spnsmile · 4 years
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Not batting an eyelid.
Minncon2015. It was quite a muggy year.
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jaredgrrl · 9 years
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J-pad Portraits ↳ Supernatural Con in Minneapolis, 2015. [♕]
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ehghtyseven · 9 years
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Richard said that he was directing an episode. How much do you plan on messing with him? 
J2 being dorks, making themselves - and us - laugh a lot [requested by Anonymous]
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cometsmamma · 9 years
MIsha Photo Ops at MinnCon
Ok I’ve been quiet and not posted anything just because I didn’t really know what to say and this post will probably suck because I still really don’t.
You all know by now what happened to him. I am STILL in shock that he came to his photo ops and during mine I was about to cry myself to death, BUT he told me to smile so I faked one. He was not himself at all and it was so sad and I just wanted him to go home and take care of himself, but no he loves his fans so much he showed up and was more concerned about US than HIMSELF.
After my picture was snapped I had to go in the bathroom and cry because something really not good had just happened and he was being so incredibly sweet…. I can’t!…. He is a better person than I am because I would have gone home or at least not had the presence of mind to ask my fans of THEY were ok, or tell them to smile.
If anyone ever had any questions about how much he loves and cares for his fans…. I hope you don’t anymore.
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spnsmile · 3 years
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or more time with Mish
That one script he never forgave, Sera -Minncon2015 (x)
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jackles1 · 9 years
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j2madhatters · 9 years
Am I the only one squeeing over how in Minncon when Jared lay on the floor to hug the fan, Jensen followed suit BUT WITH HIS FREE ARM around Jared's back UNTIL the hug ended?!!! He didn't even need to touch Jared, he could've hugged the fan with one arm, but he put his other arm around Jared AND KEPT it there until he got up! May love and health and happiness always be with those boys -- Jensen's fuckus to tptb are getting more and more legendary! Loveu ladies!
No! I noticed that too. I made some gifs of it but there are already a lot of them out there, so I didn’t do a gifset. However, I’ll use them here to prove our point. 
Okay, Jared lays down on the stage to hug the fan:
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Then he goes to get back up but Jensen’s like “Nope. I’m getting in on this.”:
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And wraps his arm and whole upper body around Jared before reaching for the fan:
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Then he finally gets up and reluctantly lets go of Jared but not before he slowly runs his arm down Jared’s back:
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Beautiful. --Admin N
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snowlantern · 9 years
what is the logic of these people? like if i didn't go to the con they expect me to take at face value the report of a biased hateful person that twists things as they see fit rather than watch a video with the bare facts and see for myself what happened? lol ok
If “I was there” always trumps “I followed loads of con reports on Twitter and tumblr”, then I could easily drum up a hundred Misha-friendly con-goers and have them report what Misha looked, smelled, and acted like.
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jensensgotyoudean · 9 years
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Jared, cracking Jensen up at MinnCon2015 (credit: Fangasm)
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acklesj2ftw · 9 years
MinnCon 2015 - Thanks!!
Hi guys!
I’m a pretty low-key Tumblr user, I’ve been here a while but mostly just a lurker/creeper, I fav some stuff, reblog a few things, but not real social.
So I just wanted to say a quick thank you, I shared my pics from MinnCon yesterday, and today when I logged in I saw so many awesome edits of my pics, y’all are talented!
But the most awesome thing, every single one I saw had me tagged as the source.  I wasn’t expecting that, I’m certainly no professional photographer by any means, but to see it gives me warm fuzzies, so I just wanted to give a huge thank you!  I’m glad my pics brought some happiness. :):):):)  -Dawn
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MinnCon 2015
MinnCon was my first SPN convention. My friend and I decided to do a month-long road trip and end it at MinnCon. It was our first time going to a convention, and decided to get the Gold passes and a J2 photo op. It went beyond my expectations. 
We got there after an overnight drive from the Badlands, arriving at 4:30AM at the Hyatt. We were able to check in via kiosk and get a room and sleep for a few hours (we arrived on Thursday so we could have a full day just to rest and prepare). We did our laundry in the afternoon and then registered that night since we could (and it was worth it).
Friday morning we got up and watched Supernatural before the convention started in the evening. At this point, I was most looking forward to seeing J2 since I had watched videos of them from previous conventions. And as incredible as they were, every single guest made the convention an event that I will never forget. Richard is a fantastic host! Within minutes of him welcoming us I was in tears from laughing so hard! Chad was wonderful, as was Gil. I remember being apprehensive about them, but at the end of the night I was thinking “If this is how incredible day one was, I cannot imagine what the rest of the weekend will be like!” We got their autographs, and then went to the room to eat something before karaoke. Many of us were first-timers/convention virgins, so it took a little while for us to learn the ropes for asking questions and what-not. Apparently it was also their first time in an actual convention center. My ultimate tip for first-timers: GO TO KARAOKE! And sign up to sing! The show was incredible to watch, but I wish I had participated - and I am one who would never consider doing karaoke! Matt was hysterical - making jokes about blowing loads. He gets my sense of humor. Gil’s voice is magical, by the way.
Saturday morning our friend was arriving from Wisconsin, so once she arrived we headed to the convention center (having it connected via SkyWalk was super convenient). We got in line while she got registered, and then we seated ourselves for the day. Tahmoh was an utter sweetheart, and takes his time during autographs (if you get a personalization, he writes “be well” as well). Since he takes his time, he gets a separate room. Then it was Sebastian, and let me tell you, nothing can prepare you for a panel with Sebastian. He talked about feminism, which I thanked him for when I got his autograph. He said it’s an important cause and that it’s dear to his heart and isn’t just an act. He also makes “that’s what she said” jokes a lot, and they are all really clever! He only answered three questions because he starts singing and running around the audience and dancing. He was an absolute blast! Gil then did an additional panel, and he was incredibly sweet, as always. Mark Sheppard - I don’t know where Crowley’s sass ends and Mark’s begins. He wandered the audience while answering questions. He is quick to answer them and gets sassy - it’s not meant to be mean or ill-intentioned. He was fantastic! Towards the end someone asked about Always Keep Fighting and he talked about being sober for 26 years and how important it is to know you’re not alone and to talk about any issues you may be facing with others that you can trust. It was incredibly touching and emotional. His autograph is quick, and then he harped on Sebastian for taking so long, to which Sebastian said, “I don’t just grunt at my fans!” They are lovely together! Earlier in the day Richard announced Misha’s incident and that Creation wanted to send him home but he decided to stay for photo ops, autographs, and his meet and greet. I would have loved to hear Misha take part in a panel, but his health and happiness comes first and foremost. His willingness to stick around was so selfless of him, and I hope to see him the next chance I get to attend a convention (which will definitely happen!). Richard, Rob, and Matt extended their panel to cover Misha’s. I wasn’t sure how they were going to handle 2 hours with the fans, but they did a fantastic job! Honestly, I would totally go watch them do a stand up routine, they are fabulous together! Matt talked about how beautiful Jensen’s lips are (and he wasn’t lying!). The concert was also fantastic! Louden Swain is incredible, and having some of stars take part was beautiful!
I barely slept Saturday night since I wasn’t feeling well, and then I fell in the shower (like full on wipe out) Sunday morning. So the start to the day was less than good, but the day went by so beautifully. The gold J2 panel was excellent! I would also pay good money to just watch them do a stand up routine - they’re hilarious and truly brothers in real life. We then got our J2 photo op. My friend kept saying how she wasn’t nervous and she would ask them to do a hugging pose, etc. When we got up to them, I ended up asking Jensen to do a hugging pose and I think I sorta went numb after that. Jared pulled my friend in for a hug and Jensen squeezed me tight, so tight it almost started to hurt. I thanked Jensen and while I was walking away Jared grabbed my shoulder and said, “Thank you, sweetie.” He tries so hard to connect with his fans! They do move you through photos and autos very quickly. Alaina Huffman was beyond wonderful! I would love to do a meet and greet with her! J2′s big panel was great, but a lot of people tried to make it a personal moment with them rather than just ask a question, which was a bit annoying. We all want that, but I don’t think the panel is the right place to try and get that. We’re all their to ask questions and hear their answers, and should respect that. Mark did a second panel that evening, and he had us all record a get well message for a fan’s sister who was having brain surgery later in the week, which was wonderful! We then got Misha’s, Jensen’s and Jared’s autographs. Misha and Jensen were quick to sign, and Jared takes his time (like Tahmoh). While in line for Jared, Misha was leaving with a volunteer and walked in front of us. After it taking me a couple seconds to register that it was Misha, I said goodbye to him. Once everyone else noticed, they started yelling “We love you Misha!” He also seemed a bit tired. After Jared signed my friend’s picture, she waited by the table for me and Clif kinda looked at her weird and she said she was waiting for me. Jared, in his Crowley voice, said “Leave her!” and Clif was poking fun, too. I wish I had said, “If she leaves me, can I stay here?” Jared was having fun with his fans, and Clif was wonderful to them as well! He’s intimidating looking, but as long as you aren’t causing trouble, he’s very kind and funny! On our walk back we eventually heard a bunch of shrieking, and figured it was Jensen leaving since he finished before Jared. Chances are they let Misha sign first so that he could finish and leave first.
Overall, the weekend went above and beyond what I expected it to be like! Many of us were newbies, so we weren’t sure how panels worked and what-not, and the guests weren’t accustomed to being in a convention center, but it was a wonderful time all around. I truly understand what is meant by the phrase SPNFamily. When a fan got nervous asking a question and started to cry or stuttered, we all started cheering him or her on endlessly! When the news about Misha was announced, we all jumped onboard to support him via social media or in person. It was a positive and uplifting environment unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. Many of the stars, when a person talked about something personal, would remind them that they are in a room filled with new friends and family members. If ever you’re on the fence about attending a con, even a small/new one with a limited number of guests, I highly suggest that you go! It’s an incredible experience and every day is wonderful! I will without a doubt be going back, but probably not for a couple years since I’m going to start graduate school soon. 
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snowlantern · 9 years
Wow you lot really hold on to irrelevant shit. Jared literally only said that because J2 were getting BOOED for joking about Misha's cut lip. So kudos for proving Nancy right I guess
Oh you poor little thing! You HATE SO MUCH that Jared said that, don’t you? Why, oh why do the Js keep failing your expectations like that? Why do they insist on loving Misha and showing it? WHY WON’T THEY FOLLOW YOUR HATE SCRIPT?
And once again, I’m just, like... baffled that you don’t see what your own assertion makes Jared look like. Aren’t you supposed to be a fan of his?
I wasn’t planning on repeating that beautiful quote anymore tonight, but just for you anon:
“Luckily, I don't think there will ever be a day Supernatural goes on without Misha Collins. In all honesty, I hope you all know we love Misha.“
– Jared Padalecki
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