#mindy asked!
mindie-arts · 8 months
Something about they way you draw Johnny's big doe eyes just make me melt
Apparently I draw him rlly baby according to alot of people 😫 it wasn’t intentional but i ain’t complaining
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princefleabitten · 2 months
I'd love a commission of Drizzt and Mindy together. Not shipping, just hanging out--maybe her braiding his hair or putting a flower crown on him.
Just a simple sketch no color is fine.
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Commission 1: Mindy and Drizzt 💕
Thank you for commissioning me!
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toxicanonymity · 6 months
Hi! I love raider Joel and had a question, what if sweet pea were to die? Like, would he move on and find someone else? Or would he have a completely different reaction (ofc, based on type of death, disease, murder, etc) thank you and have a wonderful day/night 🫶🏻
Ty for loving him 💙. The same day you sent this, I spilled out a bunch of words on it and cried 3 separate times throughout the day hahahahahahaha 🥲 It ranged from his physical reaction directly afterwards to long term. Even how the dynamic would shift with Carter. Like dialogue and stuff. I started to worry about the effect of putting something so detailed out there. For a couple of reasons, I think it's not the best time for me to finish/answer it, and I have to carefully consider how much to put out there and what. Even though I'm normally pretty liberal with this AU. But there's no bad time to ask! It's a good Q, and I'll link back to this.
Meanwhile, I wanted to let you know he would not just move on and find someone else. No way.
raider masterlist
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krikeymate · 1 year
Please except this as my random fic title “For the love of God… Put. It. Down!”
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Sam was having... the worst time. She honestly thought this night couldn't have gotten any worse... and then Tara took out the knife.
She thinks she must be losing her mind.
She's not crazy, right? This was not how the board game was supposed to go, right? There were rules... right?
Not according to anyone else, apparently.
Sam had been wary when Mindy barged into the apartment with a Monopoly box earlier in the day. She'd thought she was going to have to spend all evening joining them in an extremely boring and unfun game.
It turns out that her kids don't know the meaning of boring and unfun, and had their own methods to... liven it up a bit.
They forgot to warn Sam about how they play, however.
She'd spent the game so far irritated and horrified as she watched Chad - the banker - continuously miscount the cash in a way that she's now getting the suspicion may have been deliberate.
Her sister had proven herself to be the world's worst decision maker, which... tracks actually.
She can never repeat that.
The twins had been taking advantage of her sister the entire time, convincing her with silver tongues to make subpar trades or purchases. Sam had thought about intervening, but she's been trying to coddle Tara less, and besides, it's just a game.
It's. Just. A. Game.
Or, it was, up until Tara whips the kitchen knife out of nowhere - prepared and ready to be used - and holds it to Chad's throat.
"This is a robbery," she says, smirking.
Chad, to his credit, looks surprised, but not scared. He slowly raises his hands, plastic money slipping from his fingers and fluttering down.
"Please," he whispers, "I have a family. Take what you want, take it all, just don't hurt me. I'll do anything!"
Sam doesn't have time to digest the weird display or Chad's suddenly southern accent - and not a good one - before Mindy is groaning beside her.
"EUGH. Please keep your weird roleplaying to the bedroom!"
Sam snaps her head between Mindy and Tara, the implication making the room feel stuffy and her chest feel tight.
"ALRIGHT," she says - louder than intended - as she climbs to her feet. "I think that's enough for tonight." She needs to bleach her brain, maybe read a rule book.
"Aww what, but I was finally making money," Tara whines, knife held sloppily in one hand, the other bursting with fake cash.
"Yeah!" Chad agrees, despite being the one with a fucking knife to his throat.
Sam cannot be the only adult in this room right now. She looks down at Mindy and gestures to the scene, a silent beg for her to do something.
She does not.
"Nah," Mindy says, leaning back on her hands, "I want to see where this goes."
"No! No you don't- I don't- This is... the game is done," Sam stutters.
"But who won?" her sister asks, blinking up at her as if that's what's important right now.
Sam stares back at her for a moment, trying to determine if she's fucking serious. She is. Of course she is.
"Nobody won, you're all going to jail. Robbery, embezzlement, insider trading. You're all going down for it," she says dryly, wishing she could get the last four hours of her life back.
Mindy sniggers and Sam only has a second to be filled with regret before she says "Yeah, horny ja-"
Sam cuts her off with a box lid to the face.
With a heavy sigh, she turns back to the other two. "For the love of God... Put! It! Down!" she demands, gesturing at the knife.
Tara gets a look on her face, the one that says Sam's being unreasonable again.
She watches her roll her eyes and slowly put the knife on the floor with so much attitude that Sam feels the overwhelming urge to tell her that she's grounded.
Sam's too young to be a parent, look what they've reduced her to.
Bending down to snatch the knife from the carpet, she holds it up to her sister.
"Your knifework is sloppy and you could have easily been disarmed in a real combat situation, I'm disappointed in you."
The indignation on Tara's face kind of makes it worth it.
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blackwolfstabs · 4 months
Since it’s her birthday according to her license, what do you think Tara and the others do for Sam’s birthday?
I like to imagine Tara making a big deal of it because she didn’t get to for so long and ti show her affection for Sam
i definitely think Tara would make it a big deal! She would get with Chad, Mindy, and Danny a month before and tell them to casually ask Sam questions over the next couple week so she can put together the perfect celebration.
on the morning of Sam's birthday, Tara wakes up extra early (before the sun comes up) so she can clean the apartment as quiet as possible and make Sam breakfast. she sets the table and waits for Sam to wake up, and when she comes out, Tara shouts "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" then proceeds to explain everything she did, including what she made for breakfast and how perfectly she set the table. this is endearing to Sam, because it reminds her of the enthusiasm Tara used to have all the time when they were little.
unfortunately, Sam didn't ask to take the day off, so she has to go to work, but that's fine! once she leaves, Tara calls Mindy and Chad over to make Sam a card. the 3 all pitch-in on one card, taking a large sheet of paper that's basically poster-sized and decorating the border with pictures of their Core Four gang that Mindy printed out at Blackmore University the day before. at the top, Tara writes "Happy Birthday, Sammy," then, using the rest of the space, they collaborate in a letter to Sam, telling her how much they love her, are proud of her, and how thankful they are that she puts up with them and their craziness (haha). at the end, Tara writes, "Love, your forever family" and then they all sign their names.
after Sam gets off of work, she goes home to change clothes, because Tara was having Danny take her out to dinner (which he was going to do anyway, but Tara just beats everyone to everything and makes sure she tells everyone what they already know/had planned xD). so, while Sam and Danny are gone, Tara, Mindy, and Chad decorate the apartment with a bunch of decorations. they put up balloons and streamers and a 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' sign. they're college students so they kind of have to work with what they got you know because money :/
they work together to make a cake too!
Danny texts them when they're on their way back, and Tara tracks Sam's location on the Find My Friends app. once they get back to the apartment, the lights go off, the 3 hide, and when Sam comes in the door...
then they spend the rest of the night eating cake, sharing stories, and celebrating having Sam in their lives.
thanks for asking! this was fun to think about 🩶🥰
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caitlynskitten · 8 months
It's even worse when Kirby is there too as she not only adds trivia but details how the people profiling the killers are wrong and adds stories about famous profiles
When watching Silence Of The Lambs and Manhunter, she has to talk about how real interviews with serial killers go and how she met some of the ones behind the films
Chad loves hearing about it and asks questions
Poor Sam never gets a moment of peace
LMAO KIRBY WOULD TOO 💀💀💀Omg Tara, Kirby and Mindy would be talking and praising/criticizing the movie, the filmmaking etc. Chad def is put to sleep halfway through while Sam is holding it together because she sees how much the girls are enjoying themselves but she can’t even enjoy the movie for her own self.
Tara: Did you like it?!
Kirby: I told you you’d like it. Thoughts?
Sam: I have no idea what happened.
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man-on-mars · 2 months
Hi Mark! I don't think we've officially met (outside of NASA functions). I'm Mindy Park, I work in SatCom. I'm sort of your personal paparazzi, I guess, since they put me in charge of the satellite orbits around Mars.
Hi Mindy! I'll wave in the general direction of space next time I stop and hope I show up on satellite <3
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lionydoorin · 1 year
What are some hcs you have for the core four? Can be happy or whatever. Put them in the blender.
they're my babies i would NEVER blend them <333
i talk a lot about codependent carpenter sisters but the possibility of the entirety of the core four having some degree of codependency. they're bonded by blood dude, sam, tara, chad and mindy are each other's ride or die.
chad and mindy are the only ones who understand and aren't surprised by sam and tara's sibling antics, or how they telepathically get each other, because they're also like that.
sam and tara stay at the meeks-martin household for a while after scream 5, martha taking care of the four of them and acting as sort of a mother figure to the girls as well. it's the closest thing sam and tara ever got to a real mom, actually.
and whenever martha calls chad and mindy to ask how they're doing in NYC, she always checks in on sam and tara. how's little tar holding up? is she doing the leg exercises dr. thatcher told her to? and sammy? is she eating well? following her prescription?
core four (+ kirby) movie nights. they always let mindy or kirby pick when they settle for horror. tara is the queen of indie films. they never touch even ONE stab dvd.
anniversaries are hard for them. in the one year mark of the legacy killings, they avoid the news and decide to stay in for the day, knowing going out would be a nightmare. sam has to run to the pharmacy to buy their prescriptions, and gale makes sure to hire security to escort her to the store.
liv's birthdays are silent days; mindy and tara stuck to chad like a glue as he mourns his late girlfriend. he likes the company during these days - sam makes his favourite meal and they watch liv's favourite movies, always by each other's side.
amber's birthday? tara doesn't say a word for the entire day, locked inside her room. sam knocks on her door once or twice to check in and give her some water, knowing her sister won't want food. mindy texts her constantly and doesn't mind if she's left on read, or if tara's only responses are "i'm ok" or "bit a cookie". chad sneaks in to watch a rom-com with her at night, hugging her tight as tara all but sobs into his chest.
sam is used to going home to find the twins and tara on a cuddle pile on the couch, a blanket over their bodies, as they talk in hushed voices as a movie's playing on screen. they always have a spot saved for her, and tara, in particular, is always expectant of her older sister's body being pressed onto hers.
they rarely text in their groupchat, save for a few memes mindy finds and when they have nightmares. it's usually a quick "couldn't sleep" or "bad dream", followed by a huge description of what they dreamt. sometimes they call each other so they can talk before going back to bed. tara usually ends up in sam's bed during nightmare nights, and chad and mindy are the same way.
chad and tara's date nights sometime turn into a group hangout, and they never seem to mind - honestly, some of these nights are more fun when they're all together.
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too-many-blorbos · 7 months
OC Lore: Mindy the Succubus
Why is Mindy so nice? She's a demon who was raised and taught by typical demons; shouldn't she be evil like they are?
Being evil requires multiple brain cells and she only has the one.
But seriously: Mindy was never really smart enough to grasp the nuances of ambition and deception and plotting. So her mentors focused on transactions: you give the mortals what they want and take their soul in exchange. If someone hurts you, you hurt them back. Mindy could understand that concept, so her mentors decided that was good enough.
The unintended consequence of that training is that she sees EVERY encounter as a transaction, or a potential one. If someone is nice to her, she HAS to be nice back, those are the rules! And she can't be mean to someone unless THEY'RE mean first. But if she's mean to people, they won't want to make deals with her, so she should be nice as much as possible; it just makes sense. Mindy doesn't understand casual cruelty; she cannot comprehend why you'd hurt someone for no reason. That's why she's so trusting and amicable and helpful and willing to forgive and slow to do harm. She's not TRYING to be good or different from other demons; she just thinks she's being practical.
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mindie-arts · 2 months
*Cracks open your head like a kinder surprise and gives your brain a gentle kiss*
Your art style looks so pretty and soft and sweet and yummy in a way?! Like those pictures of buns with the smooth buttery golden top and when the sun is hitting it just right.
Thank you? 😭🩵
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(but srly thanks so much I’m so glad you like my art 🥹🫶)
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petitprincess1 · 2 years
Antis: Vivziepop once supported a TERF over a decade ago obviously she's transphobic!
Mindy Kaling: *is still actively a TERF*
Antis: *silence*
What's funny is that Vivzie made it pretty obvious that she had no clue this was going on. She pretty just responded that she can't control what others do and shouldn't be judged for it. Which is completely fair! Meanwhile, not only is Mindy still liking terf crap, but she also supports her brother, who pretended to be African American to get into college.
But, yeah, sure that person that drew Zoophilia art when she was still a teenager and HATES this art to this day is the one you should hate. The one you should hate is the one that has apologized, but also doesn't take shit from people bringing up old drama.
Even though Velma has made fun of the main character's appearance as well as her Indian culture constantly mocked, let's get pissed at Vivzie because she had a Latina getting angry at others for fucking over her girlfriend's career/dream. Because that makes more sense 😮‍💨
(Again, I dont care if you dislike Vivzie, but if you're looking for someone to cancel...she ain't it)
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libraryofgage · 8 months
Okay I got a suggestion for parents that Steve should have. I'm not sure anyone will know who they are but, Mork and Mindy from the tv show Mork and Mindy. I watched refund of the show a lot growing up and I think they'd just be so sweet to Steve. (I'm also obsessed with the idea that Steve was raised by a literal alien)
I don't think you realize how many latent memories you've just unlocked in my brain by typing Mork and Mindy I'm hfkdhkfs
I remember watching that show when I was younger and it's sooooo good! Really fun and Robin Williams is just a delight
I'll have to rewatch a few episodes but I'm so glad you suggested it
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toxicanonymity · 5 months
is there gonna be more left in lincoln?
he's still lurking and stalking around my brain. I've written some smut behind the scenes. I worry that I'd be a tease, build more pressure for myself by putting out something small, so I've left him dormant instead. btw this fic has been made into long form AI bots more than once since september, and idk how to explain how discouraging that is, while flattering.
with my hiatus I've been trying to clear out some mental clutter which I hope will be helpful to my progress on fics. but when I come back, it might be gradual or phased, maybe lower drama fandoms / lower pressure fics first. slashers, night walks, narcos. idk, it is what it is. ty for reading 🍑
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krikeymate · 1 year
For @bossnhug91, who requested some Core 4 + Kirby. Found here.
“Why don’t you take your words and shove them up your-”
“WOAH, Tara no!” Sam yells, grabbing her sister by the shoulders and pulling her back frantically from the now sopping-wet man she was yelling at.
“I’m so sorry about our friend here, she’s a little drunk,” Chad blurts out, hands raised placatingly. “We don’t want any trouble,” he says with a nervous laugh. Chad knows he’s pretty big and strong, but not as much as this guy… and his friends. 
Maybe taking Tara drinking for her 21st was a bad idea. Ya think, dingus! the Mindy in his head chimes in. He’s a little glad she’s not here yet, lord knows his sister doesn’t know how to stay out of trouble… and neither do the other sisters in his life, apparently.
Chad backs away, squeezing himself through some other patrons - sorry, coming through - and turns to find the girls, who have… disappeared. And left him alone, again. Why does this keep happening to him?
Sam drags her sister to the bathroom, elbowing drunk white girls out of the way without remorse. She all but shoves her face into the sink with the intention to splash water on her face and sober her up a bit.
Tara doesn’t get the message and yanks herself away, tripping as she turns and throwing herself to the floor along the way.
“Tara,” Sam sighs wearily. Maybe those last shots were a mistake. Maybe letting her drink in the first place was a mistake, but it’s what Tara had wanted, and if she’s learnt anything over the past 14.5 months since she’s come back into her life, Tara’s going to do what Tara wants to do. She was the same as a child, although she wasn’t anywhere near as stubborn, back when Sam used to hang the moon and Tara blindly worshipped every word she said.
The real mistake was letting Mindy talk them into going out to celebrate, instead of staying home. And Mindy isn’t even here to deal with the consequences of her terrible decision. Where is she anyway?
Sam’s head snaps down as Tara groans on the floor. It’s the type of groan that happens moments before disaster; it has Sam grabbing her sister under the arms and heaving her off the floor and into a toilet stall in a flash.
And just in time.
It’s times like these that Sam doesn’t miss drinking. It’s also times like these where she kind of wishes she was.
She pats her sister on the back with one hand, and draws her hair away from her face with the other. She wishes Tara wouldn’t do this to herself, but she’ll admit, only to herself, that she’s so grateful that she’s been given the opportunity to do this for her. To be the type of sister that Tara can trust to keep her safe, that she can rely on. That she’s a good enough sister that Tara feels the need to defend her honour when some douchebags at the pool table start loudly talking about the psycho girl drinking soda at the bar.
She’s definitely mad that Tara’s drunk enough to pick a fight with a guy three times her size and with a gang behind him though. Then again, maybe Tara doesn’t need to be drunk to do that actually. Her sister does like to fight, she’s noticed. It used to be just Sam. Now it seems to be everyone but Sam.
Maybe she should leave a message for Tara’s therapist.
“Why’d yuh’stop me,” Tara mumbles from the porcelain. “I coulda had’im.”
The words make Sam snort. Her sister has always known how to make her laugh. “Sure you could have, baby. He’d have been real threatened by you throwing up on his shoes.”
“He’d deserve it,” she mumbles, leaning back. “Nobody talks ‘bout you like that.”
Sam helps her up off the floor, keeping hold of her arms to steady her. “I’d kill anyone who says anything ‘bout you,” Tara continues.
The words make Sam wince. “That’s a little overkill for some gossip, don’t you think?” she murmurs, leading her back out into the bar area to find Chad. It’s time to call it a night, she thinks. “We can’t control what people think or say about us, but we can control how we react to them,” she recites to her sister. It’s a mantra her own therapist has her repeating whenever something like this happens.
Her eyes catch Chad’s from across the room as Tara mumbles something about Mindy, and Kirby, and how they should be here to join in the fun, and then there’s an unfortunately recognisable form standing in front of her.
“Hey, YOU!” the wet man calls out, blocking their way. “That little bitch owes me and the lads some new beers,” he growls, posturing. It’s fairly effective, Sam’s actually intimidated, all too aware of Tara hanging off her arm and barely able to stand on her own.
“We’ll buy you a new round,” she says, smiling civilly. She doesn’t want a scene, well - another one, not right now. Why had Tara felt the need to flip the tray out of his hands? Why had she felt the need to confront him in the first place? Well, what are big sister’s for, if not fixing the problems their little sister’s make.
Of course, when has anything ever gone her way?
He should have said “great, that’s all I wanted, lead the way.” Instead what he actually says is “Or maybe she can make it up to me another way,” with a lewd grin on his face and a finger poking her in the shoulder. And what was Sam to do, take that lying down? 
Chad had thankfully made his way back over - why had he left in the first place, wasn’t he right behind them before? - just in time for her to shove Tara into his arms and take a swing at the bastard who thinks he can say whatever he likes about her sister.
It gets a little chaotic after that.
She thinks she remembers Chad taking an elbow to the face. Tara was on someone’s back. Sam’s pretty sure she took a bottle to the head, if the way it thumps with every heartbeat is any indication.
Being held face down against a pool table with her arms pulled harshly behind her and her wrists tightly bound in handcuffs isn’t a new experience for Sam, but having her sister beside her in the same position, hurling expletives at the police officers holding them down, certainly is.
“Hey! Be careful, she’s injured, jackass,” Sam spits. 
“Quiet you,” the officer snaps, lifting her up before slamming her back down.
It makes Sam’s head spin. She can hear Chad in the background, protesting. Then she hears the voice of an angel say “is this how you treat all woman who try to defend themselves, Officer Sawyer?”
Kirby “please stop getting into trouble Sam, you’re making my life very hard” Reed is here to save the day once again. Hopefully. Probably. Definitely. Sam’s working on having faith in people.
Sam meets her sister’s eyes across the table while Kirby argues with the officer holding her down. The grin Tara shoots her should not be as endearing as it is, given the circumstances.
Before long, they’re being begrudgingly released into Kirby’s custody and ushered out of the bar. Sam can’t resist looking back, and finds Officer Sawyer glaring at her with his arms crossed. Oh good, another enemy to watch out for.
She gets distracted by Chad’s arm wrapping around her shoulder and the cheery “well that was fun,” he chirps out.
Kirby spins in an instant and gets in their faces, well, as much as she’s able given how short she is. She’s about as intimidating as Tara. “It was not fun. You started a bar fight! You got injured! What is wrong with you people? Can’t you stay out of trouble for five minutes?!”
Tara giggles into Sam’s side, swinging their hands together. “You said five,” she mumbles.
The words throw Kirby for a loop and her anger quickly fades into bafflement and concern. “Is she okay? Did she hit her head?”
“She’s just drunk,” Sam explains, wrapping her arms around her sister. The girl squeezes her back, humming into her chest.
Kirby frowns up at her. “Should she really be drinking?”
Sam’s saved from another opportunity to start a fight by Mindy’s arrival. 
“Oh man,” she huffs, out of breathe and bending down to rest her hands on her knees. “I’m so sorry I’m late, there was this dumb fire drill at the dorms and we couldn’t leave and woah, what… happened here.”
“Bar fight. Tara’s fault,” Chad replies.
“It was not Tara’s fault,” Sam barks, glaring at him.
Chad grins back at her, “it definitely was.”
Mindy pouts. “Awh man, I can’t believe I missed it.”
Kirby rolls her eyes. “We’re leaving, all of you, come on.”
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teeth-andclipborads · 2 months
Who's your favorite merc?
Mindy looked over at you with a confused expression. "Who... Nevermind." She says, casually shrugging off whatever question she had. "I really like Medic! He's really cool. Pyro isn't that bad either."
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caitlynskitten · 7 months
Since I'm a massive physical media collector, I'm imagining Sam and Tara creating their own new film collection in New York and Mindy and Kirby adding theirs
Sam has hers meticulously organized by year, genre and creators. Tara just throws everything together, Mindy goes for alphabetical order and Kirby is even worse than Tara when it comes to her films being disorganized
They also collect not just DVD's and Blu Ray's but old VHS tapes when they can find them and Mindy takes pride in having the original Stab films on VHS. DVD and Blu Ray
You know Tara and Mindy convinced Sam to have a shelf dedicated to dvd collections. And vhs collections. Sam definitely is a streamer kind of girl but then decided to buy a shelf from ikea so they can start their collection.
Sam has a small corner of rom com and drama collection while the rest of the shelf is occupied by horror movies. Mainstream and independent ones. The four of them def do double feature movie nights every other Friday. Mindy, Kirby and Tara are glued to the screen while Sam is hiding behind Kirby scared to death.
Bonus: whenever Tara buys new movies she’ll just put them in the shelf randomly. Sam hates it and has to organize it herself 💀
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