#mini fic pregnant lisa angst
lesdreams-author · 3 years
Pregnant Lisa/ Rebuilding Love chapter 46
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When they go inside the house, Jean feared an akward atmosphere would settle around them. Feared Klee would reject somehow the kids and children would feel distant at Klee.
However, it seems like her early conversation did settle things with Klee, reasured her somehow because the little girl doesn’t blink twice before hug QiQi and Diona like they are old friends.
Jean sighs in relief and once more thinks how special Klee is.
She smiles at the imagine of the three children talking fast about animals and food, heart beating so fully it hurts a little between her ribs.
The blonde turns to go after her mother and then stops, looking at Klee’s little back and remembering of Lisa’s warning.
She inspires deeply and walks to the small group.
Everything can wait. She will fulfill her promise, she will be a better mother.
                                      (*^‿^*) (*^‿^*) (*^‿^*)
Klee wanted to play football but when QiQi learned what football entails, she said it was too tiresome. This turned into a light discussion and Jean had to remember her smart child she couldn’t play sports because her shoulder.
Klee pouted and grumbled but eventually settled down in Jean’s lap, accepting QiQi suggestion to play with the toys Frederica gave them.
So now Jean sees herself with her blonde daughter sitting in between her legs and a toddler perched on her tight,
They are all on the floor, Klee is playing with some plastic cars, laughing and running over some supposedly evil civilians - what is concerning. QiQi is in front of them, putting legos together and building a luxurious castle that she says is the lair of the super villians. Diona is in her leg, is cuddling with her, playing with a magic cub.
Jean doesn’t know how excatly she ended there but she is happy she ended here. Around her children, soaked in their childish fragance and sweet laugh. Time seems to stop with only them, their voices interwining, their play so elaborated and at the same time so gibberish.
Klee thrust a doll on her hands and says
K: “Mama you are the hero, so you need to catch us.”
Jean lifts an eyebrow at it but tries (very porrly by Klee exasperated sighs) act as a hero.
J: “Stop there, you...You...hnn”
Klee rolls her brown eyes and shakes her head. Jean is pretty sure its something Klee picked from Lisa. Only her wife can be so sassy.
K: “Mamaaaa”
Klee whines and Jean bite her lips.
J: “I don’t know the villains name!”
QiQi joins Klee in reprimend her and Jean can feel the laugh bubbling on her stomach.
Q: “Master Jean you don’t watch super hero movies?”
Jean wonders how QiQi knows super hero movies. Maybe Frederica showed it to her?
k: “Mama is always busy!”
Klee explains to the other girl and they nod o each other.
Q: “This one is called capitalism.” QiQi points to Klee’s doll “ And this one is called Bias. They are brothers.”
J: “Well...” Jean says, not really understanding anything but thinking to herself how nowdays children’s movies are educational. “Okay.”
She starts again, moving her doll around.
J: “Stop there, bad guys! I’m the hero of this town and I will arrest you”
It isn’t a good perfomance, she can tell by the children pinched expressions but them seem to realize she can’t do much better and roll with it.
Soon she is been chased around the house, two pairs of foots running after her.
It seems like the play shifted to something else, Klee’s need to burn her constant energy. In a moment they was playing with dolls and legos and cars and then QiQi and Klee tried to kidnap Diona and Jean saw herself with a toddler on her hip, running away from two excited little girls.
They keep running around the living room, the kitchen, the garden, forgetting about the hours, about everything else than themselves and the joy pulsing between them.
                                        (*^‿^*) (*^‿^*) (*^‿^*)
She cooked some fry vegetables to the children, both of them complaning of hunger.
J: “Here, you two.”
She says, putting the plate full of food on the table. Diona is still on her hip, refussing to be put on the floor.
Cook with a toddler on her arms is hard, Jean thinks to herself. She wonders how many times Lisa did it. How many times while she was hiding in the headquarters her wife had to cook, clean and what else with a demanding Klee on her arms.
She watches Klee dug on the food as if she never ate before in life. QiQi is the same as Klee, eating large forkful of food.
J: “Slow down, you two. The food is not going away.”
She sits on the chair and adjust Diona in her lap. 
She really needs to buy a high chair and toddler silverware.
For now, she feeds Diona, watching to the little girl don’t hurt herself with the normal fork.
They are talking on the table when the door opens on the house, the creacking noise loud. Diona little ears shifts and she looks at the kitechen’s door.
Soon Frederica comes inside the house, eyes shining upon see the children.
Klee is the frist one to rise from the chair and runs to her grandma’s arms.
Jean watches her mother lift Klee and hug her. She keeps telling her to stop carrying Klee every time, to look out to her back but Frederica never listen to her.
F: “Sweetheart, you here!”
Klee kisses Frederica’s cheek and snuggles on her arms.
F: “Why didin’t you tell me my grandaughter was coming!?”
She sighs.
J: “Mother, I told you-”
F: “You should have told me again! I can’t beleive I lost time with my baby”
Frederica says, kissing Klee’s little face.
Jean groans and goes back to feeds Diona, gathering a little bit of pasta on the fork and vegetables.The toddler watches the scene ahead, opening her little mouth and accepting the food absent minded. 
J: “Well, you are seeing her now.”
Jean retorts.
A few years agpo she would never imagine to see her mother pout but here she is, pouting because she didin’t get to spend hours and hours in her grandaughter presence. People do change.
Jean is gathering more food on the fork whn Frederica asks.
F: “Shouldn’t she already be at home?”
Jean frows at the plate and then rises her face. She watches her mother looking at the kitchen’s clock and she herself turns her eyes to the old thing.
It reads 18pm.
J: “FU
F: “AHEM!”
Jean coughs and blushes at the disaproving look her mother sends her.
J: “Sorry. GOSH, I’m so late!”
Jean can feel her insides turn. Lisa will be so pissed!
F: “Seems like you will be staying here more time hum?”
Frederica says, shakling her head and disapearing the kitchen with Klee on her hip.
Jean groans loudly.
Even her mother barating her about her marriage.
Diona little head tilts up and she says sweetly.
D: “Food, please.”
Jean feels an enormous need to hug this little toddler and smooth her in kisses.
If only partially to comfort herself on the impending fight
     to be continued
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lesdreams-author · 3 years
Pregnant Lisa mini fic (never stop hoping) part 6
They go to the hospital, finally.
Their baby is held in her arms, a small little thing, so still, so silently.
She can't stop looking at her, wishing, desiring, praying to all gods that her baby will open her eyes in a second, will cry softly waiting for be feed.
It's like a nightmare without an end. She looks so beautiful cleaned, without all the blood, inside the footed onesie they planned. She is enveloped in a baby blanket, warm, white like snow.
They didn't even named her properly yet, they couldn't decide in a first name and now ...Now Lisa just want to see her little eyes, see if she has Jean's eyes or hers.
She never will be able to.
( ꈨຶ ˙̫̮ ꈨຶ )( ꈨຶ ˙̫̮ ꈨຶ )( ꈨຶ ˙̫̮ ꈨຶ )
J: " I hope she has your eyes."
Jean says one night. They are lying down on the bed, bodies sweating, pleasantly exhausted. Her baby bump is still a small thing, barely seen but since they got the positive result Jean can't stop touch her belly.
L: " eh? I like your eyes better."
Jean laughs hoarsely and kiss her shoulder.
J: " well, I just can't stop imagine a little girl with your smart eyes running through the house and driving us crazy."
Lisa laughs and turns on her wife's arms, blue eyes on her greens.
L: " you have a very twisted dream. I do t want to get crazy."
J: " kids are like that or so I heard."
L: " well, she is our daughter, I'm confident she will be calm."
Jean lifts an eyebrow and smirks.
J: " my mom said I wasn't a quiet kid, baby. Sorry to break your fantasy."
Lisa groans and hides her face on Jean's neck. She loves her wife scent and she often blames the pregnancy for it. It's an excuse really because she always liked Jean's smell.
L: " c'mon, let me dream in peace!"
Jean laughs and envelopes her arms around her, depositing kisses on her head.
Truth is, Lisa would love have a little Jean in her house, she has seen Jean's baby photos and she was adorable. However, Lisa is fine with whatever the end result, because in the end she just can't wait for meet her, to give form to the love that is already growing bigger than any other she had.
( ≧Д≦)( ≧Д≦)( ≧Д≦)
She is carried for the operation table, pit under anesthesia and blissfully stops hurting.
When she awakes again is for a white room and the sun high on the sky.
She searches the room for the baby but she isn't anywhere.
L: " where's...Where's she?"
Her voice feels deep, scratched from disuse.
Jean lifts her head, she is sitting in a chair next to her bed. Her face is white, blacks bags under her eyes. She looks so much older than she is, she looks devastated.
J: " They-" she cleans her throat and starts again, eyes moving from hers to look at her own hands. " They took her to...To a preparation room...They...They are arranging her to the...funeral..."
Her hands close on the sheets, knuckles turning white.
She knew it would happen but she wanted...She wanted a little more time to say goodbye, to...
Her head lowered, tears dripping from her eyes and wetting the blanket around her legs.
Jean doesn't lift from the chair to hug her or console her. But she can hear a subtle sniffle that doesn't come from herself.
༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽
It's two more days and she gets discharged from the hospital. Her belly is still big but empty. Her breasts sorry and heavy with milk...But there's no baby to feed, no happy smiles and high pitched cries. Only silence, only pain.
The funeral is a little event, with family only. Barbara hugs Rosaria and cries the whole ceremony, Jean's mother hungs on the back, eyes vacant and mournful.
Jean is beside her, silent, hands on hers. She is crying silently, sobs inaudible.
Lisa doesn't know what feel besides hollowsly, beside the cold wind blowing through the cemetery.
She can't cry anymore, tears seems to elude her. She can't scream, she can't do anything anymore besides watch her daughter little coffin.
...Love you is my most cherish thing
She thought one day, hand on her big belly feeling her baby kicking. But she lost this love, she lost this light, she lost everything. Now she is empty, she has nothing else to give because life took away everything. She has only a big and empty bely, milk dripping from her boobs and going to a donation bank to other kids. She has only a locked room with baby clothes and a crib that never is going to be used.
How should she continue to live? How should she recovery from it?
..." I wish I could wake from the dream each time I dream. There's a long night coming soon, I'd shine as the last shine."
༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽
"I feel your sigh and breath In the last blow of wind, Not yet for the story on the last page. It's not the end"
Life continues, it's doesn't wait for anyone.
She goes through the motions of life, hollow, incomplete, a part of herself lost and buried.
She continues to work on the library, Jean is reelected as Mondstadt Grand Master. There's more conflicts with the abyss order and the Fatui, everyone can feel a war brewing slowly, everyone fears the tomorrow.
She almost not see Jean anymore, their daughter death took a tool in her, made her throw herself in work and Lisa...Lisa doesn't have the will to fight for anything anymore. She is just here but she isn't living for a while now. Neither they are.
Their house is a silent coffin, they don't sleep in the same bedroom anymore because the image of that night can't never be erased, so they changed rooms. Their daughter room is locked and silently agreed to never be open.
It's been four eyes since that night but neither they can find a way to rebuild their lives. Frederica comes some days to visit them but it's mostly her talking with the silent room, Jean is never home and Lisa doesn't talk much anymore.
Barbara doesn't visit them anymore and decided to devote her life to the church, breaking her relationship with Rosaria.
Lisa knows she should talk with Barbara, say she should continue to live, she is young and deserves the world but...She doesn't have the energy anymore, so she has sat and saw her sister-in-law destroy her own happiness in her grief.
(´;︵;`)( ◜‿◝ )♡
"Life blooms like a flower, Far away or by the road, Waiting for the one To find the way back home."
It's a sunday when someone knock on their door and she resolves to open.
She thinks it's her mother-in-law and she should have called Jean to open the door but she is locked in her office, working even when at home.
So she walks to the front door and opens it.
There, without shoes, hair in knots, clothes worned out and torn, with cheeks and skin dirt is a little blonde girl. Her brown eyes are big and scared, fat tears run down her face.
Lisa looks at her, her eyes wide and shocked and the girl opens her little mouth and cries.
"You will see petals fly
When lament becomes carol
Could you please hear my voice
That hungers for a duo?"
...to be continued.
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lesdreams-author · 3 years
Pregnant Lisa mini fic part 44
Lisa gets out of work earlier than usual, she picks up Klee from school and brings her home, so she can pack everything her little girl would need to her afternoon stay with Jean.
Klee is unusually quiet and Lisa worried about it, so much so she puts multiple snacks on her daughter bag.
She looks at the clock and ushered Klee to change clothes, since Jean must be near.
When Klee finally comes down and waits on the living room for her Ma, Lisa cleans her throat and tries to bring up what is bothering Klee.
L: " are you excited to expend the afternoon with mama and grandma?"
Klee nods but it's lacking energy, the enthusiasm her little girl always seems to have.
She watches Klee for a little longer and then wraps an arm around her small shoulder, bringing her against her body.
L: " if you don't want to go to the farm anymore, you can tell mommy, ok? Mommy promise to don't get angry."
Klee shakes her head, eyes on her little hands.
K: " Klee wants to go, mommie."
Lisa nods and kisses her daughter head.
L: " Okay. " She whispers against her hair and says. " If something bothers you, if something is making you sad or worried, you know you can talk with mommy, right?"
Klee nods again and her uninjured arm goes around Lisa's hip in a tight hug.
L: " Mommy loves you, my precious girl."
Klee nods against her stomach and sniffles.
K: " Klee loves you too mommie."
They keep hugging for a while, Lisa heart squeezing and hurting and so, so worried about her little baby. Klee doesn't seem to mind her mother clinginess and for a while everything is them.
And then a knock shounds on the front door and reluctantly Lisa pulls away. She goes to the door with Klee unusually shy behind her.
At the front door Jean awaits for them, uncertain smile on her face. When Lisa steps to the side to show Klee behind her Jean smile becomes bigger and she opens her arms.
J: " Hey, my little knight."
Klee bites her lower lip for a second and Jean smile reduces it size, becomes shaky. Her arms seems to drop a little but then Klee is going towards and hugging her mama.
The hug lack her usual happiness and Lisa can see Jean perceiving it too, how their daughter seems in conflict with herself.
Eventually Klee pulls away and Jean messes her hair, kissing her little forehead.
For an instant Lisa and Jean look at each other in silence and then Lisa offers Klee's bag.
L: " I put some snacks and change of clothes if she needs it. Please bring her before dinner."
Jean nods, hands going inside her pant pocket.
J: " Okay. Did you out her shoulder medicine in there too?"
Lisa nods.
L: " yeah but this one is only if she feels it hurting. The usual one she already took."
Klee tugs Jean pant leg and Lisa watches her wife turn and look at Klee.
J: " what is it, baby?"
Klee points to the street and says.
K: " Can we go already? Klee wants to see grandma."
Jean nods and picks klee up, the little girl leaning on her Ma hip.
J: " Okay, let's go." Jean says to Klee and for Lisa, she smiles awkwardly. " I will bring her back at 17:00."
Lisa kisses Klee a last time on the cheek, what makes her very close to Jean, what means she can feel her striking fragrance, the warmth of her skin.
L: " Have fun, sweetheart."
She sees the two going out, disappearing eventually in the street and sighs.
Her house feels even more empty without her daughter.
Wait those four hours for Klee's return seems like a torture.
....to be continued
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lesdreams-author · 3 years
Pregnant Lisa angst mini fic (part 2). Warning: even more angst!!
Jean has heard before, that dreams one day stops, ends. That eventually you wake up to the real life and it's always a deception, always a reality which you don't want to be part of.
However her life was so perfect since she met Lisa, happiness filling her chest, her very soul and taking a residence there. She thought for so long that she should be dreaming, should be living inside her own fantasy but every month of happiness, every year with Lisa made her understand that her life was just there, perfect, a constant happy ending.
Lisa came to her life and changed everything, fixed what was wrong, glued misplaced parts just for her be completed. Lisa encouraged her to get closed with her mother, a woman so complex and broken. Lisa made her look at this woman who birthed her with other eyes, showed her that it was possible to find a even ground in their relationship. And it was hard, was difficult in the beginning but later, oh later her mother opened up, asked for forgiveness, hugged her!
Lisa showed her that there was nothing she couldn't do, that her little sister wasn't a huge complex labyrinth but someone who wanted to know her. And now they are friends, they met occasionally, have lunches together with their mother.
It's why she forgot that life is never right, never motionless, never unchangeable.
To be alive, Jean rediscovered, is to suffer too.
Her perfect life, her beautiful dream shattered, came to an abrupt stop shaking her to the very core, shaking her whole world.
Jean will never forget that night, never forget the panic, the pain, the loneliness and more deep sadness she has ever felt.
J: "... you're bleeding, Lisa "
The look in Lisa's face was astonished, confusion misting her green eyes for a moment. And then Jean watches her look between her own legs, watches her fearful green eyes widen in horror, in panic. Sees her face, already so plaid and sweat, get even more palid.
Green eyes lift to look at hers blues, and there's so much fear, so much anxiety in those beautiful and soulful orbits.
L: "Jean..."
Lisa whispers, voice breaking, catching in her throat.
J:" it's okay, I called Barbara. She is coming. She will cure you...Cure both of you!"
She doesn't know of it. She doesn't know if her sister can save and find whatever is wrong with her wife, with her baby...
However in her panic she could only think of Barbara, someone who has such power to cure, to help others.
A little voice whispers in her mind that not everything Barbara can save. There's life's that she can't help, there's diseases, wounds that are beyond the deaconess. But Jean doesn't hear anything beyond her despair.
It's a Sunday when she comes home from her mother lunches. Lisa is in the living room, a book in her hand and glasses perched on the bridge of her nose. She looks cozy with Jean's too big shirt and a legging.
L: "Hi love, how was your lunch with Frederica?"
Lisa asks, eyes glued in the book, not even lifting her head to look at her.
Jean huffs and sits on the armchair. The sound attracts Lisa's attention, that put a finger in between the book pages and close it.
J:" can you believe mom talked again about grandchildren!?"
Lisa smiles and Jean rolls her eyes. It's always the same thing, the brunette find the whole thing hilarious.
L: " oh, what she said this time?"
J: " she came with a talk about her back hurting lately and soon she will not have energy to play with her grandchildren. Can you believe!?"
Lisa laughs, head throw back, green eyes closed in amusement. Jean loves her wife but really, she doesn't understand Lisa some times.
J: " it's serious, Lisa."
The brunette laughs for a few more seconds and then looks at her, eyes sparkling with this always present joy she has.
L: " maybe it's time."
Jean frows, head tilted in confusion.
J: " time for what?"
L: " for us to talk about kids."
Jean shocks on the very air she inspire and looks with wide eyes to her wife.
J: " wait what!?"
Lisa laughs again, this melodic sound filling the whole room.
L: " well, we have been married for a while now and we talked years ago about waiting to have kids, so...Maybe we should start to plan it."
Jean can feel her heart thud on her very throat.
J: " you...You want to have a kid with me now?"
Lisa's smile is sweet, beautiful and warm Jean's soul.
L: " yeah...I would love have babies with you."
And we'll, this is how they start to talk about children and babies and all the process in between.
The thought of having a little being, a little baby to share this amazing, great love left Jean in ecstasy for the whole thing.
She loved their baby since the moment Lisa planted the idea in her mind.
( ≧Д≦). ( ≧Д≦). ( ≧Д≦).
Barbara watched at the scene in front of her and the in her face said so much more than her carefully words.
The moment her sister saw Lisa's state (the bloody sheets, the pale face, the pained look in Lisa's eyes) Jean knew this was so much bad than she initially thought.
J: " what do we do?"
She whispered, trying to remain calm even though her heart was trying to go out of her chest, even though her hands were shaking.
Barbara seems to swallow for a instant and then, without take her eyes of Lisa's says.
B: " how long has she been bleeding?"
Barbara's voice shakes, trembles like a tangible thing. She smiles for Lisa, although it's forced, wobbly. Her voice is small, low so only Jean can hear it.
J: " I don't know."
She says, voice choked, eyes on her own bloody hands from where she touched the sheets to confirm, because she couldn't believe in her own eyes. She looks at her pajamas pants, the spots where the blood seeped through the fabric, where her legs was entwined with Lisa's while they slept.
B: " Jean!"
Barbara says, voice turning firm.
J: "I...I woke up feeling wet and then..." She chokes again, a sob, hysteria bubbling in her throat, in her chest, in her whole being. " She was already bleeding, the bed was already wet so...a while ..."
Barbara looks grim and Jean feels her hands shake again, sweating and apprehension.
J: " what do we do!?"
B: " it's too late for the hospital..."
Barbara says, a somber tone bleeding. Jean feels as her ground cracks in between her feet, the whole world blurring in a huge mess of people and blood and...she is panicking.
J: " what you mean!?"
B:" we don't have time to go to the hospital...she lost too much blood. Look at the sheets! Look at her face! We have to contain the hemorrhage, we need to find what is making her bleed and stop it right now."
Jean's dreams is shattering, is turning into a nightmare.
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lesdreams-author · 3 years
Mini fic pregnant Lisa (angst, very angst) part 1
"no! It's too early!"
7 months ago she got the news she was pregnant, the magic worked. She was carrying Jean's baby inside her womb, the fruit of their love.
Jean was so happy when they discovered, both anxious inside the hospital wing, waiting for the doctor with the test results.
When the doctor smiled to them, said congratulations Lisa could only cry of happiness on her wife's arms.
Jean was so, so happy, glowing as never before. She would talk with anyone in the streets and say she was going to be a mother, they was so happy.
Every morning after getting sick Jean could hold her hair, caress her back, bring water to clear her throat.
And for months Jean would be there with her, at her back and call, bringing her sweets, weird dishes, everything so she could satisfy Lisa's desire.
(・o・). (・o・). (・o・)
$?: "C'mon, Lisa. You can do it!"
A sob floats trough the room, angst lacing the raw sound.
L: " I can't-I can't!"
$?: " You can! You are a strong woman, you can do it!"
She sniffles, tears running through her face. The world seems to turn, curve, blur before her green eyes. Everything hurts, everything seems just too much.
How did she ended here? How could it happen like this?
$?: " Lisa, c'mon!" $# snaps her fingers in Lisa's face. Getting her attention again. "Don't stop now! Don't quit!"
Lisa thinks she should because really...What was she thinking?
⊙﹏⊙. ⊙﹏⊙. ⊙﹏⊙
J: " what should we call her?"
Jean asks.
They are reclining in the loveseat, feets on the center table. Lisa is pretty much on Jean's lap, back against Jean's front. Her little bump is cradled on Jean's hands, hands that caress her belly, the skin smooth and warm.
She can feel inside her womb their little girl dance, searching perhaps for her Ma movements.
Lisa should be used to it but she isn't. Every time the baby moves inside her, she feels those little butterflies on her stomach, the quickening of her heart, elevated, fascinated by this amazing grace.
L: " I don't know...But something beautiful."
Jean smiles against her shoulder and says, voice sweet and loving.
J: " what would you be called, little baby? How about Alice?"
Lisa rolls her eyes and look at her wife.
L:" what are you waiting for? A sign? She can't talk you know?"
J:" I'm confident she will tells us somehow. She is our daughter after all."
Lisa just rolls her eyes, happy, so so happy.
J: " what about Emma?"
Lisa doesn't say anything and the baby inside her womb doesn't seems to be in a hurry to respond either.
J: " seems like she didn't like this one...Oh, and Regina?"
Again, there's only silence in the living room, their breathing the only sound.
L: " Jean, c'mon, we should actually focus in chose a name "
J: " okay, last one and then I stop."
Lisa just looks at her, eyebrows lift.
J: " what do you think of Nola, baby girl?'
And shit, the baby moves against Jean's hands, as if saying something.
Lisa didn't like the name but the surprised laugh Jean says seems to mean this subject is decided.
L: " it's going to be her second name."
J: " what!?"
L: " no way I'm calling my daughter Nola, Jean. No way!"
And they argue about it for a really long time, weeks until Jean accepts this baby will have two names and they need to find the first one .
Barbara reaches for her, opens her legs and pears in between them. When she lifts her face it's paid and serious.
B: " c'mon, Lisa. You need to hang in there."
L: " I can't!"
She screams, cries. Her throat is sore and she doesn't know how much more she can cry.
B: " you need to otherwise you will not go out of here."
Lisa thinks it's actually a good idea.
She feels tired, so, so tired. Her thighs and legs are wet, blood still dripping from between her legs, wetting the sheets, the bed.
What should be a happy moment, the moment she so waited for is now a nightmare that don't matter how much she asks, don't go away.
Her little baby, her so waited child, is dead.
They go to the market, searching for baby clothes and necessities.
They have the room mostly ready, a beautiful baby lilac color on the walls, drawings of clouds and dandelion. Jean put together the crib yesterday together with Rosaria. The mobile is strong and elegant, the wood very well crafted.
Now it only the clothes and diapers and little things they need to buy.
Jean is in cloud nine looking at little shoes and onesies. Lisa would prefer be at home, back hurting with the weight of her baby. At 6 months pregnant, her belly seems huge and her feets hurt a lot.
Of course she loves all the cute clothes and baby bottles and small pacifier but right now, she wished Teyvat had a delivery service or something like that.
J: " look, Lisa! It's so cute!"
Jean shows her a conjunct of little ripped jeans, tank top and jacket. Her wife blue eyes shone with so much happiness that Lisa can't deny her.
L: " it's indeed cute. But... she's going to take a little while to fit on those."
Jean doesn't see a issue in this.
J: " not a problem. We can store for later."
And they end buying it. Because really, their daughter will have everything she needs and more.
(´ . .̫ . `).(´ . .̫ . `).(´ . .̫ . `).
She felt the first pain early in the day and thought it was just intestinal cramps.
She is used to it lately, her intestine is working so bad with the pregnancy. There's days where she finds herself addicted to herbs to take away her gas.
However with the time passing the pain came back even more stronger. First it seemed like a intestinal cramps, later as a little uncomfortable feeling in her belly and when night came it developed in a full colic.
She was worried because she never felt colic while pregnant but although there's was discomfort, she never thought it would be so bad.
She was to bed with Jean, kissed her good night and turned on the bed, feeling Jean's arms on her belly as she always does those days.
She closed her eyes and slept as well as she has been sleeping lately.
And then at midnight she was awake for her wife frantic calls.
Her world seemed blurred, her eyes too heavy to open.
J: " Lisa! Lisa, wake up!"
She didn't know what it was besides the desperation in her wife voice.
She woke up groggily and before she asked she already knew something was very wrong. With her.
L: " what...what happened?"
Jean wife eyes was sparkling in the low light of the bedroom, wet from tears that Lisa was too scared to find. Her paid face was even whiter.
Jean was frantic, walking through the bedroom, gathering stuff from the closet.
J: " I already called Barbara. She is coming!"
L:" what...What is happening, Jean?"
Jean stops, looks at her again and sobs, her voice breaks.
J: "you bleeding, Lisa "
...to be continued
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lesdreams-author · 3 years
Pregnant Lisa mini fic part 39 (still lost about the chapter number lol)
She fell asleep. Dreaming of a house packed with people, her people.
Klee is there, laughing big, telling funny stories to her grandma and auntie. There's Rosaria with a tired QiQi on her arms, Amber and Eula fawning over an adorable Diona.
Coming from the kitchen Lisa carries an sleepy baby on her arms, an equal toddler trotting at her side, sucking her finger while looking at everyone in the room.
On the couch, setting on her lap, there was a kid, no more than seven, reading a book, back resting against her front.
There was so much happiness in the house, in this room. So much love in her wife's eyes.
Jean gazed at Lisa's green eyes and the feeling behind those orbits were the same as hers.
She comes back to the living world slowly. She isn't sure what waked her but she can her little voices, someone talking with another.
She blinks sleepy and yawns quietly. Lisa is in the middle of the room, Klee at her side, pouting.
Quietly she hears their hushed words.
K: " but mommie~ "
L: " Baby, mommie already explained to you. You can't go to your swimming class with your shoulder in a cast."
Klee pouts adorable and Lisa pokes her small nose, receiving a giggle from the girl.
L: " Now, how about we make pancakes?"
Klee big eyes get even bigger, her feet jumping on the floor.
K: " strawberry choco pancakes!?"
Lisa flinches, she can imagine Lisa is appealed by the sweetness.
L: " If you want to..."
Klee dances in the room, jumping and swaying her little hips. It incites a laugh from Lisa that reaches over to pinch gently Klee's cheeks.
K: " Momieeeee"
Klee complains and Lisa shakes her head, fond expression on her face.
L: " c'mon, baby. Let's make breakfast."
She watches they go outside the room and when there's only her here, she let's her head rest against the soft pillow.
Jean longs for more morning like this. With her family around her. She longs to be included in this morning ritual, she longs to walk downstairs and hug Lisa, wrap her arms around her waist and kiss her shoulder. Longs for Klee hyperactive behavior and hear all about her daughter goof dreams.
She sighs in the quiet bedroom, eyes closing. She misses her family.
( ◜‿◝ )♡( ◜‿◝ )♡( ◜‿◝ )♡
She is awake very rudely and very early in the morning. She isn't sure what hour is it but she is sure she should be sleeping.
She watches the girl pout, a huffy expression on her face.
Q: " Diona? Why you woke QiQi?"
She sees Diona roll her eyes and open the shopping bags on the floor - they didn't have the time to stow the dresser with the new clothes Master Jean gave them. So they let it on the floor, near the wall. - gathering clothes.
Q: " what are you doing?"
She yaws, scratching her eyes. They feel dry.
D: " She left us."
QiQi cocks her head to the side, confused.
Q: " who?"
D: " The blonde woman!"
QiQi let herself lay again on the bed, eyes closing.
Q: " You mean master Jean?"
She has heard some people call her like this and although Master Jean said they should call her Jean or whatever else they wanted to, QiQi thought master Jean was the best for now. Diona though...She always refers to master Jean as the blonde or the tall woman or other adjective.
If QiQi didn't know better she would think Diona doesn't like master Jean. But QiQi does know better.
D: " yes, that one! She said she would take care of us and then she did go out yesterday, left us here with that old woman and didn't come back."
QiQi yaws again, shifting on the soft bed. She can feel the sleep calling her back.
Q: " Grandma said Master Jean would come back soon. She had to see Klee."
She hears a huff and then Diona is pulling her arm, forcing her to open her eyes.
D: " She isn't our grandma! She is Klee's! And Blondie didn't come back anyway. They both lied to us."
QiQi yaws and pulls back her arm from Diona's hold.
Q: " Klee said we are sisters, so her grandma is our grandma too."
Diona huffs.
D: " c'mon Onechan, we have to go."
Q: " Go where?"
D: " anyplace! Diona isn't going to stay with liars!"
Qiqi sighs and opens her eyes again. Her little sisters sounded very sure and all grown up - as she usually does - but looking at her, QiQi can see the pout tremble every now and then, can watch tears gather on her sister eyelids.
She sits on the bed and hugs Diona.
Q: " QiQi thinks you are being too hard but if Diona wants to go, QiQi will go too then."
Diona hugs her back, her fluffy ears against QiQi's check. She hers sniffles and then a small voice says.
D: " arigatou, Oneechan"
She gathered the courage to go downstairs and stops on the kitchen arch, shoulder resting on the wall.
Lisa is putting the dough on the frying pan while laughs at their daughter. Klee has dough on her cheeks and shirt, she is chewing a strawberry, hand smeared with chocolate.
L: " Klee, if you eat all the strawberry this will turn in a Choco only pancakes."
Klee eyes sparkle with mischief, her daughter smart answer coming fast.
K: " but mommie, Choco only pancakes are good too!"
She shifts against the wall, waiting to participate of this moment and at the same time the responsibility pressing on her stomach. She left her mother with two small children and she needs to go back and take care of them, make sure of help them to get acquainted with their new surroundings.
Klee sees her though, brow eyes glittering and smile doubling it's size.
Jean has only time to squat on the floor and then her baby girl is throwing herself on her arms, little arms going around her neck, blonde hair caressing her check.
K: " Mamaaaaaaa"
She says and Jean breathless chuckles, lifting her daughter, resting her against her hip.
J: " Good morning, my little knight."
Klee pulls away a little, so she can look at her.
K: " good morning, mama. Mommie and Klee is making breakfast."
Jean subtly corrects.
J: " aren't you now?"
Klee puffs her little chest, all pride.
Jean feet shuffles on the floor, eyes going to Lisa. Lisa who is near the stove, spatula in hand, eyes on Klee and her.
She swallows hard, eyes taking on her beautiful apparency, sleep tousled hair, slack shirt and short shorts. She looks divine, she looks perfect.
J: " I..."
Lisa cocks a eyebrow and Klee says in the silence.
K: " Mama, Klee made you breakfast."
Jean furrows her brows.
J: " I thought you and mommy did."
She tickles Klee's sides and her girl falls on her chest, giggling away.
L: " Are you going to eat breakfast with us?"
Jean head snaps up, eyes going back to Lisa.
J: " uhn...."
She isn't sure what to say. She wants to but there's QiQi and Diona and her mother and...
L: " I'm sure Klee would like this."
Klee hearing her name says
K: " Pweaseeee mamaaa"
She uses her most adorable voice, with the wrong words and all and Jean suppress a sigh. She can't say no to her, to them.
J: " kay"
Klee smiles and says
K: " Yatta!"
....to be continued
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lesdreams-author · 3 years
Pregnant Lisa mini fic part 32 (Klee little big adventure part 2 and mommie despair)
Klee has been walking forever. She thinks she should already be at Grandma's house by now but she isn't.
She frows to her dirty covered boots. Maybe Klee thought grandma's house was nearby because Klee always goes talking with baba or mama.
Now Klee is alone in the big road and there's nobody to talk to. Well, besides Dodoko.
K: " Do you think we are getting close, Dodoko?"
She lifts the round rabbit and looks at it's eyes.
K: " Yeah...I'm sure we are getting close too!"
She shrugs and resumes her footsteps.
She is getting up an incline she thinks she never saw before.
Her tummy growls again and she sighs, debating if she should get the chocolate bar baba gave her.
It's there that she sees a big tree, the apples are really red and there's so many!
Klee big eyes sparkle with an idea.
Klee always loved climb grandma's tree and she is really good at pick the right apple. She often helps grandma on the farm.
With a smile on her face she runs to the tree in the side the road.
Up close the tree is pretty big. She cocks her head in thought.
Grandma always says to her to ask before take any fruit from trees because some farmer owners don't like to share. But Klee doesn't see anyone, just lots trees similar to the one she is looking.
She bites her lips. If she go really fast nobody will see her or noticed she took two or three apples.
Klee nods to herself and puts Dodoko inside her strap bag.
K: " sorry Dodoko, it's for your own good!"
She reaches for the big trunk of the tree and with practiced movements goes up.
(•‿•)(•‿•)(• ▽ •;)
Lisa snaps to herself, caught in her own panic she spaced out.
She can't be here waiting on the doorstep, she needs to search for her daughter. Klee isn't far, probably. Must have gone out to play with a friend or -
She stops cold. What if....
No....she says to herself, shaking her head. No way Klee would search for Jean. Klee k Les Jean is at Frederica's house and it's outside the walls. Klee k Les she shouldn't go out the walls without an adult. It's something her daughter wouldn't disobey them.
She runs through the streets, head looking left and right, searching for her daughter profile.
She goes to main street, stop some soldiers patrolling the place and asks if they saw the Grand Master kid. They shook their head and she feels the beginning of despair settle in her stomach.
Lisa goes to Klee's friends house. Asks Felipe's dad if he saw Klee, he shakes his head and calls his son that also doesn't know where Klee is, last time he saw her was in school.
She goes to Patrícia's house next and her parents asks for her to go I side but she declines. Patricia doesn't know where Klee is and at her own mother question she shrugs and says maybe Klee was to the square. They like playing in the playground there.
She thanks them and runs to the only square Inside the Mondstadt walls.
When she gets there she is sweating, her head must be so messed but she can't think of nothing.
There are some parents walking on the square with baby strollers, some kids playing on the slide. There's few people and neither day has a head full of blonde hair.
She swallows painfully, feeling her legs shake.
Klee isn't anywhere. It's late already, she can hear the city clock run the 19:00 music.
She is the worst mother, she lost her daughter, she managed to lost her sixth and half year old daughter.
Her hands shake, trembles and she takes a step to the hard bench.
Lisa closes her eyes, trying to regain composure, to bring back the energy to rise and continue to search for Klee. Because really, be idle will not resolve anything, will only be worst.
However she can't seem to muster anything beyond fear and self loathing.
She does know for how long she sits there with her head on her hands, shaking and taking deep breaths when a gently hand lands on her shoulder.
$: " Lisa? What you doing here?"
Her neck snaps up, eyes wide and wet. So many tears gathered in her eyelids, threatening to fall.
She knows the voice and the face. For a second her heart feels a little less panicked.
M: " Lisa? Are you fine?"
Lisa's tears escape, run down against her face and she shakes her head in negative. Sobs breaking free from her lips. Mona seems shocked and alarmed.
M: " what is going on?"
Mona asks, hands on her shoulder.
Lisa hiccuping, sobbing says.
L: " K-Klee ran away."
There's silence for a second, Mona wife eyes on her.
M: " What!? Ran away to where!?"
Lisa sobs anew, shaking her head, strands landing on her wet face and stay there.
L: " I-I do t know...She ran away from home...She ran away from me."
Mona wraps her arms around her and Lisa grabs the young woman cloak in between her hands, shaking and sobbing against her shoulder.
M: " it's okay...we are going to find her. It's okay."
Klee did a really big mistake. Klee is going to be grounded for a long time, she is sure of it.
She had gone up to get her apples and after get five them - because two seemed like a waste - she came down.
She had barely put her feet on the ground when there was a weird cry and suddenly she was being chased by a weird looking guy.
Thinking now, it was probably those bad guys her teachers started to teach her to stay far away. But Klee can't be totally guilt because it is a new lesson and her teachers only started to talk about them this week!
She flinches when she reaches for her bag.
She had run so fast, heart thudding in fear and adrenaline that she didn't saw the thin log on the ground. Her feet caught it and sent her flying for a few second.
She didn't even had the time to recover the shock because she was falling then. She thought she would meet more dirty ground but instead she continued to fall into a pity dark hole.
When she came down, when she landed on the floor, her ankle got the bad of it and then she tried to hold on some branches but instead heard a snap.
Now her ankle is really hurting and her left arm isn't moving.
She has been crying for so long, she doesn't know how much. Her bag is on the floor, her contents spilled on the ground.
She is afraid and she is feeling so much pain. She wants her Mama.
Klee sniffles and looks to the sky. Through the only opening she can see the moon high on the sky, some stars blinking.
She is afraid. How is she going to scale the hole when her arm isn't moving? How is Mama going to find her here?
She cries again, eyes on the high sky.
K: " Maaamaaaa"
To be continued
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lesdreams-author · 3 years
Pregnant Lisa mini fic part 36 (Goin down)
She can't come down because she wouldn't have how to got out of there. She looks around in despair.
K: " Mommie~ "
Klee whimpers quietly and her head snaps forward, her fingers digging on the ground, earth and grass entering in between her nails.
L: " Are you okay? Are you hurt sweetie?"
Her words comes out in a gasp, worried and fear and relief for have find her baby.
Klee doesn't answer for a little while and Lisa heart leaps on her chest.
L: " Klee!?"
She calls with urgency and hears her daughter sob. Her heart squeezed painfully, hurting for the distance she can't yet delete.
K: " Klee's foot hurts."
Is the small, croaking answer and Lisa shoulders tense.
L: " I'm coming down there!"
Fuck rationality. Her baby is hurt and she needs hold her, she needs look at her!
However there's a hand grabbing her shoulder, strong enough to prevent her clumsy descend.
L: " What-"
She snaps, shrugging the hand and turning around. She is ready to throw her electric power on this person but then stops, eyes widening and hand lowering.
J: " Don't go there, it's too dangerous!"
Jean says, chastise even and Lisa roll her eyes.
L: " She is hurt!"
She shouts, angry and worries and desperate.
Jean nods and from the hole a small voice whimpers again.
K: " Mama?"
Jean side steps her and looks at the hole. From where Lisa stands she can't quite see Jean voice but can see her shoulders tense.
J: " I'm here, baby. Mama is here!"
Klee hiccups.
K: " Mamaaa~ I'm showy"
Is the garbled apologie, Klee's sobbing messing her speech.
J: " Don't worry, baby. Mama is going to take you out of here."
She turns to Lisa and rising from the floor says
J: " I'm toing back to the horses. Mom always pack her horse with some ropes. We can use it to pull her."
Lisa nods hurriedly.
L: " yes, yes...go! "
Jean turns back to the hole and says
J: " I'm coming back soon, sweetie"
Klee whimpers.
K: " Mama pomises?"
Jean nods, sob caught on her throat.
J: " Mama promises, princess."
(。•́︿•̀。)(。•́︿•̀。)( ・ั﹏・ั)
When Jean leaves to get the rope and horses, Klee breaks down again, crying and hiccuping and it's breaks Lisa's heart.
She can't be here so near and so far from her baby. She can't touch her and it's killing her.
She looks at the path and Jean is long gone. She knows that with the horses it will be faster but still...
She surveys the hole. It's not so deep and not so small. She could go down there and wait for Jean with Klee. She could try to go down and finally hold her baby, make her stop hurting.
She bites her lower lip, breaking the tender skin.
K: " Mommiee?"
Klee asks and Lisa snaps, eyes finding big brow ones.
L: " Hi, baby...I'm here, mommie is here. Everything is going to be fine."
Klee sniffles and asks
K: " Mama is mad a Klee?"
Lisa's heart breaks, cracks in two. Even scared and hurting her little baby is still worried with her mama. She is too good, too precious for them, Lisa thinks.
Her voice cracks, hoarse with so much emotions.
L: " No, my love. Your mama isn't mad at you."
Klee sniffles again.
K: " but Klee was a bad girl and got lost."
She sobs again and Lisa extends her hand, trying in vain to touch her, to feel her soft and warm skin, her round cheeks.
Tears slid through her face and she tries to control her own sob, voice shaking in the end.
L: " no, baby. You aren't a bad girl. You are our too smart and too precious little girl. Mama understand it, understand you wanted to see her."
Klee big eyes left hers and she is left looking at her daughter's head, her hair a mess of leaves and strands.
L: " Klee?"
Klee sniffles and shifts a little.
K: " Klee wants to go home."
Lisa nods.
L: " we are going to. Mama is coming and soon she will get you out of there and then we are going home and going to eat your favorite chicken breast and even eat ice cream. And then mommie will let you sleep in her bed. Would you like it?"
Klee nods slowly.
K: " Klee loves mommie bed"
Lisa smiles, eyes soft and wet.
L: " Mommy knows. Mommy loves have you around too."
Soon she hears steps and turns her face to see Jean running with the horse.
L: " Mama is back, baby. Just hold on a little longer."
Jean is fast in get the rope ready. The issue is Klee can't quite secure the rope around herself and it's an issue.
So after argue for a bit, they decide to send Lisa down so she can secure the rope on Klee and Jean can push her out. Lisa will have to be pushed later but the witch doesn't have a issue with it.
She takes her shoes out because one she doesn't want to break her ankle and two they are too expensive and beautiful to be damaged on there.
Jean get the rope and fasten it on Lisa's hip. Their face are close, eyes avoiding each other. The proximity makes Lisa's head swin, her breath stutter.
J: " Make the same knot on Klee's, so the rope will be more secure."
Lisa nods slowly and then Jean is pulling away, face a little dark. She can't be sure if Jean is blushing because the moonlight isn't a reliable source of light. Either way Jean gives her the sign and starts to lower Lisa's in.
While she is slowly descending she can only think in how much she misses touch her daughter.
...to be continued.
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lesdreams-author · 3 years
Pregnant Lisa part 17 (Lesbos when it's going to be over? I DON'T KNOW, SOMEONE STOP ME)
"Gasp, ONECHAN!"
Lisa barely has time to put the child on the floor and the toddler is running - stumbling really - to the white haired girl, who surprisingly isn't sleeping anymore.
Lisa is shocked to see brown-green eyes look in her direction, tired and confused.
There's something familiar about her round face, the way how her cheeks are full and plumply. She watches as the girl open her arms and how the corner of her eyes crinkle slightly, how it makes her round brown-green eyes almost close.
Lisa shakes her head, heart pounding between her ribs.
Diona threw herself on her sister's bed, hugging her middle fiercely.
She hears a hoarse and very low voice says
$: " Diona, don't hug QiQi like this. QiQi ribs will pop out of place."
She shudders, a shiver running down her back. Hear this silver haired girl say her daughter's name is so alien, so shocking.
Lisa feels her knees bucking and reaches for the medicine cabinet near the door.
D: " Diona thought she would never see you again!"
The toddler cries. QiQi - and she is really trying to make sense of it, to put this name on this girl - says softly.
Q: " Don't worry. QiQi is immortal."
She feels like laughing - hysterically laughing - but inspires deeply and tries to don't lose herself to the despair.
Q: " does QiQi knows you?"
The silver haired girl asks, head tilted and curious eyes on hers.
Lisa's breath rushes out of her lungs without permission and the only thing she can do is shake her head.
Diona talks for her anyway, thank God.
D: " she is Lisa. She saved us."
A few minutes ago Diona didn't appear to like her very much but it's seems like being in her sister's presence does wonders to her.
QiQi nods, serious and with a small smile on her lips.
Q: " Thank you. QiQi was tired."
Her voice is so dispassionate that Lisa needs to blink some times to understand this girl is indeed grateful, just...Not very energetic.
QiQi tilts her head again and says
Q: " QiQi is hungry, can QiQi eat?"
She nods before even consider asking Barbara if the girl can really stomach food right now.
L: " S-Sure. I will ask one the nurses to fetch you dinner."
She is turning around when she feels a little warm hand on her arm. When she turns her head and looks down it's a surprise to see little Diona looking at her with wide, afraid eyes.
L: " Diona?"
Diona looks at her little feet, without shoes they are the size that Klee used to have when it's a toddler. The brown haired girl has a little pout on her lios, trembling slightly and when Lisa opens her mouth to ask what happened, QiQi dispassionated voice flows through the room.
Q: " Diona doesn't want you to let her. She likes you."
Diona's head snaps to the side and she half glares at her sister.
D: " t-this is not true! Diona doesn't need anyone, Diona is a big girl!"
She huffs, face pink and the pout doubles in size. She looks the most cutest thing Lisa has put her eyes on and she stops herself of smile too much. She bends down and fix Diona hair.
The little girl seems to like it because she makes a low and joyful sound, and Lisa would say it's looks just like a cat mewling. But she will not say it, somehow she thinks Diona wouldn't like this comparation.
L: " Don't worry, sweet. I'm not going anywhere and if you want we can go together."
Diona shakes her head, blushing even more and then let go of Lisa's arm. She goes back to her sister side and hugs her.
D: " it's fine. Diona will stay with onechan."
QiQi smiles and reciprocate the hug. It's the first time, Lisa thinks, she sees this silver haired girl smile.
She is struck again for this feeling of familiarity, as if she had seen this expression in someone before, as if this little girl resembles someone she knows.
It's crazy, Lisa.
She says to herself. She never saw this girl before, doesn't know who are her parents, she can't remember of someone she never saw.
She shakes her head and steps on the hallway.
This day continues to get weird and weird.
To be continued
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lesdreams-author · 3 years
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Chapters: 35 /?
Lisa and Jean have been very happy for years, so happy that they create a fruit of this beautiful love. Tragedy strikes, their lives lose the joy, the sweet light of love. They try to survive the trauma and pain of a loss, but life doesn't stand still and brings them surprises that will shock their structures and force them to deal with their traumas.
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lesdreams-author · 3 years
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Chapters: 8/?
Lisa and Jean have been very happy for years, so happy that they create a fruit of this beautiful love. Tragedy strikes, their lives lose the joy, the sweet light of love. They try to survive the trauma and pain of a loss, but life doesn't stand still and brings them surprises that will shock their structures and force them to deal with their traumas.
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lesdreams-author · 3 years
Pregnant Lisa mini fic part 45
The path to the farm is a silent one. Jean tried to engage Klee in a conversation but the little girl seemed to be distracted.
It made her remember her conversation - more like altercation - with Lisa. The advice she gave her.
Not knowing how act in face of a despondent Klee, Jean remains in silence, heart heavy and head worried.
Jean stops Klee before she enters the house and kneels next to her so they can be both in the same height, so she can look her little girl in the eyes.
J: " before we get inside, I wanted to tell you something."
Klee tilts her head to the side, waiting patiently. Such an uncharacteristic manner for her.
J: " Do you remember the two girls at the hospital?"
Klee nods.
J: " Mama brought them here. They will be staying with us for a while."
Thin blonde eyebrows furrows and after a while, Klee asks
K: " Mama, you going to adopt them too?"
Jean eyes widen, her surprise showing. She doesn't know how to approach Klee, doesn't know if confirm right away her daughter idea is the right path here.
After a second she starts
J: " why do you think that sweetheart?"
Klee little leg kicks a lose stone.
K: " Because mama said QiQi was Klee sister and then mama brought her to grandma's house."
Jean can't stop thinking how her little girl is a smart child. She sometimes seems to be absent minded, in her own little childish world but Klee most times catch the things going on around her, in her own way.
J: " would you be happy if mama adopted QiQi and Diona?"
Jean asks instead anwers her daughter question. She doesn't want to hurt Klee and before reveal her decision, she wants to know what she thinks about it.
Klee bites her little lip and nods hesitantly.
K: " If QiQi and Diona doesn't have a mommie then Klee thinks Mama should adopt them."
It's a really mature decision to such a small kid, Jean thinks to herself.
J: " But would you like it? Would you be happy with QiQi and Diona being your sisters?"
Klee kicks the ground, eyes on her little sneakers.
K: " Klee always wanted be an onechan, then it's okay."
J: " Just okay?"
K: " Mama will not forget Klee, right?"
The air in her lungs scapes her, runs away, flies from her. Her daughter small voice, the uncertainty and sadness stabs her with guilt, with self loathing and so much regret.
J: " No, baby..." Jean says, touching Klee's arm and bringing her small body against her chest. " Mama will never, never forget you. You're my daughter, sweetheart. I couldn't forget you even if I drank a potion to forget everything."
Klee nods against her chest, small arms wrapping on her neck.
J: " I'm so sorry, baby. I'm sorry mama has been neglecting you, has been away from you."
Klee pulls a little away, just to look at Jean's face.
K: " what negle...Neglet...Ne-"
J: " neglecting"
K: " that...what it means?"
Jean kisses her soft forehead, eyes closing and inhaling her sweet childish scent.
J: " it means Mama wasn't doing her mama job properly."
K: " what is a mama job?"
J: "Care for your child, show to your daughter that she is the most important people in her life and make her feel happy and safe and loved."
Klee nod and turns to hug her again, her hug turning tight.
J: " Do you forgive mama?"
Klee nods against Jean's collarbone,voice sweet and serious.
K: " always mama, Klee will forgive mama always."
Jean doesn't know how she and Lisa managed to get such a precious kid, managed to be so blessed in find this perfect little girl.
She rises from the floor carrying Klee in her arms, kissing her head and caressing her back.
J: " I love you so much, my beautiful knight. You are the love of my life."
And she really means it. Klee is the love of her life. Her forever love and hope.
To be continued
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lesdreams-author · 3 years
Pregnant Lisa mini fic part 43 (I lost the count again, fuck meee)
Monday comes faster than she expected. She needs to go to work but she doesn't want to let the kids alone.
Yesterday she tried to talk about school with them but Diona was adamant about it, don't waiting to go an unknown place. Jean hopes when Klee comes to the farm she manages to get the girls interested in school.
Well, eventually they will have to go there.
She rises in the morning and helps her mother make breakfast, she wakes up the kids - Diona is fast to wake up but QiQi? Jean needs to carry her to the kitchen table because the little girl was pretty much sleep walking. - and have breakfast with them.
Diona is chatty in the morning, answering her mother questions and telling about her weird dream - something about been a cat and play with a mouse toy. It's funny since the toddler resembles a cat anyway -. When she is getting ready to go to work the issue starts.
Diona doesn't want her to go, says Jean is leaving them. So Jean tries to reason with the toddler who then asks to go with her.
She spends half hour trying to convince the girls she isn't letting them and that she is coming back in the lunch time. It's after a lot tantrum she manages to get out and go to work.
She is one hour and half minute late.
Jean pretty much collided with Lisa on the headquarters hallway. She was coming late, very late, already carrying papers Noelle gave her when her shoulder hit someone else.
When she rises her head it was to look at redhimmed and tired green eyes.
J: " I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking."
Lisa sighs and nods, side stepping her to continue to walk. Jean should continue her path too but the tired posture Lisa has makes her stop and say
J: " how is Klee?"
Lisa stops, back turned for her and then turns around.
L: " Angry, confused but fine."
Jean sighs, nodding to her own boots.
J: " I'm sorry."
L: " you keep saying that."
Lisa says and Jean exhales tiredly.
J: " I know...but lately I don't know what to say to you anymore. I feel like I let you down every time."
She hears Lisa sigh and then hears her footsteps getting closer. She watches Lisa's shoe appears on her vision and then rises her head to look at her. She is close, not so close they could touch each other, but close enough Jean can feel her perfume.
L: " how the kids doing?"
Lisa asks and Jean feels the weight on her heart lifts a little. Because Lisa didn't continue to fight, she changed topics. It should count to something, right?
J: " Confused too...still adjusting to everything."
L: " I can imagine, you don't usually come to work so late "
Jean chuckles and nods, hands going to her back pocket.
J: " Yeah, they didn't want to let me go. So I had to convince them I wasn't running away and letting them."
Lisa humms, shifting her weight.
L: " did you thought about school? It can be a distracting activity for them."
Jean nods quickly, eyes lightning up. Finally a conversation without arguments.
J: " Yeah, I tried to being it up but they are afraid yet so, no school for now. I hope when Klee comes to the farm she can I text enough excitement on them to eventually them give it a shot."
Lisa nods too, although her eyes becomes guarded at Klee's name.
L: " I hope you actually spend time with Klee today, do t just...bring her to the farm let her alone."
Jean shoulders tenses. It was going to well to be true.
J: " Lisa, I do t want to fight."
Jean cautions and watches as Lisa's postures becomes too straight.
L: " I don't want to fight either, Jean. I'm just advising you. Klee has been waiting to spend time with you, with her other mother. So I understand you are excited with the other kids, I understand you have to take care them too but please, I'm asking you, give my daughter attention too."
Jean inspired deeply, lungs inflating and pressing her heart.
J: " I love Klee, Lisa. I'm not replacing a kid for another. I love both of them equally."
Lisa nods, expression unreadable.
L: " I see. But you should know something."
Jean frows and takes a step ahead so she can be closer to Lisa, her heart beating quickly in between her ribs. She feels a mixture of fellings, frustration, sadness and longing.
J: " and what could it be?"
She asks slowly, intense eyes and expression becoming sharp. She isn't in the mood for a fight, not so early and not because the love she feels for her kids.
L: " Klee is nearing an age in which children start to question things. Things about themselves and about others too. She is already questioning your negligence to her, don't make her question your love too."
It's a low blow but a true all the same. She can, even trough the veil of angry and heartbreak, that Lisa isn't saying it just for attack her but she is indeed caution her, trying to protect their daughter. However Jean can't stop the way as she bites her tongue, how her blood boils in anger.
J: " just advising me hum?"
She asks in a sarcastic tone. Lisa disregard it, don't rising for her bait.
L: " I'm advising you, Jean. Don't make my daughter think she is less than the other kids. Don't break my daughter heart."
Involuntarily she takes in deep breath, the action automatic, hurt flooding her system, Lisa's words a stab to her heart.
My daughter
The words revolves in her head, turns her stomach.
J: "...our daughter."
She manages to say, hoarsely.
L: " what?"
Jean coughs slightly and tries to make her voice even.
J: " Klee...She is our daughter."
Lisa looks at her in silence for long minutes. Jean is starting to think maybe they will actually fight right here, right now, in the middle of the hallway but then Lisa nods and takes a step back.
L: " yes...Our daughter."
They keep looking at each other for a few more minutes, both with unreadable expressions in their faces, both hurt and anxious and angry.
L: " I have to go."
Lisa says in the end and don't waits for Jean's answer, just turns around and walks away.
Jean, who started to think this morning that she should make a bigger effort to mend their relationship, now start to think they don't have a future anymore.
Tô be continued
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lesdreams-author · 3 years
Pregnant Lisa mini fic part 42 (starts and cracks)
F:" so, did you makeup with Lisa?"
They are walking through the farm, showing the girls all the animals and plantations.
Diona is awed at the big trees, waiting to climb it while QiQi is enamored with the sheeps, she liked their warm fur enough to rest her head against it and fall sleep.
Jean turns her face to her mother and groans.
J: " mother."
She warns and the older blonde shrugs.
F: " it's a valid question, child. You did spend the night there."
Jean rolls her eyes.
J: " Klee asked me to stay with her and I fell asleep. It's all."
Frederica lifts a doubtful eyebrow.
F: " Really? You slept in your wife's house and nothing happened? Not even a conversation charged with sexual energy and-"
J: " mother! Please stop talk about my sex life, it's embarrassing!"
Jean face palms her blushing face and hears her mother tsk.
F: " you are an adult Jean, I'm an adult too. What is the issue in talking about sex?"
J: " none, if you wasn't my mother!"
Frederica groans.
F: " Okay...Geez, I'm not going to talk about it anymore. But you seriously didn't fix her issue with Lisa?"
Jean kicked a stone on the dirty path, eyes watching the ground.
J: " no...we didn't..."
Frederica hummed at her side. For a instant there's only the birds sounds, the noise of nature and then her mother says.
F: " not to put any pressure but you should fix it. The more it take, the more hard it will be to mend your relationship."
Jean shoulders drop. She knows it. She knows she should try to reason with Lisa again but there's so much going on.
She is so thinking about Lisa's lost and angry eyes, she is thinking of her harsh words, she is remembering of Lisa's naked shoulder, of her perfume and warmth when a little hand pull her hand.
Her green eyes take a second to focus on the little girl, adorably shy.
She squats down, level with this cute creature and asks.
J: " Hey, sweetie. What is it?"
Diona is a complex kid to understand, she is sweet and shy but also very smart and quick to judge.
D: " Diona wants to get a jackfruit. Can she?"
She smiles at the little girl. Her mother has a lot fruits and one they are the jackfruit. The trees are full with them, this season will be a fruitful one.
Jean rises and offers her hand.
J: " of course. Let's get you one big and sweet jackfruit."
Diona's tail shifts fast and her little warm hand clasps hers. Jean is pretty much dragged to the tree and she fights a laugh all the way.
She thought the kids would behave weirdly after their conversation. Her mother told her the children seemed to want to run away so Jean sat with them and explained they were free to go to where they want to but that Jean would be sad to see they go, that she wanted to be a family with them.
QiQi didn't seem awkward after this but Diona, as always, maintained a certain distance from her. So it's good, it's great to be so close to this adorable toddler.
She hopes eventually Diona opens up to her.
( ╹▽╹ )( ╹▽╹ )
The conversation with Klee is a hard one. Lisa blames Jean every second her daughter remains in silence or cry softly.
Klee is a spoiled little girl, she always around the people that loves her, she is always receiving affection from everyone but unfortunately, the one Klee seems to want this affection more is the one is never available to give.
When she is alone in the living room, Lisa asks herself if she made a mistake. If she should have breakup with Jean on those early days, when they fought about Klee's adoption.
Maybe if Lisa wasn't with Jean then, if she had breakup their marriage, Klee wouldn't be seeking Jean's attention, Klee wouldn't be suffering.
She scratches her hair and sighs.
She hates have those thoughts and she hates how her heart aches just in thinking in a breakup.
She misses Jean even when she is angry at her, she misses Jean and blames her for this situation.
Lisa turns on the bed and looks at Jean's spot. It's empty as her heart but Lisa can still remember Jean's profile, the rise and fall from her chest, her delicate fragrance permeating the air.
Her hand reaches for the spot on the bed, feels the cold sheets, the soft matters under her fingertips. If she closes her eyes she can see Jean smile at her - as she used to smile before their tragedy -, her blue eyes vibrant and alive, the way her thin lips would curl up, as her cheeks would dimple lightly.
Behind her eyelids a sting starts. She feels like crying, hurting and aching for her wife, for a easier time.
She opens her eyes and tears spill free, wetting her pillow.
Her heart, squeezing tightly in the chest, pulses in longing, wakes up the sad butterfly in her stomach, makes them fly confusedly, smacking themselves in her belly, making it roll and drop.
Be away from Jean, be fighting with Jean, be angry at Jean is destroying her, is breaking her.
Fuck you, Jean
She thinks, sobbing quietly against Jean's pillow.
Fuck you for break my heart. Fuck you for break our daughter heart. Fuck you
Tô be continued
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lesdreams-author · 3 years
Pregnant Lisa mini fic part 41 (Conflicts)
The house -a mansion actually - has two floors. They know the only way to get out in through the front door and it's in the first floor.
They go down slowly, trying to don't make sounds. They are almost at the front door when a voice says.
F: " where you two think you going?"
Diona gulps hard, eyes wide. Grandma is on the foyer, arms folded in a serious expression on her face.
D: " err"
She watches the old woman sigh.
F: " breakfast is ready, you two can decide what to do after Jean comes back. C'mon."
She chances a look at QiQi that just shrugs and goes after grandma.
Diona supposes it's not bad to eat before going away.
( ╹▽╹ )( ╹▽╹ )ʘ‿ʘ
She spends too much time eating breakfast with them, chucking at her kid stories and adorable excitement.
Because her injury Klee doesn't have school today and she is living to all the attention.
It's 9:30 in the morning when Jean rises from the chair and says she has to go.
Lisa doesn't say anything, just star to gather the dishes to wash. Klee though, Klee uninjured hand grabs her pants and her big eyes glint on the light of the kitchen.
K: " Mama, Klee wants to spend the day with you."
Jean squats on the floor, knee feeling the cold touch.
J: " I know baby, but mama has a lot things to take care today. We scheduled to spend time in the week right?"
Klee pouts, little lips trembling.
K: " but the week is faaaar."
Not quite, Jean thinks. Monday is right around the corner.
J: " I'm sorry baby."
Klee looks to the floor for a second and Jean touches her hair, feeling the smooth strands on her fingers.
K: " mama don't like Klee anymore?"
Her daughter asks, a small shaking voice. Jean wraps her arms around her small frame, tucks her on her body and kisses her little head.
J: " you are the most important person in my life, Klee. Mama loves you very, very much."
Klee sniffles quietly, head tucked on Jean's neck.
K: " but mama never spend time with Klee anymore."
Jean swallows hard, chances a look to Lisa whose back is turned to her.
J: " mama has been very busy but Mama promises she will be better, Klee."
Klee pulls away, eyes wet and red. Jean tries to reaches her little face, tries to touch her cheeks but Klee pulls away even more. Mouth trembling.
K: " Mama is always saying it."
And then Klee is running away from the kitchen, loud footsteps.
Her heart squeezes painfully, carried with guilt, with regret.
She rises from the floor with a sad exhale and turns to see Lisa watching her in silence, back resting against the kitchen sink.
Jean eyes avert from the wise greens, wander through the kitchen walls and appliances.
L: " I will talk with her later."
Lisa says then, breaking the uncomfortable silence in the kitchen.
Her hands goes I side her pant pockets and her shoulders slump.
J: " I should talk with her instead, right? It's me whom she is mad at."
Lisa nods, hands resting on the sink behind her.
L: " yeah but you have things to do and besides ...I'm already used to it."
Jean opens her mouth and then closes again. Eyebrows frowing.
J: " I'm sorry..."
She says quietly. Lisa gives her a small smile, constricted, tight.
L: " yeah..."
Jean swallows again. It's not the first or last time she has apologized to Lisa for have let their daughter down. She feels like an ass, like a terrible parent.
L: " just try to be better.. "
Lisa says, voice tired.
L: " now you don't live here it's going to be even more harder for her."
Jean nods, eyes on her boots.
L: " don't forget you have her too."
Her head rises, eyes locking in greens.
J: " what do you insinuating?"
Lisa shrugs, shirt sliding through her skin and showing the pale contour of her right shoulder.
L: " I'm saying kids demand attention, lot of attention. You have two more and one here that thinks you don't love her enough. So just remember, when you are at your mother's house that your other daughter needs you too."
Jean licks her lips, trying to don't be riled up. Those words are truthful but hard all the same. It seems like a insult on her bruised maternal ego.
J: " Kay"
Is what she manages to say without start a fight. Lisa watches her for a few more seconds and then shakes her head.
L: " next time you want to make plans with Klee, talk alone with me before. It isn't a issue for you be with her after school but I could have made plans."
Jean sighs, tired already.
J: " I get it. I will talk next time."
Lisa turns her back to her again, going back to wash the dishes and Jean, lost, says her goodbyes to a guarded back.
At her mother's house she find the girls sitting on the living room, listening to a kid show.
Rosaria and Barbara are making them company it seems. Well, more like Barbara. Rosaria is setting on the couch chewing on a lollipop - probably stollen from her fiance - while Barbara plays with toys on the floor. Diona seems very interested in their cubs play, while QiQi is stretching on the floor, like a cat waking up from a nap.
J: " Good morning."
Diona little tail stops and then shifts quickly, ears shifting a little until her face turn to look at her. She Jean didn't know better she would think the girl looks more like a puppy than a cat.
She expected Diona to jump on her arms with the way her tail shifts but the little toddler doesn't. She just keep chancing glances at her.
QiQi turns on the floor, eyes opening slowly to look at her.
Q: " Welcome back master Jean"
QiQi says yawning loudly.
B: " good morning, Oneechan."
Barbara says and Diona snaps back at the deaconess.
D: " she is your onechan!?"
Barbara chuckles.
B: " yup."
Rosaria, look at them and smirk.
R: " Barbara here is a big fan from her Nee-chan. Like you and QiQi."
Diona pouts.
D: " Diona is t QiQi's fan, diona is QiQi imouto!"
Rosaria laughs and Barbara frows.
B: " mouh, no tease us, Rosaria."
Rosaria only smirks in answer.
Jean thinks her house looks a lot like her dream from today. But there's two people missing, two very important people.
...to be continued
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lesdreams-author · 3 years
Pregnant Lisa mini fic part 40 (short short chapter)
She has breakfast with them, gets Klee's weird shaped ones because her daughter gift it to her and Jean is incapable refuse.
Although the pancakes has shapes she can't identify, they are tasty after all who cooked it was Lisa.
She tries to help but her daughter says today is "mama day". It isn't really, it's a day as any other but her daughter wants to do it so she just advise her to take care to do t hurt her shoulder.
She watches her daughter try to get the milk jar from the fridge and hurries to take it instead. Klee pouts, saying she is t a baby but Jean shakes her head, unwilling to see her daughter hurt herself.
When they finally sit at the table, Lisa joins them. She stacks Klee's dish with pancake and opens the syrup can so her little girl can put how much she wants of it.
Jean watches it with a tick in her eyebrow. Klee shouldn't eat so much sugar but her daughter seems to happy putting the syrup.
She sighs, resigning herself to just let her daughter be a kid. She will probably burn down all those calories later.
K: " mama, when klee can go back to swimming classes!?"
Jean chances a look at Klee and lift her eyebrow.
J: " didn't you asked mommy about it a few minutes ago?"
Klee pouts, grumbling.
K: " but Mama, Klee wants to go to the river!"
Jean nods in understanding.
J: " I know and it's great you like your class so much but right now, you need to heal your little shoulder. When you get better you can go back to the classes."
Klee chews the pancakes, huffing.
K: " what Klee will do in the meantime? It's going to be so boriiing!"
Jean chuckles and stares at Lisa, watching them in silence. She waits for her wife look at her direction to then say
J: " if it's okay with your Mommy, I was thinking you could come visit the farm after school."
Lisa watches her while Klee jumped on the chair.
K: " Really!? Mommyyyyy, pleaseeeeee"
Klee asks and Lisa unreadable gaze is turn to Klee, changing from a thinking expression to something soft and caring.
L: " If you promise to behave I don't see any issue."
Klee nods excitedly, smeared lips giving a smacking kiss to Lisa's cheek. Jean chuckles watching the two of them, as Lisa tries to don't flinch at the syrup on her skin.
It's the first step, Jean think, to change herself, to be a better version of the mother she always wanted to be.
.....to be continued
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