wolfcrunch · 2 years
At this point, I'm not so sure it matters what Horikoshi does with this story. No one's gonna be happy with it, which is sad to see. It’s disgusting to see such a seething hatred for an author like this before. Maybe it's just Twitter that is hypercritical of this story, I have no idea.
yeah, regardless of how horikoshi writes his story there will always be people who arent happy - its an impossible thing to do, especially as its such a big series.
people who have this kinda hatred for a series are just weird tho, and i think its better to ignore their opinion. in reality their words will usually never reach horikoshi himself. its better to just focus on how we as fans enjoy the series and appreciate his work :)
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bbq-hawks-wings · 3 years
What’s your favorite thing about mha?
I think honestly beyond anything else, even though I have a major list of things I love about it, my favorite is that it has a hopeful message that's very relevant to where I am in life and that message is to do what you can, no matter how little, to change the world into a better place starting with where you are right now - even if all you can change is yourself, it matters.
Especially right now in the manga, the bleak grey covering what's left of society is a nightmare and in some ways a little too real to be comfortable, but even in that darkness is a glimmer of hope in each person that stands up for what they can do to make it better; and that's really a philosophy I want to embody as a real person and what I want to leave behind.
Sure, it's a Shonen manga. The good guys are going to win. But they're also going to have earned it with every scar and with everyone's help - not just the heroes; and that means a lot to me to see that play out even in a fictional story.
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bbq-hawks-wings · 3 years
Today was a hawks Stan only event and I’m very happy about it. We are treated like kings✨😮‍💨
Hori knows what we want so he made a little special something just for us 🙏 it's a beautiful day to be a Hawks stan!
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wolfcrunch · 3 years
So is a female character being saved at all by a man for any reason always “for the males characters development” to these people?? LITERALLY THIS DOES NOT MAKE SENSE.
Deku saying she’s a hero at heart and asking her to join them after she thought joining a WORSE group of people was the way to go, is clearly a hint for HER development. She also wasn’t even painted as some damsel in distress who needed saved by men. She’s still the most badass and interesting fem character we have by far. Her being unfortunately betrayed and saved ONCE doesn’t take that away…
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people in this fandom seem to have the idea that one tiny action can completely throw out and invalidate any development that a character has gone through, and thus makes them only an accessory to another character's development.. and while, that is true in some cases.. they tend to go overboard when something doesnt go their way, especially when it comes to the female cast which this is a commonly used argument
imo nagant has, already has development and a character. her being caught by hawks doesnt change that, her changing her heart because izuku showed her a true hero doesnt change that either.
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