hazard-15 · 1 year
Ria and Leta are just precious whenever I see them. I just needed to tell ya. :)
I have a question for the two.
Do they ever wish they could go back and change their decisions?
@milolov3nutella Aaaaa Ria and Leta are gonna get all flustered with being called precious 🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖💖 But let’s answer that question shall we?
Now, this was a bit of a toughie only cuz I can see both girls having that mindset of it’s in the past and there’s not much they could do to change it. BUT! I do think there would be some choices they would probably do differently if they had the chance.
For Leta, I think one of the biggest decisions she would go back and change would be not trying her hardest to stay in touch with her sister, Mercy, as much. Mercy left her with their abusive father and Leta held a lot of resentment towards her for it. It wasn’t until they had a talk about it when she was older that both sisters shared their regrets and Mercy telling Leta that she was so sorry for not being a better sister to Leta that the latter let go of some of that resentment. Hoping that now they could be better and repair their sisterhood but ofc, we know that Mercy died not too long afterwards. Leaving Leta with so much guilt.
Ria, I think, would want to change her decision of not leaving her abusive father sooner. She'd also regret not having the confidence to confide in her brother as much as she should have.
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askzari · 2 years
Ulrimis Zari: ☕️💥💕
And for Primis Zari:
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Primis Xiu gave choccy milk
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💕(there wasn't a symbol for this one so I decided to do a freebie and do the beating heart one):
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"Why thank you! You're such a dear!"
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shinmiyovvi · 2 years
What jobs do Kaoru and Dimitri do before being brainwashed?
Hello, Nutella! Hope you're having a great day 💖
Now, Kaoru is an office worker instead of a programmer. Due to the lack of job employment in her occupation, she had no choice but to work in a brothel-like environment in an office. She was quite miserable due to being overworked and not getting the job that she wanted until she joined Perseus and made good use of her skills as a programmer as she learned cryptology and photography.
Dimitri is a KGB Agent who is also a hitman for the organization. He was a skilled killer as he doesn't leave any traces of blood on the tracks which confuses the police force. He kills his target silently and burns their bodies, earning the nickname "Drakon" by Perseus during his time in the organization.
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amonisweird · 2 months
firstly, when you get this, answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers. Have a good day!
HIIIII Amon!!!!
Okay uh…
1. I like how I’ve improved in my art style since I could never drawn properly before
2. I like how I’ve become a bit more confident over the years (sort of)
3. I like how I’ve become way better at editing
4. I like how I’ve managed to make more friends even though I have bad social anxiety and it’s hard for me to talk to people
5. I like how I’ve made people smile or laugh with the stuff I post:)
@another-delta-lover @beckyvaustan @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat @partgnirps90060 @melondaskelet0n @im-diseased-but-cool @privatekorbeck @gaywatermelonbread @milolov3nutella @wavisms
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richtofens-hips · 2 years
pass the happy ! 🌻 when you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications !
Owo thx anon!
5 things that make me Feliz...
Mi Familia
My house
Ahh here we go
Sorry for the tags if I bothered you!
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lazytiredartist · 1 year
An incorrect quote for @milolov3nutella to draw
Nutella: *on the phone* Just snap his kneecaps and he’ll talk, I’m at a parent teacher conference.
Nutella: Anyways, you said Patricia is enjoying finger painting! That's great.
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mx-smileo · 2 years
This for you >:).
This was the only thing I could come up with on short notice :,)
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hazard-15 · 1 year
Guess I could ask about Mariana
Hm... 5 and 15
Mariana Flores Reyes
 Mariana never got to know her father, he died before she was even born. 
Her relationship with her mother is somewhat strained because of what happened with her father and their community's treatment of them. It also didn't help that Mariana's mom was made a young single mother who had to raise a child alone with barely any help. 
Mariana's communication skills could be boiled down to a combination of written, oral, non-verbal/visual communication and active listening. 
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hazard-15 · 1 year
Feel like asking so, for both Leta and Ria. Glance and bling.
Hi Milo! Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy with life and shit. So, I actually answered bling in my other ask but I can still provide an answer for glance! Azaria Violeta Arkon (Ultimis and Primis) So, I said this before in the other ask but Ria and Leta's distinguishing feature is definitely their purple eyes. They stand out a lot and is usually the first thing people comment on. I also think their freckles and scars would be the next thing people would notice.
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hazard-15 · 1 year
Hehe, I'm back 😀
What do Leta and Ria think about my OCs? I love to see their side.
Hi milo! I'm sorry that this took me a bit 😭😭 but here's your answers nonetheless!!
Xiu (Wei): I think Leta and Ria would get along with their respective versions of Xiu! Leta would absolutely adore primis Xiu, she finds his positive and energetic personality somewhat comforting though she would hope that he can be serious when the situation calls for it. Leta’s soft and caring side would come out, I like to think his personality reminds Leta of the little kids that would come and hang around her. I can definitely see Leta caring for Xiu’s well being and taking care of him even if she hides behind her sarcastic and somewhat rough exterior. 
Ria would honestly just understand Ultimis Xiu, they’re both people who’ve experienced pain and hurt. Similarly to Leta, she would find herself caring for his wellbeing even when she doesn’t realize it and just like her primis counterpart, it’s because she doesn’t want to see anyone hurting. (It’s a result of their own trauma i stg-)
YuLan: I can see Leta and primis YuLan being friends, they’ve somewhat got similar personalities with the rough exteriors and what not! Leta is happy to be a source of comfort if needed and she’s always ready to give out advice if YuLan or anybody wants it. Like I mentioned before, Ria knows she can be harsh and she would feel real bad if someone was scared of her if they didn’t deserve it. She’s a major hothead and the experimentation done on her didn’t make it any better. But she’s really grateful that Ultimis YuLan isn’t afraid to get close and try to comfort her, Ria would apologize for her cold behavior and would let YuLan know she appreciates her comfort. I can just see YuLan being able to calm Ria down, even if it’s little, and the former being a person she can vent her frustrations to. Ria would also make sure YuLan is okay and treat any injures she may get.
Viktoriya: First off, I think both Leta and Ria would like that there’s another woman of science in the group and that makes it easier for both girls to connect and bond.  Leta would let Viktoriya know that while she appreciates the apologies for her brother, she doesn’t need to be sorry for Nikolai’s actions. But she would ask if she could talk to Nikolai about being a team player and fixing his attitude. Ria finds Viktoriya’s want to make sure she isn’t hurt amusing but she doesn’t stop her from doing it, appreciating her concern. Other than that I think her and Ria would get along nicely.
James: I think Leta and primis James would be rather good friends! I would even dare say best friends. Their similar personalities probably makes it easier for them to bond and Leta loves that she has another person she can speak to in spanish! They could be having a private conversation or just talking shit in spanish and everyone else woud be none the wiser lol. Ria and James, despite getting off on the wrong foot would be rather close like their primis counterparts. Ria would be rather protective of him, being close friends and all.  
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askzari · 2 years
I have 3 question to ask, one for Ultimis, one for Primis and another for both.
First: Ultimis Zari
what are your opinions on the crew (Ultimis)?
Second: Primis Zari
Do you ever miss your family? (BTW, you're very beautiful)
Third: for both Ultimis and Primis Zari
What do you think of my OC?
Here a dumb art of mine.
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His name is Wei Fu Xiu, from China (Nationalist). He's a friend of Takeo.
Also again, both of you look amazing! Thank you!
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hazard-15 · 2 years
Random question.
What are Marie's thoughts of the CIA before and after finding out she is brainwash?
"Oh! Hello again, Milo!” Marie greeted. “If I’m going to be honest, even before....the...brainwashing, I’ve never liked the CIA  and learning about the brainwashing made me despise them even more. I’ve lost many memories from my childhood and the one I do retain are still blurred, it’s fucking painful when something suddenly comes back and it hurts that there are some precious memories I may never get back.” Marie said with a bitter and sad tone. “It took me awhile to remember why I hated the CIA in the first place but now I know it was because of what they did to my father. They had a part in accusing him of something he was innocent of, stripped him of his rights and later jailed him. He died while he was imprisoned and I’ll never forgive those who took him away from me before I even got to meet him. They made my life and the life of my mother a living hell and they have the nerve to act like they did something for the good of the world.” 
Marie trembled as she felt tears gather at the edge of her eyes. 
"So to reiterate, I don’t like the CIA, never have and probably never will.” 
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hazard-15 · 2 years
I wanna try the emoji ask. For Marie: 👁🌱🔪
Also what do you think about Hui, she's my cold war oc. She hopes Marie like her.
👁: Marie has milk chocolate brown eyes. People tend to notice how her eyes always seem to shine at first look. The special thing about her eyes is that her eyes show the emotions she's feeling, the shine express her happiness and excitement whereas the dull and empty look in her eyes show how she's feeling upset/down.
🌱: Marie would say her most vivid memory from childhood was noticing how people talked bad about her late father. And asking her mother why they would say such things.
🔪: Marie takes any injury/illness befalling her loved one pretty hard. She's a deeply loving and caring person to those she's close to/considers her family. Marie would typically put herself at blame if she knew and felt that she could've helped prevent the injury from happening.
"Oh! Hello Milo!" Marie suddenly popped into the room and greeted you with a bright smile. "What do I think about Hui? Well, I think she is an energetic and kind girl. A bit of an airhead when it comes to understanding social cues but I know she has room to improve!" Her smile dropped ever so slightly. "It is a shame she's associated with....them though. The CIA. It's nothing against her though honestly! She's never given me a reason to dislike her and she's a sweet child! I just really hate being reminded of those bastards. Overall, I find Hui to be a sweet and beautiful girl, regardless of her ties with them. I hope you're satisfied with my answer!"
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shinmiyovvi · 2 years
questions for Lena and Licia. Both Xiu wanna ask too!
Me: for Lena and Licia, do you ever feel the need to be home?
Ok now its there turn.
P.Xiu: For Lena, do you love your team, cause I love mine alot, especially Tak :D
U.Xiu: (shoves P.Xiu) and Licia, do you like your primis counterpart? Mine's annoying and I hope yours better than this guy...
"Hello, Nutella... What kind of name is Nutella? What are you, some kind of spread?"
"Sorry about Licia, she's always like this but you'll get used to it. So, for the first question... I... Do, I really do. No... The both of us really feel the need to be home. I missed my friends and the children from the orphanage, Padre Francisco, and my two childhood friends Alfonso and Karlos. At the same time, I tend to have nightmares about what happened to my parents that I need to visit the burned house where I lived before when I was a child. I miss them... I-I really do."
"Do you have something to say, Licia?"
"... I'm with you, Lena. I, too, miss going home. But what's the point of going home if no one's going to wait for you. Everyone I cared about is dead, no one would ever welcome me with open arms. But if ever that happens, then I'm happy with it."
"Erm... I think this question's a bit personal so let's move on to the next one. For Fu Xiu... Yes, I loved my team and I'm happy that you cared for Tak. He's the driving force of our lives to move forward, no matter what happens to us. To be honest, I never felt this kind of affection the others gave to me, especially Nikolai. He's always there for me whenever I felt the need to have someone comfort me. That's why I will return this favor to them as an act of gratitude to them and I will always remember this journey with them, even if it has ups and downs between us and Edward. Okay, your turn, Licia."
"Alright then... About Lena... Well, she's a bit of a softie and a huge cry baby."
"Hey! T-That was before when I was a kid."
*A masculine voice can be heard on the distance*
"Val is not cry baby! Nikolai would never allow someone to call her that."
"Oh, great. Her Knight in shining armor. Anyways, she's a fighter, a great person, caring, and has the will to fight back. Atleast she's capable of fighting for her love ones, that's what I liked about her. Also if I were you, Wei, I would just kill him and dump him o-
"Okay, okay, that's all for now! Thanks for asking, Xiu and Nutella!"
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shinmiyovvi · 2 years
Kaoru and Dimitri, how did you feel when you found out you're brainwashed?
Also, Kaoru. Is Hui annoying to you? She talks alot and I see Miles going to Andros (my bell oc) and begging him to talk to Hui.
Lastly, can Andros hug u guys? (>°~°)>
"Ohayo, Nutella!. It's great to see you here."
"Privet, Comrade. So, we're going to answer three questions, right?"
"Mhm, now let's start with the first question."
The two paused for a moment as they look at each other with their eyebrows furrowed. Dimitri scrunches his face as he clenched his fist, gritting his teeth as he could feel the rage inside of him. Kaoru feels disbelief on her behalf but proceeds to answer the question.
"I feel... Betrayed, betrayed by those people I thought that I could trust. All those memories were just tampered and falsified. Everything about them are lies. I trusted them, I looked at them as allies.. but it's all gone now. They're a disgrace in this world, they don't bring honor to themselves and to the people, they're nothing but rats."
"Those fuckers brainwashed us to get intel. They're just some assholes who only craves for intel and milk them dry until their very last breaths. This is a huge blunder for the CIA, no matter how much they would hide the facts to keep themselves clean, they're going to pay for what they have done to those people who were killed during the process..."
The two went silent after telling their answers. Kaoru lets out a sigh and breaks the silence once again to change the subject from those heart aching revelation.
"It really made a huge impact to us, but the past is in the past. Now that's finally answered, let's go to the next one... About Hui, well... She is quite a talkative one. She always talked about her grandfather Xiu, a friend of my grandfather Takeo Masaki. When she found out about me as Ojisan's descendant, she quickly began to talk about her grandfather being with him throughout their adventure killing zombies, non stop. But I don't find her annoying, to be honest, I love listening to her rambling about how cool Xiu is. But I hope she could atleast know my personal space sometimes."
"I remember she would constantly hugs you whenever she sees you elsewhere. She would even ruin our date when the two of us are relaxing on the park!"
"Dimi... Sorry about him, he just hates Hui interrupting our date."
"Ugh! Anyway... Andros hugging us? For fuck sake do I have time for this shit?! Nyet!"
"Dimi, it's just a friendly hug. Andros' is a friendly one so maybe you can get along with him."
"Grr... Ugh, fine. But don't make it too long."
"Alrighty then, tell Andros when you see him. Anyways, We're glad to answer your questions!"
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shinmiyovvi · 2 years
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Finally finished this challenge, really had fun with it even though I feel tired for some reason 😅
Thank you for requesting @jamieaiken919 @flowersandbirdsflyingfree @milolov3nutella @maryray765432 and @child-of-thanos
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