texasdreamer01 · 1 year
WIP or WIPs of your choice, words:
pause, down, into, smile, yellow
"pause", from Theorems of a Ghost:
There was a pause, and for a breathless moment Radek thought the recording was done. Right as he was wondering whether to close the program, march forward in studying what Rodney had left for them, the man's voice echoed forth once more.
"down", from Statistical Analyses of a Working Relationship:
It was absorbing, and he was still absently scooping pasta to his mouth by chapter three when Rodney placed his tray down opposite him. Something clacked onto the table in his peripheral vision, and he tore his eyes away long enough to note that it was a pen and a highlighter. He blinked, setting down his fork after hastily eating the bite on it and scooping them up, "Thanks?"
"into", from The Art of Haptic Negotiations:
Rodney is alone, already hard at work. His gear is stuffed into a corner, an oilcloth dropped over the stack to protect it from sparks. The furnace is stoked, and for a moment all of them are gathered in the doorway, reluctant to spill into the workspace as their team mate moves from furnace to anvil, cherry-red metal held in tongs with one hand, the other holding a hammer.
"smile", from Shadow Puppet Haiku:
"A price, Yelim?" McKay asked. His voice was honey-smooth, as if amused and playing with the idea of losing his patience. It made the other man - Yelim, apparently, and how McKay was able to draw that information out when the three of them couldn't, he had no idea - straighten up in his chair. McKay smiled, "Don't make me wait."
"yellow", from misit orare, ut venirem:
There really was an unending list of things for him to do, honestly. He waited for Sheppard to depart, scrolling through the program he had made that live-updated whenever he marked a project as complete. So, so many felt like they would never truly be done. Blinking at the top in a cheerful, non-irritating shade of yellow was Find ZPMs. There was a little asterisk on it, an annotation of or figure out how to make one. A pipe dream, if there ever was one.
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mel-inoe · 1 year
*babannem sahuru hazırlamaya kalkmıştır*
+misit nerde
-simit mi?
+heeğ simit
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dduane · 7 months
Fellow Windows 11 users: how to disable newly-installed Microsoft AI!
Folks, with the new updates that've come down recently, Microsoft has installed its "Copilot" AI app on your machine. It apparently cannot be removed.
But it can be disabled.
ETA: first of all, try these less-invasive/difficult options via @sky-blaze:
The slightly more complex and risky approach (as regedit is never entirely safe) comes via the excellent Pihko Misit, aka @smokepaw.bsky.social over at Bluesky). I've just done this to my own desktop machine, and all's well with it now.
Here's what to do:
(1) You need to have Admin rights for the machine and be logged in to the administrator account.
Now, right-click on the Start menu (Windows logo on the Taskbar.) A menu pops up; about half way down it you'll see Terminal and Terminal (Admin). Click on the Terminal (Admin) option.
(2) A DoS-like box will open. (For those of you who've never interacted with a Windows terminal window before, it looks like this:)
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On the command line (i.e. the first empty line), copy and paste this:
reg add HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsCopilot /v TurnOffWindowsCopilot /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
Then hit Enter.
If successful, you'll see a line pop up saying so. Congratulations! But you're not quite finished.
Now you need to close all programs and fully shut down the machine. A restart isn't enough, it needs to be fully powered down and started back up.
"And now," Pihko says, "ou have a NSA-like AI spy dormant on your machine. Stay vigilant, odds are it'll turn back on with future updates! Big Corporate wants you to be compliant. Don't be!"
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velaraffricate · 1 year
translation of the first verse from gliese 710 by king gizzard! almost every verb here is in the imperative mood, which posed a bit of a challenge. in irkan osla, unlike in english, the imperative declines based on number - either first person plural, or second person singular or plural. i went for 1PL because I thought it sounded almost like a sort of battlecry and less like a literal command, but the others would work too depending on your interpretation of the lyrics. i also decided to translate 'lava' as 'fire-river', since i don't think this culture would be familiar with active volcanoes.
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melt the ice reheat the dead terraform the planet compress the lungs eat the mushroom cool the lava watch the new star dance upon the night sky
blüas ṭhuṣki kxokomaŋka doanragiki na'isünaas ërki fahaaŋka ṇiiṇliphiki khenaak ömki kaṣkhalauas thufki ṭṣi glutas ixki xorosabaothi ḍi misit
gloss and IPA under the cut!
ice-II.SG.ABS melt-IMP.1PL dead.ones-I.PL.ABS again-heat-IMP.1PL world-II.SG.ABS transform-IMP.1PL lung-I.PL.ABS compress-IMP.1PL mushroom-I.SG.ABS eat-IMP.1PL fire.river-II.SG.ABS cool-IMP.1PL new star-II.SG.ABS watch-IMP.1PL night.sky-II.SG.DAT in dance-INF
/ˈbly.as ˈʈʰuʂ.ki ˈkxɔ.kɔ.maŋ.ka ˈdɔan.ra.gi.ki ˈna.ʔi.sy.na.as ˈər.ki ˈfa.ha.aŋ.ka ˈɳiːɳ.li.pʰi.ki ˈkʰɛ.na.ak ˈœm.ki ˈkaʂ.kʰa.lau.as ˈtʰuf.ki ʈʂi ˈglu.tas ˈix.ki ˈxɔ.rɔ.sa.ɔ.tʰi ɖi ˈmi.sit/
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Two short ones today!
tardigrade-misit asked:
I have only watched about half the first season of Black Butler and had absolutely no clue who Gregory Violet is buT— he’s my favorite character now. He looks magnifique in your artstyle! Also love all of your twst content! Im typically a silent follower but I just can’t not say anything about the amazing HCs and art you make! It always makes me happy to see a new post whenever I sit to relax for the day/night. (ó﹏ò。)
Ahhh thank you so much!! I adore Violet, so I am super happy that you love him too now! And the rest of our content as well, it means so much to hear that.
I’m sorry for repeating myself, but this is very motivating, and we very appreciate it; thank you for being so kind and sending an ask despite being a silent follower <3 We are happy to have you here.
Anonymous asked:
Thank you for telling me about the jackvil artist, I'll look it up! Now I'm picturing Vil with both of his good boys on a leash...
You see a famous actor on a walk with his massive wolf and robo-cerberus, wyd?
>"that's a weird dog, what breed is he?"
>ask to pet them and see if you can get a photo/autograph
>avoid eye contact as much as possible and cross the street to get to the opposite sidewalk
You’re welcome! By the way, I should have given you a link…. It’s this one! <3 They are amazing.
God you are so right, Vil really does have two dogs (not counting Rook and a little purple Pomeranian that barks a lot)…
Honestly, I would ask to pet the weird doggie, but I would fight myself not to say anything inappropriate so fiercely and obviously, that both Ortho, Jack AND Vil will end up biting me :(
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rosszulorzott · 14 days
fu apám egymillió hallod egy misit fogunk keresni
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finelythreadedsky · 2 years
sorry, servius says philomela illa tamen rem in veste suo cruore descriptam misit sorori, "nevertheless sent the matter to her sister written on a garment in her own blood"????
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yippeeism · 1 year
Nonne calcitrare me?? Bene certa. Fine. Omnia quae cacas feci. Ego stupri eum servo odio habui et singulos dies relinquere volui. Ad litteram eram tantum efficax modus pro mensibus, et omnes me oderunt stupri ad officium meum faciendum. Odi cultorem tam stupri valde. Ego etiam homines stupri alts habent, sed me reprehendere potes cum in tantum confabulationes cum nulla consectaria in transmedio errans homines invenerunt? Servus caballi erat et hodie me homines mingentem ad me adepto cum turbatus sum ut me deciperent. Habere fun cum servo tuo, sed verisimile est incendere in flammas non quod ego non sum solus mod cum spina stupri. Et yeah mentitus sum. Quis assis facis amplius. Populus litteram accipit alapam in carpi ad erroris. Impetus personales accepi omnes temporis fucking sed certus fui irrationalis et biased mod. EGO iustus volo ut paululum etiam cum omnibus stercore qui servo me misit per.
lol cum
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gregpostok · 2 years
megkaptuk a NAV-os papírt
2022-ben feleségemmel kerekítve 4 misit fizettünk be a TB-re
de mi a faszért? 
Magánba járunk a Medicoverbe, az Istenhegyi génklikára mert az SZTK-s ultrahang csehszlovák2 minőségben szűri a donwt , meg ha minden klappol, akkor magánba kell menni szülni is,
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texasdreamer01 · 3 days
WIP title tag
Tagged by @spurious!
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
All of these are SGA, but not necessarily fic wips:
Atlantis Gate Teams (worldbuilding)
Declination Zero
misit orare, ut venirem
Theorems of a Ghost
Statistical Analyses of a Working Relationship
Dial Tone
The Art of Haptic Negotiations
On the Consequences of Water-Silver Canons
Zjarri i vatrës
Survival Economics AU
The Idiot's Guide to Surviving a Field Team: Science Edition
For Want of a Nail
Endless Rooftops
No pressure tags: @ygodmyy20, @pandora15, @starsdreaming
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sediti0niv · 3 months
Including link: https://www.biblegateway.com/
"Et cum aperuisset sigillum septimum, factum est silentium in caelo, quasi media hora.
2 Et vidi septem angelos stantes in conspectu Dei: et datae sunt illis septem tubae.
3 Et alius angelus venit, et stetit ante altare habens thuribulum aureum: et data sunt illi incensa multa, ut daret de orationibus sanctorum omnium super altare aureum, quod est ante thronum Dei.
4 Et ascendit fumus incensorum de orationibus sanctorum de manu angeli coram Deo.
5 Et accepit angelus thuribulum, et implevit illud de igne altaris, et misit in terram: et facta sunt tonitrua, et voces, et fulgura, et terraemotus magnus.
6 Et septem angeli, qui habebant septem tubas, praeparaverunt se ut tuba canerent.
7 Et primus angelus tuba cecinit, et facta est grando, et ignis, mista in sanguine, et missum est in terram, et tertia pars terrae combusta est, et tertia pars arborum concremata est, et omne foenum viride combustum est.
8 Et secundus angelus tuba cecinit: et tamquam mons magnus igne ardens missus est in mare, et facta est tertia pars maris sanguis,
9 et mortua est tertia pars creaturae eorum, quae habebant animas in mari, et tertia pars navium interiit.
10 Et tertius angelus tuba cecinit: et cecidit de caelo stella magna, ardens tamquam facula, et cecidit in tertiam partem fluminum, et in fontes aquarum:
11 et nomen stellae dicitur Absinthium, et facta est tertia pars aquarum in absinthium; et multi hominum mortui sunt de aquis, quia amarae factae sunt.
12 Et quartus angelus tuba cecinit: et percussa est tertia pars solis, et tertia pars lunae, et tertia pars stellarum, ita ut obscuraretur tertia pars eorum, et diei non luceret pars tertia, et noctis similiter.
13 Et vidi, et audivi vocem unius aquilae volantis per medium caeli dicentis voce magna: Vae, vae, vae habitantibus in terra de ceteris vocibus trium angelorum, qui erant tuba canituri."
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masayoshi-kawaharablr · 4 months
André Campra - Redemptionem misit Dominus (Confitebor tibi Domine)
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sportsnewsgreek · 6 months
Μίσιτς: Ο MVP που επιστρέφει στον… τόπο του εγκλήματος
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carneirodemercurio · 9 months
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Agasallos de Saturnalia:
Unha Lira: a lira restituíu a Eurídice ao seu bardo (Orfeo) pero perdeuna de novo pola súa falta de autocontrol e o seu amor demasiado impaciente.
Unha Candea: 'A fortuna deuche este servo da lámpada que, mantendo esperto, disipa as tebras'.
Figos. O figo Chian, como o viño vello de Setia, contén viño e sal.
Saturnalia gifts:
A Lyre: The lyre restored Eurydice to her bard (Orpheus); but he lost her again by his want of self-control & his too impatient love.
A Candle: 'Fortune has given you this servant of the lamp, which, by keeping awake, dispels darkness'.
Figs: The Chian fig, like old wine from Setia, contains within it both wine and salt.
Cithara: Reddidit Eurydicen vati, sed perdidit ipse, dum sibi non credit nec patienter amat.
Cicindela: 'Ancillam tibi sors dedit lucernae, Totas quae vigil exigit tenebras'.
Ficus Chiae: Chia seni similis Baccho, quem Setia misit, Ipsa merum secum portat et ipsa salem.
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rausule · 1 year
Bestias, Homines, Asini.
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medius inter vos unum et nos multis in multis et in multis formis, ut per ipsum perveniam ad eum qui venit ad me. Praeterita obliviscor, nec ad futura quae praeteribunt, sed ad ea quae priora sunt, non extenta, sed extenta, non extensione, sed contentione palmam vocationis caelestis persequor. 26.4]. Et ego exaudiam vocem laudis tuæ, et videbo delicias tuas, quæ nec veniunt nec transeunt. Nunc anni mei in gemitibus transeunt [Ps 30:11], et consolatio mea tu, Domine, pater aeterne. Ingruentibus temporibus, quorum ordinem negligo, cogitationesque intimae animae meae visceribus crebra discerpuntur. Usque ad diem quo, igne purgato et liquefacto amoris tui, influam in te. Et stabiliam et confirmo in te in forma mea tua
[5. Theoria signorum]
Omnis doctrina habet res vel signa pro obiecto, res autem per signa discitur. Nunc res proprie definiam ut ea quae ad aliquid significandum non deserviunt, ut lignum, lapis, oves et alia similia; non tamen lignum quod, sicut legimus, moyses misit in amaras aquas ad tollendam amaritudinem, nec lapidem quem posuerat Iacob sub capite eius, nec oues quas pro filio immolauit Abraham. Haec enim talia sunt ut aliarum quoque rerum sint signa. Sunt autem alia signa quibus solum utimur ad significandum, sicut verba: nullus utitur eis nisi ad aliquid significandum. Hinc intelligimus quid significemus per signum: rem significatam ad aliquid significandum. Ergo omne signum est etiam res, quia quod non est, omnino non est; non autem quaelibet res est signum. In hac igitur rerum et signorum divisione, cum de rebus loquimur, ita de eis loquemur ut, etiam si sint aliqua eorum signa, non tamen impedient divisionem qua intendimus. de rebus primum, deinde de signis. Meminerimus ergo quod nunc res ut sunt, et non aliud a se, agendum nobis est.
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andromedainruins · 2 years
Translation Exam: Latin
Horatius, qui nunc in numero amicorum Maecenatis erat, otium ad carmina componenda habebat. ille dixerat Heliodorum Brundisium iter facturum esse. itaque Horatius ad aedes Heliodori cucurrit. nisi festinauisset, sero advenisset; nam ille iam profecturus erat. dixit: “si statim proficiscamur, ad proximum oppidum ante noctem non progrediamur. si cras primā luce profecti erimus, Ariciam meridie adveniemus. in illo oppido amicus nobis quaerendus est qui in suas aedes nos accipere uult.” itaque longissimum iter Brundisum fecerunt, de quo Horatius facetum carmen scripsit.
Maecenas amicos saepe uocabat ad optimos poetas audiendos. quidam poeta, Sextus Propertius nomine, nonnumquam aderat qui carmina de puellā suā composita recitabat. inter illa diem natalem amicae celebrauit. praeterea Horatius ad Albium Tibullum, poetam tristem qui de amore rebusque rusticis scribebat, epistolam misit cum ille longe ab urbe recessisset ad carmina scribenda et philosophiae studendi causā. Horatius eum consolabatur, in animum revocando quot bona ei a deis data essent. qua re haec omnia carmina discipulis legenda sunt.
Horace, who was now among the friends of Maecenas, had spare time to compose poems. He had said that Heliodorus would make his way to Brundisi. So Horace ran to the house of Heliodorus. If he did not hasten, he would arrive late; but he was about to depart. He said: "If we set out at once, we might not go to the next town before nightfall. If we set out tomorrow at dawn we should arrive at Aricia at noon. In that town we must search for a friend who will receive us into his house. And so they made a very long journey to Brundisi, about which Horace wrote an amusing poem.
Maecenas often invited his friends to hear the best poets. A certain poet, Sextus Propertius by name, was sometimes present reciting poems he had composed about his girlfriend. During her birthday her friends celebrated. In addition Horace to Albius Tibullus, a sad poet who wrote about love and rustic affairs, sent a letter when he had retired far from the city for the sake of writing poems and studying philosophy. Horatius consoled him, in recalling how many good things had been given to him by the gods. For which reason all the things were collected by students of poetry.
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