moonsnqil · 7 months
'it's safer when i'm by your side' (final vers.)
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by your side - flatsound
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konaiiro · 9 months
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Wymack's Peptalks
An older Andrew talking with Wymack about life and whats the point in trying. Scene is from @stillmadaboutpetra's fic Does the Dog Die in the End. It's probably my favourite writing of older Andrew, charaterization is great and the writing is incredible. This mini comic is basically a thank you back to the writer, they did amazing. Definitely go have a read.
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detectivebambam · 29 days
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
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Anyone that’s come to talk to me about this au: I am hugging you and/or placing a nice trinket in your hands, this was one of the funniest things that’s been brought up so far. Historically Andrew does not get along with his personal guards so Day assumes the worst when finally turning him over to Abram
And yes, of course you can have the full pic✨
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rosehathawhey · 2 months
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serenitysuna · 6 months
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mini andreil and wymack
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coffee-system-uwu · 1 year
Andrew having no regrets is bullshit. You think he didn't regret ever being born the second he said he'd blow Neil? You think this man didn't have to suck it up and keep acting cool so Neil wouldn't realize how much control Andrew doesn't have? You think saying that shit and not giving a fuck about the answer is realistic? This guy was already a little in love with Neil. There's no way he didn't have a little bit of a stomach drop moment at the idea of rejection.
He probably said those words and shriveled up and died a little on the inside. He gave Neil a sexuality crisis. Luckily Neil is open minded.
But if Neil rejected him. If he said no, or never brought it up again, I wonder if Andrew would acknowledge regretting it? At least to himself. Or would he bury the feelings, and smother that little spark until he was as indifferent to Neil as he is to the rest of the foxes?
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spidersfearme89 · 3 months
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You ask and shall receive
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konaiiro · 7 months
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cleaned up the sketch, then i was told they look like lesbians and now i can't unsee it.
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giac222 · 4 months
I think one of the most annoying takes I see about TCOAAL is when someone says Ashley is solely the problem and that Andrew is completely innocent…💀 like did we play the same game?? Ashley and Andrew are the same, they always have been. Andrew just hides it better, but we see his mask slip in Ch. 2.
In a comment section on YouTube I literally saw someone say “Andrew needs to realize that Ashley is a bitch and leave.”… I rolled my eyes 🤦🏻‍♀️ lmao, like alright are we just going to completely ignore everything Andrew did? I’m convinced that person didn’t actually play the game.
I’m going to die on the hill that Ashley and Andrew weren’t born evil. The two of them are a product of their environment, especially Ashley. We see that her parents never cared about her and that her “friends” weren’t actually her friends. I’m sure we’ll see more of this in Ch. 3, I already know it’s going to make me sad ughhh. Ashley’s been treated like shit by everyone around her it seems except for Andrew. Andrew has been the only consistent presence in her life, the only one who’s ever been there for her. The flashback from her birthday was so fkn sad, but Andrew tried his best to make it special for her 😭. When she called him her favorite lemon muffin 🥺 yeah, she loves him downnn.
Ashley also has major self esteem issues which absolutely stem from her childhood. Again, I think we’ll see more of this in Ch. 3. She also has a ton of internalized misogyny, she’s had it since she was a kid. I’m like girl.. why are you like 10 calling other girls hussies? 😂 Seriously though, I believe she picked this behavior up from her mother. I mean where else would she learn those words and behaviors from? It’s very easy for kids to pick up on things. I really need the lore on Mrs.Graves because I don’t think she was born evil either. 🤔 The fact that she was a teen mom of 2 before the age of 18 is crazy. That also means her and Mr.Graves have been together for quite some time.
We know Mrs.Graves overall doesn’t care about either of her children, but it’s fair to say that Andrew was treated somewhat better than Ashley. I bring this up because I’ve heard stories about how some moms are easy on their sons while being very hard on their daughters. Also, I’ve seen someone else bring this up before, but when Andrew declines the olive branch and defends Ashley, Mrs.Graves doesn’t understand why and then she accuses him of sleeping with her. Why did her mind automatically go there? As if he couldn’t love Ashley for any reason other than sex. I think the reason Mrs.Graves said that is because of her own internalized misogyny and is projecting. Basically saying: If a man cares about you and does things for you, it’s obviously because you’re sleeping with him, not because he actually wants to do those things out of love. I could be wrong though, that’s just something I picked up on. So yes, I do believe Ashley got her internalized misogyny from her mother. I think generational trauma is definitely at play here, which is honestly just sad more than anything.
Andrew is everything to Ashley, he really is the center of her world 😭, and he’s the only person who’s shown her any type of love. We know she’s terrified of losing him and will do anything to keep him around. Considering no one else has stuck around in her life, it makes sense that she has serious abandonment issues 😞. Ashley can be abusive and manipulative, but I don’t think she necessarily wants to do that, she does it because she thinks that’s the only way she can keep him in her life… what she doesn’t understand though is that Andrew loves her just as much as she loves him, he would stick by her without any of that, we know this, even though he doesn’t show it as much. In ch. 3, I’m sure we’ll finally see him open up more and give her the affection and reassurance she needs. We see a glimpse of this in the questionable burial route when they’re on the bridge. In my opinion, I don’t see how people can call the questionable route the “bad” ending when both of them look the happiest, especially Andrew. I don’t think I’ve seen Andrew that happy at any other point in the game. 💀 he was fr in his element there.
Some people may not want to admit this, but Ashley is a victim as well. That’s why it’s frustrating to see people with the take that Ashley is purely evil and that Andrew is an angel who was manipulated to do everything he’s done. They’re both flawed individuals, but their upbringing was awful and the world around them is awful too. They live in a dystopian society. How they ended up was inevitable, and I’m not excusing their behavior, but they were failed by their parents and had 0 parental guidance. I mean my god, to make things even worse, their own parents sold them to organ harvesters and they were left to starve locked up in an apartment for months with no one else but each other. If they didn’t do what they did, they would have died. 🤷🏻‍♀️ They originally didn’t plan to sacrifice their parents either, they wanted to rob them and leave, but their mother came home and it screwed up their plans. Their mother absolutely would have snitched on them if they didn’t take action. We also know now that people are looking for them, hence the hitman. They literally have no choice but to be on the run. Their situation and actions aren’t black and white.
This turned into a very long post, sorry if it’s messy haha. I just wanted to get my thoughts out there because some of the takes I’ve seen on this game are horrendous. 💀 Thanks for reading if you did. ❤️
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spidersfearme89 · 3 months
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comet-ribbon · 5 months
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that-vampire-loser · 23 days
Andrew and Neil have squishmallows on their bed
I will not expand
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emry-stars-art · 2 years
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Allison: okay, I'll bite. What's going on in the goal
Neil: Kevin's trying to get after Andrew for not paying attention again.
Allison: uh huh. And how's that going
Neil: I dunno, probably about as well as - uh oh.
Allison: uh oh? - oh.
Allison: what
Neil: sometimes Kevin forgets all that's between him and the twins is one vertical foot. The knee-hook keeps him humble
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radio-face · 8 months
My emotional regulation is like that thing in animation where there's an angel and a devil on their shoulders, but instead it's Bo Burnham singing a depressing ballad and MatPat psycho analysing my symptoms.
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thepromptnetwork · 2 months
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Thanks mini-bang voters! It looks like across our channels we have at least 5 participants - and that's our minimum. If we have less sign up in the registration we'll shelve the event, but otherwise, let's gooo!
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