#the prompt network
thepromptnetwork · 1 month
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Thanks mini-bang voters! It looks like across our channels we have at least 5 participants - and that's our minimum. If we have less sign up in the registration we'll shelve the event, but otherwise, let's gooo!
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princewardo · 3 days
ok and what if i just spent a solid hour outlining this mini bang and it's looking like my main occupation for the next 90 days is going to be crying and typing
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Social Network (2010) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eduardo Saverin/Mark Zuckerberg Characters: Eduardo Saverin, Mark Zuckerberg, Chris Hughes (Social Network), Dustin Moskovitz Additional Tags: does this count as multi media? idk, not prose, got to emphasize Summary:
Mark received the email. And then promptly sent it to spam.
 If anyone wants to know how he started Facebook, they could read a book. They could go on Google.
 But when he hears Eduardo is appearing in the new Facebook documentary (by completely legal means, Dustin had not hacked anything ), suddenly his schedule is clear for the foreseeable future.
Mark, the rise of Facebook, and the power of hindsight.
written for @thepromptnetwork!! this was so fun 2 write i missed these scrunkles
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unforth · 11 months
Gentle reminder that very little fandom labor is automated, because I think people forget that a lot.
That blog with a tagging system you love? A person curates those tags by hand.
That rec blog with a great organization scheme and pretty graphics? Someone designed and implemented that organization scheme and made those graphics.
That network that posts a cool variety of stuff? People track down all that variety and queue it by hand, and other people made all the individual pieces.
That post with umpteen links to helpful resources, and information about them? Someone gathered those links, researched the sources, wrote up the information about them.
That graphic about fandom statistics? Someone compiled those statistics, analyzed them, organized them, figured out a useful way to convey the information to others, and made the post.
That event that you think looks neat? Someone wrote the rules, created the blogs and Discords, designed the graphics, did their best to promo the event so it'd succeed.
None of this was done automatically. None of it just appears whole out of the internet ether.
I think everyone realizes that fic writing and fanart creation are work, and at least some folks have got it through their heads that gif creation and graphics and moodboards take effort, and meta is usually respected for the effort that goes into it, at least as far as I've seen, but I feel like a lot of people don't really get how much labor goes into curation, too.
If people are creating resources, curating content, organizing the creations of others, gathering information, and doing other fandom activities that aren't necessarily the direct action of creation, they're doing a lot of fandom labor, and it's often largely unrecognized.
Celebrate fan work!
To folks doing this kind of labor: I see you, and I thank you. You are the backbones of our fandoms and I love you.
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nerdpoe · 4 months
Constantine has found an, as the colloquial term would be, easy mark.
He's just found out that the High Prince of the Infinite Realms is a freshly dead fourteen year old. And like, yeah, sucks that the kid died, he feels for him.
But also; the kid has a problem that's ridiculously easy to solve.
The American Government is trying to declare war on the realm that holds all universes together, and Constantine knows a few people who can bring that to light and get that shit shut down real fucking quick.
So he goes to Amity Park, to the little Prince's haunt so he can pin him down, help him out for "free", and work out a deal to call the American Government off.
Except the kid just wants him to do his stitches. Because the American Government wasn't bluffing, and has developed weapons that can and will harm the fabric of reality.
John does the kids stitches. They aren't very good, but they're the best he can do.
He sticks around.
He patches the little Prince up.
He...he gets attached.
He watches the GIW actually hurt the kid, seriously, to the extent that he actively steps in and gets himself labeled a terrorist by taking them out.
Now he's got an angry Big Three on the line, demanding to know what is going on, and he's realizing that he's a little past tricking a deal out of a kid that has too much power.
It's personal.
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aiweirdness · 8 months
2023 Botober drawing prompts
Here they are!
I continued my tradition of using the year's state-of-the-art models to generate the prompts which means my methods were:
Ask GPT-4 to make its drawing prompts really weird, in the style of AI Weirdness Botober. Then sift through all the cutesy alliteration for the reasonably interesting stuff.
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Ask GPT-4 to list Botober prompts from previous years. Instead of actually recalling them, it just claimed to do so and then produced other stuff.
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Ask GPT-4 to list Botober prompts from previous years, then turn up the temperature (chaos) on the model until it allllllmost breaks.
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Here are examples of some of the longer responses I got with GPT-4 and chaos setting 1.2. They wouldn't fit in the grid, but please feel free to substitute any of these for any of the prompts above.
Immortal Turnips disrespecting celery. OWL PHANTOM AND CABBAGE-O-LANTERN (LIGHT) Final parsnips in particular Before memory, an ancient tool waits to be discovered The Candle That Leapt over the Lake at dusk does a pirouette dussewe wind at earth bubb submission velvet little hurricane breakfast blown in be putty and goodness vodka… gaselocity scoct slices vold cave with When humans item. And those humans aren’t ordinary. See through your balloon eyes The matibrush comes tomorrow in shorts Retired Pirate Chooses Invisible Beard Open the Happy Bones The Cursed Flavor Fiend Slurps your Essence. Glance of the lavender popcorn mussel Eureka! Solar system pancakes Pause to contemplate radishes Apple mystery solution—the crypt underneath The totally real crown of all Barnacles
I also tried Bard and Bing, but their responses were repetitive and generic and I didn't have a chaos slider to play with.
(more at aiweirdness.com)
If you draw any of these, tag them with #botober or #botober2023 so I can find them!
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fistfuloflightning · 3 months
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“You look better without the hat.”
XianYao prompt from the lovely @limitbreaker23 (you’re enabling me so badly, I swear)
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kiestrokes · 6 months
ATEEZ Tournament of Prompts
Alright my fellow atinys! I’m going to do a little giveaway for a copy of ATEEZ - The World EP. FIN: WILL (version Z). It's going to be a summary tournament. Where you send in a detailed prompt idea about ATEEZ.
The Rules:
Must be based in the U.S. or Canada (I can't afford another $40 in shipping. Sorry to my out of country homies!) and must be okay with giving me your mailing address. Legal name isn't required, I mail things with nicknames all the time.
You must be 21+ years of age. Per my DNI rules.
The asks must be sent in non-anon, I need to see your blog name attached to the submission. For verification purposes.
The more detailed your summary, the higher the potential yours of being selected.
There are no restrictions to the prompt ideas. Write whatever your heart desires, about however many ATEEZ members you want. But you will only be selected for the running if the prompt is about an ATEEZ member. DO NOT send me a plot idea for another group.
Do not send in prompts that you’re worried about them being stolen or worried about someone else writing. There will be a compiled list of prompts at the end of the tournament with credits given.
There will only be one winner.
I will close the submissions on December 31st.
An Example of a Summary Submission:
Write about a species of magical people who can conjure fire, control it, and thrive in it. Unfortunately, they’re world is headed toward an ice age…which could mean their extinction if they don’t learn to make peace with their water-wielding nemesis.
Taken from this lovely site.
Please reblog to spread the word even if you, yourself will not be partaking!
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the-tiger-is-out · 2 years
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A city made out of stars in the Aurora Borealis - Midjourney
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femmefatalevibe · 9 months
Hi! I've heard the tip 'listen to understand, not to respond' before, but when I try to do that I never know what to say because I didn't prepare anything so the conversation gets awkward and dies. Any tips on how to listen to understand without killing the vibe?
Hi love! Try recapping/sharing the key takeaways from what your conversation partner said to display that you're actively listening and are invested in what they have to say.
Use these golden nuggets as a template for follow-up questions related to what they're currently discussing. Think of the 5 Ws and H to frame your questions: When, (With) Who, Where, What (happened/the outcome), Why, and How (did you feel about it, did it end/support your intention or goal, etc.).
Hope this helps xx
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feral-teeth · 1 month
Spommy week 2024 - prompt “Florida”
Enjoy the drabble i made for the prompt a few week ago when I first heard of spommy week and got inspired by the prompt for the second day - Florida! Hope this gets me out of my writing posting hiatus to post something silly - maybe this could become something more one day!
I was inspired by @funeralroast to post this! And thank you to the creators of this and the rarepair smosh server for everything and for inspiring me everyday <33
“What are you doing here?” Spencer gasps as the hot chocolate cup that was warming up his hands in the hot weather flips back all over him.
Tommy gasps. “Oh shit! Im so sorry! mean… wait what are you doing here?” He recognizes those eyes anywhere.
They were both visiting their small town that they grew up in for the annual Christmas in summer jingle jangle stockings and crazy fun times fairytale lighting nighttime Christmas tree hanging stockings and hanging wreaths ball Christmastime but not actually Christmas because its summer jingle ball jangle ball Christmas bulb bash thats actually not during the winter because its more fun to have Christmas in the summer as well, but we also have Christmas during the usual time in the winter, so its more fun that way and we get more of the Christmas spirit all year round.. festival ball bash and they would never miss it.
Until both Tommy and Spencer decided to move out to the big city of LA and New York, both big seperate worlds that decided that they could work there instead of help out at their family farms against their seperate parents better interest.
The apple sauce farm and the chicken coop farm, the first owned by the Bowe family and the second by the Agnew family.
They didn’t really know why they separately decided to get on a plane and make their way all the way back to their family home, but they did.
Maybe it was the way Tommy’s mother’s voice sounded different. Older. Sadder than last year when he couldn’t make it. She wasn't trying to hide her disappointment this time.
It was the same for Spencer. His father had called him with a gruff voice, begging him to come back in his own cold way.
“We miss you son. The chickens miss you.” Which was weird for an Agnew, so he was on the next plane over.
His father had cancer, and didnt know how to tell him. So he didnt. His mother had to tell him. Over a zoom call. How sterile.
“Oh so youre here for the…” they both repeat the dumb long ass title in synch for the event that they were pulled back into celebrating because it was a bad omen to not say it every time you mention it or else a bad Christmas. Or something. So they would always say the entire thing, no matter how much time they had to wait, or if they were ever running late somewhere. Like all of those dumb Hallmark movie titles.
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thepromptnetwork · 1 month
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We're back with the TSN TPN MINI-BANG interest check! Here's the pitch. Think up a premise or pick up inspiration from an old TPN prompt, sign up, & get writing this summer/winter. 📝 Aim for 20k+ (minimum 10k, no max) 🗓️1 June - 31 August 2024 (3 months) 📚 Trope? Ship? Your choice💻
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princewardo · 1 year
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check the cookie jar by princewardo
The Social Network | Rated T | MarkWardo | 2.5k
Facebook employees are confused and intrigued by a mysterious tall, dark, handsome man who keeps dropping off ridiculously delicious baking.
Written for @thepromptnetwork. Link in reblog.
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madmanwonder · 2 months
Gwen hates being called a boyfriend kisser, since she claims she isn't one. But when Sierra's boyfriend Cody somehow steals her heart and suggests that they make out in a more private place, how can she say no. When they are making out she can't help but enjoy it, forgetting about the cameras.
2koma, make out, cheating
Gwen: "I am sick and tired of people calling me boyfriend kisser! I am and never will be a boyfriend kisser!"
The boyfriend of Sierra suddenly appeared out of nowhere ahd place a hand on her lower back with the confident grin of a rogue as he tease her petite-yet-busty figure.
Cody: "You. Me. Kiss. Make-out Time. Now."
Gwen: "...ok...."
The geek and goth were intensely enjoying the over-the-top make-out session with Gwen consumed with her hunger and lust for the charming, dominant geek as she was far too gone to notice the dire consequence of her action...
...unaware that the entire island was being filmed of her hypcrotical action
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ubejamjar · 3 months
Discord Daily Prompt: Wrath
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“Vengeance will not bring him back, but I've never felt so alive."
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trobedgirldads · 14 days
cooking competition show contestant cooper x celebrity guest judge oliver
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