#minimus a bus
I feel like Ravage/Minimus would result in thylacoleo.
Oh that would be so interesting??? So very interesting.
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myxinidaes · 11 months
been a while! been busy irl and also not in the best headstate but. A short writeup of what i've been reading/watching/doing.
Watching: Our Flag Means Death, assorted horror movies, Adventure time.
OFMD season 2 has been tons of fun so far! I've been watching with a friend at my place and we get to harass the orange cat while we watch. He loves attention so he doesn't mind (much). Can we talk abt the bell scene, though? hot damn. awakened things in me.
Horror movies watched have been: Barbarian (spooky but I think more disgusting/sad/pathetic than truly scary), Pet Sematary (halfway through, p spooky!), Jennifer's Body (not scary, very fun), IT (rewatch, still a solid time), Malignant (partway through, a fun time), Repo! (fun! very fun!), and probably more? there have been a Lot of horror movies between weekly streams with internet friends and dinner+drink+horror nights with housemates
Somehow I missed the Adventure Time craze as a teen, but i've been enjoying catching up! a fun show to watch when i dont want to think abt anything. The art style seems very uhhhhh inconsistent though? a bit disorienting
Reading: She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan. Hoooly fuck. This book is driving me insane in the absolute best way. I tried reading it last year and fizzled out around the gorge scene even though I was really enjoying it. I've been on a bunch of long bus rides lately, so I picked it up again and truly losing my mind. All of the POVs are so distinct and well-done, the opening scene of the girl stealing her brother's name and the way Zhu Chongba goes on to claim her destiny as well! The gender fuckery! The woman disguised as a male monk meeting the eunuch general! The rage and horror and disgust present in Ouyang's narration, the razorwire cunning and determination of Zhu Chongba's, the complexities of Esen's court!!! And the main romance is absolutely fucking insane. A woman who wants the world at her feet and a wife just trying to survive. Screaming, crying, etc etc etc.
There have been multiple times in the book where I had to pause and lose my mind silently for a few seconds like. WOW. Dearly looking forward to finishing this book and reading He Who Drowned the World. Pictured below, one of my favorite passages.
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Other things I've been reading (wip fics):
Tarnished Gold, Scum Villain fic. Absolutely engrossing fic where Shen Yuan transmigrates into Gongyi Xiao instead of Shen Qingqiu. The characterization is beyond top-notch, it's honestly aspirational. The POV is a Luo Binghe fresh from the Abyss and hellbent on causing Gongyi Xiao's complete and utter disgrace. The slow shift from plotting and scheming to a completely in-character Binghe obsession to (eventually) romance? Delightful. So crunchy to read.
Tasting the Outer Road: the Outlaw's Guide to Good Gunsmoke Eating, Trigun Maximum fic. I'm obsessed with everything this author puts out tbh, but a post-Trimax canon fic featuring Knives as a food reviewer and examining consumption, the twins' place in the world, and the harm wrought by Knives is everything I've ever wanted.
Welcome! Everything is Fine. IDW Transformers fic. A Good Place x Transformers mashup... kind of. It's fun! It'll make you laugh! It's got Starscream/Minimus aka the transformers ship of all time!
Listening to: So much. It's been a lot of Hozier lately (concert is less than two weeks away!!), but there was a man at the farmer's market this week singing the Decemberists and that reminded me how much I love them so. shrugs. let's just say i've been rolling around in indie albums.
Working on: Classwork. VW bangfic. I've been busy and I'm very much at the stage in the fic where I'm hating everything I write. But that's fine, the important thing is that it gets written (I say as I contemplate my wip which hasn't had meaningful progress being added for a While now i am so very stuck). My arm's been positively fucked these past few weeks, so I haven't had the opportunity to draw much. Hopefully eventually! I want to do gift art for VWBB friends still, but I'm running out of time.
I've applied to be an officer at a club, curious to see if I get the position. Fingers crossed, I guess? I haven't done IRL leadership stuff in a while, it would be nice to get back into it.
I've been journaling a lot lately, giving it another go after it just made me spiral hard during the early pandemic era. Not sure if it's been helping, but it's definitely better than losing my mind in public on social media? Baby steps.
Final note, very important: Please appreciate the orange cat being harassed.
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darklylucid · 2 years
Grief Posting
Over a year ago, after looking up smutty ‘Avengers imagines’ on Pinterest, I followed a ‘trail of breadcrumbs’ that led from Wattpad to AO3 and, consequentially, to Tumblr’s slasher fandom where I discovered (much to my everlasting joy) a bunch of fellow horny weirdoes that loved slashers just as much as I did.
I loved the community so much that I decided to become a part of it and created this account with the hope that writing again would help distract me from two emotionally crippling events in my life - my mother being diagnosed with cancer for the second time in her life and the death of the much loved cat who was a huge part of my life for 21 years, my Honey.   
It was a very tough battle, but with the help of CAR T-cell therapy, my mom once again kicked cancer’s ass, but in a very cruel twist of fate, the grief I still feel over the loss of my cat, even after a year and a half of his passing, is ironically preventing me from writing - which was the very thing I hoped would distract me from it!
The slasher fandom of Tumblr has been like a family to me, so in the hopes that it’ll help lighten the massive weight of grief from my heart, I share with you, the family I chose, photos, memories and stories of my sweet boy. The goodest boy. The softest boy. My cat brother from a very different mother. My Honey.
Look at him. Look at his cuteness,
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He came to us as a birthday gift to my sister, an undersized and pitiable barn kitten taken from his mother a little too soon, stuffed into a motorcycle helmet and unceremoniously (and irresponsibly) given to someone who lacked both the mental and emotional capacity to care for anything more complex than a pet rock.
He was, in short order, ‘rescued’ by my mom and I and became ‘our cat’, but because he was so young (his ears were still on the side of his head), my mom had to teach him how to feed himself by getting him to lick warm milk off her finger until he understood what a bowl of warm milk was for. 
Fortunately, he soon proved to be both an incredibly resilient little bit of fur and a fast learner and took to self-feeding remarkably fast, especially when he discovered how utterly delicious tiny bits of chopped-up hotdogs were...
Some of his accomplishments as a kitten include teaching himself how to climb the drawer-pulls on the kitchen drawers to get onto the counter, becoming ‘defender of the household’ by eating the Cellar Spiders in the basement and saving us from a (presumably) possessed evil potato which we found in the middle of the kitchen floor one morning covered in bite-marks. 
Look at this sweet little face - it got kissed so often it was a wonder he didn’t have bare patches...sometimes I risked missing the bus to work for how many times I had to stop getting ready, track him down and (sometimes forcibly...) pepper him with kisses. 
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During his lifetime, as I imagine most cats do, he collected quite an...eclectic...collection of names besides ‘Honey’, and here is a short list of the more memorable ones I called him:
Hanny, Hanners, Hannums, Hunnums, Mr Scrotes, The Ball-less Wonder, Numb-Nuts, Mr Snip-Snip, Floophen-Poofen, Butt-Nuts, Fuzz-Nuts, M.U.D.H.L (short for ‘miniature urban domestic house lion’), Brother Meow, Vomit Comet, Mama’s handsomest little man, Purr-Machine, miserable fucking furry little bastard (when he was being an asshole), Ball-Munch, Mr Pantaloons, Fuzzlumps, ‘Fleasimus Minimus’, Sir Sheds-Alot, My Main Meow, and Snuggle-Bug.
When he upchucked on the carpet, I derisively addressed him by this rather elaborate moniker, ‘Sir Spews, Baron Of Barf, Viscount Of Vomit, Prince Of Puke, Highness Of Hork.’ 
With a face this sweet, who could be mad at him for too long, though.
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Mom and I ‘rescued’ him a second time when my (dumbass) sister tried taking him with her when she moved out, as she’d convinced herself that it was perfectly fine to lock a cat up in a tiny bedroom without food, water or a litter box all day long until she got home (”I don’t want him getting food and litter on my bed!!!”)
On that day, he officially became my cat.
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‘The French Fry Oil Incident’
One morning while I was getting ready for work, mom noticed a series of wet patches on the living room carpet and, understandably, assumed Honey had peed on the carpet (when he was ‘pissy’ about something, he let us know), but when she touched it, discovered that is wasn’t urine at all, but used cooking oil. 
One ‘oh shit’ moment later and a quick peek at the oil-splattered kitchen revealed the source of the grease stains - mom had been deep-frying some potato chips the night before in a shallow frying pan and had left it on the counter to cool, and we suspect Honey had jumped onto the counter in the middle of the night, stuck his tail in the used oil, whipped it around in a blind panic and then fled to the living room where he attempted to groom it off of himself.
One frantic search later revealed our poor little man, cowering in misery under mom’s bed with half the fur on his body soaked through to the skin with vegetable oil and smelling like he just took a dip in a McDonalds deep-fryer. 
We attempted to wash the oil out of his fur in the kitchen sink but all we ended up doing was making it worse, but then I remembered watching TV commercials that showed people washing crude oil off of ducks with Dawn dish soap, so we agreed that I’d bring a bottle home after work and we’d try again.
When I got home, we filled the bottom of the bathtub three inches deep with warm water, added in a copious amount of soap and then lowered the poor cat into it for the first (and only) bath of his life. Oh, how he howled, yowled, hissed and spit, but only for the first thirty seconds until he suddenly went dead-quiet, ‘gave up on life’ and waited for death’s sweet embrace. 
The dish soap worked perfectly, he was de-greased in no time at all and the only genuine protest he made in regards to trying to bite us was when I vigorously ‘sudsed up’ his ball sack. 
Unfortunately, in order to avoid traumatizing him further, we had to use towels to get the excess water out of his fur instead of the hair drier, but that caused him to get so chilled he started to shiver, so I brought him downstairs to the basement, heated up a series of bath towels in the dryer on the hot cycle and used them to warm him up.
One day later, we had a clean, warm, dry, happy and sweet-smelling cat that only continued to give me dirty looks for a week of so before he was back to his normal self.
Co-operative Hunting (cat style)
I was trying (and failing) to kill a house fly with the swatter one day while Honey was watching me with mildly disdainful interest from where he was comfortably stretched out on the floor in the living room. 
I glared at him in frustration and snapped, “Just don’t lie there, you miserable lazy beast! Earn your keep and DO SOMETHING!”
He got up, stretched, yawned, caught it between his paws in mid-air with a mighty leap, and ate it. Good cat...
Pokes Of Indignity
One day, he was curled up in front of me on the bed while I was reading a book, and without looking, I reached out to pat him on the head without noticing he’d gotten up and I accidentally jabbed him in the anus with my finger. 
He whirled around, hissed mightily, gave me the dirtiest look and retreated upstairs while I laughed so hard I almost peed. It’s a damn good thing I don’t have long manicured fingernails...
He loved ‘hugging my tits’ while I was in bed, and every night for years without fail he’d sit his furry ass down on my right side, place his paws on the blankets right over my boob and make ‘biscuits’ while I pet him. 
He would also crawl into my lap while I was sitting on the couch and put his paws up on my boobs, and if I moved them off, he’d move them right back where they were. Lester Sinclair in cat form, I swear...
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He was an absolute menace when it came to shoelaces (forbidden cat spaghetti) and if mom or I forgot to hide our shoes, we’d wake up in the morning to find the laces chewed into wet gooey bits.
If he didn’t follow me down to bed, I’d yowl loudly (I’d let out a very loud, very poignant “YEOOOOOOOOWWW!”) until he came down to see ‘what my problem was’, jumping onto the bed and sniffing my face before I’d settle him down beside me for cuddles. Sometimes, I even fell asleep with my arm around him before he left.
If I laid in bed with the alarm going off for too long, he’d come pounding down the basement stairs, jump on the bed and yowl in my face.
When I was working in the kitchen, randomly, he’d sashay in, throw himself at my legs and then leave. 
He seemed to like having his tail whipped around, I’d grab it by the base, violent shake it and he never complained.
His favourite toys were the bird feathers I found for him outside, the plastic rings from milk jugs and pom-poms.
He never tried climbing the Christmas tree.
Sometimes, I’d forcibly flip him onto his back, face-plant his belly and attempt to ‘blow a raspberry’. He was never amused by it, but he did ‘put up with it.’
He loved us making him ‘blanket nests’ on the couch, and all we’d have to do is hold up a blanket for him to see and he’d jump up on the couch, howl at us until he’d been covered up and he’d stay there for hours. 
I had the back door open one day to air the house out, and a young black squirrel jumped through the doorway and into the living and landed right in front of him. No hiss, no paw-swatting, no aggression, they simply touched noses and gave each other a thorough sniffing before the squirrel scampered back outside.
(The squirrels in the court are accustomed to people letting their cats roam and take no shit, because they *know* they’re faster and have sharper teeth, and the cats seem to respect that. I’ve seen various cats 'loafed’ on the ground mere feet from where a group of squirrels are feeding on a seed pile and the squirrels don’t even acknowledge them...)
He would dry-hump the frilly pillows on mom’s bed the moment she got into it nearly every night of his life (it’s a good thing he was fixed...) 
He adored olives, and on the very rare occasion we’d give him a few bits of them to eat. One day, he smelled olives on my mom’s breath, realized that she’d eaten some without giving him any, let loose one hell of a growl and hissed in her face.
I woke up one morning with a ‘cat hat’, he’d wrapped himself around my head in the night and I woke up with his tail curled around my throat and his warm cat breath in my ear.
The older he got, the more he came to realize that belly rubs felt good. Sometimes, when he’d be laying beside me on the couch and I’d go for the belly, and he’d actually lift his leg dog-style and give me full access. 
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I taught him how to pee in the bathtub. 
Yes, I did. No, I won’t say how because it’s embarrassing, but I will say that it saved one hell of a lot of money on litter. 
A couple of times while was in the shower, covered head to toe in soap, he’d scream at me that he wanted to go pee. I had to shut off the water, move the shower curtain aside to let him jump into the tub, wait until he’d peed and jumped out before I could finish my shower.
(Teaching him to ‘aim for the drain’ was hit and miss...sometimes he’d aim and sometimes I’d have to swivel his furry ass around for him)
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I loved to use him as a ‘pillow’, he’d be curled up on mom’s bed in a blanket nest and I’d lay down beside him, rest my head on the middle of his body with just enough pressure to press my ear against him and listen to him purr. He actually seemed to enjoy it, sometimes turning his head and lick my cheek, and he never left before I was satisfied.
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He was given raw meat, beef, pork and chicken his entire life to supplement his kibbles, and he always got the first taste of the Thanksgiving and Christmas turkey, both raw and after it was cooked. No matter where he was in the house, awake or asleep, if you called out, “Honey! MEAT!” he’d come running to get his share. 
Some of his favourite snacks included tiny tidbits of olives, cream cheese, ‘meat macaroni and cheese’ lunch meat and strawberry Haagen-Dazs ice-cream. 
He never had a taste for fish, but he did enjoy the occasional cooked egg yolk.
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His all-time favourite place to nap was on the couch beside me, curled up on or in either a blanket or one of my hoodies, and an hour long TV show would usually take an hour and a half to get through with the amount of times I paused it to pet him so I wouldn’t miss anything.
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He made it all the way to the venerable age of twenty-one, a remarkable age for any cat, and until the last month of his life, he’d never been sick, never had to suffer through the indignity of fleas or ticks and was pampered every last minute of it (as a strictly indoor cat, his paws never once touched dirt)
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Warning - non graphic mentions of pet death under the cut, bitter regret and a lot of sadness. 
As he got older, thinner, lost most of his apatite and spent more and more time sleeping, my mom told me that at some point, we'd have to consider putting him down, but I kept insisting that “We’ll keep him until we find him cold and dead on the floor.”
I was selfish. I didn’t want to let him go, I couldn’t. He gave me something to look forward when I got home after work, he helped keep me going after struggling with crippling depression my entire life and I still needed him, so I waited until it was past the time he should have been taken to get put to sleep.
I had to watch him fade, and that was so much worse, because by the time I made an appointment to bring him into the vet, he was almost half gone already. 
I kept my hands on him while the vet did what should have been done days before, and still he purred for me until...he didn’t. I’d never witnessed an animal’s death before, and I can still remember putting my fingers on his throat to see if he was still breathing and feeling nothing.
I don’t remember the taxi ride home, only walking into an empty, dark house and making him a blanket nest on the couch where it stayed for a week.
I’m still not over the loss, and I hope that by sharing with you my stories of him and a small taste of the love I felt for him, still feel for him, it’ll help me in some way.
He was my boy. My Honey, and I’ll always miss him. 
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candy-floss-crazy · 9 months
Crazy Catering Units From Around The World
At one time, catering units, be they on the fairgrounds or at private events, tended to be basically a box. Nowadays however there are some really crazy catering units available, so that not only are you getting great food, you also get a centrepiece for your event. We are going to take a look at some of the craziness out there, ranging from pizza's being dispensed by fire engines, to something that looks like its driven straight off the set of Mad Max. MAXImus MiniMUS This is definitely one of our favourites. Resembling some post apocalyptic street food vendor that wouldn't look out of placing serving a burger to Mad Max himself. Build to resemble a pig, with a snout and ears, it was built in 2009 for Kurt Beecher Dammeier, it took its name from the two ranges of food it served, one with a heavy sauce (MAXImus) and a lighter range (MiniMUS). Sadly from what we can see it appears to have closed down in 2017 Maximus Minimus Definitely Post Apocalyptic in Style Baby's Badass Burgers We love this concept, though with the way things seem to be going we are surprised it hasn't been protested. Set up by an ex restaurateur and an event planner, this has a definite attractive lady vibe. With burger names such as Cover Girl, The Other Woman, She's Smoking and The Good Wife, and Burger 'Babes' (attractive female serving staff), to spread the burger goodness. The company now has a number of franchised operations outside of it's home of Los Angeles, so obviously it works well. Babes Burgers Burger 'Babes' Snog Yoghurt A natural frozen yoghurt dessert, sweetened with agave nectar and under 140 calories. What's not to like. So when you need your first mobile store what immediately springs to mind. It's obvious isn't it, an ex London A.E.C. Routemaster bus. Built by a company specialising in luxury bus conversions, the original Snog bus opened in London's Southbank in 2014. Snog Yoghurt Bus The Snog Bus Military Pizza Truck Built into a 6 wheel drive, ex military truck, this is another candidate for catering in the Mad Max era. This one is kitted out as a pizza truck, but maintains it's military colour scheme and feel. It's also available for pretzels, popcorn and various other dessert options. Military Pizza Truck Military Pizza Truck Space Shuttle Cafe This one is an extreme conversion. TBH, I can't see you getting this past the DVLA in this country. It is built to resemble the space shuttle, but it's not a converted commercial vehicle as you would expect, no sir, this one is an actual Douglas DC-3 airplane fuselage, that has been fitted with running gear and an engine. It has a commercial kitchen and rest room built in. Space Shuttle Cafe The Space Shuttle Cafe Pizza Fire Engine This is one of our favourites, so much so that we are actually carrying out a feasibility study to see if it's something we can emulate for our own range of catering options. There are a number of versions plying their catering trade, including a couple of examples in good old Blighty. We particularly like the Company 77 effort, with a working water cannon (good for keeping the queue in order) and a photo booth built into the jump seat. Fire Engine Pizza Truck Various Fire Engine Pizza Trucks Airstream Catering Units Originally built as caravans designed in America in the 1930's. The sleek shape and highly polished aluminium finish is unmistakable. A number of companies make similar models, but Airstream is the oldest. For decades NASA used a modified Airstream trailer to transport astronauts to the launch pad. They have become increasingly popular for use as catering units both in the States and Europe. Airstream Catering Trailer Airstream Trailers Westport Flea Market Burger Van Not strictly a burger van, this is more of a promotional item to advertise the Flea market Bar and Grill. But we included it just because of the sheer quirkiness, and the work that has gone into it. Westport Burger Van Snowcat Burritos If you happen to be skiing in the Mammoth Mountain Ski Area, in Sierra Navada, and you are hungry. Then you are in luck, as they have a burrita stall built into an actual snowcat. Well, they actually have two, one serving burritos and the other Calzones. They are also planning to add churros with strawberries and cream. Snowcat Burritos Burritos Snow Cat Keep checking back as we will add more examples as we come across them. Read the full article
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sxgarxhxney · 3 years
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Sometimes you gotta draw big old man holding tiny old man to get a lil happy
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deutschhusky · 6 years
If Ultra Magnus was in a porno would his porn name be Ultra Magnum Dong or would it be Ambustin
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justcourttee · 4 years
And They Were Roommates-Pt 5
Before she knew it, Marinette was leaving her last final that Friday, full of excitement. Her parents were coming in a week! She hadn’t seen them since the first week of August when she had made a quick trip home with Chloe and Adrien to see their families before the semester began. Four long months of video chats and the occasional phone call was not enough.
Hopping the shuttle bus, Marinette made her way to the back, blissfully ignoring her surroundings as she plopped on the back row. Pulling out her sketchbook, she began on her third design for Professor Brookes. Somehow in the crowded timespan of finals week, she managed to convince Adrien and Chloe to model some of her older designs for her portfolio. Adrien promised to edit them and have them back to her before tonight when they left for the airport.
“Are you stalking me Marinette?”
Her head whipped up to find Damian turned in his seat, his eyes dancing with amusement.
“Wha- I mean- It’s not like that- It’s just- I”
For the first time since she met the man, he did something that scared her. He laughed.
“It was just a joke Angel. No need to get so hot and bothered.”
“Again with the Angel? Can’t you just drop that?”
His widening smirk answered before he could shake his head.
“I have a knack for getting under people’s skin and Angel is the quickest way to get under yours. I wonder, what is so important about that nickname? Ex-boyfriend? Ex-girlfriend?”
She rolled her eyes, doing her best to ignore his taunting. She turned her attention back to her sketch, jotting a few notes on the side before shutting her book tightly.
“What is your tick Damian? You have to have one right?”
He shook his head, a brief look of pride crossing his face.
“I learned from a young age that if you let things tick you off, people will take advantage of it, specifically brothers will take advantage of it.”
“What are your brothers' names?”
It was as if a switch flickered off. His playful expression was gone and instead, the stoic jerk she knew surfaced again. A scowl curled from his lips as he turned back in his seat, leaving her question unanswered. Marinette let out a small sigh, turning her eyes toward the window. She really thought she had made a breakthrough, but it didn’t seem as though she could break through his exterior. Uncapping her pen, she rolled up her sleeve.
“I’m pretty sure I just aced my last final. I hope you’re feeling just as confident.”
A minute had barely passed before the familiar tingle moved through her arm.
“Of course I am. What are you gonna do now?”
“I’m on my way to the workshop. I’m almost finished with my third design which means it’s time to start sewing. I’m hoping to get it done before next Friday.”
She tried her best to write small and legible so that she could continue their conversation without having to switch arms. While she could write with her left hand, it was never determined as to whether that handwriting was legible or not.
“I know you will Angel. You always manage.”
Out of the corner of her eye, Marinette saw Damian shift in his seat almost as if he wanted to turn around but instead he remained staring forward, ignoring the small girl. Capping her pen, Marinette stood making her way to the front of the bus. She tried to wave at the boy, but he simply turned his head in favor of looking out the window. Shrugging her shoulders, Marinette waited for the bus to screech to a stop before she stepped off, not bothering to look back at the eyes that followed her every step away. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“About time Dupen-Chang. You’re lucky my plane is private, otherwise I would be charging you for missing my flight.”
Marinette rolled her eyes as she stepped into the car,  shoving the bags monopolizing the backseat to the side.
“Seriously you two? It’s just two weeks. What do you need so much clothes for?”
“It’s the terrible price of being famous.” Adrien threw his hand dramatically across his forehead earning a giggle from the two girls.
“Maman and Papa will be upset they missed you two.”
“Who said they were gonna miss us? They are our first stop when we land.”
“You don’t get to see my parents before I do! That’s not fair!”
Marinette crossed her arms watching her friends burst into fits of borderline maniacal laughter.
“Seriously you guys! What am I going to do on my own for the next week?”
“Maybe you and Damian can hang out?”
Adrien bit his lip trying not to laugh at the scowl he received. It had only been a week, but they were all aware of the mutual distaste between the two.
“You’re so not funny Chat.”
Adrien gasped, clutching his heart as he fell against the window.
“Why must you wound me?”
“Adrikins, if you streak up my windows, you’ll be finding your own way home.”
Adrien sat up quickly, mock saluting Chloe in the process. Pulling onto the airstrip, Chloe caught Marinette’s eyes in the rear view mirror.
“You’re going to take care of my car right Dupen-Chang?”
“I always do Chloe.”
“Good. Then I suppose I could allow your parents to use my private jet to fly into the States for Christmas.”
Marinette’s eyes widened as her jaw dropped.
“No way, oh my god, Maman is going to freak! Thank you so much Chloe!”
The girl threw her arms around the driver’s seat, doing her best to wrap Chloe into a hug. She felt the push as Chloe tried to untangle herself, pretending to be disgusted but the smile in her rear view mirror gave her away. The car came to a stop a few feet from the plane, a multitude of staff rushed forward to attend to their luggage.
Stepping out of the car, Marinette proceeded to give her friends a proper hug, much to Chloe’s protests.
“It’s just two weeks Dupen-Chang, you don’t have to be so touchy.”
“But I’ll miss you guys alot!”
The two blondes pulled back, both shaking their heads.
“You’re ridiculous Dupen-Chang, utterly ridiculous.”
Marinette waved as she watched her two friends board the plane and with a sigh, she slipped into the driver’s seat. This was going to be a long week. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marinette paced the kitchen, debating on if she should knock on Damian’s door or not. It was 10pm, but she wasn’t sure if he had eaten dinner yet. In Paris, this was close to the time her family usually got to sit down together, but after being here for three years, she learned very quickly that American’s tended to eat earlier than that.
Finding herself in front of his door, she raised her hand hesitantly. They had a semi nice conversation earlier today and even if it ended abruptly, it was a start right?
She never had the chance to decide as his door flung open, leaving her eyes level with his bare chest.
“My God, I’m so sorry. I was-I just- I can’t”
She looked straight up, trying not to think about his abs or his sculpted chest or his nice skin. God, why was it so hard to get that image out of her head?
The door slammed shut giving her the moment she needed to dart back to the kitchen, trying to shake the image out of her head. He’s a jerk. A very hot jerk. A very very very hot jerk. 
The sound of his door reopening snapped her out of her trance as she pretended to stir the pot as if nothing had happened.
He cleared his throat, forcing her to turn around and face him. He lifted an eyebrow, his arms crossed over his now covered chest.
“I wasn’t aware you were home.”
“I was just going to ask if you wanted some vegetable soup. Chloe mentioned you were vegetarian and I am trying to cut out meat and I was just wondering if you were hungry and I wasn’t sure if you had eaten yet and-”
She clamped her mouth shut, cutting off her rant as she tried to avoid making eye contact with the boy in front of her. Several agonizing minutes passed before he finally answered.
He brushed her shoulder as he reached for two bowls from the cabinet. Marinette stood as still as a statue as he spooned out the soup, leaving one bowl on the counter for her as he walked back towards his room. He paused right before his doorway, offering the girl a look she couldn’t decipher. Then, for the second time today, Damian Al Ghul shocked her.
“Thank you.”
And with that, he shut his door leaving the girl to melt into a puddle of embarrassment on the kitchen floor.
Tag List:
@damianette-is-life @ladybug-182 @fusser90 @thestressmademedoit @dast218 @thezestywalru @jardimazul @olynix @dorkus-minimus @xahriia @kris-pines04 @urbanpineapplefarmer @moonlightstar64 @itsmeevie01 @little-lady-bird @alexandriamw @lozzybowe @emmdaenovice @loysydark @toodaloo-kangaroo @jessigurl-design @aegyobutpsycho2 @stark-morgoona @tis-i-beanbandit @rebecarojas07 @abrx2002 @ash-amg @loveswifi @heaven428 @dreamykitty25 @marinettepotterandplagg @smolplantmum @clumsy-owl-4178 @books-and-left-behind-journals
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Of Blood and Bonds - Chapter 4
@mystery-5-5 @synnesstra @thesunanditsangel
@abrx2002 @clumsy-owl-4178 @daminett4life @zalladane
@heaven428 @unmaskedagain
@dawnwave16 @kris-pines04 @emeraldpuffguide @hypnosharkrebeldreamer
@be-happy-every-day-please @blue-peach14 @annabellabrookes
@jaynintodd @st0rmy-w1th1n @bluerosette23 @ladysblackcat @18-fandoms-unite-08
@vixen-uchiha @novicevoice @jessigurl-design @tinyterror333
@rebecarojas07 @sparkle9510 @magicalfirebird
@mewwitch @shamefullove
@sassydepression @caffeinetheory
@krispydefendorpolice @mermaidofthelost @zalladane @drarryismylife101 @ladybug-182 @northernbluetongue @i-like-fairytail-and-stuff @iloontjeboontje @mjisntme
@dorkus-minimus @firesong323 @chocolatecatsthero @wargraymon0709 @bamagirlkrista
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On that note, this book will contain swearing, mentions of rape and torture. I will try not be explicit but that's really relative. Read at your own risk. There will be warning before if I make a explicit scene so that you can skip it.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy and don't hunt me down for this.
"Colin this is Marinette, my sister, Marinette this is Colin." Damian introduced the redhead who seemed a bit bewildered but he recovered quickly. 
"Pleased to meet you ma'am. I didn't know that Damian had another sibling."
"Well neither did he before yesterday." Marinette laughed good-naturedly. "So you're his best friend." 
"Yep!" Damian didn't refute the statement. 
"So Miss Marinette where are you from?" 
"Just Marinette is fine Colin." 
"Miss makes me feel old, you don't want that now, do you?" The boy looked scandalised. "I'm only about two years older than Damian anyways so if you want to call me by a nickname, that's fine too."
The boy grinned shyly. "Okay Marinette."
Damian looked distinctly surprised. "Well done, he still calls the others Mr, they are going to be annoyed by this development."
"Oh Damian." Marinette turned on her heels and winked at them, eyes full of mischief. "This is nothing. I got Alfred to  call me by just my first name?" 
Now, both boys looked very impressed but still disbelieving. "I'll believe it when I see it." The redhead claimed. Marinette laughed but said nothing more on the matter.
"So where are you bringing me?" 
"The Gotham's Botanical Garden. I think you'll enjoy it. However, I must warn you to stay clear of anything that may anger Poison Ivy. "
She took it in stride. "Of course, I'll ask before I do anything." 
"It'll be so fun. People don't talk about it because of Ivy but the gardens are so beautiful." Colin started ranting and Marinette hid a smile at the fond expression on her little brother's face. If one didn't know what to be looking for, they would miss it but Marinette had become very very attuned to emotions, especially after she gained the Miraculous and became Guardian. 
"-attract so many different kinds of butterflies."
"Huh." Marinette mused. "It'll be nice seeing some actual butterflies and not akumas for once."
"You mentioned akumas before too." Damian interrupted. "What are they?"
She seemed a little surprised. "Do you - do you really have no idea of what's going on in Paris?" 
Both of the boys shook their head. Even Colin looked curious now. 
"It's pretty surreal but, when I was twelve, this guy surfaced. He calls himself Hawkmoth. He sends out these magic butterflies called akumas to anyone who's experiencing any negative emotion to possess them. He makes a deal with the victims to give them powers for them to be able to take revenge upon whatever wrong happened to them and return he asks for the Miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir."
"Who?" Colin interrupted and Marinette blinked. She had sounded so...old, so burdened as she spoke - so different from the bubbly macaroon making girl that Damian had learnt to know. 
"Right, context. After his first akuma, two heroes surfaced in Paris too. They're powered by the Miraculous too. Hawkmoth wants Ladybug's earrings and Chat Noir's ring. No one knows why exactly and well we're not interested to find out. More power in that madman's hands can only cause harm." 
"You mean to say." Damian's voice was flat. "That there has been a sociopathic terrorist in Paris for five years and no one knows of it. Why didn't the mayor call for the Justice League?"
Marinette's face darkened. It almost made both if the boys shudder and take a step back. 
"Oh but we did. More than once, more than ten times in fact. We only stopped whenthe Leaguers asked us to stop wasting their time with pranks."
"What?" Damian exploded. "They just disregarded all the damage that must have been caused, all the phone calls. They didn't even look into it."
Marinette placed a hand in his shoulder, urging her aura to seek his and calm him down. "The thing is one of Ladybug's powers is the Miraculous Cure. It fixes all the damage caused in the midst of battle."
"All the damage?" Even Damian didn't seem to believe it at that point. 
"I know it seems too good to be true." She fished out her phone and tried to look for a video. "And we understood that but everyone in Paris is pissed that they didn't even bother come verify our so called claims. I mean for God's sake, they have aliens, shapeshifters, magicians and even guys who are themselves powered by magical jewelry if I'm not wrong." 
Marinette huffed as she found a video. It was one of the first ones from the Ladyblog, when Alya was still a reliable reporter. She played the video. It was of The Mime and it showed how he cut the Eiffel Tower in two as well as the Miraculous Cure taking effect. 
The boys especially Damian seemed horrified and Marinette felt a little of guilt for subjecting them to that. 
But then Damian looked up at her and his lazarus green eyes of reminded her that he probably had seen worse. 
"That's…" He didn't seemed to know what to say. 
"Terrifying." Colin said. "Are they all really that strong?" Marinette winced, debating whether to tell them the truth of not. 
Damian seemed to sense that. "You can tell us." He prompted and she sighed, reaching out to ruffle his hair.
"That's actually one of the tamer villians." She admitted. "The Mime appeared during the first year of Hawkmoth's reign of terror. One of the worst akumas back then that come to mind is Syren. She flooded the entirety of Paris, about three quarter of the population died and were brought back by the cure." She took another look at them and decided that she wasn't going to be the cause of their further trauma. 
"Hey, this is it, right?" She promptly changed the subject, knowing very well that she hadn't been subtle at all. "Gotham Botanical Gardens." She beamed down at them. 
"Wow, it's beautiful." She took a moment to appreciate the sight. "Hey you're right, there's a lot of butterflies. Can we go there first?" She was basically bouncing as she turned to look at her brother and his best friend. 
Colin looked gleeful while Damian seemed just amused. "You act like a child." Her brother informed her. She stuck out her tongue at him. "And you speak like an old man but you don't see me complaining." 
"Fair enough." He chuckled. "What are you waiting for? Let's go then."
He couldn't help the full-blown smile appearing on his face as both his sister and his best friend literally ran to the butterflies and started gushing together. 
He started to make his way to them when someone appeared in front of him blocking his view. His usual scowl and glare were back on his face when he looked up. The boy seemed to recoil slightly at his look but it didn't deter him more that that. 
"I don't know who you are." His tone clearly gave away that he felt like he was the one in power here. Damian cursed the time when he used to act like that. He had learnt that lesson the hard way - had learnt not to underestimate an enemy. "But you're gonna stay away from my princess. She doesn't need children like you around." 
Damian took a second to analyze him. Blond Hair. Green eyes. He remembered  reading those as Marinette's triggers during his research. He had to clench his fists to stop himself from reaching out to his weapons.
"She can decide that for himself." He said instead and went to walk around him but the boy grabbed his shoulder. 
The next thing he knew he was standing behind his sister. "Adrien." She cut in smoothly. "I didn't expect to see you here, especially not without your bodyguard." Damian could see that she was tense, her back muscles were coiled as if she was ready for a fight. 
"Princess." He was beaming. "I snuck out." He said almost proudly. "We need to talk."
"Gotham isn't Paris." Her words seemed more like a warning rather than the facts they were which the blond idiot obviously didn't catch on. "And I want nothing to do with you, haven't for  three years. I owe you nothing. Give up."
That was a clear dismissal if Damian knew one. "Princess you need to listen to me-" He reached out to grab her hand but was cut off.
The younger boy had seen her lurking but she hadn't seemed a threat so he didn't know whether he was thankful or not that she had jumped in. 
Ivy spoke "The girl asked you to go away." Thankful, he finally decided.
The boy looked a little nervous - so he did have some braincells. "Ma'am, respectfully, this does not concern you." Well not enough it seemed. 
"Oh well, respectfully." Her plants towered behind them. "I don't give a damn. Stay away from them."
The plants grabbed him and threw him just outside the park boundaries. It seemed a little tame for the likes of Ivy but then again she always did go softer for children even if they were brats.
Damian watched as the boy scrambled back to his feet and glared in their direction before he stomped off. 
"Damian." His sister was clearly fretting over him, he would never admit it but it felt good, he felt loved. "Are you alright? He didn't hurt you, did he?"
"I'm alright, I'm alright. I told you, I can take care of myself." 
She smiled, soft and relieved. "I don't doubt it but promise me if you see either him or Lila from yesterday, you need go the other way."
"Why?" He frowned. He had a doubt on blondie but what about that Lila girl? 
"And by Lila, do you mean the sausage haired girl?"
His sister cracked a grin at that thought she was still serious. "Yeah her."
"Why?" He repeated and she became grim at once. "Because he's sick in the head and she's a psychopath so please, promise me." She met his eyes and really, faced to that did Damian have any other choice but to accept?
She beamed at him as Colin approached them. "That was so cool. Are you okay Dames?" He turned to talk to his best friend and gave him a once over before nodding. 
"Thank you for stepping in." He heard his sister and turned around. Ivy may be one of the villains-turned-anti-hero but it didn't mean that people didn't need to be wary around her. What was Marinette thinking?
"Boys like him need to be taught a lesson before it's too late." Damian's mind immediately went to Harley's and Joker's relationship. 
"I don't think a lesson would do him any kind of good at this point but thank you." 
It was very apparent that her words made Ivy re-evaluate her. 
The woman gave a nod. "Don't mention it." She said nothing else but didn't move away. 
Marinette smiled. "By the way, I love that flower in your hair. That's a lily right?" 
"Yes." She said slowly but the spark in her eye showed that she was now interested. "You know flowers?" 
"I have a garden of my own." Marinette revealed. "I tried growing some lilies but they're no where as beautiful as this one." Marinette fished for her phone again and started showing her images. The older woman didn't say anything but Damian could see that she was interested and she seemed almost pleased.
Deeming it safe for now, he slowly turned to Colin who was staring at the scene with amazement. 
"Colin." His friend turned to him wide-eyed, "Your sister is amazing." 
He couldn't help but feel smug at the words. "Obviously." He said but then lowered his voice. "Tell me, how did she get to me so fast when she was watching butterflies with you." 
Colin sobered up at that. "She was talking to me when suddenly she just snapped her head up to look at you. I think that's when the boy came. She told me to stay there and started walking towards you. The thing is when the guy touched you, she was about half-way there, I didn't register but the next thing I knew she was standing between you and the blond." He shook his head. "There's something about her…it's not necessarily bad but she's just...different…special."
"I know what you mean." Damian agreed.
"-and then she spoke with Poison Ivy for one hour straight about plants and gardening. Ivy even gave us a personal tour of the botanical gardens." 
"Seriously? She usually takes forever to warm up to someone especially if the other sirens aren't with her."
"Marinette seems to be the exception." The youngest Wayne said as he but into another macaroon. Once again, he had been ambushed on his return home - this time however, it was only his brothers and that had demanded he tell them all about her. 
His felt his phone vibrate and knew it was the message he was awaiting. "She's busy during the day." He informed his brothers. "But she invited us for dinner."
His brothers looked at each other and grinned. Tommorow looked promising.
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black-streak · 5 years
Waiting for the Worms - Outside the Wall
Part 19
Hey guys, very short, laid back chapter. I finished up writing my timari spitefest work and then immediately had a 6 month old puppy brought into my life. She likes sleeping on my hand. If you guys want, I'll post a picture of her, but the point is that writing may slow down significantly due to training and cuddles. Sorry this is almost more of a filler.
Wonderfully patient CLOSED taglist: @northernbluetongue @thethirdwheelfriend @shizukiryuu @theatreandcomicfreak @michellemagic @karategirl119 @moonlightstar64 @my-name-is-michell @mystery-5-5 @zalladane @queen-of-the-trash-planet-tm @miraculousdisapointment @dorkus-minimus @jardimazul @allthebooksandcrannies @g-arya @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @persephonescat @mycupisbroken @luciferge @18-fandoms-unite-08 @dawnwave16 @alwaysreblogneverpost @kris-pines04 @emjrabbitwolf @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @weird-pale-blonde-person @you-will-never-know-how-i-think @kokotaru @naclychilli @slytherinhquinn @clumsy-owl-4178 @ladybug-182 @darkthunder1589 @evil-elf16 @dast218 @lysslovsanime @emilytopaz @naoryllis @iloontjeboontje @thepeacetea @danielslilangel @finallyaniguana @i-like-fairytail-and-stuff @vixen-uchiha @yuulxd @bleeding-heart-romantic @magic-inthe-stars @st0rmy-w1th1n
Walking through the portal, Jason took in the sight of his team dropping their transformations one at a time, taking no mind to the kid who walked in behind him. Guess it didn't really matter. What are the chances he would recognize them in any manner that mattered? Plus, they wanted the kid to feel comfortable here. That he could trust them.
Marinette walked over to him, barely glancing at the awkward Robin standing out of place.
"Alright, reprieve is over. You'll never adjust to your body this way," she said with an apologetic smile, lacing their fingers together and both loosening their crushing grip on their bond they'd been holding for the last two hours. As they both relaxed their minds, they slipped back into their own bodies, souls settling happily into their rightful place. 
Placed properly, Jason turned towards the Robin in the room, offering a lopsided smirk, "Welcome to the shitshow."
He shuffled his feet, "I don't plan…"
"On staying. Yes, we know Timothy. It's okay," Marinette helped him out, smile soft.
His shoulders tensed and narrowed eyes stared them down, staying quiet.
"Look, replacement, we're not trying to intimidate you or anything. We know Bruce's identity. Comes with being one of his charity cases, you know? It's not difficult to figure out which kid ended up in his care next," he intoned, trying to help Timothy see their lack of intentions towards revealing his identity.
"We only thought it fair you should be made aware of what exactly we know. I imagine it would be quite unsettling to think you had the upper hand on us only to find out later that we knew the whole time," Marinette chimed in next.
They watched as his face screwed up with an off put expression only to nod his assent, "That would bother me more, yeah."
"My name is Marinette," she put her hand out towards him, waiting patiently.
"Tim," he carefully shook her hand, staying almost formal despite the informal correction, "So the part about you getting stuck in the former Robin's body during his death. That's why you share the madness you mentioned before?"
"Lazarus Pit insanity. So fun. Definitely recommend," Jason decided to butt in, noticing the way Tim focused on Marinette the moment they switched bodies, "we were both dipped in a way, though she got the short end of the stick. My body, her soul."
"So some of it transferred due to it contaminating her soul then?" Tim asked, finally looking at him.
"Pretty much. Splitting it up this way makes it easier to handle," Marinette answered.
Tim seemed to consider this for a moment, "why are you answering me so willingly?"
"What purpose would hiding it serve?" He countered, receiving a surprised silence in response.
"I'm sorry you had to witness that out there. I'm sure that couldn't have been pleasant," Marinette slowly brought her hand to his shoulder, leaving plenty of time to move if the kid decided the contact was unwanted. When Tim allowed it, eyes still almost glaring, she smiled up at Jason and led the boy further into the room while he followed behind.
Zeroing in on where Marc stood on the phone, he gave a curious look only for Marc to end the call and curiously glance at the screen before turning back to the room at large, "That was Alfred. He can't make it here for a few days due to the giant man baby that's currently throwing a fit, but apparently someone else will be coming by tomorrow to speak to you two," This was partially directed towards Tim, but mostly to himself, "Said one would know her as a bat, the other as the eye in the sky."
"Barbara's coming? Oh great! It's been entirely too long since we've seen her!" Mari perked up, "did he say when to expect her?"
"Around eleven," they easily replied, picking their way over towards the trio, "sorry about holding you down by the way. Couldn't let you get caught up in that mess. My name is Marc," was directed at Robin.
"So… you were the mice?"
"They were the mice, yes. I'm Juleka. I was the one who brought you to the portal."
"The fox then, and you were likely the cat?" Tim directed towards Kagami.
"Kagami. In the next room over is Chloe."
"The one who opened the portal."
Jason felt a strange sense of appreciation for how quickly Tim placed the identities together. As well as a sense of dread. This kid was too bright, too sharp, based on what Mari told him, to be so easily fooled by Bruce. To not see how toxic that environment was. What happened to his replacement to make him so willing to overlook it all?
At this point a small hand slipped into his as Chloe introduced herself to the boy, having entered the room a moment before. Looking down, he took note of Damian huddling closer to him, watching the scene unfold.
"Another one?" The kid grumbled, tightening the grip on his hand and looking none too pleased, "I know you said I'd have to adjust to new people, but isn't this a bit much?"
"I don't know, kid, you seem pretty accepting of me," Jason tilted his head, watching the kid stiffen slightly, a blush overcoming his face.
"I hadn't realized you changed back yet," Damian replied, though he remained gripping his hand as they watched Tim interact with the others, "Will they all leave already?" The kid added, drawing his eyes back down to the uncomfortable shifting. Glancing at the clock, he figured he might as well indulge Damian every now and then.
"Chloe, lead the herd, would you?" He asked, maintaining eye contact to get his point across.
"Alright you lot, time to head out. Surely Robin won't be too comfortable around all of us for very long."
There was a touch of an argument over this, but eventually the team picked themselves up around the apartment and headed out, saying they might stay away for a few days. Jason caught the grateful smile on Marinette's face and took his small victory in how Damian pulled him back a little when he moved, as though afraid he might leave as well. 
When the apartment quieted down and everything went still, he took a deep breath and led the kid over towards the kitchen, feeling Marinette move behind him to follow. He set a pot onto the stove and filled it with milk to heat up, turning to look through the cabinets while it heated up, "Have you ever had Hot Chocolate, kid?"
"You mean melted? Once. I was given a piece to hide, but it melted a bit," Damian answered, sounding disappointed, though at only having it once or having to admit letting it melt, he wasn't sure, "Why?"
"Not quite what I meant. But I'll take it as a no. We're gonna have some tonight then," Jason responded, pulling down a bag of milk chocolate chips. They'd have to do. He pulled his hand up to ruffle the kid's hair, chuckling as he yanked back with a sneer, shuffling over to duck into Marinette's side, who'd been holding easy conversation with Tim all the while, carefully not commenting on the way the Robin pulled off his mask carefully and was beginning to calm down now that there weren't as many people. Jason chose this moment to eavesdrop, now that he no longer had to occupy Damian.
"Why's the new one still here?"
"Damian, this is Tim. He needed a place to stay."
"Why does it have to be here?"
"The same one who wronged Jason and I has wronged him as well. I imagine being around people who understand his position and won't judge him helps."
Jason chose to speak up now, "Marinette took you in when you had no one. When the two of you understood each other and felt connected for it. That's how you came to be family. He and I have a similar understanding."
"So he is family to you?"
"Nah, think more like when you first met her."
"You are… Wanting to protect him despite not personally knowing him. Instinct."
"Now you got it," he responded, pouring four mugs of the beverage, ignoring the calculating gaze between his shoulder blades. Then went about handing them out despite Tim's reassurance that he was fine, "drink it or don't, won't bother me either way, but I'm not going to leave you out."
Damian remained silent up until this point, observing the young teen curiously before passing his final judgement, "okay, as long as he sticks with you," the unspoken threat to keep away from Marinette did not go unheard.
"No one will take your place in my heart, little one. That place was created for you. If I become close to anyone else, they'll have to find their own place. Yours is occupied," she assured, as they both pretended not to hear his unbelieving grumbles. That lesson would be learned with time. 
Through it all, Tim kept to himself, sipping slowly and watching their interactions. Jason couldn't know what the boy thought, but if he had to wager a guess, he probably felt suspicious over how open and honest they were. Confused by their relation to Damian, but unsure if it was safe to ask. Likely, the teen just wasn't sure what to make of it all and wouldn't for quite a while. 
It'll take time and reassurance, probably even multiple visits from Alfred and Barbara to convince Tim that this was a safe place for him, but they had time to spend.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 20
almost wrote 200 instead of 20, lmao I wish 
goddddd I LOVE the cover of rodimus holding tailgate who is SO tiny augh its precious 
also rlly like the nick roche cover of tyrest looking manic, having just drilled a hole in his head...nice roches art has such a unique energy to it, I love it
oh man, so much going on in the first page...the overlay text of first aid talking to ratchet about ambulon, minimus’s decapitated body, getaway freed in the cell and tailgate’s death timer ticking lower, and then finally ratchet working on poor ambulon
yikes, pharma is such an asshole...ambulon didn't deserve to be caught in the crossfire of all that drama
‘arm the lonely,’ another absolute banger of a title
‘it’s a great sword’ ‘its certainly impressive’ cyclonus, ily, 
and then this golden exchange: ‘your friend is clearly devout.’ ‘sorry, my what?’ whirl, ily, 
meanwhile...getaway is here! bastard man himself, before he’s fully revealed as a bastard man. I do wish we got to spend more time w/skids and getaway, bc their relationship is super fascinating to me and I really wish we’d seen more of it 
remember when jro said they were a ‘hot duo’ on the lost light? I love that lmao 
getaway calling rodimus ‘hot rod,’ immediately those two aren't vibing
‘quantum foam’....I love mtmte 
and then getaway tries to throw magnus under the bus, implying that he’s in on the plan w/tyrest and lured them there...yeah right man 
‘smite them’ tyrest can you chill for ONE MINUTE OF YOUR LIFE-
ooh, time for some backstory on skids (and getaway) - I've always loved stuff like this, bc its kinda ambiguous, since it’s all coming from getaway, and even if most of it is clearly true, there could be omissions or small lies in there...mtmte does a good job leaving space like that sometimes 
fuckgin....thought warfare. bruh. its so fucking wild, and god, I love it, its like peak ridiculous sci-fi played completely straight and its so fun
love that getaway is being noticeably vague about ‘the boss,’ we figure its prowl but its interesting that getaway isn't willing to divulge that even tho its obvious (as rodimus later points out)
all the memory stuff is awesome tbh
oooooof, I love first aid ripping into ratchet, fucking brutal. poor first aid tho, I can see why he’d feel that way, especially in his position, and then ratchet turns around and immediately proves that he’s still got it
turning ambulon’s dead body into a giant fuckign laser....hardcore
I do have to question...how the fuck does ratchet know how to do that?? like, you could say that he’s such a good medic that he can figure it out, but I don't buy it. he’s done this before, I'm sure of it. and I really wanna know how and why and when 
and then ratchet is big enough to admit that first aid has a point, ough 
I fuckgin love how down w/murder first aid is. he’s like, hippocratic oath WHOMST??? my buddy just got murdered so it’s time to do unto others how they do unto our coworkers. now give me that gun
seriously I fuckign love ratchet pulling the whole ‘if we kill him we’re no better than he is’ thing and first aid is like ‘yeah no if we kill him he’s dead, which is epic, soooo’
and then there's the panel of rodimus carrying tailgate ;_; HES SO FUCKING TINYYYY
also I love chromedome with a huge ass fucking gatling gun. I think I said it before but ill say it again - chromedome is a huge fucking nerd who cant fight, idk and idc if canon says otherwise, its true
ratchet just holding tg up....bc he tiny......
hhhhh tailgate I feel like you should've listened to cyclonus...pharma probably isn't gonna help you, and who knows if the miracle tools can even cure cybercrosis
damn, dai atlas vs star saber is like the xtreme religious dude showdown of the century
OH SHITTTT I forgot dai atlas fucking dies
rodimus kicking the door down lmao, what an icon
really love the shadowed drawings in this issue 
also, poor minimus :( and rodimus yet again thinking magnus is dead...oof
and then poor brainstorm gets shot for no reason. Ls
tyrests chin is insane
tyrest: I Was Threatened By A Flashy Twunk...What Happened Next Will Shock You
WEAPON OF MASS SUGGESTION....I canNOT deal w/the wordplay in mtmte hhbvjkdbhfksndbhfk
ooooh I love the montage of all the different cold constructed bots being attacked by the killswitch
I like that we get a whole page w/the scavengers...I lov them and their continuing misadventures 
fulcrum: where the fuck is the wet ass pussy ship??????
I love that we DONT see brainstorm being impacted by the killswitch, even tho he would be as an mto - but from his comments earlier in this arc, we’re kinda supposed to assume he was forged at this point, and we wont hear about his mto backstory til later 
and there goes tyrest, into his crazy dude portal...good luck man you're gonna need it
ahhh, great issue! this one has a bit less action (at least, until the end), and is more about moving the story forward and explaining a lot that we’ve seen in this arc so far. and gotta say, I love it! I really like all the stuff we learn about this issue, and the character stuff (always fantastic). cant wait for the conclusion!
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imababblekat · 5 years
Androidformers AU
An AU where the transformers characters are all androids, like from DBH, and the reader is a human that finds them or is brought them and after fixing them up just gives them all the love and support their deviated thirium pumps could have.
Rung(RG100) is the first household android to come with an at home psychiatrist upgrade, but after getting way into and good at being a therapist and helping one of his owners realize the unhealthy relationship they’re in, his other owner beats him near death and throws him out to be forgotten. He’s found several years later by reader who’s shocked to find such an old model, and even more shocked to find him barely online. 
Swerve(SG500) is a lab assistant android for a group of metallurgist, and starts to deviate after seeing how social his owner and their lab partners are on a movie night in the lab, and being overwhelmed with a sense of loneliness. At the movie night slash party is also where he dipped his hands into making drinks due to his owner ordering him to be the nights bartender; something he actually found he enjoyed from the attention it got him from some of the more open party goers. After several instances of him talking when not needed, especially about things that didn’t pertain to projects at hand, higher ups made plans to replace him for “malfunctions”.
Ultra Magnus(UM350) is a police android, there to assist human officers if needed. However, he began to put himself more into the human officers work, rather than just be a stand by till summoned. His strict policy for justice and following the system to a T’, gets him into huge trouble with some bad cops, who just after he mentally reports, shoot up his body. He wakes up in the body of a Minimus Ambus(MA260) android to the reader and a RH700 android hovering over him, who tell him that they had to make a transplant to save his life after finding him bleeding out thirium on the side of a road. 
Nautica(NT1500) and Velocity(VC1500) are both entertainment androids belonging to a famous human popstar as her back up dancers. Both were purchased and brought online at the same time, and just as they had been awaken together, they deviated together. For Nautica, it started with fixing the smoking engine of a tour bus, and for Velocity it was fixing up her fellow android after being caught by an angry human mechanic. From there the two continued, in secret, to delve further into these hidden talents of theirs. After causing a delay in their owners shows, both very focused on helping the other with their interest, their popstar owner furiously demands to have them replaced. They just barely manage to get away from the enormous body guards sent after them.
Tailgate(TG200) was one of many prototypes to the first custodial androids. After several “issues” had been observed by Cyberlife and public volunteers, his make was decommissioned, and room was made to work on a new prototype. Tailgate had been placed in a museum about technology and it’s advancements through out history, where he was thought to be on display offline, but in actuality had been lying dormant. He awakes years later to another android, one he’s not aware of, in the dead of night and is quickly whisked away to the reader’s place, who is freaking out because this android, CY(200), just kidnapped him from a well known museum.
I have many more ideas for characters, so if you’re curious just hit me up! 
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mtmte issue #40: lj is already crying (from happiness?) so it must be good
THE COVER.....ratchet smiling... swerve giving tailgate a piggy-back ride.... im so :’)
magnus: what do u have??
tailgate: A HOVERBOARD!!!
magnus: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eugh. pharma.
(sees tailgate) BABEY BOOOOOYYYY
oh geez rip swerve’s business lmao
ur daily reminder: i love rodimus
chromedome: don’t throw my husband under the bus i swear to god
aww nautica :(
“oh a TIME machine” djghskJHSDG RIPTIDE I’D DIE FOR YOU
im more sympathetic to brainstorm now but at the same time he’s SO obnoxious
“ultar mgsuna” dhgjskh rodimus i love u
perceptor is rock fucking hard rn
im so sad abt everyone :( like..nautica....brainstorm......
tailgate’s curly straw i LOVE him
ok so i hate getaway! fuck this guy! fuck him!
ratchet?? old man ratchet?? borrowing tailgate’s hoverboard????
oh - OH ratchet’s talking about drift....im.....so emo guys
oh geez. i think rung needs a hug
the tiny minimus djghsKJHSD IM CRYING...
wow ratchet really did all that just to check up on his friends and make sure they’re All Good huh. love this emoionally stunted lonely old gay man
ooh ten made that minimus didn’t he
ok jro arrested for making me cry again
my heart hurts and i am so sad. dratchet reunion #when
im getting stabbed right in the fuckin kokoro
ahh rung and skids hanging out too!!!
and BRAINSTORM AND NAUTICA :’) im crying the new wrench is perfect
hhhhh ravage got megatron a briefcase....Oh Dear
i don’t even have the words my heart is just. filled with emotions. love for ratchet meter currently clocking in at 1000%
“first successful attempt at saying goodbye properly” FAM :’) im gonna cry i love this so much
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thenightmaregrrl · 2 years
Orion's Body 2: He's Back-Chapter 16: Hunting Fair Grounds
Six Lasers Over Cybertron Amusement Park was quite large, being in the Iacon City part of the land, it had roller coasters, a carousel, a ferris wheel, games and food vendors, and a drop tower, the paths were lit by strings of lights between tents. 
During the loading process, the students were packing onto a bus, happily talking away, unaware that they were joined by someone… 
He was in low rise pants that were cinched with a studded belt, a tight shirt, and a cropped hoodie that was black and dotted with bright red hearts. He casually climbed onto the bus with simple steps. 
Meanwhile, at the police station, Roller was packing his belt, he got his flashlight, his taser, his blaster, cuffs, mace, and spare mags. 
Minimus saw him, “You going to the fair?” 
Roller nodded, “I am. Can’t risk the killer following a bus full of teenagers.” 
Minimus nodded back, “I agree.” 
Roller finished preparing his belt and went to the door, “Minimus?” 
“Yeah?” The smaller bot asked, looking at the taller one. 
“Who do you think was the killer? From 5 years ago?” 
“I honestly have no clue.” Minimus answered truthfully. 
Roller simply nodded and walked out to his cruiser, he remembers what it was like 5 years ago. Back on the academy campus, learning how to do takedowns, patrol routines, learn codes for different crimes, he remembers letting out a girlish scream when he got shocked in the back by a taser. Course he also remembers the day he met Orion, he was still fresh in the academy, Orion was a sophomore, it was a small town, people talked, but no one did anything but merely frown at the notion of a bot in his 20s getting fresh with a teenager. Eventually the two hooked up, and became fuck buddies. They meet up in secret and do the deed, always using protection of course. 
Eventually the fire happened, and Orion was… sacrificed. He wasn’t there but he can imagine how scared he must have been, how confused, how shocked, how lonely. 
But back then, 5 years ago, when the killings were happening, no one knew it was the only male cheerleader doing them. Everyone thought it was a masked menace or traveling cannibal. Roller certainly thought so, when he discovered Starscream’s body. 
Newly minted officer Roller was exploring the abandoned pool house. His servo was gripping the flashlight firmly. He had been sent to deal with a call from Starscream’s Carrier about him not coming home last night, he searched and questioned the students at the dance, the band performing (though looking back on it now, he should rip up that autograph picture and toss it in the trash) and the chaperones. It lead to a dead end, so he searched at the usual places horny teens like to do the dirty at, behind the walls at school, in an alleyway, and lastly the abandoned pool. 
The pool house had a nickname, The Dead Pool. Way back when, it used to be full of life, with swim classes, free pool time, and such. But soon there were cutbacks, and the pool was abandoned, the water wasn’t drained and as a result it got full of scum and muck, turning into a dark murky brown from a clear crystal blue. Roller entered through a door that somehow never stays locked. He turns on the flashlight and walks through the building. His footsteps echoing. 
He soon stumbled across the wet and bloody body of Starscream, his suit was drenched and clinging to his body, he was surrounded by dead vines and wet leaves in a mockery of Ophelia, his neck was torn open and bleeding pink energon, mixing with the water. His optics were gray and dull. With a shocked expression, Roller dropped his flashlight. 
Roller made it to his cruiser, he got in, still deep in his thoughts. 
“Hey copper.” A voice spoke up. 
Roller jumped and looked to see Megatron in the passenger seat, lounging on it, his feet up on the dashboard. 
“What are you doing here?!” Roller asked, shocked. 
“What do you think? I’m using your ride as my ride to Six Lasers.” 
Roller was about to make a retort but instead sighed in exasperation. With a frown he turned on the ignition and drove to the amusement park. 
Six Lasers Over Cybertron was lit like a beacon, multiple colors glowed like jewels against a dark sky. 
Students were running around laughing and cheering as they went on rides and ate funnel cake. 
Orion was by the ferris wheel, watching as students were gallivanting around. His red optics scanning, like a perched bird of prey on the prowl. 
He soon spotted a lone student, he was sitting at a table, eating a large energon goody and reading a book. 
Target spotted. 
With a sensual stride, Orion walked over to the student. 
“Hey.” He spoke slowly, the student lifted his optics upward and saw the bot before him. 
“Hi.” He closed his book. Watching as Orion sat down, his face illuminated by the hanging lights in hues of red and blue and yellow and green. 
“What are you doing all by your lonesome?” Orion seemed to purr. 
The student swallowed a lump, “I don’t really have any friends.” 
Orion’s derma seemed to form a pout, “That’s no fun, everyone needs a friend. I know I do.” 
“What do you mean?” The student asked curiously. 
“What’s your name?” Orion asked back. 
“Perceptor.” He answered meekly. 
Orion smiled, “Well, Perceptor, I had a friend once, until they stabbed me in the back.” 
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Perceptor spoke softly.
“Oh don’t be, it’s been 5 years.” Orion said with a sensual smile, he grabbed Perceptor’s servo and held it. “I’ll show you what good friends can do.” 
And with that, he got up as did the student and he led them away. 
Megatron and Roller pulled up and made it to the fairground, seeing the place is packed. 
Megatron let out a groan of frustration, “It’s gonna be like looking for a needle in a haystack.” 
Roller nodded and just walked in with him. 
They questioned students and teachers, but found nothing. It was getting frustrating. Megatron sat down at a table, mulling it over. 
Meanwhile, Perceptor was being led by Orion into a funhouse, the entrance was decorated with a giant face of a clown, its mouth serving as the entrance. 
“Orion?” He asked, the taller mech spun to look at him. 
“What? Scared of clowns?” Orion teased playfully. 
Perceptor made a noise, “Pfft, no. Just curious.” 
Orion smirked, “It’s a funhouse, meant for fun. And friends have fun together, don’t they?” 
Perceptor nodded slowly, “Yeah… they do.” 
Soon Orion smiled and they entered the funhouse, swallowed up by the clown’s gaping maw. 
Megatron soon sensed something was wrong, one thing he forgot about in those 5 years was that supernatural like bond he had with Orion, he knew what he was doing and when he’d showed up to drag him to Dancitron or some other place. He shot up from his seat and ran, ducking and weaving past fair goers and such. He was like a graceful ferrofluid cat. 
Back at the funhouse, Perceptor was walking alone, having been unknowingly tricked by Orion into tackling the Hall of mirrors alone. All he could see was his reflection over and over again. It was lit by blacklight and neon green, giving him a view full of deep ink purple and acid green. 
“Orion?” He called out. 
No answer. 
He was about to turn around and go back until he collided with something, he looked. It was a large purple torso with windshield pecs. He slowly looked up to see Orion staring down at him. Not wearing his hoodie or undershirt.  
“You scared?” Orion asked, ominously. 
Perceptor felt a lump forming in his cables, and nervously swallowed. 
The last thing he saw was Orion’s optics morphing into purple and hearing a demonic hiss. 
Megatron raced to the funhouse, panting. He looked up to see the clown’s vacant eyes staring into the void and ran in. He dodged the spinning poles and ropes dangling from the ceiling, bright colored lights in funky patterns spun around the walls and illuminated his body. 
Roller saw Megatron was gone and looked confused, he asked someone where the gold and red mech ran off to, and was pointed in the direction of the funhouse. 
Megatron made it to the hall of mirrors. He bravely drew a breath and walked in, hands outstretched at his sides to keep himself from bumping into the mirrors. He took turns and slow steps, scanning for any sign. 
Then he found it. 
Perceptor’s limp body was on the floor, his energon glowing brightly in the blacklight, it pooled around him, his chassis was torn open, his spark casing in shreds. His face frozen in a visage of pain and terror. 
Megatron gasped and covered his mouth, unaware of a stained Orion sneaking up behind him. 
He was shoved into a mirror by Orion tackling, the shiny surface shattering into a million shards. He yelled in pain when he felt a shard dig itself into his side. He gripped the wound in pain, he looked up to see Orion, his mouth and chassis stained with glowing pink fluid. 
“Where’s it at, Spikehat?” Orion teased. 
“Fuck you.” Megatron growled out, getting up on his shaky pedes. 
“You know, Megs, you always sucked at comebacks.” Orion snarked. 
Megatron merely glared, his servo holding the bleeding wound. 
“Teenagers, Orion? That’s so low of you.” He shot back. 
Orion scoffed, “Don’t knock a guy for starving.” 
Megatron felt the shard and grabbed it, with a painful shout he ripped it out and threw it to the floor. Orion watched. 
“So, tell me, Orion, why go after these guys and not the band who brought you back?” 
Orion arched a brow, “Why do I care about some lame band?” 
“Because they named themselves after you.” 
Orion tsked, “Charmed. But besides, I’ll deal with them in a bit, right now, I wanna focus on our unfinished business.” He snarled out the last word. 
Megatron brought up a fist, “Bring it on.” 
As soon as he said that, he saw Orion charge at him. He felt himself get tackled to the floor. He dodged Orion’s claws swiping at his face, he tried to shove him off, with a grunt he brought his pedes up and kicked, Orion was flung back and into another mirror, cracking it. 
Megatron smirked, he always was a kicker. 
Orion got up and growled in rage. Megatron swung a punch but Orion ducked, causing Megatron to hit the broken mirror. 
Orion snatched the opportunity and punched the open wound in Megatron’s side, causing pain to flare up and Megatron to cry out and grip it, hunching over. Orion soon collided his knee into Megatron’s face, a sound of metal breaking can be heard. Megatron felt energon leak from his olfactor, it was most likely broken. He doubled over and looked as Orion was standing over him. 
“You also sucked at wrestling and playing gladiators.” He said coolly. 
He watched as Orion gripped a piece of the still standing broken mirror and effortlessly tore it off the frame, it was sharp. Orion walked over and held it aloft. 
“You know, this is exactly what she did to me.” He said simply. Megatron tried to get up but was in so much pain. 
“Consider this poetic justice, for what you did to me.” Orion finished. Megatron braced for the pain but was shocked when he heard a loud noise of shots being fired. 
Orion stood there and felt as three bullets fly through his chest, pain erupted from the wounds, he dropped the shard and gripped his chest, he looked over to see Roller, holding a blaster. 
“Don’t move.” The cop ordered. 
Orion hissed and raced out of the hall of mirrors. Roller fired more shots, but they all missed, Orion was too fast. 
He saw Megatron on the floor, bleeding. He raced to his side, “You okay?” He asked. 
Megatron panted, “I’ll live.” He slowly got up. 
They looked at the direction Orion ran off in, “Where is he gonna go?” 
“I don’t know, all I know is he is full. I mentioned the band to him.” Megatron answered. 
Roller nodded, and helped him walk to the exit. 
In the mechs only washroom, Orion was using the washroom sink and paper towels to clean up. 
Roller, should have known he’d still be around. He leaned against the sink, panting. Then looking up at his reflection, he noticed a flier taped up on the wall behind him. He turned around and went to it. 
On it was the picture of the band Megatron mentioned, their name on the top in bold black letters designed to look like it was written in… was that his handwriting? 
Okay creepers. 
Orion kept looking, their logo was a silhouette of his body, seductively splayed above the word ‘Disciples’ on the bass drum. 
Even as a legacy, all he is known for is his body. 
Soon Orion saw the main thing, they were performing here, at Six Lasers. 
Upon seeing this, Orion finally thought. He never really got revenge on the band who sacrificed him, but then again he was dead. 
Maybe tonight, it can be his turn…
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creafone · 3 years
Bölüm 1: Çevrimiçi Satışları Artırmak İçin İzlenilmesi Gereken 15 Yol
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Çevrimiçi satışları artırmak, büyük ve küçük sayısız işletmenin birincil hedefidir. İster büyük bir perakende işi yürütüyor olun, ister Amazon gibi büyük bir e-ticaret devi için çalışıyor olun, çevrimiçi kanallar aracılığıyla satışları artırmak biraz bowling oynamaya benzer, gerçekte olduğundan çok daha kolay görünür. Neyse ki, birçoğunu hemen uygulayabileceğiniz çevrimiçi daha fazla satış yapmanın düzinelerce yolu var. Bu ipuçlarından bazıları uygulayabileceğiniz belirli stratejilere odaklanırken, diğerleri daha geneldir. Bu gönderide, bu tür 15 stratejiye bakacağız.
Satış Metninizde Dürüst Olun
Metninizdeki dürüstlük, işletmenizin itibarı için önemli olmasıyla birlikte buna ek olarak markanıza olan güveni de besler ve insanları teşvik eder. Kanıtlayamayacağınız iddialarda bulunmayın. Ana sayfanızdan e-posta kampanyalarınıza kadar tüm satış noktalarınızda anlaşılabilir, dürüst ve ulaşılabilir olun. Bu ilke aynı zamanda kendinizi bir iş olarak nasıl konumlandırdığınızla da alakalıdır. Bir ya da iki kişi tarafından yürütülen fakat çok uluslu bir şirkete daha uygun olan bir siteye rastladınız mı? Bu yaklaşım sizi amatör gibi göstermekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda markanızın güvenilirliğini de zedeler. Küçük bir şirketseniz bununla gurur duyun ve bunu müşterilerinize açıkça belirtin. Pek çok tüketici kişiselleştirilmiş ve kişiye özel hizmet istemeleri nedeniyle küçük firmalara yöneliyor. Olmadığınız bir şey gibi davranmayın.
Reklam Uzantıları İle Daha Fazla Reklam Tıklaması Alın
Çevrimiçi işletme iseniz, reklam uzantılarını kullanmak çok kolaydır. Bu özellikler AdWords ve Bing ’de bulunmaktadır. Bu sayede daha çok yerle reklamınızı büyütmenize olanak tanır ve reklamınızın tıklanma oranını arttırır. Harika değil mi ! Vereceğimiz örnekte Ray-Ban firmasını ele alalım. Erkek güneş gözlüğü ve kadın güneş gözlüğü kategorileri oluşturulmuş ve isteyenlerin tıklayabilmesi için iki adet bağlantı konulmuştur. Bu, potansiyel müşteriye tam olarak ne istediğini bulmasını daha kolay ve hızlı hale getirir. Bu sayede rakiplerinizden bir adım önde olursunuz.
Aciliyet Duygusu Yaratın
Kim olduğunuz ve ne yaptığınız konusunda dürüst ve şeffaf olmak önemlidir ancak potansiyel müşterileri şu anda sizden satın almaya ikna etmek için bir aciliyet duygusu yaratmaya karşı bir kural yoktur. Pek çok tüketici, zamana duyarlı özel tekliflerden sınırlı sayıda üretilen ürünlere kadar bir aciliyet duygusu yaratan teşviklere olumlu yanıt veriyor. Bunu başarabilmek için, potansiyel müşterilere ücretsiz kargo veya indirim gibi finansal bir teşvik sunabilirsiniz. Aynı zamanda AdWords’te sezonluk bir teklif ya da sınırlı süreli bir indirim kullanmak isterseniz reklam özelleştiricilerinizde geri sayımı kullanabilirsiniz. Bu çevrimiçi satışları artırmanın harika bir yoludur.
Daha Az Seçenek Sunun
Birçok işletme için bu kavram basitçe düşünülemez. Elbette daha fazla ürün sunmak, satışları artırmanın harika bir yoludur ! Aslında, birçok durumda, seçenek çeşitliliği, potansiyel müşteri tarafında kararsızlığa yol açabilir ve bu da satışların kaybedilmesine neden olur. Geniş bir ürün yelpazesine sahipseniz, sitenizi veya ürün sayfalarınızı ziyaretçilere mümkün olduğunca az seçenek sunacak şekilde yapılandırmayı düşünebilirsiniz. Bu, ziyaretçinin onlarca farklı ürün tarafından boğulma olasılığını azaltır ve aradıklarını bulma konusunda daha fazla kolaylık sağlar. Unutmayın ki ne kadar çok seçenek sunarsanız, bir müşterinin geri dönme ve başka bir yere gitme olasılığı o kadar yüksektir.
Facebook'ta Benzer Hedef Kitleleri Hedefleyin
Çevrimiçi satışları artırmanın en iyi yollarından biri, mevcut müşteri hakkında sahip olduğunuz verileri kullanabilmenizdir. Facebook, benzer hedef kitleleri kullanarak bunu yapmanıza olanak tanır. Facebook’a verilerinizi yükledikten sonra referans vererek belirlediğiniz kriterlere uygun eşleşmeler oluşturur.  Benzer hedef kitle oluşturmanıza yardımcı olması için izleme piksellerini ve uygulama yüklemelerinden gelen veriler de kullanabilirsiniz. Bu, minimum çabayla erişiminizi büyük ölçüde genişletmenize ve mevcut müşterilerinize çok benzeyen Facebook kullanıcılarını cezbetmek için yüksek düzeyde hedeflenmiş reklamlar kullanmanıza etkili bir şekilde olanak tanıdığından, mevcut müşterilerinizle ilgili verilerin sizin için çalışmasını sağlamak için mükemmel bir yoldur.
Kaliteli Ürün Görsellerine Yatırım Yapın
Sattığınız ürün ne olursa olsun, ürünlerinizin yüksek kaliteli resimlerini ekleyin. Küçük küçük resimler veya kötü aydınlatılmış fotoğraflar çekmeyin. Ayrıca geniş bir resim yelpazesi eklediğinizden emin olun. Ürünlerinizin akla gelebilecek her açıdan çekimlerini eklemek abartılı görünebilir, ancak bir deneyin. İnsanlar, özellikle çevrimiçi olarak, satın almadan önce bir ürünü detaylı bir şekilde görmeye bayılır.
Açılış Sayfalarınızdan Kurtulun
Açılış sayfalarını gereksiz yere ortadan kaldırmayı savunmuyoruz, bunun yerine çevrimiçi reklamlarınızı, gerçekte Web’ de gezinen ve çevrimiçi alışveriş yapan tüketicilerin sayısına göre optimize etmeyi savunuyoruz. Çoğu kişi, mobil cihazlarında sayfalara göz atmak için birkaç dakika harcamak istemez, sadece işletmenizle iletişime geçmek isterler. Bunu yaptığınız zaman yalnızca arama reklamlarını kullanarak, potansiyel müşterilerin işletmenize ulaşmasını sağlamış olursunuz.
Kampanyalarınızın Sitenizle Tutarlı Olduğundan Emin Olun
Hiç ilginizi çeken bir PPC reklamına tıkladığınızda, alakasız bir açılış sayfasına veya sitenin ana sayfasına yönlendirildiniz mi? Bir kullanıcı belirli bir ürün veya hizmet için bir reklama tıklarsa, yönlendirildikleri sayfa o belirli ürün veya hizmetle ilgili olmalıdır. Reklam tıklamalarının gerçekten satışa dönüşmesi için mesajınızın PPC’niz ve ücretli sosyal kampanyalar ve bunlarla ilişkili sayfalar genelinde alakalı olduğundan emin olun.
Mümkün Olduğu Kadarını Ücretsiz Olarak Verin
İnsanlar bedava olan şeyleri sever ve bunu ne kadar çok sunarsanız, potansiyel müşterilerin sizi ve markanızı algılaması o kadar olasıdır ve bu daha fazla online satışla sonuçlanabilir. Mevcut tekliflerinize bakın. Bir şeyleri ücretsiz olarak vermek, yalnızca insanların işletmeniz hakkındaki algısını iyileştirmenin harika bir yolu değil, aynı zamanda onları olmazsa olmaz ürünlerinizle tanıştırmanın ve onları daha fazla satın almaya teşvik etmenin harika bir yoludur.
Fiyatlandırmanızda 3 Farklı Seçenek Kullanın
Bir restorana gittiğinizde, her zaman orta fiyatlı yemeklerden birini seçme şansınız oldukça yüksektir. Bunun nedeni, birçok restoranın insanları orta sınıf yemeklere itmek için psikolojiyi manipüle etmesidir. Genellikle en ucuz ve en pahalı yemeklerden kaçınacağız ve orta seviye seçenekleri en çekici hale getireceğiz. Bu, “yem fiyatlandırma” olarak bilinen bir tekniktir. Aynı ilke, fiyatlandırmada 3 farklı seçenek kullanılarak çevrimiçi satışları artırmak için de kullanılabilir. Fiyatlandırma  yapınıza üçüncü bir “yem” seçeneği ekleyerek, insanları ortadaki seçeneğe, yani gerçekten satın almalarını istediğiniz seçeneğe doğru itebilirsiniz. Elbette, bazı insanlar yine de en pahalı seçeneği seçecektir ki bu gelir açısından sizin için bonus olacaktır, ancak çoğu bilinçaltında tuzaktan kaçınacak ve tam olarak onlardan yapmasını istediğiniz şey olan orta seviye seçeneği seçecektir.
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Mobil ziyaretçilerin sattığınız her şeyi satın almasını mümkün olduğunca kolaylaştırın. Bu, ödeme sürecinizin kapsamlı bir şekilde elden geçirilmesini veya tamamen ayrı bir mobil sitenin tasarlanmasını ve başlatılmasını içerebilir. Amazon’un mobil sitesi, e-ticaretin nasıl yapılabileceğine (ve muhtemelen yapılması gerektiğine) dair mükemmel bir örnektir. Ancak mobil ziyaretçiler için çekici, kullanıcı dostu bir deneyim oluşturmak için Amazon’un kaynaklarına ihtiyacınız yoktur.
Navigasyon ve kullanıcı deneyimi, iyi tasarlanmış, yüksek düzeyde optimize edilmiş bir mobil deneyimin en önemli unsurları arasındadır. Ziyaretçilerin istediklerini bulmaları ve satın almaları ne kadar zorsa, sitenizi tamamen terk etmeleri ve işlerini başka bir yere götürmeleri o kadar olasıdır. Sayfalar neredeyse anında yüklenmeli ve gezinme mantıklı olmalıdır. Müşterilerinizle pazarlama yapmak için ihtiyacınız olan minimum miktarda bilgi isteyin.
Markanızın Değer Önerilerine Sitenizde Yer Verin
Çok fazla şirket, kendilerine odaklanarak satışlarını ve zamanlarını kaybediyor. Bunun yanı sıra acı gerçeklerden bir tanesi de müşterilerinizin bir kısmı sizi veya şirketinizi, ürünlerinizin veya hizmetlerinizin hayatlarını nasıl daha iyi hale getireceğini umursamıyorlar. Bu nedenle, değer önerileriniz tüm pazarlama iletişimlerinizde ve site içeriğinizde bulunmalıdır. Değer önerileriniz 3 ana alana ayrılabilir:
Alaka Düzeyi: Ürününüzün/hizmetinizin müşterilerin sorunlarını nasıl çözeceği
Ölçülebilir Değer: Ürününüzün/hizmetinizin sunduğu belirli avantajlar
Farklılaştırıcı: Müşteriler neden rakip bir şirketten değil de sizden satın almalı?
Potansiyel müşterilerinizin gördüğü her şey, bir şekilde değer önerilerinize bağlı olmalıdır. Ürünlerinizden veya sunduğunuz hizmetten algılanan değer ne kadar büyük olursa, o kadar çok satış yaparsınız.
Dönüşüm Oranlarınızı Belirleyin
Dönüşüm oranlarınız düşük görünüyorsa yapmanız gereken ilk şeylerden biri, Analytics’teki ilişkilendirme modellerinizi ve dönüşüm oranlarınızı incelemektir. Pazarlama stratejilerinden biri olan dönüşüm oranının çevrimiçi satışlarınız üzerinde büyük bir etkisi vardır. Örneğin organik arama, satışa dönüşmek için harika bir kanal olmayabilir ancak sizi önce organik arama yoluyla bulan ve ardından bir Facebook reklamınızı gören kişiler, ödeme yapan bir müşteri olmayı çok severler. Durum sizin için de böyle ise, içerik pazarlamanızı ikiye katlamalı ve Facebook pazarlamasına da biraz daha para aktarmalısınız.
Yeni Fırsatlar İçin Yeniden Pazarlama Tekniğini Kullanın
İster bir PPC kampanyası, ister bir Facebook reklam kampanyası yürütüyor olun, herhangi bir dijital pazarlama girişiminin başarılması zaman, para ve çaba gerektirir.
Yeniden pazarlamayı kullanmıyorsanız, esasen, neredeyse hiç gerçekleşmeyen anında dönüşüm gerçekleştiren potansiyel müşterilere güveniyorsunuz demektir. İster içeriğinizi yeniden pazarlıyor olun, ister zamana duyarlı belirli bir satış teklifini yeniden pazarlıyor olun, yeniden pazarlama, çevrimiçi satışları artırmanın tartışmasız en etkili tek yoludur. Yeniden pazarlama, markanızı yalnızca potansiyel müşterilerin zihninde ön planda tutmakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda potansiyel müşterilere dönüşüm için çok sayıda ek fırsat sunar.
Bu blogun orijinali creafone.com tarafından paylaşıldı.
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justcourttee · 4 years
And They Were Roommates-Pt 4
The weekend flew by and before Marinette knew it, she was on her way to her first final that Tuesday. She spent the rest of Sunday and Monday avoiding Damian, choosing to barricade herself in her bedroom surrounded by textbooks.
“When was the American Revolution?”
“From 1775 to 1783, give me something a little harder Tikki.”
The kwamii huffed as the two of them sat huddled in the back of the shuttle bus.
“I’m trying Marinette, I’m reading straight from your textbook!”
Marinette giggled, stroking Tikki’s head with one finger.
“Thank you for your help Tikki. I know I’m ready for this test, but I still feel stressed for some reason.
“You know Marinette, you should ask Damian to study with you in the Spring! He’s a history major too right?”
The girl rolled her eyes, shaking her head.
“I think I’ll take my chances with you Tikki.”
The bus halted to a stop in front of the Student Union as Marinette jumped up, closing her backpack in the process. She walked across campus, breathing in the brisk winter air, trying to calm her nerves. She reached for the door when a tingle spread across her wrist. Pulling up the sleeve of her coat, Marinette peered down with a smile.
“Good Luck today Angel, even though I know you don’t need it.”
The brisk air numbed her skin, but she could feel the warmth spreading in her chest. She moved indoors before uncapping the pen holding her bun in place. Soft curls framed her face as she scribbled on her wrist, making small steps in the direction of the closest bathroom.
“Thank you mon amour, I’ll write you in a few hours.”
She stood over the sink, watching intently as she waited for his handwriting to disappear before she washed away hers. Grabbing a paper towel, she exited the bathroom, drying her wrist furiously as she raced to the classroom. Tossing the towel in the nearest trash bin, she barely looked up before colliding into a still object, crashing to the floor.
“Ow,” she rubbed her head, looking up at the man who barely moved.
“Are you always such a klutz?” Damian reached out his hand, a smirk stretched across his face.
“You.” Marinette narrowed her eyes, swatting his hand away. With great effort, she pushed herself up, crossing her arms to stare down her roommate.
“What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
“I asked first.”
Damian scoffed, rolling his eyes as he turned back toward the entrance to Professor Lupez’ classroom
“I’m here to take my final for American History.”
“You weren’t in my class this whole semester. Did you take it online?”
“Nosy and perspective, your soulmate must be overwhelmed with joy.”
His smirk returned to his face as he watched the smaller girl turn bright red. Marinette pushed past him and into the classroom, ignoring his jabs of laughter. Taking her usual seat, she exhaled slowly, trying to push away her interaction with the boy. There was no way she was going to let Damian Al Ghul mess up her perfect GPA.
Minutes later, Damian entered the room chatting idly with the professor as if they had known each other for years, his smirk still evident on his face. Marinette felt her blood start to boil again. Professor Lupez was her favorite teacher on this entire campus, there was no way that he could take that from her. She stood up to intervene when she felt a light pressure in her back.
Sitting back down, Marinette let out a soft groan before reaching into her backpack to grab her pencils. Tikki reached up, offering them to her while shaking their head. The kwamii made a motion to inhale deeply and let it go and much to their delight, Marinette did just that.
“Alright class, any last minute questions before I hand out the most important grade of this semester?”
Professor Lupez glanced around the room, her eyes landing briefly on Marinette’s, offering the girl a warm smile.
“Well then, if everyone is so prepared, I wish you all the best of luck. As always, cheating results in a 0 and please, try to place your tests in one neat pile. I know you are not savages!”
Marinette exhaled one last time as her seatmate handed her the pile of tests. Picking the one from the top, she passed on the rest, risking a look at the boy seated two rows down from her. He was already on the second page, his face stretching into a smug. She looked back at her own test, a smug expression of her own forming.
This test would be a breeze.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Walking out of the classroom, Marinette breathed a sigh of relief. She had finished the test in a mere twenty minutes, shocking many of her classmates when she drifted past them to turn it in. She pulled out her phone to send a text to Chloe when she heard the voice she was dreading.
“Took you long enough. I thought for a second that you could be on my level of intellect, but your performance proved otherwise.”
“What are you still doing here Damian?” She let out a sigh, averting her eyes to the ground.
“I thought we could walk home together, after all, we do live together.”
Her eyes darted up as she crossed her arms, watching Damian with a renewed curiosity.
“Yeah, with Adrien and Chloe. Don’t make it sound like we’re a couple.”
“As if you could earn my respect Dupen-Chang.”
She frowned at his smirk, unable to tell if he was joking, unable to tell if she cared.
“Yeah, well, let’s go then.”
She didn’t wait for an answer as she pushed past him, exiting the building, leaving him to trail behind her in the cold winter afternoon.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The walk home was awkward to say the least, neither one saying much. Marinette tried to ask him about his family and his home, but he brushed her off, declaring that he did not like the idea of small talk to fill in the silence. She jiggled her key into the doorknob, pushing lightly to break through the slight ice that had formed around the frame.
“Do you want some-”
She didn’t even finish her sentence before his bedroom door slammed, leaving her alone in the kitchen. Marinette let out a sigh, unzipping her backpack for Tikki to fly out.
“Well, I guess hot chocolate for one then.”
Tikki let out a giggle as the girl pulled down a mug. She placed the mixture of chocolate and milk on the stove when her phone began to buzz. At the sight of the caller id, a warm smile stretched across her face.
“Maman! How are you?”
“How am I? How are you?! Your first final was today! Tell me, will I have another history buff in this family like your grandfather?”
Marinette shook her head, trying to keep the laughter from bubbling out.
“I’m considering a double major Maman, but you know I love designing and nothing can change that.”
“I know sweetie, I just want to make sure you’re exploring your options! That’s what college is all about!”
“I know Maman, but I’m exploring business, that’s exploring enough.”
Her mother chuckled, sending a warm feeling straight to the girl’s toes. The sound of bubbling liquid caught her attention as she moved to turn off the stove, ladling the chocolate into her mug.
“Maman, I love you, but you don’t usually risk an international call unless it’s something urgent. What’s going on?”
“Oh sweetie, it’s nothing bad. It’s just that your father and I were talking about your winter break. We know you’ll be busy working on your portfolio for Professor Brookes, but if there was an opportunity for us to fly over for Christmas, would you want us too?”
“Oh my god, are you serious? Maman I would love that! Both Adrien and Chloe will be flying back so I’ll have plenty of room!”
The women chatted excitedly for several minutes before they finally agreed to hang up, neither wanting to pay the phone bill that they were wracking up. Swirling her hot chocolate in her mug, Marinette felt on cloud 9. It was the inspiration she was waiting for to get back to her designs and she wasn’t going to waste it.
Tag List:
@damianette-is-life @ladybug-182 @fusser90 @thestressmademedoit @dast218 @thezestywalru @jardimazul @olynix @dorkus-minimus @xahriia @kris-pines04 @urbanpineapplefarmer @moonlightstar64 @itsmeevie01 @little-lady-bird @alexandriamw @lozzybowe @emmdaenovice @loysydark @toodaloo-kangaroo @jessigurl-design @aegyobutpsycho2 @stark-morgoona @tis-i-beanbandit @rebecarojas07 @abrx2002 @ash-amg @loveswifi @heaven428 @dreamykitty25 @marinettepotterandplagg @smolplantmum @clumsy-owl-4178 @books-and-left-behind-journals 
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segfault-coredump · 3 years
day 118
despite reconstitution via the machine built by sans everything is still ... 
the joy of having regained my physical form is mitigated by the knowledge that my soul is still in pieces, suspended in a sort of “limbo” that it logically and scientifically should not be able to exist within and so the search for a fix for the condition continues
i am not unaware of my own instability
my moods and even physical consistency varias wildly day by day or even hour by hour when i am unlucky 
still i see and hear flashes of conversations and places far away in the multiverse, places where pieces of me still exist, unreachable and yet still held together by some unknown forc e
my focus iis minimual and my research poor
so for the time being i have electe d to gather my thoughts on this electronic forum.  
i have nothing to hid.e
my research is and always has been and always will be public
bu t i hope having a more clearl record of my thoughts and processes and records will be beneficial going forward
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