#mischief starter
doctorflorian · 6 months
Closed starter for @witchysethharper based on Lazy Florian
Someone had cursed the doctor with laziness during spring mischief. If it was anyone else affected by this, it wouldn’t have been a big deal but Florian’s virtue was directly tied to his hard work and dedication. Without that, the kresnik felt weak and sluggish. Florian had put a sign on his door that he was out of office but when he heard the door open, he let out a groan. His desk buried under work he was unable to complete. “Go away. The doctors not here.” He told them and laid his head on his desk.
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realmythsmoved · 5 months
"Missed me?"
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atangledfate · 1 year
Funny how a few months ago traveling the multi-verse was near impossible! But one green kitty makes a splash in your life, and the world changes. Not that the technology was perfect, it certainly had flaws but if they could establish a connection to Avalice! She could finally bother Carol on a Daily basis! The little device that tails came up with was nothing more then a little golden ring. She was always amazed when she used it and got wooshed off to another place! It made her little adventures all the more astounding!
But she wasn't suppose to be using them without tails supervision! but she wanted her other world adventure! and she was so bored waiting for him to do all those test! She had other ideas, and other plans as she gripped the little ring she swiped from the lab! Hehe for all his security Tails didn't notice her doing it either! this was perfect! all she had to do was think of Carol and she'd get wooshed off to Avalice!
Gripping the little ring she closed her eyes, like she had so many times in the lab. Thought of her friend, super hard like Tails had told her to do! the little ring began to light up with Chaos energy. the energy flowing around Tangle before she tossed it up in the air! The ring spinning in place before righting itself and spinning! slowly growing in size and a portal of green energy forming inside the ring! big enough that she could walk through it!
Without any hesitation Tangle straightened out her vest and strolled through the portal! with a flash of light, she felt herself hurtling through time and space! a sensation she couldn't describe, it was like moving but not moving? a sensation of rushing down a tunnel yet getting no where fast! It took an eternity! or was it the blink of her eyes? Like being trapped in a white room for a life time! yet it passed in an instant!
Just like that she stumbled out the other side, into a field of green grass, and a sky she didn't recognize. The little ring fell onto the grass, crackling with energy twice before that glow faded away. She picked the ring up only to wince as it was hot! juggling it in her hands back and forth before it was cool enough to stick back in her pocket! She turned to see where she'd ended up and yet--- Something about this place felt off. This wasn't Shang Tu or Shang Mu, and she found her hands on her hips in soft confusion.
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" Maybe... its just a different town? oh boy what have ya got yerself into this time Tangle..."
She sighed hands on her hips as she gazed around trying to figure out just where she was, and if she was in any danger.
" guess i should look around... figure the rest out later... "
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messrsmcrauders · 7 months
;;Starter Call
Like for a starter ❤️ Feel free to specify muse or it'll be someone random
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runes-menagerie · 1 month
Tower Mischief || Closed
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Amethyst had been in the Underdark for some time now. She had come down here to get away from all the people on the surface who made her brain hurt and whom liked to hurt her. For a time she had stayed with the talking mushrooms who taught her how to survive and whom she still visited sometimes. Knowledge especially liked talking to the mushrooms.
For the past few months however she had been staying at an abandoned tower she had found. It had been hard sneaking past all the magic turrets even with Dark's control over her powers but thanks to some potions Knowledge had made from herbs she found, she was able to manage it. Inside was safer as long as she didn't go to the top or bottom floors. Knowledge was fascinated by the robots while Innocence thought they were scary. Thus they stayed away.
Best of all, there was no one around to make her brain hurt. She thought she might be able to live here forever until one day she heard the turrets firing. She carefully peaked out a window to see if another monster like the Hook Horrors was trying to get in. To her surprised it appeared to be a group of four people.
Thinking quickly Dark took control to gather up her things and hide them away before slipping down the mushrooms on the outside of the tower to better keep an eye on the group. She frowned as she watched their progress and began to plan how to get the group to leave.
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((Starter for @goatfated ))
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Little goatt, little goatt, are you lost?
Little goatt, little goat, do you hear the beating of little leathery wings?
Little goatt, little goatt, do you feel eyes upon you?
Little goatt, little goatt, welcome to Hell.
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mannythejaguar · 2 years
Spring Mischief + Full Moon Magic Anon Effect: Rule #63
Manny wondered if the council knew what they were doing scheduling an event like Spring Mischief in tandem with a full moon. Both situations provoked a level of chaos individually that he firmly believed shouldn't be combined. Nonetheless, he kept his mouth shut and left for his night shift that evening with his mind clear from any other magical effects. Being physically male or female wouldn't affect him performing his duties as a guard.
The castle grounds were oddly much more peaceful at night, the full moon casting a silvery light upon it for visibility and the occasional howl echoing from the trees. Everyone was inside as ordered per the curfew save for the wolves that had been released. Some of the werewolves were, well, werewolves and knew what they were doing mostly... the issue was the ones who had been temporarily transformed into lycans at what he considered to be the worst possible timing.
Manny heard a crunch of a footstep nearby and immediately stopped in his tracks, all of his senses honed in on the source of it. "Who's there?" he called, metaphorical hackles raised. "You really shouldn't be out here at this hour."
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havvkinsqueen · 8 months
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---☁︎。⋆。 "So, Valentine's Day?" @sarcasticsnackpack
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as-above-is-moving · 10 months
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"Mistletoe? They do that silly shit 'ere, too...?"
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Birthday rp
Hey guys it’s been another wonderful year and to celebrate this special birthday why don’t you guys show Missy some love and take her out. If you wanna ask one of the others to also join that’s fine by me but let’s make an effort for this special day.
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sideofmischicf · 11 months
i’m back after way too long ( life got crazy omfg ) and ya know what that means . the muses need more threads and for some reason beyond my comprehension my milf & transman loving logan lerm*n fc is in a h*rny mood . so give this a like if you have some older muses ( and / or trans muses ) that need some extra love , that i can toss jasper at ! ( also i WILL be getting to all ya fabulous people who liked my reverse starter / plotting call for my madelaine p*tsch fc ! )
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doctorflorian · 7 months
Role Reversal
Florian was a diligent celestial, meaning that his strength and energy came from him being active and working. As he was working, he felt like he had been hit by a ton of bricks and he looked at the pile of work laying in front of him and he pushed it aside.
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realmythsmoved · 5 months
"Oof! Watch where you're going!"
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dirthara-an · 1 year
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"While on an intellectual level I acknowledge, that slipping a highly reactive laxative into this lord's wine is not appropriate behavior for my current position.... I would also like to point out, that it would still give me a deep sense of petty satisfaction."
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wonderhevrts · 1 year
here’s the new muse!
say hello to Loki.  lmfao! he’s my babe so i had to add him. BUT i gave him two different verses, Ragnarök and TVA, so y’all can pick which Loki you’d want to interact with! and later on, i might add more verses for him! but his BIO is over here! it’s still a work in process, so don’t judge, but at least i got this much done for him and finally added him! now come give him some thangs! 
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and tag drop!
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mischiefmodig · 1 year
Tag Dump
( ic . ) \ / prince of asgard . rightful heir of jotunheim . odin son .
( ooc . ) \ / legend of D. B Cooper .
( dash comm . ) \ / I'll have that drink now .
( crack . ) \ / puny god .
( answered . ) \ / you may bring your urgent to me .
( queue . ) \ / the sun will shine upon us once again .
( meme . ) \ / the god of mischief .
( hc . ) \ / you think so little of me ?
( musings . ) \ / burdened by glorious purpose .
( albums . ) \ / another relic locked in a vault .
( music . ) \ / mothers lullabies .
( magnusmodig . ) \ / I remember a shadow. living in the shade of your greatness .
( odin . ) \ / birthright was to die .
( frigga . ) \ / trust my rage .
( thor . ) \ / I'm here .
( loki . ) \ / your savior is here .
( laufey/jotunheim . ) \ / the stories of monsters children are told .
( asgard . ) \ / the rightful king . betrayed .
( thread . ) \ / starter call .
( thread . ) \ / closed .
( thread . ) \ / open .
( thread . ) \ / drabble .
( saved. ) \ / have you come to gloat ?
( aevum isles . ) \ / this is madness .
( tva . ) \ / love is like a dagger .
( hiddleston . ) \ / where's the pudding .
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