#misha try this…
strawlessandbraless · 2 months
Confess my love? The thing that killed my friend Castiel from Supernatural?
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thenameisgul · 3 months
okay but ‘where’s the angel’ has got to be THE most romantic thing Dean has said about Cas and it wasn’t even said to Cas
imagine being in a land of monsters where every monster you ever killed is, they’re all stronger than you, all more ruthless and more vengeful than you
the news has reached everyone that there’s a human in purgatory, that that human is Dean fucking Winchester so they’re all gunning for you and yet,
and yet, they all know not to fuck with you even on their own turf because the monsters found out pretty early on that Dean Winchester has lost his angel and he’s pissed and he is not to be fucked with
so now the monsters are running from you, instead of the other way around
it’s the most romantic shit ever!
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thesunoficarus1 · 5 months
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to add on to my last post
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ashdoodle-s · 5 months
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Totally normal totally visible bellboy
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youchangedmedestiel · 4 months
I don't have Photoshop nor skills, but do you see my vision?
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inacatastrophicmind · 6 months
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Some Cockles touches x x
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
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dotthings · 3 months
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strawlessandbraless · 6 months
Angels: Brother, you have been chosen for this mission to save the righteous man from hell. But Castiel, hear me well. Do not covet the Michael Sword, big plans for that sword
*2 minutes later*
Castiel: I will lay claim to this living soul, rebuild him, mark him as my own, and carve my name into his ribs, gonna stare at him a lot, so much, gonna kiss him
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confusedkittensposts · 4 months
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thenameisgul · 2 months
if not a romantic couple then why create the textbook ‘you emotionally cheated on me and had a kid who you chose over me and then died while protecting so now I hate that kid because everytime I look at him I see you which makes me hate him even more’ story arc for dean, cas and jack
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I can't believe in the year 2024 that people still try to argue this fact.
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crackers4jenn · 2 months
I'm thinking constantly about the 2018 j2m jib panel, which gave us such cockles gems as!!
When Jared handed Misha an adult toy-looking balloon handle with a "here, you're gonna want this for later." To which Jensen, totally chill, snarked back, "Is he?" with the face journey below:
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And then you have the infamous moment of jarpad making fun of Misha's acting, and Jensen just waaaasn't having it:
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And then, after the above, there's Jensen saying that his wife may be his rock, but he's got some amazing pebbles in his life. Cue sappy pat on Misha's back and intense eye contact between him and jarpad and him and Misha:
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Of course, there's also this moment, where personal space boundaries don't exist between Misha and Jensen:
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Like.... y'all wrote a whole damn "article" just to tear apart some actor whose probably more successful and rich than you'll ever be... it's just...sad. and obviously this kind of shit is total garbage and annoying and blah, blah,blah... but I couldn't help but cry laughing at just how delusional and insane this kind of behavior is. LIKE, I'M CACKLING.
Look, whether you ship any of the characters or not, (and whether I do or not)... I would never spend so much time and ENERGY, harassing and going out of my way to shame an actor/actress "for getting in the way" of said ship.
It's truly the greatest display of loserdom I've seen in awhile...
(and sidenote, are we talking about the same Cas because....????)
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transgendercastiel · 6 months
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Guys hear me out (enochian psycho??)
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