#misawa x reader
natsukicookies · 1 year
In karasuno bus
Yn: I.. have to go number 3
Daichi who was sittingbeside yn: number 3?
Daichi turns to look at yn: what's number 3??
Yn who puked on his lap:
Daichi: oh..
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amaya-writes · 2 years
Dating A Yoshida: My Little Monster x Reader
Day Three of The Underrated And The Unwritten
Notes: I swear I'm going to read the manga one day lol but for now, this is solely based on the anime
Characters involved: Haru Yoshida, Yuzan Yoshida, Misawa Mitsuyoshi
Gender-neutral reader
Haru Yoshida
Haru can be a pretty fun person to date, mainly because he's always planning new things and finding ways to hang out with you.
It's not that he's trying to be overwhelming or constantly around you, but just that Haru is the type of person who is always doing something in life, whether it be adopting new pets or going on fun little missions with his friends.
He just wants you to be in on it, wants you to never feel like you're missing out.
Haru is the type of person who doesn't let insecurities hold him back, which is why he isn't really the shy type. It's not like he actively does PDA or anything but just that he's comfortable with being affectionate with you.
For example, he doesn't really get that kissing in public is something that people would normally be flustered by because he isn't the type to mind it.
If you are the type of person who doesn't like PDA he'll definitely steer away from that, but you should probably get used to him always holding your hand and being constantly surprised with back hugs.
He's the type to take you on a date at 5am to see the sunrise or get ice cream in the middle of the night because he read somewhere that it's romantic.
Haru would also find an abandoned animal and name it after you, even talking about how it's your child.
Yuzan Yoshida
Yuzan is the type of partner who loves being a nuisance.
Unlike Haru, he does it on purpose. Choosing to constantly embarrass you and annoy the heck out of you every chance he gets.
Whether this be by sudden PDA or being loud and dragging you all around the place buying one sweet after the other.
Yuzan can either be serious and sort of mean or playful and childlike, there isn't really an in between. While he reserves the latter for you, there are also moments where he gets hotheaded like his brother.
But unlike Haru his relationships have a sense of balance.
He likes planning out his dates and having a schedule, taking you to a ton of different places to try out sweets and just chill together.
It's not like he's against spontaneous dates but Yuzan does love knowing what the two of you are going to do.
Plus, his dates are wild enough as it is. He can make things like shopping or walks in the park go unexpectedly because of his troublemaker ways.
Yuzan also loves teasing you by making you flustered in public, which is why your dates can often end with him laughing his head off while you rethink why exactly you fell for this endearing idiot.
Misawa Mitsuyoshi
Mitsuyoshi can be quite the gentleman when it comes to relationships.
You wouldn't really associate that with someone with his vibe, but once you get to know him a bit you can easily tell that he's just a sweetheart who cares deeply for those close to him.
He probably can't make as much time for you as the others, and often finds himself opting for dates at home with you in his arms and a movie on, but Misuyoshi tries his best to always be there for you.
Is your number one supporter! Seriously, he loves hearing you talk about your classes, work, any projects you're doing, and will just silently smoke a cigarette and watch with a small smile as you ramble on.
Loves spending time with you at the arcade! He even taught you how to bat properly and was amused to see you slowly start using batting as a way to relieve stress.
He loves just chilling with you after a long day and often finds that it's easier to fall asleep on the couch with you on his lap and a cigarette between his lips.
Mitsuyoshi likes unwinding with you after a long day, he also likes texting you between work or giving you updates about anything eventful.
Has probably introduced you to the other Yoshidas and even talks to you about drama within their family.
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koushuwu · 2 years
it’s 1 pm, and today i’ve woken up early, scrolled my phone, gotten up and eaten breakfast and taken a nap. now i really gotta get my shit together and take a shower so i can read a little before the birthday party tonight 😌✨
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What sort of hugs would Judai give? (And Jun, Daichi and Sho, if possible-)
Ok, I know I said I was gonna do the match-ups first but then I saw this request and couldn’t resist. Judai hugs! Judai hugs! Judai hugs!
Side hugs a lot
Like just one arm around your arms
Because those can last for longer periods of time
It’s easier to walk together like that than with a full-on hug
But he also wouldn’t turn down a normal hug ever
Tight hugs? Tight hugs
Hard to get out of, his arms are just too comfy to be in
After season 4, his hugs will be a little less tight and more soft
He doesn’t want to hurt someone he cares about
If he doesn’t see you very often, his hugs will be super enthusiastic
Still soft though
Soft Judai is my kink
Ah thunder-boy himself
Reluctant hugs all the way
Someone he’s not totally head-over-heels with? Nope
Most likely to yell “unhand me!” when randomly hugged
But if he’s got the heart-eyes for you? You’ll be lucky if he doesn’t instantly die
He’ll be in heaven
But he also still has his pride
So he’ll be trying to play it cool while clearly ecstatic about it
Eventually he gets over himself and hugs you like a normal person
There’s nothing too special about the hug itself, it’s more the idea of him hugging you back that’s special
Oh boy, this nerd
Let’s be real, he’s probably hugged like 1 person if even that outside of his family
With an s/o, he’d probably enjoy being hugged than doing the hugging himself
Just his s/o sitting next to or behind him while he’s working on schoolwork or his random equations and hugging him
That would be great
That being said, he’d still give hugs too
He’s pretty clearly got some muscle so his hugs would probably be pretty secure
So it depends on the height of the person he’s hugging
Honestly, if you’re taller than him by a good amount, please just pick him up
He may or may not have a problem with that depending on how he’s feeling
Sometimes it may make him insecure about his height
Other times it might make him prideful and he might argue
And then there would be times he’d totally be fine with it and hug back
Same/similar height as him?
He’s a sweet boy so his hugs would be pretty nice and soft
He’s a nervous boy though so unless he was super confident, any hugs would be awkward and maybe even shaky
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miyuwuki · 3 years
have you ever imagined miyuki kazuya as a boyfriend?
hehe boyfriend!miyuki kazuya hc’s ;)
he just likes getting you flustered; could be playful or sexual tbh
you could be singing a song and you’d mess up the lyrics
and he’d be like
“do u even know the song u fake”
and would make fun of you for the rest of the day
isn’t very affectionate in public
the most he’d do is have an arm around your waist or flick your forehead
he’s usually busy, being the captain of seido’s baseball team, he bears the heavy expectations that he gets from the team
he’s also usually at practice or watching baseball dvd’s/scorebooks
but that doesn’t mean he’ll neglect you
he will always find time for you throughout the day
like he spends his lunch with you (BONUS: sometimes brings you a cooked meal because you forget yours sometimes :))
and he will check up on you through text when practice gets a little long
miyuki: have you ate yet? did you study?
on the rare occasions where he doesn’t have practice, he spends it with you
whether it be studying together or spending a lazy day in his dorm, being with you is enough
OH and you make the effort to see him! like sometimes you’d watch him practice or if you needed to study for something, you’d stop by to say hi. sometimes, you’d even bring him a big ass meal to eat after
and he appreciates you for that
“I WANT A MEAL TOO, Y/N” says kuramochi
baseball can be very occupying of his time (and is) so he appreciates your effort to see him, because this man definitely missed you
kazuya can be cold when it comes to emotional availability, but when it comes to you he tries his best
a lot of reassurance and hugs
hugs are obviously 5 stars
would run his hands up and down your back as you bury your face in his chest
sometimes would run his fingers through your hair
it helps you relax
would pepper you with kisses around your face
if you ever had a bad day, he would stay with you
if you didn’t want to talk about it, he would respect that and turn to watching a movie or holding you in his embrace
would encourage you to talk about it soon though. as much as he isn’t good with these things, he wants to be in tune with you
he just cares so much
and when he’s had a bad day, he would tell you eventually, not right away
but in the mean time, he would be the little spoon and you would just need to provide him with comfort
would lay on top of you with his face in your neck
legs intertwined
you’d tell him a really bad joke; a joke so bad it would make him laugh
“kazuya, how do cows count?”
and he’d hum in response against your neck
“by using a COWculator”
“y/n, ur so stupid”
but he loves your bad jokes and the way you laugh at them. it eventually cheers him up
you know it does because you feel him giggle against your neck and snuggles into it more
you’re wearing his jersey
when you see him hit a wild pitch, you cheer him on
and he hears you and makes him play 10x better
kuramochi and sawamura tease him for it though
“miyuki, how come you’ve never played this good before?”
“is it because of y/n, EHE?”
“literally shut up” but he’s blushing a LITTLE BIT IT IS SO FAINT
he looks up at you and sees your beautiful smile
he would never want to disappoint when his girlfriend was watching
he was so blessed to have an immense amount of support from you. win or loss, he felt your belief in him always
when you guys get into arguments, you both usually take the time to cool off or else something that wasn’t supposed to be said was.. said
you guys would ignore each other for a bit (but miyuki would approach you first)
but after, you both are very mature when talking it out and will always try to improve whatever happened
it makes you guys so much stronger in the end too
he takes so much pride in you and is so happy you’re his girlfriend
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aaaaaaa my first hc! i love kazuya and this is what i think he’d be like as a boyfriend hehe. i know no one sees this or is following but if you stumble across this, hey! feel free to drop a request in my inbox (daiya or knb related) and when i have the time i will try to upload it! :)
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raccoonkaz · 3 years
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scaredsimp · 3 years
What I headcannon y/n Hugging the haikyu boys for the first time would be like:
Bokuto: would die of happiness. He gets all protective and rips you into his jacket with him while your hugging. (I can image Akashi telling bokuto that he can’t hug you forever and he must get back to practice. so he gets all sad but you promise him you can cuddle later witch perks him right up)
Kageyama: as soon as you wrap your arms around him he passes out. But He’s blushing a lot even unconscious. (Tsukishima will never let him forget this)
Hinata: freezes. lots of stutttering and blushing but afterwards acts all tuff and tells everyone that he got a hug from you.
Tsukishima: would ask what your doing, witch gives you the impression that he doesn’t want the hug but as your stepping away he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his chest.
Daichi: is totally cool about it and doesn’t hesitate to hug you back. He’s the type of hugger that rests his hand on the back of your head and pulls you into the corner of his neck.
Tanaka: what I can only describe as emotionally explode. You can feel the Instant bliss coming from him. Completely forgets he’s in the middle of practice so daichi has to yell at him.(noya is cheering him on even though your only hugging)
Oikawa: is also very cool about it.he wraps his arms around you and pulls you deeper into his chest while playing with your hair.
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sweetdanibear · 3 years
How the boys react to getting hurt during sex: Tsuki, Ushi, Oikawa
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i-luv-yuu · 3 years
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junnibook · 4 years
kurasuno boys reacting to their s/o in a cheer uniform.
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🔮💜 my post got deleted 😖🔮💜 so I’m redoing it
•Noya~*jumps on you * cutieeee c’mon gimme kissy kissy”* he tried to kiss you but you got shy and covered your face *
•Kageyama~ he stared thinking about what he should say without blushing “want some milk”
•Sugawara~ “ you look adorable- are you cold ? You can wear my jacket” * wraps you in his jacket even though you aren’t cold *
•Daichi~*smiles down at you* (thinking: I don’t want the other guys to see how cute they are )
•Tsuki~*looks down at you than looks away to hide his blush* “so you came to the game to cheer for me”
•Asahi~”you look cute- no adorable no I-I mean beautiful *goes completely red in the face *
•Hinata~*he gave to big bright thumbs up* “you look so cute I can’t stand it !”
•Tanaka~*picks you up* “you look so cute babe! Here to cheer for your senpai~”
•Yamaguchi~*blushes* “m-my adorable cheerleader”
(Phew sorry that it got deleted but it’s back up ✨)
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suknas · 3 years
This was so fun!! Thanks for the tag @backwardshirt <3
How many works do you have on AO3?
I'm surprised that I have 48 fics written!
What’s your total AO3 word count?
Not much but then I don't write long fics... 63.098 words and counting!
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I've written for 12 fandoms according to AO3. But the truth is I've written for more lol So here's the AO3 list:
Kuroko no Basket, Bleach, Haikyuu, Daya no Ace, One Piece, Teen Wolf, BnhA, FF XV, Shadowhunters, Durarara, Snk, and Hunter x Hunter
Other fandoms I also wrote in the past were: Saint Seiya, Naruto, KHR, Fairy Tail, JRock, Kpop.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. AoKaga Short Stories Collection
2. Sterek Short Stories Collection
3. T-Shirt
4. It's Picture Time
5. Waking Up
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes! And I love receiving them. Tho that's rare to happen... Still I'm not too hung up on it anymore I used to get frustrated about it. ANYHOW I love comments and I do answer them! (the only ones I didn't reply to were the ones I got when I wasn't around any fandom anymore - I was away for like 4 years).
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Ohhh that's difficult because I don't remember? lol There's two possibilities: Ascension (AoKaga), or Home (MiSawa) - both major character death warnings.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I don't write them, I'm also not a huge fan of reading crossovers. Tbh I've never read a crossover fic.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No, thank God! And I hope we keep it that way.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do and... well more often than not lol but I don't know how to classify that lol
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of no.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I got two fanfics translated one to Chinese and one to Russian (unfortunately I lost the links ;-;). And of course from English to Portuguese and the other way around.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have! A looong time ago!!! But I got a really nice project being planned, riiiight @backwardshirt and @m34gs <3
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Difficult difficult and impossible to answer question! GrimmIchi. KuroTsuki. AoKaga. KiriBaku. Too many I can't choose!!! I always come back to those ships every single time.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
There are some really old WIPs one AoKaga (pwp), one Sterek (a new year fic), two KuroTsuki (one is pure pwp), one BokuKuroTsuki (a/b/o). Yeah... I think those are the ones that are just like there, sitting around getting dust all over.
What are your writing strengths?
I really don't know lol I think I'm good at writing smut and fluff.
What are your writing weakness?
I'm terrible at committing to long ass fics lol I'm not that good with descriptions too and every time I revise my fics I end up adding something or twisting others.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I've done that some times but it wasn't really like long sentences just a couple of words. But dialogue in other languages in a fic can backfire if you don't do well so I think it's difficult. Like, I (as a reader) need to understand right away what you're saying (literally or not) otherwise I get lost on what's going on.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Ohhh great question and it brings back memories! The first fandom I wrote for was Saint Seiya, and that was a long long looooong time ago!
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I think my favorite one is Into the Storm (GrimmIchi) and (my) Safe Place (AoKaga). They were the ones I wrote when I got back from my "sabbatical leave" lol
Tagging: @ruluxe @firebyfire (and anyone else who follows me and writes!)
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raccoonkaz · 3 years
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I’d say it again, on-field miyuki just hit dif than off-field miyuki
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raccoonkaz · 3 years
Okay so like y’all know that chapter where Miyuki finally opened up to someone else and that someone was Furuya? and Eijun kind of heard their convo bout Miyuki talking bout wanting to be a pro athlete to Furuya and Eijun got jealous and insecure because they’re are the current battery?? I wanted to mentally hurt myself so IMAGINE IF ..💭
A foreigner recruiter from a famous and strong baseball team has been watching Eijun since he joined Seido and saw how strong he have gotten and wanted to recruit him ASAP before anyone else take him. The foreigner talks to Rei about their interest towards Eijun and Rei was shocked and let them meet Eijun. Then finally the two talked about the recruiter wanting to have Eijun into their team… Eijun was hesitant at first but he felt like he’s not worth the be Seido’s ace or the team doesn’t appreciate him enough so Eijun agrees…The foreigner secretly trained him for the time being (the team kinda suspicious why he’s been away, except the coach and Rei… they knew the situation but they don’t wanna tell the kids) Then Eijun suddenly left Seido without telling everyone else a goodbye and even before the 3rd years graduated. The recruiter took care of Eijun and treated him like their his child, Eijun worked extremely hard studying a new language and training hard to become the strongest ace. The recruiter told him about the 3rd year graduation is today and asked if he wants to meet them but Eijun declines.
2-3 years later everyone we know in Seido graduated and some became a pro athletes too. They missed Eijun cause they haven’t heard anything about him for 2 years. Eijun been doing hectic training abroad from the recruiter’s friend, an athlete trainer… then after years of training the trainer finally accepted him as a pro so Eijun finally qualified to be part of the foreign team. The team are optimistic bout the news and welcome him :’) they formed a strong friendship that they even invited Eijun to get a matching tattoos w the team and Eijun happily agreed. Now his bond w the team is strong cause their teamwork expanded when playing cause of how much they all trust each other. In the other hand, the Japan team wanted a strong team to go against the team Eijun is in( because duh Eijun’s team strong asf and went off every games!) (BUT WAIT! Eijun been playing w the team but remained unknown until he faces Japan baseball team😈 The boys and the coach did their best to make sure no one finds out who he is!) So the Japan team formed a strong JP team, mostly Seido alumni and maybe a few of Inashiro Industrial’s alumni?? (You can pick whoever u want to be in it idc but as long as Yoichi, Miyuki, Furuya and Haru are in it!!) So then the JP boys heard about this not knowing Eijun will go against them! and glad they all reunited again and they practice and practice and watch the opposing teams play every night. Until the game day everyone are nervous and shit. The day JP team got outta the bus shit was packed and hurried to go inside the stadium while they were going into their teams locker room they saw few players from the team they are going against. Everyone having a heavy staring contest and then left without saying a singl word. Miyuki went out the locker room to go to the restroom and then saw Eijun alone passed by then he tried to chase him down, but Eijun didn’t notice him because he’s listening to music. Miyuki was desperate to call his name out but couldn’t so he tried to reach Eijun’s forearm. But got cut off by a mans voice yelling Eijuns name. It was Eijun’s partner, a strong catcher and also ranked as the top 1 best baseball player of the year idk the unknown catcher pulled Eijun and told him to everyone’s waiting for him. Eijun happily LAUGH OUT LOUD and patted his partners back to come w him too.
Miyuki was shocked and jealous of their closeness, when the other catcher smirked at him and purposely wrapped his arm around Eijun’s shoulders to make fun of Miyuki😳 MIYUKI GOT HEATED AND CLENCHED HIS HANDS. Then during the game everyone wilding and shit after Eijun finally introduced himself to the crowd. The JP team was shocked. Blah blah blah they saw how strong Eijun have become and the JP team’s points wasn’t even that close compared to the foreign team……
Eijun’s team won, JP team lost. Now they’re depressed, JP team audiences are devastated. Furuya played as the Ace for Japan’s baseball team, he couldnt moved due to shock of their performance. Eijun was staring at them w no sight of sadness but a competitive aggressive expression. He then turned around without saying a single word and happily celebrated w his team. WAIT WHY NOT LETS SPICE THINGS UP?! coach Kataoka and Rei was watching the game and was also shocked of how much Eijun grew. The coach felt something that is definitely not joy… he felt like he should have paid attention to all of his students because he understood Eijun’s actions. After the game and interview the foreign team wanted to go out to eat and explore Japan while they can. Eijun was the last one at the locker room and when he got out he saw his former classmates and teammates. He just stared at them for a good 1 minute then softly said “Good game.” He turned around and left. Miyuki and mochi shouted his name wanting an explanation. Those two words Eijun said were the first words he ever said since Sawamura and Miyuki locked their eyes… Eijun didn’t bother looking at them and continued walking down the hallway away from them creating a bigger gap than they already have… a gap that Miyuki is unable to reach.
Pls dont laugh 😭I’m embarrassed to share this but let me know if I made a mistake !
Btw don’t copy my SHIT OR ELSE ITS ON SIGHT!!☹️😠 I might post this on Wattpad and AO3!!
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i-luv-yuu · 3 years
Hey everyone! I hope you’re all doing well, I just wanted to let you know that currently I’ve been working on this project with one of my Daiya no ace twitter mutuals, it involves a short story/really a summary/teaser for my #misawa fanfic that I’m writing right now. We’ve planned to release the short story/project + part 1 of the full fic next week, so everything that I have in line is on hold. I will STILL be writing the Kuroo: Elevator Escapades pt 2, still be writing the 2 Chris smut fics, AND have a kuramochi smut fic in queue as a result of my friend’s recent amazing artwork. Which I’ll link below, go follow her and show her some love! You’ll also get to see the release of our project, so stay tuned! Have a great rest of your day and take care!
My twt moot/friend that I’m working with, and her kuramochi x wonho inspired thirst trap art. Go show her some love ❤️:
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