#mine: justin chambers
lopeirce · 8 months
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@lgbtqcreators creator bingo: movie poster -> M.A.G.I.C. (Grey's Anatomy)
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[song: Out of The Woods — Taylor Swift]
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impossible-rat-babies · 5 months
five songs I’m into meme
I got tagged by @fourteenthz ty kelly <3
tagging: @lavampira @hythlodaes @lilas @gefiltefished @rosymorns @sae-mian and anyone else interested in this go wild
note: a lot of these are just. whichever oc playlist rolling around in my brain at the moment
1. nightclothes by radical face—I have a long, long standing love of radical face (a lot of what I did for college printmaking works was centered around the family tree albums) and I adore this song in particular. it’s on eyrie’s playlist and it’s emblematic of their relationship w their twin
2. francesca by hozier—she just hits for several reasons, but a lot of them are zenos and eyrie reason.
3. another place by bastille—it’s just a classic + I adore bastille so much. the chamber orchestra version of it hits every time. one of The Pollux Jams of all time
4. blast doors by everything everything—I originally found them from spring/summer/winter/dread, but this one has quickly become a favorite of mine. the lyrics are so snappy and the instrumentals slap. pollux over time has musically evolved into a lot of these fast paced jams, and it really works
5. stalwart village by justin e bell—the white march dlc for pillars of eternity remains some of my favorite dlc for any game, and the soundtrack never fails to hit. it’s such a soft starting song that really grows into the theme of this village as it grows and changes, even before you actually do those things. it’s a beautiful backdrop. it’s also a song that has become hard wired into my brain to associate with the coerthas western highlands.
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sso-montana · 6 months
Catherine lives! AU
Ok so I finally got around to write this thing so here you all go, more under the cut bc it kinda got long
Also if you want me to make a post specifically abt how Catherine being alive would impact the general story tell me and I'll make one for that, too ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Catherine always knew Montana was like her, even when she was little. At first she was hesitant to let Justin play and spend time with her but after seeing how good they got along and remembering how she never really had friends she decided to let them be.
Fast forward to Montana coming back to Jorvik and Catherine's motherly instincts I immediately kick in. Yes, she hasn't seen this girl in almost 8 years and she's grown up and changed so much. The Montana before her is so quiet and almost desperately tries to She's reminded so much of her younger self, of how lost and alone she felt and decides that she won't let this happen to another girl. Once Montana realizes she posses magic abilities and starts training with Ydris and a WIP oc of mine (it's a bit messy right now kay?) Catherine sits her down and tells her about how they're the same. Obviously Montana asks her for help and guidance, which Catherine immediately shuts down. Montanas initial reaction of anger and confusion leaves after Catherine explains that she no longer associates herself with magic, hasn't used it in years and never was that good at it. What Catherine can do though is make Montana aware of the dangers of magic, to tell her about her own mistakes, the Keepers and the Sisterhood.
And there are times when Catherine is almost scared of Montana. Because Montana isn't like her, isn't afraid to loose control. She's so full of anger and frustration and sadness right after loosing her parents and that paired with uncontrolled power is a dangerous combination. Montana isn't hurting others on accident but rather manages to keep injuring herself while learning. There are so many times she comes back to the stables and Justin and Montana sit in the saddle chamber putting creams on her arms and wrapping bandages around her hands because she burnt or cut herself. She's stubborn and impulsive and acts without thinking things through and clearly struggles with magic.
And yet she makes up for it with her sheer determination to learn, to master this power which allows her to protect what's left and Catherine can't help but be amazed at this young girl. They're the same and yet so completely different.
Of course as soon as Justin starts to get more involved with all the magic stuff Catherine is worried about him. It's not like she wasn't worried about Montana to begin with, but Justin is her son, her baby. It's the first time the two of them ever had a big argument since Justin never really fought with his mom. Even after they talk it out she's not happy with him joining Montana on trips. But after seeing his determination and desire to protect Mo, to be able to return the favor because she always protects them and he desperately wants to keep her safe, to make her understand she's not alone and doesn't have to do everything by herself, even if at times it scares him, Catherine gives in. At least she has the comfort of knowing they're looking out for each other.
Catherine isn't unfriendly to the soul riders either, quite the opposite. It would be easy to be angry at them, to hold grudges and not want a single thing to do with it, but that's not like her. Catherine isn't a hateful person. She wouldn't be angry at kids for something that their predecessors did. Elizabeth and Avalon are a different story of course, but the girls never did anything bad, she doesn't hold any grudges against them specifically. They're just kids, kids who have way too many things that they have to shoulder than anyone that age should. Those girls aren't even in their 20s and are being told the fate of Jorvik and perhaps the whole world is depending on them. That's fucked up, like, severely fucked up.
So Catherine always tells them that no matter what, they can always come to Moorland Stables. Even if she can't do much in regard to guiding them on their Soul Rider journey, she can make sure there is a place for them where they're safe.
It does hurt to see that just like her Montana feels like she doesn't fit in, doesn't belong with them. To see that cycle repeat itself. Yet Montana doesn't seem to be as bothered by it as she had been, which isn't exactly better if you hear the 'I wasn't really able to make friends after we left Jorvik, so it's nothing new' explanation.
I do think she would stay away from Valedale and the Keepers and Elizabeth as far as she can. The only time I can see her showing up again is after Justin got imprisoned and for the first time in her life Catherine is full on willing to throw hands with someone. (She doesn't. She doesn't stop Montana from doing it for her either.)
Catherine is basically treating Montana as her own daughter and being a great at it. She doesn't hold grudges against the current Soul Riders bc they're just kids. The Keepers can go fuck themselves she ain't dealing with them. When are Montana and Justin getting married she'd love to have her as her daughter in law
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braveclementine · 5 months
Chapter 8
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Warnings: None, Readers under 18 can read this book. It is solely fluff- nothing sexual
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖋𝖊𝖜 days were horrendous for me. Everywhere I went I swear, either Dumbledore, Snape, or McGonagall were shooting me conspicuous looks, waiting for answers. I'd given them a least a months worth of information, what more did they want from me? The grades to people's tests? Every little conversation that was between now and Colin's petrifying?
I was angsty and snapped easily, lashing out at everyone. Hermione had retreated inside herself, not talking to anyone and constantly reading, more than ever. The Hufflepuffs had taken to avoiding Harry despite my assurances that Harry wasn't the one who had petrified Mrs. Norris, and the fact that Dumbledore didn't believe Harry had done it.
A week later on Wednesday, I was with Ron in the library while Hermione was in the stacks of books father back. Ron was measuring his History of Magic essay which was supposed to be three feet long.
"I don't believe it." Ron said, letting the tape measuring shut as Harry walked into the library and sat down next to us. "I'm still eight inches short. And Hermione's done four feet seven inches and her writing's tiny." He let go of the parchment he had written his essay on and it sprang together into its original roll.
"Where is she?" Harry asked, grabbing the tape measure to measure his own essay.
"Mines four feet nine inches." I said with a smirk, able to gloat because Hermione wasn't here. Ron glanced over at my essay and scowled. My handwriting was just as small as Hermione's. Harry chuckled as he sat down.
"Somewhere over there," Ron said, pointing vaguely into the shelves. "Looking for another book. I think she's trying to read the whole library before Christmas."
I snorted with laughter and then refocused on my Potions assignment that was due next week.
"Listen, as I was coming here, I saw Justin Finch-Fletchley from Herbology class, remember him? Anyways, I was going to say Hello to him but he darted off in the other direction to avoid me." Harry said, sounding unhappy and a bit confused. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and rolled up my potions essay.
"Dunno why you care." Ron said, scribbling as largely as possible to take up more space on his essay. "I thought he was a bit of an idiot. All that junk about Lockhart being so great-"
I scowled, pulling the string around my essay just a little to tightly. My essay crinkled and I had to untie the string and retie it. Even though my Hufflepuff friends were wrong, I didn't like anyone talking bad about them.
Hermione came out from behind the stacks of books, looking irritable. I put my potions essay away and pulled out my charms essay that was due in three days. Shallow charming and is it better than deep charming? Two feet four inches due. UGH! Shallow and deep charms were so boring!
"All the copies of Hogwarts, A History have been taken out." She said, sitting down across from Harry. "And there's a two-week waiting list. I wish I hadn't left my copy at home, but I couldn't fit it in my trunk with all the Lockhart books."
"They're a waste of space, you shouldn't have brought them period." I muttered under my breath. While Ron laughed, Hermione scowled at me, but otherwise ignored my comment.
"Why do you want it?" Harry asked curiously, shooting me a grin.
"The same reason everyone else wants it. To read up on the legend of the Chamber of Secrets." Hermione said waspishly, obviously still mad about my 'Lockhart's books are stupid' comment.
I looked up quickly as Harry asked, "What's that?"
Hogwarts, A History had the Chamber of Secrets legend in it? My book was downstairs, I could run up and get it before class. Did I have enough time? Probably not, Transfiguration started in 10 minutes. I could get it after class.
"Hermione, let me read your composition." Ron said desperately, checking his watch.
"No, I won't. You've had ten days to finish it-" Hermione said in her severe, bossy voice.
I quickly pulled my essay out of my bag and tossed it over to him. "Be quick. I don't want to be late to McGonagall's class."
Hermione gave me a look of disapproval.
"It's two lines, Hermione." I said in defense. "Its a one time pass too." I warned Ron as he clumsily untied my perfect parcel knot.
The bell rang and we parted separate ways- them to History of Magic with Binns, me to Transfiguration with McGonagall.
I sat down in my regular seat in the front of the classroom. We were going to be working on animal to goblet transformations. I had asked Sadie to fly into class today and she was already sitting on the back of my chair. I turned around and petted her head. "Ready for today?" I asked softly. "It'll be quick and painless, I promise. You can always change your mind of course." I added quickly.
Sadie hooted quietly and stuck her beak in my hair like she was grooming me. I grinned at her and petted her head again. Professor McGonagall called for attention at the front of the class and I turned around, leaning forward so that I wasn't pressed up against Sadie.
Suddenly, I was no longer in the Transfiguration classroom, but in the History of Magic classroom. I tried to look around, confused, then realized I couldn't move. I was in a different point of view, looking at Hermione. The view shifted to look at Professor Binns.
"For a few years, the founders worked in harmony together, seeking out youngsters who showed signs of magic and bringing them to the castle to be educated. But then disagreements sprang up between them. A rift began to grow between Slytherin and the others. Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students. . ."
I was back in the Transfiguration classroom. Professor McGonagall was going over the wand movement and Incantation. I quickly started scribbling down what she was saying. What a weird blackout.
I'd had a blackout like that before, last year. I hadn't been looking into the future, just as I hadn't been looking just now. And last year I was in the point of view of Harry. Was I in Harry this time again? I certainly wasn't in Hermione's point of view considering that I had been looking at her for a moment. And I couldn't see a reason why I'd be anyone else.
Then, it happened again. I was back in the History of Magic classroom, Binns still talking. "The story goes that Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in the castle, of which the other founders knew nothing. Slytherin, according to the legend, sealed the Chamber of Secrets so that none would be able to open it until his own true heir arrived at the school. The heir alone would be able to reseal the Chamber of Secrets, unleash the horror within, and use it to purge the school of all who were unworthy to study magic."
I came back to the Transfiguration classroom and looked around quickly. Everyone else had started on their transformation. Sadie hooted softly behind me, and I held out my arm, and she hopped onto it.
"Sorry." I whispered. "I got a bit distracted. I'm going to practice a little first so I get the spell perfect on the first try."
I looked down at my notes. Three taps on the target object then say the incantation. The incantation was Fera Verto.
"Fera Verto, Fera Verto." I said multiple times without my wand in my hand. Then, taking out my wand, I tapped Sadie lightly three times on top of her head and said, "Fera Verto."
She shrunk into a large silver goblet and I smiled proudly.
"Lovely, Miss Kane." Professor McGonagall said, who had started walking around amongst the students, looking at everyone's progress. "Five points to Hufflepuff." Sher performed the counter charm to turn Sadie back into herself.
I let out a sigh of relief. "That wasn't too bad, was it?" I asked, in concern.
Sadie hooted and flapped her wings. Then she tucked her head under her wing and closed her large eyes.
"Tired?" I asked, a little amused, a little preoccupied. I petted her head and down her back. She hooted softly again. I kept stroking her until the bell rang and then carried her over to the window and let her fly off. I watched her for a moment, wondering what the hell had just happened inside my head.
Now that I thought about it, it wasn't really the future, was it? It was the present in a different part of the castle. It had been the present last year as well. What was the difference? Why did it happen? It seemed the more I discovered about my visions, the more questions I had about them. Stupid things.
Grabbing my bag, I left the room quickly and headed down the hallway to get to the Great Hall for dinner. I approached the hallway where Mrs. Norris had been. Coming up from the other hallway, I heard Ron's voice saying, "D'you really think there's a Chamber of Secrets?"
I looked over, seeing Hermione, Ron, and Harry were coming up to me. Harry raised his hand in greeting but listened to Hermione say, "I don't know. Dumbledore couldn't cure Mrs. Norris, and that makes me think that whatever attacked her might not be- well- human."
The came to where I was standing which was right in front of the hallway where the attack had been. They stopped walking.
"That's where Filch has been keeping guard." Ron said, pointing to an empty wooden chair up against the wall.
"Can't hurt to have a poke around." Harry said, dropping to his knees so that he could look for clues better. I raised an eyebrow at him, rolled my eyes, and then looked away from him.
I looked around the empty hallway nervously. We shouldn't be here. I didn't think there was anything we could possibly find here.
"Scorch marks!" He said, pointing to the floor in front of him. "Here- and here-"
Where had the scorch marks come from?
"Come and look at this." Hermione said, across the corridor by the windows. "This is funny. . ."
Against my better judgement, I approached the windows with Harry. Hermione had been pointing at the topmost pane and it took me a moment to see what it was and then I jumped back in disgust. There was a single, long, silvery thread dangling like a rope. There were perhaps forty thousand spiders climbing along it like they were trying to escape to the outside world.
"Have you ever seen spiders act like that?" Hermione asked wondering.
"They look like they're trying to flee the castle." I murmured aloud, frowning. I didn't particularly like spiders.
"No, never. Have you, Ron?" Harry asked. There was no answer. "Ron?"
We turned to look around where Ron was standing well back away from the window panes.
"What's up?" Harry asked, confused and curious.
"I- don't- like- spiders." Ron said through gritted teeth.
"I never knew that." Hermione said with an air of surprise. "You've used spiders in Potions loads of times. . ."
"I don't mind them dead." Ron said, speaking very carefully as though opening his mouth to big would result in a spider in his mouth. "I just don't like the way they move. . ."
Hermione and I giggled.
"It's not funny." Ron said angrily. "If you must know, when I was three, Fred turned my- my teddy bear into a great big filthy spider because I broke his broomstick. . . You wouldn't like them either if you'd been holding your bear and suddenly it had too many legs and. . ."
He broke off, shuddering. Hermione was covering her mouth, stifling her laughs. I continued to laugh out loud.
Harry quickly changed the subject, "Remember all that water on the floor? Where did that come from? Someone's mopped it up."
"It was about here." Ron said, walking even farther away from the windows, his back to the spiders. "Level with this door."
Had there been water on the floor? I hadn't remembered that. It was obviously possible. Perhaps Myrtle had thrown a fit again. Peeves had upset her greatly last night.
Ron raised his hand to open the door and then drew his hand back.
"What's the matter?" Harry asked curiously, pushing forward to see.
"Can't go in there. That's a girls' toilet." Ron muttered.
I laughed again.
"Oh, Ron, there won't be anyone in there. That's Moaning Myrtle's place. Come on, let's have a look." Hermine said haughtily, pushing forward and opening the door.
I walked in first, looking around at the large, depressing bathroom. The floor was damp, like it always was. The candles flickered, dangerously close to going out. The mirrors were cracked and on the brink of shattering. The sinks were chipped, one faucet still dripping. The ceilings had stains on them and the bathroom stall doors were scratched and flaking. One door was hanging off its hinges.
I was never sure why this bathroom hadn't been cleaned up and repaired when it would've been so easy to do with a little magic. Part of me suspected it was because the Professors- or at least our headmaster- respected the ghosts and were lenient to let Myrtle have this place to her own.
I hung back while Hermione approached the last stall. "Hello, Myrtle, how are you?"
Harry and Ron followed Hermione to see Myrtle. I heard her say, "This is a girls bathroom. They're not girls."
If I didn't like Myrtle or understood her sensitiveness, I would've said, "Wonderful observation." I held my tongue.
"No." Hermione said in agreement. "I just wanted to show them how- er- nice it is in here."
I rolled my eyes, crossed my arms, and leaned back against the stall doors, studying the sinks. They were all shaped the same way except for one. One of them, the middle one, had the design of a snake curling around the tap. Strange design, but I supposed since this bathroom was close to the Slytherin common room. Perhaps that was why?
The sound of Myrtle howling in agony made me pull my attention away from the taps and pay attention again. ". . .My life was nothing but misery at this place and now people come along ruining my death!"
"We wanted to ask you if you've seen anything funny lately." Hermione said in a rushed way. "Because a cat was attacked right outside your front door on Halloween."
"Did you see anyone near here that night?" Harry asked, as though perhaps Myrtle hadn't understood the first time.
"I wasn't paying attention." Myrtle said in a voice that I knew meant she was about to do something dramatic. "Peeves upset me so much I came in here and tried to kill myself. Then, of course, I remembered that I'm- that I'm-"
"Already dead?" Ron asked.
Myrtle gave a tragic sob and I heard a splash that meant Myrtle had dove into the toilet. I sighed, getting up from the wall, pinching my nose.
"Let's go." I said, almost bored. "I'm hungry."
Harry closed the door behind us and we started to walk towards the Great Hall and then a loud voice made all of us jump.
We all spun around. There was Percy Weasley, Ron's eldest brother at Hogwarts, stopped dead at the head of the stairs. I could see his prefect badge gleaming from here. I wouldn't be surprised if he polished it every night before he went to bed. He had a look of pure shock on his face.
"That's a girls bathroom!" He said gasping. "What were you-"
Ron tried to shrug it off by saying, "Just having a look around, clues, you know-"
Percy swelled up, looking a bit like Mrs. Weasley in my opinion when she got mad. He strode toward us in long strides and started flapping his arms, moving us forward like we were birds he was trying to shoo away. "Get- away- from- there-. Don't you care what this looks like? Coming back here while everyone's at dinner-"
"Why shouldn't we be here?" Ron asked hotly. "Listen, we never laid a finger on that cat." He said, stopping short. Harry bumped into him.
"That's what I told Ginny." Percy said fiercely. "But she still seems to think you're going to be expelled. I've never seen her so upset, crying her eyes out, you might think of her, all the first years are thoroughly overexcited by this business-"
I felt guilt pierce me like a hot knife. I'd been perfectly friendly with Ginny at the Burrow, but the moment I'd gotten back to Hogwarts it had been Harry, Ron, Hermione, and me. Of course, we were in different years which meant we didn't have a lot of time that we could spend together, but still. We could go to Hagrid's together, explore the forest, study- or I supposed I could tutor her. I had to find some way that we could stay friends. It would be cruel any way else.
"You don't care about Ginny." Ron accused Percy, his ears bright red. "You're just worried I'm going to mess up your chances of being Head Boy-"
Percy's fingers flew up to his Prefect badge, stroking it, almost as though Ron had hurt its feelings. "Five points from Gryffindor!" Percy said angrily. "And I hope it teaches you a lesson! No more detective work, or I'll write to Mum!" He turned around and strode off without making sure we were going to the Great Hall to eat. His neck was redder than Ron's ears.
𝕴 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖉 𝖆𝖜𝖆𝖞 from the Great Hall by myself instead of with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Ginny came out of the Great Hall some moments later, looking a bit pale.
"Hey Ginny!" I approached her quickly.
She looked at me, looking even paler, and a little disconcerted, and then said, "Oh, hey Elizabeth."
"Um. . . I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk with me. I have something important I want to tell you." I said, clutching my book tightly. I still wasn't entirely sure what I was going to say. Everything that I wanted to say, read in my head, sounded stupid.
"Sure." Ginny said. We walked out of the castle. The sky was turning pink and gold and it was already very cold. We wrapped our cloaks around us and we wandered down to the Black lake.
"Umm. . ." I started out. "I just wanted to apologize to you." I looked out over the lake, unable to look at her, as ashamed as I was. I wasn't entirely why I felt so ashamed, but I did. I couldn't explain the strange feeling in my stomach. I felt like I had committed a crime.
"Why?" Ginny asked, sounding curious and surprised.
"Because." I said, taking a deep breath, my cheeks turning pink from shame and cold. "Over the summer, I was your friend and then we came to Hogwarts and I stopped talking to you. That was wrong of me. I want to be friends Ginny." I said that as innocently as a twelve year old could. "I understand that I've probably been really cold and that's just. . . no excuses." I finished lamely. "I'll always be around, I promise."
I finally looked at her and smiled, hoping she accepted my apology. The words still sounded stupid.
Ginny smiled back at me. She looked strangely relieved, as though she had expected me to say something else. "Friends forever?" she asked.
"Friends forever." I agreed. A warm feeling spread through my body despite the cold temperature outside. I was definitely doing the right thing. Now, I just had to keep my promise and that was always harder than it sounded.
"I have a report I have to finish for Charms, want to help?" Ginny asked, tilting her head to side hesitantly, as though I might have changed my mind in the last three seconds.
"Sure, let's go to the library." I said, smiling like an idiot. But what can I say? I'm twelve years old and I like making friends. There's nothing wrong with that. Besides, despite having a brother, I'd always wanted a sister. Specifically a little sister I could watch over.
We walked back up to the castle, stepping through the huge front doors and feeling the immediate transformation from freezing to warm. We walked through the hallways and up staircases, talking and laughing.
Reaching the library, we stepped inside, finding a table in the back and pulling out essays. Ugh Shallow and Deep charms. I wondered how Professor Flitwick would react if I just didn't do it. To my pleasure, Ginny needed help on one of her Transfiguration assignments.
As I started to help her with a question that I had done last year, I saw a bubbling cauldron in a bathroom stall.
I pushed the vision away. I could think about those later. Right now, it was just me and Ginny. I wasn't going to break my promise.
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Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
Rain Over Me - Pitbull feat. Marc Anthony
Ready Or Not - Bridgit Mendler
Reality - Lost Frequencies feat. Janieck Devy
Red Lights - Tiësto
Renegades - X Ambassadors
Rhythm Of Love - Tq, Italove
Ride It - Regard
Ride Or Die - The Knocks feat. Foster The People
Right There - Nicole Scherzinger feat. 50 Cent
Riva (Restart The Game) - Klingande feat. Broken Back
River Flows In You - Jasper Forks
Roar - Katy Perry
Rocketeer - Far East Movement, Ryan Tedder
Rosana - Wax
Roses - The Chainsmokers feat. ROZES
Run Away With Me - Carly Rae Jepsen
Runaround Sue - Human Nature
Safe And Sound - Capital Cities
Sailing - Mike Oldfield
Salt - Ava Max
Same Old Love - Selena Gomez
Sans rancune - Sindy feat. La Fouine
Santa Tell Me - Ariana Grande (Xmas)
Say Something - Justin Timberlake feat. Chris Stapleton
Search Party (OST 'Paper Towns') - Sam Bruno
Seek Bromance - Tim Berg
Self Control - Bebe Rexha
Señorita - Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello
Shake It Off - Taylor Swift
Shame - Elle King
She Makes Me Wanna - JLS feat. DEV
She Moves (Far Away) - Alle Farben feat. Graham Candy
She Wolf (Falling To Pieces) - David Guetta feat. Sia
She's Got Nothing On (But The Radio) - Roxette
She's On Fire - Bo Saris
She's So Mean - Matchbox Twenty
Shower - Becky G
Side To Side - Ariana Grande feat. Nicki Minaj
Sing Me To Sleep - Alan Walker
Sing That Song - Shaun Bate feat. Sirona
Sit Next To Me - Foster The People
Sit Still, Look Pretty - Daya
Skin - Rag'n'Bone Man
Slow It Down - Amy Macdonald
Solo - Clean Bandit, Demi Lovato
Someone Like You - Adele
Something About You - Elderbrook, Rudimental
Something In The Water - Brooke Fraser
Song For Sophie - Aura Dione
Sparks - Hilary Duff
special - Shinedown
Speeding Cars - Walking On Cars
Spirit Indestructible - Nelly Furtado
Stay - Kygo feat. Maty Noyes
Stay - Zedd, Alessia Cara
Stay With Me - Sam Smith
Strangers - Sigrid
Stuttering - Fefe Dobson
Summer Paradise - Simple Plan feat. Sean Paul
SuperLove - Charli XCX
Survivors - Passenger
Talk Talk - Cannons
The Adventures Of Rain Dance Maggie - Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Chamber - Lenny Kravitz
The Edge - Tonight Alive
The Flood - Take That
The Girl Is Mine - 99 Souls, Destiny’s Child & Brandy
The Greatest - Sia
The Middle - Zedd, Maren Morris, Grey
The Mother We Share - CHVRCHES
The One That Got Away - Katy Perry
The Sound Of Silence - Disturbed
Thrift Shop - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Wanz
Thumbs - Sabrina Carpenter
Thunderclouds - LSD (Sia, Diplo, Labrinth)
Tornado - Little Big Town
Treasure - Bruno Mars
Tu Vuo ‘Fa’ L'Americano - Hetty & The Jazzato Band
Wagon Wheel - Darius Rucker
Watermelon Sugar - Harry Styles
Waves - Mr. Probz
Way Down We Go - KALEO
We Found Love - Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris
Wet - Nicole Scherzinger
Who Do You Think Of? - M.O
Wind Flower - MAMAMOO
Wolves Without Teeth - Of Monsters And Men
You - The Pretty Reckless
You Are The Reason - Calum Scott
You Don’t Know Love - Olly Murs
You Don't Know Me - Ofenbach feat. Brodie Barclay
You Don't Own Me - SAYGRACE feat. G-Eazy
You Make Me - Avicii
You Say - Lauren Daigle
Your Song - Ellie Goulding
You’re In Love With A Psycho - Kasabian
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
Warriors of the world - Warhammer 40k tribute
In the end they suffocated the guy to death what are the chamber with oxygen and he started coming back then they said you know good to us anymore your brain is pretty much toast that's why we're doing this and the incinerated him and they told him other stuff what you're saying is making us very mad and you don't listen to it and you won't fix yourself and you're working for the max and they said you have to go and we're going to get rid of you now he cried out and says please don't I'm going to try and heal so we can't heal you because you already learned some really stupid stuff and they hate that got rid of him and it's like the zombie a lot of them are like that and this guy next door is one Trump
Thor Freya
No I'm not I'm directing mine to attack the max yeah I guess I tell them to do stuff to him too I'm going to tell you something we're all doing that it doesn't make sense I'm not a zombie I recover and I'm doing some things that don't make sense and we have to get Intel and he says I have it and I'm still an a****** and that makes sense cuz I'm doing whatever I think works
That's the problem they know what it is they know what's going on they know all this stuff even about the oxygen and they talked about it a year ago people are going after them now to kill them because they're doing the job for these other people they did it with covid-19 and they brought the Earth to a standstill and it will start going backwards and everybody needs to arm up because the max are bigger than everybody else this guy's a fool
Thor Freya
I don't care for your plan Trump I don't want to be sided up with you I don't be near you and it is f****** arrogant a****** who doesn't listen to me at all and your plan is revolving around me even threatening me you don't get s*** because of you you can take yourself and jam yourself up your ass you're so God damn annoying
Zues Hera
We have a war to fight he wants us to stop this a****** from bothering him Justin says it's unrelenting and he's this perverted piece of poop and there's no real good reason for him doing it if something is an addict and we have to get him off him never mind breaking the addiction we have a problem here and it's an emergency his cars are civil war he says he is caused our civil war and doesn't care and he knows about all this stuff
Mac Daddy I'm going to ask people for a judgment I'm going to include his people there's a whole bunch of wackos running around who sound like the moron
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heyitscricket · 3 years
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alex karev are you free on thursday i need a long hug
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izzex · 5 years
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5x17 // 16x16
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brighttaylor · 4 years
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gonna take you away from harm💕🥺
[song: Big Jet Plane — Angus & Julia Stone]
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thatdandyboy · 5 years
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365 Days of Men // Day 148 // Justin Chambers
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geniefrancis · 6 years
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The cast and executive producers of ABC’s “Grey’s Anatomy” celebrate the record-breaking 15th season at the opening night event of a special, weekend-long exhibit in West Hollywood on Thursday, September 20, 2018.
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kimraver · 6 years
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therealdebbieallen: Get ready cause here we come!!! Who’s tuning in to tonight’s greysabc? Fasten your seatbelts. 💋✨🎢 #greysanatomy #TGIT
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ttiva · 7 years
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leatheryhoward · 7 years
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Grey’s Rewatch
3x07 Where The Boys Are
“People don't come to me to fix what's on the outside, they come to me to fix what's on the inside. And if that means giving someone a straighter nose, or bigger breasts, or..if that helps a person get by.. I dont run. I don't hide. I don't take space.” (Mark Sloan)
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