everything to get you to go bed earlier royal massages, big fancy beds with fluffy pillows, essential oils and whatnots.
* Is surprised that after all that your still full of energy, starts to think that it might be magic or a spell.
* You offered to do some of the more tedious jobs or her’s so that she can enjoy her time as empress, Milleena didnt like the idea of making you do her work but you still insisted by saying that if you let her, both of you will have more time to spend together and she caved.
* You sleep a lot in Mileenas room because she has a lot of flowers that help her fall asleep more calmly and keep her tarkat affliction from coming out. The flowers help you because they remind you of Mileena the happy memories and moments spent with her make for the most adorable dreams and even date ideas.
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「 ✦ Havik ✦ 」
* An agent of chaos hell bent of causing mischief any where possible and a little to no sleep human who somehow is extremely energised to a concerning extent. I think thats a math made in heaven.
* Like Liu kang i don’t really think Havik needs to sleep yes he does get tired but doesn’t have adherent need for it.
* Thought at first that you were also from chaosrealm due to your high energy and hyperactivity.
* Noticed your how your sleeping was inconsistent but because he has never dated a human before he doesn’t do much about it, think’s that this is just how humans are.
* Still offers to let you rest or even rest with him if he sees that your starting to get tired or are gonna crash.
* Both of you are the most chaotic couple in world and he loves it.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Once again I’m so sorry this took so long to get out. I really really enjoyed writing this one especially because i got to write for any character i wanted so that helped me thing outside the box. I didn’t really have any specific way of integrating masculine terms or action i just mainly tried not to baby the reader.
Hope you enjoyed reading :3
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zg0nuwa · 4 months
me watching as my controller disconnects in the middle of a fucking online match and not being able to do shit as i’m getting my ass handed to me
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angel-of-the-moons · 2 months
May I request Mk 11 Mileena angst please?
Mileena x Reader
TW/CW: Angst, death, Mileena's tendency to be feral af, graphic violence
A/N: Okay this one is gonna be short but I came up with a perfect scenario--
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Mileena snarled as she climbed off of the shredded carcass of one of Earthrealm's champions. Some blonde human woman wearing a Special Forces uniform. She didn't care, her blood and viscera tasted sweet; even as she wiped the excess from her fanged maw.
The battle was going well, over half of the pitiful army that Raiden and his entourage had assembled lay dead on the battlefield.
The buzz of the adrenaline she felt heightened her euphoria as she turned to see you flip your pike around and skewer that pathetic Johnny Cage as he howled in grief. Apparently, the female Mileena had just disemboweled was his daughter, Cassie. The sight of the blood splashing from him as his intestines fell into his own hands coated you in a beautiful shade of red, making Mileena's heart stutter within her chest.
You were like some primal god of violence and death, a flurry of kicks, flips, and death-dealing blows as you annihilate each target you set yourself to.
"Mileena." Kitana's voice spat from behind her.
"Ssssssister..." Mileena drawled, twirling to face her.
Kitana scowled from behind her mask, readying her bladed fans with a flourish. "You are a disgusting facsimile, nothing more."
"Hahaha!" Mileena cackled, pulling her sais from Cassie Cage's warm, bleeding corpse. "I wanted us to be a family... But I don't see us braiding each other's hair anytime soon."
"Never, Mileena." Kitana growled, her clone's name dripping from her lips like foul poison.
The two women moved like lightning, metal clashing, blades slicing deep enough to cut but not seriously wound, they moved in a violent, macabre dance that was only put to a pause when Kitana landed a very lucky kick to her gut, knocking the wind from her and sending her flying into a foot soldier.
Kitana climbed a top Mileena and grabbed her by the hair, pressing the sharp side of her fan blade to her clone's throat after pinning her arms behind her. "Look at what your mindless violence and hubris has brought, Mileena! Look!"
Mileena's golden eyes glared angrily at the scene in front of her, her heart sinking with horror at what she was witnessing. The former Revenant Scorpion and Kuai Liang began swiping at you with their weapons; Scorpion with his sword and Kuai Liang with his frozen scythes.
You were holding your ground, but that territory slipped with each swipe and parry of your pike, each kick that knocked you off balance.
The worst had yet to come; that final blow, dealt by both Earthrealmers in unison--Scorpion's sword to your chest and one of Kuai Liang's scythes to your gut, your blood spurting in a way that Mileena would normally have found ethereal... had it not been coming from you, her greatest treasure.
"Look at what you've done, Mileena. The senseless deaths because of you." Kitana snarled. "See what mother and Shao Kahn's madness has--"
Mileena couldn't hear her "sister" any longer. She couldn't hear her lecture or heroic speech. All she saw was red at the edges of her vision as time seemed to slow down.
She wrenched her arms free, tipping her head down to dig her fangs into Kitana's arm, her blood tasting foul on her tongue as she shredded veins, muscle and sinew; severing the offending limb with haste as she yanked her fan from her flying palm.
Mileena spun around as Kitana clutched her bleeding stump, crying and sobbing in pain as she desperately tried to stop her spurting blood flow. She raised the pointed end of the fan as Kitana looked up at her, and plunged it into her skull as far as she possibly could, leaning down to tear out her throat with her teeth for added measure.
She turned around, mad with rage, a part of her hoping--praying--that maybe she could save you, force one of their magic-wielding lackeys to heal you before it was too late...
But the way you lay limp on the blood-stained ground, your murderers standing above you, told her otherwise.
And once again, Mileena lunged.
Once their remains lay shredded and scattered at her feet, Mileena stumbled towards you, sobbing hysterically as she dropped to her knees at your side. Her hands clenched and unclenched aimlessly as she looked down at your bloodied corpse, your lifeless hands clutching at the wound to your abdomen as dead, lightless eyes stared widely up at the sky.
She ripped at her hair, tearing bloody chunks of it from her scalp before she clutched at your dead body, rocking back and forth as the battle raged on around her.
At some point, she could hear Shao Kahn's victorious cry. The Titan Kronika was dead, the Hourglass was won; Liu Kang lay dead at he and Sindel's feet. Shang Tsung disemboweled like hunted game.
But none of that mattered, now.
Only you, and the beautiful voice Mileena may never hear say her name again.
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misthogansnk · 7 months
“You will never be her.”
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Syzoth x f!reader part 1?
Warning: Sadness, trauma, contempt and attempted punishment, reader's point of view.
Previews: You discover you're pregnant and can't wait to tell your husband, even though the past comes back like a storm.
You and Syzoth quickly established a friendship once you met, despite all adversities and thanks to Lord Liu Kang, you were supportive and helpful in helping Syzoth adapt to the land during her stay there.
It didn't take long for the feelings of friendship to turn into something more, something romantic. Long talks under the stars, walks holding hands, eh even the sweet taste of the first kiss, which he gave you the day before his return to Outworld where he would be appointed as an emissary. Not even a week had passed when you were summoned by the new empress, Syzoth had expressed her feelings for you, which caused her, in gratitude for your collaboration with Liu Kang's champions, to offer you a position at court as one of his advisors and thus be able to be close to him, or as you called him “my Syzoth”.
Although he traveled a lot to be the emissary, his relationship with you blossomed, passion left no room for waiting, making love with him was something so beautiful and special. The old wise men had warned that due to their Zaterran nature it was almost impossible for you to get pregnant, your pregnancy was not compatible with that of a reptile.
So you didn't worry about it, time passed, Syzoth returned from Zaterra hungry for you.
“Y/n? My treasure, where are you? He asked approaching the garden of the royal palace, he knew that she usually spent the afternoons in her absence reading a book among the flowers. “Love, you're finally back…” I suddenly noticed that he had a beautiful bouquet of yellow flowers, similar to tulips on earth, and he was slowly kneeling before me. “I finally got full acceptance from my people, well, not that I care, but I want to do things right and I just wanted to ask you if… do you want to marry me?”
His emerald green eyes penetrated my soul, my body trembled and I only managed to throw myself at him and hug him, “yes, yes, of course, my love.”
And so it was, we got married two months later, it was strange, it was the first time in a long time that the Zaterrans were together with the warmbloods under the same roof, Mileena was very kind to allow us to celebrate our wedding in her palace.
Syzoth promised me that he would take care of me, that he would not allow anything bad to happen to me, of course, he had already lost his family. He never wanted to talk about that topic with me, I thought that little by little he was overcoming his pain, I never asked him, I didn't want to hurt him with his own past... I thought that his wounds were healing but I was wrong.
It wasn't long until I became sick, nauseous, dizzy, I never imagined it was a life growing inside me. It wasn't until a trip to Earth that my discomfort worsened, my friend Ashrah raised the possibility that she was pregnant, oh my Argus no! That was impossible, right? I ran to take a pregnancy test before returning home, I had to take advantage of being on earth and the result made my blood run cold, positive, something I thought was impossible. She was pregnant! I had to tell my husband, a new beginning, a new life growing inside me. Once I crossed the portal, I ran towards my house, and there he was happy, waiting for me. As soon as he saw me, he ran towards me and kissed me passionately. His arms gave me the purest feeling, true love. It wasn't until I broke the kiss, panting and avoiding further heating up the matter that I knew would end up between the sheets of my bed when I decided to tell him “Syzoth! “I'm pregnant, we're having a baby!” My eyes full of tears of joy and my warm smile collided with a face of bitterness and disgust, I felt him walk away from me abruptly.
“That's impossible, it's a lie,” he sighed and then clenched his fists tightly, hitting the wall hard.
“Love, I'm pregnant… it's not a lie” my face was petrified but I still approached him and touched his shoulder, instantly his eyes fell on me, with disappointment, anger?
"I thought it would make you happy to have a family with me."
“I already had a family!” He pushed my hand away and covered his face. His tears broke my heart, but his words, the bitter taste they left in my mouth, I will never forget.
“You don’t understand y/n! I betrayed them! Replace my wife! And now to my son!! Syzoth fell to his knees and without saying another word he burst into tears, an agonizing scream, finally the accumulated pain had resurfaced, it was an unprocessed grief that he never brought to light, a time bomb.
"I'm sorry... I..." my body shook and my voice broke, not knowing what I should do, I just tried to hug him, it was useless, I wouldn't let him get close to me, The other person grabbed me by the shoulders and looked at me with a deeper look. Sad that I've never seen it.
“I loved them, and I changed them for someone like you, and now they will think, no! My little! I'd think his father forgot him and traded him for another boy! You will never be her!! And that child you carry in your womb WILL NEVER BE MY LITTLE LITTLE ONE! You understand! What did I do? Wow, they didn't deserve that, their death, they didn't deserve it, I should be with them now, the three of them being happy, I failed them." He was finally getting rid of his pain, but it was too late for me, my body. I trembled, his words They were a dagger that tore my flesh and my soul. It hurt me, was I a usurper? My body did not respond but the tears did not stop flowing from my eyes. I could not react. It wasn't until I was finally able to let out a sob in the midst of so much bitterness and that lump that got stuck in my throat that he reacted, he looked into my eyes with regret for his words, he had realized what he had told me. . . “Y/n, I didn't want to, it wasn't my intention, I love you, I just…” without saying more words he hugged me tightly, but my body didn't react, I wanted to run away. , I wanted to disappear from that place, I was breathless, now I didn't want to know anything, I felt like I was in a farce, in a failed attempt to heal a wound, I didn't want to replace anyone. , I just wanted to form a new story, my story, my life. I got up with the little strength I had left and headed towards the door. Syzoth hugged me, he didn't want to let go, I tried to clarify his reaction but...
“My love, no! y/n, I'm so sorry... I thought I could rebuild my life and heal with you but I will never stop thinking about them, you will never be her, and that's okay but it's not the same. I feel so guilty. ..” I stopped him, I didn't want to hear any more “my son is not a replacement, I'm sorry for being a failed experiment in punishment, I'm sorry for believing this son would be as loved by me as he was by you.”
I swallowed my tears, it hurt me but I took courage and got out of there, he didn't follow me, I just saw him collapse on the ground defeated, maybe we both needed a little solitude, if only he had told me about his pain. I would never have let such a storm come to this point that tormented his heart. My doubt, did he ever love me? I will never be her, I may never have a place in her heart.
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edenianleena · 5 months
Kombat-Gala !! 🐉❤️
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Credit : AztexArts on X/Twitter
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medusdeeznuts · 9 months
I am Thinking So Hard about Mileena and Tanya and how Tanya has never shied from Mileena in any timeline and never looked at her with disgust
I am Thinking So Hard about how carrying your partner’s medication for their quality of life on you at all times is such a love language
I am Thinking So Hard about all the times Mileena has so fervently protected Tanya or tried to avenge her or look after her, without a single thought for herself.
I am Thinking So Hard about how a constant in ever timeline we see is “Dearest Tanya”.
I am Thinking So Hard about “I am with you in health and sickness” and how that’s a fucking wedding vow
I am Thinking So Hard about that fight with Ermac and “You shall never have any piece of me Ermac” and how Mileena could so very easily mean Tanya in that situation.
I am Thinking So Hard about how Tanya never hesitates to help Mileena, to smile at her, to look at her, she doesn’t shy away from the face of Mileena’s illness.
I am Thinking So Hard about that line from Mary on a Cross that perfectly summarizes their relationship
“Your beauty never ever scared me”
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