#milkvans be like ‘we won’
I get ship loyalty/nostalgia and all that, but at this point it’s genuinely baffling that people are still riding for Mlvn THIS hard. Like what are you even fighting for? What are you excited about? I too initially used to ship Mlvn back in 2016/2017 just cause I was easily swayed by what was literally, explicitly canon and on screen. I thought Mike had a crush on El, and I thought it was cute, so why wouldn’t I ship them? Then they were separated, and it was sad! And Mike never gave up! And then the Snowball dance, when viewed through this lens, was a lovely, romantic moment of promises fulfilled. And the rest is history, right?
Wrong. I adjusted my perception of things based on the actual events of the show, not based on the hypothetical romantic Mlvn that never was. Even taking out Will’s obvious love for Mike from the equation (which is hard to do since he’s my favorite character) and even pushing aside Mike’s obvious queerness (which is also hard to do cause that boy is fruity), romantic Mlvn is something that just isn’t working. On a structural level.
And the last two seasons post Snowball have made that very clear. So when diehard Mlvns comment all day on Instagram about how Mike and El are apparently soulmates, send Bylers weird hate anons en masse, and post on Twitter how excited they are for Mike and El to finally be together, I have to believe they’re watching a completely different show. Or they have poor media literacy and can’t see something like Byler until it’s literally spelled out. Or they’re holding onto 2016 nostalgia instead of watching the show and adjusting based on what they see. Because if your excitement for S5 Mlvn is based on the idea that things will finally be amazing once they’re together, what exactly do you think has been happening for the last two seasons???
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pissywiser · 2 years
how the mitochondrias feeling after getting NOTHING
still confident on byler not happening?
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lordystrange · 3 months
Hey I just wanted to tell you that it is very likely that Mike rejects Will
at first.
Some of us believe he’s already aware of his own sexuality and feelings, some of believe he’s oblivious to them, some of us believe in something in between.
But whatever is the truth, the Duffer might just be mean enough to make Mike reject Will at first, however he finds out about his feelings. Especially if it happens while he’s still mad about the painting lie. But he’ll come around later ofc.
They might even have their first kiss first and have Mike no-homoing Will after that. And then later he homoes him again.
Idk what they’ll do but I just wanted to tell you that this kind of unfortunate event is very possibly happening before Mike is actually honest to himself.
So be aware. Don’t die. Don’t lose hope. Keep watching. The Duffers like to tease us but they’re on our side.
And the bonus side of it would be the milkvan reaction when they think they won and then they just drop and die and lose.
Same thing with possible leaks btw! Even if we see a video leak of Mike rejecting Will, it doesn’t mean anything. No panic. Byler endgame. 💚
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kittykat940 · 8 months
Milkvans stay out of the byler tag challenge failed...and not yall saying we won just because a little scene between mike and el got leaked lol yall do realize mike and el will most likely stay friends when they break up right? 😂
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jaegerisim · 1 year
Reddit and melvin shit
Reddit is so fucking hilarious.... op is saying "it's sad that ppl would join to vote in a joint agenda and ruin other ppl's fun... I'm not a byler shipper and it's sad that they do this kind of stuff... thx to all the ppl who told me abt the tumble ACC who posted the poll" wdym?? girl what are you talking abt??? How did bylers ruin other ppls fun??? We just showed we are organized and civil community that is able to join together to achieve a certain goal! You sad milkvans lost and bylers are still there and fighting?? boohoohoo! cry abt it all you want! it's not gonna change tho. it's not rigged, or biased or whatever shit you come up with. it won't change... mileven lost and bylers are still there... Melvins go barking their bullshit without realizing that this shows how the many ppl hate mister venkman and prefer byler over them...Angry that a queer ship won over the typical cishet one?? sucks to be you, that's called life. cos yeah, queer ships, bi ppl, gay ppl, lesbians they exist!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH. they are not some myths you daddy tells you like "the boogie man" or whatnot. they're real ppl. It's super hard to believe, right? But that's life and the problem is that you feel threatened bc if byler ends up being canon then that would destroy your cishet entertainment of "pretty girl and nerdy boy. pretty girl have power!! pretty girl and pretty boy go mwah mwah and kiss kiss!! yay!! pretty girl make pretty girl friend. boy has bad bad boy friend. bad friend try to stop pretty girl and boy. boy mad!!! boy argue!! bad friend sad!! hooray!!! oh! big bad monster appear!! pretty girl go make boom! and kaboom!! and defeat big bad monster!! pretty girl and boy go lovey dovey!! everyone happy!! pretty girl go.... so sad... now boy get sad bc evil friend left!!! oh no! you not sad bc pretty girl left? is duffer brother fault! they bad writers!! they ruin ship!! don't worry pretty girl and boy be happy and kissy kissy!! so good! we don't want evil fag friend. go away! nooo pretty girl left boy!! NO that is not how it goes!! pretty girl NEED boy!! Why is boy with friend?? why is boy with romantic friend?? that is not fair! that is bad!! that is wrong! boyxboy?! ERROR 202: brain cell.exe stopped working: not computing! ERROR!! ERROR!!!"
That's a long post. Here, have potato 🥔
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gabigirl · 2 years
Byler Tag Chaos
July 23: Heart eyes in the van scene
July 26: Talk about the “Romeo” and Romeo & Juliet milkvan parallels / Announcement that we’re getting the s4ep8 8flix script
July 27: Confirmation from the Duffers that lighting is intentional
July 29: Theories/jokes that Noah is vibrantwaters
July 30: Noah panel, “Mike LIKES El”
August 2: The writers starting ST5!
August 4: “A fair amount of subtext, yes.” -Nick, 8flix
August 5: Chaos without getting the script
August 6: Script snippet, “I hate who I am”
August 9: The script is fake
August 10: Poll on Twitter for which scene we want / Slim Jim is a Byler
August 11: Sock anon / Rumor that the Duffers confirmed blue & yellow...only for it to be fake / Van scene won the poll / More Slim Jim tweets
August 13: We hit 100k!
August 15: We got the van scene script
August 16: Fake Duffer account / The Google Doodle looked like baby Byler
August 17: Bald Mike Wheeler cult
August 18: People trapped in the Duffers’ basement / Stephanie Mike Cult
August 19: Scriptgate 2.0 & Nick hacked
August 20: Scriptgate involving 2 cast members / Frog Mike cult
August 21: Escape from the Duffers’ basement
August 22: Russian code fully cracked on Twitter
August 24: Trend with the Cristiano Ronaldo gif / Barista anon
August 25: Grid stage in the writers’ room
August 26: Mikhailgate / Final scene script released
August 27: Mikely Cyrus cult
August 28: Finn panel
August 30: Mike Bush cult / Twilight Gate
August 31: Breaking Bad gate
September 1: Spirkgate
September 2: Lumax drawing scene script released, “his/her breath catches” / Steve & Robin in the car scene script released
September 5: Sweater Byler vs. Apocalypse Byler anon
September 6: Background guy gate
September 7: Byler disease / Cucaracha Cult / Mike’s monologue back in the poll…and losing
September 9: Jonathan & Will’s talk script released
September 10: Birthdaygate resurgence / White Rabbit Gate
September 11: Descendants Gate
September 13: Stranger Writers stopping script releases after this next one / byler cake anon asking about pop tarts!
September 16: Episode 4 Byler talk script released
September 17: Mike cat memes
September 20: Flickergate / Pixalized Grid aka Gridgate
September 21: The Byers’ house being sold irl
September 23: “Byler is canon.” -Ted Wheeler / the black spot on the board is a pen holder
September 24: Stranger Things Tudum Event
September 26: Most of the character Spotify playlists deleted
September 27: Mike plagiarized Eddie’s episode 1 monologue for his monologue to El
October 4: Salt Lamp Gate
October 9: Mike Wheeler babygirlification
October 12: “Crazy shit that almost happened #…”
October 27: Mikey mouse
October 31: Bald Duffer gate
November 6: Stranger Things day / pictures of the (hopefully) endgame couples on Twitter / painting merch /Vecna VR / “The Crawl”
December 9: More Scriptgate
December 10: Noah talking about Finn on live
December 22: Santa slander
January 5: Noah came out
January 13 (Fri the 13): AO3 down
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hawkinsp0st · 2 years
so scripts are coming at some point for:
• the shed scene
• crazy together
• mike seeing will’s body at the quarry
• mike making heart eyes at eddie
• the airport hug
• in the closet (at rink o mania)
• micellar water “you never say it” fight
• “what if they don’t like the truth?”
• triple take while burying the body
• The Painting Scene**
• milkvan ily monologue**
(**we already knew about it before the 8flix update today but i included it anyway)
yeah… we won today.
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chartreuse-goose · 2 years
volume 2 & instant vs delayed gratification
i feel like everything on this matter has already been said, but i do still want to give my opinion on why i'm okay with byler in st4v2. this might be a longer post! update: it is a longer post omg… please stay :-,))
honestly, if byler happened in volume 2, people would've been so mad. trust me i was ROOTING with my entire heart for it to, but byler realistically could not have been executed well, much less received well, if it happened in 2 episodes. also, yes, i know. we were not expecting it to. everyone LOVES to talk about us as if we were, but we were less hoping for byler and more hoping for a milkvan breakup. we got the opposite and were crushed. it took me 3 days of tearing up even thinking of volume 2 before i could come to this realization, but what happened instead was just as good for us.
i am very critical of the duffer brothers, but i firmly believe that they used volume 2 as a way to give the general audience EXACTLY what they wanted. of course, this came with a price. "exactly what they wanted" would intentionally be written in the least desirable way.
so yes, milkvans won, but only at the steep cost of their eventual losing.
how are they going to lose? well, instant gratification is a bit of a b¡tch. if milkvan was endgame, i genuinely don't think the "i love you" confession would have happened where/when it did. if i was writing stranger things, and i wanted milkvan to actually have a chance at coming back from that “fight you can't come back from,” the moment mike confessed would never be the situation i’d write him to confess during. ever.
i guess if this confession had to occur in volume 2, then the pre-pineapple pizza moment would have been the moment. the duffer brothers wanted us to know that they knew this would've been the perfect moment too, because they teased it. mike almost said it there. man, if only *the* moment for those words to be said wasn't written to be interrupted!
on the flip side, delayed gratification is far more satisfying. if i was writing stranger things and milkvan was endgame, i wouldn't have resolved their relationship problems in volume 2. i would have chosen to hold off until season 5 so it’d have a larger impact on the audience.
google says delayed gratification is "a strategy for reaching your goals and finding long-term fulfillment," so if milkvan was THE goal and you genuinely wanted mike and eleven to find long-term fulfillment within eachother, why'd you solve their problems so quickly? why'd you solve these problems in a way that actually ended up emphasizing their prevalence in mike & eleven’s relationship?
is there, perhaps, another pairing you’ve been intentionally delaying that’ll find their way to each other in season 5? another pairing which has been roughly hinted at since your television series’ pitch? hinted at since character’s first lines? hinted at by creating parallels to other television series telling similar stories? hinted at through subtle looks, line deliverance, wardrobe, staging?
these questions aren’t entirely rhetorical, duffers! i’d LOVE to know!
bylers, i guess i wrote out this literal essay to tell you that if mike and eleven were endgame, they wouldn’t have been made penultimategame. it doesn’t make sense considering their issues and the lack of character development gained that would’ve been needed to truly resolve them.
byler is endgame, in this essay i will—
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there aren't gonna be any new characters for st5, so thank god no new love interest for will. but he's still not safe.
he's gonna be a key element next season, most likely he'll be in a lot of danger. so what are the outcomes for byler next season? will could die because there is a high chance they'll kill him and byler won't be canon. this could maybe impact mike saying he could never be in a relationship now that will is gone, or milkvan is still a thing and they won. another one is that will's feelings aren't reciprocated by mike and he will forever remain single and forced to move on while probably still pining for mike. (which isn't very good rep.) or it's the one we all want, byler ends up canon. i have no idea how they'll do it but all i know is that i want- no need for the painting to be mentioned between mike and el and that they should kiss in the rain.
ALSO, 39K!? holy shit that's amazing!!
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not to be a obssesed with musical analysis or whatever but if I were a duffer I´d have added a scene in the pizza van where it´s shown how mike and el haven´t talked in two whole days, how? montage. to what? music. by whom? new order, age of consent by new order to be exact. so, we´ve already saw that el is a little tiny bit done with mike, with the almost door slam and the whole ignoring him for two days, we just don´t know why (we kind of do though; insert the she knows she knows audio). so, how does this connect to age of consent by new order? well, lyrics time, and the why they match with milkvan´s current situation. won´t you please let me go?/ these words lie inside, they hurt me so/ and i´m not the kind that likes to tell you/ just what you want to do/ i´m not the kind that needs to tell you/ just what you want me to...so they I love you motif and implied breakup after the I love you motif, they´re not telling each other what the other wants, begging to hear the words they need. I saw you this morning/ I thought you might like to know/ I recieved your messafe in full a few days ago/ I understood every word that it said/ and now that I´ve actually heard it/ you´re going to regret. sooooo, pre-pizza van confession, thecnically they both got to hear what they wanted, el got her ily, but it´s not really what she pictured it would go like, it sounded wrong, so basically, el knows. she knows he was lying, knows something is off,she got two days to think on it, she understood ever word that he said, and now they´re back at fighting. they don´t give each other what they want, and when they do, it feels wrong, fake, el realized that, she knows that, hell, even mike said it in the van scene script, she realizes she doesn´t need him, that it was bullshit. so, just saying, if the duffers decide to not miss the great chance to have this song in a mike/el moment in s5...i wouldn´t be mad per se....
i wont be mad either holy shit 😳😳
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quizquestioncreator · 5 years
Quiz Questions for a Round on the TV show Father Ted
More great questions for you today! We’ll keep sharing some of the questions we have that you can use for free in your quiz. You can still use our random question generator if you like, or sign up for quiz creator and get the full benefits like answer sheets and saving your rounds!
In this case, it’s quiz questions related to one of Ireland’s greatest exports - Father Ted! 
1. What was the name of the priest who tried to steal Ted’s Golden Cleric? Todd Unctious
2. What was the name of the milkman (as featured in the Speed 3 episode)? Pat Mustard
3. What is the name of the priest(s) that Ted and Dougal competed against to get selected for Eurosong ‘96? Dick Byrne and Cyril MacDuff
4. Who won the Lovely Girl’s Competition? Imelda 
5. What part of the shop do they get lost in during the Christmas special? Lingerie Section
6. What present does Ted get Mrs. Doyle (which she hates) during the Christmas special?  Tea Machine
7. What speed does the milkvan in Speed 3 need to go to stop the bomb going off? 4 mph
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