stylinsuns · 1 year
shut up i am not a heartwrenching animated movie that deserves recognition in boatloads because of it's realist AND magical elements all fitting against each other so well and also that it made me cry. so much.
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ohnoidontexist · 2 months
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whats-in-a-sentence · 3 months
Other derived units commonly used to express wavelength are given in table 20.3.
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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hedgehog-moss · 2 months
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Behold, the world's laziest llamas.
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It's not that I interrupted their late afternoon nap and they didn't bother to get up for dinner. I brought hay and then they decided to lie down to have dinner in bed.
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Pirlouit kept glancing at me like "Say something. They are being disrespectful. To hay."
Look at his annoyed ears <3 This donkey is old-fashioned when it comes to table manners and he's not afraid to show it. I'm going to translate his inner muttering
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back in my day young ladies who wouldn't behave properly at dinner were simply sent to their room. I don't exactly blame Poldine it's not her fault that she was raised dreadfully but look at Pampe!!!! an adult. putting her NECK in my FOOD. her whole neck like it's a spring roll she's dipping in sauce. i can't even bear to look is she still doing it??
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satturn · 2 months
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it sure fucking is, most cursed minigame in history perhaps
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gaal-dornick · 2 months
many things stand out in the regime, like the acting, but by god the costume design had me in a chokehold from episode one. hope that gets recognizes because the fitting on elena's clothes was perfect to a level i can barely rationalize
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mister-eames · 9 months
Listen, you think you can drop this line in the last ask: “Moment number three that Eames realises he is wrapped tightly around Arthurs finger” and get away with it? PAY UP! Tell us about the other instances!!!
Moment One:
The meet in the chow hall on an ordinary Tuesday morning.
Eames and the rest of his cohort had arrived on the base the evening before. The jetlag is still a force to be reckoned with above all else, feeling as if he has weights tied to his eyelids, wrists and ankles. But he keeps his posture tall and picks up his feet, one after the other.
He takes his tray of what looks like mostly rehydrated eggs, piss-weak coffee and looks for a vacant table, keen for a moments peace and quiet before he has to put his face on. He spots a table by the far wall with only one other occupant and makes for it. Taking a seat, he nods and mumbles a greeting.
The other guy at the table is reading a book with a well-weathered spine, looking up from it only when Eames sets his tray.
Eames stares at him.
His skin is smooth. And his eyes are very, very brown.
Eames blinks. Then he says, "Hey," again.
The man stares back. Then down at Eames tray.
After a long moment he says, "Trade you my bagel for your cookie?"
Before he knows what he's doing his arm is already outstretched and handing it over in return for a cream-cheese laden carb. The man rips into the cookie, eating half of it in a single bite, sighing contentedly through his nose.
"I'm Eames."
"Arthur," the man replies, having the good grace to cover his mouth as he speaks with it full. "You one of them guys with The Project?"
For some reason Eames can't help but notice his well kempt, short fingernails as he shoves the other half into his mouth, the bob of his throat as he swallows.
It's gotta be the jetlag.
"That's confidential."
Doesn't matter, Eames thinks, watching the man shrug before digging into his eggs with unrefined gusto. He's not likely to run into him again.
Moment Two:
The dreamscape has turned chaotic. The dreamer is dead or dying and the environment is crumbling around them.
Arthur - no, Corporal Levine - is down with a bullet to the gut. He's bleeding out, but not fast enough.
"Shoot me," Arthur gasps.
Eames has never killed a comrade before. Not even in the dreamscape. He's always worked his way out of that particular exit to these manufactured dreams, disappearing at the last minute or applying first aid until the counter ran to zero. He doesn't want that on his hands - he doesn't want to have to remember all of the times he's had to see the light go out of his friends eyes. This is not what he signed up for.
But Arthur doesn't have that luxury. He will die slowly, painfully, before the timer runs out. It seems unbearably cruel to Eames.
Were it anyone else, Eames would place his gun in their hands, curl their fingers around the trigger and walk away. But the resolve in Arthur's eyes weakens and hardens at the same time as his fingers curl around Eames', trembling too violently to take the shot himself.
"Close your eyes."
Arthur does.
Eames pulls the trigger, feels Arthurs fingers slacken, before turning it on himself.
They both wake up, one second after another, gazes meeting over a still slumbering team. Arthur nods his thanks before he rapidly stands, booking it for the lavatory, two doors down where Eames can hear him retching.
He wipes his hands over his face, the gunshot still reverberating in his eardrums.
When Arthur comes back he sits beside Eames on his bedroll, a careful six inches apart, still managing to bump their shoulders together. It helps, somehow.
Arthur always manages to snag two cookies after that. Even on the days they don't sit together one always finds its way to Eames' tray.
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lawlietscaramels · 5 months
hi! For the character ask, B H K O Z for Mello please:)
death note reborn
Mello's background. Hm. Maybe... let's get him some therapy.. and a diagnosis... with a side of medication and support... Yeah canon Wammy's is insane tbh. Imagine how different the second part of dn would be if he'd had some support appreciation or love as a child. I actually don't have a lot for this one that's not related to Rie's AU. sorry :c
my top headcanons for Mello? It's a little hard to remember what about him I headcanon and what is canon LMAO. I think my top number one biggest unbreakable headcanon is that he eats raw pasta. Maybe even a whole bowl full. I also think he had a phase of trying out puzzles of all kinds to try to "beat" Near in that field, and ended up discovering he really likes sudoku.
You know what, I think Mello would be a blacksmith's apprentice in the mediaeval au. I was going to say a sailor because I could imagine it, but the problem was I could also very much imagine him getting seasick constantly. So probably a blacksmith's apprentice. He likes the fire. And the weapons. The household items like pots and horseshoes are a little boring, though.
When he's older, Mello manages to balance himself out a bit. He's still Mello but he is Slightly More Rational. He'd be just shy of 40 if we're measuring from the end of the anime, right? He would have learned some about the world and maybe distanced himself from the more hands on side of the Mafia (his back hurts too much) but he'd still make rash decisions and have a bit of that wildness about him.
And finally, for zen. What brings him peace? I honestly think lying in bed. He doesn't have to be sleepy or in pyjamas or anything, there's something about a bedroom that's just very calming to Mello. Maybe it reminds him of home and safety. I think he'd also feel a weird mix of excitement and calm if he went along on one of Matt's midnight drives.
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stylinsuns · 2 years
dheera hello
naga hi
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yvesolade · 4 months
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homeoftone · 1 year
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Millimetric Instruments (Montréal, Canada) MGS3, walnut body and oxidised walnut neck with custom gold foil pickups.
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buddhistanchovies · 8 months
Can I have Three Idiots but it’s golden trio from Harry Potter
Lucius is the ICE Dean, Draco is the aspiring doctor who is set to marry some rich bigshot (either McLaggen or someone else) his cousin who he is very close to is Pansy and his brother (OC or not idc) is uh not in the picture.
Hermione would be Farhan: Forced into Engineering where she has a chance when her true aspirations lie in politics
Ron would be Raju: only one in his expansive family to go into Engineering but the pressure would perhaps get to him
And Harry as Rancho: Orphaned and mistreated by his aunt and uncle, he works for a rich guy (idk who yet) and their son gets him to do his homework. Teacher sees his potential and the rest is it!
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blue-jisungs · 1 year
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chronicowboy · 9 months
why must stories have plots? can i not just write about two butch lesbian cowboys sharing a bottle of liquor and a smoke under the stars as their lovingly tended to campfire crackles away and their horses bump their heads together in a way neither of the riders are brave enough to do with each other?
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finneroo · 7 months
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Made a d20 out of carrot
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gortash drawing zeke so realistic that it looks like a black and white photo of him, truly terrifying how not a single detail is incorrect, but still actively refusing to draw his neck tattoo years after zeke got it because he fucking hates that thing is unbelievably funny to me. you are so so. literally overcomes his detail-freakness this once through sheer pettiness and spite.
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