#millie manx
cadmuslabs777 · 1 year
Fucking Charlie desperately searching around all those kids looking for Millie after making her feel like she wasn't enough..... Gonna live in my mind rent free forever...
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I bit the bullet and did something new. As much as I love playing Aurora, playing her over the last few months since I started university again has felt stagnant and a bit stuck on my end, reiterating old things and generally have felt unispired to play her, and I wanted to make a new role-play blog for a bit. So I am proud to present the Daughter of Father Christmas, Daughter of The Wraith, Daughter of Christmasland,  The Nutcracker, the girl, the myth, the legend; Millie Manx. 
I , and Millie,  eagerly await to meet and play  with everyone. 
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winter-redcurrants4 · 1 month
Nos4a2 fanfic
(Charlie, Millie , Wayne )
It was night, everyone from the children went to bed , sleep with their stuffed toys and dream about their great and fun expericences they made this day at christmasland. It snowing outside , like so often at night. The lights where on , lights up the other houses. The room , in where the children sleep , where dark and large. It rooms around sixteen beds inside. But two beds was empty. Wayne stand outside , look up to the large , white moon on the night sky , surrended by many little stars. He stayed for a week at this beautiful place, but all seems so unreal to him , but he also feel that he was at home here. He hears steps, coming to him , he looks in the direction and reconice the beautiful girl , Millicent, who cames to him and after a moment she stand besides him in the snow. Her right hand touches the sword and following his look to the moon. Then she looks to the gates and sadness shines in her eyes. Wayne had understand that their father, Charlie, never stay long here, because he drives again away , to find new friends for them , to play with. Wayne wishes he could stay longer , even a bit. It was almost a week that Charlie was stayed gone, it was not unusual , but he's afraid that he didn't came back to them. The snow falling at them , but they feels no cold. He was tired, but he doesn't want to go sleep, until he knows that Charlie was save. Millie steped a bit near to the gates , hops that they will open themselves. Wayne was also hungry , the whole candy , he ate during the day , didn't help much. Millie looks back to the houses , make sure they where alone. She was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. She was nice to him and the others , wants to keep them save , like Charlie. He asking himself if the other children also are hungry like him. They haven't eat normal for a few days, only sweets. Wayne looks again to the moon , the white face was calm , the eyes closed , the lips showed a peaceful smile. On the top of the head wears the moon a red sleepyhead. Suddenly the gates opens themselves, the wrait drives inside , the doors closes and the car stopps. The door swings open and Charlie steped outside , closed thd door , goes to the trunk , open it , put something out , closed the trunk again and comes to the two , with the food. The man looks around , then Charlie pack him, hold him and bite him in the neck. Millie and Wayne watching him , as he stills his own hunger. Then he let go of the man, puts him down to the ground. "Hello Children," greeding he the two as he wipes away the blood from his lips. The two came to him , hugs him. Wayne was glad that he has returned. Charlie wistles and suddenly the other children comes across the house , to eat the late meal their father has brought them. He let go of Wayne and Millie, as the others hugs him , some other went to the food and starts to eat. Wayne joins them. The flesh and blood tasted somehow sweet , but he don't care about that now. After a moment the hunger was gone and he let go. He feels sleepy now. The others finished their meal and return in the house , into their beds, returning to sleep. Wayne and Millie follows them , with Charlie behind. After they lay in bed , he wishes them a good night and leaves the room. Wayne smiles and closed his eyes. After a moment he was asleep.
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amazingdvils · 1 year
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"question - is that coffee pot...machine...thing...supposed to do that?"
@unbearablyindifferent liked this post for a starter!
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I was going to do replies -- but then I got to thinking about Charlie and his first born, Millicent.
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When she was conceived, how well he took care of Cassie while pregnant with his pride and joy.  It made my heart melt at all the possibilities. The things he’d slave over to appease her and her pregnant demands. When his first was born,  he’d insist being there to offer help, being in her life as much as he could afford. Or without being ridiculed by Cassandra’s family. Providing his daughter with fun, entertainment, dreams. Spoiling her in front of his wife’s eyes. Taking her on adventures of some wild child-like fantasies of faery tales,  even go as far as to dress the part.  Maybe even attend imaginary tea parties with her ? Taking on some duties that would , back in those days , be strictly wife oriented.   Again, signaling Charlie out as an oddball in his father in law’s eyes. Yet upon those chores, I would think Charlie wouldn’t care what that man had to say on how he raises his child. Charlie just overall being massively protective over her. Gods, picture her as she gets older.  Playing the role of Peter Pan, or Tiger Lily ( never wanting to be Wendy because she wanted to be a fierce warrior and Wendy was never depicted as such ) and Charlie just assumes the role of Captain Hook,  play fighting with sticks in the yard.  Cassandra wholeheartedly starting to disagree with his antics and spoil their fun. Our proud, Papa Wolf.
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sugarplumbwinter · 2 months
She stand in the snow , starring at him , as tears fill her eyes. Her lips shivers, so as her body , as she heavy sobs. She has everything ruin and the worst thing , she has failed him , again and again. Her hand helds the sword and with the other wipes she the tears from her cheecks and breathe heavy in and out , to calm her down. But it's was not easy to calm down , because the weight of failure was too strong for her. She look down, at the ground , at the snow. Then she could freel a hand at her left shoulder and look up. Through her tears was her vision not great , but could she see him anyway. Her father looks at her , she seeks in his eyes anger , rage , blame or hate , but there was only love. 'I'm so sorry , father ," she whispers. 'Sshhh , come here to me," answers he , knelt at the snow and hug her. She crying in his blue coat and sobs heavy than before. "I have disappointing you , father. I'm sorry for that , i thought i was smarter then you , but i wasn't. " He nudges her softly and kiss her forehead. She was in the house in the woods and feelt guilty after that. "I want only to protect you , but that means not , that i see you as a failure. No , it's more i see myself in you and you know what ?,"asked her. She shakes her head and look up to him. "That makes me even more proud of you , sugarplump." She looks at him , confusing, not knowing how she shall understand his words right. "What do you mean ,father ?" He smiles at her and held her tighter at his coat. "Because when i'm not here , you take care of the other children and makes sure they where good. " Millicent looks at the snow again and hugs him back. He was right. She laughs as he nudges she again and wrapped her arms around him, he lifts her up , stand up and walks into the woods , let her pick up some redcurrants on a branch and smiles at her , as she took it on his pocket from the coat.
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lmiranal · 1 year
×]После небольшой практики, я хотела себя проверить, но не знала, кого рисовать. Это продолжалось до тех пор, пока я не нашла одну интересную книжку под названием… "Дети Леса". Я прочитала первую, мне понравилось, и, как это часто со мною бывало в то время, я взялась за поиски Амино. Тогда-то мне и выпал шанс посмотреть на свой прогресс в рисовании людей! Я создала четырёх персонажей, нооо… я как бы… выбыла из ролевой… снова… и даже не успела их использовать… =✓="'
×]Окей, вот, в чём проблема: я не знаю, почему, но мне обычно трудно оставаться в одном рп на протяжении долгого времени. Я всегда начинаю с большим энтузиазмом и желанием, но в итоге каждый раз ухожу довольно скоро. И поэтому я больше не пытаюсь искать какие-либо рп. Но год назад всё было иначе, я всё ещё верила в то, что моё время пребывания в фандоме Детей Леса будет немного дольше. Но я пришла сюда не для того, чтобы говорить об этой моей проблеме, а для того, чтобы показать вам своих персонажей! >:3
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×]Для начала, встречайте Франклина! Он – низкорослый 13-тилетний какапо оборотень. Каким образом он вообще попал в Кристалл? Это был дооолгий путь… Он скромный и недоверчивый мальчик, которого в одиночку растила мать, которую он очень любит и от которой перенял свои взгляды на жизнь. А ещё он любит собирать гербарии :>
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×]Вторая особа – Эалисайд, или просто Элиса. 17-тилетний оборотень–мэнский лохтан, чья семья узнала о Кристалле во время путешествия в Америку и разрешила ей здесь остаться. Она не часто общается с людьми вокруг себя, и у неё нет настоящих друзей, но её это не шибко волнует. На деле ей даже нравится пугать новоприбывших своим необычным звериным видом и подтверждать различные слухи о себе, даже если некоторые из них очень далеки от правды. Но в то же время она увлекается чтением, особенно интересуясь мифологией и фантастикой
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×]Третья… мне больно смотреть на эту анатомию, но всё же она здесь. Это Милли, 13-тилетний какомицли оборотень. Она тихая и послушная девочка, и… честно говоря, я даже не прорабатывала её— Дальше
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×]Последний персонаж – Карлос, высокий 17-тилетний оборотень–земляная кукушка. Он спокойный, терпеливый, очень ответственный и… тоже не проработанный… =✓="
×]В любом случае, это всё про них. Персонажи, которые мне нравятся, но которых я никогда нигде не использую. Впрочем, для меня это нормально, у меня ведь целая куча персов, и это одна из причин, по которым я здесь оказалась! Показать вам тех, кого я ещё помню, ибо они не существуют более нигде, кроме как на бумаге —( ;w; )—
×]Ладно, пойду-ка я, подумаю, о чём можно рассказать в следующий раз, увидимся когда-нибудь/
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“ -- sshhh, come here… “ He tenderly reached out for her, his hand in demeanor had called the child to him, ushering her close with guiding limb. Enveloping her into an arm aloft shoulders and coddling her smaller frame against him.
Millie didn't hesitate as her Father beckoned her to come to him. She buried her face into the blue wool of his coat, sniffling against the fabric as she tried to stifle the tears that kept threatening to fall. Her arms, gilded in the blue and red fabric of her Nutcracker clothes, came around his sides as she clung onto him for dear life.
"I'm sorry...I'm sorry," The Little Nutcracker sobbed, as the tears finally fell free from their prison. She was apologizing for all of it; all the arguments, the disobedience, the trip up to the house past Candy Cane Hill that should have never been discovered in the first place.
"I didn't....I didn't...mean..to...hurt...you Father...Please I'm sorry! Please don’t leave me again, Please, I ...I promise I’ll stay within the gates," She hiccuped between the sobs, her small frame shaking against his own longer frame.
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cadmuslabs777 · 1 year
I KNOW Manx is bad etc etc but that scene where he is old and calling for Millie was so difficult to watch, man. Because yeah he's an awful dad and fucked up but he loved her so much too. This fucking painful show is all about that. Generational trauma and parents who are bad but ultimately really do love their children. I also love how in the end it was a fail mom and fail dad showdown. And now their kids are bonding.
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dylanoteforever · 20 days
Anyway here’s nos4a2 characters as Mountain Dew you cannot judge me I am correct always
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Vic - livewire
Bing - major melon
Manx - frostbite (ik it’s an icy shark and he’s an icy vampire but shut up)
Nathan - overdrive
Maggie - Baja blast
Wayne - vibe
Lou - legend
Millie - dark berry bash
That’s all I’m doing I’m sorry
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rollswraith · 3 months
When it comes to people like the True Knot and Pennywise who prey on and kill children Manx is aware of them and would very much like to kill them if he could.
The issue is that he can't -- or at least not very easily at the moment in regards to the True Knot. While Charlie has the shine he doesn't have it in the same kind of capacity as the loser club. Whatever allowed them to defeat Pennywise, Charlie simply doesn't have, possibly because of all the warping that's occured to him and he's somehow figured that out over the last century and now just doesn't get in Pennywise's way as much as he loathes it.
With the True Knot he could absolutely kill them and almost succeeded once but because of their skill set some of them were able to get into Christmasland and threaten the children --particularly Millie and Lorrie. So he was forced to back down. They now have a very tense kind of truce and agreement that they don't get in each other's way. When Abra and Danny kill them he's angry he didn't get in a shot but he's not sad to see them go.
For all his faults Charlie is genuinely very concerned for the safety and wellbeing of children and if given is way would never allow people like them who torture and kill children to exist a second longer once he'd caught wind of them.
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amazingdvils · 1 year
i want a plot where a stalker / killer ( a j*oe g*oldberg type ) targets millie without knowing her history and her true nature. they make the mistake of kidnapping her and keeping her prisoner in their home. millie plays along, then manages to escape her bonds and the game is on from there.
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Officially back , y'all. 'Bout to get seasonal up in this bitch. To those I owe : @vyrulent @coristories ( Both Millie and Vic I'm aiming for soon ) @aurora-stantler-our-historian @spider-self ( I can't seem to find the draft. Let me know if you wish to start something new ? )
If we had something in the past and you don't see your blog on the list. Let me know, I'm sure we can cook up something new. Or, if we haven't interacted yet , feel free to send something ? Or tag me in something. I'm down for just about anything. Probably will aim to play more of the turned kids too in this triumphant return. In dream like sequences or whatever else we may traverse down. ;)
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findroleplay · 1 year
I'm C. 30+, she / they, pst, and I've been roleplaying for a while. I'm looking for a long term discord writing partner ( 21+ ) for this storyline and possibly others if we get along well enough. Okay, so I know that this is a definite long shot, but I'm gonna try anyway.
I'm looking for someone to write Charlie Manx from Nos4a2 against my nb OC. This will be mainly show based because, while I've read most of the book and own it, I don't have access to it at the moment. This will be a post ending au where Charlie was never fully dead, just trapped somehow in the land between worlds. He finds a way to escape, although is without a knife at first. Details surrounding this can be fully discussed during the initial talks so that we can come up with ideas that we both enjoy.
Not knowing that Millie is still alive and wanting to avoid Vic and her crew while in this less than ideal state, he winds up seeking help from the only child to ever escape before arriving at Christmasland. They are also a powerful creative, but it manifests in a different way than Charlie and Vic's abilities.
There will be dark themes associated with this RP, as is the nature of this particular story. This will also be a possible slow burn romance, depending on how discussions go.
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ຕᥙ⳽ᥱ ρɾoƒɩꙆᥱ” Millie Manx
Tagged by: No one. I just took this from @aurora-stantler-our-historian​
Tagging: Anyone who wishes to do this
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ᖇᥱᥲꙆ ᙁᥲຕᥱ: Millicent Manx; Prefers Millie; called Sugarplum by her father from time to time. 
ᔑɩᥒɠꙆᥱ oɾ Ʈᥲƙᥱᥒ: Single. Though I believe that if Wayne McQueen were to have ended up staying in Christmasland an odd sort of dance/fine line of friends to closer than friends could happen. 
ᗣᑲɩꙆɩtɩᥱ⳽ ᥲᥒᑯ ᕈoωᥱɾ⳽: I believe that it is canon in the tv show and acknowledged that Millie helped Charlie create Christmasland so she could very well be a Fledgling Creative as it were. Though I highly doubt that she could reach her full  potential by remaining in Christmasland. 
ᙓყᥱ ᙅoꙆoɾ: Brown. Dark Brown like Charlie’s are. 
ᕼᥲɩɾ ᙅoꙆoɾ: Dark Brown with two white streaks in it. Goes down to her midback. 
ᖴᥲຕɩꙆყ ᙏᥱຕᑲᥱɾ⳽: Charlie Manx, her father, alive and well. Cassandra Manx, deceased at her own hands...err..teeth, in the back of the Wraith. Nana Wraith, the car who delivered her and her father to Christmasland on that faithful night in 1941. Uncle Abe, the owner of Parnassus on the Night Road. And her playmates in Christmasland. 
ᕈᥱt⳽: Not in the adorable furry animal kind of meaning. I would wager to say that the undeserving adults that Charlie brings to Christmasland in the back of The Wraith for food can be toyed with in the sense of playing with a pet animal before becoming a meal. 
ᔑoຕᥱtᖾɩᥒɠ Ʈᖾᥱყ ᙃoᥒ't ᒐɩƙᥱ: Definitely after Charlie’s first death and resurrection , that Millie doesn’t take well to him leaving Christmasland again. 
ᕼoᑲᑲɩᥱ⳽/ᗣᥴtɩʋɩtɩᥱ⳽ : Scissors for the Drifter, Stick the Blind, anything and everything in Christmasland. Millie is the ringleader of the children in Christmasland when Charlie isn’t there and when he is there. 
ᙓʋᥱɾ ᕼᥙɾt ᗣᥒყoᥒᥱ ᙖᥱƒoɾᥱ?: The food; i.e. the adults Charlie beings to feed his children. And Millie has unintentionally hurt Charlie before in the show canon as well; she had good intentions but still...she did hurt him.
ᙓʋᥱɾ КɩꙆꙆᥱᑯ ᗣᥒყoᥒᥱ ᙖᥱƒoɾᥱ?: Yes; the Food. 
ᗣᥒɩຕᥲꙆ⳽ Ʈᖾᥲt ᖇᥱρɾᥱ⳽ᥱᥒt Ʈᖾᥱຕ: A Cat. Curious, Cunning, Mischievous, and Loyal. 
ᙎoɾ⳽t ᕼᥲᑲɩt: Her curiosity which all kids are curious, even if they’re twelve, give or take about a century.
ᖇoꙆᥱ ᙏoᑯᥱꙆ⳽: Her father, Charlie Manx. Her protector, her constant parental figure...for the most part. 
ᔑᥱxᥙᥲꙆ Oɾɩᥱᥒtᥲtɩoᥒ : Straight
Ʈᖾoᥙɠᖾt⳽ oᥒ ᙏᥲɾɾɩᥲɠᥱ ᥲᥒᑯ Кɩᑯ⳽: A big NO! Why would she if she stays in Christmasland and never grows up?
ᔑoຕᥱoᥒᥱ Ʈᖾᥱყ ᒐoʋᥱ: Her father, Charlie Manx. Afterall, it’s just been them for the last century, besides the other children of Christmasland. 
ᗣρρɾoᥲᥴᖾ to ᖴɾɩᥱᥒᑯ⳽ᖾɩρ: For the new saved children that Charlie brings to Christmasland, Millie often takes the mantle of showing them around Christmasland and inducts them into her games as ringleader. 
ᖴᥲʋoᥙɾɩtᥱ ᙃɾɩᥒƙ: Hot cocoa! 
ᖴᥲʋoᥙɾɩtᥱ ᕈꙆᥲᥴᥱ to ᔑρᥱᥒᑯ Ʈɩຕᥱ ᗣt: The Ice Maze and the SleighCoaster. Both are attractions at Christmasland but both are places that Millie likes to spend time at. In the Ice Maze, she can wander around as she knows all the turns and dead ends that are there. And the SleighCoaster has the perfect view of Christmasland from the highest peak of the ride. 
Ʈᖾᥱɩɾ Ʈყρᥱ: Pretty Certain that Millie having zero dating experience from being in Christmasland would have no idea what her type would even be. However, Wayne McQueen could be an exception. 
ᙅᥲຕρɩᥒɠ Ꙇᥒᑯooɾ⳽ oɾ O���tᑯooɾ⳽: Outdoors for sure! I headcanon that camping outdoors was something that Charlie and Millie would do from time to time pre-Christmasland 
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lollymiah · 2 months
Basic information about the muse
full name: Charles Talent Manx |||
nickname: Charlie, Chuck, Mr. Manx
job: former chauffeur , owner of christmasland
physical appereance
haircolour : dark brown , almost black
eyecolour: dark hazel
skinton: pale
parents : Franny Manx , unamed father
silblings : none
wife : Cassandra Manx (other women in the book , name unkown )
children : Millie Manx [Lorrie Manx]
(The children he took for their parents also)
Important items:
His rolls royce, the wraith. His knife. He and the car have a deep bound to each other. They're are connected with each other. A physical and mental connection spanning over several decades. He can feel the Wraith's pain , so she can feel his pain as well. The wraith drives by herself.
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