#miriam vibes
hoodharlow · 9 months
This is so Miriam and Daisy
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Favorite Otps/Pairings: Lenny Bruce & Midge Maisel (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel) "A spotlight waits for you  center stage. All you have to do is step up and claim it. Once you do everyone will know who you are. They will know your wit, your intellect, your smile. Your great, expressive eyes. They will be helpless to your charms. They will fall at your feet and worship at the altar of you and your show corset."
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hopepunk-priest · 1 year
Once again thinking about Miriam, and the act of dancing as celebration, as connection with G-d, as resistance and freedom.
How Miriam is considered less seriously as her brother, as if there isn't the divine in joy, as if laughing and singing and holding hands while we dance isn't the greatest thanks we can give for our freedom. As if faith is equal to misery, as if a story celebrating our freedom should be remembered only for how we were subjected, and not for the way the first thing we did was dance. As if dancing isn't as necessary to our survival as water in the desert.
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krys-does-art-stuff · 2 months
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Still need to finish up some areas and then do some outlining, but page six is fairly close to being done!
April 2024
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beeguillotine · 2 years
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Happy Miriam Monday!!!
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opalsiren · 9 months
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 1 year
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Tremendo bombón
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josephinebrause · 2 months
My love language is mischief actually
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nursemimosa · 4 months
there is a part of me that wants to get back into roleplaying again but I fear that I don't have the energy to anymore. (esp on tumlr... big major props if you do that kinda thing cuz I could never wrap my head around it. you're all so much more stronger than me.) I have so many thoughts about certain characters though and I feel the need to write them out before I get serious about writing the fic I've had planned for a year now but too scared to write..
...what I think this all culminates down to is that I wanna make headcanon posts about my favs but I also worry that others won't vibe with them lol
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Hey Leute, mir ist an der Folge von gestern was aufgefallen...
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Seht ihr den Aufdruck auf Luis' T-Shirt? Erdbeeren.
Ausgerechnet Luis ein Shirt zu geben, auf dem Erdbeeren drauf sind, ist ja schon ironisch genug, aber es ihm für eine Szene zu geben, in der er Moritz nach längerer Zeit wieder näherkommt, grenzt ja fast schon an Boshaftigkeit.
Und diese Erdbeeren genau in dem Moment, wo die beiden sich auch körperlich nahe kommen, von Moritz' Arm zu bedecken, setzt dem Ganzen nochmal einen oben drauf.
Auf der Rückseite ist der Aufdruck übrigens nochmal in groß zu sehen:
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Erinnert ihr euch noch, wie Luis und Miro sich damals kennengelernt haben? Beim Erdbeerenpflücken in Australien. Die beiden hatten Erdbeer-Partnertattoos. "Strawberry love forever". Die Erdbeeren waren ihr Ding.
Moritz ist ihnen dann irgendwann in die Beziehung reingestolpert. Kurzzeitig haben sie dann halbwegs okay als "Throuple" funktioniert, bis Miro sich schnell vernachlässigt gefühlt hat und das wars dann auch wieder. Moritz hat sich also quasi vor die Strawberry Love geschoben, damit er mit Luis zusammenkommen kann.
Und was macht er in der Folge gestern Abend? Genau. Er schiebt sich vor die Erdbeeren auf Luis' Shirt.
Traue ich GZSZ tatsächlich so viel Gerissenheit zu? Nicht wirklich.
Aber in Bezug auf Luis und Miro werden - zumindest für mich - Erdbeeren niemals nur Erdbeeren sein. 🍓
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frc-ambaradan · 1 year
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Diabolik - Ginko all'attacco! (2022)
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hoodharlow · 6 months
Not Jack raiding Miriam's closet
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apinchofm · 1 year
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Rarepair → Miriam Shephard and Baldwin de Clermont
gifs by @maurawrites @mygiffactory @zvlda @ac-cio-sophie
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charcadett · 1 year
Can I request some headcanons of little sibling of Tulip
Ask and you will receive anon!
Being Tulip’s Little Sibling
- When you were teenagers, Tulip was distant. She wasn’t rude or cruel, but she also didn’t spend much time with you. The two of you led separate lives. She didn’t like it when you were into, you didn’t like the things she liked. In true older sister fashion, Tulip hated it when you went into her room or borrowed her things without permission. And, in true younger sibling fashion, you never really found it in you to ask. Always resulting in slammed doors, shrill ‘GET OUT OF MY ROOM!’s, and even a few instances when you borrowed a bottle of her perfume, and she chased you around the house for it.
- That being said, you never felt unloved. Before a big dance or if you had a date, Tulip volunteered to help pick your outfit and/or do your makeup. No matter your gender, she has a knack for finding something that fit you. She was able to accentuate your jawline and highlight your cheekbones. Or pick the perfect eyeshadow to make your eyes pop. If anyone was mean to you, you’d never see the confrontation, but they’d come begging for your forgiveness the next day. You never had the foggiest clue what happened. Though you had your suspicions, Tulip never admitted to it until adulthood.
- She recounts the story over mimosas one morning, her eyes sparkling as she tells you how she dumped her drink on that meathead jock's head for making you cry.
- As an adult, she is very busy. Between being a Gym Leader and her makeup line, Tulip barely has any time to breathe. However, she always makes time for her precious little sibling. At least once every two weeks, you two indulge in a brunch buffet, updating each other on your lives. Which usually devolves into gossip, sometimes tipsy gossip if Tulip indulges in too many fruity drinks.
- You end up close with Dendra and, subsequently, Miriam. Along with your biweekly brunch, Tulip hosts a reunion night every few months between the four of you. Sometimes other people join. Jacq comes every so often, and Raifort graces you with her presence once or twice, but ultimately, it’s the four of you. You’ve known Dendra for as long as Tulip has. The two of them have been inseparable since childhood. Even if Tulip was distant, Dendra sure wasn’t. Sometimes, if Tulip wasn’t around, she would latch onto you to spend time with for that day. Miriam follows soon after reunion night is established. As Dendra’s current coworker, and Tulip’s old coworker, her invite is a guarantee, and she integrates into the group easily. The night is spent with wine, cheap snacks, and bad movies.
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orangeutopiabyronnie · 7 months
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rangerdoubt · 7 months
[comes bursting in full speed. heaving out my fucking lungs]
face and night for miriam, outerwear for miguel?
I MAKE MY TRIUMPHANT RETURN TO STEP CONTENT. pay no attention to the time elapsed
(ask game here)
face: Describe your OC's face. What's their smile like? Are their orbs cerulean? What would someone notice first when looking at them?
miri's got a diamond shaped face--kind of long, high cheekbones, narrow forehead and jaw. all of her smiles tend to tilt to the right, first, before--if--they actually reach her entire face. the orbs are not cerulean aksdfnasnfakjsdfnaf she has hazel eyes, in the muddy green-brownish way. they were always a little bit like that, but Recent Eye Colour Lore has given her a corona of green right around the pupil. you kind of have to get in close to really notice, and unfortunately for her, ortega has.
the first thing people notice when--if--they look at her... she looks intense. sure, she's focused if not always on the here and now, but also--deeply ill-tempered. ron swanson vibes. it's the mild-moderate RBF on top of raccoon eyes (both natural and acquired).
night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type?
MIRI IS BORING alas. she mostly goes to sleep in... uh, whatever she falls asleep in. jeans and boots and jacket included, until she wakes up four hours later disoriented and irritated, and then just like--hurriedly kicks off layers and goes back to bed in her underwear.
if she has the wherewithal to change PRIOR, she'll switch into sweatpants and a tank top.
outerwear: What's your OC's outerwear situation? Jacket, sweater, cloak? What sort of weather do they deal with most and how do they protect themselves?
miguel in civ gear is the king of the ludicrously out-of-season Fancy Puffer. he calls it quiet luxury, i call it truly the most expensive way to look like someone's dad taking the dog out for a walk. as he grows into being a mob boss and starts being that persona a) in public and b) out of armour, i imagine he picks up some very fun and swishy trench coats. black, obviously. and expensive.
he deals with... LD weather, which is not nearly cold enough to merit This Whole Deal. for one thing, he gets driven around for work. for another, it's california?? he tends to prefer umbrellas for rain, but will resort to using a hood if that's the Vibe he wants to put forward that day
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