#replies in progress
Officially back , y'all. 'Bout to get seasonal up in this bitch. To those I owe : @vyrulent @coristories ( Both Millie and Vic I'm aiming for soon ) @aurora-stantler-our-historian @spider-self ( I can't seem to find the draft. Let me know if you wish to start something new ? )
If we had something in the past and you don't see your blog on the list. Let me know, I'm sure we can cook up something new. Or, if we haven't interacted yet , feel free to send something ? Or tag me in something. I'm down for just about anything. Probably will aim to play more of the turned kids too in this triumphant return. In dream like sequences or whatever else we may traverse down. ;)
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deerspherestudios · 2 months
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Hi hi hello! Sorry for lack of posts and updates recently, been dealing with a lot of stuff irl; but it's my bday today (8th April) so thought I'd make a quick doodle to celebrate! <3
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findingoblivion · 3 months
Hello friends, enemies, and neutral parties. I am once again going to ask and beg for your support.
I am currently technically $500 in debt because I've missed the last 2 months of my vet repayment for when my cat died last year ($200 each) and $100 in debt because I missed paying for my medication this month.
Not gonna lie, I really hate doing these posts and I would almost rather just let them go to collections and fuck up my life and credit score more than it already is, but I should at least try and get something.
I'm disabled, a trans lesbian, and have been without a job almost a year because the situation is so bad in my city. Part time work just doesn't really exist.
I'm Canadian, so for all you EU and US people, your currency is worth significantly more than mine is- even just 5 or 10 bucks turns into 10 or 20 for me and is a significant help.
My paypal is [email protected]
I also have interac-etransfer I can provide privately.
Please reblog if you can't donate. Thank you all so much for reading, and have a wonderful day.
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prince-liest · 2 months
I’m a sex-repulsed ace, and reading the latest chapter of 666 (as well as your analysis here on Tumblr) made me realize that I have been subconsciously thinking about MY OWN sexuality from an allo perspective? And that it has kinda been messing me up?? Like, ever since I learned that sexual attraction was actually a Thing and that it’s Important To People, I had been carrying around a fear of being deficient in some way and not being able to love to the same extent as allos. (1)
Even though I know logically that’s complete garbage and totally untrue, I felt left out of the loop because people seemed to care strongly about this thing I couldn’t even imagine. Whenever it looked like a relationship might happen I panicked for a reason that I couldn’t understand. But now I’m starting to realize that it’s because I was subconsciously terrified of an ‘ulterior motive’ behind the other person’s reasons for wanting to be with me. (2) That part of the reason they even cared was because of something I don’t experience. So thank you, because this realization just clicked into place while reading your work. The thing is, this way of thinking was just internalized in such a way that I didn’t even realize it was there until literally this week. And I think you’re right; one of the main reasons behind that is because I’ve always consumed media written from an allo perspective. (3) If ace/aros are shown at all, they’re depicted as “lacking” and their character development usually revolves around being “fixed” by the story. When I was ~10 years old my mom sometimes let me watch the Big Bang Theory with her (looking back, maybe not the best decision). Anyways, there was one episode deep into the series where Sheldon (who for the past nineish seasons was probably the closest thing to mainstream ace rep) has sex with his girlfriend for the first time. (4) Afterwards, he says something along the lines of “that was better than I thought it would be”, and it’s presented as a Very Good Thing and a big step in their relationship. I think a lifetime of stuff like that makes it very easy to internalize aphobia and feel like the lesser part of the relationship. Or to feel like the other partner is making a huge sacrifice to be with you. That got wayy too long, sorry. All that was just a lot of words to say that I appreciate you. Take care of yourself!(5)
The portrayal of asexuality that you see in media being almost exclusively as you described is very tedious to me because it presumes that something is inherently lacking in aro/aceness rather than that feeling of "lacking" being something that is induced by societal norms. Actually, one of the things that I find additionally alienating is that fandom spaces specifically have been getting better and better about ace characters - but got damn does fandom not jive with aromanticism. Like, a character doesn't want to fuck? That's becoming a liiiittle more fine, it's 2024, we stan consent. But not shipping someone romantically?? Not so easy, now.
I'm glad that my work has been something that resonated with you in this respect! Alastor cares a lot about his reputation as a demon but is pretty blatantly a person who could not possibly give less of a shit about being "wrong" for not being experiencing romantic or sexual attraction. The explanation Viv gave at one point for his own understanding of himself (that he thinks he's just "waiting for the right woman") actually stuck out to me a lot because it's a very "well, nothing is wrong with me for not feeling anything, it's the world that's failed to produce a suitable person" perspective.
But having that kind of confident perspective of your own rightness in the world is really not often portrayed in media, or even in fandom, which even ten years ago was still in the throes of standardizing "Oh, no! Me, gay? These feelings are so wrong!" style m/m content and is honestly not that far off from essentially that for aro/ace characters.
Anyway, all of that is to say that there's not yet much out there that doesn't frame allo/amatonormative values as the default that "even aro/ace people can (and should want to) achieve," and that it's really fun to write a fic that is unequivocally from the perspective of a character who is aroace and doesn't see it as even remotely a fault in himself. Does he have moments where he's a little confused and trying to process how things fit for him? Absolutely. But he just doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who thinks he owes romance to Vox of all people, hahaha. I've written him trying to conform to allo/amatonormativity more with Mimzy, because I think the social standards of their time could push him into it, but Vox? Absolutely not, he does not respect Vox enough for it to even enter his mind.
And then, on the other hand, writing it from an aroace perspective centers the way that romantic and sexual interest can feel like a betrayal of a good thing. With a character like Alastor, it frames romantic and sexual attraction the same alien way that we usually see aromanticism and asexuality framed as.
In the end, this is just one of a plethora of different experiences that aro/ace people can have, but it's one that I really wanted to see represented more, so I'm very happy to write it. I'm glad that you're enjoying it!
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johnslittlespoon · 18 days
hii happy pride month, have a little 'you're a dog (i'm your man)' chapter four snippet as an apology for radio silence <33
“Did I wake you?” Gale asks, glancing at John apologetically, but John looks up from his effort to avoid muddy puddles to shake his head. Gale supposes it’s a silly question; John sleeps like a rock, dead to disturbances made by anything other than his own brain.
“Just my sixth sense,” John says, shrugging and shooting him a small smile. Gale snorts.
“You got a radar for me?” He teases, and John smiles wider, eyes crinkling.
“Built in,” he answers matter–of–factly, raising a hand and making a fist over the center of his chest before dropping it, returning his vigilant gaze to the uneven ground. Gale stares for a moment longer, floored not for the first time by John’s apparent obliviousness to the weight of his sentimentality.
Even knowing John how he does, it’s always unexpected coming from someone who a stranger might assume to be brazen and surface–level; John’s loud mouth and wandering hands do him no favours in that regard.
But Gale does know John, like an extension of himself half the time, and still he manages to render him speechless. The way his heart flutters as the sentiment hangs in the air makes Gale want to reach down his throat and squeeze it until it never beats again.
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jcwdrawskinda · 4 months
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Last year I did a quick Nick Valentine for Valentine's day, so I'm going to try and do that again! I'm not gonna focus on fixing all my mistakes this round, just having some self-indulgent fun in some free time <:
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st-just · 3 months
Why aren't you vegan
I'm not vegan either I'm actually just curious
Oh same reason I donate blood less often than I strictly could or go on a road trip instead of sending the money to GiveDirectly or w/e - just moral cowardice and sloth.
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trans-seraphim · 1 year
if i see one more person in this tag mention that hunter and willow is a "straight-passing relationship" when talking about their bi and pansexuality, i will come to your house and remove all the doors from your cabinets
edit: y'all i like the fucking ship, i am complaining about people saying "straight-passing" like that's an appropriate term to use when discussing representation
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johannesviii · 1 year
was very interested by your punk DIY posts, and was wondering perhaps if you have any tutorials/general advice on how to make embroidered patches? i'd love to get into that, honestly
(and also i am so sorry about your cat; i know losing a beloved pet is really hard)
Ok so I'm using old jeans for a lot of things but I tend to save the black ones for patches
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Cut out a piece of jeans a bit bigger than the area where you want to add the patch. The side you want to embroider is up to you but I like to embroider the inside of the jeans rather than the outside
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Fold the edges back and sew them with normal thread you'd use on buttons. This prevents the edges of the patch from fraying too quickly
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Draw the thing you want to embroider on it
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For letters and details I also use buttons thread. I have zero knowledge of actual embroidery techniques and I mostly do straight lines
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For anything with volume and color I use embroidery thread. It doesn't have to be the expensive stuff. Use a needle with a larger eye for this cause the thread is larger
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(I didn't use the light brown thread in the end)
Once again I'm doing straight lines, except now they're next to each other, to create a shape with volume. Stay inside the lines of your drawing and don't go over them
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When you're covering the larger areas (like the back of the cat here) it tends to look better if you vary the length of the lines and criss-cross them. It doesn't have to look perfect, perfection's for machines not for human beings
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The back is gonna look chaotic as hell but it doesn't matter!
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I like to outline things by re-tracing the drawing with button thread to add some details (like the whiskers here)
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So yeah here's a small patch with my kitty
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Only thing left to do is to sew it on the vest with button thread
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He feels right at home here
I hope this helped!
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Still a bit slow in getting back into things with ol Charlie Manx.  Mainly my sleep schedule has become an issue for my concentration.  Not to worry though, I’m working on drafts here and there.  ;)
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ruusukultakruunu · 2 months
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"Pray to me Dear, maybe I will be your merciful god."
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kommandonuovidiavoli · 5 months
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I wish I had more time to draw all the ideas I get everyday...
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leupagus · 8 months
Behind the scenes, American officials also believe there is limited time for Israel to try to accomplish its stated objective of taking out Hamas in its current operation before uproar over the humanitarian suffering and civilian casualties – and calls for a ceasefire – reaches a tipping point. In fact, there is recognition within the administration that that moment may arrive quickly: Some of the president’s close advisers believe that there are only weeks, not months, until rebuffing the pressure on the US government to publicly call for a ceasefire becomes untenable, sources told CNN.
A lot of this pressure — the majority, I would wager — that Biden and US national leaders are getting is the result of people calling their reps, attending protests, writing to their newspapers and generally making themselves heard on this issue. People make a difference, and it's always worth reaching out to your legislators and telling them what you think.
Senators' info is pretty easy to find, since you've got two for every state (even DC and other non-state people have someone they can call!) but sometimes it's a little tricky remembering who your representative is, especially now with the district lines having changed up. So check your address here and then call their office — I've found more luck getting hold of an actual person at their local offices rather than the DC one, fwiw.
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yukipri · 1 year
Can you give me any tips on how to draw Kenobi's beard? I need to improve my facial hair skill's. Love your art, the light and shadow play you haw going, is straight up insane.
So I tried typing up an explanation but I don't think it was very helpful, so I ended up making a step-by-step of how I personally draw Obi-Wan's beard!
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But yeah, always draw the base face underneath and build on top of that!
Also, note that my own art style is very stylized, very "manga." It's a good idea to look at how different artists draw facial hair in a variety of styles to get inspiration for how you want to draw!
And most importantly, as with all art, practice. There are lotsa different beards out there, and even Obi-Wan himself has different beards. Even within live action, Ep 2 beard is closer to his face, Ep 3 is more puffed out (what I drew here), Obi-Wan show is even bigger! Mix in how angular his beard is in TCW animated, the variety of takes across the tons of comics he appears in...there's really no wrong way to draw it, just preference! And this goes not just for Obi-Wan, but any character—and not just beards, but every feature! So you just gotta draw lots to figure out not just what you think looks right, but the kind of beards you like to draw! I'm definitely still working on it myself!
Anyway, I hope this very quick step-by-step (I hesitate to call it a tutorial) was helpful! And thanks for liking my art!
Also, here's a bonus Young Obi-Wan + Mature Obi-Wan comparison:
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❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST, EDIT, TRANSLATE, OR OTHERWISE USE MY ART. To share, please reblog! Reblogs and comments greatly appreciated!!!
❀ You can see the rest of my art through the Masterpost pinned to the top of my blog!
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ayiemojis · 8 days
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Btw (by the way) — wip (work in progress)
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Can’t reply to dms rn — Thank you Mods
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Thank you EmojiFarm — Thank you Emoji Farm
@emojifarm 🥺 /silly
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Appa (Japanese for papa) — ticket
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:] emoticon (blue) — :] emoticon (purple)
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triptychofvoids · 5 months
Did you know that over the course of the comics (and including in-game weapons and his introduction video), Medic has committed 25 war crimes! He would serve a max of 500 years in prison!
But, he's beaten by Pyro, who has 30 war crimes and would serve a maximum of 700 years in prison! Isn't that nifty? :D /pos
yippee!! i hope they commit even more and never ever get caught >:]€
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