#minecraft chat reporting
kittycatcarla · 2 years
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I find it both funny and incredibly annoying that they disabled the chat. I kinda wish it is just for the pre-show
But im 99% sure they did this for the sole reason of people spamming "remove chat report". Which is childish from both sides but I'd say even more so from Mojang. At least the community is partially made up of children, but labor laws prevent Mojang employees from children
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mojangunoficial · 2 years
we are aware of your concerns about the chatmoderation system coming to java however it is a importent part of our creative vision which many people forgot is to recreate george orwells 1984
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habble0 · 1 year
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For anyone curious this is how they get the sounds for the different animals in minecraft
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ulaan1 · 2 years
On Minecraft’s Report System
In the past few months there was a bit of an uproar in the Minecraft community over the 1.19.1 update-- which, besides being the latest lackluster and disappointing content addition, also introduces a controversial global ban system based on in-game player reporting.
Unfortunately, the discourse surrounding this change has been extremely dishonest. I will be fair and say both sides are guilty of this; many who are opposed imply that a Bedrock-style profanity filter is included in this update, which isn’t true. But on the other side, those in support constantly and disingenuously insinuate that all criticism of this system originates from a tiny minority of toxic edgelords and bigots, and that all reasonable people support this system, or are ambivalent towards it.
This is so blatantly false and cynical that I felt compelled to write a post about it. Politically, I am closer to an SJW than most, and as such I would have absolutely zero problem with Minecraft introducing a profanity filter that outright refuses to send messages containing the n-word and other slurs (that means only hateful slurs, and not a massive list that contains many innocuous words, such as “BAMF”, "gay" and "sofa king").
In fact, even if the report system in its current form specifically targeted extremist bigotry like racism, white nationalism, transphobia etc. and nothing else, I would not be writing this post. As far as I'm concerned, bigots don't deserve to have fun.
The reality
Unfortunately, the system reaches much, much farther than the above examples. We can call it a small victory that the category "swearing and profanity" was removed from the list of reportable offenses, but the fact that it was ever included to begin with shows how badly Mojang is missing the point.
And yes, it is indeed Mojang doing this. During this debacle, many people on social media have shown an inclination to blame Microsoft for this decision, absolving the poor, wholesome, relatable Mojang developerinos of any blame for a system clearly "forced upon them" by "out of touch corporate boomers".
Unfortunately, this is probably not accurate. First off, contrary to some other corporations that buy up studios, Microsoft is known to have a fairly hands-off approach toward IPs it buys. They believe that the developers that made it into a brand worth buying know how to handle their business, and if that attitude changed with Minecraft, it would be a first. If anything, Minecraft is the prime example of an IP that has improved tremendously while owned by Microsoft; we got stuff like the Nether Update, which I personally think is one of the best updates Minecraft has had in nearly a decade.
Secondly, Mojang developers, most notably among them Felix "Xilefian", have publicly displayed sentiments like "I wish people didn't bring up 2b2t" (one of the largest multiplayer servers in the world) and, paraphrased, "if you're against this system, you are a clown"; does that sound like someone begrudgingly carrying out the orders of a higher-up corporate entity? Or someone with a specific vision for what the game should be (i.e. an experience for young children), with frustration at the backlash from more mature demographics?
The point I'm trying to make by writing this post is that the majority of people opposed to this change are not, in fact, edgelords who are mad that they can no longer say racial slurs online. There are more serious concerns regarding the precedent it sets for the future of Minecraft multiplayer, that Mojang developers haven’t responded to in any of their lackluster “responses”.
Server ownership and server hosting
I am a server owner. If you're reading this, you probably know that, because who the fuck else reads my blog? But just to put it all out in the open: at this point I’ve invested more than $1000 in a physical machine in my house that, aside from my website, and a discord bot, I use to host several Minecraft servers. With the soaring energy prices in Europe right now, you can bet your ass I’ll end up spending like a third of my yearly income from my shitty part time job on keeping this machine running.
I turned 24 recently, and I have been playing Minecraft for over 12 years, since the very early days when we would get our updates on the Tumblr blog  "The Word of Notch"  and you could play the free game "Minecraft Classic" in your browser. I bought the game in Alpha for $5. I have been involved in hosting private Minecraft servers since at least 2013, and in doing so have been around the block in terms of the different ways people enjoy playing SMP.
Mojang devs have compared the Minecraft Community Standards to Discord's Terms of Service. In fact, they have compared receiving a global ban from Minecraft multiplayer to getting your Discord account terminated for breaking the ToS.
Anyone with a baseline understanding of how this stuff works on a technical level should immediately recognize a big problem with that line of argument.
Discord guilds are "owned" by their creators in name only. They are hosted using proprietary software on privately owned machines operated by Discord Inc. The Company; in this regard they have far more in common with, say, a Facebook account than a Minecraft dedicated server.
The only type of Minecraft server comparable to a Discord server is Realms; they come with the same heavy restrictions on customization for the sake of a guarantee of stability and no back-end administrative headaches, with the hosting handled by the developers themselves.
If you, on the other hand, want to actually operate your own private Minecraft server, you either have to rent server space (for money) from a third party hosting provider unaffiliated with Mojang, or invest significant personal resources (like money) into setting up your own physical server.
In these cases, the only thing provided by Mojang is the Minecraft server software. Everything else; the setup, operation, and maintenance of the actual server, the time and financial investment, the moderation of the community and curation of its contents, are all your responsibility. It’s quite a task, but the people undertaking it are well-equipped to do so.
It’s easy to write off your detractors as a vocal minority. It’s easy to claim that, for example, the Minecraft subreddit is not an accurate representation of the Minecraft playerbase (probably true), or that 2b2t is an unhealthy and toxic environment (definitely true). And yes, there have been serious cases of grooming and danger to children on different Minecraft servers in the world.
But the question isn’t whether or not harmful stuff is going on; the question is whether it’s Mojang’s responsibility to do something about it if it’s happening on someone’s private server, and the answer is a resounding “nope”.
So what does this all mean?
What this means is that Mojang is now enforcing control and undue influence over the goings-on on machines they have no legal authority over.
Yes, pedantic people will say: Well, it’s their server software you’re relying on, and they’re free to change that in any way they want! And yes, that is correct. They are free to dictate what their software does when we choose to use it, but they are also not responsible for how we choose to use it.
It’s also not even true; that we are reliant on their software for our server needs, that is. Running a pure vanilla server is almost unheard of especially public-facing ones; it completely lacks security features, and even back in the day the bare minimum was to run Bukkit + Essentials, with a permissions framework of choice. Nowadays people will bundle the Minecraft server jar with something like PaperMC, Spigot, or other software that increases performance (Mojang’s server software is notoriously ill-equipped for large public multiplayer) as well as fixing numerous bugs that negatively impact the multiplayer experience.
The main problem here, however, is more general than “Mojang is encroaching on my machine! Not in my backyard!!111″.
Mojang is, slowly but surely, changing its attitude towards its playerbase to be increasingly paternalistic and patronizing. Their idea of what their target demographic is has changed drastically from what it used to be.
A good example is how, in the EULA and in other places on the Minecraft website, it is expressed that "griefing" is a negative thing. Now for the average casual survival server, this is obviously true enough that it doesn't need to be emphasized; however, on the other hand, there are various widely popularized PvP gamemodes, like Factions, where griefing is an integral and accepted part of the competitive experience. Given the fact that Mojang interacts with Minecraft content creators regularly, they are undoubtedly aware of this. And yet, they choose to include it in the EULA. Why?
It all makes a lot more sense if you see Minecraft not as the game you remember from 10 years ago, but as the game it is right now. The overt majority of the Minecraft playerbase now consists of children and young teenagers who started playing after the Microsoft acquisition and have no particular love for “edgy” or “old-school” communities.
The comparatively miniscule holdover of adults who’ve been playing Minecraft since the early days simply does not make Mojang enough Sweet Ca$$$h Money to warrant giving a shit about. And yet, I’m pretty sure that the old-school Minecraft fanbase from back in the day is overrepresented among server operators, and are indispensable to keeping the landscape of privately hosted multiplayer servers interesting and vibrant.
Think of the children...!
Unfortunate, the truth is that those large-scale multiplayer experiences, while they’re run by adults, are mostly populated by children, and sweeping legislation to “protect minors online” is always on the horizon both in the EU and the United States; massive internet platforms full of children, such as Minecraft, have to pre-empt the possibility of getting sanctioned if it turns out that any child can freely connect to 2b2t and instantly get their chat filled with racial slurs and sexual innuendo.
At the end of the day, Mojang has simply correctly identified that their primary source of revenue is forever going to be young kids, or more accurately, their parents; whereas the adults who bought the game for cheap in 2011 aren’t going to make them any more money.
In a changing online media landscape it is in their best interest to reform their platform to be maximally appealing to parents, authorities, educators and children; and if you’re the kind of person who wants total personal control and ownership of your online experience, you are just shit out of luck.
And ultimately, if you do end up getting banned for something unfair, and the ban appeal process doesn’t overturn it, then what’s left? Well, if you really want to continue having the full experience, you would probably just purchase a new account. To them, there is no downside in this scenario; sweeping moderation guarantees to take care of 100% of toxicity and threats to their increasingly pre-teenaged playerbase, and the few cases that aren’t valid are either fixed through recourse... or by giving Mojang another $20.
Now, I strongly doubt this was some sort of nefarious scheme to make everyone buy additional copies of the game, as some particularly cynical redditors have insinuated, but if that thought ever did cross their minds, it certainly wouldn’t be an argument against the current incarnation of the report system. Ultimately, Mojang’s attitude is: if you are flagged in any way as a source of harmful conduct on our children’s game, you don’t get the benefit of the doubt: we excise you.
The thing they’re painfully oblivious to, for some reason, though, is that there is no overarching multiplayer experience. There is no single “children’s game”; there is still, to this day, no Roblox-esque central Mojang-hosted multiplayer platform to which all Minecraft Java Edition players connect in order to play. There are only the millions of privately hosted machines, such as mine, and there should be no arbiter of what is “toxic” in my server, except myself, my userbase, and the applicable laws in my polity.
Mojang’s community outreach and policing should remain strictly limited to those who want to be reached out to and policed.
The alternatives
If we accept the premise of my last paragraph, then what could Mojang do instead? 
Extending them the benefit of the doubt, the devs and their bootlickers have argued on several occasions that “many server owners are not equipped to handle the moderation of their communities". Weird take, but ok; based on no real data as far as I can tell, but let’s roll with it for a moment.
If that’s true, then what should Mojang do? Pick your answer:
A) Mojang should provide server owners with more effective moderation tools, such as a way for players to report other players to the server owner.
B) Mojang should implement a mandatory global moderation system that bypasses server owners altogether and thus reduces the control and social authority they have over their communities.
It’s glaringly obvious that, if you really think about it, their decision in this case does not make logical sense. Perhaps that’s the reason why they haven’t replied in any real depth to the question of why, exactly, this system is being implemented?
Either way, the most obvious solution and compromise would be to make the report system opt-in. If a server owner does in fact believe they are ill-equipped to handle the moderation of their own server (then why are you starting a public server in the first place? but ok.)  then they can simply decide they are okay with Mojang’s trained moderators (or “Minecraft Investigators”) to do the job for them.
The real alternative, though, that would actually satisfy everyone, is to have the report menu as it currently exists implemented into the game, but send its report output to the server owner instead of to Mojang, unless the server owner has explicitly chosen to send it to Mojang.
This would not be hard. This would be welcomed with open arms by the server admin community. In fact, if this were to be combined with real public server security features like build protection and such, it would be one of the greatest updates for multiplayer hosting in the history of the game.
Alas, it’s not what we got.
I will certainly continue to play Minecraft. I will continue to host multiplayer servers, thanks to the existence of mods like "No Chat Reports". But the sad reality, I think, is that this trend is going to continue. Mojang is very likely to continue prescribing particular ways to play their game and interact with their services, despite the decentralized nature of the platform.
At least we can be sure the smart people in our community will continue to find ways around it. That, too, is the beauty of having third-party server management.
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pizzabox-box · 1 day
Not a question about anything pizza tower related, I'm just curious about you (in the least creepy way you can take that)! Do you have other blogs/social media accounts (wants to see more art)? What're your pronouns/a name you want to go by? /Most/ importantly, what's the art program(s) you use? It reminds me so much of an old mobile app I used to use, but I think it's pure coincidence!
I go by Rookie Cookie/Rookie/Pizzabox .My pronouns she/her or they/them. My main blog is @rookies-cookies-art so if you see blog named rookies-cookies-art liking your stuff that's me! But there isn't much on there yet. (In fact, there's absolutely nothing yet)
This was actually supposed to be a side blog for the event for when I sometimes make something Pizza Tower related. But I got carried away and well, you know the rest. I became that one full time Pizza Tower artist that mixes fake and real Peppino in various ways and reports the results. (oh well)
In case you want to chat my discord is: rookie_cookie_
You can also find me on instagram under the name: rookie_cookie_
But beware:
I am not active on there anymore
it's Minecraft focused
The art is pretty outdated. I mean I'm not bad, but it's kinda edgy and angsty, especially the older drawings (I say as if whatever is going on with all these au's isn't dark and angsty lol )
I draw my stuff with the help of a regular tablet and a finger. And I have been doing so for the last 6 years. (don't worry I still have all of my fingers👍)
I use sony Sketch. A great ad free app, I have been using that since very begining :) Sometimes when I want to draw on my PC I use Drawpile.
Besides Pizza Tower I'm big fan of all sorts of evolution/creature games (Spore,Thrive,Elysian Eclipse you name it! ) And building/creative focused/chill games. (Slime rancher FTW :D)
Aside from drawing my other hobbies include all kinds of crafts (sculpting) and p l a n t s .
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ilexdiapason · 1 year
(part one here) (part three here)
(CW: character experiences a severe derealization episode)
“D’you want me to order pizza?” Oli asks, somewhat redundantly, because Martyn is twenty-two (according to the police report) and a gamer, of course he’s not gonna turn down free pizza.
“Oh, god, yeah,” says Martyn. And, a second later - “Please.”
He fires up the Domino’s website obediently, pulls up the deals and picks one that’ll leave him some leftovers for when Martyn’s long gone tomorrow. Meateor for himself, as usual, and then he spins the laptop round on his knees to present Martyn with the options. “What are you having?”
Martyn stares at the screen, unblinking, for a few too many seconds.
“... Something wrong?”
He clears his throat. “Yeah, no, just. Um. Been a while.”
“D’you just want a margherita, then? Keep it easy?”
“No, I don’t - I was -” he grimaces, shakes his head roughly, and thumbs at the fabric of his shirt where the tea stain sits “- trying to remember what I liked.”
“No,” Martyn responds immediately.
“Olives? Mushrooms?”
“I’m not picky -”
“Pineapple on pizza?”
Martyn snorts. “Okay, yeah, I don’t much like pineapple on anything, I’ll give you that.”
“But as a concept.”
“No problem with it.”
“Then, Marty, my friend, you’ve lost the plot.”
He sits another moment, deliberating. Then - “Sweetcorn.”
“I like sweetcorn on pizza.”
“Alright,” says Oli, and spins the laptop round again to check the options. “Vegi Supreme or Chicken Feast?”
“I’ll take the chicken,” Martyn says, resolute.
Oli sends the order through, with potato wedges on the side, because it’s his money and he’s gonna pick the extra items for the deal. Then, once the little order tracker with the fake AI has popped up and started telling him stupid jokes to amuse him for the next 25 minutes or so, he turns back to look at Martyn. “Can I ask something?”
He raises his eyebrows. “Ask what?”
“And you don’t need to tell me if it’s, like, personal or whatever, just… what were you eating? If you haven’t seen pizza in however long?”
Martyn makes a face. “Whatever, honestly. It wasn’t a big worry for me - I mean, not like I could - yeah, it was just whatever. Not dead yet, so I’m clearly not malnourished.”
Oli cocks his head. “Whatever like whatever you were given, or whatever like you were scavenging?”
“Like - uh - like - I mean, I wouldn’t say scavenging, that’s - like whatever I could find? I know I’m not explaining this very clearly, it’s -”
“No, no, I said you didn’t need to tell me! Don’t have to say anything you don’t want to.” (It’s not like Oli doesn’t want to know, but he doesn’t need to know if it’s going to make Martyn uncomfortable to explain it.)
“Anyway. It wasn’t bad, it was just… y’know how Covid makes it so you can’t taste anything? Little bit like that.”
“Original Covid did. I don’t know about all the new variants.”
“Ah, yeah, heard about those! Did they ever run out of Greek letters?”
“Don’t think so, thank goodness.”
“Yeah,” Martyn nods.
Beside Oli, the little Domino’s robot lets him know that their pizzas are now going in the oven.
It feels odd, to be sitting here on the sofa, taking an extended lunch break with somebody who he’s only known from Minecraft servers and scratchy in-game prox chat. It feels odd to know that he’s doing hospitality for a man six or seven years younger than him, a friend who’s never answered out-of-character about himself before today. It feels odd to know that he’s actually looking at the real Martyn - not some rat, not some pirate, just… some guy.
Oli swallows and steels himself for what he’s about to say. “Erm - again. Don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to. But… besides this whole Doc thing, what was your life like? Your normal life?”
Martyn’s expression flips into something unreadable for a second, then mellows again into neutrality. “Yeah, uh - nothing special, really. Born and raised in Nottingham, did alright at school, got the grades for uni but I ended up deferring. I was trying to get a job in my gap year but I didn’t really wanna end up behind the counter at GAME or McDonald’s or anything, and nowhere else ever got back to my applications, so… spent a lot of time at home, playing video games. No girlfriend, no mates who really stuck after college; not much worth writing home about. I wasn’t much of anything, really, not then.”
Oli is, he decides, going to ignore the implications of that comment. “Family?”
“Mum, dad, sister who’s been moved out for a few years. Dog. Oh, I hope he’s still alive, that’d suck if I never see my dog again.”
“Fingers crossed,” says Oli.
“What about you? What’s the home life of OrionSound like, when he’s not at the computer?”
“Oh, Marty, my entire life is at the computer,” he quips. “I work in software development. I actually did my degree in psychology, but you’d be surprised, there’s not a lot of room in the market unless you’ve done a load of other certifications as well. I guess I could have got a therapy licence, but as it turned out, I’d spent enough time in first year making terrible visual novels that by the time I got into the workforce I technically knew how to code. AI snapping at our heels now, of course, but it’s probably gonna eat itself by Christmas, so I’m not too worried about that.”
“I dunno,” says Martyn, “I’ve seen some pretty advanced AI.”
“So, yeah. I spent a few years freelancing, contracting for one place or another - I’m quick, which people seem to like, although that’s mostly so I can get back to gaming as soon as possible. And then… like two and a bit years ago? Yeah, would’ve been two years this past July… then I got a really nice position at CHESTCorp, it’s mostly remote work, I drive down to London every few months so they can “review my performance in a controlled environment”, whatever that means, and they pay well enough that I can afford this place on my own, which is -”
Oli stops talking when he notices Martyn’s face has gone white as a sheet.
“What’s wrong?”
“I knew it,” Martyn murmurs.
“I knew it,” he says again, stronger, “I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you, I knew you - I thought - he told me this would happen, I’ve seen it happen, I should’ve just learned from my mistakes the fucking first time, but clearly I’m stupid.”
“Marty, what are you -”
“Didn’t wanna believe this shit could follow me out here, but evidently it - oh. Oh, no, no, you fucking - it’s not over, is it? I’m still - that’s why nobody picked up the phone, it wasn’t real, you couldn’t synthesise my mother’s voice, I’d know! You’re CHEST, of course you’re CHEST, the one person I thought - I mean, I hoped - you’re fucking cruel, is what this is, it’s cruel, and you’re not fooling me twice. Don’t know how you got the food this realistic, but -”
“Martyn,” Oli tries to interrupt, “are you okay?”
“Shut the fuck up,” Martyn says through gritted teeth. “You’ve given the game away now, CHEST agent. Should’ve known it wasn’t real. Should’ve known I couldn’t get out that easy. Or you caught up before I got out, one of you fuckers, planted something, or - I don’t know, made me think I was finally out of this stupid place. Made me think it was fine so I’d start giving up secrets. Well, you’re not getting another word out of me, you fucking idiot. Some interrogation room you’ve got here, huh? This your best simulation? Get a better model for your TV, I’ll tell you that for free, the reflection’s too smooth.”
Well. Er. “Martyn,” he tries again, “I think you might be having a flashback?”
“Nothing back about it, you bastard. Giving me false hope like that. Thank god I don’t actually know Doc’s name, or you’d have been able to track him too, wouldn’t you? Fuck you. Don’t ever bring my family into this again, any of you.”
“Okay,” Oli says slowly, rifling through his psychology knowledge for grounding techniques, “you think this isn’t real, right now?”
“I know it isn’t real,” Martyn spits, “and it’s getting worse the more I’m poking at it. See, look -” he stomps a foot at the floor “- you’re losing resolution trying to keep it running.”
The carpet, which has not changed and is certainly not lower resolution than it was when they got here, endures being scuffed at. Oli doesn’t want to actually lay a hand on Martyn right now, though; he’s got a bad feeling that’ll end in something much worse than being kicked. Instead he dips into the kitchen across the room, pops an ice cube out of the tray faster than he’s ever needed to, and brings it back over to the sofa. “Here,” he says, chucking it at Martyn’s lap, “that real enough for you?”
Martyn catches the projectile reflexively. He stills, silent, both hands cupped around the ice cube, staying in the air.
Then, gradually, his eyes unfocused… his arms lower.
He opens them and stares down at the piece of ice in his palm, and, slowly and almost imperceptibly, begins to rock forward.
The Domino’s tracker chimes again. Their food has finished cooking, and it’s being delivered by Amal. Oli almost wants to laugh at the absurdity of it.
Whatever Martyn’s running from, it must go a lot deeper than he thought.
(part five here)
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conarcoin · 1 year
rating fandoms i wrangle for shits and giggles
dream smp: 5/10 it's basically just your average megafandom. too many threats in tags i have to report. the problematic ones or whatever go hide in no fandom which is theoretically fine except it means their tags will be lost for months until i accidentally stumble on one in a search. also a lot of you guys really don't understand how to tag but a lot of you are 14 so it's okay
enderbomb: 3/10 i wasn't gonna mention it bc it's a tiny webcomic fandom but there's one person who continously only tags their eb works as original work which i think is a crime against humanity
fable smp: 9/10 i have never watched it. no one else is willing to wrangle it and it's one of the larger smp fandoms so i stepped up. have spoken to members of the server who are very nice and respectful. taggers do not give me threats like dsmp so that is an instant bonus
generation loss: 2/10 they do not quite understand that i have made them perfectly good tags and they don't have to use the rpf ones. i often have to create tags from literally nothing because the rpf tag has managed to amass 3 users in genloss
group chat: 7/10 this is the only actual rpf fandom beyond top-level vlogging i wrangle and they are surprisingly chill except they really like gay sex like a lot and they have managed to tag every possible pairing of the guys
minecraft: 3/10 this is like russian roulette but its at least fun. it was left on staff hold for several years and we're just recently getting it back on track
qsmp: 8/10 a surprisingly successful exercise in training smp taggers to tag well by training them early
smpearth: 6/10 exclusively consists of inniters and the occasional techza shipper but they're normal enough so
smplive: 5/10 something new every time. this series is 4 years old and taggers still bring me the craziest shit somehow
sonic: deep sigh/10 everything is canon
vlogging rpf: 6/10 i like doing characters bc i just google the name and if i get a channel i make the tag and move on to the next one. points off for making me learn things about tiktokers
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lifestealupdates · 13 days
Lifesteal Season 6, Week 9 Recap
Another exciting week! Before we get into the lore, the Lifesteal Updates admins would like to congratulate the Pink Parrots, a team made up of Squiddo, PrinceZam, Ashswag and Blockfacts, for winning MCCR on Saturday! Weirdly enough, this actually had impacts on Lifesteal lore...
As usual, major spoilers under the readmore, Lifesteal members please do not interact.
Early Week Shenanigans
The main lore earlier this week involved Kaboodle giving up on pacifism. Kaboodle has been acting as Lifesteal's news reporter recently, investigating various server-wide events and putting them on a billboard at spawn.
Whilst exploring the server, she spoke to Wemmbu, who convinced her to kill Planetlord after Wemmbu trapped him in cobwebs. Planet was at 3 hearts at this point. Kaboodle told chat that they actually enjoyed killing, and later threatened to kill Midmysticx if she didn't give up a heart. After Planet then died in lava, she and Wemmbu then camped spawn to try and extort another heart out of Bacon with the threat of banning Planet. (Planet was actually on 2 hearts at this point, having crafted a third again).
Mane then killed Kab (on Mid's orders, unknown to Kaboodle), Kab killed Planet again thinking Bacon had put the hit on her, and was once again killed by Mane. Kab later claimed to chat that they were peer-pressured by Wemmbu into killing Planet.
Wemmbu also revealed to Kab that, because he doesn't have a base, he doesn't have anywhere to regear. This means if he was killed once, he'd be made harmless, but the amount of pacifists on the server means this is unlikely.
During the same day, the Spacewaffles team spoke about the war ongoing with spawn being griefed. Neither of them are entirely sure what Gaia's Hand is (Zam's team, dedicated to repairing spawn to annoy Flame) despite being members.
4C has also been spending much of this week working on his plans to build Lifesteal City / Downtown Lifesteal. This is currently a creative world plan for a giant city he eventually wants to build on the server.
Sunday Session
The session this week was postponed to Sunday due to three Lifesteal members playing in MCCR. As a celebration of their win, the fourth Pink Parrot member Blockfacts and their coach Feinberg were invited to the server for the day as guests.
The Empire decided they wanted to get lots of kills, and started a fight with Flame which became increasingly chaotic when it was revealed that Flame has an army of hundreds of dogs. During this fight, Flame killed many innocent bystanders including Bacon and Blockfacts.
Whilst this was ongoing, Hannah killed Derapchu for his role in leaking the Mice' Base location, which eventually led to it being blown up by Manepear.
Kaboodle, Blockfacts and Squiddo decided to escape Spawn and eventually made their way to Peace Island after a brief detour to Kaboodle's Box.
Spoke managed to get a dripstone kill on Leowook from height limit at this point. Pentar and Leo had joined the fight on Flame's side.
Mapicc and Spoke then created a huge network of sky bridges and tried to drop dripstone on the players below them, using Minute's instructions who was on the ground speaking to Feinberg and other players. They were unsuccessful, and after running out of dripstone resorted to dropping TNT minecarts on players, which was still unsuccessful and only annoyed Minute.
On the way to Peace Island, Blockfacts had given all bar one of his hearts to Squiddo and Kaboodle as prizes for giving him Minecraft trivia. This led to him being extremely vulnerable.
Bacon had told everyone about Kab killing Planet, and Kab was upset by this as they were planning on giving Planet's hearts as an apology.
Eventually, they got both Blockfacts and Feinberg to Peace Island, and decided the two VIPs should play dodgebolt on one heart to mimic MCCR. Hannah had arrived by this point. They did so, and Blockfacts banned Feinberg on accident. After discussing reviving Fein and deciding against it, Squiddo killed Blockfacts in another dodgebolt game, banning him. Squiddo, Kaboodle and Hannah then shared the 8 hearts they'd won between themselves, agreeing to keep it secret and claim they buried the hearts.
Post Session
Bacon is basically broke, having died multiple times and having no gear.
Zam was upset by the state of spawn after his absence for MCCR training, hoping his new teammates would have helped keep it in a good condition but finding it instead littered with explosions. He is also unhappy with Kaboodle leaving pacifism behind, as he used to think he could trust her.
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tessathegamefreak · 1 year
Nala and two Dark Nalas are hiding as they waited for Bls and Bo to pass by. Nala was wearing her new outfit, which is Cia's outfit, and the Dark Nalas had a syringe in each other's hands. It had a special liquid in them, once injected, the person won't wake up until Nala snaps her fingers.
OOC: We're doing this, baby! And there's only one ending to this! THEIR DEATH! 😈
(Oh boi...)
The two slender museum curators walked together, as Bls was going over the checklist with Bo.
Bls: "Are the spare masks plugged in?"
Bo: "Yes sir."
Bls: "Good. How is the bar area looking?"
Bo: "We are all good on liquor, although we have been running low on rootbeer, lately..."
Bls: "Alright, I suppose we can order a few extra cases... Anything to report from our duplicates?"
Bo: "Well, no viruses or malware have been spotted around the perimeter, although Bo #38 had reported rumors of a corruption being spotted in one of the Minecraft Java servers. Should we probably dispatch a few of our units there to investigate?"
As the two chat, they would be within reach of the Nalas...
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ivarismaybecrazy · 1 year
Because here is me and the Yu Q. Wilson discord's thoughts and theories on it! And here's the link for the stream. I'm in shambles over it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsN4qKt3wWc
So. This whole thing starts with the lore video. That opens up with the voice of Vanta (possibly voice acting someone else or it could actually be him) and Wilson talking. Wilson clarifies his name. Vanta (?) goes on to confirm that Wilson is a professional hitman and that he comes from a family of mercenaries. He was captured by Vezalius and brought to the place they're at.
Here's where things get interesting. Vanta (?) then offers Wilson a choice. Join ASH or be locked up as a possible threat to the public. Wilson seems excited about them doing this much for him, and asks if he needs to agree to anything else. Vanta (?) asks if he would be willing to preform in top secret biological experiments. Wilson compares this to getting super powers and after a long pause, Vanta (?) answers "Something like that." The stream ends here.
So. This whole thing starts with the lore video. That opens up with the voice of Vanta (possibly voice acting someone else or it could actually be him) and Wilson talking. Wilson clarifies his name. Vanta (?) goes on to confirm that Wilson is a professional hitman and that he comes from a family of mercenaries. He was captured by Vezalius and brought to the place they're at. 
Here's where things get interesting. Vanta (?) then offers Wilson a choice. Join ASH or be locked up as a possible threat to the public. Wilson seems excited about them doing this much for him, and asks if he needs to agree to anything else. Vanta (?) asks if he would be willing to preform in top secret biological experiments. Wilson compares this to getting super powers and after a long pause, Vanta (?) answers "Something like that." The stream ends here.
Here’s the information. Zali is most likely to be the one performing these experiments, as he’s done similar ones on himself before and confirmed in one of Wilson’s mc streams ( i dont have link, sorry) that he sometimes performs them on Wilson. This confirms that Wilson is being experimented on by Zali. 
Theres also a bit in one of wilson’s minecraft streams where he leaves to use the bathroom and a hologram appears momentarily. Tentapod is also out for repairs on this stream. In this stream, when “Wilson” returns to see chat asking him if he’s the real wilson, he corrects them, saying to call him Yu. This could mean that Yu and Wilson are two different personalities or people. Yu could be the hitman part of Wilson, so that’d be before the experimentation. Meanwhile, Wilson is him AFTER the experimentation. This also hints at why Wilson kept stuttering over how he is a hero. Constantly during his first few streams he’d go “I’m a hitman- I mean hero!”. This could hint at Wilson’s memory being altered during the experimentation and the stutters are the effects setting in. Also, Tentapod being missing for the hologram stream has given me the thought of Tentapod being a spy, meant to track Wilson’s behavior and report back to Zali/ASH.
Here’s something else to consider. Krisis is made up of Vanta, a tyrant who's the only one who can win against Wilson (Vanta can deflect bullets); Vezalius, a medic who experiments on people (including himself), and Wilson, a powerful hitman who was invited to join a team in ASH, in exchange for participating in biologically altering experiments. Taking all of this into account, the entirety of Krisis is centered around Yu Q. Wilson. Zali to experiment and Vanta as damage control. So this puts ASH as a whole into question. What’s their goal? Are they REALLY a hero organization?
And just because we’ll be overthinking everything, in the ranking stream that Kyo did, he placed Wilson as a villain. So did Zali in his own ranking stream with one of the JP senpais. HOWEVER, Zali also placed himself as a villain. This could be due to his very violent outburst during his lore video and the fact that he has literal alien DNA in his body. So, that could also be making his mind a little… villainous.
One last thing! I brought up the other hero waves being involved in this plot and we came to the conclusion that it isn’t likely. Oreins and Dytica are not a part of ASH, meaning we can rule them out of being involved in this mystery. For now.
CURRENT CONCLUSION: Yu and Wilson are two different people. Kind of. Yu is what he calls himself before getting captured by ASH. Wilson is his name after the experimentation. The experimentation, which is likely to have messed with his memories. (This would explain why he has a success rate that is edited from 5% to 95% percent. Yu has a 95% success rate, but Wilson remembers it as 5%. So to keep up appearances and his ego, he changed it last minute.) It’s unsure if Yu or Wilson are the good guys.
THINGS THAT DON’T ADD UP: 1. Zali and Vanta’s pets, Tsuchi and Kurococo. Why do they exist? 2. ASH’s validity as a hero program. Do we REALLY have any heroes? 3. The rest of the hero programs. Are they involved in this? Do they know of the experiments?
So yeah. We have a lot of questions and some hypothetical answers. Point is, I’m even more attached to Krisis now. Thank you to the many Wilsoneers who participated in this delulu conversation and thank you for hearing out our delulu.
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A quick heads up to all Minecraft artists!!!
There is a YouTuber; sansink689 : who has been reposting shorts and videos with other people's artwork... A Warning was put out on Twitter/X if you have not seen or have a Twitter/X by Master_Closure informing everyone about this YouTuber.
(More under cut for space reasons)
I could not report for stealing artwork but I went on ahead and down voted a couple of their videos to which they used art that I know for a fact belong to Original artists here on Tumblr as well as Twitter/X. On top of that I also asked multiple questions on multiple videos and shorts... Asking basically the same questions over and over.
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At the moment of typing this up I have yet to get a response but I'm expecting them to either; one: answer me with their honest opinion, or two: block me. It's already obvious that the original artists of these artworks are both here on Tumblr as well as Twitter/X and probably do not know of this... But if you already do please inform me if they had even bothered asking (to which I doubt highly they asked but...)... In my honest opinion if you can't report then at least constantly ask them about where they got the images from? who the original artists are? Did they ask the original artists?
I don't want to go into their chat and just say "hey you're scum for stealing someone's artwork!!" because it's obvious they live in a country different from where I'm living, to which in my country (Suck America USA) if you're caught stealing artwork you're immediately called out for it, but I believed they are from Russia (do not quote me I am not 100% sure) to which I don't think the rules apply to them as well but that doesn't mean you can't call them out for it by constantly asking them where the original art was from where they got the original artwork or on top of that did they ask the original artist because it's obvious they didn't do any of this artwork... they technically took it from wherever they found it and instead of looking up the original artist they used it for their videos to try and earn money... (I do apologize if this sounds rude or ugly but this is just my first opinion on seeing all of this artwork that they had taken and putting it in videos without any of the credits...)...
I don't even know what their age is, they could just be a young kid who doesn't know any better or is like "oh look at all this art I found online that I really like I want to post it on my channel because I love it so much!" And don't know that they're technically stealing the artwork from the original artist...
So if you've read this far then please at least ask them where they got the artwork or in any case if they ask the original artist... And if you ARE the original artist of the artwork in which they used in these videos, please go to them and politely ask them where they found the images and if they could take down their videos with your artwork in it... If they refuse to take down the videos or refuse to answer you about the situation then do what you must to get the situation resolved because I have no control over them just as I have no control over you... I just ask that we start this off as politely as possible to get them to understand that they need to ask before using someone else's artwork.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
Hey sorry bout this but what's the etiquette for tagging and liking and reblogging (and what kind of reblogging to do)?
hi! don't worry about it - new social media sites are scary sometimes, haha, i still don't know how twitter works. but here's some etiquette as i understand it!
reblog whatever you want. i'm serious. i literally reblog or queue every single post i like that i see, but you don't have to do this. it's considered REALLY NORMAL to reblog a lot of stuff, though, or even to reblog the same thing more than once! if you like it, and you think maybe other people would want to see it, or just want to comment to the op... reblog it!
when it comes to likes, the thing to keep in mind is that most tumblr users keep their likes private, and liked posts don't show up on other people's dashes. therefore liking a post only helps the number of notes go up, which only helps its standing when searching through a tag - otherwise, it effectively "does nothing for the algorithm", as most tumblr users largely just look at their dash. i personally use likes either to indicate that it's a post i've reblogged before so i don't constantly reblog the same things over and over again and to like, indicate that i've seen posts that are like, personal or not really a rebloggable thing, but i want to be like "yes i agree" or "i see you" to, you know? however, everyone uses them differently - some people use them as bookmarks, for example, and some people use them for the traditional use of "i liked this, i just don't want to reblog it". the thing to keep in mind that a like is like, an indicator that you've seen something, and a reblog boosts it further! that informs the etiquette on which you want to do. ultimately, though, it's your decision how to use that tool.
tags are for organizational use. DO NOT CROSSTAG. that's the big etiquette to remember. only tag things on your original posts that are relevant to THAT POST. (this, for the record, includes: do not put the 'minecraft' tag on anything that's mcyt! those are separate fandoms and we don't want to flood the guys just trying to talk about the game.) if you crosstag and i notice it in the tags i do in fact immediately report you for spam and block you. beyond that, on original posts, it's really up to you how you tag, just remember that only the first... i think its five... are relevant to people trying to search for posts, so if you want higher discoverability save conversational tags for after those.
when it comes to reblogs, tags are both for organizing your own blog how you want (if you use them, i don't) and for like, comments that you want to make on a post, but do not add to the post. it is normal to leave conversational tags on reblogs, and to talk in the tags of posts about things that are not the main body of the posts. because the tags don't get reblogged with the post when someone reblogs it, it's sort of like whispering! you will get the hang of it by watching what other people do, if that makes you nervous. generally, just remember that OP can see your tags, and then chat however you want in them.
i hope this helps!
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maforyu · 1 year
I was bored so here yall have it: Les Mis if they played in a Minecraft SMP.
Courfeyrac: the second most trigger-happy player in the server. Only in half netherite though, he claims to have used all his netherite for his tools but is sported with an iron axe and a stone shovel on multiple occasions. His ign is _Courf.
Grantaire: potion boy, but is a nuisance about it. He stole all the netherwart from the nearest 10 nether fortresses (it made everyone give up finding netherwart themselves) and used his potions to troll people. He also sells them either for dirt-cheap or ridiculously expensive prices. His ign is GrandR.
Combeferre: Has the ign "FerreMan". Has a huge amassing army of villagers. Built a HUGE STRUCTURE containing EVERY SINGLE LIBRARIAN AND THEIR BOOKS IN EXISTENCE, with a toggleable raid farm in the centre (so as to grind for emeralds and totems, and getting hero of the village for the villager trades). Joly helped.
Joly: His ign is "doctorjoly", set by Bossuet. Freakishly good with redstone. Says that since he's studying medicinal science, he's attracted to anything remotely like science. Bossuet called out his bullshit, but it's probably true. Once caught him watching a 5-hour essay on redstone over his textbooks. Musichetta killed him that day.
Bossuet: Has the ign "BossGirlie". He just does whatever the hell he wants. Good on him, honestly.
Feuilly: The server's go-to for most, if not all things decoration. He took a special interest in banners and armour (he was DELIGHTED at the armour trim update), and is a texture/resource pack encyclopedia. He interior-designed almost every single house, building and structure in the SMP, and the others pay him handsomely for his services. Has the ign Feuilly, kindly given to him by someone online.
Bahorel: Has an ongoing war with Courfeyrac. The most trigger-happy player in the server. Unlike Courfeyrac, he has the gear. The two of them has killed each other more times than anyone has died in the server. If he's not fighting it out with Courf, he's grinding for more riches, trying to catch up to Jehan. His ign is "BawHorel".
Jehan: Strangely the richest and most geared player in the server. At first, he was suspected to having cheated in his gear, but seeing as he did not have administrator powers at all, he was proven innocent. (Grantaire, on one of his Spying™ moments, once witnessed Jehan continuously mining for 6 hours. He subsequently summoned the entire Amis IRL to pull him away from his computer and take him out for dinner.) Has the ign "Poet". How did he get it? Nobody will ever know.
Enjolras: He has a Minecraft account but dOeSnT wAnT tO wAsTe hiS TiMe pLaYiNg, saying that he has better things to do. Musichetta reported that Enjolras sometimes lurked in invis/spectator mode, when many of the players were online. His ign is "MrEnjolras".
Musichetta: Server admin. That's all that needs to be said... Ign "Chetta__".
Gavroche: Other than having the ign "Gavroche" and a Minecon Cape (Jesus Christ, Gav, how did you get this account? Cosette's dad, he'd say), he doesn't get on often since he's most of the time playing on Hypixel, but when he does, everyone simultaneously screams in chat.
Éponine: She's similar to Gavroche, only she is a leading figure in the anti-p2w community-
Her ign is "_epo9".
Cosette: Has the ign "CosetteF". Gets on when Marius gets on, just like how Marius gets on when Cosette gets on. There is a collective agreement to give Cosette as much as possible whenever she comes online.
Marius: Has the ign "MariusP", matching with Cosette. Gets on when Cosette gets on, just like how Cosette gets on when Marius gets on. There is a collective agreement to kill and bully him as much as possible, until Cosette tells them to stop.
(Bonus): Jean Valjean: Has two separate accounts, "Madeleine" and "Valjean" (both of them probably cost tens of thousands of dollars, he would swear to you that he got the igns when he created his two accounts). He has joined the server on three occasions: the first time on his Madeleine account (he was immediately banned by Musichetta and subsequently unbanned when people said that it was Cosette's dad), he joined back and hung around in the server directly after, and joined on his Valjean account the third time, and he was banned again. (He gave up after this.) (A note: he was whitelisted on both accounts, but was still banned on both occasions of joining with his accounts.)
(Bonus) Javert: Has the ign "Jav3rt", cuz some bastard took the name "Javert" before him. Got 200 stars in hypixel bedwars within one and a half years of playing (for reference, it took me 2+ years to get to 150). Is some sort of local micro-celebrity, due to his rank in the police force and the Amis leaking his ign on Twitter. On the SMP, he 1v2ed Bahorel and Courfeyrac and won due to the strategic use of potions and raw skills. You probably should not mess around with Javert.
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lesferatu · 1 year
I have read a lot of Welcome to Tumblr posts for reddit people and I agree with most of it but something I haven't seen has to do with tag etiquette. I've seen people say "do whatever" and I don't completely agree with that specifically. What they should say is "there is no specific tag for each community, so don't worry too hard about it and if you want to talk in the tags, that is more than encouraged" but there are a few rules
So here's some tagging guidelines:
Only tag what is relevant to the post at hand. If you have specific tags for organization of your blog, then you can use those. If you tag irrelevant stuff, not only is it super annoying and clogs up the tag but you will be reported for spam and that can get you banned. So chat and keysmash all you want but don't tag something that's trending to get more attention and dont mention characters in the thing you are talking about who arent mentioned in the post. The search function barely works as is on a good day, don't make it worse
If you are unsure what to tag, search what you are posting about and look at what other people are tagging. Keep the above rule in mind. You can save your post as a draft if you are in the middle of writing and can't search
If I remember correctly, the first 5 tags count for the search feature and the first 10 tags (? Could be 15) count for filtering tags, which is important for tagging spoilers and triggers, if you do that
On that note: Tag Spoilers for new media
If you do chat (which again is greatly encouraged and is, in fact, half the fun) remember that the person you reblog from and the original poster (or OP) will get a notification and will be sent your tags, so be respectful. You *are* yelling into the void but some of the void can read
I wouldn't use "prev tags" right now, since staff broke the ability to follow reblog chains easily, so it's hard to find what you are referring to. If you must talk to the person you are reblogging from, do something like "prev tags: [insert prev tags here]" or "[insert prev tags here] <- prev tags" in your tags then say what your going to say
And just cause I know this has been a problem in the past, if you are here for minecraft youtubers/streamers, Do Not tag your posts as "minecraft" or "mineblr". That tag is for people who play the game normally to share their builds and the like. Again, you can search the specific youtubers/streamer/smp to get the tag that most people use for that specific community or use "mcyt" to find the general stuff
And last but not least, you do not have to tag! It is a personal choice. It'll get your own posts to the people who might like it, some people like to organize their blog (not me lol,) and tagging spoilers is just common decency, but reblogs dont show in the search, only the og post, and you don't have to tag if you don't want to; the people who follow you/look at your blog will see your post and nobody else
Edit cause I just remembered this one: don't main tag hate. If you hate a ship and want to post about it, don't tag the ship. At least tag it as "[ship name] hate" or "[ship name] discourse" so people who like that ship don't have to stumble across it on the main tag and can filter it. Doesn't have to be a ship, could be a show or a hobby or a book. People who enjoy a thing have just as much right to have a good experience on here as you have a right to hate that thing. Stay civil, it's the only way this place is as chill as it is now (and I say that as someone who's been here since the beginning. Whatever drama you find on here now is Nothing compared to what it was on this hellsite (affectionate) before)
If you can think of anything else, please add, and if you have any questions, just ask!
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marcilled · 1 year
It's been many months since I last played Minecraft, but I've really been hungering for it lately, so I started looking into what I've missed since I've been gone from the game. I completely forgot about the whole drama that happened with the chat reporting system, that was around the time I stopped playing- not because of the change, but because I became obsessed with ffxiv- and for the longest time I would look back on that and think, "wow, that was such an overblown reaction to microsoft just trying to make the game less toxic"... well. After looking into it again now, I take that back, the reaction was justified, because what the fuck is THIS?
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nikatyler · 16 days
Zeph 1.0 ✨
Surprise. I wanna archive my very first bg3 run over here also, because it's pain in the ass to revisit it on twitter. I didn't quite live tweet this one, but I tweeted it a bunch too. The usual applies, spoilers are inevitable*, do with that what you want, and as per usual, if you haven't played this game yet: Go. Play. It. NOW. 😡
*but also this one is wayyyy less spoilery than my livetweeting of later runs haha
So let's go back to the beginning, March 7. Little Nika had no idea she's about to unleash her greatest hyperfixation since her Winx Club days.
I'm feeling like. Proper shy about this game 💀 It's just a game these people are fake no need to feel shy you'll hurt no one's feelings dammit
(it's still installing btw, because apparently my internet hates me today of all days)
Still about 80 minutes to go 💀 my own stupid ass anxiety will kill me before that
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friends i'm too shy to click the play button
See this is why I have zero friends because I'm too intimidated to even open a game with people who DON'T ACTUALLY EXIST alright alright i'll go do it you know i want to and i know i want to but i'm gonna sit here blushing like a fool the entire time
I also need to yell before I do a new thing
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I'm in
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Being a complicated asexual means I have no ducking idea if I want it or not Eh we're going with it
Yes I suppose this will now be the live thread of my initial thoughts and shenanigans, welcome welcome, or use that cute little mute button if you don't care ✨
I can already tell I'll have only two facial expressions playing this game: 👁️👄👁️ and 👁️🫦👁️
That was some fucked up asmr right there in the beginning. 10/10
Fuck it whomst do we create now chat Do we do it Do I do that thing we talked about
I'm overwhelmed by the amount of ways I could go about this, I think I'll create a random character at first and then when I play some other time I'll bring my boi in when I know better what to do and how 🫣
Girl help I don't know what kind of character I want to play with
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As someone who dropped out of university I kinda feel like I need to have this hair 💀
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them need a name (idk why i said it like that but i'm keeping it my brain is mush ok)
aintnoway it's been 15 minutes and i still haven't picked a name, am i possibly overthinking this? does anyone get the vibe that i'm overthinking this because i certainly feel like there may be a chance that i'm overthinking this
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I'm still playing I just have nothing to say, I'm learning, and I'm waiting to meet you know who
Here we go 😗
Had dinner irl and I feel like I should take a break but so far I'm loving this! I'm a bit dumb but eh we'll get there. Would love to try out the multiplayer at some point (but don't count on it, I say that now and then I'll be too anxious to play with you 💀)
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I just realized my guy Zeph (they/them) looks like a yassified Ladislaus the Posthumous and idk what to do with that information
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here's a slightly better look at my guy. do i need to say i'd die for them
babes the minecraft hole will be abandoned for another game i'm afraid
That little thingy that tells you the character approves will ruin my life. Pathological people-pleaser reporting for duty 🫡
Y'all weren't lying this game is addicting
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i'm so fucking weak already he just lays there like that and i fgjklsdfsjkljdsf thoughts i will not handle this game well
i'm so schoolgirl with a crush coded at the moment it's so embarrassing
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I haven't played bg3 since before lunch
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Midnight and I still haven't played it's been like almost 12 hours at this point I'm completely normal abt this
I'm too tired but I want to play but it would be a bad idea but I mean I'm dumb at this game anyway so what's the harm but I don't want to mess up but ok bed first ig
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did someone ask for homemade niche memes that only apply to me
(he would get it though)
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wait that picture is even funnier than i intended for it to be bc like this happened canonically in the nsb legacy, he burned because i was too busy doing something else
I killed my character 💀 whoopsie it's reload time sorry bud
Teehee won a battle and knew what I was doing most of the time, maybe I'm getting better at this
I'll go put some lasagna in the oven and continue playing
Chanting "eat shit, eat shit, eat shit" in a very squeaky voice every time an enemy goes down
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all too well you say?? wind in my hair i was there i remember it all too well?? did you leave your scarf at his sister's house???
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lemme tell you how to make my simple bi ass happy
i'm bi first and people pleaser second. or vice versa. dunno
Oh yissss the bite scene here we go :3
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oh don't you worry i will so be on my vigilante shit for you
Not to be weird again but this game is unlocking emotions I didn't know I had
You know how I thought I was getting better 💀 yeah nvm it's reload after reload today 💀
Oop I'm already on 14 hours 🫢
Okay I'm gonna play for just like five minutes and then go to bed If I'm still online at 2am you're allowed to yell at me
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lord save me I said five minutes
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I'm showing great restraint right now
Oh something is happening ohhh something is happening can my laptop catch up and stop lagging pls
You know it's gonna be so jover for me and I'm gonna be so beyond saving when I start putting together detailed information about my boi Zeph
(they/them btw, I call them boi or bud but in a nonbinary way)
Also can't decide what Zeph is short for. Was their deadname Joseph and they kept just half of it? Is their full first name Zephyros or something? What's their full full name? See it starts with little things like this but give me an hour and I'll have their full history 💀
Big spiders...big fucking spiders ;----;
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fuck that's not the best screenshot i could've taken 💀 I PANICKED OKAY
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live nika reaction
Why do I get the feeling *everybody* wants to have fun with me
i didn't click it yet guys i'm 💀💀💀
so do i torture myself and leave it to tomorrow or do i go back in the game now? 👀
Fuck it let's go asexuality leaving my body as we speak
Oh boy
👁️👄👁️ gnight
My sibling: *sends me a picture of their blorbo* Me: THAT'S NEAT, ALSO I F🤭CKED MY BLORBO YESTERDAY
And yes, those are our first messages today. No "good morning, have a nice day", more like "so this fictional man dammit", straight to the point 😌
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Asking the real questions (abt their blorbo)
Having an Annabeth Chase in Mark of Athena moment (and I don't mean that I'm doing something smart, I mean there's spiders)
FUCK YEAHHHHH WE WON (and almost died) (and in Zeph's case literally died) (but we're so back) (seriously though why do I always manage to kill just my character) (this was the worst battle I hate spiders I hate spiders so much)
I'm still shaking 😭
Having a real dummy day, besides the spider fight I'm not doing well 💀
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nvm we got the pwetty book, it only took me like an hour to get here, it's fine😂
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the blood, i like it 😌😏
Oop I've got over 24 hours in the game already 🤭
btw I don't think I ever told you, my savefile name is "girl help"
Also I just quickly hopped in again now but I didn't really do much, I'm too tired to think at this point, I'll probably go to bed soon. I thought I figured something but nah not really and then I accidentally crashed the game oops 💀 my bad
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bi panic intensifies
Something about me forgetting there could be traps and letting Zeph run straight through them over and over again…no wonder they're always on the verge of death 😭🤣
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um yeah i guess we weren't supposed to do that huh 💀
Don't worry, I reloaded 💀
I miss my boi Zeph I wish I could be playing rn
They are so getting a backstory and like actual development once I get more into the lore and everything, just watch. And then we'll come full circle and I'll create them in ts4
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we are here
sorry not sorry but also occasionally i'm too self aware so i will be sorry but most of the time i will just not be sorry. sorry about that. but actually not sorry. sorry --
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