#miraculous pretention
whenimgoodandready · 1 year
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With what little of what we saw of The Rooster Miraculous, we all assumed it’s power would be healing (to me at least) cuz when you’re feelin’ weak, you’d eat chicken soup and such, but Surprise! Surprise! It’s power is actually “whatever you want it to be”! Still not sure if this was a last minute entry on the writers part for it or if this was planned ahead, but I don’t know how this fits with the rooster!? The rooster represents pride, honesty, watchfulness and flamboyance. The power is still cool though, a free-will wish fulfillment for anyone with what they need like how Marc used it to help win the soccer/football game by wishing to “score every time he got the ball”! (“Penalteam”). Wait a minute! It grants you the power to have any power you want! ANY power you want! Sure Gabe/Monarch found out there were limitations to it (“Destruction”), but what if someone smarter were to use it for their advantage! Don! Don! Don! Let’s see:
*Pretention-So the captain of the Anti-Adrienette ship, Gabe, is not happy that his son is dating a “bakers daughter” cuz he and Tomoe promised that their children would end up together (“Protection”) and Gabe tried c*ckblocking (“Adoration”) and also how it’s interfering with their plans like how Marinette snuck into the Diamond Ball (“Emotion”). Maybe if he just talked to Marinette and get to know her better, he’d stop trying to shoot cannons at her ship! Marinette does idolize Gabe as she too wants to go into fashion, so that’s a good thing. He did like her hat design for Adrien to model at the fashion show (“Queen’s Battle Part 1:Style Queen”) and preferred her as Ladybug for Clara’s music video (“Frightningale”). With that, I’m sure he’ll be on board right?……riiiiiiiiiight? (awkward pause)
As for Gabes co-captain, Tomoe, she says she doesn’t need to control Kagami cuz she’s “obedient” enough even with a certain ring she wears. Kagami tries to tell her mother to stop resurfacing the Adrigami ship and before she could say anything else, Argos swoops in and kidnaps her……why!? Tomoe gets upset by this and is akumatized as Ikari Matagi Gozen! Which is basically her signature akumatized form except in this case, her car is transformed as a mechanical steed and she has a bow and arrow too. She’s also given The Rooster Miraculous power. Oh sh*t! She’s way smarter than Gabe! What power did she wish to have!? Super Smell!? Tbh, I thought it was dumb at first cuz with her blindness, her other senses are enhanced since she could hear (over the phone!) Gabe’s abnormal heartbeat (“Intuition”), so why would she use that power!? Even when akumatized you have no disabilities, so yeah, you get where I’m gettin’ at. Turns out, it was actually for her steed to track down Argos instead. Okay, yeah, that makes sense. Too bad it wasn’t much help cuz he figured a way around it. Eh.
The ship-to-ship combat battle rages on and here’s how it went down. With both ships anchored, a parley was established between Marinette and Gabe. Sadly, Adrien couldn’t be there to witness it as Gabe “ordered” him to stay away and that’s when Adrien noticed a strange feeling of this command (whispers) sentimonster. Anyway, they talked about the fashion industry and it’s here we see their differing view points on it. For Marinette, she creates to inspire and spread joy with everyone’s interests, but with Gabe, he creates to influence people into thinking his way is the “right” way and to follow suit. Conformist much!? That’s like manipulation! Course he’d know about that! He even tries to persuade Marinette he can give her her dream job if she just jumps ship! Marinette refuses to believe his bullsh*t theory, continues to sail on the S.S Adrienette and tells him that he and his pancakes can go f*ck themselves! 👏👏👏(cheers and applause with whistles). Pro:Badass gutsy move on her part for not surrendering, Con:She made things worse cuz that made Gabe wanna send Adrien to London! Don! Don! Don! Saw how that turned out *cough*Spoilers!*cough*. The thing that really got people talking was the start of the whole Feligami ship! Yes! That’s a ship! You’d think this show would “Pair the Spares” and have Adrienettes exes hook-up, but nope! It’s the identical cousin that gets a love interest with the ex instead! Turns out, Felix/Argos was serious about his moments with Kagami at the Diamond Dance and genuinely did like her to the point of kidnapping her. You guys think this is “cute!?” The whole ship thing here, you think this is “cute!?” We have Felix Fathom here, a guy who keeps masquerading as Adrien, at one point, to make him look bad, pick picking people and more importantly, stealing nearly all the miraculouses and giving them to the bad guy making him stronger than ever and not feeling any remorse for it whatsoever is allowed to have a love interest all cuz we’re supposed be boo-hooey about him and his dark past!? What was the message!? Love redeems!? You do realize he only likes Kagami cuz their “similar” in something (whispers) sentimon-(gets interrupted by someone) I’ve just been informed that it’s considered a slur, so the more “politically correct” term is sentibeings! And that she only likes him cuz he looks like Adrien only more bolder and assertive! Oh yeah! That’s a cute ship! He said they have things in common too. What!? She too likes magic tricks!? He’s been stalking her too! Oh great! Now I’m being hypocritical cuz that’s how Adrienette started! (groans and mutters under breath) AretherenostableshipsinthisHudson Riverofashipshow!? You’d think that a teen prodigy like Felix, who was Englands youngest graduate, would’ve known better than to resort to kidnapping to win someone over (even for safety from an abusive parent), but like all rich kids in this show, they are lost like a rat in a maze when it comes to social norms! Whomp! Whomp! Whomp! (sighs) Again, Felix is an Anti-Villain, he does good, but with not so good intentions! He was just trying to save Kagami from her mothers control cuz as it turns out, he understands the feeling cuz he’s father was an a**hole too! We’re just figuring this out now!? They couldn’t have told us about this in his debut ep. (“Felix”) when he was b*tching to Adrien about not attending his fathers funeral and being upset about it!? If his dad was such an a**hole shouldn’t he have been partying like it’s 1999 cuz he’ll be outta his life and no longer bother him and his mom!? WTF writers!? If you think this relationship started off poorly, it gets worse! Ladynoir approves of it! You sure Ladybug!? The same guy that sexually harassed you, stole from you causing you all sorts of problems, hid from you and kicked your ass calling you a control freak and you’re just cool with this new ship sailing on the high seas!?…….well…….O.K. The only good qualities to this is he continued to let Kagami have her freedom by giving her mother a fake family ring and giving Kagami the real one.
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faiirygrahamdevanily · 2 months
🚘🦚argos being tatsus least favorite passenger
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🚘🦚passenger is a VERY interesting way of wording the relation argos has to that car
🚘🦚I couldn't find a video clip of that scene so I had to use pictures for this post
🚘🦚tatsu the car might be a senti theory post here
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ninadove · 1 year
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paracosmicat · 1 year
Further proof that Nino and Felix would get along: They both only needed one episode to get with their girlfriends in a stark contrast to the main couple AND refused to hide hero identities because their relationship is built on trust
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geekgirles · 2 years
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Gorilla is the Adrienette ally we deserved.
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I’m not entirely sure what went down without subtitles, but I’m warming to this dynamic.
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Féligami has potential if she can call him out and beat him up while being clear she doesn’t hate him. He needs someone to make him feel it when he’s in the wrong.
Maybe Félix can even match Kagami in the ways she wants. He’ll need to like her for more than shared species, but that should come with time.
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I like to think that Félix’s pockets are just overflowing with various assorted rings that he can swap out with amoks. The reason we didn’t see him for the first half of season 5 is because he was busy pickpocketing every single person in Paris to add to his ring collection. He only kissed Kagami’s hand bc he was about to steal hers to add to his collection, until he noticed the amok and was like Oh Shoot. And spent the time between Emotion and Pretention looking for a ring that looked just like hers. He could have stolen Adrien’s ring when he was impersonating him but at that point it was a matter of pride that he had one in his Collection TM that matched. Someone tries to take his amok and he just spills 200 rings on the ground and is like “Good Luck :)” (his amok is none of them)
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gale-gentlepenguin · 9 months
Apparently Adrien just gave that spy glass to his dad off-screen cause Gabriel had it in Pretension and gave it to Tomoe so she could track Argos after he akumatized her.
“Miraculous is a lot like Swiss Cheese. Sure it’s a fun treat but it’s full of holes where more cheese could be.”
-Plagg probably
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marichatfurever · 8 months
Okay so I was thinking, did Gabriel really want Adrien to date Kagami or was that just because of Tomoe? Like I guess he didn’t want him to date Marinette but like. Would it actually have been part of his wish for Adrien to not date Marinette? (I know people keep talking about this and I was just thinking about it)
Like, in pretension, Gabriel was only talking about how he wants to bring back Émilie and save Natalie and himself. Then Tomoe started talking about Adrien and Kagami and yeah. I DONT KNOW. SOMEONE TALK TO ME.
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australet789 · 2 years
Ok so
First, Pretention
Marinette murdered Gabriel, you go girl.
Kagami is free from her senti ring. I refuse to accept Feligami as a romantic ship, mostly cause Felix calls every senti a “sibling” so it’s fucking weird. For now the hand holding for me is platonic.
Gabriel ended his relationship with Tomoe or...? I cant tell.
Gabriel is a bitch and is going to send Adrien to London. Adrien is noticing that his “obedience” to Gabriel is weird and is trying to fight it. But he hasnt tell Marinette yet about it.
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gameguy20100 · 2 years
Why am I the only one bothered by the way Kagami has been treated this season?
She gets gaslighted and manipulated by Lila, to the point she becomes suicidal and everyone says she's stupid, sucks, and doesn't deserve to have friends.
Then Felix stalks, kidnaps, and gaslights her into a relationship, and all anyone says is "Aw it's sweet. She can do so much for him."
Like, the fuck? What does she get out of this? Nothing is my answer.
Give the girl a break.
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muzzable · 1 year
Also there's something I can't stop thinking about in regards to Emotion and Pretention.
"My father was a thousand times worse," he tells Kagami. In what ways? Tomoe has been so strict on her daughter that she doesn't even feel she needs the magical ring to control her. She's trying to teach her that any emotion is a weakness, and force her into a relationship with someone who doesn't love her back, even though it hurts her. That's...already pretty bad.
And looking back at what Félix says in Emotion doesn't paint a pretty picture of his past. His response to Marinette saying everyone's looking at her like she's a monster?
"Look closer. They're the monsters."
His motive behind wanting to make a wish? To create "a better world, a free world. Where no one will be under anyone's control anymore, where no one will be excluded like I was!"
It sounds like, in addition to being controlled with his amok, he was excluded by other people because of it. Remember, the specific people he wants to be not under anyone's control anymore are Adrien and Kagami, likely also sentimonsters. Thus, we could rephrase his world to get "No sentimonster will be controlled or excluded the way I was."
People call him a monster a lot in the two episodes, actually. Kagami calls him one for making everyone she loved vanish. It gets turned around on Gabriel and "them all" by Amelie at the end of Emotion, similarly to Félix's response to Marinette earlier. In Pretention, he's called a monster repeatedly by Tomoe for getting in the way of her controlling her daughter. And by this episode, he's decided to tell Kagami not to use the word "sentimonster" anymore.
The readiness that he tells Marinette "No, they're the monsters," seems like it's a premade response. Or rather, perhaps something he's thought in response countless times before.
It all seems to me to suggest that in contrast to Adrien, who's controlled by an amok and doesn't know it, having no idea why he's acting against his own will; and Kagami, who's never really been controlled with the amok but does have one, Félix may be an example of a sentimonster who was controlled with his amok and knew it.
Imagine being told by your father to do something you don't want to do, but you know you have no choice because he can force you magically. Knowing you're not a human, but a "monster." Does he really not have many friends because of the way he acts, like Chat Noir suggested in his debut episode, or was it that he was excluded for being a sentimonster? Was Gabriel's sentimonster replica the first person to threaten him with "What would your poor mother do if you disappeared?" or did his father ever hold that over his head?
And yeah, that...does sound pretty bad.
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xhanisai · 1 year
If you ever told the me in 2015 when I was just 15, that this cutesy and silly show called Miraculous Ladybug full of flirty heroes and hot mess teens would have stuff like people created out of feathers being controlled by shitty parents, child abuse, mass genocide committed by an akumatised Chat Noir, Adrien choosing murder over and over again against those who hurt Marinette, Marinette’s obsessive and very anxious behaviour being influenced by Chloe’s constant bullying/torment, Gabriel Agreste probably dying soon and so on, I would have thought you read some next level fanfic or had a fever dream.
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ninadove · 1 year
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roxiasart · 2 years
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ikari-shinsei · 1 year
Felix be the kind of guy who would read Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and sympathise with how the Monster has been treated. He be like 'He just like me fr!'
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