#mindscape shenanigans
graces-mindscape · 5 months
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Been trying to encourage myself to post more of my "weird/random" doodles, so here's a picture I made of my sona sitting on the wall around our house (also messed around with adding a few things from another new show I like)
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bigfemboyenergy · 14 days
ok ok this will be the LAST time i promise
my interests are always jumping around and i get bored easily which makes writing fics hard but i have an idea
instead of me trying to write about things im not super good at and pushing extra work on myself, how about…i write about silly things with bill cipher and others !!
just kidding i have no idea what im doing (writing characters that dont belong to me kills me because i have to interpret them in a way that is as in character as possible but it never works lmao)
anyway take some new bs (ft. bill and danny)
Bill finds himself in the Mindscape, hanging around, all by himself. He knows who he can and needs to use for his plans, even if it means hopping across universes just to reach them. See, dreams connect each and every universe..which allows him incredible connections and possibilities.
Wandering through the realm full of doors, he searches for one that intrigues him. He should really try and get a possession in order, he thinks. But, before he can continue that thought, like the startling that goes with the crack of a twig, Bill suddenly jumps, as he hears a door open. Funnily enough, it’s just a..kid. A human, it seems.
The guy looks quite harmless, with their teenage appearance, but something tells Bill that they aren’t nearly as weak as they may seem. Despite his caution, Bill approaches the kid, masking his intentions. The random teen still hasn’t noticed him, even though there’s so much empty space and little color.
”Hey, kid, could’a sworn nobody knew how to get to this godawful dimension!” Bill proclaims, startling the kid with ease as he appears before them. The teen blasts a hole through Bill’s bowtie area, cleanly. “Well, you must be a feisty one!”
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celestialvoyeur · 7 months
As a follow up to my recent post about how few fics make it to my favourites list, and how special they are to achieve that distinction, I decided to share my current list.
I’ve shared some of these individually in the past but here you’ll have them all together. 
If you've read any of these already then I'd love to hear your thoughts on whether you loved them as much as I did! 🥰
(NB: these are not listed in any order of preference. Mostly it’s the reverse order in which I read them)
Leave No Soul Behind by whochick Words: 258,951
AOS, AU Canon-Divergence. Spock, Kirk and the other valiant members of the Emergency Personnel Ambulance Service fight to save lives and turn the tide of the ongoing war against Nero and his fleet before it’s too late. Such a beautiful slow burn for Spock and Kirk.
Atlas by distractedKat Words: 135,529
AOS. Follow on from 2009, Kirk, Spock and the rest deal with the aftermath of Nero’s attack and rebuilding after the decimation of the ‘Fleet and Academy. An exciting tale with twists and turns involving black ops, bad-mirals, action, love and fierce loyalty.
The Lotus Eaters by aldora89 Words: 93,594
AOS. Stranded on a planet together, with multiple dangers and very little hope of rescue, Jim and Spock have no choice but to rely on each other to survive. Spectacular plot, amazing world building, fabulous original character and an epic slow burn Spirk love story!
With Your Feet on the Air and Your Head on the Ground by flippyspoon Words: 39,188 @flippyspoon
SNW. A phenomenal Spirk fic in which Kirk is stuck in Spock's mind while the crew work to find a way to retrieve his body. A wonderful getting to know you/falling for you hard tale. Wonderfully written and highly entertaining.
Evolution by Rhaegal (RhaegalKS) Words: 149,293
AOS. Covering the first year of their 5 year mission, this is totally flawless. The character voices are perfection, the prose spectacular. The whole thing plays like an AOS movie. It’s phenomenal.
Emotions by LadyRa Words: 35,569
TOS. Spock gets drugged on a shore leave and is overwhelmed with its effects. Kirk tries to pick up the pieces. A beautiful, and wonderfully grounded, story of realising how much they mean to each other.
And When the Bond Breaks by LadyRa Words: 24,631
TOS. Spock takes out a shuttle to investigate an anomaly and returns to an Enterprise that’s not his own. Time travel shenanigans with such emotional depth that it will traumatise you in the best way. Stunningly good!
All Our Tomorrows Come Today by flippyspoon Words: 18,156 @flippyspoon
SNW. A newly introduced Jim and Spock accidentally get a glimpse into the future and see what they’re going to be to each other (a.k.a. Spirk’s Greatest Hits). A stunningly told story about finding the great love of your life. 
I Won't Make That Mistake Again by Moreta1848 Words: 69,402 @jennelikejennay
SNW/TOS. An epic story detailing Spock and Kirk’s love throughout their lives, beginning from their meeting on Pike’s Enterprise (SNW) and continuing on to an eventual  Generations fix-it happy ending. Wonderful!
No Going Back, No Before by spirkme Words: 78,486 @spirkme915
SNW/TOS. Timeline shenanigans, spies, twists & turns, pining, angst, sacrifice and so so much love!
The 1,000 Hour Sleep by spqr Words: 27,227
SNW. Jim’s been infected with a pathogen that means he can’t sleep, but it he doesn’t he’ll die. Cue Spock and his Vulcan telepathy helping Jim to achieve the sleep he needs, while they get to know each other within their shared mindscapes. A sweet and exciting story about falling in love and overcoming your own inner demons.
First Best Destiny by Ophelia_j Words: 387,733
TOS/TNG. Such a very special fic. Epic in its scope, it covers the entire timeline of Spirk from their very first meeting through to a  clever and satisfying Generations fix-it ending. It provides extra scenes, additional dialogue and internal monologues to expand on existing canon in a really compelling and effective way. Truly this is my new TOS canon.
The Steadfastness of Stars by itsnatalie Words: 61,566
AOS. After Beyond, The crew investigate sudden climate change on a frozen planet and find more than they bargained for. The perfect mix of great plot, fun original characters, action, mystery, world building and deep deep love.
Let Forever Be by gunstreet Words: 43,446 @gunstreet
TOS. A really compelling character study of James T. Kirk. An excellent companion piece to City on the Edge of Forever. Exploring what Jim and Spock got up to, and all they had to overcome, while trying to find Bones and their way back home.
Time After Time by spaceisgay (ChancellorGriffin) Words: 138,921
SNW. Kirk spends a 6 month rotation on the Enterprise as part of his command training. OK, if there’s a favourite of my favourites then this may be it. It’s such a stunning version of their love story, with a beautifully constructed plot. It runs the emotional gamut from moments that will have you laughing out loud to moments that will have you in floods of tears. 
milk and honey by spaceisgay (ChancellorGriffin) Words: 28,651
SNW. Kirk and Spock meet for the first time when they wake up in a prison cell together. A really fun, and extremely clever, version of the ‘aliens made them do it’ trope. It’s intriguing and funny with a real depth of feeling throughout.
The Promised Land by gunstreet Words: 58,260 @gunstreet
TOS. A story that explores the time Jim and Spock spent apart between the end of the 5 year mission and TMP. It’s a beautiful story of reunion and renewal of love. Sometimes achingly sad, but it’s worth it for the happy ending.
Again, if you've read any of these already then I'd love to hear your thoughts on whether you loved them as much as I did! 🥰
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intotheelliwoods · 6 months
Slowly realizing how long next update is.... im 42 panels in already and only just got over the halfway mark! Oh this is going to be a pain to color baha
Some mindscape shenanigans is all it is really...
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indigodiskmybeloved · 4 months
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But it was a bit darker!
Here's my rewrite on the event!
(Some info: Main character doesn't exist, the main 3 visit Kitikami for sight seeing)
Rather than the whole town getting possessed, it is going to be Arven, Nemona, and Penny.
Traveling to a new place must have been hard for them in some way, right? Surely there's some feelings and desires still trapped in them!
Penny had gotten bullied by some of the people in Kitikami, and didn't know how to stop them on her own, without Team Star. But her desire to beat the bullies led to her meeting Dokutaro.
Nemona couldn't find anyone that could rival her in her strength, and desired to find the perfect rival so she wouldn't have to hold back. With her meeting Dokutaro, she's able to be be even stronger, and since Kieran and Carmine have to defeat her, in a way, she found her match.
Arven's main feeling was jealously. Nemona and Penny still had their parents alive, while Arven lost his father, Turo. Kieran and Carmine had their grandparents to take care of them, while Arven was alone. So, he goes to Dokutaro for help, and while the others have some form of consciousness, Arven's mind is completely taken over by Dokutaro. In his mindscape, he has his father there for him, and he doesn't want to leave >:)))))
So yeah, this is my AU and my first kinda real post on the whole toxic chain shenanigans.
Let me know what you think, and send some asks if you wanna know more about the AU!!
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remedyturtles · 5 months
dw x 2al ficlet
for @intotheelliwoods here ya go...
“Did you make a tree?”
Sprout turned towards the sound of Poptart’s voice, finding the little guy staring upwards. He followed his sightline and found, instead of his cozy expected mindscape, a bigass tree in the middle of everything. The branches extended out with reaching arms, cross-cutting a map of sparkling stars and a rough root system underneath his feet. 
“I did not make a tree.” Sprout replied, approaching fearlessly to press his flesh fingers against the thick trunk. “This is new.” 
A little push did not make it vanish. It stayed firm, solidly rooted into the ephemeral soil. He had a moment of mystified confusion, turning back to look at Poptart. 
“Huh.” Sprout said, unsure. 
“Don’t say it like that.” Poptart complained, striding over to give the trunk a poke as well. “You’re gonna make me think something’s wrong. You told me this place was cool.”
“It is cool. I just think that’s not where we are right now.” Sprout said, uncertain. 
“Hands off the merchandise, dude, that tickles.”
Sprout removed his hand in surprise, turning towards the familiar voice – familiar as his own, which was not a new experience, but still. Another Leo?
About the same age as Poptart, missing arm and all, hand on his hip and giving the two a very unimpressed look. 
“Woah!” Poptart said. “You didn’t tell me there was another one of us!”
“I have had enough multi-verse shenanigans.” Leo sighed. “I had a ghostly one of us here earlier. What are you? Me and Sensei in a funhouse mirror or something?”
“Multi-verse.” Sprout said, enlightened. “That makes more sense. Why does your mindscape have a tree in it?”
“That’s Sensei.” Leo pointed at the tree. “He’s trying a new foundation, really brings out his eyes.”
“Smartass.” Another joined their little group, stepping behind Leo and putting a huge hand on his shoulder, to which the smaller Leo threw an easy grin up at him.
Sprout’s heart skipped a beat, breath stolen directly from his throat. The new Leo was… he was… 
Unmistakably from the future, that same ‘big’-ness, missing arm and tired eyes. But when he looked at Sprout and Poptart, he smiled, and … 
Fuck, it hurt. Sprout took a step back, off balance, staring with wide eyes. 
“Woah.” Poptart caught his arm, looking up with a flicker of worry. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” Sprout rasped, immediate, not wanting the littler turtle to worry, shaking his head and trying to shake off the fog of grief that soaked his mind and fumbled all his faculties. “I’m fine, it’s fine.”
Poptart glanced back over at the two mirror’ed Leo’s, visibly thinking, and asked hesitantly, “Are you Big Leo?”
The undeniably bigger turtle snorted. “Is that a nice way of calling me old? Leo usually goes with oyaji for that. Otherwise I go by Sensei.”
“That’s because you are old.” Leo chimed in, obnoxious. “Is your guy okay? He looks pale as hell.”
“I’m fine.” Sprout repeated louder, for the room to hear, catching exactly how unconvincing it sounded. “I just… Sorry. You reminded me of someone.”
“I am a one of a kind.” Sensei laughed, squeezing Leo’s shoulder and stepping around him to approach the two by the tree.
“There’s four of you here, actually.” Poptart said, helpfully. 
“Aren’t you just a joy.” Sensei stopped directly in front of Poptart, dropping to a crouch to see him better and offering a smile with crinkled eyes. “I can tell you’re taking very good care of your Leo. Good job, kid.”
“Thank you!” Poptart said, beaming. 
Sprout, meanwhile, had a rock jammed in his throat and it was prickling his eyes. He wasn’t sure what was more overwhelming – seeing someone that looked like Big Leo again, or imagining that it would be the words he’d say if he was there. He’d never know. But in this moment, he could pretend. 
Then Sensei glanced up at Sprout from his crouch. “How’d you get here? You’re not my age, yet you’ve managed to get your own little Leo.”
“It’s complicated.” Sprout said, glad his voice didn’t sound as wrecked as his mind was. That fabricated control. He tried to tuck his shaking hand behind his back but Poptart caught it, holding tight.
“I bet it is.” Sensei’s tone was nothing but fond and it could seriously stop hurting so much any damn second now. The rock tore up his throat and left no capability of reply.
“Come on, leave him alone.” Leo came up from behind and dragged on Sensei’s bigger arm. “How many times have I told you to stop poking people in sore spots? Look at the poor dude.”
“Sorry.” Sensei’s smile went wry, and allowed his little Leo to pull him back a few paces. “Welcome to our humble abode. This tree is a representation of my being rooted in Leo’s mind or something, you know how it is when Barry talks, it’s all blah blah blah whatever.”
“Rooted?” Poptart poked the intertwined roots with his foot and the two Leo’s in front of them shivered in perfect unison. 
“Careful.” Sprout squeezed Poptart’s hand, clearing his throat and struggling through this situation as best he could. “It tickles, they said.”
“That’s fun.” Poptart laughed, but at least didn’t kick the roots again. “But what do you mean, rooted?” 
“He’s actually dead.” Leo jerked a casual thumb at Sensei. “And his ghost is possessing me. We share a body.”
There was a small, incredulous beat. Sprout felt a wave of hysterical dizziness, and figured. Okay, why not. And maybe a little bit of longing. He was not going to dwell on that, thank you very much. 
“Cool.” Poptart said, a little more awkward. “We don’t have that. We have our own bodies.” 
“Lucky. I hope you bother him as much as you can, then. It never works for me because it just comes back to bite me in the end.” Leo gave a weird laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Oh yeah.” Poptart grinned at him, that faltered a little. “Does that mean you guys can’t hug?”
Sprout glanced at his little Leo, surprised that was the first thing on his mind. Or maybe not that surprised. 
“We can in here.” Leo tucked himself into Sensei’s side thudding his head against the bigger plastron. Sensei automatically squeezed him close. 
“Why don’t you do something other than a tree for your mindscape, then?” Sprout suggested. As pretty as the landscape was, there were so many infinite possibilities. 
“Because my mind is stupid and – ow. Sorry. Labelling. Because we can’t control it?” Leo said, interrupted for a moment in the middle from Sensei smacking his arm gently. 
“That sucks. That’s the best part of the mindscape.” Sprout told him. “Me and – um. We can control ours to show memories and play games, like make a giant Jenga, or whatever.” 
“Dude.” Leo said, full of jealousy. At least that emotion was shared, Sprout watching him hug his bigger Leo close. Once a little Leo, always a little Leo. Sprout wouldn’t trade Poptart for the world, he made him feel strong, but … he missed being small. Feeling small next to his broad protection. Feeling safe.
“We do share memories.” Sensei said, dry. “But more often than not it’s not on purpose. Your mindscape does sound cool, hopefully one day we can be the ones travelling and maybe I can kick your ass at Jenga.”
“Bring it on, old man.” Sprout said, and his voice cracked damningly. 
Something cleared on Sensei’s face. He squished his Leo and said, “Hey, why don’t you go show the new kid around?”
Leo glanced up, a moment of thought, then caved from whatever he saw on Sensei’s face. “Whatever, you two can chat about old people stuff. Come on, obviously-superior-Leo. If we go far enough out you can really see the stars.”
“I’m not that old.” Sprout said, weakly. 
Poptart laughed. He didn’t step away immediately, glancing nervously up at Sprout. It took a moment for Sprout to realize he was doing the same thing the other two had done – silently asking if it was what he wanted. 
“Go play.” Sprout dunked his head affectionately. “I’m fine.”
Poptart batted his hands away with another laugh. “Okay, okay!”
The two little Leo’s left. Sprout couldn’t meet Sensei’s eyes. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Sensei offered, once the sparkling laughter disappeared into the fading pollen-hung air.
“Hell no.” Sprout scoffed, turned away, rubbing the back of his neck. Inexplicably nervous. It was Big Leo. They didn’t have the same history. It wasn’t the same.
The emotion crowding in his throat said it might be nice anyway. 
“Do you want a hug?” Sensei said, because he could read his mind or something. Jerk. 
Sprout didn’t know how to answer. He was polarized in either direction. It wouldn’t be the same. What if it felt like a mockery to his memory? What if – 
“I can hear you thinking from here, kid. Relax.” Sensei said. “Just an offer, if you wanted. No strings.” 
“Not a kid.” Sprout said, rough.
“Not old, not a kid.” Sensei mused. “What an anomaly you are.”
“That’s me.” Sprout couldn’t do this. He still couldn’t even look at him, trying to spot the specks of the little Leo’s across the horizon. He was pretty sure they were hugging, actually. Poptart had been raised on hugs practically, it was as easy as breathing. 
Sprout had raised him on it, so why was it hard for him in this moment? He took a deep breath, refusing to outdone by his kid, and said, “Yeah, okay, come here.”
Sensei approached, and stopped before actually touching him. Sprout was forced to look up and meet his eye, the spots of tears stinging at the precipice of falling. 
“Everything I’ve said just seems to make you more upset.” Sensei said, wondering. 
“Not your fault.” Sprout told him, and it just. Hurt. 
“I don’t know what happened to you, but I know a hurting Leo when I see one.” Sensei opened his arm and slowly and with such intent care tucked Sprout against him. It trembled something weak in his knees, a wash of sudden emotion overwhelming and strong. “And you are doing so, so, so good. Just keep going and you’ll get there. Okay?”
Sprout was too busy choking on tears to reply. He nodded damply against the bigger Leo hugging him. He felt small. He felt safe.
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Wanna hear about my Hermitcraft+Watcher Grian+Ariana Griande+The Bad Boys+YHS(sometimes) au brain rot? No? Oh 😔
Soooooo, the way Minecraft and servers exist in my mindscape is fucking wild and I could make a whole different post about it so just go along with this.
Same with my Grian lore but basically, the Watchers made him, abandoned him for most of his life(YHS), then reclaimed him into their ranks(EVO), and assigned him to watch over a server(Hermitcraft)
Mumbo and Grian have known eachother since they were teenagers, and Mumbo is actually aware that Grian is this weird extraterrestrial divine being thing. Lizzie also knows. That's important.
So my watcher Grian can shift forms right? Like the one he usually takes for Hermitcraft is his usual with parrot wings but he can add parts of his watcher form at will like big, black, glittery wings.
How he uses this ability you may ask? To become a famous singer of course!
Ariana Griande was supposed to just be for promotion yeah, but then people actually started streaming her music, outside of Hermitcraft, and Grian can't just abandon his fans!
So now his person is famous, that's a bit of a stressor.
But then, Joel and Jimmy decide hey.. they should make a band... and you know who they should invite?
Who agrees.
Because SURE.
Problem : that band, The Bad Boys, also gets famous.
And people really want Ariana Griande to colab with them.
Shenanigans ensue with Lizzie adding fuel to the fire from the side lines while Mumbo rapidly tries to put it out
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gilly-moon · 4 months
Sephiroth/Cloud and what makes you happy about them? (I love these two, too!)
a fellow man of taste I see 👀
when I started shipping it if I did:
I remember watching Advent Children in...fifth or sixth grade? And yeah it was basically over for me after that.
my thoughts:
Squeenix is really on the Sefikura agenda in the FF7 remake, huh? But man oh man it has ALWAYS been that way. I'm not sure I have EVER seen a villain so sensually coax a hero into a battle where he then pins him to the wall with his sword. Lots of stabbing with these two. 10/10.
What makes me happy about them:
Listen just watch the scene in FF7 where they enter their own little mindscape and Sephiroth leans down half a mile to whisper in Cloud's ear. Need I say more.
What makes me sad about them:
Nothing?? Basically any iteration of these two within canon or even within AUs is a pure shot of seratonin to my brain. Doesn't matter if it's a happy ending or if someone's getting eviscerated with a sword. I'll consume it all.
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
I'm not a huge fan of overly-enthusiastic Cloud. He can be eager or even confident and bold, but there's a line some fics cross where it no longer feels in his character.
things I look for in fanfic:
Pre-Zack death (or AUs) I'm enjoy some sweet/shy Cloud and dominant Sephiroth. Post-Zack death, I'm all in for hatefucking or mind control shenanigans (bottom Cloud supremacy tho). Also a huge fan of Sephiroth 'redemptions' where he breaks free of Jenova's control and Cloud is there to catch him in the fallout.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
I've enjoyed almost any ship combo with Sephiroth, Cloud, and Zack. Sometimes with Angeal and Genesis thrown in for fun. Barret/Cloud is also good. Cloud/Tifa platonically is nice. I really can't ship post-Crisis Core Sephiroth with anyone else though. Squeenix seems to agree:
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My happily ever after for them:
The fic Hold Me Gentle is my ideal happy ending for them. Jenova's influence is washed away by Aerith's rain, and Sephiroth has a chance to be himself again. That being said, I'm also a-ok with the canon reality where Sephiroth refuses to die and remains a Cloud-botherer for the rest of their lives.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
Obsessive Sephiroth is big spoon.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
idk, stabbing each other??? Dueling??? (or does that count as sexual for them idk)
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fandombead · 4 months
Sanders Sides human AU where they’re all camp counselors at some backwoods Alphabet soup upstate summer camp—
Camp Sandside
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Also locally known as Camp Mindscape
C!Thomas is the newest camp director trying to keep the camp funded and running every year. He advertises and keeps in touch with people who help everything work out each year.
Logan is head of schedule and morning role call. He makes sure camp has an educational side to it, so they have something to take away. He enjoys accompanying on the nature hikes and takes their slightly older campers stargazing. You can find him usually hanging out in the camp archives and he can answer any question about its history.
He coordinates camper activities with Patton, who is the poster child for Campy Dad-Counselor™️. Patton knows every campfire song ever how to make 477 different crafts from sticks and rocks you can find in the forest. He is good at wrangling the kids and making any activity fun so everyone gets included. He’s excited to be there every day. He’s been there the longest and has dappled in every other job as needed.
Remus runs all the sport activities and Roman throws together a little theater group production for the parents at the end of the summer. Both twins help each other out for those activities depending on whose day it is. They also keep up the Canteen and craft workshop. They tell the best campfire stories. (Fun fact: they went to this camp as kids and are working here now during college)
Virgil’s shadowing Patton with first aid as a trainee nurse and handles safety protocols/checks. He’s just stressed out trying to keep everyone alive till the end of the summer. He particularly sticks around at the sport fields, lake, and obstacle course. He barely sleeps and runs on caffeine and spite. He enjoys playing guitar for the kids at campfire time. He makes sure everyone wears sunscreen, is drinking enough water, and that no one wanders off from the group.
And not least of all, Janus, who is the mental health counselor and resolves incident cases between campers. He also is someone the other camp counselors can confide in because the job is draining. He makes sure everyone is taking care of themselves and not doing too much, short-staffed as they are. Camp has run much more smoothly since they added him to their team and everyone is happier for it after getting used to the changes.
They all really enjoy the work and each other. What started as an interesting, versatile summer job that let them hangout together turned into a fun tradition they were quite invested in. Every summer is a memorable one and they look forward to it every year.
I just think it’d be a fun story setting, a series of glimpses at camp life with chapters dedicated to silly or fun happenings at the camp. For some reason all that are coming to me is chapters that sound like history event logs and just imagine it’s because the twins hijacked Logan’s documentation of them and rewrote them with more flair and drama. The Hiking Disaster of 21’. Battle at…Vine Lake (okay maybe not the name but I WILL work Vine in somewhere—maybe that’s the name of the theatre). The Kayak Wars. Surviving the Storm. Bear-ly Active.
(Actually half the chapters will be puns and you’ll know Patton had a hand at assisting the twins’ shenanigans for those retellings~)
Depending on the number of campers, they might also each be head of a cabin and in charge of 3-5 campers specifically on top of everything else that they manage to make good connections with even the most unlikely campers by the end of the summer. (I mostly thought of this just because I wanted an excuse for Logan to be head of the ‘Crofters Cabin’ bwahahaha)
I want Campy adventures!!!
Side notes expanding on the AU bc I have tons of scattered ideas:
I also had the alternative (/prequel? With a few tweaks) idea where some or all of them are campers instead and they meet at the summer camp years before they decide to work there~ ^^
I think that’d be a great story too, where they become lifelong friends in the end and grow to be glad they got sent to this weird old camp for the summer and just have a great time after getting through a few challenges. And they go back every year to see each other again.
Patton calls the campers “saplings” and other nature/tree related nicknames
Their camp shirts have a white star border in black incorporated on the front with the Camp Acronym and everyone styles theirs differently (example: Remus cut the short sleeves off of his)
I imagine they have a rival camp too that every one of them is personally invested in beating yearly, as you do in Camp media. (Alt version where it’s “light” vs “dark” sides camps)
Logan got stuck up a tree once as a kid camper and they still haven’t let him live it down. There’s a photo of it in the archives he keeps trying to get rid of but someone keeps replacing it every year. They call him Pinecone and Lookout 🤣 (Forest Watch)
Janus was someone they never expected to see again. He came to camp in their last years of being campers and joined the group through Remus and Patton. After some getting used to him (Roman and Virgil kept butting heads with him), they were tentatively friends…Roman saved him when he fell in the lake and Janus came in clutch and saved their team at the camp games! they kinda took one step back when he joined as counselor, but they worked it out eventually for good that time~
The twins have a fun rivalry they try to drag their friends into every year…even as counselors now 😂 there’s always some sort of competition going on with them, especially when they start being heads of their own cabins and take pride in their little campers destroying the other teams (but especially each others’)
I think each cabin has a little flag the campers remake every year hanging out front, featuring the animal trait and color of each counselor in charge. Tentative Ideas:
Logan’s Cabin: Team Crofter (of Discovery Cabin). Campers have dark blue bandannas/necklaces
Patton’s Cabin: Team Friendship (of Amity/Compassion Cabin). Campers have light blue bandannas/bracelets
Roman’s Cabin: Team Braveheart (of Ambition Cabin). Campers have red bandannas/necklaces
Remus’s Cabin: Team Chaos (of Endeavor/Spontaneity Cabin). Campers have green bandannas/bracelets
Virgil’s Cabin: Team Storm (of Vigilance Cabin). Campers have purple bandannas/necklaces
Janus’s Cabin: Team Serpent (of Accord/Cunning Cabin). Campers have yellow bandannas/bracelets
They collabed on these name ideas themselves~ The twins’ cabins also relate to one another.
Roman’s theme is having goals and dreams and Remus’s theme is trying ways to reach them, not giving up when it doesn’t work the first time. Together they encourage campers to find something they wanna try that’s new and going for it~
You can probably pair Virgil and Logan’s cabins + Janus and Patton’s in a similar way of their themes relating or balancing each other.
Every year you return to camp, you get a charm to add to your bracelet/necklace (typically all moved to whatever cabin color you are for the current year’s summer). Represents the overall theme of that summer, received at the end.
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artoutoftheblue · 18 hours
Alright its toon au lore dump time, this explains the backstory up to the point where we're at on the toon au askblog!
Season 1:
•The show begins, Sun and Moon get separated. Seemed like it would just be a normal life. Sun has a small arc where he falls head over heels for Roxanne Wolf, while Moon has to deal with Montys shenanigans
•Moon notices Sun beginning to act out a bit, especially while they're playing games. Each time Sun seems to not remember what they were doing during the periods of acting out
•Eclipse reveals his identity, and begins to cause more ruckus for the brothers afterwards. Sending them to random dimensions and putting them through hell
•The brothers do their best to keep their problems a secret from the other bots, but unfortunately all of them are noticing Suns violent tendencies
•Circus Baby and Glamrock Freddy begin to piece together what's going on, and Glamrock Freddy suggests going to visit Golden Freddy to learn magic and expel Eclipse from Suns head
•Golden Freddy accepts and offers to help teach them magic in order to expel Eclipse, though Moon is much more interested in it than Sun is
•Moon convinces Sun to break up with Roxanne, because she was being an absolute bitch about the situation the entire time, theres no maternity chip situation in this universe
•Moon tries to negotiate with Eclipse to get him to stop bothering them, and Eclipse asks for one thing and one thing only, The [Newton] Star. But Moon refuses to give it to him
•Sun and Moon start fighting a lot more due to the Eclipse situation, with Moon saying that he needs to learn how to repress Eclipse more, and Sun trying to explain that he cant
•Sun meets Eclipse in his mindscape, and tries to negotiate with him to get him to stop taking over his body, but Eclipse refuses to do so
•Monty calls Sun at one point, and Eclipse manages to connect himself with Montys code for a bit and use Monty to try and convince Moon to give him The Star, but the two end up fighting, and Eclipse retreats back into Suns head
•Eclipse transports Sun and Moon to a dimension that is being eaten up by a wither storm, and Sun and Moon realize that the only way out is to make up for their mistakes when they fought with each other, and take on the storm together. They both succeed and are safely transported back to their home dimension
•Sun and Moon meet their creator, and ask him on how they can get rid of Eclipse, but he ends up being absolutely useless, so they just leave it be
•Eclipse puts a line of Suns code into Moons head, thus creating Lunar, who he uses to suppress Moon and keep him from messing up his plans
•Lunar ends up revealing himself much sooner than he should've, and Moon begins trying to figure out how to get rid of Lunar, since Lunar seems unwilling to work with Sun and Moon
•Monty starts taking things more seriously, and tries to help out Sun and Moon with Eclipse and Lunar
•Moon confronts Lunar in his mindscape, and tries negotiating with him to get him to stop taking over his body, but Lunar refuses
•Lunar does his best to be more sneaky about taking over Moon, to the point where Sun cant tell, but really mainly does it so he can play games with Sun since Eclipse never wants to
•Sun and Moon try to quickly come up with a plan to stop Lunar and Eclipse, but it eventually ends up being too late, and Lunar and Eclipse completely take over Sun and Moon
•Eclipse and Lunar start searching for Monty, since he seems to have hidden the star from them
•Eclipse manages to get Monty on the phone, and Monty states that he will give Eclipse the star, only if he kills Lunar. He agrees to it, and attempts to kill him, but Lunar hauls ass and gets the hell away from Eclipse
•Monty later finds Lunar himself, and Lunar finally agrees to try and help stop Eclipse. Lunar tells Monty about an old project that Eclipse created, named Bloodmoon. Monty thinks that Bloodmoon could be the key to ending Eclipses reign of terror
•Lunar seeks out Bloodmoon, and later finds them in an old and banged up model of Moons body, and offers to give them a new one in exchange for them to help take down Eclipse
•During all of this time, Lunar is pretending to still be helping Eclipse so that he isnt suspicious of what him and Monty are up to
•Monty finishes making Bloodmoons new body from nanomachines, and Bloodmoon begins using that one from there on
•Lunar begins to sporadically let Moon out at random intervals so that he can help come up with a plan to defeat Eclipse, as well as share that plan with Sun by going into Eclipses head using magic while hes sleeping
•The plan is set. Bloodmoon will attack Eclipse enough to where hes too weak to fight back, and Sun will drag Eclipse into his head, and successfully expel him
•The plan goes forth, and it seems to work. Eclipse is gone from Suns head. Things can go back to normal! Or so they thought...
Season 2:
•Bloodmoon now has complete freedom with the deal being over, and runs off. Sun and Moon try to locate them, but to no avail
•Moon tries locating any possible backups that Eclipse has anywhere, to be sure that he cannot come back
•Moon begins getting exhausted at the search, and Sun forces him to rest
•Eclipse returns, as he had placed a backup in Bloodmoon. And Eclipse encourages them to cause chaos and torment Sun and Moon
•Due to Monty making their body out of nanomachines, they could shapeshift, and made sure to put that to use
•Moon accidentally falls into the ballpit portal while its activated, and is transported to a dimension where Eclipse had won. He and Lunar got stuck there for three days
•During that time, they had met the dimensions Sun, and with how he acted, Moon and Lunar then realized what this dimension was, and now wanted more than ever to find a way out. They also came across Monty, who told them what happened
•Lord Eclipse confronts Moon and Lunar, and attempts to capture and brainwash them just like he did to his Sun, but failed, and Moon and Lunar managed to get back home
•During that time, Sun had his own problems going on, trying to locate Moon and Lunar. He attempted opening a portal himself and hopping in in hopes of finding the two, but instead was transported to a dimension where he and Moon never separated, and had to deal with a Mad Moon. Thankfully he managed to get out of there unscathed
•Christmas comes around, and Sun, Moon, and Lunar spend some brotherly time together, and Sun gifts Lunar a small Rudolf plush, who Lunar names "Spigot"
•Meanwhile with Eclipse and Bloodmoon, Eclipse manages to find an empty bunker, and starts using that to keep him and Bloodmoon hidden from Sun and Moon while he figures out what to do next
•Eclipse builds himself a new body in the bunker, as well as another companion, and names it "Solar Flare"
•Sun, Moon, and Lunar currently have no idea that Eclipse has returned. To them, everything is finally calm
•Eclipse later shows his face again via hacking into the daycares computer system, and announces his return, along with stating that he has some new ideas, and promises to put the three through hell
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graces-mindscape · 5 months
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Lately, with lots of travel and some art block, I've kinda just been drawing whatever I want soooooo
Here's a drawing I made of a newer character I made named Mike
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the premise of the new au because i simply cannot help myself
takes place mullet stan, paranoid ford era
not too long after ford sends the postcard, bill steals his body and traps him in the mindscape. his ethereal form is altered due to nightmare realm shenanigans, and he ends up looking like a lanky shadow figure with static-y/blurred edges. the most distinguishing part of his appearance is the addition of an emperor moth with spread wings over his face which acts as his eyes, as well as several species of moths that trail him around (these include cecropia moths, Creatonotos gangis, luna moths, and death's-head hawkmoths)
eventually, stan arrives and, one, is not exactly pleased about going into a seemingly empty dark house filled with bugs, and two, is especially not pleased at the revelation that oh that's my brother isn't it. oh i'm the only one who can see him aren't i
after figuring out what's happened, stan sets out to try and find ford's stolen body. unfortunately, he has exactly zero leads and comes up with nothing. he spends a little while cleaning up the house (minus the moths) before ford and him come to the conclusion that they're gonna have do this bill-style
as in stan allows ford to possess him to actually get the investigative work going. this comes with an interesting system- an emperor moth is always either perched on or hovering around stan at all times. when ford's possessing him, the moth covers both of his eyes. if the moth is only covering one eye, it means that they are using the power of ✨ teamwork ✨
this does come with the unfortunate side effect of people staring at stan whenever he goes into town, but that's fine, they're both used to that sort of thing by now
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askfriskandcompany · 1 year
Hey so I'm wondering, what was the significance of Total Eclipse Of The Heart as the song used in 2nd Chara posssession Like i get All Star cause...meme But i always wondered what about TEOTH i mean i have some idea but i thought it would be best to ask the source before jumping to conclusions :)
I don’t fully remember what made me decide to go with that. I was working with Hawker for the crossover, and we did a brief outline of what basically would happen, with some allowances for unexpected asker-shenanigans of course. We discussed what the mindscapes would take the form of, and how approximately our Charas would interact. It was decided early on that their Frisk would eventually appear and do a sort of rescue. …Then at some point I started thinking about how the others might react to the situation, and what assumptions they might make based on what happened last time Chara was possessing someone. Someone might go “Oh yeah! There was a song last time! Maybe music helps!” And Hermann is probably the most musically inclined of the group, so I thought about songs she might sing. And I’d also recently happened upon a Spanish version of Total Eclipse of the Heart, so I ran it past Hawker and Hawker liked it too, and I think that’s how it went? My memory of the exact series of events is fuzzy.
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
2 Arms Left Masterpost (Part 3)
(Part 1) - Main comic masterpost
(Part 2) - Mini comic masterpost
(Part 3) - Bonus little drawings
(Part 4) - Crossovers, and misc sagas
Below the cut is just fun little bonus drawings!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bonus drawings #1 - Leo reference + a smoothie
Bonus drawings #2 - Leo reference, part 2!
Bonus drawings #3 - Self destruct
Bonus drawings #4 - Stump aches,, part 2!!
Bonus drawings #5 - Post-Surgery pains
Bonus drawings #6 - Why are they hugging?
Bonus drawings #7 - Jungle gym brother
Bonus drawings #8 - They are homies!!
Bonus drawings #9 - If youre happy and you know it clap your hands!
Bonus drawings #10 - At least neither Leo is alone in the one arm situation
Bonus drawings #11 - He found the flamethrower...
Bonus drawings #12 - Robot arm wrestling match!?
Bonus drawings #13 - Uno, the game that destroys families..
Bonus drawings #14 - Strike a pose!
Bonus drawings #15 - They are huggy?? Splinters reaction?
Bonus drawings #16 - The Traumatic Event color palette
Bonus drawings #17 - The Calm Mindscape palette
Bonus drawings #18 - Thoughts on anyone touching little Leo's stump?
Bonus drawings #19- Gaming together!
Bonus drawings #20 - I am normal about his bean brows.
Bonus drawings #21 - He is a tea person!
Bonus drawings #22 - Did you know I draw this all in aggie.io??
Bonus drawings #23 - Little Leo likes to be held :)
Bonus drawings #24 - Little Leo is a little pea sprout
Bonus drawings #25 - Some comfort in these trying times
Bonus drawings #26 - Pistachio.
Bonus drawings #27 - Hmmm.
Bonus drawings #28 - Mindscape shenanigans~
Bonus drawings #29 - squeak squeak squeak squeak squ-
Bonus drawings #30 - An assortment of doodles
Bonus drawings #31 - What would a grown up Little Leo look like?
Bonus drawings #32 - Shrink the beans
Bonus drawings #33 - Little Leo fidgets
Bonus drawings #34 - What does Future Donnie think about Leos natural brows?
Bonus drawings #35 - GROW the beans
Bonus drawings #36 - Casey and Future Leo travels!
Bonus drawings #37 - Little Leo becomes Medium Leo!
Bonus drawings #38 - Baby carrier
Bonus drawings #39 - Medium Leo beans! And stims!?
Bonus drawings #40 - Mindscape nonsense
Bonus drawings #41 - Free hugs!!!!
Bonus drawings #42 - Flashbacks?
Bonus drawings #43 - New Leos!
Bonus drawings #44 - The new Leo is also huggy~
Bonus drawings #45 - Little aggie doodles
Bonus drawings #46 - Shell Shenanigans
Bonus drawings #47 - Beach day!?
Bonus drawings #48 - "Why is F!Leo fat?" - anon
Bonus drawings #49 - Have I always been this annoying? (GIF)
Bonus drawings #50 - Wiggly (GIF)
Bonus drawings #51 - Sleepy
Bonus drawings #52 - Wings....
Bonus drawings #53 - Sketches
Bonus drawings #54 - Poptart.
Bonus drawings #55 - Hard to tie a mask with one hand..
Bonus drawings #56 - Get dangled.
Bonus drawings #57 - Where did the name Sprout come from?
Bonus drawings #58 - Funny outfits
Bonus drawings #59 - Pondering them
Bonus drawings #60 - Immobilize.
Bonus drawings #61 - National throw short people day.
Bonus drawings #62 - How tall is Sprout?
Bonus drawings #63 - Ducklings...
Bonus drawings #64 - Poptart arm concepts (SCRAPPED)
Bonus drawings #65 - Big Leo..
Bonus drawings #66 - Squish squish squish (GIF)
Bonus drawings #67 - Poptart nickname privileges
Bonus drawings #68 - Color Swap!
Bonus drawings #69 - That Beach Dad meme (nice)
Bonus drawings #70 - Prosthetic thoughts
Bonus drawings #71 - Uppies (GIF)
Bonus drawings #72 - Guess who bought CSP (GIF)
Bonus drawings #73 - Dance dance dance (GIF)
Bonus drawings #74 - He fell........ (GIF)
Bonus drawings #75 - Poptart outfit concepts
Bonus drawings #76 - Tall Sprout
Bonus drawings #77 - Colors for everyone!
Bonus drawings #78 - My Arm! (Video)
Bonus drawings #79 - Sprout.. Sprouting....
Bonus drawings #80 - Poptart shell!
Bonus drawings #81 - Toast him in a toaster (GIF)
Bonus drawings #82 - Average 2AL update in a nutshell
Bonus drawings #83 - Futrue Poptart!
Bonus drawings #84 - Hand practice... nail painting!
Bonus drawings #85 - What if Poptarts hand gets sore? (GIF)
Bonus drawings #86 - Poptot
Bonus drawings #87 - Poncho Poptart
Bonus drawings #88 - de-ages your huggy leos*
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duckapus · 5 months
What I imagine the in a nutshell chat shenanigans during the Pokémon Movies are in the Streamer Ash AU.
First movie: Actual chaos because wtf is going on. Also chat gets traumatized when Ash legit dies for a moment.
Second movie: Also pretty much chaos, but also members of the chat realize that the prophecy is referring to Ash the actual person so now Ash is known as the kid and actual prophecy is about.
Third movie: Everyone is terrified of Unown now. (Also referencing the entire Larvitar arc, imagine if due to Unown being bullshit chat is able to see Larvitar's mindscape. And like, in their memories whilst Ash's phone is colorized, his screen is grey scale because people.)
Fourth movie: Someone realizes Sam is Professor Oak from the past at the end of the events of the movie and promptly tells everyone. Also everyone has a new appreciation for Celebi and Suicune. And Celebi's temporary death sure was traumatic!
Fifth Movie: Everyone is traumatized by Latios's death and it fucking shows.
Sixth movie: So the fake Groudon was certainly a thing. A thing everyone is glad was dealt with VERY QUICKLY.
Seventh movie: Due to Deoxys destroying the power supply chat did not know anything that was happening until the very end when the robots went berserk and now they have questions.
Eighth movie: Good news. Aura guardians now know Ash has a powerful aura and thus can help train him. Bad news, the entire thing at the Tree of Life is traumatizing as fuck.
Ninth movie: Chat is screaming at Ash to have a sense of self preservation, and also Manaphy is now the favorite Mythical Pokémon of many people.
Tenth movie: During the distortion bubble everything was cut out, but afterwards chat was filled in and now people have a new appreciation for the Darkrai species.
Eleventh movie: Shaymin's sass promptly becomes a meme, Giratina becomes wildly respected upon everyone learning this Legendary is ensuring their world doesn't break apart, and that's about it.
Twelfth movie: Chaos and confusion and chat becomes concerned upon realizing Ash, Brock, Dawn, and Sheena accidentally rewrote the timeline.
Thirteenth movie: Plus side. Grings' control over the news via editing is very hampered by real time streaming. Bad news, dude knows this and is actively trying to suppress this and kill Ash.
Fourteenth movie: Everyone was so, SO HAPPY when Victini was revealed to be alive.
Fifteenth movie: The general reaction is "So, that certainly happened didn't it?" And also there's a new wave of respect and fear of Kyurem.
Sixteenth movie: The reveal of a second Mewtwo gave long time watchers flashbacks, and also the one friendly Genesect quickly gets declared a bean.
Seventeenth movie: Pikachu's temporary death gave everyone trauma again. Also there's a new appreciation for Diancie.
Eighteenth movie: Everyone has decided Hoopa needs therapy after everything that happened.
Nineteenth movie: Everyone is happy that when everything was said and done things were relatively calm.
Twentieth and twenty-first movies: All chat knows is that things happened and that they'll be given the basics later.
Yeah these seem pretty accurate. Apart from 19 because that's the Volcanion and Magearna movie and giant death ray powered by Robot Soul is not at all calm. Though in the case of the final three movies (I Choose You, Everyone's Story and Koko), they're blatantly noncanon to the main timeline and thus also blatantly noncanon to the Streamer Timeline (unless I can find somewhere to sneak ES and Koko in, but given how heavily ICY relies on being an alternate interpretation of Indigo League it's definitely out)
Also there may be butterfly effects from the Streams being a Thing that affect what exactly happen in the movies, especially the later ones.
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starlocked01 · 11 months
Dukexiety Day 2- Games
Summary- Janus is sore about Remus and Virgil's newest game.
WC- 1015
Warnings- swearing, kissing, making out, caps lock shouting
Beyond a single doubt, Virgil knew that his prized headphones were the MVPs of any of his possessions. Because living with Remus and Janus was loud and frequently annoying. And he proudly did his part to make it louder and more annoying, so long as he had his headphones to drown out the carnage. 
He felt certain his most recent psy-op had succeeded far above expectations when he heard Janus’ screams for assistance above Gerard Way’s screeching vocals. 
“What- Get off me! Rem- STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”
Virgil snickered and pulled a ear piece from his head to listen to the crash of bodies falling into the common space table, Janus’ continued cries of surprise and Remus’ cackling with depraved glee. 
“REMUS! GET YOUR FILTHY- Do not make me get the spray bottle- REMUS!” 
Virgil had to bite his hand to keep from laughing out loud. It sure sounded like Remus was winning. Janus screeched again and Virgil quickly replaced the headphones at the sound of angry mismatched footsteps approaching the door to his room. He took deep breaths to maintain his composure, waiting for the inevitable-
“Virgil? Open this door at once,” Janus sounded absolutely irate, trying to hide his emotions in a sticky sweet, honeyed tone. The call was paired with rapid pounding at the door, which Janus often employed since Virgil so often tried to tune out the mindscape shenanigans. 
Virgil bit his lip before replying, “What do you want?” trying to sound as annoyed at the intrusion as possible. 
Janus forced open the door and stepped inside. His cape sat askew on his shoulders, his hat nowhere to be found and his hair a tousled mess. Virgil had to swallow a smile as his gaze fell down to Janus’ feet, one still clad in his snake-skin Oxford while the other foot was bare of both shoe and sock. Janus glared at him, the missing shoe held in his hand and waving dramatically at Virgil. 
“Please explain why your feral partner attacked me and stole my sock?” Janus demanded, waving the shoe around as proof of the missing sock.
Virgil stared back at Janus, debating which answer would be funniest.
“You cannot lie to me, Virgil. Why is that gremlin attacking me for my socks?”
Virgil took a deep breath, “He’s practicing.”
“Yes. And it’s not going to do him any good,” Virgil grinned wickedly, “What? Have you never heard of sock wrestling, J?”
Janus’s eyes bulged in disbelief, but he was quickly knocked off balance as Remus dashed into the room from behind him on all fours, jumping up on the bed in a smooth leap and landing perfectly in Virgil’s lap. Virgil laughed with glee seeing the pilfered sock dangling from between sharp teeth. 
“My sock!” 
“Good job, Re! You do know you’re supposed to issue a challenge first though, right?” Virgil laughed and grabbed the sock, tugging on it to get Remus to let go. 
Remus growled and pulled back against Virgil, refusing to open his mouth. Virgil grinned and slid a hand under his tattered fishnet shirt, finding Remus’ ticklish spot with practiced ease. 
Remus laughed and curled away from the offending touch, Janus’ sock falling from his lips. Virgil smirked and tossed the sock back to Janus who stood watching, unable to mask the utter confusion and fury on his face. 
“Shoo. I gotta put this poser in his place,” Virgil barked at Janus, rolling over with Remus so that he had the chaotic side pinned to the bed, “trust me- you don’t want to be in the room when his socks come off.” 
Janus groaned and quickly retreated, muttering under his breath about needing to find darning needles to fix bite marks.
Remus giggled and tried to push Virgil off, a slippery tentacle slithering from his back and down the bed, reaching for Virgil’s foot. Virgil laughed and quickly swatted the appendage away.
“Hey! You know extra limbs are cheating!” 
“But I never win!” Remus whined, still trying to wrap the tentacle around Virgil’s Converse. 
“You would if you planned your moves out,” Virgil taunted, quickly snatching Remus’ shoe off with one hand while the other grabbed the tentacle.
Remus gasped but used the movement to sit up and grab Virgil by the shoulders, “Who said I wasn’t planning?” he asked as he kicked his foot away from Virgil’s grasping fingers. Virgil grunted with exertion, making another grab before Remus planted a sloppy kiss on his lips.
How unfair. But he expected Remus to play dirty. 
Virgil pressed into the kiss, trying to pin Remus back down on his bed while locking their legs together. Remus parted his lips and before Virgil could quite process what was happening, had bit his tongue and kicked off one of Virgil’s shoes.
“-ey!” Virgil moaned, trying to wrench back his tongue and control of the game, “-ou fuggin’ cheadar!”
Remus snorted and pulled Virgil into a tight hug, breaking the kiss, “mine! You can’t escape me!”
Virgil laughed and broke out of the hug, pinning Remus’ arms to his sides and straddling his legs, “Watch me, pretty boy.”
Remus blushed, “you’re not gonna think I’m pretty for much longer…”
Virgil blinked, “Why not?”
Remus grinned, sharp canines on full display as he pulled his arm out of Virgil’s grasp, holding up a purple and black striped sock, “I win.”
Virgil stared with mouth agape for a moment, suddenly feeling the sheets on his bare foot, “un-fucking-believable. I let you win by cheating.”
Remus cackled and pulled Virgil back down to his chest, “you’re just mad I beat you at your own game.”
“By cheating.”
“You never said no kisses!”
“Because I would never discourage you from kissing me.”
Remus smirked, pulling the sock behind Virgil’s neck and using it to pull him close, “Is that so? Did I win another kiss?” 
Virgil chuckled and gazed into Remus’ gorgeous brown eyes, sparking with adrenaline, joy, and mischief. He dipped down to kiss Remus again, biting at his lip and pressing close. 
There were perks to losing the game.
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