#minute paper in mumbai
tax-print · 6 months
Tax Print: Your One-Stop Shop for All Tax-Related Needs in Mumbai
Tax Print offers a comprehensive range of tax solutions and services for individuals and businesses nationwide. With over 62 years of experience, we are a trusted source for tax-related financial products, software, and expert advice. Their commitment to personalized service ensures you receive the tailored solutions you need at an affordable price.
Tax Print has a rich history, starting as a printing press for government tax forms in Mumbai. They have evolved alongside the industry, partnering with leading software developers to provide cutting-edge solutions for businesses of all sizes. Their team of experts offers valuable insights and support to help you navigate the complexities of tax laws.
Whether you're a chartered accountant, company secretary, or an individual taxpayer, Tax Print is your one-stop shop for all your tax needs.
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srbachchan · 2 months
DAY 6010
Jalsa, Mumbai Aug 1, 2024/Aug 2 Thu/Fri 2:54 am
Birthday - EF - Vijaya Lakshmi .. Ef Anurodh Arun Gupta Friday, 2 August .. and my wishes along with the wishes of the Ef family for you .. love and have a lovely day .. ❤️
.. on the day off the sleep be long and unwanted , but it delivers and we take and extend and pay no heed to the work on hand .. pity .. for work is the essence of 'keeping one awake' .. is it not ..
.. but its 2:59 am, now , and in a minute shall be 3:00 am of the 2nd of August ..
may you have a graceful morn and may all the wishes that you may desire be fulfilled .. with some rapidity .. ah , rapidity .. the use of such word after a long interval of avoidance and deliberateness ..
at times it be of some unacclaimed value that there is avoidance and deliberate attempt on the part off the blogomaestra : a respite from the usual and norm form ..
so ... so ... so ...
agreat deal of neglected paper work and connects and responses was taken care and the finals were celebrated at the saptaswar of the SAPTASWAR ..
.. and religiosity was the aim for the others than the self .. unable to live up to their musical expectations do after a determined try .. er ..
well ..
just do what is done .. else we .. retire .. and we did ..
but not before a wild attempt of collaborating with anonymous make shift rhythm and words from the past to design and hip moving JAM .. which I believe someday , perhaps shall see the light of the night ..
yo .. I rhythmed .. and found that there is work to be done on it and shall wait for the spare moment to be able to do that ..
from religiosity .. to jamming .. such insignificant attempts at music .. we are such amateurs and have no idea whatsoever of the trends and needs of this GEN Z ..
.. this gen z , is a set by itself .. independent , sure , confident and secure from an age when we were struggling with how the lace of the shoe needs to be tied ..
we .. errr .. still dont ..
they have realised it too .. the makers ..
they make shoes that need no laces .. but shoe horns .. slip in .. yank the horn and trundle away ..
ah .. life is so simple and avilable with all the options of the World at the drop of the proverbial HAT .. wherever it came from ..
the proverb dears , not the hat ..
the hat conveys a lot more than most of us can ever dream of knowing ..
respect though does still carry value ..
tipping the hat in greeting .. taking it off in appreciation .. crushing it in resentment .. kissing it in pride .. placing at feet of the other, in reverence .. in our culture .. !!!
my hat is off .. as is my brain in tiresome expectation of the pill .. ermm .. the pillow !
GN .. or rather GWN ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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ranveer--singh · 2 years
The nights are tasteless without you: part 8 ~ Ari Levinson Fic
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A/N - This is my first proper multiple chapter story which came to me while watching a Bollywood movie. It is set in Mumbai India where Ari is a professor at a university meets a person of colour - Marathi girl at the train station. There will be other Chris Evans characters as professors and Henry Cavill   characters as professors  
Warning: Please read this before reading the story. 18+, smut, sex… etc
Ari had finally finished his last class of the day, he dismissed the class, packing away his stuff when Andy entered the room.
"You ready buddy, Y/N is excited to have you over," Andy said, patting Ari's back. 
"Give me a few minutes," Ari said, putting his laptop and papers away. "Ok I'm ready, so excited to meet Y/N Andy." he said smiling at Andy who was so excited to show off his wife. They left, Ari driving behind Andy, following, Andy quickly shooting his wife a text at the traffic lights that they have left. 
It took them 35 minutes to drive to Andy's apartment, which took longer than usual because of the traffic. Andy parked his car, stepping out and grabbing his bag, Ari parked behind him grabbing a gift for Y/N. 
He followed Andy into the apartment complex, going into the lift and going to the 12th floor. They arrived at the apartment, Andy opening it and stepping inside. He smiled, installing the aromas of spices she was cooking. 
"Honeybun, we are home," Andy said, walking towards the lounge. They waited a few seconds, then Y/N walked in wearing maroon jeans, white friends t-shirt covered by an apron and wearing fluffy brown and black slippers. 
"Jaan," she said, wrapping her arms around him, resting her head on his chest. Andy wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tightly. Y/N looked up at him and smiled as Andy leaned down and gave her a sweet kiss. He parted his lips, turning to face Ari and introduce him,
"Honey, this is Ari. Ari this is my beautiful wife Y/N," y/n moved out of his arms, walking over to give him a hug. She is a hugger and likes to greet people with a hug.
"Nice to meet you Ari, trust my jaan is making you welcome in India," she said, seeing Ari smile and nod his head.
"Mrs. Barber, this is for you," Ari said, landing the box of chocolates to her. 
"Thank you Ari, you can call me Y/N. There was no need for the gift, but thank you once again," Y/N said, looking at Ari with a smile. "Food will be ready in five minutes, please wash your hands," y/n moved back to the kitchen while Andy showed Ari where the bathroom was. 
 They sat down to eat, Y/N plating both men the food, before sitting down to eat herself. One hand was linked with Andy's while they talked. 
"So Ari, how are you finding Mumbai," she asked in-between mouthfuls.
"It is taking me a while to adapt but I am loving the weather," Ari said taking some poppadoms and chutney and putting it in his mouth.
"Honey he has tried vada pau and now loves them," Andy said, making Ari blush thinking of the time he ate done with Maddy at the food stand. They talked, when Andy changed the subject asking about Maddy. "So tell us about Maddy, did you ask her out," Andy said, grabbing himself some more khadi. 
"I did ask her out, she said yes and we are planning a date at my place this Saturday. I am going to make tacos, nachos, some Margarita drinks and we will watch a movie together," Ari said, feeling nervous about the date. 
"That's great man," Andy said watching Y/N take her plate to the sink and start making some chai. Both the men helped clean up the table, putting the food away and washing the dishes. Y/N came back 15 minutes later with some chai and biscuits, and they all moved to the sitting room to talk more and enjoy the chai. 
"What is Maddy like," Y/N asked looking at Ari who smiled,
"She is lovely, very friendly to talk to and I just love her energy," Ari said blushing just thinking of her. "Sometimes we text each other silly memes and other times we send each other songs we like," Ari said, biting his bottom lip. They talked for a while, Y/N excusing herself and going upstairs to answer a call while Andy and Ari played a video game together. Ari left at 10pm, with Y/N sending him food in takeaway containers so he can eat them tomorrow. 
Saturday morning, Ari was panicking, he chose to make more food than he can make. He texted Andy and in half an hour both Andy and Y/N arrived to help him out with the cooking. 
Y/N and Ari worked in the kitchen, while Andy made the margarita drink, as well as cleaning the lounge and heading out to get some flowers and candles. Few hours later, the  taco mixture was made, all the ingredients for the nachos prepared and the lounge decorated with flowers, candles and fairy lights. Andy and Y/N left, hugging Ari and wishing him luck. 
Ari goes to have a quick shower and puts on the denim shirt and jeans. He sprays some cologne - Midnight Musk & Amber Cologne looking at the clock to see that the date will start in 1 hour. 
Ari was nervous and wished the time could speed up so the date could start. One hour later, the doorbell rang; Ari stood up, took a deep breath, opening the door to see Maddy standing outside in black denim jeans and a sparkly green top. 
"Hi, Ari," she said, handing him some sweets and a bottle of wine. Ari smiled, taking the gifts and putting them on the table before hugging Maddy and kissing her cheeks.
"Hi, Maddy, come inside," he said, taking her to the lounge and pouring her some wine. 
"Ari, you smell heavenly," she said, sitting next to him on the sofa. 
"Thank you, Maddy, you smell delightful as ever," he says, enjoying her scent. They talked for a little while; he couldn't help staring at her lips. The way he watched her smile, laugh and talk got his body feeling all types of things. 
He was itching to kiss her, he wanted to pause the moment, grab her head in his hands and passionately kiss her lips making her melt into his arms. 
"I have made tacos, nachos and Margarita drinks for dinner; I confess I had help making this. Andy's wife helped me; I hope you like it," Ari said, looking at Maddy's emerald dangling earrings.  Biting his lip, he needed to remind himself to behave and see how the first date went. 
They ate dinner at the table, Ari pouring her some more wine and talking about movies most of the time. He couldn't stop looking at her hair; it was long and black, French braided to the side. It got his dick twitching thinking of him tugging on it while pounding her. 
Dinner was finished, they both cleared up and went to the lounge to switch on the movie and get comfortable. Ari took a blanket and handed it to Maddy, who slipped her shoes off and sat under the covers. Ari went to the kitchen to grab some more wine, opened a bag of popcorn and put it in a bowl with some chocolate and brought it out. 
"What movie shall we watch," he said, putting down the bowl of popcorn, pouring some wine in Maddy's glass as he sat next to her, covering the blanket around his legs. 
"Let's watch a marvel movie, maybe the first cap movie," she said, taking a sip of her wine and eating some popcorn. 
"First Captain America movie sounds good," Ari said, opening up Hotstar and playing the movie. They both watched in silence, Maddy sneaking glances at Ari who looked hot in denim. 
Half way through the movie, Ari paused the movie, turning to look at Maddy. 
"Hi," he said, looking at her face glow with the light. 
"Hey," she said, feeling her face heat up from the way Ari looked at her. 
"Can I kiss you?" Ari asked and Maddy nodded her head. Heat rose from Maddy's stomach to her chest. Ari's lips were getting closer and her heart decided to skip a beat, the smell of him was hypnotic beyond belief.
Her whole body tingled, his arms wrapped around her. Ari pulled her in, claiming her mouth, hungry and intense, until her knees gave in. By the time Maddy became aware of her fingers, they had already slipped under his denim shirt, his skin smooth and radiating heat. 
It was as if time had stopped, both of them sitting on the sofa glued to one another. As if no one existed but just them together kissing. Ari pulled away, looking at her with a huge smile on his face. He wrapped his arms around her once more, they cuddled as Ari continued the movie. 
It was 11pm when the movie was over, Maddy started to yawn, stretching her arms out. Ari knew it was time for her to go home, he felt a little sad but tonight wasn't the night to ask her to stay over. 
"It's quite late," Ari asked, "Do you want to stay over?" seeing her yawn once again. 
She squirmed and looked away, biting her lip. Ari understood what that meant. He was endearing to see that she was a little shy around him, even now that they had kissed. "I-I mean, I'll give you my bed and I'll take the couch…no pressure." 
"No!" She said a bit too quickly, eyes as wide as saucers I'll. "I-I can't put you out of your own room," she said, getting up and picking up her purse. "I mean, basically what I wanted to say is," Ari blew out a breath at this awkward conversation, "I mean, there will be no funny business," he gulped and cleared his throat, feeling his own cheeks heat up under his beard. 
"No no, but I don't mean to cause you any discomfort," she said. 
"But it's late, let me drop you home at least," he pleaded. 
"Fine," she sighed. 
Ari fetched his car keys and rode the lift down along with Maddy. He drove her to her place and parked his car on the road, idling the engine. Maddy didn't make a move to leave the car immediately. She tucked a strand of hair that had escaped her plait behind her ear and gave Ari a shy smile. "I had a great time tonight, Ari, thanks for everything," she whispered quietly. 
"You're welcome. The pleasure is all mine," he returned her smile, with his palms resting on the steering wheel.
She bit her lip and waited for a moment. Ari guessed that she was looking for a goodbye gesture and was hesitating. He waited, trying not to make her uncomfortable, yet curious at what she would do. 
She patted his hand awkwardly, murmured "goodnight" and tried to open the car door. Her body was yanked back into the seat as she had forgotten to take off her seat belt. Ari bit his lip, trying not to laugh. "S-sorry," she teetered, feeling extremely shy. "Hey, no need to apologize. Here let me help you," he said as he leaned over the console to help her untangle the belt.
He closed his eyes for a moment when he got close to her neck and got a whiff of her perfume. He also saw goosebumps breaking out on her skin at his proximity, her breath getting rougher. "There, all done," he whispered slowly. 
"Th-Thanks," she whispered back. She hesitated for one more moment before quickly leaning forward and planting a swift kiss on his cheek. It landed on his beard instead, but it left Ari stunned nevertheless. Before he could reel from it, she had squirmed out of her seat and left the car. 
Ari moved on a reflex and followed her. She walked a few steps and then turned around and collided into Ar's chest. "Hey! What happened?" He was still not sure what was going on. 
"D-dogs! There are dogs in the street! Help!" 
"Ohhh are you scared of stray dogs?"
"Mm-hmm," she said, hugging him tight. 
"Aww don't worry; I'll walk you to your building's gate. Does that sound good?"
"Yes, please," she squeaked and trembled, making Ari go heart eyes for how cute she was. 
Ari hugged her back, patted her shoulder and then broke free to hold her hand. He walked with her as promised, and when they reached her gate, she looked down at their joined hands and whispered a quiet "thank you."
"Sundar," Ari lifted her chin and smiled at her, "I know you were trying to kiss me goodnight earlier. In the car." 
"Yes," she squirmed and blushed again. 
"Well, you're gonna have to kiss me properly then," he said as he dropped his lips down to kiss her. 
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chickensarentcheap · 2 years
This is from chapter 19 of I Found. That god awful, shitty mess that is the first fic LOL.  But this is one of the character interactions (both canon characters at that!) and sections of dialogue I am actually proud of!
@tragiclyhip, @themaradaniels, @munstysmind, @youflickedtooharddamnit, @mrsmungus, @residentdormouse, @asirensrage, @secretaryunpaid, @muchadoaboutcj, @starryeyes2000, 
He arrives at Mumbai Central Prison just shy of ten am. The weather is already unbearable; hot and sticky; sweat dampening the neck of his simple army green t-shirt, the thin fabric sticking to the small of his back. He checks in at the main office. Using the fake law enforcement credentials Nik had sent him to register as a visitor, turning in his gun and the knife that he keeps in his back pocket.
“Long way from home,” the desk clerk comments, as he holds up the identification next to Tyler's face, verifying that the man in the photo is the same as the one who now stands in front of him. “Australia? The land down under?”
“That's what it says,” Tyler shoves the ID into his wallet and slips the latter back into the side pocket of his tan cargo pants.
“What brings you here? All the way to Mumbai.”
“Business. I'm here to see Mahajan.”
The clerk's eyes widen; the drug lord doesn't get many visits, aside from his team of lawyers. The kid had stopped coming to visit a long time ago, and they haven't seen the man servant in at least a year. He'd been the last one to come and see the old man.
“Check the book,” Tyler nods at the thick ledger sitting on the desk. It's an old school system; pen and paper when the old and weathered computers decide they've had enough for the day. “I'm in there.”
He taps the toe of his boot against the crack and faded tiles, watching as the other man flips through the thick leather bound book, and locates the proper page; a long, thin finger trailing through every written word until he comes up with the one he wants.
“What do you want with him?” the clerk inquires. “A cop all the way from Australia?”
“Like I said, it's business. And I'm not a cop. That's not what I do.”
The man arches an eyebrow, cocks his head to the side. Unsure of what to make of the stranger across from him. Tall and broad shouldered; strong and intimidating. “What is it you do?”
A slow grin. “A lot of things.”
He's led to a waiting area. A long, narrow corridor with faded tiles and peeling wallpaper that reveals the original brick underneath. No air conditioning. The temperature unbearably hot. And he uses the front of his t-shirt to clear the sweat away from his face and his forehead. A young woman with a baby sits in a chair in the corner, watching him warily. He's big and scary, as far as she's concerned. A stranger in their country. And as he leans back against the wall and crosses his arms over his chest, he gives her a small smile in hopes of easing some of her discomfort.
Several minutes tick by before the opens once again. An armed guard ordering the woman to stay where she is before giving Tyler a nod and jerking his head towards the main body of the prison. No formalities or mindless chit chat are exchanged as he is led through the central office and back out into the blazing sun. Feeling the curious eyes and hearing the chatter as he follows the guard. Sunglasses on, hiding his eyes as they survey the surroundings and the throngs of prisoners out in the yard. Always on alert. A stranger like him showing up causes a lot of speculation. And with speculation came worry. Which quickly turns into fear. If they felt threatened or spooked, there was no telling what kind of situation could explode.
“Out,” the guard orders all the visitors and prisoners currently in the visitation area. “Hurry up and get out. Move.”
He waits as guests scurry past him and the other prisoners file out, then allows himself to be led down to the very end of the room. Nothing more than a simple metal chair and metal bars separating him from the other side. And he is still standing when Mahajan is led in; heavily armed guards on either side of him, their hands on his upper arms as they guide him, handcuffs securely fastened to his wrists. Tyler is surprised. Unimpressed. Not nearly the intimidating figure that he'd been lead to believe. The years have not been kind to the old man; streaks of gray in his hair and beard, numerous pounds of weight lost. Maybe when he was younger he cut an imposing figure. But now he was nothing more than a pathetic old man who'd spend the rest of his life locked up.
He sits only after Mahajan has done so and the guards depart; waiting and watching from the door. Several minutes pass before anyone speaks; the only sounds in the room the slow ticking of the clock and the low hum of a window air conditioner. Neither man looks away from the other, Tyler's hands clasped and resting on the ledge in front of him, Mahajan tapping his fingers against the bottom of the frame that holds the bars
“So you're the one,” Mahajan finally speaks. His tone is unimpressed. Tyler supposes he doesn't fit the old man's bill of what a mercenary should look like. He's probably younger than he expected. Not as beat up and harried as most.
“Yeah...” he nods. “...I guess I am.”
“That stupid sonofabitch was supposed to take care of you. You shouldn't even be sitting here right now. Had he done his job properly...”
“He died helping save your son. And I should have died.”
“But here you are. Sitting in front of me. Thinking you have some right to come here and demand my presence? Looking for some kind of thank you? Some kind of respect? So you can gloat about what you've done?”
“That's far from the reason I'm here. You don't have to like me or respect me. I'm far past giving a shit about what others think of me.”
“So it's money you want then? You feel you weren't fairly compensated for the work you done. The one I hired you to do. You work for me. You don't come here in and walk in as if you own the place. As if I owe you something.”
“I don't work for you. And I don't give a shit about your money, mate. I'm here about your son.”
His eyes widen, jaw clenching. “The trouble has gotten worse? Why are you here then? Talking to me? You should be there. At my home. Protecting my son. Not here talking to me and wasting my time.”
“I've got six armed guards always watching the place. Two that follow him to school. I've been handling things. Taking care of your kid. Because apparently you don't give a shit about him enough to keep your head on straight and stay out trouble. What kind of father does that shit? Chooses the life you had over taking care of their own flesh and blood.”
“How dare you talk to me like that!” Mahajan fumes. “How dare you come and here and question my love and loyalty to my son!”
“A year ago I had to put my ass on the line to save your son. You caused that. Because you couldn't get your shit together and just be a father. So yeah. I'm questioning your love and your loyalty to your son. The fact that you have none.”
“You have a family?”
“A wife,” he confirms “And a baby. A daughter.”
“Are you telling me you wouldn't do anything to care for them? Provide for them?”
“There's nothing I wouldn't do for them. I'd lay down my life for them. No questions asked. But I wouldn't do what you do. Get rich by hurting other people. Put drugs in the hands of kids. Sit back counting my money while people around me die.”
“Are we really that different, you and I? Hmm? Do you not kill people for money? Hurt them? Is that not how I found you in the first place?”
“We're nothing alike, mate. We never will be.”
“Killing comes with your job, does it not? When you were rescuing my son, did you not have to kill people?” Mahajan challenges.
“It's not the same thing,” Tyler insists.
“Killing is the same no matter how it is done. Or who does it. I bet you have taken far more lives than I have. You have the blood of hundreds of men on your hands. You say you kill them because they deserve it. Who are you to judge them? These people that are just trying to live by any means necessary.”
“By hurting innocent people,” Tyler argues. He keeps his tone low, unaffected. Refusing to let the man get to him. “That's the difference. I help the ones who need it and I hurt the ones who don't. They aren't innocent. They hurt people. People who are weaker than them. Who can't defend themselves. We aren't the same, mate. Not by a long shot.”
“We both have blood on our hands. You say that yours is justified. In the same way I do.”
“You put drugs into the hands of kids. You made people into addicts. You ripped families apart. I'm nothing like you.”
Mahajan smirks, leans back in his chair, eyes cold and calculated. “Did the men you kill not have families? Children? Hmm? Were there not innocent people connected to them? You sit here, thinking you're better than me. A white man who thinks he is somewhat superior because of the colour of skin. You walk in here with your God complex, judging me? Does your wife and your child know what you do?”
“My wife and my child have nothing to do with this.”
“You put them in harms way, do you not? You preach to me about my son and you do the same with your child. Do you think it would stop people? People that want to hurt you? You think it would stop them from hurting her because she is a baby? That won't matter to the people that hate you. The ones that want revenge.”
“Let's get one thing straight...” Tyler leans forward in his chair, trying to ignore how his blood runs cold at the man's words. A chill that starts at the roots of his hair and travels his entire body. “...my daughter is innocent. In the same way your son is. We are not the same. I help people. Like your son. And I bring them back to their families. Without guys like me, your son would be dead. Without guys like you, a lot of innocent people would still be alive. We are not same.”
The older man finally relents. Holding his hands up in surrender. “You say you're here for my son yet there's been no trouble. So why are you here? Hmm? Wasting my time?”
“I'm here because your son deserves a better life. One where he's not looking over his shoulder all the time. Where he's not constantly paying for his father's mistakes. He shouldn't have to live like this. Alone.”
'He has everything he could possibly want. A beautiful house to live in, food on the table, an expensive school.”
“He doesn't have a family. And that's what he wants the most. He wants a family. People who love him. Who will take care of him. Who want more for his future than this bullshit existence he has now. He has no one. All those things surrounding him, yet he's very much alone. Even you must be able to see that.”
Mahajan nods slowly, considering his words.
“My wife and I want to take him. When we leave here. We want to...”
“Take my son away from me?” he laughs. “You come here with a request like that? My only son? My blood? Hand him to you? A stranger?”
“A stranger that already laid down his life once for him. Who'd do it again. In a heartbeat.”
“For money,” he reminds Tyler. “You did it for money.”
“That's how it started out, yeah. But it became much more when you decided to fuck me. There was never any money. Not enough to afford me, anyway. That's why you had Saju try to kill me and steal him back. How'd that work out for you?”
Mahajan inhales sharply.
“I could have easily left your kid in the street. When I knew there was no money. I could have handed him right over to Asif. I had the chance. My part of ten million dollars if I just handed him over. But I didn't. I kept your son alive. And for what? This shitty fucking existence? Always looking over his shoulder, waiting for the next threat? Even you must be able to see it. That he has nothing. He doesn't even have a father.”
“I'm his father!” the other man roars, and leaps to his feet.
Tyler waves the guards off when he sees them attempt to make a move towards them. “You're not his father, mate. You're just the guy who helped make him. There's a lot more to being a father like that. Swallow your fucking pride and think about your son for once. Think about the kind of life he has compared to the one he deserves.”
“You think I can't hurt you from here? That I can't take away everything and everyone you love? That you...”
“I think you need to sit down and shut up. Don't threaten me. Or my family. Because you're not the only one who knows how to get shit done.”
The older man blinks. His chest heaving with fury.
“Sit down,” Tyler repeats. “Or you'll see just how far I'm willing to go to protect my family.”
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swadfoodie · 2 years
Vada pav is a popular street food from Mumbai, India.
It is essentially a burger made with a spicy potato fritter called vada,
Burger between two slices of bread called pav, along with a variety of chutneys and spices.
Here's how you can make vada pav at home
4-6 pav buns
4-5 medium-sized potatoes, boiled and mashed
1 tsp mustard seeds
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tbsp ginger-garlic paste
2-3 green chilies, finely chopped
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp red chili powder
1 tsp garam masala powder Salt, to taste
1-2 tbsp oil
A handful of fresh coriander leaves, finely chopped
1/4 cup besan (gram flour)
Oil, for deep-frying
Green chutney, tamarind-date chutney, and garlic chutney, for serving
Instructions: In a pan, heat 1-2 tbsp of oil.
Add mustard seeds and cumin seeds and let them splutter.
Add ginger-garlic paste and green chilies and sauté for a minute.
Add turmeric powder, red chili powder, and garam masala powder, and mix well. Add the mashed potatoes and salt, and mix everything well.
Cook for 2-3 minutes on low flame. Finally, add chopped coriander leaves and mix well.
Remove the mixture from the heat and let it cool down. To prepare the vada batter, mix besan with water and make a smooth batter.
The consistency should be thick enough to coat the potato balls.
Now take a small portion of the potato mixture and shape it into a ball.
Heat oil in a pan for deep frying.
Dip the potato balls in the besan batter and gently drop them into the hot oil.
Fry them on medium flame till they turn golden brown in color.
Remove them from the oil and place them on a paper towel to remove excess oil.
Slit the pav buns horizontally and spread green chutney on one side and tamarind-date chutney on the other.
Place the vada in between the pav and press gently. Serve hot with garlic chutney and a hot cup of tea. Your delicious vada pav is ready to be enjoyed!
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bookyourbag · 16 days
mah mba cet 2024
The MAH MBA/MMS CET 2024 is the mile entrance to get admitted into an MBA/MMS course in Maharashtra. The following is an overview to guide you in every respect:
1. Exam Overview
Name: MAH MBA/MMS CET 2024
Conducting Authority: State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra
Purpose: To provide admission into various management colleges of Maharashtra offering courses in MBA/MMS.
Mode: Online (Computer-Based Test)
Duration: 150 minutes
Total Questions: 200
Type of Questions: Multiple Choice Questions
Marking Scheme: 1 mark for each correct answer; no negative marking.
2. Exam Pattern
The respective exam is divided into four sections:TopicNumber of Questions Logical Reasoning 75 Abstract Reasoning 25 Quantitative Aptitude 50 Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension 50 Total200
Logical Reasoning (LR): Puzzle-based questions, seating arrangement, series, and logical deduction questions.
Abstract Reasoning (AR): Tests pattern recognition, analogies, and visual reasoning.
Quantitative Aptitude (QA): Includes arithmetic, algebra, geometry, mensuration, and data interpretation.
Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension (VA/RC): Includes reading comprehension passages, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence correction.
3. Key Dates
Notification Release: January 2024
Application Start Date: January 2024
Application End Date: February 2024
Admit Card Release: March 2024
Exam Date: March or April 2024 (Exact date to be announced)
Result Declaration: May 2024
Centralized Admission Process (CAP): June–August 2024
4. Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification: Bachelor's degree of atleast 3 years from a recognized university.
Minimum Marks:
General category: Minimum 50% marks
Reserved categories (SC/ST/OBC): Minimum 45%
Final Year Students: Eligible if they will complete their degree before the start of the MBA/MMS program.
**5. Preparation Tips
1. Understand the Exam Pattern and Syllabus:
Familiarize yourself with the types of questions and topics covered under each section.
#### 2. Make a Study Schedule: Make a proper study schedule covering all sections of the exam. Set goals and deadlines for each topic.
#### 3. Practice on a Regular Basis: Solve previous years' papers, take regular mock tests.
Enhance your speed and accuracy.
4. Work on Weak Areas:
Devote extra time to sections where you are not as confident.
Use study materials and other resources specific to MAH CET.
5. Time Management:
Acquire the habit of time management during the exam.
Find ways to solve questions quicker and more accurately.
**6. Revision:
Go through important concepts, formulae, and shortcuts regularly.
Keep a revision notebook for ready reference.
6. Top Colleges Accepting MAH CET Scores
Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (JBIMS), Mumbai
Sydenham Institute of Management Studies (SIMSREE), Mumbai
KJ Somaiya Institute of Management, Mumbai
PUMBA - Department of Management Sciences, Pune University
Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research (WeSchool), Mumbai
SIES College of Management Studies, Mumbai
NL Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai
7. Recommended Books and Resources
Quantitative Aptitude: Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by R.S. Aggarwal
Logical and Abstract Reasoning: A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal
Verbal Ability: Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
Mock Tests and Practice Papers: Online websites such as Testbook, Oliveboard, and TIME are very helpful for practice tests, providing practice material, among other resources.
8. Centralized Admission Process (CAP)
Registration: Candidates shall register themselves for CAP after the declaration of results, stating preferred colleges.
Merit List: The merit list shall be prepared based on marks obtained in MAH CET and preferences submitted.
Seat Allotment: Seats are allotted on the basis of merit and preference.
Confirmation of Admission: Confirm the admission by paying the registration fees along with all the required documents.
9. Tips for Success
Consistency: Study and practice on a regular basis.
Stress Management: Remain positive; manage examination stress in a good way.
Health: Take proper nutritious food and have sufficient rest during preparation.
The following guide explains how one can prepare efficiently to score well in MAH MBA/MMS CET 2024 to get admission into one of the top management institutes in Maharashtra.
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charcha-equity · 4 months
Ringing in the Digital Rupee Era: How CBDCs Could Transform Indian Finance
The way we pay for things is constantly evolving. From barter systems to coins and paper money, and now the rise of digital wallets and UPI, our financial landscape is ever-changing.  Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are the next potential chapter in this story, and India is at the forefront of exploring their possibilities.
What are CBDCs?
Imagine a digital version of the rupee issued directly by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). That's essentially a CBDC. Unlike private cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, CBDCs are government-backed and regulated, offering stability and security.
Also Read: Journey Of Poonawalla Fincorp’s Managing Director – Abhay Bhutada
Potential Benefits of CBDCs for India
Financial Inclusion: Millions of Indians still lack access to traditional banking systems. CBDCs, with their potential for wider accessibility through mobile phones, could be a game-changer for financial inclusion. Imagine paying bills or receiving government benefits instantly through your phone. This could be particularly impactful in rural areas where bank branches are scarce.
Boosting Efficiency:  CBDCs could streamline cross-border transactions, potentially reducing processing times and costs significantly. This could be a boon for Indian businesses engaged in international trade. For instance, imagine a small business owner in Mumbai importing textiles from Thailand. With CBDCs, the entire payment process could be settled within minutes, compared to the current system which can take days or even weeks.
Transparency and Security:  CBDCs could potentially offer a more transparent and secure way to conduct transactions. Every transaction could be recorded on a secure, tamper-proof digital ledger, making it easier to track and prevent fraud. This could be a significant advantage over cash, which is susceptible to theft and loss.
Greater Control for the RBI:  With CBDCs, the RBI could have more control over the money supply and potentially implement new monetary policies more effectively. For example, the RBI could program CBDCs to expire after a certain period, encouraging spending and stimulating the economy.
Also Read: Unveiling Abhay Bhutada: A Leader’s Inspiring Odyssey In Finance
Challenges to Consider
Privacy Concerns:  The digital nature of CBDCs raises privacy concerns. How will user data be protected? Can anonymity be maintained in transactions, especially for smaller purchases? These are questions that need careful consideration. The RBI will need to strike a balance between ensuring transparency and protecting user privacy.
Impact on Traditional Banks:  The widespread adoption of CBDCs could potentially impact the role of traditional banks. How will they adapt to this new financial landscape?  While some fear CBDCs could disintermediate banks, others believe they could create new opportunities for collaboration. Banks could leverage their expertise to offer value-added services on top of the CBDC infrastructure.
Technological Infrastructure:  India needs a robust digital infrastructure to support the smooth functioning of CBDCs. This includes ensuring reliable and affordable internet connectivity reaches even remote areas. Additionally, robust cybersecurity measures will be crucial to protect the CBDC system from potential cyberattacks.
The Road Ahead
The RBI is currently in the pilot phase of exploring CBDCs. While there's no set timeline for their launch, it's a sign that India is taking a proactive approach to the future of money.
Also Read: Who is Abhay Bhutada?
A Word from the Banking Professional
As a banking professional, I believe CBDCs have the potential to revolutionize the Indian financial system, echoing the sentiment of legendary investor Warren Buffett who once said, "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." They offer exciting possibilities for greater financial inclusion, efficiency, and security. However, it's crucial to address privacy concerns, ensure a smooth transition for traditional banks, and invest in robust digital infrastructure.  The success of CBDCs will depend on careful planning, open communication with all stakeholders, and a commitment to building a secure and inclusive digital financial ecosystem.
The arrival of the digital rupee, in the form of a CBDC, could be a defining moment for Indian finance. It's a story we'll all be watching closely in the coming years.
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trek-tote · 6 months
Transform Your Move into a Breeze: The Secrets of Expert Packers
Are you planning a move? Whether you're relocating to a new city or just moving down the street, the process can be overwhelming. But fear not! With the right packing techniques, you can transform your move into a breeze. In this article, we'll reveal the secrets of expert packers that will help you streamline your moving process and ensure that your belongings arrive safely at your new home.
1. Start Early and Create a Plan
One of the most important secrets of expert packers Packers and Movers Chennai to Mumbai is starting early. Packing can take much longer than you anticipate, so give yourself plenty of time to complete the task. Create a packing schedule and break it down into smaller, manageable tasks. This will help you stay organized and avoid last-minute stress.
2. Declutter and Donate
Before you start packing, take the opportunity to declutter your belongings. Go through each room and decide what items you no longer need or want. Donate or sell these items to lighten your load and make the packing process easier. Not only will this save you time and effort, but it will also give you a fresh start in your new home.
3. Gather Packing Supplies
To pack like an expert, you'll need the right supplies. Stock up on sturdy boxes in various sizes, packing tape, bubble wrap, packing paper, and markers. You can also use household items like towels, blankets, and clothing to cushion fragile items. Having all the necessary supplies on hand will make the packing process smoother and more efficient.
4. Pack Room by Room
Instead of randomly packing items from different rooms, tackle one room at a time. This approach will make it easier to keep track of your belongings and unpack them in an organized manner. Start with the rooms you use less frequently, such as the guest bedroom or basement, and save the essential areas for last. Label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to for easy identification during the unpacking process.
5. Protect Fragile Items
Fragile items require extra care during the packing process. Wrap them individually in packing paper or bubble wrap and place them in sturdy boxes. Fill any empty spaces with packing peanuts or crumpled paper to prevent movement. Clearly mark these boxes as fragile and handle them with care during the move.
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mighty-move · 6 months
Transform Your Move into a Breeze: The Secrets of Expert Packers
Are you planning a move? Whether you're relocating to a new city or just moving down the street, the process can be overwhelming. But fear not! With the right packing techniques, you can transform your move into a breeze. In this article, we'll reveal the secrets of expert packers that will help you streamline your moving process and ensure that your belongings arrive safely at your new home.
1. Start Early and Create a Plan
One of the most important secrets of expert packers Packers and Movers Chennai to Mumbai is starting early. Packing can take much longer than you anticipate, so give yourself plenty of time to complete the task. Create a packing schedule and break it down into smaller, manageable tasks. This will help you stay organized and avoid last-minute stress.
2. Declutter and Donate
Before you start packing, take the opportunity to declutter your belongings. Go through each room and decide what items you no longer need or want. Donate or sell these items to lighten your load and make the packing process easier. Not only will this save you time and effort, but it will also give you a fresh start in your new home.
3. Gather Packing Supplies
To pack like an expert, you'll need the right supplies. Stock up on sturdy boxes in various sizes, packing tape, bubble wrap, packing paper, and markers. You can also use household items like towels, blankets, and clothing to cushion fragile items. Having all the necessary supplies on hand will make the packing process smoother and more efficient.
4. Pack Room by Room
Instead of randomly packing items from different rooms, tackle one room at a time. This approach will make it easier to keep track of your belongings and unpack them in an organized manner. Start with the rooms you use less frequently, such as the guest bedroom or basement, and save the essential areas for last. Label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to for easy identification during the unpacking process.
5. Protect Fragile Items
Fragile items require extra care during the packing process. Wrap them individually in packing paper or bubble wrap and place them in sturdy boxes. Fill any empty spaces with packing peanuts or crumpled paper to prevent movement. Clearly mark these boxes as fragile and handle them with care during the move.
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glide-pack · 6 months
Transform Your Move into a Breeze: The Secrets of Expert Packers
Are you planning a move? Whether you're relocating to a new city or just moving down the street, the process can be overwhelming. But fear not! With the right packing techniques, you can transform your move into a breeze. In this article, we'll reveal the secrets of expert packers that will help you streamline your moving process and ensure that your belongings arrive safely at your new home.
1. Start Early and Create a Plan
One of the most important secrets of expert packers Packers and Movers Chennai to Mumbai is starting early. Packing can take much longer than you anticipate, so give yourself plenty of time to complete the task. Create a packing schedule and break it down into smaller, manageable tasks. This will help you stay organized and avoid last-minute stress.
2. Declutter and Donate
Before you start packing, take the opportunity to declutter your belongings. Go through each room and decide what items you no longer need or want. Donate or sell these items to lighten your load and make the packing process easier. Not only will this save you time and effort, but it will also give you a fresh start in your new home.
3. Gather Packing Supplies
To pack like an expert, you'll need the right supplies. Stock up on sturdy boxes in various sizes, packing tape, bubble wrap, packing paper, and markers. You can also use household items like towels, blankets, and clothing to cushion fragile items. Having all the necessary supplies on hand will make the packing process smoother and more efficient.
4. Pack Room by Room
Instead of randomly packing items from different rooms, tackle one room at a time. This approach will make it easier to keep track of your belongings and unpack them in an organized manner. Start with the rooms you use less frequently, such as the guest bedroom or basement, and save the essential areas for last. Label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to for easy identification during the unpacking process.
5. Protect Fragile Items
Fragile items require extra care during the packing process. Wrap them individually in packing paper or bubble wrap and place them in sturdy boxes. Fill any empty spaces with packing peanuts or crumpled paper to prevent movement. Clearly mark these boxes as fragile and handle them with care during the move.
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srbachchan · 1 year
DAY 5608
Jalsa, Mumbai                 June 25,  2023                  Sun 11: 21 PM
🪔 .. birthday happiness to .. Ef Anamika Gupta .. and .. Ef Özen Eren .. love from your Ef Family ..
And .. more love and happiness .. to Ef Rajesh Kejriwal from Kolkata .. for his 34th Wedding Anniversary on June 26 ..
Sunday GOJ bring the children of the God’s .. but poor ones .. they have no idea why they have been subjected to this ordeal .. and in rain .. !
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.. why this posture , I have no idea .. the fact that he has climbed  the lampost .. the ‘express ‘ bill board .. which does not seem to be relevant .. so what ... if any of the Ef have any inputs please give .. 😳
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kids stories by a kid .. he wrote this book .. a 7-8 yr old writer .. and I shall acknowledge the effort ..
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errrmm .. anyone explain what this is trying to say  !!??
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.. and off on a drive - a self drive around the corner .. errr .. sorry that expression would be wrong .. no I am not going to the ‘errr euphemism ?” .. going round the bend  .. damn that is wrong too .. no I am not pleading insanity .. driving around to make sure the vehicle doesn’t send a message to the phone that your battery has discharged  .. erumm , that is wrong too .. and I shall not dwell on its why’s and wherefores .. so just a Sunday drive .. 
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 बाजरे दी रोटी ख़ाददी , फूपड़ियों दा साग रे ; something something something something ; तो बोलण्  लाग्यो कॉग रे  ! 🎶🎶
पूरे शब्द भूल गये हैं हम , तो something डाल दिया है rhythm के लिए 
बचपन में सुना था  । बाबूजी के पास एक कवि आते थे , जो की शायद हरियाणा से थे  । उनके मुख से ये सुना करते थे , ये गीत , जो की वहाँ का लोक संगीत है  .. 
anyone from Haryana , that could put light on this .. ???
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... and a big difference today .. SHOES .. shoes because , shooting bare feet, whole of yesterday , gave rise to a rise in what is generally referred to bumps in the foot .. named blisters .. a similar incident earlier had incapacitated the body for long so taking precaution ..  so the temple is still the same, and next time round it shall be revered .. 🙏
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.. a provision for drinking water .. with a bit of lime to quench the thirst of them that come to the gates of the J .. the GOJ .. 2 on each side .. and paper glasses to maintain hygiene .. !!
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Gawd .. ! everything shut just now .. no, the cursor stopped moving .. I mean it was moving but not registering what I wanted to write or open .. 
Then noticed the time ..
It was 12 mid night .. ! 
and this is my personal observation .. 
Jio mia , has a problem each night at this time for about 15 - 20 minutes .. when internet shuts .. why I have no idea .. it’s not like the machines have to go to the ‘err euphemism’ ?  ...  but what is this .. ?
and sorry for the usage of the word ‘euphemism’ .. had picked it up from a play I did in Kolkata on stage for the Amateurs, our theatre group, later made into a film starring Burton and Liz Taylor .. errrrm .. shall get the name presently .. 
Haaa .. yes .. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf .. and I played Nick , played by George Segal in the film  .. he uses this word when he ask the hosts - Burton and Liz during a conversation in their drawing room, “which way to the , err  euphemism ‘ ?  a polite genteel term asking which way to the washroom .. 
the things that remain with you .. quite quite intriguing .. knew the term , had forgotten the name of the play .. !!! 😳
So yes where were we .. aah yes the Sunday without shoes .. or rather without them .. yes yes yes .. they shall be without the next time .. 
So .. oh there we are again .. on ‘so’ .. no really .. so I need to go and study my dialogues and lines for the morrow .. for the shoot ..
and there is the traditional ..
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नमस्कार  🙏
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Amitabh Bachchan अमिताभ बच्चन 
144 notes · View notes
cargo-hive · 6 months
Transform Your Move into a Breeze: The Secrets of Expert Packers
Are you planning a move? Whether you're relocating to a new city or just moving down the street, the process can be overwhelming. But fear not! With the right packing techniques, you can transform your move into a breeze. In this article, we'll reveal the secrets of expert packers that will help you streamline your moving process and ensure that your belongings arrive safely at your new home.
1. Start Early and Create a Plan
One of the most important secrets of expert packers Packers and Movers Chennai to Mumbai is starting early. Packing can take much longer than you anticipate, so give yourself plenty of time to complete the task. Create a packing schedule and break it down into smaller, manageable tasks. This will help you stay organized and avoid last-minute stress.
2. Declutter and Donate
Before you start packing, take the opportunity to declutter your belongings. Go through each room and decide what items you no longer need or want. Donate or sell these items to lighten your load and make the packing process easier. Not only will this save you time and effort, but it will also give you a fresh start in your new home.
3. Gather Packing Supplies
To pack like an expert, you'll need the right supplies. Stock up on sturdy boxes in various sizes, packing tape, bubble wrap, packing paper, and markers. You can also use household items like towels, blankets, and clothing to cushion fragile items. Having all the necessary supplies on hand will make the packing process smoother and more efficient.
4. Pack Room by Room
Instead of randomly packing items from different rooms, tackle one room at a time. This approach will make it easier to keep track of your belongings and unpack them in an organized manner. Start with the rooms you use less frequently, such as the guest bedroom or basement, and save the essential areas for last. Label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to for easy identification during the unpacking process.
5. Protect Fragile Items
Fragile items require extra care during the packing process. Wrap them individually in packing paper or bubble wrap and place them in sturdy boxes. Fill any empty spaces with packing peanuts or crumpled paper to prevent movement. Clearly mark these boxes as fragile and handle them with care during the move.
0 notes
glide-movers · 6 months
Transform Your Move into a Breeze: The Secrets of Expert Packers
Are you planning a move? Whether you're relocating to a new city or just moving down the street, the process can be overwhelming. But fear not! With the right packing techniques, you can transform your move into a breeze. In this article, we'll reveal the secrets of expert packers that will help you streamline your moving process and ensure that your belongings arrive safely at your new home.
1. Start Early and Create a Plan
One of the most important secrets of expert packers Packers and Movers Chennai to Mumbai is starting early. Packing can take much longer than you anticipate, so give yourself plenty of time to complete the task. Create a packing schedule and break it down into smaller, manageable tasks. This will help you stay organized and avoid last-minute stress.
2. Declutter and Donate
Before you start packing, take the opportunity to declutter your belongings. Go through each room and decide what items you no longer need or want. Donate or sell these items to lighten your load and make the packing process easier. Not only will this save you time and effort, but it will also give you a fresh start in your new home.
3. Gather Packing Supplies
To pack like an expert, you'll need the right supplies. Stock up on sturdy boxes in various sizes, packing tape, bubble wrap, packing paper, and markers. You can also use household items like towels, blankets, and clothing to cushion fragile items. Having all the necessary supplies on hand will make the packing process smoother and more efficient.
4. Pack Room by Room
Instead of randomly packing items from different rooms, tackle one room at a time. This approach will make it easier to keep track of your belongings and unpack them in an organized manner. Start with the rooms you use less frequently, such as the guest bedroom or basement, and save the essential areas for last. Label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to for easy identification during the unpacking process.
5. Protect Fragile Items
Fragile items require extra care during the packing process. Wrap them individually in packing paper or bubble wrap and place them in sturdy boxes. Fill any empty spaces with packing peanuts or crumpled paper to prevent movement. Clearly mark these boxes as fragile and handle them with care during the move.
0 notes
5 Money Saving Moving Tricks You Can’t Afford to Miss!
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While planning your move, you may start worrying about the range of expenses coming with it like hiring packers and movers, buying new necessities and much more. There are many things that require a lot of attention and expenses to make. Thus, you might need to follow some smart ways of saving throughout the process so that moving doesn’t burn your pocket. So, start scrolling to read further and know the best tricks of saving money during relocating.
No wonder, finally shifting to a new home or may be to a new city as well makes you feel excited. However, on the other hand when it comes to moving, it turns into a feeling of worry. This is obvious because moving is a very hectic and effort making task that involves a lot of expenses as well. Strategizing the entire process of relocation or creating and following a moving checklist can definitely help in reducing a lot of your last minute stress and efforts. On the other hand, there are some simple tips and tricks to even reduce down your moving expenses. Let us discuss here below –
Plan or Strategize Your Move Early –
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As already said, planning early helps. It is because when people get in rush, they tend to spend more money than they may spend otherwise. Planning early is not just about reducing your efforts and stress eventually. It also helps in saving money in relocation. You get adequate time to plan it effectively, keeping the expenses low. Planning early gives you ample time to come up with inexpensive alternative way outs to everything. Moreover, you can consider reducing your packers and movers charges by doing some of the tasks on own and even by negotiating with different moving companies to get the best moving quote.
Avoid Buying Supplies or Packing Boxes -
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Things like packing boxes, bubble wraps, paper wrappings, and other can add a lot into the list of expenses. However, you can cut down on your moving cost by being creative on how to source them. Consider asking your neighbors, friends and relatives who might have moved recently or planning to move. They can save their boxes and other necessary moving supplies for you. On the other hand, retail locations like grocery, appliances or furniture stores can also help you get some leftover boxes from their recent or past deliveries. Also, try to be resourceful by using what you already have like socks, t-shirts, newspapers, towels, sweaters and even blankets works as excellent alternatives for wrapping glassware, delicate furniture and other fragile items.
Do It Yourself -
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For all those willing to save a lot of their expenses that comes with moving then doing it yourself is the best solution. Although, it is always advisable to hire trusted movers and packers Delhi to Mumbai, Chandigarh, Indore, Lucknow or anywhere you plan to move they conduct everything with utmost professionalism and safety but to save money you can consider at least packing and unpacking your things on own. Even if you leave the team of packers and movers to pack larger items like furniture, appliances and other, you can pack clothes and smaller items on own and save good on your movers and packers charges.
De-Clutter to Sell or Donate Your Unwanted Belongings –
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One of the best ways of saving your money while moving is by de-cluttering that will help you find things that you need and things that you don’t use or want anymore. It can be old clothes or outfits that don’t fit you anymore, and many furniture or appliances that you don’t use anymore. De-cluttering your home will help you segregate such things which you can donate. However, selling all such unwanted items at online or nearby stores or to someone you know interested, may help you in earning extra for your move.
Don’t Invest on Cheap Moving Company –
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Yes, that’s what you always need to remember! Do not hire cheap movers and packers as there are high chances of getting your belongings damaged or even lost during the move. On the contrary to verified packers and movers, local or cheap moving service providers don’t boast a team of skilled professionals, don’t use good quality packing materials and techniques to conduct the process professionally. In fact, loss, theft or damaged goods as outcome will later on increase your expenses on buying or repairing the items all again.
Hope, all these factors help you save money during your relocation. However, when it is about finding the best moving company in India, Thepackersmovers.com is undoubtedly, the best and the most trusted online directory for you.
Happy Moving!
0 notes
bookyourbag · 16 days
MAH - MBA / MMS CET 2024
The MAH MBA CET 2024 is one of the most important examinations for aspirants desiring admission in the various MBA and MMS programs of Maharashtra. Here's all you need to know to start your preparation:
1. Exam Overview
Name: MAH MBA CET 2024
Conducting Authority: State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra
Purpose: To enable students to seek admission in MBA and MMS courses provided by different colleges in Maharashtra.
Mode: Online (Computer-Based Test)
Duration: 150 minutes (2 hours 30 minutes)
Total Questions: 200
Type of Questions: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Marking Scheme: 1 mark for each correct answer and there is no negative marking.
2. Exam Pattern
MAH MBA CET 2024 consists of four sections:SectionNumber of Questions Logical Reasoning 75 Abstract Reasoning 25 Quantitative Aptitude 50 Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension 50 Total200
Logical Reasoning (LR): Questions on puzzles, seating arrangement and logical deduction.
Abstract Reasoning (AR): Tests the ability for pattern identification and solving visual puzzles.
Quantitative Aptitude (QA): Questions from arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data interpretation
Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension (VA/RC): Comprehension skills, grammar, and vocabulary
3. Key Dates
Notification Release: January 2024
Application Start Date: January 2024
Application End Date: February 2024
Admit Card Release: March 2024
Exam Date: March/April 2024 (Exact date to be announced)
Declaration of Result: May 2024
Centralized Admission Process(CAP): June–August 2024
4. Eligibility Criteria
Academic Eligibility: The candidate needs to have a bachelor's degree of at least 3 years from a recognized university.
Minimum Marks : -For General Category: Minimum 50% marks -For Reserved Categories : Minimum 45% (SC/ST/OBC)
Students in the Final Year : A candidate in their final year can also apply, provided they complete their degree requirements before the admission to the MBA/MMS course commences.
5. Tips for Preparation
1. Understand the Pattern of the Exam:
Familiarize yourself with the structure of the examination and types of questions.
2. Create a Study Plan:
Design a study schedule covering all sections.
Allocate time for each section and adhere to your plan.
**3. Practice Regularly:
Practice questions and previous year's papers.
Take mock tests for improving your speed and accuracy.
4. Identify and Work on Your Weak Areas:
Identify your weak areas and work towards their improvement.
Access specific study resources and use them to strengthen your weak areas.
5. Time Management:
Solve questions within the prescribed time limit to develop efficiency.
Find ways in which you can make the most of your time while taking the exam.
6. Revision:
* Go through important concepts, formulae and short cuts regularly. * Keep a revision notebook for the month preceding the examination to glance through before the test.
6. Top Colleges Accepting MAH CET Scores
Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (JBIMS), Mumbai
Sydenham Institute of Management Studies (SIMSREE), Mumbai
KJ Somaiya Institute of Management, Mumbai
PUMBA (Department of Management Sciences, Pune University)
Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research (WeSchool), Mumbai
SIES College of Management Studies, Mumbai
NL Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai
7. Recommended Books and Resources
Quantitative Aptitude: "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations" by R.S. Aggarwal
Logical and Abstract Reasoning: "A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning" by R.S. Aggarwal
Verbal Ability: "Word Power Made Easy" by Norman Lewis
Mock Tests and Practice Papers: Some good practice materials are provided by Testbook, Oliveboard, and TIME.
8. Centralised Admission Process (CAP)
Registration: Register for the CAP after the declaration of results and fill in your choice of colleges.
Merit List: A merit list will be prepared based on MAH CET scores and preference.
Seat Allotment: Seats are allotted as per merit and preference. Confirm Admission: Confirm your admission by paying the required fees, submitting necessary documents, etc.
9. Tips for Success
Consistency: Studying and practicing regularly is a must.
Stress Management: Stay positive, and do not let examination fear/stress overshadow you.
Health: Have a nutritious diet and sufficient sleep during your entire preparation.
Following the above tips will help you reinforce your preparation and give a better opportunity to succeed in MAH MBA CET 2024.
0 notes
apacbusinesstimes · 6 months
WegoPro: The Ultimate Companion in Travel Management
Business is all about managing situations or things and providing the best quality of products or services to customers at affordable prices. Business includes all activities from learning to exploring, hence with this, we do have to travel for various purposes like seminars, meetings, facilitation, and other formal functions.
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It is hard to manage all traveling activities from booking flights to searching inns to stay between your tensions and stress. Hence to resolve all your difficulties and provide you with a travel companion app that is safe and provides a peaceful travel experience. Prashant Kirtane, the CEO and Co-founder of WegoPro has bought the ultimate solution to manage all the expenses of your company travel. In this article let us learn more about his inspiring and successful journey in building the company. 
Prashant Kirtane: CEO and Co-founder
Prashant Kirtane is the CEO and co-founder of WegoPro which was formally called travelstop. He is a Bachelor of Engineering graduate in the stream of Electrical Veerata Jijabai Technology Institute in Mumbai. Before starting with Travelstop he carried a long journey of industrial experience. He has 12 years of working experience as Senior Director of Engineering at Yahoo and has also worked at Expedia, summing up the experience to 20 years in the position of senior management. 
Prashant Kirtane founded a company called Travelmob which is a vacation rental business in Asia and then it was taken over by Expedia in the year 2015. There he handled several responsibilities in sectors like market team, product development, building teams, and raising funds. He also served as a Vice President at Expedia in formulating marketing strategies to increase vacation rental sales in Asia.
Later in the year 2017, he founded Travelstop which is a SaaS platform that helps to manage the travel expenses of the company and its headquarters is located in Singapore. Where he maintains all the directions and forms the strategy that makes the company more profitable. In recent months after the acquisition of Travelstop by WegoPro he is now the CEO and Co-founder of it. 
About WegoPro and its features
WegoPro is travel management software that is built to manage all your activity that is related to travel from booking flight tickets to arranging transport service at the destination for pickup. This is an online platform where you can either download the app or use a website. They majorly work on addressing three factors they are travel, expenses, and insight. One can also book the demo session before booking to get all the detailed information about the process. 
Business travel will account for managing through massive inventory, interface, and balances. One can manage the business travel program in minutes, it also reduces the burden of verifying the experiences as it handles and has partnerships with many airlines and hotels. Next comes the important factor, expense where it is been digitalized and hence eliminating the maintenance of expense reports in papers. Another easy feature is confirmation where you can just check the cost and approve it in one click. You can also automate the cost of expenses according to the company policy to cut down spending.
The most useful feature of the travel planning tool is the insight which provides all the detailed information about the expense and the travel process in one place with visualization. The access to real-time data to look after the cost of expenditure either at the company level or personal profile. This analysis will help you to gain control over speeding and hence make it cost-effective.
The company also takes care of the information security and data privacy of the customer. If in case of need, you can also find a travel assistant to help you and guide you. The company does have the option to manage travel expenses and is divided into standard, premium, and expense all these come with different sets of services that could be availed by the user.
WegoPro has the customers like nextgen, Circles, Quincus, funding societies, and many more. Prashant Kirtane with his vast expertise in multiple domains has made an effective and best strategy that could benefit the company and also does not affect the user experience. This success story of starting two companies that provide business travel assistance and taking them to heights can be inspirational to recent startup companies.
Visit More : https://apacbusinesstimes.com/wegopro-the-ultimate-companion-in-travel-management/
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