#mindy x mandy
happyfunf3tti · 2 months
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parkerflix · 1 year
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chad meeks-martin x gn!reader (mentions of ethan landry x reader but don’t be fooled)
genre: angst angst angst w a little fluff
warnings: mentions of ghostface from scream 5, no scream 6 spoilers, mentions of alcohol
wc: 3.5k (i’m so sorry in advance)
synopsis: you were chad’s angel forever. but what if forever wasn’t as long as you both thought?
a/n: here’s this fic ): it was a monster to write i normally don’t write this much but ahhh yeah </3 not proofread
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you had known chad all your life. having mothers that were best friends came with your own built in friends in the twins. mindy was always the one who seemed to be hot & cold with you (you assumed it had to do with the incident in 7th grade— it wasn’t your fault). chad on the other hand, took to you very quickly and ended up always being around you. in the blink of an eye you were attached at the hip, where one went, the other would follow.
it stayed this way all throughout high school, his on & off relationship with liv never affecting your friendship. you know that liv had thought it was a little strange that you were so close, but once wes had shown interest in you, she quickly seemed to accept it.
after the incident last year in woodsboro, chad had decided to stay by your side even more. you had both lost your partners, and had barely survived what amber & richie put everyone through. the first few months were the hardest, nightmares of wes’ death haunting you, knowing you were too late to save him or his mom. your parents were reluctant to have you move so far away for college, only feeling a small sense of relief knowing everyone was going to the same place.
time went by, and you and chad seemingly had your normal friendship. but everyone around you couldn’t help but notice there was a shift, in both of your demeanors. you both seemed to be more intimate, soft touches & lingering glances noticed by everyone. you hadn’t given it much thought, it was chad, the same guy you had seen accidentally swallow a fly while camping when you were 10. he was your best friend, the person who probably knew you best (although mindy would argue she knew you better-) and that knew your deepest secrets and fears.
mindy had brought it up one night, before the big halloween party at the frat house.
“so what are you and my lovely brother going as?”
you looked back at her, two costumes in your hands.
“we aren’t going as anything specific, i don’t even know what he’s wearing.”
mindy rolled her eyes, perching herself on your bed.
“there’s no way you guys aren’t doing a couples costume.”
“we aren’t! i just can’t decide if i want to go as a grim or as maybe a cowboy?”
“who the fuck is grim-“
you held up the robe that you had tailored ( used fabric tape) to make it where you went tripping on the robe all night.
“from the grim adventures of billy and mandy? the cartoon?”
mindy gave a displeased look and you put one of the costumes back.
“okay i think i’m going with this.”
you had been at the party for less than 30 minutes and had already downed a few drinks, completely forgetting that you promised chad to pace yourself tonight.
mindy and annika were sitting next to you, talking about something that you didn’t really bother to pay attention to. you saw tara stumbling her way to the kitchen, talking to some girls that you had seen in your psych class. sipping the drink in your cup (what were you drinking?), you gazed
around the room, feeling bored and alone. suddenly a hand landed on your shoulder, making you jump slightly.
mindy and annika looked at you, both rolling their eyes at the culprit. you turned your head to see chad there, in his costume.
his cowboy hat was poorly positioned on his head, and it was hard to not notice his lack of a shirt. he smirked seeing you take his outfit all in. moving from behind the couch to infront of you, he did a quick twirl for you, making you giggle at his curtesy.
“you like what you see?”
you shook your head, the hood from your robe falling off your head.
“definitely not.”
“you wound me angel.”
you scoffed, and got off the couch, weaving your arm in his. chad kissed your hand before leading you to the kitchen, ready to grab another drink.
“where were you?”
“i was busy dragging ethan out of the dorm, he decided to make his costume and he was struggling with it last minute.”
you inwardly cringed at the mention of ethan.
ethan landry was chad’s roommate & friend who had a not so secret attraction to you. you thought he was sweet, and you assumed he took a liking to you because unlike everyone else in your friend group you showed him more kindness. you didn’t see him like that, although he never seemed to make a move so you didn’t worry about him too much.
“is that so?”
chad hummed, pouring two drinks, and topping yours off.
“you know, he looks really good tonight. i bet he’d like to hear you compliment him.”
“listen, i just want my two friends happy with each other! you both look so cute and would have the cutest babies.”
“ew chad, gross!”
“i’m just saying!”
you shook your head, groaning when he took your hand and started dragging you away to a quieter part of the house. you tried to ignore the butterflies that you had in your stomach, also ignoring the way your hands fit together perfectly.
ethan had been standing in the corner, eyes wide and looking extremely uncomfortable in his outfit. he was dressed as a knight, and made out of cardboard.
chad had pushed you towards him, making you stumble over your feet. ethan’s eyes widen and he stuck an arm out for you to grab, which you did.
“whoops sorry angel.”
you could hear chad’s shit eating grin in his voice and deciding to ignore him. you quickly took your hands off ethan’s arm, thanking him for the stability.
“nice outfit, who are you dressed as?”
“well i had a few outfits in mind including one that would’ve matched with chad-“
you let out a soft laugh, feeling chad’s arm come around your shoulders.
“but i ended up going with grim from the grim adventures billy and mandy.”
ethan hummed, seemingly deep in thought for a moment.
“that’s that one cartoon network show right?”
“oh my god yes!” your eyes lit up passing your cup to chad’s empty hand.
ethan laughed, seeing how excited you got over someone knowing the show.
“it used to be my favorite growing up.”
“no way! i watched it all the time as a kid, i was devastated when they stopped running honestly i don’t know why they stopped!”
the rest of the night had gone by in a flash, chad still by your side while you and ethan had talked about the shows you watched as a kid and your favorite episodes. you felt like you knew ethan better, and you were somewhat glad that chad had brought you over.
chad on the other hand, seemed quieter than usual, his arm always either being over your shoulder or around your waist. he sipped his drink slowly, just taking in the party environment and enjoying the warmth of your body next to his.
ethan had started to talk about another topic, when you let a yawn out, and caught chad’s attention.
“are you ready to go angel?”
you shook your head, obviously fighting (and losing) to your exhaustion. chad removed himself from you, saying he was letting mindy know that he was taking you back to your place.
you said your goodbyes to ethan, and waited in the front yard, waiting for chad to make his way back to take you home.
a few minutes had gone by, and there was no sign of him. there were a few stray people here & there, but they all seemed to be in their own worlds.
you pulled out your phone from your shorts, shooting him a text. a couple of minutes went by again, and right as you were about to go inside the house again, you saw ethan making his way towards you.
“i’m taking you home. uhm, chad got a bit occupied.”
your heart deflated a bit, but u nodded, not wanting it to be so obvious.
“yeah okay, sounds good. let’s go landry.”
the walk with ethan was peaceful, a simple conversation flowing between the two of you. you were tempted to ask about chad, but bit your tongue on the topic. soon, the two of you were outside your door both unsure of what to do.
ethan’s ears were slowly reddening, his gaze averted and looking anywhere but your face.
you let out a small laugh and shook your head.
“thanks for walking me back ethan. it means a lot.”
“oh it’s not a problem, i know you were supposed to walk with chad, but i’m just glad you made it home safe.”
“well either way, thank you. i’ll see you tomorrow yeah?” you quickly opened your door, taking a step inside your place before turning back and pressing a kiss on his cheek.
“goodnight ethan.”
you scurried into your apartment, closing the door on the stunned boy on your doorstep.
you didn’t see chad until a few days later, in the library between classes. you were hoping to check out a book for your film class, not hearing him creep up behind you due to your headphones.
reaching up to grab one of the books, you felt 2 fingers poke at each of your sides, causing you to let out a gasp and jump.
you held onto the shelf, turning around and glaring at the culprit.
chad stood there, in a tank sweatshirt with some sweats. he smiled at you, waving his hand,seemingly ignoring the glare you sent his way.
you pulled your headphones down and around your neck, lowering the music playing.
“that’s all i get? i haven’t seen you in days.”
you rolled your eyes at him and lightly jabbed his chest.
“and who’s fault is that? you basically disappeared on me and then had ethan take me home!”
he winced, as if you had actually hurt him and jutted out his bottom lip.
“i’m sorry angel, i am but tara was dealing with this guy who was very obviously trying to take advantage of her and you know i didn’t wanna leave her alone like that-“
you put your hand out, stopping him from the long tangent about to come out of his mouth.
“it’s fine. anyways it made have someone i can talk to about things about things other than tara nice for a change.”
the name rolled off your tongue so sweetly, but you knew there was hidden poison with it, jealousy taking you over.
in all your time being friends with the twins, you always seemed to come second to tara. it’s not like she did it on purpose, she just attracted people towards her. even wes liked her before he had a crush on you, and it always made your heart ache a little.
she was lovely, and one of your closest friends, but you knew and saw the way that chad stared at her so lovingly. it was painfully obvious to you and everyone but them that they were into each other. and who where you to stand in the way of that?
“i promise i’ll make it up to you, how about movie night tonight? my place, we can watch those barbie movies you love so much.” chad wiggled his eyebrows, and you let out a giggle before sighing.
“that sounds great, except…”
“no no, no except you have to. cancel your plans and come hang out with me.” chad grabbed your hand, bringing it to his chest.
“i cant, i promised ethan that i would help his with his homework, a little bit of a trade off, he’s helping me with my psych project.” you said, keeping your voice and eyes down, not wanting chad to see the blush on your face.
you had missed the way a few emotions had flashed through his eyes, his hand releasing yours.
“oh. maybe next time then?”
you looked up at him, seeing him with a soft smile and nodded.
“next time.”
next time had seemed to be put off by months, both of you drifting farther and farther from the other . most days you spent with mindy & annika or with ethan.
you were grateful for the three of them, them trying to keep chad’s name out of conversation when you were around.
you had tried to make time to hang out with him, but he always seemed busy with sports or school or tara.
you weren’t sure what happened that night of the party, but the two of them were much cozier, everyone immediately noticing at one of the groups’ game nights. they played it off, but everyone could tell by their bright red ears they were lying.
you were happy for him, but it didn’t help the aching in your heart. you had always been told by everyone that you and chad were eventually going to end up together, and that not happening knocked your whole world down.
at this point, you were more concerned about your friendship with him than anything, not even knowing if he still considered you his best friend.
your relationship with ethan had grown since the night of the party, and you were happy he was willingly to take it slow with you.
he had confessed one night during your study session, and took your apology well. he knew you had eyes for chad, and he was willing to help you with it, and just be a friend. he had put your feelings above his, and something just pulled at your heart strings. you both had agreed to take it slow, warning him that you weren’t quite ready but were willing if he helped.
and he was helpful. ethan came to every event you had, studied with you and slowly, traditions you had with chad were replaced with new traditions you had with ethan.
you two were joined at the hip, but also enjoyed your personal space and he understood you. you were grateful for him being so patient with you, and just enjoyed his company.
tonight was a movie night that you and ethan had planned, he had let you know that chad would be out of the room all night. you brought over your mini projector & some snacks, and ethan had ordered your favorite takeout.
a few movies in, you started to get sleepy, and got up to change. you pulled open one of ethan’s drawers, grabbing a shirt and a pair of shorts you had stolen from him for these nights. you quickly got changed, and snuggled back in bed with ethan, laying your head on his chest, his arm snaking around your waist and pulling you flush to his side. you absentmindedly drew shapes on his arm, making looking up at him, the movie being drowned out.
his brown curls were messy, some of them getting close to his eye. you reached up to brush his hair from his face, not even noticing that he had paused the movie and was watching you. you brushed his hair, and let your hand linger, the air between the two of you becoming tense. ethan leaned down and kissed you, your heart swooning when he did. his arm around your waist seems to draw you closer to him, his lips leaving yours for a second before he kisses you again, and you can tell he’s trying to say something to you.
before you can even process what that could be, his front door opens and chad walks in, shocked and a little annoyed it seems.
you both pull away from each other sheepishly, not realizing that chad was coming home tonight.
“oh sorry.” he says, awkwardly tossing his keys onto their counter.
“hey dude, we didn’t think you were gonna be home tonight.” ethan said, his grip on your waist slightly tightening. you stayed quietly watching the two boys interact with each other.
“yeah well, tara and i had an argument so i decided to come home. but i’ll be going now.” he quickly grabbed his keys and opened the door, slamming it when he exited.
you blinked, pressing a chaste kiss to ethan’s lips before sliding your shoes on.
“i’ll be right back.”
you opened the door and peered into the hallway to see chad’s figure turning to corner to the staircase. quickly closing their door, you dashed to catch him on the stairs.
he had made it decently far down the steps, and you ran down the stairs, grabbing the sleeve of his jacket to catch his attention.
he stopped and turned around, shocked to see you standing there, catching your breath.
you held up a finger to him, trying to catch your breath before you started talking. chad took in your appearance, your hair all over the place, and a shirt and shorts that he knew he had seen ethan wear more than once around their room. his heart clenched at the thought of the two of you, not knowing what might have happened if he hadn’t walked in.
you finally caught your breath, standing up and giving chad a look over. he had dark circles, and his knuckles seemed to be turning white from how hard he was squeezing his hands. the two of you stood there, not knowing what to say to each other. you weren’t sure how you had ended up so far away from each other, and it admittedly made you more sad than normal.
“so you and ethan huh?”
you crossed your arms,clearly unimpressed.
“yeah and?”
chad shook his head.
“nothing, i just didn’t think he was your type.”
you scoffed at that, not believing him.
“you know it’s shocking to hear you say that, considering you were the one who pushed us together.”
“i never did that.”
“oh come on chad. you always mentioned it before and you always said you were his wingman.”
“yeah that’s because i didn’t think you were going to actually go out with him. he’s not right for you.”
you narrowed your eyes at him, trying to figure out what he meant by that.
“and what do you mean by that?”
“what i just said. he’s not right for you.”
“oh yeah? then who is?”
you laughed when he said that, so loudly that it reverberated off the staircase walls.
“since when?”
chad ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
“since forever. angel— i’ve always loved you.”
you stared at him stunned, not knowing what to say. months ago, you would have swooned at the mere thought of him saying something like that. but now, you felt anxiety and melancholy, wrapped together.
“don’t say things like that.”
“it’s the truth.”
“you’re lying.”
“i’m not angel—“
“don’t call me that.”
“but angel—“
“i said don’t call me. that.”
a beat passed, both of you quiet before your brain completely processed it and you started talking.
“ i cant even believe you right now, how could you just tell me this just now? you’re with tara, you have been, she’s been the person you love.”
chad sighed, taking a seat on the step.
“she broke up with me.”
“she said that she could tell i wasn’t as into her as she was into me and she was cool about it. i think she knew i have a thing for you.”
you sat down next to chad, your knees touching each other.
“why would you tell me this now?”
“i just always assumed, that we would always have a chance. i mean how many times have you gotten a partner and it doesn’t work out for one reason or another? and then i’m the only one there. each time.”
“but chad— you knew that ethan liked me, you told me to pursue him, you were the one with the heart eyes at tara.”
he shook his head.
“it was always you. it still is.”
you sighed and lifted his chin, keeping him eye level with you.
“if you had told me this months ago…”
“i would’ve had a chance right?”
“you would’ve been my only one.”
“am i too late? i’ll apologize to ethan, tell him that i was the idiot, that you said yes, you were just confused.”
you took his hand in yours, bringing it to your forehead.
“chad i-“
“don’t.” his voice quivered, and you looked to see his eyes filled with tears.
“i’m so sorry angel.”
he leaned against your arm, his tears soaking the sleeve of your shirt.
“i’m so sorry chad.”
he sniffled, eyes bloodshot meeting yours.
“in another life time do you think we would’ve made it?”
you kissed his hand, letting your stray tears fall as well.
“i think so.”
you both sat in the hall, hearts broken by the choices made and the lingering of what if around you both.
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queenmeraairam · 11 months
Just Hold me
Namor x F Reader I don't own the character First time writing Description Establish Relationship Reader has had a bad day like  A REAL BAD DAY NAMOR CONFORTS YOU. Hurt/Confort. Sorry for spelling errors Warning violence.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH" you screamed at the ocean you screamed until your throat went raw the tears streaming down your face you had had a real bad day first you got into a nasty fight with your dad with him calling you all sorts of horrible names and throwing things around the house. All you did was tell him to keep the toilet seat dry after using the restroom. You left before the tears could fall.
Afterwards you had to go to work at the local restaurant and to your horror you were working with the terror twins Mandy and Karen they would make you do all the work while they themselves doing the bare minimum and made your job many times harder than it had to be. You tried to complain to the manager but the manager was constantly stoned out of his mind.
And today they must hae been in a real Bitchy mode spilling dirty food on you and calling you names under their breath. And the customers were no better the heat wave was making everyone short tempered you lost count how many customers yelled at you for things out of your control. It but it wasn't till the restaurant closed up that it really got bad you were taking out the trash when they cornered you Mindy grabed your hair and pulled you to the ground and when you tried to get up Karen gave you a kick to the stomach knocking the air was out of your lungs and keeping you grounded  but it wasn't over Mandy got you to your feet only for Karen to give you a backhanded slap knocking you to the ground  you tasted blood. You tried to fight but it was two against one and they were much bigger than you. You are 5'0 these girls are 5'8 there was no way you would win. The beating felt like it lasted hours but in reality it was no more than ten or so minuites according to your phone. You were hurting but you forced yourself to your bike and made your way to the beach your safe space you would come here everytime you felt like your emotioins were too much to handle or just wanted to be alone and sing it was secluded and hard to get to.
It was also here where you meet him.
Your Kukulkan you met him a few years ago The moon was beautiful you came here because you wanted to sing and play your guitar without being seen you had just a finished a song when you heard some clapping that spooked you you turned around and saw him emerging from the sea Dark hair, Beautiful Caramel skin covered in jewels with wings at his ankles you thought he was the most beautiful man you had ever seen.
" That was beautiful" He said  " Thank you i wrote it myself" you blushed you never herd someone compliment your singing before your shyness prevented you from singing infront of people "i'm Y/n what is yours" you asked " My people call me Kukulkan but my enemies call me Namor are you an enemy? He asked with a menacing tone getting closer. Out of instinct you stepped back clutching your guitar to you chest "No... I am not i've got no reason to be." you said back unsure on what else to say.
"As you say you have no reason to be do not be afraid i was swiming near by and heard singing i did not mean to frighten you. You have a lovley voice," Namor says his whole demeaner changed he sits himself down hoping you do the same and you do and you begin talking he tells you about Talokan and himself and the marine life it was fascianting to learn and you told him about your life your mom died when you were young she loved to sing so you do to to keep her memory life. How your dad sucks and you are waiting to graduate University so you can go away and never come back you tell him about your dreams of going to medical school and becoming a doctor and fears which suprised you. you had never told anyone this and yet here you were telling it to a man you just met a complete stranger but you coudn't deny there was something about him that made you feel safe like it was gonna be okay it felt warm and before you realized. It was starting to get late and you need to go home because you had class in the morning. "will i see you again?" Kukulkan asked with hopefull tone, you couldn't help but smile "How about tomorrow night?" You responded Kukulkan Just nods "until tomorrow" he says and then you part ways.
True to your word you return the next night and meet him again many times you bring your homework and notes so you can study a bit and you would talk about your classes and what you were learning it never seeamed to bore him instead he seemed quite interested  he would ask questions and help you study by asking you questions from the books  but he would make sure there was time for play because all work and no play is not good he would bring you gift like shells and pearls you tried to refuse but he would give you puppy dog eyes and you would always relent He taught you his lanuage and told you things he had never told other people. And before you knew it you had falllen in love with him.
You remembered the first time you kissed him it was after seeing the results of a very difficult exam that you were so caughted up in your joy you just kissed him which supprised you. You imediatly backed away unsure of what to say or do with one hand he just gently grabbed your chin so you were looking at him and the other one he put around your waist pulling you closer  and slowly as to not scare you without breaking eye contact he kissed you and you felt your nerves go haywire and you deepened the kiss it was the first night he made love to you and oh how you felt loved for the first time in a long time you felt loved you felt seen.
You smiled at the memory it was one of your favorites.
At this point you had sat yourself down your head on your knees and you were just sobbing so hard your body was shaking you didn't hear foot steps rappidly approach.
He was on his way when he heard your cries and immidiatly rushed and what he saw made his heart stop Bruises covered your ams and legs He gently knelt by you and tried to get your attention "In yakunaj! Ba'ax tuukul a.Ba'ax ku yuuchul? Ba'ax uuch" ( My love! what's the matter? what's wrong? what's happened) He had never seen you in such a state he placed a hand on your shoulder which caused you to look up. Kukulkan frozed your face had brusies a black eye a busted lip. You didn't say anything you just threw yourself into his arms and sobbed and sobbed. Kukulkan wrapped his arms around you and just held you whispering sweet nothings after a while your sobs quited but the shaking didn't.
"In Yakunaj paakat in" (my love look at me) Kukulkan said concern in his voice "Maax beet le ba'ala?" ( who did this).He tells you his voice like iron.  And you just spilled everything by the end you were crying not as hard as before but it didn't matter seeing tears was not something Kukulkan liked to see not now not ever. "shhh my love it is okay i'm here i'm here, i'm sorry im so sorry you had such a bad day i should go and kill those three for daring to hurt you. It is unforgivable" Kukulkan's voice was hard he was trying to keep his rage in. The only thing stopping him was that you were still in his arms shaking in distress and he was not gonna leave you until you were fully calmed down even then he might not go yet.
"N-o-o don't they are unworthy as much of assholes they are they don't deserve it" you tell him as much as the idea sounds amusing you knew it was wrong " Just hold me please " Your voice breaking Kukulkan is quick to shush you and does as you say he holds you tight like you might slip away at any moment when you have fully calmed down he gently strips your clothes off and sees the extent of the injuries you suffered he is angry for the brusies are everywhere. But he puts his anger aside and just focuses on kissing the bruises he redresses you and gently picks you up and goes to an outcropping of rocks where the both of you will be more conceled from prying eyes grabs the blanket that you left there a while ago wraps you up and just holds you until you fall asleep in his arms he longs to take you to Talokan away from here but he saves that question for another day right now he just holds you
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saitama-vs · 6 months
Hello. THis is the big list of all the results, sorted alphabetically. Warning: LONG LIST UNDER CUT.
Aang from Avatar: the Last Airbender 41.0%
Ahti the Janitor from Control 52.8%
Akinator from Akinator 47.8%
Amelia Bedelia 80.8%
Amy Wong from Futurama 31.4%
Arale Norimaki from Dr. Slump (and one episode of Dragon Ball Super) 78.3%
Assassinlan Pasalan from The Battle Cats 54.0%
Astarion Acunin from Baldur's Gate 3 8.5%
Bambi from Bambi 19.1%
Barney the Dinosaur from Barney and Friends 27.8%
Batman 11.4%
Beedle from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword 52.5%
Bennett from Genshin Impact 18.3%
Bocchi from Bocchi the Rock 55.7%
Boyfriend from Friday Night Funkin' 22.2%
Brassmo the Chao from Saltydkdan 83.2%
Buggy the Clown from One Piece 37.9%
Bugs Bunny 86.2%
Bunga from The Lion Guard 25.0%
Burgerpants from Undertale 34.7%
Captain Biceps from Captain Biceps 22.9%
Cats from Real Life 76.4%
Cecil Palmer from Welcome to Night Vale 72.1%
Charlie Kelly from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia 24.1%
Chell from Portal 54.9%
Chompy from Bug Fables 87.2%
Clover from Homestuck 57.1%
Columbo from Columbo 79.3%
Connecticut Clark 71.9%
Dan from Dan VS. 38.6%
Death from Discworld 63.7%
Discord from My Little Pony 34.2%
Ditto from Pokemon 57.0%
Divecat build Purrloin from Competitive Pokemon 62.8%
Dougie Jones from Twin Peaks: the Return 43.5%
Ebony Dementia Darkness Raven Way from My Immortal 45.8%
Eduardo from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends 40.3%
Fear from Inside Out 23.0%
FEAR rattata from Competitive Pokemon 57.5%
Figment the Dragon from EPCOT 47.0%
Flabébé from Pokémon 36.9%
Flan from Everhood 41.6%
Flora Reinhold from Professor Layton 72.2%
Fumihiko Takaba from Jujutsu Kaisen 62.9%
Gamzee Makara from Homestuck 41.5%
Genie from Aladdin (1992) 66.2%
Genie from Aladdin (2019) 14.3%
Gir from Invader Zim 61.5%
Gnome Ann from Xkcd 85.6%
Gorgeous Freeman from Gorgeous Freeman 56.8%
Gotrek Gurnisson from Warhammer Fantasy 63.1%
Hatsune Miku 73.8%
Holly Jolly from Sleepless Domain 72.6%
Homura Akemi from Madoka Magica 28.1%
Imposter from Among Us 50.5%
Ingo and Emmet from Pokemon 47.7%
Isca the Unbeaten from X-Men 3.1%
Jailbot from Superjail 46.2%
Jerry from Tom & Jerry 89.7%
Joltik from Pokémon 68.7%
Kabal from Mortal Kombat 23.2%
Kanade Yoisaki from Proseka 33.3%
Karl the Raccoon from Bungou Stray Dogs 84.9%
Kira from Death Note 16.9%
Kirby 86.8%
Kobeni from Chainsaw Man 53.4%
Kyubey from Madoka Magica 20.6%
Lamb from Cult of the Lamb 51.5%
Larry the Cucumber from Vegetales 48.2%
Leeroy Jenkins from World of Warcraft 37.2%
Link from The Legend of Zelda 22.0%
Luigi, While Doing Nothing 79.3%
Luo Binghe from Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System 43.4%
Macbeth 15.6%
Madoka Kaname from Madoka Magica 49.0%
Magda from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 67.0%
Mandy from The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy 52.6%
Maxwell from Scribblenauts 75.4%
Melissa Foddebrat from Beware the Villainess 40.5%
Metal Cat from The Battle Cats 51.6%
Mindy from Animaniacs 58.4%
Minimoose from Invader Zim 82.3%
Mio Naganohara from Nichijou 80.3%
Mister Invincible from Mister Invincible 76.3%
Mister Miracle from DC Comics 37.0%
Mob from Mob Psycho 100 41.2%
Monkey D. Luffy in Gear Fifth 25.6%
Monokuma from Danganronpa 16.1%
Mosquito from One Punch Man 76.1%
Mr. Bean from the Mr. Bean Show 51.1%
Nahida from Genshin Impact 15.4%
Neco-Arc from Tsukihime 70.9%
One of Every Pokemon 44.5%
Orko from He Man/Masters of the Universe 53.4%
Peegue from Return to Wonderland/Wonderland Secret Worlds/the Wonderland Adventures trilogy 59.1%
Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney 57.4%
Percy Jackson from Percy Jackson and the Olympians 10.1%
Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb 66.4%
Pikmin from Pikmin 77.4%
Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony 90.4%
Plank from Ed, Edd, N' Eddy 74.7%
Plankton from Spongebob 29.1%
Pop Fizz from Skylanders 41.6%
Princess Tutu from Princess Tutu 63.4%
Prismo from Adventure Time 61.2%
Q from Star Trek 33.3%
Raku-Chan from Nyan Neko Sugar Girls 42.1%
Reigen Arataka from Mob Psycho 100 41.5%
Remy from Ratatouille 54.2%
Rick Shades from Epithet Erased: Prison of Plastic 16.6%
Rio Mason Busujima from Hypnosis Mic 29.6%
Roadrunner from Looney Tunes 93.8%
Roger Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit 66.1%
Ryan, the 'I Like Trains' kid from ASDFMovie 68.1%
Saiki Kusuo from The Disasterous Life of Saiki K 65.7%
Saint from Rain World 56.4%
@saitama-vs 30.3%
Sans from Undertale 51.3%
Santa Claus 64.2%
Saxton Hale from TF2 43.5%
SCP-682, The Hard-to-Destroy Reptile 24.2%
Shedinja from Pokemon 72.5%
Sissel from Ghost Trick 68.3%
Six Balls from Scum Villains Self Saving System 70.1%
Socioeconomic Inequality from Real Life 72.3%
Spider Ham 53.0%
Spies from Spy vs Spy 45.3%
Squirrel Girl from Marvel Comics 83.5%
Stanley from The Stanley Parable 49.0%
Starchild Dave Bowman from 2001 34.7%
Steve from Big Top Burger 81.7%
Stuart Little from Stuart Little 23.7%
Swarm of Bees from Real Life 83.5%
Tenma Tsukasa from Project SEKAI 39.9%
The Animaniacs 86.9%
The Cabbage Merchant from Avatar: The Last Airbender 33.6%
The Djinn from Twisted: the Untold Story of a Royal Vizier 86.5%
The Great Gazoo from The Flintstones 55.7%
The Goose from Untitled Goose Game 94.3%
The Gopher from Caddyshack 79.4%
The Groke from Moomins 73.5%
The Midnight Crew from Homestuck 23.9%
The Monty Python Rabbit 64.8%
The Penguins from Madagascar The results of this one are complicated
The Pink Panther from The Original Pink Panther Cartoons 87.5%
The Swan from Hot Fuzz 90.7%
The TF2 Mercs The results of this one's complicated
The Tick from The Tick (1994) 34.7%
Tom Bombadil from Lord of The Rings 80.5%
V1 from ULTRAKILL 65.9%
Vriska from Homestuck 36.2%
Xi Ping/Xi Shiyong/Tai Sui from Tai Sui 34.2%
Yonah from Nier Replicant 28.6%
You 22.6%
Youngster Joey's Top Percentage Rattata 37.9%
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eksvaized · 6 months
[ 𝖕𝖔𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝖔𝖇𝖘𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓 ] — 5
>> Ghost x Reader, part SIX
>> 18+
>> this was inspired by the tv show 'you'
Simon returned inside shortly after, but he didn’t approach you for the next hour. He could have marched towards you because it was easy to spot you in the crowd, on the dance floor, Liz by your side as you danced together, laughing and twirling around. But he wanted to watch you, observe the way you act since studying your behavior, especially if you decide to drink, will reveal to him much more than only a simple conversation would.
He stayed in the dark corner, where no one could bother him, but from where he could see you.
He watched as you moved your hips side to side, your arms wrapped around Liz as the two of you danced together. He realized he wasn’t the only one whose eyes you caught, and most, if not all, of the men in the club, had their hungry gazes drawn to you, looking over their shoulders, smirking, and sometimes even trying to get close to you and Liz, but even if you weren’t successful at diverting unwanted attention, Liz was, so neither of you were bothered for too long.
“Hello, you.” Someone purred into his ear, fingers brushing up his arm, giving his bicep a light squeeze, ensuring that his focus was drawn away from the dance floor.
Simon arched his brow and turned to the side. Mandy was standing next to him, batting her lashes at him. Her red lips curled into a smile.
“Hi.” He replied. If she was any other girl, he would have shoved her away, but she was your friend and no matter what she wanted, Simon was willing to put up with her because he didn’t want to risk getting on her bad side.
The problem was that Mindy didn’t want just to talk. She couldn’t comprehend how a plain mouse like you could capture his interest.
“I saw you here, all alone.” She kept speaking, her fingers eventually slipping down and her hand retreating back to her side. “And I figured I could keep you company, make sure you’re entertained and not bored.”
Even though all he wanted to do was get away from her, Simon forced himself to smile.
There was nothing about Mindy that he liked . She was too cocky, too self-absorbed and definitely too confident. She came up to him, expecting to win him over instantly, because no man had ever turned her down. Of course, there was always a first time for everything and Simon was going to prove to her that her looks alone would not make him fold and fall to his knees.
“Ah, how nice of you, but I’m fine on my own, really.” He wanted to turn her down, but he knew he had to be gentle. She was going to get mad and frustrated, but he didn’t want her to be furious because she was part of your life. She was someone who could influence you and turn you against him.
“Let me buy you a drink at least.” Mandy refused to give up. She was too stubborn to recognize Simon’s lack of interest in her.
He shook his head, reverting his eyes away from her. His gaze was drawn to the dance floor.
Liz was gone, and you were all alone , but you didn’t seem to care. Your eyes were closed, your fingers running through your hair as you swayed your hips. The music took hold of you, its rhythm and melody coaxing your body into a state of relaxation.
Simon could not tear his eyes off of you. He was mesmerized by your beauty, by the way you effortlessly moved your body with grace and allure, shutting out the noise of the world.
He continued to entertain Mandy, who was still bent on sticking around. There was nowhere to run, and he was pretty sure that even if he got rid of her, she would inevitably find her way back to him.
However, when Simon saw a man approach you, whisper something into your ear and you shook your head, smiling politely as you replied, his body tensed.
He didn’t want to overreact, even if his intuition told him he should. He kept his feet glued to the ground, refusing to let his impulses and emotions rule him.
But then, when you pushed the stranger away for the second time, trying to tear his hand away from your body and he still refused to move aside, Simon knew he couldn’t leave you to fend for yourself. You needed help. You needed Simon to intervene and save you.
“I think I see Y/N. I’m going to be right back,” He turned to face Mindy, who was still running her mouth. “She told me to find her .”
Mindy’s lips parted in confusion, and her eyes darted around, getting darker and angrier. She didn’t like that Simon ditched her for you, but before she could grab his hand and make him stop, he was already forcing his way through the crowd, pushing past, determined to get to the dance floor as soon as possible.
“Is everything all right here?” Simon asked when he reached you and the stranger.
Your back was turned to him, but when you looked over your shoulder, he could see a relief wash over your face.
“Yea, yea. Everything is fine. You can move along, buddy.” The man said, causing Simon’s jaw to tighten as he clenched his fists.
“I wasn’t talking to you.” He spat before shifting his gaze to you.
You just nodded your head, but Simon knew you wanted to get away from the stranger, so he placed his hand on the back of your waist, and after glaring at the man one last time, he gave you a gentle push.
Simon led you towards the bars, and you made sure to stay close to him.
“This is the second time you saved me.” You pointed out and leaned against the bar.
“Well, I guess that then, instead of one, you owe me two drinks now.” He smiled at you and giggled, nodding your head.
“Sounds fair.”
But he only let you buy him one glass of whiskey. And the second time you ordered drinks, he paid for both of you.
You two talked and flirted  He often had to lean down and speak into your ear, so you could hear what he was saying. His warm breath tickled your skin.
When his hand would brush across your waist or when his fingers trailed down your arm, a shiver would run down your spine. And maybe it was just all the cocktails you had, but the more you chatted with him, the more you liked him.
“Aren’t your friends going to be mad that you ditched them for me?” He asked, sipping his drink.
“No,” You looked around, shaking your head. Mindy was nowhere to be found, and Liz was chatting with some strangers at their table. “They often abandon me anytime an attractive guy flirts with them, so I assume it’s my turn to do so.”
You and he had another hour to spend together before Mindy and Liz approached you. Apparently, they were bored and wanted to go home, and insisted that you come as well.
“Good friends don’t leave their girlfriends alone at the club with some stranger they just met,” Mindy replied with a smile, but her words had a sarcastic undertone as if she didn’t care about you and her only goal was to lure you away from him.
If Mindy couldn’t have Simon, she didn’t want you to have him, either.
Simon didn’t want to say goodbye just yet, but he also realized he couldn’t force you to stay.
Before you left, you asked him for his phone, which he handed to you. You entered your phone number and returned it to him.
“Call me.” You said. “Because I still owe you one drink.”
He watched as you, Mindy, and Liz exited the club and followed shortly after, but by the time he got outside, the three of you were gone already.
He decided to smoke before calling a cab and going home, but while he was enjoying the fresh air, relieved to finally escape the deafening awful music, and be outside, the stranger, who had been causing problems for you earlier, approached him.
“You stole my girl.” He stated, pointing his finger at Simon, struggling to keep standing still and wobbling from side to side; Simon could tell that he was heavily inebriated.
He didn’t entertain the man, but the stranger didn’t leave and kept pushing and pushing, annoying him more and more.
“Shut up and go before I break your nose,” Simon warned, pulling his phone out.
While his gaze was glued to the screen, the stranger stepped closer and, because he was too drunk and too confident, he shoved Simon, using all his strength.
Simon inhaled sharply, not moving. But when he was pushed the second time, all his control went out of the window and he punched the stranger.
His fist collided with the man’s nose once. Then twice. He kept punching him and the man eventually lost his balance, falling to his knees, but that didn’t stop Simon. He just kept going and going  His hands were bloody, his knuckles itched and his breaths were irregular, messy and uneven.
As adrenaline coursed through his veins, Simon's vision became distorted, blurring the world around him and heightening his senses. It didn’t help that he couldn’t stop thinking about you too, because he kept imagining what the man would have done to you if he hadn’t interfered.
What if the stranger would have followed you home? What if he would have done something and Simon wouldn't have been there to stop him?
Simon only drew back when whispers and murmurs reached his ears. The crowd was gathering around them, pointing fingers and talking about the scene in front of them.
Despite his mind being in disarray, Simon's ability to observe made him acutely aware of how terrible everything looked. He was beating up a guy who, at this point, wasn’t even attempting to defend himself.
He took a step back, allowing the stranger’s body to collapse to the ground. His breath became trapped in his throat, and a wave of remorse swept over him as if someone dumped a bucket full of cold water over his head. The man wasn’t moving. Was he still breathing?
No, no, no.
He can’t be dead.
Simon refused to let the same story repeat itself. He refused - didn’t want - to do something he had done before.
He got down on his knees and moved the man onto his back. And from up close, he could see the stranger’s chest slowly rise and fall.
He was breathing.
And even if Simon broke a couple of his ribs and left his face bloody, at least he was still alive.
Before someone could call the police or attract the attention of the club’s security, Simon got out of there, leaving the guy to lay on the cold concrete.
Only after crossing the street did he dare to turn around and look back - someone was kneeling beside the stranger, someone was going to help.
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iamsherlocked1479 · 1 year
Darkest Disires
Tumblr media
Pairing: Sinister strange x fem reader
Word count: 3k words
Summary: y/n falls through a portal through a series of misfourtunate events, eventually leading to him.
“So how did it go?” Your best friend's voice sounded hopeful through the speaker of your phone as you walk down the busy street.
“I’m bringing the good bourbon to your place.” You sigh
“Oh dear, was he that bad?” Her tone saddened 
“Elouise he asked me if I would spit or swallow twenty minutes in. Where do you find these guys?” 
“My boyfriend recommended him!”
“The boyfriend who hates me.” You add sarcastically 
“He does not hate you!” 
“Uh huh, so finding a reason to be busy whenever I’m around isn’t hating?” You step into the convenience store.
“He has a busy job! And its not his fault your still moping about your college boyfriend. Come on that was eight years ago!” 
“You don't get it, he was good” you emphasised on the good
“Yeah and now he’s a superhero i get it.”
“Whatever” you chuckle
 You hear mumbling in the background and Elouises breath shortens “Y-y/n?”
“Yup what's up.” You ask leaning your phone to your shoulder whilst you tap your card on the reader and bagging the bottle.
“Where are you?” She worriedly asked
“Whole foods getting the bourbon, why?” You begin to become confused over her sudden panic.
“T-the one on seventh street?” You didn’t pay any attention to her voice, the sight of people running and screaming tore you away. You dropped your phone running to the window to find a huge octopus-like creature tearing a bus apart.
“Holy shit!” You shout rushing onto the street, avoiding the metal smashing through the windows. You notice the young girl running through the debris dodging each car that almost seemed to be targeting her. “Hey! Over here!” You shout coaxing her to hide in the alleyway with you. She complies and you grab her hand rushing through the panicked crowds. 
“This way!” The girl pulled you along and the monster let out an ear piercing streak. You turned back to see
“Oh my god, look its Doctor Strange!” You pull the girl towards him. “He’ll stop it, he helped fight thanos.” Your optimism was misplaced, the monster whacked him through a coffee shop window and made a b-line straight for you. 
“Oh shit.” You both yell, the monster lunges and wraps its tentacles around you, spinning you upside down and glaring at you with its great big eye. It exams the girl and shrieks at the sight of her. The girl scream and her eyes light up and a whole shaped like a star opens below you. The monster roared once again, the girl was dropped as an orange blade cuts through its tentacle. In the pain the monster raises you higher before freeing you to grab the girl once again.
You dropped clinging onto a tentacle, the star shaped portal looming closer by the second. Your grip began loosening and with a final struggle the tentacle was struck from your grasp, the world began to slow as you fell through the portal only to be held back by a rough yet familiar grip.
“Y/n?” Stephen knelt over the portal trying to pull you free
“Uh hi um Stephen how are you?” You ask awkwardly pretending you weren’t hanging for your life.
“Wow it's been so long, I haven’t seen you since-
“Since you dumped me for that goth what was her name? Mandy?” You snap back 
“Mindy, sorry it was a college mistake.” He grunted
“Could you erm pull me up now?” You ask complacency 
“Yeah sure I-“ but once again he was knocked back, releasing you from his grip, his cloak only threads away as you fell deep into the hole spinning and smacking into various objects eventually being knocked unconscious.
You woke up lifting yourself off the cold wet floor waves or rain water rushing down the street creating waves. Your hand lifted to soothe the stinging pain emerging from your head, you looked down at your hand noticing the blood left by the impact. And then you looked up, you were home in New York, but it was different. The sky was dark and buildings crumbled away as they clashed into each other, the streets were emptied, littered with papers and old dollars from the universe that once was. You walked down the street avoiding cars as they floated around you, the seasons changed unnaturally switching from storms to snow then storms again. It was strange, watching as the once humming city dissipated into a shore with one lonely building slowly fading into particles at the coast line. It was Doctor Strange's sanctum, maybe Stephen could help you, maybe he was here too. 
You cautiously approached the house before pushing open the heavy door revealing a never ending staircase towering over the ocean. You followed the steps, growing ever so closer to the summit noticing how the railings became more used and dusty the closer you got. You began to hear the muffled sounds of what seemed like a piano, a tune radiated from the top, it was sad and lonely but beautiful in its own way, your foot stepped down causing the stair to creek. The music ceased and you held your breath as heavy foot prints loomed closer. A familiar figure blocked the dim candle light as it stood proudly at the top, it was Stephen but he was different. His cape was missing and his robes were darker with leather padding his shoulders, he daunted many belts wrapping tightly around his waist and his goatee was loose and more deranged than the one you saw earlier. His hair was nowhere near as tidy with loose strands following his sharp cheekbones. He stood hands behind his back looking down at you.
“Y/n? Is that you? After all these years?” he stepped down edging closer down the steps towards you.
“Stephen? Is that you? You look, different.” your words stopped him in his tracks.
“How did you get here?” his tone became more defensive, and his hand clutched the book chained to his side.
“I fell through a hole, well technically you dropped me.” you say watching the way his dark blue eyes examined you.
“You’re from a different universe. How?” he stepped closer tilting his head as he examined you.
“I- I don’t know, there was this girl, she screamed and then the portal opened.” you gulped he was now inches away from you, still above you but you could see him more clearly now. The way his eyes looked tied and afraid of you? And the way his robes tightened particularly around his biceps, he looked the same but you could tell he was different, almost sinister.
“You’re hurt, come with me.” he reached out your hand and you took it. It was cold yet soft, the hands of a musician. He led you up the stairs revealing the darkened room littered with cobwebs.
“You don’t get out much do you?” you asked, noticing the piles of compositions and books littering every dusty surface.
“Incursions are dangerous, it's better to stay here. No matter how horrible this place is.”  The most prominent thing was the vortex spinning in the main hall pulling in the particles being lifted from the building. “Here” he used his magic and pulled a chair towards you, gesturing to sit down.
“So how did you know me? Well I guess the other me.” You asked as he began tending to the cut on your forehead.
“College ex.” He said bluntly 
“Oh right, yeah. Mindy” you mutter 
“No, Mike. In this universe i loved you more than anything and you left me for a guy called mike.” He complained applying slightly too much pressure.
“Oh, well in my universe its the other way around. We were fine then it-“ he cut you off
“Just wasn’t meant to be.” 
“That's what you said” you both added. The feeling was strange, he was the same man only he wanted to be with you, just like you had with your stephen.
“So you wanted to be with me?” You pressed on
“More than anything, you were.” He paused and wiped a loose strand of hair from your face “you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” You could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks as they blushed. You weren’t seriously crushing on a guy you met literally 30 minutes ago are you? 
But he wasn’t a new person, you dated for 3 years he was the same but different in the best way. And now that man's eyes were staring deep into your own, and his lips where looking so delicious.
“So i saw you became a surgeon then.” You break your trance with an obvious question 
“Don’t change the subject y/n” his voice rattled you so deep and seductive. “We may be from other universes but you can feel the spark can’t you?” The candles around you bursted with light as they ignited. His breath loomed closer acomaning his lips. His scent engulfed your nose pulling you in and finally his lips were on yours. A groan bellowed from his throat clashing with the moan that escaped from you as your hands ran through his dark hair. Your hands latched onto his robes as you got up,l lip’s still locked he pushed your back to the piano brushing of the papers as he lifted you onto it, removing your clothes leaving only you lingerie for him to admire.
“So do you fuck any girl you come across.” You pulled away questioning him through your breaths.
“Never, just you. It's only you.” He bit his lip as he went in for another kiss, this time travelling down down to you breast and almost ripped through your bra. He livked one whilst his hand tightly but gently grasped the other switching sides making sure nothing was neglected. He spent his time working on your breasts until he felt your hand on the back of his head edging him to go further and he followed with his lips trailing down to your soaked folds. 
Your body quivered as you felt his breath loom closer to your sex, his tongue entered first pushing its way into you in and out whilst his hands worked on your clit.
“Oh fuck stephen, i- yo-“ his skill left you speachless, your thighs twitched as the feeling you desired most loomed closer building in the pit of your stomach. He groaned and vibrated through you at they joy of feeling you grip his hair tighter. His purrs set you off, the know tightening, the fireworks bursting. This is what all those dates were missing, the feeling of joy and passion, the feeling this stephen was giving you. 
“Look at you, drunk on lust and I haven’t even fucked you yet, luckily you’ll be here for eternity. I will be able to fuck you in every way possible.” He knelt up and you pulled his lips to your still being able to taste yourself on his tongue. Your hands slid down his robes feeling his hardened cock beneath them, it was- he was big. You looked up at him and he looked down on you “what's wrong won’t be able to fit it in” he hissed sharply.
“I have wanted this for a while, as if a little pain would set us back,” you sharply replied, arching your hips against his own and proudly grinned when he released a soft groan, his composure dipping momentarily to make way for the man you knew was touch-starved beneath.
Strange roughly grabbed your hips and pulled you flush against him, his other hand curling two fingers beneath your chin and forcing you to meet his eye. “Do not be smart with me,” he sneered, watching your eyes flash with arousal at the dominant tone in his voice, “i wish for this to be enjoyable for the both of us.”
“So enough talking,” you replied quickly, spreading your legs wide to entice him, “fuck me.”
His expression darkened and the grip he had on your thigh only strengthened as he pulled it up to wrap around his waist, his eyes boring into yours as he withdrew his cock from the confines of his robes and nudged the tip against your dripping entrance. “So wet for me,” Strange smirked, watching as your eyebrow twitched and you mouth fell open as he inched in bit by bit and he took pleasure in pulling out only to thrust back in harshly, smirking at the yelp of pain and pleasure that it released from your throat.
It felt bigger now that he was inside you. The hard mass weighted between your walls slowly driving you mad as Strange continued to study your expressions, taking pleasure in your frustration of him not moving. He stood there relishing in the feeling of growing harder by the minute filling you even more, he leant forward nipping at your ear as his hot breath fanned across your neck.
“I won’t let you suffer anymore kitten, I’ll start slow, just this once.” He pulled back and slowly pushed his inches in before retracting and repeating again. His hands gripped your thighs tightly causing them to redden it was taking his whole strength not to let loose and you could feel it. You hand glided to his cheek, your thumb stroking the hairs of his goatee.
“Do it, I want it, I need it. I want you” his eyes widened at your confidence and you tighten your legs around his waist. His pace quickened, as he kept one arm around your waist but moved one onto the piano for grip. He pushed into you all the way to the hem, the sound of skin hitting skin echoing through the empty halls of the sanctum.
“You’re dirtier than I imagined, you can take more than you let on my sweet.” His voice rattled your brain. You laughed between your breaths 
“Try me.” Your new confidence brought a crooked smile to his face. He pulled out and spun you around pushing himself onto your back causing you to lean over the piano, he entered from behind griping your hips and pounded into you. He curves perfectly into hitting the sweet spot you desire most.
“Fuck, you’re gonna cum again aren’t you, dam baby my cock is so goodd isn’t it?” He grabbed your hair and pulled your ear close to his voice “tell me how good it is.”
“It's so good, baby. I nee- I want your cock so bad sir.” 
“Mm you like it when im the boss huh? You like it when sir makes you cum?”  He pushed in deeper hitting that spot harder and harder taking one hand to leave a burning pain on your ass which you loved.
“Fuck sir hit me again, I’m gonna. I’m gonna-“ the knot tightened as you came around his cock. You tightened around him causing him to groan as his pace quickened even more, his hand moved from your ass to your clit rubbing it causing a sensation to ripple through your nerves.
“Fuck you feel so good, gonna make me cum all over you.” He pushed you down pulling his cock from you, just in time before his white ropes spilled across your back. He beant over you for a moment panting behind you as he moved your hair from you back allowing him to wipe it clean with his purple magic.
“That got out of hand quickly.” You laughed through your breaths as Stephen handed you your clothes.
“Yeah well that tends to happen around here.” He put the book down he had previously guarded and began flicking through the pages. You looked around noticing how damaged this world truly was, watching cars and buildings being sucked into the vortex
“What happened here?” You asked, Stephen didn’t look at you as he continued flicking through pages
“Someone caused an incursion, and this world began collapsing in on itself. I- I couldn’t stop it. And now its just me.” His hand smoothed out a paper in the book.
“What are you reading?” You ask, peering from over his shoulder.
“You shouldn’t be here, I need to find a way to send you back. Its not safe here its- I’m dangerous.” He turned to you and his soul was lost, he was lonely.
“What if i don't want to leave?” You grabbed his hand “It's not exactly like we don’t get along, and I’m not really leaving anything behind.” 
“You can’t stay here y/n, what about your mum?” You forgot he knew you but he must have forgotten your mum was all you had and whatever relationship you had was long gone
“You mean the mum who tried to sell me for a six pack when i was twelve?” 
“Right- what about your friend what was she called uh. Ellie?”
“Elouise” you correct “well she’s getting marand has made it her life mission to set me up with someone. I was actually on my way back from a date.” You explain
“Are you sure you want to stay? Its not exactly like there’s anything to do here.”
“Well” you traced your hand up his chest “there is you.” He raised his brow and nodded
"Indeed but we cannot spend most of our time attached in the throes of pleasure, y/n," he replied with a soft smile, one that looked almost alien on the face of the variant that had seen too much.
"No," you replied, your fingers delicately tracing his robes, "why would I go home and see the Stephen I knew with someone else when I can stay here with the Stephen that feels the same about me?"
“Well then my dear, i truly hope you don’t mind getting right to it, I’ve been here alone far to long and that window has far better uses than a brooding corner.” He pulled you towards it.
“Like what?”
“Y/n my dear, i want to fuck you against it.”
And that was the day you knew a college crush turned out to be more than just a desire, even your darkest desires couldn’t come up with some of the things he was going to do to you. But you were always one for being open minded.
A/N: My god it feels good to write smut again, had to take a break from the series but the next chapter should be out by the end of the weekend but i wont make any promises XD. if you liked it a reblog would be great, and if you didn't let me know how i can improve. Thanks for reading :)
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dean23456 · 4 months
Who's the best canon couple?
Im not including Nye and his Bf or Yuko and Epsen.
(Also by the time I post this I voted Mary x Sue)
I will do not canon but highly shipped characters here to, that's next. Chuck x Taylor is guaranteed to be there.
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the-toastyverse · 11 months
Welcome to The Toastyverse!
This is the blog where I talk about my Ocs!
This sideblog is purely for my Ocs!
Oc-postings, snippets, facts/headcanons etc.
Feel free to ask about them. :3
Rotating OCs 24/7
Things to know:
Montley (Monty x Stanley) is the main ship I'll ramble about, but other ships will be talked about too, like Mindaiser (Mindy x Frasier). Fern and Fangs takes place in the city of Harrier, which is located in the kingdom of Anima, inhabited by the Beastfolk, six races of animal people.
Prepare for utter OC brainrot. I'm very normal about the fictional guys that I thought up and rotate around in the "blorbo microwave" on a daily basis.
My primary headworld is Fern and Fangs (and the various aus I put the characters in hehe).
Suggestive scenes between my ships will be tagged accordingly.
Non-character Tags:
The OC Corner
OC Posting
Toasty's OCs
OC posts
Toasty's writing
Toasty's asks
Toasty rambles
Fern and Fangs
Fern and Fangs Lore
Character Tags:
Character Ships and Character Roster Doc beneath the readmore!
Character Ships:
Fern and Fangs
Montley (Stanley/Monty)
Mindaiser (Mindy/Frasier)
Quintura (Quince/Ventura)
Cinirrum (Cinis/Ferrum)
Clarik (Clare/Nik)
Noctiswold (Noctis/Griswold)
Tavandy (Tav/Mandy)
Dessamus (Dessa/Cadmus)
Daithorn (Daisy/Thorn)
Tihovander (Tihomira/Evander)
Sierrabax (Sierra/Baxter)
Amalthemum (Amalthea/Chrysanthemum)
Helihesp (Helio/Hesper)
Blazra (Blake/Ezra)
Diantus (Diana/Brutus)
Harwinnie (Harry/Winnie)
Lydorrel (Lydia/Sorrel)
Blybeth (Blythe/Bethany)
Marierre (Marie/Pierre)
Madelric (Madeline/Godric)
Character Cast:
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[A white, round light shines on Dot and Zubi. The scene pans out to show a crowd of people consisting of: Yakko, Nora, Cora, Skylar, Dr Scratchansniff, Plotz, Slappy, Skippy, Colin, Mindy, Hello Nurse, Minerva, and Mandy.]
Wakko: The Warner's water tower presents... live purple pranksters! [He is shown shining the light on them from above] Starring the Burbank Ghosts!
[Skylar, Plotz, Slappy, Skippy, Colin, Mindy, Hello Nurse, Minerva, and Mandy are shown cheering. Dot and Zubi scream while trying to cover themselves up. Wakko laughs teasingly. Cora whistles at them as Nora takes a picture. Dr Scratchansniff laughs. Dot and Zubi keep trying to cover themselves.]
Dot: Zubi!
Zubi: Yeah?
Dot: [Scene cuts to the outside of the water tower] We should have bought the whoopee cushion! [Dot lets out a crying yell as the episode ends.]
049-j:The funniest moment. X)
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maxwellatoms · 3 years
Yo Mr. Atoms!!! I'm wondering, since most of the characters were based on something, what was the thought process behind Mindy's character? When I first watched the series, I was afraid she would fall into the territory of the typical "Spoiled brat girl" and create dumb boring plots as those characters do, but she actually turned out to be the best x)
The Nergals were the secondary characters I put the most thought into. I knew I wanted Nergal to be a broken-down ex-Messopotamian Death God who was driven by his loneliness. I knew I wanted him to marry Billy's Aunt and have Junior. Junior would inherit his dad's passion for friendship. It was one way in which Grim's world ended up infecting the "real world". When I pitched the show, Mindy, Pud'n, and even Irwin (to a degree) were more "templates" than anything else. I knew I wanted Billy to have a best friend who was always getting beat-up by the world. And I knew that Mandy needed a foil who would try and fail to challenge her.
But everyone else's personalities else grew out of the episodes themselves. I think some people have noticed how different Irwin is in the first season. I learned a lot in those first six episodes, and one was that it's really hard to course-correct while you're in motion. That's why all of the writing and design tweaks happened between seasons, with the biggest changes coming after those first six early episodes.
I feel like we had a couple of stabs at Irwin before he felt "right". Eris too. But Mindy (to me, anyway) felt like she evolved naturally over the course of the show. By the last couple of seasons I actually started to like her.
She definitely had a part to play in BM:DUA.
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happyfunf3tti · 6 months
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the girl from ipanema goes walking
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neo-crimson-palace · 3 years
New Muses
Alright y’all, here’s the new muses that will be updated to the list. Hope y’all like what you see. 
DanganRonpa 1 & 2: Makoto Neagi, Hajime Hinata, Chihiro Fujisaki (He’s a huge Dick Dom, Cept with Makoto, then he’s his cute sub.) And all the DR1/DR2 Girls
Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright & All of the Girls from the Series
Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonic, Shadow, Infinite, Femboy!Tails, and all the girls from the Game Series.
RWBY: All the Girls, Qrow, Sun, and Oscar
My Hero Academia: Deku, All Might & All the Girls
Super Smash Bros: Mega Man, Sonic, Pit, Bowser, Ridley, Ganondorf, and all the girls.
Megaman Series: Classic, X, Zero, Geo, Lan/EXE, Grey, and all the girls from their respective games.
Naruto: Naruto and all the Girls from Naruto Series.
Bleach: Ichigo & all the Girls from the Series
One Piece: Luffy & All the Girls from One Piece
Fairy Tail: Natsu, Gajeel, & All the Girls from Fairy Tail
Kingdom Hearts: Sora, Ven, & all the KH Girls.
Dragon Ball Z/Supers: Goku (Along with GT), Super!Broly, Gogeta, Vegito, And all the girls from Z/Super, and FighterZ
Shield Hero: Naofumi and all the women in the series. (Note: Bitchy gets rough asks only.)
Goblin Slayer: Orcbolg, High-Elf Archer, Priestess, Cow Girl, Sword Maiden, Guild Girl, Apprentice Cleric, Hero, Witch, Fighter, Wizard
Code Geass: Lelouch, C.C, Kallen, Milly, Shirley, Euphemia, Anya, Cornelia
BlazBlue: Ragna, and all the girls from the series.
Pokemon: Ash, & All the Girls, Poke Anthros throughout the series. (Pokemon asks are aloud as well.)
Fire Emblem Awakening/Fates/Heroes: M!Robin, M!Corrin, Male Summoner, And all the girls from Awakening, Fates, & Heroes
Persona 3, 4, 5: Minato, Yu, Akira, and all the P3, P4, P5 Girls
Accel World: Haruyuki Arita, Kuroyukihime, Chiyuri Kurashima, Fuuko Kurasaki, Yuniko Kozuki, Mihaya Kakei, Megumi Wakamiya
That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime: Rimuru, and all the girls from the series.
The Magic at Irregular High: Shiba Tatsuya, and all the girls from the series. AKA Tatsuya’s Harem
Date A Live: Shidou Itsuka, and all the girls.
Akame Ga Kill: Tatsumi, and all the girls from the Series.
Kill La Kill: Ryuko Matoi(Futa), Satsuki Kiryuin, Nonon Jakuzure, Nui Harime, Mako Mankanshoku, Ira Gamagoori (Mako asks Only)
Undertale: Frisk, Fem!Chara, Undyne, Toriel, Alphys
MonMusu: Kimihito, Kuroko, And all the Monster Girls.
Kid Icarus: Pit, Palutena, Viridi, Phosphora, Pandora, Medusa
Totally Spies: Sam, Clover, Alex, Brittany, Mindy, Mandy,
Yu-Gi-Oh Series: The Chad!Yusei, Jaden/Supreme King, Yuma, Yugi, Jack, Joey, And the Girls from the Series
Helltaker: Helltaker, Subject 67, Loremaster, All the Demon Girls
Attack on Titan: Eren, Armin (Normal/Femboy/Girl), All the Girls
Fate: Ritsuki, Young!Gil, Astolfo, All the Female Servants
Sword Art Online: Chad!Yui & her Harem of Girls. NO KIRITO!!!
Ben 10: Ben (OG ONLY), Gwen, Charmcaster, Eunice, Julie
FF7 Remake: Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Jessie, Red XIII
Disney Girls: Helen Parr, Violett Parr, Mirage, Mulan, Elsa, Anna, Moana, Rapunzel, Princess Jasmine, Jane (Tarzan), Meg (Hercules)
Demon Slayer: Tanjiro, Inosuke, Nezuko, Kanroji, Shinobu, Kanae, Kanao, Tamayo, Fem!Muzan
Komi-san: Tadano, Komi, Manbagi, Osana Najimi
Kobayashi Dragon Maid: Kobayashi, Tohru, Lucoa, Iruru, Kanna (Physically of Age)
One-Punch Man: Saitama, Tatsumaki, Fubuki, Psykos, Mizuki
Gravity Falls: Dipper, Mabel, Wendy, Pacifica
Nier: 2B, 95, A2
Highschool DxD: Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko, Xenovia, Irina, Rossweisse, Grayfia, Ravel, Sona (No Issei)
Rosario + Vampire: Moka/Inner Moka, Kurumu, Mizore, Yukari, Ruby Tojo (No Tsukune)
Danny Phantom: Danny, Sam, Valerie, Jazz, Maddie, Dani, Pauline, Star, Desiree, Ember, Kitty
Avatar: Aang, Zuko, Katara, Toph, Suki, Ty Lee, Mai, Azula, Jin, June, Princess Yue, Korra, Asami
Scooby-Doo: Shaggy, Velma, Daphne
Senran Kagura: Almost All Female Muses
Panty & Stocking: Panty, Stocking, Scanty, Kneesocks.
Crash Bandicoot: Crash, Tawna, Coco, Alt!Tawna, Isabella, Liz, Megumi
Legend of Zelda: Link, Toon!Link, Zelda, Tetra, Linkle, Lana, Cia, Shiek, Midna, Romani, Cremia, Malon,
Misc: Jessica Rabbit, Queen Tyr'ahnee, Callie Briggs, Felina Feral, Lola Bunny, Starfire, Blackfire, Raven, Terra, Supergirl, Batgirl Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Spider-Gwen, Nomu
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lexi0507 · 3 years
Sexuality Headcanon:
Gender Headcanon:
cis woman (maybe trans fem, haven't really pinned that yet)
A ship I have with said character:
Gaz X Mandy and Mindy X Mandy
have two as a treat
A BROTP I have with said character:
Billy and Mandy
A NOTP I have with said character:
Irwin X Mandy
A random headcanon:
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General Opinion over said character:
she's great
I can ramble about the ship stuff in another post if anyone wants
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eksvaized · 6 months
[ 𝖕𝖔𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝖔𝖇𝖘𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓 ] — 11
>> Ghost x Reader, part TWELVE
>> 18+
>> this was inspired by the tv show 'you'
It has been three months since your first date with Simon.
Two weeks ago, just before leaving for a mission, he asked you to be his girlfriend. At first, you thought everything was moving too fast, but as you tried to think of reasons why you should have said no, you realised that there weren’t any.
You liked him a lot; you weren’t ready to admit to yourself yet, but deep down you knew you were falling in love.
He was there for you after Matt began to ignore you; he left the city without saying goodbye, and you only knew that because of a few posts you found on his social media, in which he announced his departure.
He was there when Mindy and Liz stopped taking your calls and responding to your messages. You weren’t sure whether it was something you did, but they started avoiding you, and if you ran into them, they always had an excuse for why they couldn’t stay and chat. And if you and Simon saw them at the club (which you used to go to with Mandy and Liz), as soon as their eyes settled on Simon, they would vanish.
Maybe they didn’t like that him.
Later Simon confessed that the night you first saw each other at the club, Mandy was all over him. So you eventually concluded that Mindy was just jealous, and her jealousy drove her to distance herself from you and ensure that Liz abandoned you as well.
You were hurt. You couldn’t understand why they couldn’t be happy for you. But you ultimately decided that if they didn’t want to be friends anymore, that was fine. You had Simon, and you didn’t need anyone else.
The first two months of your relationship were great. You spent almost every day together. He took you out on fancy dates, he always made sure you were happy and if you were in a bad mood, or something was bothering you, he was willing to do whatever it took to make your problems go away.
But then he told you he was going to be gone for two weeks. You knew he was a soldier (even if he didn’t like talking about work too much), and you knew that eventually, he would have to return to work. But you weren’t expecting to be so lonely once he left on a mission. He was going to be gone for two weeks.
You still texted each other. Sometimes, if you were lucky, and if Simon had a minute or two to spare, he would even call you, telling you how much he missed you and that he can’t wait to come back home. 
You never realised that falling in love could be so easy. It was the first time you were in a relationship where there were no fights, no arguments or pointless bickering. Loving Simon was easy.
But the relentless distance made you ache for him every day, yearning to feel the warmth of his touch against your skin. Every night before falling you would think of him, remembering the nights you spent together and how his fingers would gently massage your back, and his sweet whispers serenaded you until dreams took over...
But none of that mattered anymore. He was returning home tomorrow, and you would see him.
You wanted to do something special, so you decided to cook him dinner.
Before Simon left, you spent practically every day at his home; he liked staying there, and you didn’t mind because you didn’t care whose bed you slept in as long as you were together.
You had the key to his house, which he had left you for emergencies, but it had been sitting on the counter, in a glass bowl with other trinkets, accumulating dust until now.
After buying everything you needed, because you knew Simon’s fridge was going to be empty, you went to his place.
It was almost noon, so you had at least a few hours until he returned, giving you plenty of time to plan your surprise.
But as you started cooking, you remembered you had forgotten to buy wine. Simon had an unopened bottle of whisky, but you thought it wouldn’t mix well with the meal you had prepared (and you preferred wine), so you glanced at the clock and realised you still had time to run to the store.
The dining room table was set. Everything was ready, so you decided to leave a note in case he came back sooner, while you were still out.
You looked around but failed to find any piece of paper or a pen. 
You walked to his office, which was usually always locked. You had previously inquired why he kept the door shut and wouldn’t let anybody in, and he told you that there was a lot of sensitive information and military files that he would prefer to keep under a lock.
You respected his privacy, and unless he allowed you to go there, you generally avoided the room.
You had your fingers wrapped around the handle – you were expecting it to be locked – but as you pushed the door, it opened.
The moment you stepped into the room, a feeling of guilt settled upon you, though you reassured yourself that you only needed a paper and pen, and then you would get out.
You quickly found what you needed and wrote a note. Your gaze was then drawn to a box wedged between folders on the shelf. You weren’t sure why, but it piqued your interest, and despite promising yourself not to snoop, you ignored the voice in your head, telling you to leave and fetched the box.
You removed the lid after returning to the table and setting it down. You were perplexed for a second since it was filled with random things, but then your eyes settled on the flower that was on top of everything. You picked it up.
It was the same flower you made out of the napkin at the club. You thought it was sweet that he kept it; you knew Simon had a soft side, but you never considered him to be sentimental.
You kept looking through it, curious to see what else you could discover.
You found a receipt. It was smeared and the ink was faded, but you could still read the words, and when you looked at the date and what was purchased, you knew he kept it after your first interaction when he paid for your coffee.
There was also a notebook. You flipped through the pages, but nothing made sense to you. There were some addresses and a drawn calendar with things marked in it. You spotted your name, and under it a bullet point list of various facts about you.
Okay, that was a little strange, but nothing too weird. That’s what you tried to tell yourself, at least.
However, the more you looked at the contents inside the box, the more disturbed you got.
You pulled out a crimson fabric and after letting it unfurl in between your fingers, you realised that these wear your panties.
As the chill ran down your spine, you couldn't help but gulp nervously, feeling an unsettling sensation wash over you.
Instead of methodically going through the box, making sure you remember where everything was so you could put it all back together, you started searching through it quickly and haphazardly. You discovered a few random keys and a stack of neatly arranged photographs.
You picked them up to get a better look, but when you comprehended what you were looking at, they slid out of your fingers and scattered all over the floor; these were very promiscuous pictures of Mindy… has Simon taken these?
The overwhelming thoughts swirling in your mind were causing havoc, making you feel queasy. This all didn’t make sense. Was he some kind of creep? And why did he have these photos of her? Was this why she stopped talking to you?
You also discovered a phone. The screen was damaged, but it could still be unlocked because there was no password and the battery was full. You felt sick when you realised this was Matt’s phone (you knew it belonged to him after reading his old conversations and identifying your number and the messages he sent you).
Your vision blurred, and you felt dizzy, on the verge of fainting, after picking up the jar, that was the last time item in the box, and bringing it close to your face. In it were someone’s teeth.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You had no idea what to make of this, but you knew this was bad - Simon wasn’t the man you thought he was. There was no time, however, to think about this now, and you knew you needed to get out of the house before Simon returned. If he found you here, he might….
You shook your head. You have no time to do this now and need to move.
You scooped all the pictures up from the floor and haphazardly put everything back in the box, shoving it back on the shelf. You ran out of the office and back to the kitchen.
You didn’t bother cleaning up the dining room or washing the dishes, but you wanted to gather all your stuff before getting out of there.
However, as you grabbed your phone from the counter, you heard the front door open.
Your body froze. Your pupils dilated, and a rush of panic surged through your body.
“Y/N?” He called out.
You had no choice but to greet him. You knew your best bet was to act normal and then, when the opportunity comes, get the hell out of this house.
“Hey.” When he walked into the kitchen, you forced a smile on your face. Your fingers nervously fiddled with the phone to keep your hands from trembling. “I hoped to surprise you, but you returned home too soon.”
“Surprise me?” He was perplexed at first, but when he observed the stack of dishes in the sink, he smiled.
“I made a dinner.”
You wanted to move away but forced yourself to remain still as he approached you.
“Let me take a quick shower, and change out of these dirty clothes before we eat, okay?” He said and dipped his head, his lips softly brushing against yours. You didn’t respond, your body absolutely froze, his touch making you dizzy, but not in the way it used to. “Is everything alright?”
Fuck. You weren’t doing a good enough job of acting like the loving girlfriend you were supposed to be.
“Yes, of course.” You faked another grin and took a step back towards the sink to wash the dishes since you needed to keep your hands busy to keep your fingers from shaking. “Just had a hard day at work, and can’t stop thinking about it. “
You talked for a little longer, and he promised to help you take your mind off it all as soon as he cleaned up.
You nodded, a bit too eager to get him to leave. All you wanted to do was push him to the bathroom so you could disappear while he was showering.
“Just go.” You said when he continued to linger in the kitchen, watching you wash the dishes. “The dinner is going to get cold.”
He gave you a puzzled expression. His gaze darted over your face as if looking for something in your eyes, but he ultimately nodded and ventured out of the kitchen.
You remained still for a minute. You didn’t dare to move until you heard the door open. That’s when you immediately raced towards the exit.
“I have to run to a shop real quick.” You yelled out as you put on your shoes, hoping that this excuse would buy you more time. There was a subtle tremor in your voice, but you desperately wished he wouldn't sense it. “I forgot to buy the wine.”
You opened the door and could feel the frigid wind sweep over your body. But as you were about to run outside, a wave of dizziness washed over you, and everything faded into darkness.
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
Us, July 8
Cover: Bombshell Scientology Lawsuit -- Leah Remini, Tom Cruise, Kirstie Alley 
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Page 1: First Look -- Elisabeth Moss 
Page 2: Red Carpet -- lovely in lavender -- Sofia Carson, Sanaa Lathan, Ava Duvernay, Emilia Clarke
Page 3: Maren Morris, Natalia Dyer, Brie Larson, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Meagan Good 
Page 4: Who Wore It Best? Chloe Grace Moretz vs. Olivia Wilde, Nicole Kidman vs. Bella Hadid, Kendall Jenner vs. Bella Thorne 
Page 6: Loose Talk -- Kumail Nanjiani, Eva Longoria, Keegan-Michael Key, Diplo, Melissa McCarthy on Lizzo 
Page 8: Contents
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Page 10: Hot Pics -- BET Awards -- Lizzo, Billy Ray Cyrus and Lil Nas X, Rihanna and Cardi B 
Page 12: Amanda Seyfried and Milo Ventimiglia and Mandy Moore, Rita Ora, Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner 
Page 14: Camila Cabello, Pink, Ava Phillippe, Busy Philipps 
Page 16: Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade and kids Kaavia and Zion, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt and son Gunner, Mario and Courtney Lopez and kids Gia and Dominic, David Beckham with kids Romeo and Cruz and Harper 
Page 18: LGBTQ Pride -- Lisa Vanderpump, Halle Berry honors Alison Moed, Taylor Swift and Todrick Hall 
Page 19: Heidi Klum, Tituss Burgess, Jonathan Van Ness, Evan Rachel Wood 
Page 20: Hollywood dudes love pampering too -- James Franco, Patrick Dempsey and Jillian Dempsey, Will Smith, Jason Behr, Billy Porter 
Page 23: Stars They’re Just Like Us -- Kendall Jenner, Chris Hemsworth, Jessica Alba, Ewan McGregor 
Page 24: Hollywood Dads -- John Legend 
Page 26: Love Lives -- Chris Lane and Lauren Bushnell are getting married 
Page 28: Ciara and Russell Wilson coordinate their outfits, Samuel L. Jackson and LaTanya Richardson’s marriage is four decades strong, Pamela Anderson and Adil Rami’s date nights are for relaxing 
Page 30: What’s in my Bag? Jeannie Mai 
Page 32: Hot Hollywood -- The Royal Foundation split between Prince William and Prince Harry because Meghan Markle wanted to be more involved and Kate Middleton wanted to be more hands off 
Page 33: Gwen Stefani’s birthday shout-out to Blake Shelton, Felicity Huffman is hoping that she is a suitable candidate for a halfway house instead of prison after pleading guilty in the college admissions scandal, Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger honeymooned at a Four Seasons in Hawaii, the woman in Jim Edmonds’ infidelity scandal Jennifer McFelia Villegas has a history of harassing other MLB athletes 
Page 34: Feuds of the Week -- Bella Thorne vs. Whoopi Goldberg, 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? stars Paola and Russ Mayfield wanted an at-home birth for their son Axel, Caught in the Act -- these stars should have locked their doors while getting intimate -- Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith, Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell, Kevin Hunter and Wendy Williams 
Page 35: Hilary Duff is happy with fiance Matthew Koma, VIP Scene -- Kylie Jenner and Anastasia Karanikolaou, Dylan McDermott, Nicole Kidman, Alec Baldwin and wife Hilaria, Mindy Kaling, Alicia Keys, Rachel McAdams, Wilson Cruz 
Page 36: Cover Story -- Scientology -- What the A-list members know 
Page 40: How We Got Our Best Bodies Ever -- Kelly Clarkson, Kim Kardashian 
Page 41: Jennifer Lopez, Jessie James Decker 
Page 42: Post-baby slimdowns -- Eva Longoria, Kate Hudson, Kate Upton 
Page 44: Inside Jennifer Lopez’s It’s My Party tour 
Page 46: Celebs are leading the A-list’s green beauty revolution -- Justin Bieber 
Page 47: Jessica Alba, Miranda Kerr, Gwyneth Paltrow 
Page 52: Beauty -- Curl Power -- Blake Lively, Tracee Ellis Ross, Taylor Hill, Martha Hunt 
Page 54: Us Musts -- Stranger Things 
Page 56: Himesh Patel of Yesterday
Page 57: T-Pain hot tracks 
Page 58: Fashion Police -- Tessa Thompson, Gemma Arterton, Nick Cannon 
Page 59: Whitney Port, Madonna, Jennifer Morrison 
Page 60: 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me -- Nancy Grace
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thetooncrew · 2 years
🍰 for the ask game
you are my:
(🍰) mutual
( ) friend
(  ) close friend
you intimidate me:
(  ) yes
(🍰) no
do i want to talk more:
(🍰🍰🍰) yes :D
(  ) no
have i ever had a crush on you:
(  ) yes
(🍰) no
best feature:
( ) @
(🍰) layout
(🍰🍰🍰) posts (more mindy x mandy posting this is a command /j)
(🍰) you’re very funny
(  ) you’re adorable
(  ) i freaked out when you followed me
(  ) i feel like i annoy you
(🍰🍰🍰) i love seeing your posts on my dashboard
(  ) you’re so pretty
(  )  i love you a lot
(🍰) you’re so relatable
( ) i’m grateful for you
(  ) i wish i could meet you one day
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