#minimum. i dont know.
being naturally good at something would fix me i think
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arsenicflame · 14 days
Bonus round! Do you use a queue tag?
#ive been super curious about this because people seem to have really strong opinions on the queue! so many people seem to HATE it#but i love using the queue! i dont really know exactly why i like it so much- i started using in like... 2016 and its a fundamental part of#my tumblr experience now. i think i started off just using it for offline hours so id hit most my american mutuals (/ for aes posts)#but these days basically everything goes in my queue (cept time sensitive things & like. current hype and original posts-#anything 'normal' posting is in the queue)#idk it feels. nice to me! i like to spread out my posting and not rb 30 things in half an hour and then disappear for the rest of the day#esp since my spaces are so circular- the same post runs on my dash a dozen times minimum. and i get to put it on ur dash a week late!!!#and its so nice to have small interactions with mutuals in incompatible timezones; to open up my notifications in the morning#and go: oh! my friends were here <3#its such a Part of the tumblr experience for me i dont think i could ever truly change now. maybe switch to timed queueing#but my availability changes so much i prefer to just. know i guess#but (i am so sorry for all that) im curious about how other people feel!!!!!! itd be so interesting to hear abt why people do/do not like i#i know some people like the experience of spamming and going. some people think it makes this seem to much like influencing or whatever#everyone has their reasons and i want to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#nyxtalks#poll#queue#no see answers option because you must fall into one of these
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shadow-tism · 3 months
Hey cuties pls remember not to blog about the os**rs tonight, hold in your curiosity, dont click on blogs posting about them dont like/reblog posts about them, dont even look up on the internet “which actor won ___” just dont interact with them tonight. Instead blog about Rafah!
Blog about Palestine! Keep your eyes open and don’t let the media cover your eyes to what they are trying to hide.
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buwheal · 1 month
Out of curiosity, you don't have any magnets nearby, do you? I've heard that those make electronics go all funky-fied :/
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dailydegurechaff · 10 days
Been reading this excellent Fallout 1 fic (https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/a-young-womans-quest-for-a-water-chip.1161243/)
So today's daily Degrucheff is: Vault Dweller?
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Today's Daily Degurechaff is… fallout is the guy with the blue jumpsuit giving a thumbs up, right?
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pansyfemme · 2 months
i get so pissy when people repost screenshots of my posts but censor out the swears. sure repost, i can’t stop you. just let me say fuck
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quinn-pop · 9 months
mtdd week day 1 - sworn partners
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can you tell i like drawing fluff
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karamazovanon · 8 months
controversial opinion maybe but it BEWILDERS me when people (mostly americans ime) genuinely seriously with their whole chest complain about how impossibly hard russian names are. like. do a single google search. i don't see how you can comprehend that charles = chuck and margaret = peggy but can't fathom that rodion = rodya. how is this such a huge barrier of entry for people
#and this doesnt apply to ESL ppl or any other ppl who have actual reasons like dyslexia or something#im talking about other americans who go yeah i had to stop reading bc i couldnt understand the names#how are you seeing different cultural naming conventions as an unsurpassable barrier that forces you to quit and give up on ever reading it#instead of an opportunity to learn and expand your narrow worldview?????? and over something SO SIMPLE??????????#like i know damn well yall know a katherine that goes by katie or a john that goes by jack#and those make even less sense than something like aleksey -> alyosha!#there are general rules and patterns unlike english! like the progression from aleksey -> alyosha -> alyoshka -> alyoshechka is so easy to#comprehend i dont understand how its SUCH a common complaint#i definitely understand the struggle of keeping characters straight when they have the same first name#like katerina ivanovna and katerina ospovna in t/bk etc#and of course the names in general are something you have to adjust to if youve never encountered it before! it takes a bit of thought#but its NOT FUCKING ROCKET SCIENCE and its asinine to shrug your shoulders and say welp guess im incapable of ever reading any ruslit!#like ohhh my goddd it grinds my gears so bad#bare minimum effort#anontalks#sorry for rant but i keep fucking seeing this shit and it rubs me the wrong way every time#like yeah its funny that dunya = avdotya and grushenka = agrafena#but richard = dick and elizabeth = betty so who fucking cares read the damn book
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deoidesign · 6 days
Just a reminder, I have a patreon!!!
I've been working on actually making stuff to post more often for the lower tiers, and have been consistently doing so!
I post at least a few sketches and drawings every month for the $1 and up patrons
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and I've been working on episodes and sharing some updates with my $5 and up patrons
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And I have a merch club for $15 a month, but there's still some $10 slots left! I design and send usually a postcard and some stickers to my patrons every month, but sometimes I'll do some experimental stuff; last month I did foil prints, for instance, and a few months before I made magnets!
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It also gets you access to private channels in my discord server, where I ask for patron input on things like the merch or drawings, and where I sometimes stream while working :)
Buuuut also, even if you don't want any of this stuff, it's a great way to support me directly if you like my work! I'm still on hiatus so I'm not making any money from work at the moment, but I'm working hard and my patreon enables me at least to buy my groceries!
Here's the link one more time, no pressure of course but I need to promote my patreon more so people actually know it exists haha
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impostorsshow · 2 months
Gaze upon my ask Goldie anything au drawings
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The main basis of this au is that I'm fucking obsessed with ghosts and so I threw Evan/Crying Child in here - when the bite of whatever happens, Evan goes to the hospital and dies, and instead of like haunting his family or haunting the hospital he died in, he haunts the cause of his death, which happens to be a certain Goldie locked in the backrooms. And possessing said Goldie and causing alot of panic in between the two of them.
This *singular* au is actually 14 distinct daydreams with their own plotlines and stuff that I've been slowly working out to smash into one au - right now I've managed to combine most of them together, leaving 5 or so scenarios that aren't "canon", but as of right now anything is subject to change, so I'll just. Make more Tumblr posts as I get things nailed down I guess.
Either ill l try to make this into a comic?? Or anyone who wants to can just, leave asks? The plot I have down right now is that Goldie and Evan are basically best buds after 10 years since they had to get over the "I killed you/you are the reason I'm stuck in a rotting pizzeria and not able to leave", but as mentioned they have not been able to leave the old location of Freddy's Diner, even if they eventually found a way out of the backroom. Well, they have been able to leave, but both of them decided Goldie would probably get found and used for spare parts if they left [not that they were exactly safe from anyone who was brave enough to set foot into the abandoned place.]
And because I don't want this to get super long whoop de doo Goldie was taken from the old location to the new Freddy Fazbears yippee. Except y'know, the teleportation and general psychic powers Goldie has was distinctly Not There Before, and Freddy is incredibly suspicious, though he has no clue what could even be causing it. He asks his friends about it, and T-Bee [working nickname] and T-Chi pull a bit of a prank on the nightguard [Micheal, y'know Evans brother that Certainly Won't Be an Issue] to get access to his phone and look up how to deal with Goldie, and eventually land on a page telling the two about a classic "put a circle of salt around the ghost and hope it works" or whatever and put a line of salt infront of Goldie's door. And wait.
And then Goldie tries walking out of his room and Goldie and Evan both get kicked out of their body, leaving it to fall down on the floor lifelessly. Why? Simple answer because I'm tired is that since Evan is a ghost Goldie is a ghost I'm gonna go take a nap
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yeetusthemighty · 15 hours
Huh I wonder what that blue glow is (spoilers under the cut)
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(Decided to crop this one just in case anyone cared about spoilers)
full art here:
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om0000 · 16 days
@catfacedcat @mango-mya Hello Bros
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bogos-bint3d · 2 months
I just remembered a few years ago I used to have this idea for a pixar movie where basically there are these two teens who work at a pizzeria right and yknow do deliveries and shit. So this is a pixar movie so obviously they work at pizza planet right. And yknow how pixar movies have that thing where the pizza planet truck appears at some point in the background or something of every movie ok? So the idea is, pizza planet is a multidimensional pizza delivery chain and the movie focuses on these two teens hoping across dimensions and shit together to deliver pizzas
It used to be ALLL I thought about but i guess at some point I just forgot about it and literally just now I remembered them
Thoughts anyone?
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blkkizzat · 2 months
urgh, im so lazy so i've never done this before but i just had to go and block like 80+ bots/blank blogs. with so many ppl on the tl getting their shit stolen recently and more and more blanks/bots following it was time for a purge lol.
this wont be a regular thing (i hope). but just a PSA to like plz have an actual pfp, bio and reblog content or at least have your likes visible so i know you are interacting in someway and not a bot, someone trying to follow to steal work, a minor, etc.
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crunchycrystals · 22 days
i did not realize going into this season i would come out shipping gorgug with three different people i was coming into this with the biggest donospring mindset and yet here we are
#crunchyposts#i miss zelda but gorgug and mary ann and gorgug and unit............#they can all date i dont give a shit#zelda is a purely emotional thing logically i know its good they broke up like normal teenage relationships#BUT i do also think gorgug dating both unit and zelda and/or mary ann would be a good extension of his character arc#melding barbarians and artificers !!!!!!!#the chill part of his personality (mary ann and zelda out of combat) and the more emotional side (them IN combat)#also his parents are swingers he knows polyamory i believe in my ship.#side note first time ive genuinely shipped more than two people very happy day for me !!!!#usually i just have one monogamous ship and some others that i am chill w but this time its like no. all of you kiss#d20#fh#fhjy#fhjy spoilers#fantasy high spoilers#fantasy high junior year spoilers#WAIT CONCEPT. i like gorgug and zelda together but logically i feel like they just wouldnt get back together#in hs at least i still love them but thinking logically rn i think theyve done normal growing apart#concept before emotional brain comes up w ideas to get them back together. gorgug and unit and mary ann. and then mary ann and zelda#zelda learning from mary ann how to not give a shit and mary ann learning from zelda how to be a bit better to her friends#alright ive solved every problem i have making this headcanon lol#edit ok ive made up my mind. all of them date. i dont know unit well enough to see how theyd be good in the ship#just like date gorgug MINIMUM but mary ann and zelda and gorgug all dating each other. ive created the best case scenario for me lol
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serenescribe · 12 days
progress update!
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jesus christ
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