#misieks asks
Top 5 warrior nun fanart!!!!
Oooooh great question!!! in no particluar order:
1 @cronchy-baguette this beauty that bought a print of and have on my wall
2 anything by @sango-blep but one of my faveeees is this one bcos it’s just so tender and oouughgghh it’s makes me wild
3 THISSS SOMGNGFHFH THIS by @terrornothorror it is Beautiful
4 this one by @whatevertups bcos it never fails to make me giggle <33
5 alllll of @vitlzd stuff is so cool!! This one made me laugh so hard but there’s also so many pieces bits of artwork too!!! Mwah incredible
This is by no means a finite list. There are toooooo many talented ppl on tumblr to count. RB and tag with a link to your faves if u want to bcos I have definitely missed some ppl and this post is getting long.
honourable mentions for artist in general. Including, but not limited to, WN : @princington @kashlat2 @/ metaldamage on twt @grechkathekasha @thekeythief @kangaruthi @smallandsundry and so much more oh my oh myyyyyyy!!!!!!!
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Hiii lj! I just got approved to get a cat, do you have suggestions for d20 or Greek mythology/percy jackson themed names?
omg congrats!!
for dimension 20 names, La Gran Gata is a classic (i think i spelled that right). also Kalina and Pib are obvious ones.
D20 familiars: Cinnamon, Wretchrot (Baby for short), Yak or Sprinkle or Preston (ACOC), Luna (Pete's familiar, also ties to Latin which isn't greek but it's close), Misiek (TUC2), Baxter (technically a griffon but close enough), Ox, T2
Other D20 related names: Chimeron, any stoat names, Gilear, Zaphriel, Murph, Axford (specifically for a mischievous cat), Little Beans (as a nickname, but i guess a full name if you wanted)
Also Nat, and if anyone asks what it stands for you can say Nat 20 (or Nat 1 depending on the day)
i had to call upon my mythology friend (who unfortunately does not have tumblr so i cannot tag them) for the mythology things because the only thing i could come up with was Cerberus which would be funny but maybe not what you're going for
Names that overlap with D20 and greek myths: Cassandra and Antiope
For black cats: Nyx, Hades, Persephone
For a loud cat: Echo
For a fast/mischievous cat: Hermes
PJO-specific names: most of the above, apparently there might be a pegasus named Blackjack or something, also Nico
Other misc. names: Orion, Calliope, Calypso, Artemis
our overall favourite rn is Cassandra (also includes Cass or Cassie for short) because of the overlap.
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thevalleyisjolly · 4 years
Some Dimension 20 main season class meetups and how they might go:
Barbarians: I mean, they try, but Amethar ditches after five minutes to go hang out with the Fighters (with Jet, really), and Gorgug (the greatest wizard of this age) gets pulled into the Wizard meeting by Adaine five minutes later.
Bards: Misty and Rowan get along like two cats in the same house, but when they’re not lowkey bitching at each other, are very complimentary about Fabian’s sheet dancing.  They have excellent eyeliner tips, which Fabian pockets for later use, and bicker sharply over whose choreography advice is better.  (Fig, of course, has completely skipped the Bard meetup)
Clerics: Kristen is A Youth which, ok, Kingston is trying his best to understand these young people, he can make the effort.  All this philosophy that kids are apparently into nowadays isn’t that much more complicated than the kind of books that Pete talks about.  He does have some great advice about relationships and not taking people for granted.  A very calm and civilized meeting with absolutely no running around or acrobatics.
Druids: Can disembodied spirits still scam a drink out of a bar?  Gotta be worth a try, right?  Not like Kug’s got anything else to do right now.
Fighters: After wiggling out of Amethar’s twenty minute long hug, Jet has been solidly bugging Theo to teach her more killing blows.  Fabian pokes his head in at one point while Misty and Rowan are arguing about ballet steps, sees Theo very reluctantly demonstrating a couple of killing blows while Jet watches avidly and Amethar heckles -”Come on, Theo, I’ve seen you take off a guy’s head before!”- and decides that maybe he’ll stick with the dance crowd after all.
Monks: There are multiple emergency sirens going off, half the police force/city guards are on high alert, two suspects last seen leaping around the rooftops and beating up people (admittedly assholes) on the streets.  Eyewitness reports say that there’s a lady in leopard print, and some weird blue guy with a staff?
Paladins: Cody suggested playing Street Fighter, and is surprised but delighted at how quickly Ricky is picking it up.  Ricky is finding it surprisingly therapeutic to beat up Cody’s pixel guy, and thinks he should probably feel more guilty about this, but it’s a video game, right?  It isn’t like he actually wants to hit Cody in real life or anything.  Definitely not.
Rangers: Liam’s on his own for all of a minute before Ruby pulls him into the Rogue meeting.  Family has to stick together.
Rogues: To the uninitiated, it looks like a completely empty room.  To those in the know, the world’s most dangerous and ill-advised game of Assassins is currently in its fifth hour.  No one has stealthed out of hiding in at least three.  Liam vanished into his pocket rope dimension an hour ago, Ruby’s melted into the shadows, and Riz has been underneath the floorboards since the start of the game and is just waiting for the right creak of a footstep.
Sorcerers: Pete and Saccharina are having the time of their lives.  Look, someone else who understands about what it’s like to see the magic, the possibility, to feel it running under your skin, bending to your thoughts?  Pete is fascinated by the idea of candy people -”Look, I have a peppermint tooth!”- and Saccharina is fascinated by the strange type of Dreaming magic that Pete wields.  Luna settles on Cinnamon’s nose while he dozes and it’s too cute. 
Warlocks: Lapin and Iga are in the middle of commiserating over creaking joints and the necessity of deception when using magic, when Fig saunters in, having never once stepped foot inside the Bard meeting.  Well alright, she’s young and loud and energetic, but she’s got a rebellious spirit, and it’s good to see young people embrace their heritage.  Three hours later, Fig is cooing over Misiek and snacking on borscht bites while Iga teaches her tarot and Lapin monologues about the utility of a mysterious and enigmatic smile.
Wizards: Adaine is currently in a deep conversation with Esther about the merits of using a bat as an arcane focus, while Ayda tries to figure out what spells she can teach Gorgug that won’t involve him having to read a single word of wizardry.  Gorgug is not entirely sure he should be here -sure, the Barbarian meetup didn’t really work out, but shouldn’t he at least check if there are other Artificers?- but hey, Adaine says Artificers are close enough to Wizards, and that’s good enough for him.
+Bonus: Sofia Lee, Chosen One of the Order of the Concrete Fist, runs into Gilear Faeth, the Chosen One.  He has half a carton of yogurt spilled on his shirt, is limping (probably because of the tire tracks over his shoes) and is wearing a paint bucket (that evidently was not completely empty) over his head for some reason.  He slips on a bacon, egg and cheese bagel that was smushed into the sidewalk and lands flat on his face.  Miraculously, the paint bucket does not fall off.  Sofia decides not to ask.
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staggeringsmite · 4 years
i just love iga’s whole “not getting more involved in the unsleeping city” thing bc it’s not like she has a perfectly average/safe life on the sleeping side of things? her husband would just pass it off as her business rather than her dragging him through liz-esque life-upending consequences. she already has connections through her family’s inherited box and misiek and her genie pact and the idea of getting more involved is Too Far and i think it’s the funniest thing. i too would draw the line at my sickly pseudodragon and this magic fucking box my mom gave me and ask no further questions and call it a day and go to my drug money psychic business where i have probably no idea what i’m talking about.
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swallowtailed · 4 years
the unsleeping museum: parts B & C
written for the Dimension 20 Alphabet @dimension20alphabet event! prompts: book, crown. in which we meet the rest of the gang...
On the fourth floor of the museum, past galleries of dinosaur skeletons that romp and tumble together with clatters of bone, there’s a hallway that leads away from the exhibits and into a quieter wing. Their footsteps echo on the tiled floor in the cool, fluorescent half-light.
“We have meetings in the library,” Kingston explains, opening the double doors at the end of the hallway and leading Pete, Sofia, and Cody inside. “Usually not everyone’s here at the same time, but since it’s your first day, we all turned out.”
The main room of the library is a large, open lounge with shelves packed with books along the walls and doors labeled “Stacks” on the far side. The round circulation desk looks more modern than Pete expected. Windows on one wall look out over the city, and a small group has gathered in a circle of armchairs to one side.
At first, Pete thinks he’s seeing three people and maybe a weird dog, but as he gets closer, it becomes clear that he’s only about half right. There’s a short woman in a lab coat and a headscarf, and a really incredibly buff man with a fireman’s axe in his belt, but the third person is a wax mannequin with no face, and the weird dog is a two-foot-tall rat.
Which is seeming less weird than it maybe should, after everything else that’s happened to him tonight.
The guy with the fireman’s axe looks up first. “Oh, hey,” he says, grinning. “You guys are the new night guards, right? I’m Ricky. It’s great to meet you. Kingston and I have been working by ourselves for a while, it’ll be good to have more people to help.”
“We wound up with one more than I expected,” Kingston says, “but everyone’s welcome, so why not.” He goes to stand with the rest of the group and beckons Pete, Sofia, and Cody forward. “Why don’t you introduce yourselves?”
Cody says, “Uh, hey, I’m Cody Walsh, but you can call me Night Angel. I work at the gift shop, actually? I just stayed late by accident, and then, y’know.”
“Oh, yes,” the mannequin remarks, “that happens. But isn’t it lovely?”
Sofia says, “Hi, I’m Sofia L—uh, Bicicleta. I’m a hairdresser, but I haven’t been sleeping that well since my husband left me, so I figured, why not take a night job, right?”
“I’m Pete,” Pete says. “Pete the Plug. I do... odd jobs. I actually didn’t think this was gonna be a night guard position?”
Kingston blinks. “What did you think it was going to be?”
“...Never mind.”
“Well, anyway,” Kingston says, “those are the new folks. And you already know me—Kingston Brown, I’m the other night guard, although the job’s a little bit more complicated than that. This—” he gestures at the two people, the mannequin, and the rat—“is the rest of the team.”
Ricky waves. “I’m Ricky Matsui. I’m on the early shift here, usually, just helping everyone stay safe.”
The woman in the lab coat nods to them and says, “My name is Iga Lisowski. I am the collections manager.” There’s a lizard with flaking orange scales curled up on her shoulder; as they watch, it spreads a pair of wings and makes a little cough. “And this is Misiek,” she adds, giving the—dragon?—a scratch. “He was created out of various other specimens, like mermaids, you know, and when I bring him to the museum, what do you know, he comes to life.”
The mannequin steps forward and curtseys deeply. She’s dressed in an elegant flapper-style evening gown and has a silver crown perched on her head. “My name is Misty Moore. I’ve been part of the museum since it was founded. I do all of our outreach work, even for the daytime museum. After all, if the soirees are held after sunset, it’s just the same as if I could walk during the day.” Somehow, even without a face, Misty conveys a sly wink.
The rat waves up at them. “And I’m Kugrash. I’m from the Hall of New York State Mammals. I help out with the exhibits that don’t get out of their cases as much, and the ones that don’t really talk. Haven’t been around as long as Misty or Kingston, but I know everyone here.”
“Most of us have been at the museum for a while,” Misty adds. “It’s always nice to have new faces.”
“I see new things all the time,” Iga points out. “When someone brings in a new bird that hit a building, or a squirrel from the park.”
“Did someone bring you another squirrel?” Kingston asks. “Do we even have room for more squirrels?”
“No, but are you going to say to a child that brings you a dead squirrel that you will not take the dead squirrel? I didn’t think so,” Iga says. “We keep the squirrels.”
Kingston turns to Pete, Sofia, and Cody, and says, “We keep a lot of things here. The museum is as much a historical record as any other institution. That’s why it’s so important to keep everyone safe.” He looks around at them. “You don’t have to take the job if you really don’t want to, but it’s not a bad one. There’s an awful lot to see.”
“Yeah, I’m not doing anything else,” Sofia says with a shrug. Pete and Cody nod along.
“Well, in that case,” Kingston says, “why don’t you go meet some of the nighttime crowd?”
There’s really nothing else to do, and so, for the second time that night—third, if you count running away from the saber-toothed tiger skeletons that sprang to life in the atrium right when the sun went down—Pete, Sofia, and Cody venture out into the museum.
(this has been parts B & C! find the rest of the ficlets in this au here!)
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elizabethsharmon · 7 years
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Disclaimer: there are a lot of references that only Polish people will understand so basically you have to just trust us that this is really hilarious and we have a great sense of humour and if you’re Polish then you’d better read this version because (a) it’s much funnier and (b) why would you want to read it in English (unless you want to Polish your English).
@vildeliens and @yossiacar are honoured to present the Polish version of SKAM – SKAZA (pol. scar, imperfection). SKAZA – produced by the same studio as the hit remake shows such as Szczepan, Niemożebne and Ksiądz Kto – is a one-of-a-kind show made with extraordinary precision, telling the story of five friends from one of high schools in Warsaw.
From the first day of school Ewa Gotuje, Róża Brzęczyszczykiewicz, Zosia Mostowiak, Emilka Nowak and Michalina “Misiek” Krawczyk can see that they have something in common – they are all despised by their classmates Andżelika Kowalewska, Dżesika Kossakowska and Agnieszka Zduńska. They hate Ewa because she stole Andżelika’s boyfriend, Jurek Lubicz, and because she comes from Kraków. Róża for that every boy and girl in the school checks her out and for that she didn’t want to join their squad but instead chose to stick to Ewa. They dislike Zosia for her godliness, Emilka for her childlishness, ignorance and poor financial situation, and Misiek – just because she is too kind.
The other characters are girls’ classmates Jurek, Igor Bielik, Mariusz Lewandowski, Czesław “Miłosz” Miłoszewski and famous two years older chavs, regulars at Żyleta – Penetrator Misiek Wiśniewski and Julian “Julek” Dahl. In the second year of high school we meet another classmate, Erwin Tomaszewski, and Zosia’s brother Emil and his friends from the electronic technical high school – Józef Cieplak, Adam Turek, Maciej Kowalewski and Marcel Latawiec, who was the founder of their pilgrimage group “Kites Squad”. And keeping an eye on everything is Mr Jacek Kisiel – history teacher and class tutor (guest starring Krzysztof Ibisz and his new white teeth).
Season 1 tells the story of Ewa. Born in Kraków, she moved a year ago to Warsaw to live with her father and his new family, while her mother went away to London in search of work and better life. At the end of middle school she fell in love with her best friend’s boyfriend and after the disastrous repercussions, Ewa finally hopes her life will get easier and she and Jurek will live happily ever after. However, soon she finds out that Andżelika and her besties, Dżesika and Agnieszka, also signed up to the same high school as Ewa and what’s even worse – they’re all in the same class. From the very first day of school they talk about Ewa behind her back and try set all the girls from their class against her – fortunately they do not succeed as Róża stands up for her. Soon Zosia, Emilka and Misiek, also dislaked by others because of their unique nature, join the two girls. Together they try to implement Emilka’s plan to climb up the school’s social ladder and they often crash parties organized by third-graders – prticularly those hosted by chavs Julek, Penetrator Misiek and Karol, who repeats a year at school second time in a row. Season 1 is a universal story about friendship, trust and honesty, which precisely describes the situations which teenagers have to face these days.
The main protagonist of season 2 is Róża – abandoned by her biological parents at the age of 5, she was adopted by Mr and Mrs Szczebrzeszyńscy when she was 10 years old. When her foster parents died in a car accident, Róża was taken into custody of her older adoptive siblings – twins Janusz and Grażyna. Besides finding out dark secrets about Róża’s past, season 2 also focuses on her love life. Blackmailed by the chav Julian (whom Róża always calls Juliusz), eventually she agrees to be his prom date, under the condition that his friends will invite her friends as their dates – this way Emilka’s biggest dream is fulfilled as the girls from 1B become the most popular girls in their high school. In the second part of the season, Róża makes an online acquaintance and feels that she’s falling in love with that person – but will they meet in real life? While all of her friends try to persuade her to give it a go and meet with that person face to face, Emilka reminds her: “And what if it’s another case of ‘Hey Ania, I’m Wojtek and I’m also 12 years old?”*. Season 2 deals with topics of first love, difficult childhood in orphanage and the dangers of the online friendships.
In season 3, SKAZA makes a U-turn when Igor becomes the main protagonist. Convinced by Zosia to join the coffee shop organized by Emilka for school’s festival, he gets to know new student from his class – Erwin. Although Igor is initially suspicious about his new colleague who seems to be a little bit too straightforward, he is asked by class’ tutor, Mr Kisiel, to show him around the school and take him under his wing. Soon Emilka makes the boys take the shift at the coffee shop together and then, surrounded by apple pies and cookies, they find common ground. When Igor realizes that he is in love with Erwin and finds out that the feeling is mutual, he is seen with his new boyfriend by his conservative parents, who in a fit of rage kick him out of the house. Will they accept Igor as who he is? Will his relationship with Erwin survive? You will find answers to these questions in season 3.
Season 4 tells the story of Zosia. Born and raised in a pious family, she struggles everyday with being harassed by her peers who do not understand her relationship to her faith. The only person with whom she can really talk is the best friend of her brother, fourth-grader of electronic technical high school and altar boy, Józef. However, one Sunday, Józef doesn’t participate in the mass. When Zosia asks him about it, he tells her his doubts about his faith and to her surprise, he says that he wonders whether he should submit an act of apostasy and depart from the Christian faith. Only then Zosia realizes how much she loves Józef, but she knows he should do what he believes is best for him. Meanwhile she throws herself into work and studies 24/7. Avoiding him for a few weeks, she undergoes a complete makeover and changes her too large glasses for contact lenses and cuts her hair and she bumps into him on orlik field where they used to play football when they were kids. She finally finds strength to talk with him heart-to-heart and they confess their love to each other. However, they will not spend this summer together because Józef goes on a Caritas’ mission to Sudan to help those in need.
Season 5 focuses on Emilka and the preparations for the upcoming biggest social event of their lives – the prom. Viewers also find out about Emilka’s tough family situation and that she practically raises her younger brother on her own, while their mother spends all money earned by Emilka on buying tiny liquor bottles in the local store. Since the beginning of the show, Emilka came a long way to find out in season 5 that the most important thing in the world that no one will take away from her and which will give her strength to never give up is friendship. Eventually, she goes to prom alone and even though her artistic performance doesn’t win the main prize and she doesn’t dance polonaise, she has a time of her life dancing to hit songs by ABBA.
The protagonist of the 6th and final season is Misiek. Although she seems to be just a nice, modest, organized girl next door, she hides her insecurities and problems from everyone. After all those years of studying and being a top student, Misiek starts to feel burned out and tired of the constant rat race, she gets depressed. To meet the expectations of her parents and forget about everything that makes her unhappy even just for a minute, she begins to buy performance-enhancing drugs from Karol (who is still in high school). When the time of matura comes, Misiek disappears and doesn’t show up on the exams. Will her friends find her and help her before it’s too late? What will happen to the heroes of the series? You will find out everything in season 6 of SKAZA.
LIST OF CHARACTERS: Ewa Gotuje = Eva Róża Brzęczyszczykiewicz = Noora Zosia Mostowiak = Sana Emilka Nowak = Vilde Michalina “Misiek” Krawczyk = Chris Andżelika Kowalewska = Ingrid Dżesika Kossakowska = Sara Agnieszka Zduńska = Emma Jurek Lubicz = Jonas Igor Bielik = Isak Mariusz Lewandowski = Magnus Czesław “Miłosz” Miłoszewski = Mahdi Erwin Tomaszewski = Even Penetrator Misiek Wiśniewski = P-Chris Julian “Julek” Dahl = Willhell Karol = K*rl Emil Mostowiak = Elias Józef Cieplak = Yousef Adam Turek = Adam Maciej Kowalewski = Mutta Marcel Latawiec = Mikael Grażyna Szczebrzeszyńska = Linn Janusz Szczebrzeszyński = Eskild Mr Jacek Kisiel = Dr Skrulle
*terrifying Polish campaign that tried to scare the shit out of warn kids that 99,9% of people chatting with them online are actually grown ass pedophiles and they shouldn’t talk with strangers on the internet. As you can see, we are the perfect example that this campaign did not work.
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heartsofpets · 5 years
Woman Is Inseparable From Her Giant Snail Pet That's Almost A Foot Long And Weighs More Than A Pound
A woman who dreamed about owning a giant snail since she was a schoolgirl has revealed how she rescued one from a pet shop after seeing the condition it was kept in.
Magdalena Dusza and her slimy pet Misiek live in Krakow, Poland after she rescued the African snail six years ago.
Misiek – which fittingly is Polish for ‘teddy bear’ – is now kept in Magdalena’s home in a 130-liter tank and they enjoy cuddling together on the sofa.
When she found him, he was kept in such a bad condition that Magdalena couldn’t recognize the species.
Giant African snails can grow to almost a foot long and weigh more than a pound.
  Magdalena Dusza and her slimy pet Misiek live in Krakow, Poland after she rescued the African snail six years ago
  Giant African snails, which Misiek is, can grow to almost a foot long and weigh more than a pound
Magdalena said: ‘They kept him in a very small box, with low humidity, which is deadly for snails, and he had an invasion of parasites and damaged the shell.
‘At first, when I saw him, I couldn’t even recognize the species.
‘I didn’t believe he would survive the night and didn’t want to pay for an almost dead animal.
‘After a sleepless night, I decided that I have to give him a chance and rescue him.
‘That day, I went back and bought him.’
Speaking about her love of the species, she said: ‘I had dreamed about owning a giant snail since I was in primary school.
‘We had a similar snail in our biology classroom as a school pet, and I fell in love with these amazing creatures.’
Speaking about her love of the species, Magdalena said: ‘I had dreamed about owning a giant snail since I was in primary school’
  Misiek – which fittingly is Polish for ‘teddy bear’ – is now kept in Magdalena’s home in a 130-liter tank
  She explained her love for the giant African snail and said that they enjoy cuddling on the sofa together
Despite a large amount of space, Misiek takes up in her home, Magdalena says it is very easy to look after him.
She said: ‘He eats mostly vegetables and fruits.
‘His favorites are sweet potatoes and bananas. He is also a great fan of fish flakes food.
‘Snails do not have a very complex nervous system, so we don’t interact in the traditional sense like a cat or a dog.
‘However, this really doesn’t stop me from talking to Misiek every day.’
Despite a large amount of space, Misiek takes up in her home, Magdalena says it is very easy to look after him
  Unfortunately, while most people are amazed by Magdalena having a pet giant African snail, some can be cruel
  She said his favorite foods are: ‘His favorites are sweet potatoes and bananas. He is also a great fan of fish flakes food’
  Magdalena admits that when she first saw the snail, she didn’t think that he would survive the night
Unfortunately, while most people are amazed by Magdalena having a pet giant African snail, some can be cruel with their comments towards Misiek.
Magdalena said: ‘There are also sometimes negative reactions, like people being disgusted.
‘Sometimes they try to joke and ask me if I am going to cook and eat my snails, but to be honest, it is not really funny at all.
‘Despite these comments, owning Misiek is a very unusual but rewarding passion, especially when you can observe your snails growing big and healthy.
‘Because they are so slow and majestic, observing them is good for nerves, it makes you calm and relaxed.
‘I would advise everyone to go and get giant snail for their own.’
If you know someone who might like this, please click “Share”!
Woman Is Inseparable From Her Giant Snail Pet That’s Almost A Foot Long And Weighs More Than A Pound was originally published on Hearts Of Pets
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Bea in your Wings of Desire AU
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*Beatrice checking her notes* uhhhhh so far I got...uhhh lesbianism. That's it.
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hi! :) just dropping in on this fine sunday to reiterate how insane your wings of desire au makes me!
also having a lot of thoughts about the subtle foreshadowing in beatrice's dreams and ava's subtle actions in important moments...
"Ava looked at her like she had that day in the library; eyes blurred, but slowly and dangerously coming into focus."
was thinking abt this for days.. slowly and dangerously coming into focus.... hm... the gears are TURNING! there's smoke coming out of my ears!
also can't wait for lilith's possible return to the story... i forsee some fun shenanigans with her :)
AND! the entire last section of chapter 4 was one of the best scenes i've read in a while!!! you really wrote their intimacy and catalyst of their desire so well it makes me insane. thank you for sharing your talent <3
Wheheheheh I’m so over the moon that you’re loving it!!! I always look forward to your comments on ao3 so it’s nice to see you in the ask box. Hi!!
Rest assured there will be Shenanigans and there will be Situations. Idk how fun they’ll be, but they’ll be something :)))
Fun fact: that last scene was supposed to be in chapter 3 but everything got way too long and way too complicated so I spilt it up! The original chapter 3/4 looks vastly different from what it is now (Thank God) I like the polished version a lot better, so I’m glad you like it too !!
Thank you so much for your kind words I’m over here sobbing into my laptop <333
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was traipsing through ao3 today and marking for later a bunch of wn fics so i could close some tabs and noticed you did the wings of fire au and the 1930s au and first of all been loving both of them immensely
on wings of fire, day is often made a lot better by seeing that there’s a new wings of fire au update, second i really love how you write all the characters and their dynamics, esp beatrice & camila i’d say
something about how you write them both as individuals and their dynamics w others is so refreshing
on the 1930s au, i think it’s definitely one of the most interesting, refreshingly intriguing fics i’ve seen in a while, ava landscaper & novelist beatrice is 👀, esp since i feel like a lot of fics would’ve had them be the inverse (which obv there’s nothing wrong w that but a person just craves change once in a while)
the idea of novellist!beatrice has my whole fucking heart, i love the mental image of her being a broody lil writer. michael’s schrodinger mustache had me vv amused every time it was mentioned and also masc beatrice!!!! always love when beatrice is explicitly masc in fics, it’s just so 🫶🫶🫶🫶
lastly, and clearly the most important aspect, beatrice having a lil dog!!!! beatrice and her dog jonty!!!! beatrice w a dog is often always galaxy tier imo, but especially in this situation w the dog being named jonty, if i were ava i would’ve fallen in love the instant i found out beatrice named her dog jonty
broody writer beatrice & her dog jonty, it’s just too perfect to fit into words, it’s so adorable
speaking of which, do you view beatrice as generally being a dog person? me personally, while i agree that yeah, beatrice has cat energy, as people say, and while the preference between cats & dogs (or other animals) is minimal, she’s absolutely a bit more a dog person more than anything else, probably because of her cat energy personality
feel that it’s similar w ava, ava has dog energy (but not golden retriever energy ((not fully anyway))), but she’s an absolute cat person, because of her dog energy
First of all, THANK YOUUUUUUU oh my heart <333 I'm beyond grateful that you're liking both of those fics!!
Making Bea explicitly masc in my 30s AU was my TOP priority, I couldn't have her walking around in skirts and dresses. I simply Could Not. and honestly, though I do take into account fanon and stuff, mostly I'm writing from off the top of my dome!
I didn't think about how they could have been written inversely! I just think Bea fits being a novelist in the 30s, I'm following popular fandom since I want her to be a sci-fi writer, and Ava being a landscaper worked with how I wanted to portray her, and tbh I don't even remember where I got that idea from... I could have made Ava be anything,,, but I wanted her to be a bit all over the place, a bit ramshackle and messy, constantly covered in dirt. I didn't want to make her too close to what Jillian and Michael are like in the fic.
speaking of Michael,,, oh I have plans for him and it's going to be hilarious. Sneak peek: There'll be a bit of a frenemies thing going on with Michael and Bea.
When I was discussing dog names with my sister we kept coming back to Jonty because it made both of us laugh so hard so I'm glad you're liking it too haha !!
I love writing broody Bea, bcos underneath it all you know she's a softie, particularly through the way she cares for Jonty etc. And how she'll interact with Lilith etc in the coming chapters.
Idk about Bea being a dog person. I just think she's an animal person. I can see her in the 30s AU growing up with animals all around her. Like, that's the way her upper-class parents showed love-- through spending money on her. All the right lessons-- French, Latin, German etc. (Dancing and music lessons too). She probably had a few spaniels, cats, and maybe even a falcon as a child. And that's what kept her company in her childhood-- her books and her animals. But I agree with you about their energies. Absolutely Ava has dog energy and that's why she's gonna be BFFs with Jonty. Dogs just know these things.
Thank you for this ask! It made my day. I've been struggling a bit with the next chapter of the 30s AU since my wings of desire AU is taking up so much brain space atm, but you've inspired me to keep going so thank you <3333 I'll try my best to get an update on that this week or next :)
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tried to send in an ask but tumblr & the wifi says it didn’t send both times, so ig i’ll wait til i’m in a place w better wifi later today, but could you confirm they’re not in your inbox first pls? because i don’t want to accidentally have spammed you w the same ask twice and then do it a third time 😭
I’ve got two anon asks but that’s all!
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I just finished watching deadloch and i have to thank you for bringing this show to my attention. I don't really like cop shows but i loved this one, it is just so fun but it still packs the emotional punch. And the acting and story were also amazing. Also ahfbsjhsk love that they made half the town gay!!
Yes!!!! It’s so fucking good!!! And so riotously funny!!
I read somewhere in the Easter egg section that they wanted the town to be filled with Subarus but couldn’t due to their budget. I think filling the town with lesbians was justice enough, but the Subarus would’ve been the cherry on top of a cake already covered in so much good stuff.
pleasure to bring it to your attention anon!
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dumpsterfireofsubtext · 9 months
The way you wrote the wn angel au was beautiful, thank you! One of my favorites, it was such a gift to see the tenderness between Lilith and Bea. I want more. 🥹
Thank you anon this means so much. Can’t believe it has almost been a year since I started writing it! 🫶 thanks for taking the time to send a message <333
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😂 if it’s canonverse, ava in her haste to get the kids out asap b4 they can disrupt beatrice’s meeting even further and so she phases in and/or out of the room when she goes to get the kids not realizing that’s the most disruptive thing there 😭😭😭
if it’s non canonverse ava, and a no powers universe ava, while trying to grab the kids she probably trips or knocks something down or vv obviously very nearly does so
the only reason canonverse ava didn’t is because she’s a trained fighter and fought in a whole holy (🥁) war and the urgency of trying to get her & beatrice’s kids in and out without being even more disruptive kicked that part of her in, but even then it was probably a near thing lmao
Re this ask and this original post
Canonverse Ava phasing into the room then immediately back out with the kids is a hilarious visual. It would just be a blip on the screen and then the kids are gone,,, like one of those Bigfoot sighting pictures (the only example I can come up with lmaoo).
Non canonverse Ava wears grippy socks around the house 1000% so in trying to slide into the room she just ends up falling face first (maybe…. maybe this was inspired by real events in my life… maybe)
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I have a bit of trouble picturing stuff especially clothes, do you have images of what you imagine 1930s beatrice and ava generally wear?
Sure! I’ve got a whole Pinterest board hehe. This will be fairly long, so buckle in.
Firstly, I took a fair amount of inspiration for Bea from Annemarie Schwartzenbach. So if u look up any pics of her that’s pretty much the vibe. Here’s some other inspo pics:
Casual clothes Bea:
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Walking clothes Bea:
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A lot of trouser inspo:
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This pic was a direct inspiration for Lilith’s capelet fit in chapter 3, it’s so Her:
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Michael’s sports attire in chapter 4:
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Ava’s fit chapter 4 at Bea’s:
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Ava’a dress inspo in chapter 3:
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Ava’s V-necked shirt and trouser inspo in chapter 2:
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I don’t have my laptop on me so I can’t upload more but for Bea’s collarless look, that’s pretty much it. Some collars were attachable back then and Beatrice simply couldn’t be Arsed.
I watched random videos on YouTube, Pinterest, Poirot episodes and vintagedancer.com. It’s got a pretty robust gallery of vintage clothing examples. V cool!
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dumpsterfireofsubtext · 10 months
I'm realizing I hadn't reached out yet to tell you I LOVED the epilogue to your wings of desire AU. I lived it, I teared up reading it. Thank you so much for returning to it and adding to it. It was sad to say goodbye to it, because as I've told you before, it's in my top favorite Avatrice fics ❤️
Ok now that that's out of way. Congrats on falling in love!! If there's ever a reason to let the rest of the world get fuzzy around the edges, love is it.
Also, I've started 30s AU. It's chef's kiss, as usual. I'm loving butch Bea. Ok the congrats was actually the focal point of this random ass message haha. Cheers to being in love xx
Wow :''') I appreciate that so much. I've been pretty m.i.a recently so you dont know how much messages like this mean to me. Life has gotten 10000x busier recently so writing has been put on the back burner. Still, weird to think people still think about my fics lol! I will get round to finishing the 30s au eventually, can't promise it will be super soon, but soon...
And yeah... I've really been letting the rest of the world get fuzzy around the edges. I wouldnt want it any other way <3 It's difficult to even speak about really because I'm feeling so much.
Anyway, thanks friend, I always really appreciate your messages :) <333
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