#miss crydaisy
daisymaycries · 1 year
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Jellybeans, don’t you hate it when you’re just mowing the lawn and then your cousin pulls up and offers to take you out for a good time and the good time ends up being exacting revenge on the guys who tried to get him run over with a train?
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daisymaycries · 11 months
New Blog Name!
What’s good, Jellybeans, it’s me: your friendly neighborhood memeshiner!
This is an update about my blog name: daisymaycries. In order to avoid confusion with my Etsy shop, Crydaisy (which is not related to memeposting), I have decided to rebrand this blog with a name that retains the Miss Crydaisy sentiment while separating it from my shop.
Lackamemey is still the blog title, and the memes distillery is still very much in business. Thank you for vibing with this change!
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daisymaycries · 11 months
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I say old sports, what is this? Original artwork? By yours truly?! Say it is so! Well, it is, and I’m going to turn it into a sticker. 😂 I’m not very experienced with digital art but I want to improve consistently, so I decided to practice by making small, simple sticker designs. I’m also hoping to make some extra money for school supplies (I’ve been finding that art classes ‘aint cheap, Jellybeans 😆)
School has been steady for the most part, especially since my 8-week class wrapped up in October. I’ve had a little more time to work on non school-related projects, so that’s been nice.
Anyway, have a good one!
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daisymaycries · 1 year
does carrying the entire lackadaisy meme scene hurt your back?
I thought the back pain was just what happens to you when you hit 20+ years old. 🤣
I’m flattered though, thank you. ☺️
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daisymaycries · 1 year
I have an Instagram also. Sometimes I post alternate memes on it when the memes on here don't fit in Instagram's tidy little boxes. Trot on over there and have a looksee, if you fancy. https://www.instagram.com/miss_crydaisy/
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daisymaycries · 1 year
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How’s tricks, Jellybeans?
First of all, big cheers to Tracy Butler, Fable Siegel, and the entire Lackacrew on the Backerkit campaign! I’m happy for y’all because ✨Dreams Do Come True✨ and also for myself because I can’t wait to watch animated Lackadaisy!
And now for a life update that nobody asked for. After 3 years of waiting, I have finally gone back to school to finish my B.A. I have an associate degree in visual communications, but when I graduated during 2020 (enough said there), I was just so burnt out and I didn’t go back to school the next semester. But now I’m back at it, and studying what I’ve always wanted to: ART!!! 🎨 This being what it is, my sporadic posting schedule may become even more erratic as I juggle 4 classes, a job, and my brain’s various add-ons that just really add that spice to routine tasks.
I used to regret not knocking out my 4-year degree in 4 years. I felt like I was behind my peers and behind in life (I felt dramatic about it, okay? lol) But looking back, I now see that I needed that time to grow and find new inspiration (discovering Lackadaisy at the end of this May is actually one of the things that inspired me to chase down my art dream). If I hadn’t waited those 3 years, I would have chosen a study field that was perhaps more marketable for practicality, but far less personally fulfilling.
So, wherever you are in life, just know that even if it’s not where you think you need to be, you are on your way. You’ll get there, pal. And don’t give up on your dreams. Yeah.
Miss Crydaisy out. Peace ✌️
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