#minish four has friends!
t-5seconds · 3 months
i'm doing a hunger games simulator of @linked-maze ! game under the cut- although i hit the tumblr image limit, so i will need to reblog this (here's a link to the reblog with the rest of the game in it)
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here's the lineup! i needed 24 characters, but linked maze doesn't quite have that many characters yet- so, some characters are in here twice, in both their hylian and animal forms. this gives them twice the chance to win, good odds, but in the hunger games, it's less about odds and more about blind luck. let's go!
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a lot of running away from the bloodbath. a reasonable but boring course of action
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a lot of weapon gathering as well, but still no violence. maybe this will be the first ever peaceful bloodbath
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more running, and koridai steals a mace from wolfy! i didn't know wolfy had hands
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wow. i can't believe it. a bloodbath with literally no blood. they all just ran away. onto day 1, let's see how long the peace lasts
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the peace did NOT last. wolf time attacks hylian time, despite the fact that A: they are on the same team and B: they're literally the same person. but both times survive. meanwhile, sheerow gets the first kill! rip minish
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compass kills hyrule (the hylian. fairy hyrule is still in the game)! meanwhile, everyone robs wind
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at the end of day 1, friendship blooms on the battlefield. that's nice
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minish and hyrule are dead. sheerow and compass have one kill each, meaning they're currently tied for first place!
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shadow makes four kill wolf time, but he spares bunny bunny! why did shadow do that to his own teammate? i don't know. at least hylian time is still alive. also, twilight kills wind. poor wind, everyone raided his camp and then he died.
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wild dies in a frozen lake... yeah, cold water is like the #1 most deadly thing in botw and totk, that's fair. rip. and djaevel kills warrior! i would not have thought he could do that, but i guess i thought wrong
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SHEEROW KILLS AGAIN! bunny is dead (the hylian one. bunny the bunny is fine). ravio lets time into his shelter, which i personally think is a bad idea but maybe it will work out. now for day 2
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twilight runs away from ravio. i think twilight would win that fight but i guess he's not as sure as i am
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sheerow continues to be a menace. now that wind is dead, everyone's stealing from four instead. djaevel falls in a hole and dies, which is embarrasing for him, and that's the end of day 2! 6 people died
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despite the deaths, no teams are wiped out yet. sheerow is in first place! for now. onto night 2
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i guess ravio letting time into his shelter did pay off after all! time is now extending kindness to world, and ravio gets to stay in someone else's shelter too
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everyone has a bad night. maybe sheerow is experiencing guilt for his murdering ways, and angel might be mourning djaevel, since he fell in a hole and died
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how did bunny start a fire? why did he cook his food, when bunnies do not need to do that? a mystery for the ages. onto day 3
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navi kills twilight! everyone else (including wolfy) just kind of runs around thinking about murder
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sheerow and koridai both discover a cave. is it the same cave? who knows! meanwhile angel does exactly what she usually does. a short and uneventful day (except for twilight dying, i guess)
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sheerow is still in first place! and there are still no eliminated teams. time for night 3
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four spares sky. angel dies of hypothermia? i guess she is naked, and it's cold. bunny cooks his food again. why does he keep doing that
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fairy friends! compass kills spirit! sheerow (who is a bird) loses sight of where he is, even though he can FLY. and that's the end of the night!
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everyone's doing well. or as well as they can be, given the circumstances
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bunny the bunny plans murder. what a short day!
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sheerow and compass are back to being tied for first! in an interesting twist, the first team to be wiped out was the twili siblings, followed shortly by wind and spirit.
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fairy hyrule spares compass, despite the fact that she killed hylian hyrule. time lets a wolf into his shelter like an idiot
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end of night 4! that was pretty short. hopefully day 5 is exciting
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day 5 is very short, but it is a little exciting! world makes sheerow kill koridai, putting sheerow back in first place!
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district two, minish and koridai's team, is wiped out. i'm starting to think sheerow is going to win, but you never know. onto night 5
(in the a reblog, because i hit the tumblr image limit. see the rest of the game here)
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weepingtalecowboy · 9 days
Fanfic prompt: after phantom hourglass wind noticed a shade who follows him everywhere and then found out that the shade was there since his birth
Because apparently it was hanging out around his family for decades
It also tells him about his ancestor
The hero of the four swords
And also the hero of the minish
And how the world looked like before the flood
How it befriended the hero
And how the shade sacrificed itself for his friend
Wind absolutely loves to hear about the hero and how he has the other's shield
And the world before the flood
The shade also has a lot of stories about his grandma as a child
And many other ancestors he never got to meet
The shade unfortunately never told him it’s name so wind calls it his grandpa (because obviously a shade this dedicated to stay is a close friend of the family and can be considered a family friend)
The shade just starts sobbing
But he lets him call him that
They spend his 13 birthday together and the entire family knows him already (because wind can't shut up to save his life)
Then linked universe happens and wind and four have the most awkward relationship to ever exist
Because wind kind of knows the other's entire life story and absolutely nothing is a secret (his grandpa couldn’t shut up about Vio or the split or how awesome he was breaking the mirror)
And four is awkwardly keeping secrets
But wind after talking to his grandpa decides to tell him anyway
It kind of works out
When they end up in Wild's Hyrule and shadow gets back to live
Wind is more than happy to actually interact with him
And after ending up in his Hyrule the whole family just went and hugged him because now they can see it
He stays behind because he did promise himself to watch out over the family so wind leaves without shadow
Four doesn’t find out till they switch again and end up at grandma's house
Then he starts staring in sheer shock and then stares some more and a bit more
Those were the most awkward minutes in his entire life
Then shadow has the audacity to ask him if his grand son wants tea
And the entire chain snaps out the trance and tries attacking him
The face the entire chain made when wind called him his great grandpa and hugged him
And the face four made when he realized the implications of THAT
Were worth pure gold (rupees)
The aftermath was something else entirely
The chain :*seeing a dark and preparing for combat*
Wind by accident : “I am about to ruin this chains whole career”
Shadow on absolute purpose: “Embrace the power of gaslighting”
Four : *dies of awkward*
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yourlocaltreesimp · 3 months
Hi! Hope I’m not imposing but I love your linked universe stuff. Especially the yandere side. I’m not sure why but I got a Fierce Deity idea stuck in my brain after reading your stuff. Idea below~
Guide reader is sweet and the perfect friend/person to talk to. Not a door mat and willing to stand their ground. Comforts the various Links through panic attacks, nightmares, break downs when the day has just been too much. Willing to stare Time/Legend/Warrior down when they push the others a little too far. Praises Hyrule/Wild/Wind about their achievements and makes sure they know they are enough (need to raise some confidence in them, especially Wind and Hyrule). Listens to Four/Twilight about the disappearance of the Minish/Midna and comforts them through it. But as all Links know, good doesn’t last in Hyrule.
A major ambush. All of the boys taken down one by one as our guide dashes between them, tossing out potions and fairies until there is nothing left. Everyone is fighting their hardest but the monsters just keep coming . As the boys start to fall in battle our guide finds themselves in the remains of the camp. Everything torn to shreds, broken. All but a lone mask we all know.
We already know that Fierce Deity sees guide as Time’s weak spot, but there’s no other choice! Guide grabs the mask and slams it on, only to find themselves in a totally silent forest. Not a single other being around, aside from the Deity. He scoffs and says that he has a duty but will not work with such a soft thing. And guide, with all their built up anger and worry for the chain lays INTO this man.
This god must be some weakling if it can’t even use them to help their friends. He is such a disgrace and disappointment for being willing to throw time and the others away so easily. Our guide doesn’t care for Fierce’s judgment or petty squabbles with the other gods. He is going to get off his ass, use them as a vessel, and save EVERY. Single. One. Of their friends.
Our humble little guide stepping forward with each word, not a shred of fear in them as they slowly back our lil Deity into a tree. The finally scream that they don’t care if he takes their body for good but he will save everyone they love.
Cut to all of our boys being down, heavily injured and not seeing a way out of this. When the wind suddenly stuffs. The sounds of the forest still. And a heavy presence begins to choke them all, freezing even the monsters in place. Time know this feeling, know it all too well. Frantically looking around he sees the chain accounted for, but that could only mean-
“You’ve grown boy,” Fierce Deity’s voice cuts through the silence as he appears, looming over the group. He was as tall as the trees, practically glowing with power, looking like a god (before he was sealed in that cursed mask). “Your little friend has more power than I thought.” And with that a blood bath begins. Deity tears into every monster in the most brutal way. None of them escape as they try to flee from the over whelming bloodlust. The chain manages to take care of the most important wounds as they regroup. Before they know it all the monsters were slain and Deity stood before them in all his glory, arrogant smirk painting his face.
Time shakily reminds him that he’s done his job, give them back their guide, their friend. Deity just gives a cold chuckle and tells the group how guide was willing to give up their body/their life, to save the group. Fierce will not admit out loud that he enjoyed seeing the group break down a little before he continued. The guide’s words were that they be safe and survive, but with all those wounds and no potions/magic they’d all be dead by the morning. He’s not really a deity of healing but for such a headstrong guide he could lend the chain a little power. Before the chain can question what he means he fills them with just enough magic to heal their deadly wounds (those babies can take care of the rest) and in a blinding light he’s gone. Leaving our poor guide crumpled on the forest floor. But we all know using that mask comes with a price. 😈
lol sorry, that was a lot. Hope you’re doing well!
from FD flat out being unwilling, guide not giving a single shit, the deal being made, the pure impact of both the deity showing up and how you can tell the chain truly cares for guide via their reactions
this is amazing
thank you for the food
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hero-of-fortune · 5 months
lu idea i think more people need to know about: four has little nooks and crannies and holes and strategically placed items all around his house for the minish that live in his walls. consider. he always thinks twice before moving furniture bc what if his little friends are using that one sword rack in the forge for a bridge? consider.
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adrift-in-thyme · 4 months
Fairy!Time and Minish!Four with the situation being one of the Colors is injured so they can't reform Four or return to normal size
Four and Time my beloveds. I fully intend to write more scenes with them in the future
Fic beneath the cut
Cw for blood and injury
Vio lies on his side on the ground, curled in on himself. Every inhale is a choked hiccup; every exhale shudders. He is as pale as the pearly white wildflowers that tower above them, piercing the sky. The blood that runs down from his middle, coursing past crimson-drenched fingers, is in stark contrast to the emerald blades of grass that wall them in.
“This is bad,” Red chokes, hand pressed to his mouth.
“You think?” Blue snaps. “We can’t go reform with Vio injured! And we definitely can’t revert to normal size!”
Green watches the two of them argue as he kneels beside Vio, the hero’s head propped on his lap.
“But you can heal him.” He tears his gaze from them, sets it on the god-torn face of his friend. “Right?”
Time doesn’t look up. His attention is on the violet clad boy, hands hovering over the wound.
“Yes,” he says, calmly.
His wings wave gently. They are spread on either side of him like a protective barrier between the four shards of one and the outside world. Dire as the situation may be, Green can’t stop his gaze from flicking to them repeatedly. They gleam in the midday sun, panes of stained glass the color of the sky, of blood.
“I can heal him.”
The others grow quiet at his somber words. Vio’s breath hitches.
“It will take much of you-your strength though, won’t it?” Even pain and blood loss cannot dim the gleam in Vio’s eyes. Always thinking. Always analyzing.
“Your wings…you’re n-not a normal fairy.”
Time smiles, soft and grim. “That much is true.”
The dust floating around him like a halo grows thicker, more potent. Time’s eye slides shut. His fingertips graze the very edges of the ragged river carved through Vio.
“And healing is not as easy for me as it is for some of my kin. I am skilled at it, nonetheless.” He sighs and the exhale seems to echo in Green’s aching ears. “Remain still. I promise it won’t hurt.”
There is not much to show that the healing is taking place. Only the slight spread of the thickened fairy dust, a dim glow traveling from Time’s hands to Vio’s wound. But Green stares anyway. All of them do.
He has seen — and felt — a fairy heal his wounds more than once, both as a whole being and while split. Watching his friend do it, however, his brother whom he had never guessed harbored such a secret (and whom had willingly shared this secret in order to find and rescue them), is different.
And the feel of it, the ease of the pangs that had gradually grown in his abdomen the longer Vio suffered, is more gentle, more caring than any other fairy prior.
When the older hero pulls back and the glow disappears, Green hardly knows it. The magic fades in dying whispers, a mere breeze that calmed a hurricane. He is left soothed, painless in its wake.
“You will need to rest,” Time murmurs, exhaustion thick in his tone. “But the danger is passed. If you wish to reunite, I think the only side effect would be fatigue.” He inclines his head. “Only you truly understand the nature of the magic you all use, however. If you don’t yet feel ready to become one and regain your original size, I will stay with you until you are.”
Vio blinks dazedly up at him. There is more color in his cheeks now that the bleeding has stopped.
“Thank you,” he whispers. “But there is no need for you to stay.”
“You’ve done so much,” Red puts in.
Blue nods. “We can take care of ourselves now.”
“We will reform once Vio’s rested,” Green says. Even to his tired eyes, Time looks ready to collapse. To mend such a severe wound could not have been a simple feat. “And then we’ll head back to camp. We’ll be alright, I promise.”
Time gazes at them all. Then, he smiles.
“Would a little company really be so terrible?” He cocks his head. “I would like to know more about these powers of yours, if you’re willing to share.”
“Of course, we would enjoy your company,” Green says with a grin. “And we would be happy to explain our power to you.”
“Only if you’re up for explaining yours,” Blue remarks, flopping down beside the two other pieces of himself. Red follows suit.
Time chuckles. “My secret is already known. There is no reason to hold back what I know of this form.”
Vio’s eyes brighten anew with that intelligent fire of his. And Green can’t help but smile as he asks his questions — voice growing stronger with each one — and Time, aglow with magic, wings still reflecting the sun in jagged prisms of warning…begins to answer them.
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maple-the-awesome · 1 year
Tiny Little Details ||
Pairing: Four x GN Reader
Words: 1,781
Requested by @pinkalmondcake: May I please get some four fluff of that's alright🥹He's just so cute and I was thinking about reader discovering a small minish four when they landed in his world (he wanted to check on the minish) and the reader didn't know he could be so smol and four becomes embarassed seeing he likes the reader (and the reader is a bit taller than him seeing he's a small bean anyway XD) and when they discover they like each other than as the reader somewhat confesses, then they pick him up in their hand and he's blushing and everything. He also gives them a peck on the nose and hugs their cheek while squealing on the inside! (sorry that this is a longish ask!) And I hope it was fine to ask too! ^.^ I love the parts to your crush and your new part for sacrificing ourselves for the chain! ❤️ Four is officially the most adorable Link and that must not be forgotten🥺I mean, where else are you gonna find a better boyfriend than one you can literally just keep in your pocket? Here you go, hun!
Zelda Masterlist 💙 Fandom Masterlist
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Minish are rather generous, taking it upon themselves to hide little goodies in the grass for travelers to find like extra hearts or rupees, but they also host the sweetest little tea parties made up of droplets of tea and crumbs of cookies which are perfectly filling for anyone matching their size.
It's a much needed break, Four decided some time ago. Away from the stress of trying to keep Hyrule (and numerous versions of it) safe while also maintaining his own sanity while faced with eight other heroes, a few of whom can be a bit much to deal with at times, as he's learned. 
For the most part, they all get along well, likely due to their shared destinies and deeper understandings towards each other's struggles, yet that doesn't mean they all share the same personalities. It isn't constant, although also not rare for some to butt heads here and there, leading to raised tensions as well as the need for fresh air like in Four's current case.
When he huffs a bit too loud, he must reassure his Minish friends that everything's fine, even asking for another drop of tea to fill his miniature cup, however it's difficult not to feel new dismay at the sight of a golden sky above. 
Truthfully, Four had cooled down a while ago, already letting his anger towards the other boys roll off his shoulders, but that doesn't mean he wants this peaceful moment to end any quicker. If it were up to him, he'd stay with the Minish longer, trading merry stories about his recent adventures that almost take away from the dark energy looming in the air. Alas, he should probably return soon before anyone begins to worry too much, although as he soon learns, it might be too late for that.
Four was just about to dismiss himself when he heard his name being called. To the smallest beings of the world, it sounds like thunder crashing through the sky as does the crunching of footsteps that almost shake the earth as they get closer, but Minish are used to such disruptions and even Four shows no concern upon recognizing the approaching voice.
"FOUR?! ARE YOU OUT HERE?!" It's you; both a good and bad thing. Good, because out of all his traveling partners, Four must admit that you're his favorite. Your presence arouses a similar sense of calming comfort in him as being around the Minish does, the only difference being the wooziness you curse upon him from your smile alone. Yes, it would be safe to say that Four has become enchanted by your beauty, both inside and out, so he's actually quite happy to hear your voice as you search for him. The problem then? He's still the size of a Minish himself and the only person in the Chain who knows about this ability of his is Twilight, not you.
It's okay. This is fine. He's barely the size of a rupee, hidden amongst a tall forest of flora. To find him on your own, you would have to actively hunt through the flowers and blades of grass which you definitely aren't doing now. Instead, you're scanning the entirety of the field at eye level because you reasonably believe that if your friend is truly out here, you'll be able to easily spot him by doing so, after all, he may be shorter than you, but not as short as to be below your feet (if only you knew).
Four plans to stay silent and wait for you to move along elsewhere which would give him time to turn back without your notice, however he hesitates to commit to that decision once you come into sight, allowing him to officially see just how worried you look. If he didn't know any better, he'd say you appear to be on the verge of tears, growing more frantic by the second. 
You can't be blamed for your concern. Four has been gone for a while and isn't usually a Link to wander, not to mention you were told he left in a huff after being on the receiving end of harsh teasing from some of the other boys. No one has heard from him since, so in your mind, you've concluded that he must be really upset - possibly even hurting someplace. 
Not that he knows it yet, but you've been searching for him nonstop after finding out what had happened back at camp which is why you're in this field now; it's the last place you can think of as you grow desperate to find him before the sunset fully sets. How terrible would Four have to be to ignore these fears of yours, letting you continue worrying yourself sick when it's within his power to smooth your anxieties instead? 
"...Uh, I'm right here," You can be forgiven for doubting you hear anything at all provided how quiet the voice had been and the fact that no matter which direction you turn to, you can’t seem to locate the source until it speaks again in a squeak, "Down here. To your left."
You're understandably shocked to look down and find a miniature version of your friend struggling to climb up a small nearby rock (which must feel like a mountain to him), his presence suddenly very clear as his colorful tunic helps him stand out against the gray, "...F-Four? Wha - How did you get like this? What happened?!" 
You could spend all day coming up with explanations for your friend's new appearance, however you'd likely never land on the correct one and it doesn't help that you can barely make out any of his explanation, his voice matching a mere whisper despite how he shouts his words for your attention.
"H-Hold on. I can't hear you," You immediately kneel down in front of the rock, instinctually reaching out towards him yet freezing mid action. He cocks his head to the side, curiously waiting for you to gain enough confidence to pair with your next question, "I...Would it be okay if I pick you up? Or is that rude? I don't know if that’s rude or not or if you -"
Amid your rambling, Four nods, taking a few steps forward which you take as an invite to lower your cupped hands against the rock and allow him to climb on. Once able, you gently lift him to eye level, "Are you okay? Is this...normal for you?"
He nods again this time paired with a shrug as if this whole experience shouldn't be too much of a surprise, then again, the more you think about it, it probably shouldn't be. First Twilight now Four. You really should interrogate all the boys to find out what other crazy secrets and abilities they may be keeping from you (you're already guessing Time has a few up his sleeves).
You sigh upon realizing Four truly does seem okay, nothing about his tiny expression giving away any negative emotions, in fact you can make out an amused smile as he watches everything set in your mind, "...I was starting to freak out there a little when I couldn't find you. Hyrule said you ran off after Warrior was giving you grief about your height earlier. They made it sound like you were pretty upset - which you shouldn't be because who gives a crap if you're the shortest in the group? You're still plenty smarter and Hylia knows more mature than to tease your comrades into running away - but my point is, since you hadn't returned yet on your own I began to think that maybe you weren't coming back at all and -"
"- Thank you for worrying, but I actually wasn't that upset about what Warrior had said," Four cuts you off while setting a hand on your thumb. His touch only has about the same weight as a feather and even tickles a bit, however you force yourself not to focus on that.
"You weren't?"
"No. I was more annoyed than anything since it does get repetitive to have people constantly pointing out my height -" He rolls his eyes at the thought, "- But I don't mind being the shortest. Like you said, I have other strengths, not to mention there's actually a lot of advances to being short."
"This being one of them?" You smirk, wondering what he could've even been up to while so tiny, although that's a question for another day.
“You could say that,” Four shares your laughter, "...I guess it probably is a good thing you're the one who came looking for me, though. If one of the others were to find me like this, I doubt the jokes would ever end."
"Oh, I'm sure. They'd give you hell. You are pretty adorable like this, though."
Four blinks, not certain if he had heard correctly. He might've fully dismissed the comment if not for your own realization at what you had just said, the embarrassment clear upon your bashful expression and hurried excuses, "W-Well, what I meant to say was that...Objectively, small things are considered cute, and you're like the size of a little mouse which is adorable, even though you're always cute, it's especially when you can just fit in the palm of my hand like this - which isn’t the point! But I, umm -"
Once again, Four is kind enough to save you from digging yourself further into a hole, the only difference is he does so without much prior thought, instead blurting the words eagerly himself, after all this might just be the perfect opportunity to get it off his chest, "- I think you're cute, too! You're, uh, always cute, too."
You stare at him without response which may have been a scary thing if not for your wide, delighted grin; something that only confirms Four's previous statement.
"Could you, um...?" He coughs into his fist, looking away from you with a fierce blush, "Bring me a bit closer please?"
It takes you a moment to understand what he means, but once you do, you quickly nod and move your hands closer to your face, thus bringing Four close enough to lean out of your hands ever so carefully so that he may place a barely felt kiss upon your nose. 
Startling him a bit, you can't suppress the squeal you give as a reaction, "I'm sorry, but that was sooo adorable!"
He chuckles and although he may not make a sound beside it, don't doubt that he feels the same squealing joy in his chest as you sit back in the grass with him held warmly against your cheek.
"...Shouldn't we get back soon? Won’t the others worry?"
"Let them. It can be their punishment for being jerks earlier."
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tashacee · 5 months
Hey, I'm new here and wanted to say I love your Hero's Aspect series :) anyways I wanted to ask what kind of shenanigans Wild would get into trying to make sure everyone both eats what they need and enjoys the experience? I mostly picture him making tea for Time bc trees can still drink, and furiously pantomiming with the more bestial heroes
Thank you so much friend!
OMG this is SO wholesome. I love this. Let's see:
Warriors, Wind, Sky:
Normal hylian food. Wild also falls in this category, though at first they're worried he will eat... non-hylian food. But naw. Every dinner is exquisite haute cuisine with Wild at the helm!
Is a ghost and doesn't eat. He's pretty bitter about this cause Wild's food looks AMAZE.
I mean YEAH he'll eat raw meat but he LOVES all sorts of food. Wild makes him a gorge dish every time, even if it's just a quick meal, and he really appreciates it. He loves the pumpkin and meat stew.
Similar to Twi, Wild makes him nice bunny dinners. He also includes some meat in there too cause he has SEEN Legend in battle.
The minish is more able to communicate, so Wild lets him flick through the slate and point to the foods he likes. Which is all of them. So Wild makes him tiny ickle miniature versions of whatever he makes the others. They're like doll-house meals and are ADORABLE.
He does something similar to what he makes Four, but augmented with more desserts than savoury courses cause. Yanno. Fairy. Hyrule is DELIGHTED.
You are CORRECT, he absolutely makes tea for Time. It's a bit weird in that he pours them over his roots and drinks them that way, but he actually can taste it kinda and he loves the different smells. He is totally touched by Wild thinking of him and TREASURES him.
Thank you!
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raycatz · 9 months
Something about Four fics set in his Hyrule!
The Minish Cap world being small and detailed enough to be intimately understood. The characters all having their own figurines with fun descriptions and secrets. Four's comfort and seamless integration and understanding of Hyrule Town and the people. The bakery. A library which he frequents. The school he went to. He and Dot being childhood friends. How close he is to her in both friendship and physical proximity like the castle is Right There it's so easy for them to visit and for Dot to be included in fic. The Picori Festival. The whimsy of the Minish and their presence and magic being something Four often and happily interacts with. The little traditions that make his world his. Having a home to return to that he finds comfort in. His Grandfather being there for him. His job at the forge. All of the people he has in his life who offer him genuine guidance and support. Something about FSA and The Minish Cap drawing so faithfully from the games before that there is an item or person or oddly specific scenario that uniquely ties Four to many of the other heros- the palace of the four sword, the origins of the picori blade, the dark mirror, the dark world, FSA drawing from the style of WW and alttp (and the headcanons that result from this like the shield that's Wind's family heirloom being Four's originally).
Something about stories set in his world are so comforting. I love fics where Four is the last to join the chain, signaling the true start of their adventure together, and fics where Four sets in motion what, or is, the first to bring them together again after the adventure is over. Fics that explore Minish Cap and FSA's worlds and how Four is connected to it, and how it connects him to the others. It's just a Minish Cap appreciation kind of day tbh.
Here's some fic recs!
Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind by Blueskullcandy
A Little Bit of Minish Magic by glowingjellyfishtreelights
New Hands on Ancient Hilts by TimeturnerJay
After, or "Fuck it, refounds your family" by cerame
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Look out its a Linkblr Dashboard Simulator!
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🪶 redwingskies Follow
So who was gonna tell me the Surface is Real, huh? Who.
🎶 ocarina-macarina Follow
Where are you from?? What....what are you??? ....God?
🪶 redwingskies Follow
Nah turns out she's my best friend though.
🪶 redwingskies Follow
Hey btw, If I kill a god does that make me one? Is there like. Rules for this? Asking for a friend. (Like seriously. I don't care. He does.)
1,680 notes
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🚋 train-life Follow
Today's Fact: Did you know Trains are the reason New Hyrule has Standardized Time Zones? As citizens needed to know when to get to a train station, the council lobbied for standardized time that could be applied precisely for travel by train! The entire modern perception of time is because of the Train!
⌛️ forestchild Follow
Thanks, I hate it. Lets go back to living by the sun rise and set.
🌸 dont-look-at-me Follow
??? We've always had standard time zones??? What are you talking about. Trains didn't invent that.
🚋 train-life Follow
...they literally did. I re-researched this to double check. What are YOU talking about?
🌸 dont-look-at-me Follow
Time zones? Like. The era of Legend, the Golden era, bullfish like that?
🚋 train-life Follow
... you can swear you know? I'm 12 not a baby.
🌊 kingoftheseagull Follow
you're HOW OLD? I thought you were a Royal Engineer???
🚋 train-life Follow
12? It's in my bio?
🌊 kingoftheseagull Follow
I love you but get the hell off of this website why are you here
🌟 excuuuse-me Follow
Can we go back to the weirdo who thinks Time Zones are HISTORICAL PERIODS?
🌸 dont-look-at-me Follow
Haha yea total weirdo, what, are they like 400 years old or something? Lol
🐴 goatman4life Follow
Actually I wanna get back to why a 12 year old has a job
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🐟 indigo-gos-official Follow
Hey anybody willing to lend me bail money? I'm short like 10 rupees and it's really annoying.
⌛️ forestchild Follow
Wait shit wrong account! Wrong account!!
🐴 goatman4life Follow
Why do you have access to a hyper-famous Zora Band's account??
⌛️ forestchild Follow
Their lead guitarist died in front of me and I am very nice. Now get me out of jail goatman.
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🌳 wildflowerwastaken Follow
#hi #i saw a cool bird today #the camera was left on selfie mode so it only got a picture of me squinting at it #the bird noticed the flash and it pecked me until I fell out of the tree #straight into a malice puddle #the bird was pretty tho #so I say my day went great!
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🌟 excuuuse-me Follow
Hey apparently I need to update people on my boundaries. So. Here is a list of what's okay:
Kissing me
Kissing me directly on the lips
Parasocial relationships where you praise me constantly <3
And this is NOT okay
Hunting me for my blood to revive the prince of darkness
Ignoring me
Thank you, that's really all, I'm kinda sad that this has to be said but clarity is wisdom and all.
👑 princess-of-hyrule Follow
Link. This is not what I told you to post.
🌟 excuuuse-me Follow
Well EXUSe ME if my boundaries look different than yours!!
25,690 notes
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⚒️ smol-smithy Follow
Hey pulled the Four Sword again so we need help figuring out who gets to run the blog lol.
Thanks everybody
⏳️ forestchild Follow
Lol this loser doesn't know how to make sideblogs
🎶 ocarina-macarina Follow
The poll says "Who gets to be Link on MAIN" though, so maybe they do? They just wanna have one person in charge of the first blog?
⏳️ forestchild Follow
The path to truth is unity. Many voices can be heard within one "main".
-The Diety
⏳️ forestchild Follow
...ignore him, I've made him a sideblog and he refuses to use it.
⚒️ smol-smithy Follow
Hey wait no let him come back, he's the only smart person I've ever heard
-Green (?)
⚒️ smol-smithy Follow
I am going to kill you.
#we have all agreed to not utilize this blog until the poll is complete #so shut up green
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fever-project · 7 months
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Four for the Pokémon AU! He has an X&Y inspired design. Gave him the hat with the feather pin that’s now a Minish Feather, and also gave him this kinda ponytail thingy that is covered by an Ezlo charm. It’s weird but I like it.
I didn’t put in all of his Pokémon because i just couldn’t make myself draw them(Swampert and Azumaril). I only recently noticed how short I made the tunic. The anatomy’s just kinda wonk, but I can’t really fix it now. I also tried a new rendering style. I don’t know how to feel about it. Anyways, Lore under the cut.
At the beginning of the Minish Cap, Link doesn’t get a starter. Instead, he gets his starter once he meets Ezlo, who suggests to get a Pokémon companion to help out, since he can’t really do much. Because at the moment, he was a hat. Link choose Mudkip because he thought it could help him get over the water easier. That did not work.
Link also transforms into an actual Minish, who are a Pokémon in the same vein that the Zora and Gorons are also Pokémon. Pokémon=species, more of less. Pokémon-Mystery-Dungeon-esk, but not as much as Twilight’s adventure was. Four’s adventure was more or less the exact same, and he didn’t really use Pokémon all that much, just the Pictori sword/Four sword. But he did catch a bunch of Pokémon, because he was really into collecting things back then(like how there were a bunch of figurines in the actual game).
He found a Maril near the beginning of his adventure and thought it was cute so he kept it. He specifically wanted a shiny Shedinja because no one in Castle Town had ever seen one up close. He did not that shiny after hours of hunting. So in the end, he just got a regular Nincada and named his Shedinja NotAShiny, because he was so annoyed. Link did come to love it tho, so he usually calls him Nota for short.
At the beginning of Four Swords(and let’s just combine fsa because who cares), Link became friends with an Eevee, right before the maidens got kidnapped. Stuff happened and both Link and his newfound Eevee end up at the Four Sword Sanctuary, where Link had stored the Four Sword after his first adventure. The sword had been accumulating more and more magic since Vaati’s imprisonment within it. I don’t know how the story works in LU canon, but that’s how it works here.
The 4Sword not only splits Link up into four, but Eevee as well, the sword reacting to the uniqueness of Eevee’s genes or something. Leafeon for Green, Flareon for Red, Vaporeon for Blue, and Espeon for Vio. Also because of Eevee’s wild genes, the 4Sword clings to it and its spilt eeveelutions, and can only be pulled out by the colors. I mainly came up with this because I couldn’t figure out where to put the sword on Four’s design.
Link found the Castform early on, his first shiny on this adventure(he found shinies before but he liked this one especially so he had it in his team at the moment he went through the portal). Link also found the Zygarde Core sometime during the adventure. His collecting instincts kicked in whenever he found the cells. He can make Zygarde become 100%, but he likes the Core form best.
Btw, Shadow never had any Pokémon of his own. He’d order around Pokémon provided by Ganon. He would befriend a Masquerain and would love it forever. He’d say he doesn’t but he does.
I don’t really have any ideas about LU specific stuff right now, but I can say that Four, Legend, Wind, and Hyrule are the only ones with Mega Stones. Four’s Swampert has a mega stone.
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kikker-oma · 8 months
Looks at his feet ALL THE TIME while walking, he doesn’t wanna step on a minish. Speaking of which, aside from Legend, is the only one fluent in more than one language because he knows the picori language
His hair looks brushed? Nah, it’s not. He tried brushing it and it always gets tangled, but the knots are just so fine it doesn’t even look like it’s tangled, so he only brushes the top layer of his hair.
Keeps the peace. One of the only reasons that the chain isn’t at each others throats. Part of the reason is that he doesn’t know what half of these debates is about, but is very good at making each side seem like he agrees with them, even though he’s confused.
Memorizes facts about everybody’s Hyrule to be prepared. Is VERY keen on being prepared. Even though he may come off as chaotic, he always has a plan for whatever will go wrong. Very much belives in murphey’s law.
ANGSTY GUY. Seems talkative but NEVER talks about what he truly thinks just talks because he feels the need to show people that he exists and is strong.
Claims that he hates children. Yet he will hug any baby he sees. Absolutely adores children if we are being honest. He even got Sky to teach him embroidery so he can embroid little blankets for babies 🥹
Hopeless romantic. He will wax poetry about Sun for 25 hours seven days a week if you let him. He shares literally everything he’s interested in with her.
He sometimes (this is so OOC but idc) sends post cards of him and Fi to LD-301S Scrapper to make him jealous. He absolutely hates that tiny robot.
Cryptic. Will spill traumatizing memories of his past but will make them so cryptic that nobody will understand WHAT he’s saying.
(I think we can all agree) a father at heart. He knows eventually he will have to bid his goodbyes to the other 8 members of the chain but REALLLLY doesn’t wanna.
Will eat table scraps
Is either REALLY good at getting women or REALLY bad, depends on where and when. Even though he is he regrets everyone because he’s still sad about Midna.
Family therapist. He knows everybodies problems and never shares them to anybody else, he’s always there for everyone.
Even if he flirts with women, he never wants to date anyone. He’s still kinda… traumatized about Cia. He is more of a “take you out on a nice date but remains just friends” guy. He knows it may come off as toxic but he has best intentions.
He actually got his scarf enchanted by a great fairy. It as a defense boost and attack up. There is a reason he wears it, gotta be fashionable and practical.
LOADED, like 999,999 rupees. Because of this, for each era he goes to, he buys a yard of fabric for his home era. He will find use for it… some day.
As much as he and Flora are… alright together. He is still salty about her. He knows that she was struggling with finding her own destiny, but he still doesn’t like how he was treated.
Do NOT challenge him to any card game. At all. He will win he will take all your rupees and there is nothing you can do to stop him. And by the rare case that you DO beat him, he will pull the “young innocent baby boy” card which makes you want him to win and end up revoking your winner status.
A mischievous boy. Will poke people with his wind waker and finds it hilarious ever. Single. Time. The amount of times Wars literally had to hide it from him as he kept using the “control” power (idk what to call it) is uncountable. People would think that he taught Aryll all of this, but nope. Aryll was the one that taught him all those tricks. It runs in the family.
Ooohhhh these headcannons are so fun!!!
Fours little fairy knots in his hair is oddly adorable
Hyrule being the peacemaker instead of sky is really refreshing and I feel like more on oar for his character tbh!
Legend embroidering baby blankets has my heart MELLTIIINGGG😭❤️
Sky being a gremlin to Scrapper is also VERY true to his character. Sky is the best little piece of crap 🤣🤣
Time being SO cryptic hahaha and why shouldn't he be? It's so much more fun that way LOL.
Me feeding Twi all my scraps
Poor wars, Cia really is disgusting😠
Wild being rich🤣YES HAHA and they would be so shocked too lolol
Wind will BANKRUPT wild in a game of cards haha that would be a night to remember lol
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t-5seconds · 4 months
i'm doing a hunger games simulator of @minas-linkverse ! the game is under the cut, the stats (placements and such) will be in a reblog.
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our lineup! i had to cut team C, less because they're not canon and more because they were too many characters. the four swords, oot, and loz1&2 zeldas don't have linkverse designs as far as i know, so they're not here.
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interesting team up. everyone seems to be doing okay
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NEVERMIND. WORLDS IS A TRIPLE MURDERER. sksw zelda, st zelda and hyrule are all out of the running! both hylia and hylia 2 dead on the first day. and first stole from a child. this concludes the reaping
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everything is going fine. sailor is in his natural habitat
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EVERYTHING IS GOING BAD. hero tries to kill... his own past self... but tp zelda stops him! so i guess time paradox prevented but first is still going to die in the future. albw zelda dies at the hand of alttp zelda. botw zelda kicks ass, defeating tetra and killing masks. legend kills mini, which admittedly i could see him doing. hilda takes the hylia route of dying all by herself. hoods somehow stalks a wolf without him noticing
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ending off day one, feathers has some water. good job buddy. nine people are dead
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that was a really deadly day one. worlds is currently in first place, from his triple murder. district 12 has been wiped out
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everyone is having a great night, except tetra, who first just killed.
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yeah, everyone except tetra had a good night one. four & hoods and botwzelda & ravio are cuddling, which is cute. time for day two!
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the triple murderer is defeated! nobody killed him, he just ate some bad berries. also feathers has a sprained ankle now
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i guess fangs did notice hoods stalking him! not much happened today. only two people died
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now that worlds is dead, first, legend, alttp zelda, tp zelda and botw zelda are tied for first place. district 6 has been wiped out! only ravio lives to represent albw
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alttp zelda kills sailor and gets herself into first place! also, four receives another hatchet. he has two now
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ravio dies, the last remnant of albw. there were four of them, twice as much as other games had, so their odds were good, but not good enough i suppose. onto day 3
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casual interactions. hoods and tp zelda are a fearsome team, i wonder how that happened. also four is doing very poorly even though he has two hatchets
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a bad day for mental health, but a good day for staying alive! after two people died in the night, everyone left managed to survive all day.
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districts 7 and 8 were wiped out. alttp zelda is now in first place.
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first takes after hylia: death by falling. fangs and his zelda have a nice talk
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legend kills feathers, cementing him and his zelda as the frontrunners. minish cap zelda questions her sanity again. maybe she's not doing so well.
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ALTTP ZELDA KILLS LEGEND? they were on the same team, but i guess she didn't like having competition for first place! hoods and fangs kill tp zelda, despite having both previously teamed up with her- and she was on fangs' team! four kills botw zelda! mc zelda stops questioning her sanity for long enough to murder engie! what a day! a lot of people just died, and it was 50% betrayals! 75% if you count four backstabbing botw zelda!
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these five are the only people left alive. when those four were hunting for "other tributes" they were just looking for alttp zelda. but they never took her alive
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seven people died. districts 1, 2, 5 and 9 were wiped out. everyone is tied at one kill. there is nobody in the lead and no full teams left.
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mc zelda and fangs are friends! that's nice. nobody dies in the night
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fangs betrays mc zelda immediately! but she survives. no casualties today, so let's move on to the next night.
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mc zelda and fangs are now friends again! make up your minds
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OH OKAY. hoods and mc zelda are down! it's just fangs vs four now.
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they're tied for kills. it all comes down to this... the final battle
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...that was a fast final battle.
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congratulations to four! i'll reblog this post with the placements and stats.
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treasure-goblin · 8 months
Lu Elementary School AU
Lunch With The Minish (ft. Four and Warriors)
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Lunch had been, for lack of a better term, a disaster.
Wars sighed sadly as his stomach growled and hugged his knees to his chest. Cia had taken his lunch again, and he had lied to Time and said he had eaten quickly so he could play outside more. Instead, the 4th grader was sitting in a far corner of the playground, waiting for the bell to call him in. It was good it wasn't Wednesday, he supposed. He couldn't stay late and tutor Legend on an empty stomach.
Small footsteps caused him to look up, blue eyes blinking up at the kid in front of him.
“...you're here to feed the Minish, too?” The little boy asked. The kids' ID was yellow, meaning he was in 2nd grade.
“No. No, sorry.” Warriors said, going to stand up. “I was just waiting here, sorry.” He dusted his pants off and straightened his blazer and tie, nervously.
“You say sorry a lot.” The kid mused, kneeling down on the grass and setting down the paper towel he had in his hands. Inside the paper towel was a couple cookies, chocolate chip, and the kid started breaking the first one into pieces. “You can stay, I don't care.”
“I don't want to bother you…” Warriors said, but made no effort to leave. He stood over the kid as he finished breaking up the first cookie, then started taking the little pieces and placing them in the bushes. “What…what are you doing with the cookies?”
The kid gave him a look, then shrugged. “Feeding the Minish.” He repeated. Warriors nodded.
“Oh, the Minish.”
A moment went by.
“What are the Minish, exactly?”
The younger kid sighed and waved him closer, pointing to the little fairy houses Warriors had not seen before.
“The Minish are little creatures that only kids can see. And you have to be good, too.” The kid explained, sitting up again. “I bring them treats and tell them stories during lunch and recess, and they bring me little things like buttons or feathers.”
Warriors wasn't sure how much he believed that, but his grandmother has told him it was wrong to tear down someone's imagination.
“Oh, I see.” He replied, studying the little houses curiously. “Did you make these? You did a good job. They look cool!”
“Yup! All by myself.” The kid puffed up with pride, then took the final cookie and broke it in half, offering one half to Warriors. “Here, the Minish like to share, and since you're my friend now I'm sharing with you, too.”
Warriors blinked in surprise but took the cookie. He didn't know making friends was that easy. The two ate their cookies and sat in companionable silence till the bell rung.
“I'm Warriors. What's your name?” The 4th grader asked eventually.
“I'm Four.” The kid nodded, sticking his hand out for a shake. Warriors shook his hand, smiling a bit at the odd name. It suited the kid.
The two walked back to their classes, and didn't see each other for the rest of the school day, but Wars found he wasn't as hungry as he normally was.
He liked the Minish, he decided. And he liked his new friend.
Divider by @/cafekitsune
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yourlocaltreesimp · 1 year
*insert And Another One meme*
Can I. Request a yandere chain with a reader who gifts them flowers just because they can? Or like, them just subtly courting the chain for a change? (minus wind, who they just flat out spoils because he's babey even though he's a gremlin)
And when I say court, I mean like in ways that they're probably not familiar with? Like, the reader makes up a bs excuse about needing their help to see if they can still sing because then rusty, and then singing love songs to them but it's in a language they can't recognize?
Or like, doing tasks for them? Basically acts of service, since that's an old way of courting from my country that can be easily mistaken for them being helpful, but they're just generally more careful and going above and beyond what's asked for them?
- altumsomnum (forgot to add it in the other asks lmao)
Ofc, ofc I think I miss understood the prompt, but take this in case!
TW:ok well there’s some obsession and yandere as expected, blood mentione
Oh how the mighty fall
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You’d recently found yourself in quite the predicament. Not necessarily a bad one… Just, odd. Long letters of prose and poetry sealed with royal blue wax from Warriors carefully dancing around his plans to stab the others and run off with you. Quiet afternoons curled up as Sky plays you music keeping you safe and distracted as the others slit the throat of the merchant that insulted you. Ranting to Four about whatever interest snagged your mind, he’d listen for hours at your every beck and call, no matter if the sentiment wasn’t returned. Strolling around villages with Time, knowing you’re safest at his side though you didn’t know how deep their feelings went, they’d do anything at your order. Twilight teaching you how to ride a horse, sharing what knowledge he knew you’d benefit from but also so you wouldn’t be near the fight. Fresh hot meals and deserts from Wild, with some added ingredients to let you sleep so they deal with business. Reading with Hyrule in a calm clearing, uninterrupted by the others but he knows the more time you spend together, the easier it’ll be when he steals you away. Sparring with Legend, finally free to move and fight as the others do as he gauges your strength to see how hard you can fight back.
You supposed the real question was why? You didn’t do anything odd or particularly of note. In comparison to the other options they had (there were none, as if anyone could pretend they held light to your sheer divinity) you felt dim by comparison. Sure, you wanted their affection (you already had them, so much blood has been spilled in your name, their reason for living is found within your company) but between yourself and the incarnation of a goddess fool to think she’s worthy of comparison you didn’t know what prompted their behaviour. It was only until you caught a passing conversation from a village girl to her friend that you realised your fatal mistake. This wasn’t Earth. Looking back on your behaviours you felt embarrassed. You’d spent hours reading and writing poetry with Warriors when you found his passion in it. You didn’t question the blush on his cheeks when you read his poetry on love- you knew he loved the romance novels. You asked Sky to play his harp when you were doing chores and even got in the habit of singing softly when you found yourself willing. You turned a blind eye to the look of sheer endearment and adoration when you looked up from whatever you busied yourself with. You’d listened to Four go on and on about the Minish after he found their numbers dwindled in the future. He’d cried, you held him, he went on and on about each and every tiny detail of his journey, pouring his heart out in a way that he was only ever used to doing when split. You welcomed him with open arms the next time he asked if you could talk. You ran whatever errands with Time that he asked, knowing his aversion to such large crowds with no company. You thought the silent agreement to stick with one another in busy cities was forged in the mistrust of the environment you found yourself surrounded with, not out of any further attraction. You entertained the idea of learning to ride a horse to get closer with the group, bridge the gap the lay between you. You didn’t catch Twilight as he noted how quickly you caught on, how easily you’d adapt to Ordon, especially with your compassion. You helped Wild with the cooking mainly because you wanted to be useful, but from what you’ve seen, he always managed to make simple tasks entertaining. He, meanwhile, was falling over himself at the fact that someone is willing to help him, let alone out of the goodness of their heart, let alone you who he’d lay down lives for. Reading with Rulie so you could learn a little more about their lives and culture as he saw you preparing to live out the rest of your days in the Hyrules. Asking Leg for help fighting because you knew he’d be the only one who wouldn’t hold back, while he enjoyed being closer with you, having the excuse to finally be near you without any glares. Looking back, you see why they acted as they did.
In long and short, the chain did a lot for you, for your affections. And it really began to bother you that they never accepted anything in return. They never took thanks, for it is what was ‘expected’ of courting, and yet you felt as if there was more to be done. And so, you decided on a plan. You’d simply have to be stubborn. It was rewarding to see blushes tinting their cheeks as they read the letters you’d written for them in turn. Watching their eyes light up as you goth them all jewellery, tokens that they treasured more than anything Hylia had given them. Finding excuses to take them all on dates and seeing their hearts squeeze.
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somer-writes · 3 months
I read your A Haunting in Hyrule series and I thought is was great! I'm a sucker for ghost hunter stuff. I was wondering if you had an idea for roles for the rest of the Chain? I like what I've read so far (especially medium Twilight. Is he particularly susceptible to possession?). Excellent work!
Time: former tv psychic :D he works as a professor with his doctorate’s in hyrulean folklore. He has special interest in ghost stories specifically but has more or less sworn off the supernatural. He just wants ghosts to leave him alone. He’s famous in a niche way.
warriors: investigative journalist/novelist. Rose to niche fame through a series of psychic debunkings. He’s a staunch skeptic. He and time have a professional respect for each other and are something like friends. Wars knows much more about the occult world in terms of people and places than time. He also has the equipment
twilight: medium who is unaware until shit hits the fan. He’s time’s ta and is specializing in Ordon oral traditions. He’s spiritual, probably believes in ghosts but doesn’t think about them much. As a medium, he is a prime vessel for possession. Twilight interacts with the spirit world in a much different way from the psychics of the bunch. He’s a powerful but inexperienced medium which makes him vulnerable.
Sky: twilights roommate. He studied theology and was one of times best students. He and time still keep in touch. Sky is a priest who’s entered a sort of apprenticeship with the temple. He believes in demons and gods ofc but ghosts are a little beyond his scope.
Wild: died and revived. He fought his way back to life thus tearing a hole in the veil which separates the living and dead. Ganon and all sorts of bad followed him.
legend: owns a curio shop with ravio. Legend is the guy to go to for relics, weird ass books, and craft supplies. He puts science before spirits but does believe in the things he sells usually.
Hyrule: witch! He works closely with legend as a customer and a supplier. His blood is needed to bring ganon back.
four: works with wars. Science before spirits but he does believe in things like minish and forest spirits. He’s a bit of gear head and is keen on fixing wars equipment if not inventing his own
wind: burgeoning psychic. He’s times protege. Wind can see and speak with the dead freely, which is really dangerous. Time is just trying to keep him safe and out of the limelight.
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adrift-in-thyme · 5 months
@telemna-hyelle it took more than an hour (sorry about that) but here it is! The Four/Dot fluff I promised!
I hope it helps you end your day on a good note <33
He isn’t ready for this.
Four moves along the wooded path as if in a trance. He knows every step of this place like the back of his hand. But usually, he is much more attentive than this. Usually, he keeps a watchful eye on the surrounding area, scouting for the stray chu or keese. 
Today, however, he cannot seem to keep his mind on such things. The sunlight dappled earth beneath his feet, the scent of leaves and bark baked in the afternoon warmth, the breeze that caresses his cheeks, and the chittering of the many critters that scamper about within the foliage – they are all lost on him.
He feels Dot’s hand in his, her palm smooth and warm. He smells her perfume – light and sweet like the cotton candy they spin at the yearly festivals. He hears her laughter, bright and unrestrained and free as she tells a tale from her day. He sees her, radiant, hair like strands of gold and eyes the color of the joyful sky.
She looks at him, says something he can’t comprehend. He nods, conjures up a smile. With luck, it won’t be as strained as he feels that it is.
He has faced beasts one hundred times his size, navigated the pain and confusion of being split into four, saved the world twice. But by the golden three, he is not ready for this.
And yet, he is going through with it anyway. He can’t back down now. Not when his best friend is right here beside him, every moment of basking in her presence strengthening the love he feels for her. 
Four squares his shoulders. Yes, this is the right thing to do. The hardest things often are. 
The Minish have done a spectacular job preparing the clearing. That much is evident as soon as it comes into view. Everything is as they had planned. Every detail has been attended to with immaculate care.
Vines drape over tree limbs, their slim strands heavy with layered blossoms. Flower petals drift down in lazy pirouettes to join the coat of vibrant pink already lying on the forest floor. The sun glimmers through slightly parted branches. Not far off a fairy fountain casts its soothing glow. Soft notes of magic drift to Four’s ears as he leads Dot forward.
“Link,” she breathes, gazing upward and all around, eyes wide with adoration, “this is beautiful.”
“Yes, it is,” he agrees with a calm he in no way feels. “The Minish worked very hard on it.”
Dot turns to him now, head cocked in question. “The Minish? What do you…”
She trails off as he drops to one knee.
It feels as though he is kneeling on a bed of silk. But the sensation in his chest as he reaches into his pouch is about as pleasant as the Big Octorok sitting on him.
The ring is in his palm though, a delicate thing melted and shaped and fired by his own two hands. It had taken countless tries to get it right, to meld the corners into the perfect curve, to carve the designs in the way he imagined them to be. Making jewelry is not quite the same as crafting a sword. It requires a different sort of skill.
But he had found that skill within him. And he had created something beautiful. Something he will be proud to see upon her finger.
“Zelda,” he murmurs and curses the way his voice trembles a bit at the end, “Zelda, Princess of Hyrule, my dearest friend…” He raises his head, gazes into those big blue eyes. The ones that had shone with empathy when the pieces of himself had threatened to shatter him anew. The ones that had glowed with mirth and joy at the festivals, brightened when he told a joke, gone sharp with interest when he told a tale.
The eyes he has gotten lost in so many times before, and hopes to many more times in the future.
“Zelda, will you marry me?”
She stares at him for a long, agonizing moment, hand held to her mouth, emotion surging across her face. Then, she laughs. She laughs and the world sings with the noise. And she swoops down and lands a kiss right on his lips.
“Was…” he croaks when his surroundings have swung back into focus and the dizzying mixture of elation and trepidation have abated somewhat, “...was that a yes?”
“Oh, Link, of course, it was! Of course!” Her hands are on his face. The ring shines on one of her fingers, though he can’t remember placing it there. Everything is a haze, a haze of wonder and joy and fear. 
It looks perfect there, though. Almost as though she was born to wear it.
“I’ll marry you, Link!” She cries, visage aglow. “I would like nothing more!” 
A laugh bubbles from his lips now, smaller and more hesitant, but overjoyed nonetheless. He stands and suddenly, his arms are around her and hers around him and they are hugging like the world depends upon it. Like if they let go, this moment, this delicate, beautiful moment will solidify and shatter. 
Perhaps, it will. But Four likes to think that it is stronger than that. Like they are.
He blinks away the tears and smiles.
As a sword is forged to endure the struggles of time, so is their friendship made to withstand the toughest of tribulations. And that makes moments like this one even more precious.
“I love you,” she says and her very soul is in the words.
Four holds her tighter and makes himself a promise that he will never let her go. He will never allow her to fall in harm’s way again, never leave her to face life alone. No, they will stand tall through it all. Together. 
“I love you too,” he whispers. “I love you too.”
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