#miro answers
venomous-qwille · 1 month
Hi Qwille! I have to ask, where and how do you organize your notes for GITM? The calendar with the sticky notes? That’s so cool and I’d love to use something like that for my own fic timeline (not a DCA fic, but timelines are tough regardless and I’ve attempted to use several different apps to try and organize them but it only goes so far before it falls back into chaos).
Also, do you have any advice for long term plotting? What helps you not run out of steam? I really admire how you manage to juggle so many unique characters! (And Fool remains my favorite!)
Hope you’re having a good day/night/time zone! <3
Hiya! I organize everything in a very very large miro board, miro is a free online infinite whiteboard. The timeline/calendars are a relatively new addition to my GITM miro, mostly its taken up by beat by beat story planning. One of my fav things to do is slap down tiny post it notes of scene ideas, they can be random things or stuff i think is cool/cute, call backs or one liners or symbolic stuff, and I put alllll of these sticky notes in my big sticky note area until i can find them a forever home on the actual act by act plan! It really helps me cause otherwise i would absolutely forget some of that stuff!
Making characters is my passion, its literally my job and my hobby, so the whole story is focused around the ensemble cast and their backstories cause thats the stuff im interested in. Focusing on that and leaning into my hyperfixation really helps keep the momentum going! I think, having characters and future scenes im really looking forwards to helps a looot
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hauntedppgpaints · 28 days
Could I please request Miro Heiskanen? He reminds me a little of Hesperus, god of the evening star, someone who manages to shine no matter how dark it gets.
children of gods moodboards // not accepting
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starscelly · 1 year
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miro sign of life | 7.21.23
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marsaitl · 1 year
when you’re getting a medal for a street hockey tournament, but you talking with your boyfriend best friend is more important
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kitnita · 1 year
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miro heiskanen on high expectations — training camp — 09.21.23
year three of going in with — probably with ryan as your paring. does it help when you guys have, you know, two years kind of together, in terms of chemistry? "yeah, I mean, it's, uh — we know how each other plays and, uh, it's — I think we have pretty good chemistry there. uh, you know, I know where he's going and he knows where I'm going. so yeah, it's — it for sure helps. helps a little bit when you, you know, have played two years. so yeah, it, I think it's a great thing, and [I] really like to play with him."
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hiya-itsamber · 11 hours
playing moonlight rn
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life-winners-liveblog · 4 months
Yesss! Go Martyn! Use that spray bottle >:D
(Also, I’m bilingual too! :P)
- Miros
Bilingual club!
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mxwhore · 1 year
In your sphinx au is everyone a beast or are there still humans? Not necessarily the main cast but just humans in existance. I ask mostly cause i was wondering what they eat. Pretty sure they still eat fears in your au but are those fears from offscreen humans?
there are predominantly humans but everyone has the potential to become a monster
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themirokai · 2 years
Hob: So you died as a human, right?
Matthew: Yep.
Hob: But you’re alive as a raven?
Matthew: Yeah.
Hob: And you’re a dream.
Matthew: Correct.
Hob: You don’t naturally age and die but you can be killed?
Matthew: That is my understanding, yes. Where are we going with this?
Hob: Are you undead?
Matthew: What?
Hob: You died, you were brought back as something else, you can no longer die of natural causes but you can be perma-killed. That is also true of vampires and zombies. You’re undead.
Matthew: I’m not zombie! I’m a dream.
Hob: An undead dream.
Matthew: I know you’re supposed to be the Boss’s ‘normie human’ but you’re weird, man.
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ikarakie · 8 months
you are like the singular person keeping all the shatt tags alive rn and i love you for that😸
STOP HAHAHAHAHA im always thinking about those fuckers as long as i breathe i will speak on them trust that
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dailycaligura · 9 months
Moonscorched Caligura is a hybrid of a toad and a ball sack 🤣🤣🤣🤣. The ugliest toad I've ever seen. Love toads
Yeah he’s an absolute loser for that lol. Actually I was pretty mad when I first saw he’s moonscorch, like “Really? That’s all he got?”, but now I’m pretty cool about it because there still some details that is may be good for some interpretation. Like a lot of hands, that’s obvious symbolism about how many he had killed but eh, it’s at least something. Maybe there will be new depth discovered when we will get his backstory, or at least just more info.
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venomous-qwille · 1 year
🤡 or 🦅 :)
(P.S. I love your style of writing!)
waa thankyou! I've already answered the first one so I'll have ago at the second!
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
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I have a very very big 'overall' plan for gitm! A sort of scaffolding of events I want to happen, rather than a point by point outline.
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Each post-it is a scene yet to be slapped into my chapter plan (which is super loose), including major events and ideas and scenes id like to squeeze in at some point. My writing is strongest when I'm discovery writing, so often I will start a scene with only the barest idea of how I want it to play out. I really like it when characters surprise me! Everything just gets edited a lot later for continuity :)
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hauntedppgpaints · 9 days
Could I please request Miro Heiskanen and ravens?
halloween moodboards // accepting
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starscelly · 10 months
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424 celly
ari@dal 11.14.23
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mirpkechi · 1 month
1, 17, 23, & 24 for the asks?
aaaa thank you !!!!! these questions are honestly really really good, and i love it when things make me actually have to stop and think :} !!!
1. what's your favourite colour ?
despite being the ask that's meant to be the easiest,, it's hard to choose :') i think either deep, wine red or black :}!!!
17. do you like the taste of blood ?
mm. kinda ? my blood tastes ever so slightly less metallic compared to what it was like as a kid [anaemia goes wild ........],, but overall it doesn't bother me ? i neither love nor hate it :}
23. would you rather be burnt at the stake but die a saint beloved by all, or die peacefully, but have nobody remember you ?
i'd rather be burnt at the stake ... the idea of being forgotten is something that terrifies me so much, and even if these are just hypothetical [i hope?.?.??],, i don't think i'd ever like to be forgotten. i'd rather endure the pain and be remembered for whatever honourable act that i had done .. :33
24. would you rather eat part of a human heart or a whole human eye ?
okay hear me out this is /purely/ based on symbolism nd no common sense so id go for the heart <3
id love to go for the heart and consume a person's centre of emotions and their passion, what so many people consider to be their core. and especially since people tend to have the internal conflict between their head and their heart [often with them saying that like. their heart has the option they truly want, and their brain is only working based on emotion], i'd honestly want nothing more than to pry into it and taste it. nd tbh god knows what it'd to to me as a person,,......
to consume a person's eyes would be like seeing the world through their eyes, from their perspective their worldview nd like. dont get me wrong i love that!!!!!!! but also as a big anatomy nerd who's obsessed with the heart nd circulatory system i think i knew what id end up choosing ...... :'}
THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!!!!!! :3333
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reavenedges-lies · 11 months
They're only doing pride stuff off camera?! That's heartbreaking.
Unless y'all have seen it it's mostly been in arena and even the T-shirt toss stuff wasn't pride themed. Seems very watered down and in house
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