speakinc · 3 months
Mindstuck | Michael McQueen
🌟📚 Just finished the Blinkist summary of "Mindstuck" by Michael McQueen, and it's a game-changer! 🎉
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"Mindstuck" delves into the fascinating world of human decision-making and persuasion. Michael McQueen expertly explores the intricacies of how and why people change their minds, making it an essential read for anyone looking to understand the psychological underpinnings of influence.
The book offers actionable strategies to effectively sway others, making it a valuable resource for leaders, marketers, and anyone keen on mastering the art of persuasion. From identifying cognitive biases to leveraging social proof, McQueen breaks down complex concepts into practical tips that you can apply in everyday life.
If you're interested in enhancing your persuasive abilities and understanding the human psyche better, "Mindstuck" is definitely worth your time. 🌠
✨ Dive into the summary on Blinkist and get ready to unlock the secrets of effective persuasion! ✨
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thecelestialworld · 4 months
I have been mindstuck (which is kinda like frontstuck) for probs a hour? This is not fun. I want to go back to The Forest :(
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thatmcgwords · 6 months
There are two sides of the brain duking it out: the Inquiring Mind, which loves to think things through logically, and the Instinctive Mind, which is all about those snap judgments based on emotions and gut feelings. And guess what? That instinctive side is running the show 95% of the time. So, a lot of what you do is more about feeling than thinking.
Now, when you’re dead set on something, it’s usually your instincts taking the wheel, not your logic. And there are three big reasons why you cling to your beliefs like a lifeline, which are your identity, ideology, and intuition. Your identity makes you favor ideas from your “tribe” and reject anything from the outsiders. Your ideology filters out anything that doesn’t fit your worldview. And your intuition often trumps facts.
First up, you’ve got priming. It’s like warming up people’s brains to see things the way you want them to. This could mean throwing in a few carefully chosen words or numbers to nudge someone’s thoughts in your favor or perhaps reminding them of an experience that aligns with your agenda. Or how about this – ever thought something was way better just because you were told it was from some fancy place? That’s priming, weaving its magic, making you appreciate things more based on your expectations.
Next up in our reframing strategies is contrast. This technique is all about clarity through comparison. In a campaign, doctors who initially resisted adopting hand hygiene practices shifted their perspective when they saw a sign stating that hand hygiene prevents patients from contracting diseases. Their current behavior conflicted with their commitment to patient safety. That stark contrast got doctors thinking twice, showing how pointing out the gap between what you believe in and what you’re actually doing can give you a real wake-up call. There are several other ways to go about using contrast. You can ask people to explain their views, which often exposes the flimsy logic holding them up. You can also have people state intended behaviors out loud to make them more likely to follow through.
The third way you can use reframing to persuade is through the power of words. The word “pre-owned” sounds so much better than “used”, even though they mean the same thing. Tailoring your words to strike a chord with your audience’s values can make your message hit home. Humor, rhymes, and a bit of surprise can also make your point stick like glue, breaking down walls and getting folks to listen with an open mind.
Reframing is less about the meat of your message and more about the dressing – how, when, and in which context you present it. Master it, and you’re not just communicating; you’re compelling.
At the heart of it, building affinity is all about crafting a real connection where people feel they get you, like you, and see a bit of themselves in you. Often, it’s those tiny hints of being in something together that flip the script on how people interact, feel, and act around each other. 
There are three golden strategies to not just get along better with others but also sway them gently to your side.
First off, approach disagreements not as battles to be won, but as chances to build a connection. Instead of gearing up for a showdown every time a debate brews, try seeing disagreements as a collaborative effort to find truth or common ground. Socrates himself was a fan of acquiring knowledge through losing arguments. Sure, clinching a victory in an argument might feel sweet, but it could sour relationships. Aim for impact rather than proving a point. It’s all about fostering progress and mutual respect, moving forward together rather than apart.
Affinity-building strategy number two is to not shy away from showing your vulnerabilities. Admitting to the flaws of your standpoint can be surprisingly powerful. Showing your vulnerable side isn’t just bravery; it’s a trust magnet. This honesty and transparency release oxytocin in others, signaling you’re trustworthy. Opening up about your uncertainties invites others to drop their guard too, creating a genuine connection. A dash of self-deprecating humor doesn’t hurt either – it makes you more relatable and likable.
The third strategy for building affinity is finding common ground with someone, especially with folks who march to the beat of a different drum. You can do this by aligning on shared goals and values, echoing agreements by saying “I agree”, and introducing new ideas with familiar positive words. Even mirroring someone’s body language or speech patterns can draw you closer. No magic is required – just good old brain chemistry at work. And don’t underestimate the power of discovering you share something as random as a birthday or a love for obscure indie bands. It’s these little threads of similarity that can weave the most unexpected bonds, and open a person up to your point of view.
Pushing too hard against someone’s beliefs can lead to stubborn resistance rather than a change of heart. To win someone over, it’s all about letting them save face and preserving their dignity.
Fear is the big bad wolf when it comes to someone’s dignity. It’s not the change itself that freaks people out, but what comes with it – loss of pride, power, or the comfort of certainty. To get past this, you’ve got to make the other person feel safe and understood. Ever heard of the “feel/felt/found” technique? You acknowledge how they’re feeling, share that you’ve been there too, and then gently introduce how you shifted your perspective. And remember, any new idea you’re proposing should feel like a cozy sweater, not a scratchy woolen blanket. Familiarity and predictability are your allies, not your enemies.
Next, we have the magic of asking questions. Not just any questions, though. The kind that makes the other person do a bit of soul-searching without feeling like they’re being interrogated. It’s about leading them to articulate, and then recognize, how unrealistic their own expectations or reasonings are. This approach is way more inviting than lecturing or demanding change. Open-ended questions starting with why, what, where, or how should be your go-to.
And make sure you always leave people with options. When someone feels like they’re being herded in one direction, they’ll resist just out of principle. But give them a choice, and suddenly they’re much more on board with making a decision that aligns with your ideas. A little autonomy goes a long way. Offering a few choices, about three to four, just enough to give a sense of control, can make all the difference. A simple trick is saying something like “If you can’t do it, I’ll understand”. This gives someone the option to reject your request, which significantly increases their willingness to comply.
Effective persuasion is less about convincing someone and more about facilitating a change. It’s about starting from a place of respect for the other person’s sense of self and ending there too. 
There’s three main ways you can harness the power of conformity to persuade. 
The first strategy is social proof. Seeing peers endorse something often prompts people to follow suit, driven by the instinct to look to others for direction in uncertainty. To play this to your advantage, use numbers, benchmarks, or tags like “popular” to paint ideas as universally admired. Don’t forget about FOMO – if an item or experience is running out because everyone wants it, people will want it more.
The second way to harness the power of conformity is to use herd mentality, which basically means groupthink. Usually, if about three-quarters of a group gets behind something, it gets everyone else on board too. To use this to your advantage, you need to be careful of your timing. It’s easier to jump on an existing bandwagon than to get a new one rolling. You can also use activities that sync up a group, such as singing, marching, or sharing a laugh. Essentially, when groups move in sync, they end up on the same wavelength mentally.
And finally, the third strategy for harnessing the power of conformity is reciprocity. Do someone a favor, and watch how they’re keen to pay it back, sometimes with a little extra on top. Give out favors or special privileges right off the bat, and you’re essentially laying down an unwritten rule that they owe you one. The favors that really hit home? Those that are meaningful, come as a surprise, and feel like they’re made just for them. Directly asking for a tiny favor from the other person can also work wonders. This act of helping you out nudges them to view you more kindly since offering a hand fosters a sense of goodwill and connection.
Understanding and playing into these psychological underpinnings can be a game-changer, whether you’re looking to influence a group or just one person. The innate desire to be part of something, to conform and cooperate, holds significant sway over people’s actions and attitudes.
One way to employ empathy is to humanize issues and principles. Bringing a human touch to big ideas and issues can truly work wonders. When you make it personal, your arguments gain weight and become much harder to brush off. Instead of talking about a crowd, zoom in on one person’s story. Facts and figures might catch attention, but it’s the individual tales that really stick, changing hearts and minds. To weave that magic, dive into personal stories, the emotions, the faces behind the facts, and the tactile experiences that stir empathy within people.
Another empathetic approach involves playing with hypothetical questions and engaging in thought exercises to crack open those stubbornly closed minds and encourage more nuanced thought processes. These aren’t just any questions, though; they’re the kind that make people ponder other sides without getting all defensive. These are questions that start with “Could it be possible that...?” or “How likely is it...?” When you use them, you’re nudging someone to think beyond their usual ’victim-villain’ tales, and to see beyond their own nose.
And, if you really want to drive your point home, show, don’t just tell. Make the person empathize, so they can really feel what you’re talking about. Help them step into the shoes of someone they totally disagree with – it can be quite eye-opening. Whether it’s through a real-life plunge into someone’s world or using tech like VR to simulate experiences, it’s about making the abstract tangible, making them live it, even if just for a moment.
So, next time you’re itching to change minds, remember: empathy is crucial. Combine it with the four other techniques we’ve just learned, and watch the walls come down. 
While changing stubborn minds is challenging, it is possible with the right techniques. People cling to their beliefs because they’re tied to their identity, ideology, and intuition. But by leveraging proven persuasion tactics, you can gently guide others to new perspectives. 
The next time you face stubborn resistance, don’t bulldoze ahead trying to “win” the argument. Instead, reframe their thinking, connect with compassion, preserve their dignity, leverage their tribal instinct, and be empathetic. Do that, and you may just witness once-rigid minds opening up to fresh possibilities.
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darkencreative · 8 months
My Own Hell
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d-amplemagazine · 9 months
5 Simple Strategies for Persuading Anybody
Below, Michael shares five key insights from his new book, Mindstuck: Mastering the Art of Changing Minds.  Continue reading Untitled
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dpucci05 · 7 years
Hey guys! I think the tile says a lot about it, but my Parabatai (ya know people the ones that makes amazing fanarts) in her other YouTube channel had reached a year and almost 40 subscribers 🔥🔥🔥 But the thing isn’t it, the real thing is that this video is something very special that she made for all her subs and the news ones So, go and see it ‘cause it’s amazing and it have the special participation of myself and another friend just bullying Idajock 😂😂 Hope you enjoy it guys!!!
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vaishnavih-blog · 8 years
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" When I want the sun to rise for me , it does not; so I keep walking in the dark,so seeing that sun comes along with and is beside me! " #mindstuck #gratitude #randomclicks (at Mumbai, India)
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jadedresearcher · 7 years
Main Branch Tournament Update!!!
(Which will be the last update it gets for a while as I do some major rendering and classpecting overhauls over on the Experimental Branch).
Basically, any category of fan submitted OCs (including you tumblr folk) can take part in a giant tournament, MC’d by ParadoxSpace’s best robot, AuthorBot.  And also AuthorBotJunior. For reasons.   I also implemented new easter eggs to allow the tournament to pit HopeStuck vs MindStuck vs KnightStuck, etc. etc.
And example of how to use these new EasterEggs: PageStuck + HopeStuck.
Future Work
I’m laying the ground work for a rendering engine upgrade that will let custom characters specify what sprite set to use.  PonyStuck and SuperHeroStuck and CarapaceStuck are all possibilities.  This will be the ground work for the NPC update that includes consort/carapace party members and Midnight crew bullshit.
I am ALSO going to be simultaneously redoing the classpecting system entirely based on ideas by my new ideasWrangler, wooMod. This should help the classpects feel more different AND stop the Light/Mind/Space juggernaut that the tournament mode revealed.  And help poor Void and Rage players from apparently being really bad at SBURB, even though they get super easy GodTiers.  The new classpecting system will be the groundwork for the much delayed fraymotif upgrade. 
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nurilaniwindira · 7 years
아뻐.. Berusaha belajar beradaptasi di tempat yang baru.. but negative thinking is always in my mind about 'why they do that to me?' "It's because i dont know all of about aviatons or whenever??" 'How could your attitude to me really make me bad?' .. Why why how could how can OH MY LORD!! Masih belum mengerti culture work di'sini'.. Kalo dipendam jadi bikin sakit hati.. tapi kalo dilontarkan tetap saja disini saya salah.. Hmm why my life is always felt wrong #mindstuck #d**n #*nj*r
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Open Your Eyes (alt ending)
ily @dickouija i wrote a better ending just for you, dont block me with a brick wall please
You currently reside in a white room, a nineteen year old boy oddly bored. This causes you to sigh quietly, staring out your bedroom window as you sit on the window sill. The light hits you and creates a long shadow on your bare floor while the curtains, pulled back, fly either side of you. You hum a tune as the world goes by without you, people hurrying through the streets of London.
For some reason, the orange sky causes a tug in your chest. You ignore it and look toward your broken laptop. You haven’t needed it since… Well ever. You actually can’t remember much, seeing as you hit your head the other day. But who needs hospitals. Certainly not you.
Your walls seem plain. You were sure that you would have posters of some kind, but there is nothing. The entire room is quite boring and it is a little unsettling. Perhaps you can decorate it with some movie posters? The idea makes you smile for a moment before you frown. It doesn’t seem too good anymore.
You look down at your phone, reopening the same app. You have been doing this since you can remember, staring at the empty screen. There is something you are supposed to be waiting for, but you aren’t too sure what it is. You bring your knees closer to your chest as you restart your phone to check the app again. And again. And again, until you realise that the only light is the white coming from your phone, and the orange is gone.
This happens a lot. Every time, actually, and each time you find yourself crying. A few tears roll down your cheeks and your hand bumps your glasses as you attempt to wipe your eyes. Shaking, you try to move, but find you can not. You look towards your bed to see it untouched, as if no one has slept in it a very long time. Everything in your room looks neglected, actually.
Again, you make an attempt to move off the window sill, but it is as if you are drawn to the dark. You switch off your phone and hug your legs, chin on your knees while you stare up at the blinking stars. Except it seems there is no stars tonight. The city lights aren’t on either, which causes you to feel uneasy.
You shut the window and rest your head against it. You close your eyes for a few moments until you feel as if you need to open them again. As if something is watching you.
Your eyes snap open and a high pitched sound escapes your throat as you see eyes staring back at you that are not yours. They are full of sadness and longing. Your stomach churns and you fall back, shuffling back away from the window sill with your eyes closed tightly. When they open again, orange writing is all over the wall. You remember towers crumbling and swords clashing. You remember different coloured blood and creatures in black destroying a golden and purple world. You remember all of it all at once, all the death and regeneration, all the blood and glory, all the places. It makes you even more upset and now you want to scream and run but you can’t move. You’re stuck. You're trapped in a place that is no longer yours.
You close your eyes once more and block your ears, singing a tune to yourself once again. It is as if there is a drum pounding inside your head. It gets louder and louder until you scream and have no other choice to open your eyes and–
There’s nothing. Nothing but dust and it confuses you for a moment, until you see a figure standing in the distance. You sit up, holding your head. He must of sensed the movement, because he turns. There’s darkness for a few moments and you realise you’ve closed your eyes again due to the pounding headache.
You nearly squeal when they open again, but you stop yourself when you see the sunset eyes that are close to yours and the bright smile that stops the shaking.
He pretends that everything is okay and touches your cheek gently to make sure that you are okay. You are, kind of. You aren't sure where you are, and he doesn't tell you. He ignores the havoc that is occurring only ten feet away while he says apologies under his breath, until he can no longer ignore it. He flinches when there is a crash and suddenly your ears tune into everything, not just his voice. You are suddenly aware of the yelling and clashing, of the screaming and bangs. It causes more uneasiness and you look up at him for an explanation, which he does not comply with. Instead, he picks you up and it is then that you notice the blood on his shirt, and the blood on your own. It confuses you but you have no choice but to ignore it as he begins walking away with you.
As you walk, you recognise the hills. The burnt grass disappears and is replaced with green with two figures standing back to back. One is holding a sword while the other is holding guns. They are only connected by their backs and elbows touching. You blink before you can see what they are scared of, causing them to leave and the dead hills to return. You frown. That was weird.
The orange-eyed boy holds on tighter as the noises become more distanced, and you find yourself suddenly filled with anxiety. You're too tired to think about it though. This causes you to close your eyes and sigh quietly, with the other speaking to you. You can't hear him. It is as if he is talking to you down an echoing hall, and it only lulls you into sleep faster.
You open your eyes, vision blurred at first. When the fog clears, you find you are staring at your ceiling. You sit up and look over at the window before you stand, mind hazy. You're shaking and you don't know why, but your head hurts as if someone is screaming in your ear.
At first, you feel like you are forgetting something, but you quickly become distracted when your eyes wander to the window.
The sky is orange.
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dpucci05 · 7 years
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Hello everyone! Good morning/afternoon/night! I’m here with another amazing draw, but today is Sean O'Donnell ( @theadults ) who my precious artist MindStuck Idajock ( @aidaoquendo ) bring us today Here’s the video https://youtu.be/ExM-MdORT24 just enjoy!
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vaishnavih-blog · 8 years
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"Life has its own flow , better just flow with that!" #peace #life #landends #mumbai #beach #sunsets #clearsky #mindstuck PC: @anu_s7 (at Nariman Point Marine Lines)
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Open Your Eyes
You sigh quietly, staring out your bedroom window as you sit on the window sill. The light hits you and creates a long shadow on your bare floor while the curtains, pulled back, fly either side of you. You hum a tune as the world goes by without you.
For some reason, the orange sky causes a tug in your chest. You ignore it and look toward your broken laptop. You haven't needed it since... Well ever. You actually can't remember much, seeing as you hit your head the other day. But who needs hospitals. Certainly not you.
Your walls seem plain. You were sure that you would have posters of some kind, but there is nothing. The entire room is quite boring and it is a little unsettling. Perhaps you can decorate it with some dashing blue women. The idea makes you smile for a moment before you frown. It doesn't seem too good anymore.
You look down at your phone, reopening the same app. You have been doing this since you can remember, staring at the empty screen. There is something you are supposed to be waiting for, but you aren't too sure what it is. You bring your knees closer to your chest as you restart your phone to check the app again. And again. And again, until you realise that the only light is the white coming from your phone, and the orange is gone.
This happens a lot. Every time, actually, and each time you find yourself crying. A few tears roll down your cheeks and your hand bumps your glasses as you attempt to wipe your eyes. Shaking, you try to move, but find you can not. You look towards your bed to see it untouched, as if no one has slept in it a very long time. Everything in your room looks neglected, actually.
Again, you make an attempt to move off the window sill, but it is as if you are drawn to the dark. You switch off your phone and hug your legs, chin on your knees while you stare up at the blinking stars. Except it seems there is no stars tonight. The city lights aren't on either, which causes you to feel uneasy.
You shut the window and rest your head against it. You close your eyes for a few moments until you feel as if you need to open them again. As if something is watching you.
Your eyes snap open and a high pitched sound escapes your throat as you see eyes staring back at you that are not yours. They are full of sadness and longing. Your stomach churns and you fall back, shuffling back away from the window sill with your eyes closed tightly. When they open again, orange writing is all over the wall. It makes you even more upset and now you want to scream and run but you can't move. You're stuck.
You close your eyes once more and block your ears, singing a tune to yourself once again. It is as if there is a drum pounding inside your head. It gets louder and louder until you scream and have no other choice to open your eyes and--
There's nothing. Nothing but dust and it confuses you for a moment, until you see a figure standing in the distance. You sit up, holding your head. He must of sensed the movement, because he turns. There's darkness for a few moments and you realise you've closed your eyes again due to the pounding headache.
You nearly squeal when they open again, but you stop yourself when you see the sunset eyes that are close to yours and the bright smile that stops the shaking.
He doesn't explain where you are or what is happening, but you don't care. You just stare at him as he whispers your name and wraps his arms around you so tightly that it almost hurts. He rocks back and forth with you half in his lap as he says apologies and shaky promises to never do whatever he did again. The words “You’re safe” and “It’s going to be alright” hurriedly escape the blonde before he kisses your bloodied cheek and laughs through his tears when you smile awkwardly up at him.
Finally, you are home.
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dpucci05 · 7 years
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Hello again! Today I'm going to share with you a draw of Beyoncé The artist is my Parabatai @aidaoquendo Here's the link so you can see how she made this https://youtu.be/sJtBaFn7zwM Enjoy!
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