#missing this beefcake hours
halfbit · 14 days
i am getting started on productivity for the night but haven't figured out yet if i want to write or art first and there's also the tiny part of my brain that just wants to stare at kabru until it is ok to stop staring at kabru
#i don't talk about fandom stuff much here since i don't really get involved with it#but i do fixate on characters and right now i am circling around him like a wolf#tempted to draw him too but i can never capture his big beautiful eyes properly#i've also been tempted to draw beefcake laios but UHHhh thats for another day and i dont know if i will share that LOL#i finished the manga but i haven't had the energy to watch more of the show so i'm just thinking about the characters on my own and going :#also contemplating if i should draw a pride pfp (unrelated)#basically there is so much to do and it is overwhelming to work through the list#and i keep wanting to add more to it#also need to promo my commissions again more and add those sketches still but trying to figure out how to price them and don't have the#energy to type up explanations for them yet blagh#and i'm trying to balance that “realistically- i need more income coming in” with also “but i can't overwhelm myself with tasks”#<- which is very unambiguously clear that i do that just fine even without working on things for other people#is it obvious that my therapist relocated and i haven't been given a new one yet.#i can therapize myself So Good (actually overthinking and spiraling)#<- but please do not worry this is actually not a bad spiral which is good it is just a “things to do” spiral but it is fortunately#missing the key component of doom and horror and the world ending because i did not accomplish everything right#which is what a bad spiral contains and i've actually been on a pretty good streak avoiding those lately in spite of circumstances!#but if i linger on it it will probably turn into a lie so i will stop doing that#speaking of shows i watched the new episode of kaiju no. 8 today and i am just aggghrrhekrjskfj#i love hoshina so much#and he's been getting a lot of focus in these episodes so im happy#i love the way they animate his fights like!! wow#i need to watch them all on sakugabooru later#but i can't tonight if i want to do things#but i will later because they deserve frame-by-frameing#also i'm going to go pick up two volumes of wind breaker tomorrow i think#unfortunately i ordered them before i learned my hours were getting cut but#i have enough to cover my bills this month and since i'm not buying lunches or dinner for myself anymore because i'm not leaving the house#i'd rather just get them now instead of worrying about someone else buying them if i take too long#and let that be my last personal purchase for awhile
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aikatoru · 1 month
Husband Nanami
Warnings: Domestic fluff, smut, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex.
Tagging: @eveningatthemoviesnetwork
Dividers by myself.
Please like, reblog and comment!! Thanks 🥰
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Husband Nanami takes such good care of you, a house, money and all the security you could ever need.
Husband Nanami who loves spoiling you with gifts, often hiding them in different parts of the house, for you to discover as you clean, finding that one diamond necklace.
Husband Nanami works such long hours, surrounded by female colleagues who all want a piece of him, hoping to steal him away, I mean who wouldn’t with such a beefcake like him, and such a serious hard worker too.
Husband Nanami who is clueless about his attractiveness and brushes off their advances so casually, not thinking of it, only trying to get the job done as quickly as possible in hopes of getting home to you.
Husband Nanami who misses you and finds himself thinking about you at work, about that new lingerie set he had hidden underneath the bed, how’d you react when you saw it, how’d you look so good wearing it.
Husband Nanami who couldn’t help himself and jerks himself off in the men’s bathroom, pulling up pictures of you the night prior, on your knees with his cock in your mouth.
Husband Nanami who immediately rushes home after finishing work, in desperate need to see you, his loving wife.
Husband Nanami whom you greeted at the door, smiling from ear to ear, gently pressing a kiss on his lips before asking if he wants dinner or a bath first?
Husband Nanami who drops his bag on the floor and tells you screw that, cause he wants you first.
Husband Nanami who takes you there and then by the front door, thrilled to finally be able to have you after wanting you for so long, bouncing you up and down on his cock.
Husband Nanami who finishes quick cause damn it he was so pent up, who was slightly embarrassed that he couldn’t get you to your orgasm but you smiled graciously telling him not to worry about it.
Husband Nanami who you tell to go take a shower first while you set the table for dinner.
Husband Nanami who after a nice hot shower, comes back to the dining room to find a nicely set dinner table and you at the other end of the table, stark naked.
“What’s this about?” He would asked.
“Eat up big boy, cause you got a long night ahead of you.”
“I gotta wake up early.”
“I don’t care.”
And he finds it hot that you don’t care.
Oh yes Husband Nanami takes such good care of you! 💕
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©2024 Aikatoru writes, I do not give permission to plagiarize, repost or translate any of my content.
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bi-writes · 4 months
so idk where i got this idea but mercenary!ghost x fem!reader because he's scary and mean and dangerous but then he sees some girl's ass in light blue denim.
notes about reader: as always, i tend to write readers described as curvy because im curvy and we deserve attention from 6'4 beefcakes who are soft only for us. reader is a civilian.
mercenary!ghost (part 1/?)
cw: mature language and content, suggestive language and content, dark!ghost, mentions of ghost's past canon trauma (domestic abuse + violence), mw3 spoilers, violence and gore + mentions of murder and extortion, mentions of reader + domestic abuse, protective!simon, size kink (reader is described as much smaller than simon, easily manhandled by him), pet names (luv, bunny + rabbit, puppy, angel face), reader learns she has a dark side and she likes it, nsfw thoughts about reader, suggestive touching (fem!receiving)
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the sound of the burner phone pings on the desk in front of him. when he picks it up, he narrows his eyes as he reads the message displayed across the screen.
when he opens his laptop, his eyes scan over the balance on an offshore account, and he relaxes when he sees the hefty balance climb just a little higher. he closes the device once he's satisfied with what he sees; and like always, he tastes the warmth of that satisfaction. it's a nice high, but it won't last, and then he'll need to feed the gaping hole that lives in him.
it remains hungry. he has never been able to close it--it has only ever gotten wider, ripped at the seams and torn at the edges every time another body close to him drops.
the high is poison. but even if it kills him, no one will miss him. so he picks up the handgun that lays haphazard on the bed, and he tucks it into the back of his jeans.
he passes by the mirror as he fits a dark denim jacket over his shoulders. he stares back at himself, a recognizable beast of a man staring right back. he pulls his hoodie up over him, and in the shadow of it, all he can see are his dark eyes, pale skin peeking through the eyeblack that has lightened up with the wear of it throughout the day.
he craves something strong and warm tonight. he itches for something soft, too, something that makes him forget the red on his ledger, even if for only a few hours.
there is nothing quite strong enough to wipe that kind of stain away. he is nothing if not a reaper, and he buries bodies with the same tenacity that he had when he wore his country's flag on his chest. this time, however, he does not take orders--he names his price.
he thinks something is wrong with him. some used to say that it was his courage that brought him back from the dead--that his heart is too strong, his will to live too much, and that is how he continues to open his eyes and live another day. but he doesn't agree with this thought, because he doesn't really think he feels anything at all.
he doesn't feel human. he doesn't feel alive. the only thing that makes him feel any sort of vulnerability is how red his own blood is when he bleeds. when his scars heal jagged and crooked, it is because there is something underneath the skin. but he feels nothing inside--no remorse, no guilt, he is not sorry.
he does not check to see if those men are innocent. he does not care about the names that end up on his list. he doesn't ask questions. and he thinks something is wrong with him because he sleeps at night just fine now; the nightmares have gone. he is alone, and it is peaceful.
there are no voices. there is only silence. and there is something wrong with him.
the pub is quiet. it is a weekday, and the only patrons are here after a long day's work, and they all look into the depths of their half-empty glasses hoping to find relief there. there is none, but they will finish their glasses hoping it might be dissolved in the alcohol.
he asks for two fingers of bourbon. it stings when it goes down, but then it settles warm. he is poured another two fingers of it, but before he can pick it up, someone else grips the glass and tips it back to swallow it down.
the glass hits the wood of the counter with an echoing thud, and you cough out a fuck as you settle into the seat beside him. you run a trembling hand over your face, and he notices immediately the red of your knuckles and the splitting of the skin there. they are fresh; the bruising is still new, and the blood is just barely beginning run down the back of your hand.
he leans over the bar, swiping the whole bottle of bourbon, and he silently pours more into the glass, hitting it towards you before picking up a new glass and filling it generously.
"who's the lucky bastard?" he asks, and your eyes flick to the cuts on the back of your hand before going back to the dark swirling colors of the drink.
"i'm sure he'll be coming in here any second to introduce himself."
the pub doors slam open, and there is a man coming in, chest heaving, dark hair falling over his forehead in sweaty curls that do nothing to hide the clear bruise on his face the split of his lip. his eyes move over the room before they settle on you, and his boots fall heavy as he makes his way over.
ghost sees his intentions clear immediately. the way his hand twitches at his side, the angry glare, the uncontrollable urge to hurt and to take and to control coming off of him like steam.
he has seen this kind of man before. this man was the one that kept him up at night as a child. this man was the one that scared his mum, that drove his brother to chase vices, that tore apart a house that should've been filled with something warm and sticky and kind into one marred with teeth, rotten and putrid and forgotten.
his hand goes for the back of your neck, and you close your eyes and tense in the anticipation, but it never comes. a strong hand grips his outstretched one, and the man cries out as ghost twists it behind his back and uses his other hand to slam his face into the wood of the bar, trapping him there.
the bartender does not even flinch, just continues to wipe down glasses. the patrons continue to stare into the abyss of their sorrow.
you jump a little, your head snapping to the side where the man squirms and sputters, his face going pale from the paw of a hand gripping him by the back of the neck and shoving his face into the counter. if he pushes any harder, you wonder if it'd splinter and fray, dig into the bones of his bruised cheek.
"this man botherin' ya, yeah?"
your eyes finally flick up. you do not know what you expect, but it isn't this. you can only see his eyes; they scare you. you do not lie because you aren't entirely sure how far his kindness will go.
"yes," you whisper, and when the man tries to spit at you, a rough gloved hand grips his curls and positions his head against the edge of the counter, forcing his mouth open until the top row of his teeth bite the wood.
"y'keep talkin' to her, n'it'll be the last time you talk, hear that, mate? y'talk to me, n'me only."
you swallow hard, and the man trembles. a strong boot hits the back of his knees, and then he's crumbling to the ground, his jaw straining as the counter is still forced against his mouth. hot, pained tears come down his face, and then he addresses you.
"what did he do?"
"bad first date," is all you can manage to sputter. he grips the man by the scruff of his neck before pulling him off to speak, tilting his head to the side as he observes the begging man on his knees.
"y'try to put your hands on'er?"
"i-it wasn't...like that! i-it was just a mis...a misunderstanding, please! please--please tell him--!"
"don't like fuckin' liars either," is the only warning given before his mouth is forced to bite the counter, and then a sharp elbow comes down on his head. you jump in surprise at the suddenness of it all, and you close your eyes when you hear the crunch of teeth being broken. his scream is enough to rattle the pub, but when you look around, it's as if nothing at all has happened. it is quiet, and all the bartender does is shake their head.
when you open your eyes, he's crawling on his hands and knees out of the pub, and what he leaves behind is a mess of blood and teeth and fluid that are splattered against the floor at your feet. you shake as you look up at him, stiff in your seat and soft tears coming down your face.
he towers over you. you have to tilt your head back between your shoulders to look at him face-to-face. you cannot see his face; he hides it behind dark fabric, but his eyes talk loud. they are dark, and they are dull, and you realize as you stare up at him that he is not phased in the slightest by what he had just done. in fact, he steps into your space, and the squelch of blood under his boot doesn't seem to bother him. he wears black, and you wonder, momentarily, if he wears such a color to hide the red hiding between the threads of the fabric. the red he can't wash away.
"let me look at ya, little rabbit."
you flinch when he knocks your knees apart, spreading them to make space for the width of him. he reaches up with one gloved hand and grips your chin, tilting your head to either side to see if you are hurt anywhere but your hand. when he is satisfied with his observations, he cups the expanse of your throat, smoothing those big fingers along the pulsing vein there and feeling the way you swallow.
so alive. so soft. a pretty little bunny, dropped into his waiting hands.
his eyes fall, and he takes you in. wide hips that take up the seat you're sitting in, hugged so nicely by light blue denim jeans. they curve over the swell of your ass, and he wonders how much of it would fit in his palm--he thinks about how it might feel to spread them apart and taste the succulent sweetness that he knows exists between your thighs and how your mouth might look slack jawed and wide open for him.
you look like a good girl, even with bloody knuckles.
then he follows the line of your shirt. it's a simple t-shirt tucked into your jeans, but the neckline gives a nice peek of you and the curve of your tits--they sit so nicely there, all perky, and ghost thinks they look lonely. they would be better off in his mouth or squeezing his cock between them or pebbling between his dirty gloved fingers.
filthy. disgusting. he is scarred all over, and you look so soft and sweet, with those tender puppy eyes and the way your lips tremble, and he bets you kiss all soft and slippery. he bets your cunt is tight and with enough coaxing, he could make you drench his skin with something decadent and slick, with whatever drools into your panties. he imagines it is there now, even as you tremble and shake and plead with your eyes for him to let go of your throat.
but ghost is not a good man. he does not feel; he is not a man at all. he is a beast in the shape of one, disguised, and he brings misery to everything he touches. he knows he will do it to you, too--touching pretty girls, he leaves them with burns. they are not the same after they are with him, and he wants to feel bad about it, he wants to feel something, but he does not. he feels nothing.
"you olright, luv?"
you nod frantically, putting a hand over his wrist that holds you, and he almost laughs. your hand is so much smaller than his own. if he squeezes his hand just a little harder, he figures it would not take much to break what lies beneath it. he leans in, and you gulp when your thighs trap his hips. he is warm, a furnace that burns, but you relax when the side of his mask nuzzles against your face.
he is a dog, and he is fond of you.
you should run. you should hit him like you hit your wretched date, and you should run, far, away from him, swear off men for good and never allow one in your space again lest they be as beastly as this. you should run while you can, but you are a bunny not yet in his trap, and you still have time to escape.
but then both of your eyes open at the same time, and his eyes meet your own, and then--oh.
the cage snaps shut. it rattles around you. it is small and confined, but you don't realize what it is yet because you can still breathe, and it is still warm, and you are still soft and alive and here.
your face softens, and his eyes flicker down to your lips as you lick them. maybe he was right. liars are bad. men like the one you were with before were scum. you had been with men like that before, you had seen the destruction they brought to those they thought they loved. when they wrought fear and made others bleed, they never got in trouble. no one cared to do to them what they deserved because they silenced their lambs and slaughtered the light out of them.
it is biblical--an eye for an eye. if they take from you, why can't you take from them?
it is brutish men like this one that do what others are too timid to. your thighs close around his hips, and you feel something digging into your leg, something metal and heavy tucked into his jeans. a weapon, but you imagine it is a mercy because you have an inkling that what he does with his hands is so much worse. bullets are clean and fast; his hands are not.
johnny would tell him to let you go. he does, over his shoulder, spitting at him to leave, to let you slip through his fingers and find your way out, to open the cage.
the wee lass--look at 'er angel face. let 'er go--not meant for this, LT. she scares. 's in 'er eyes. won't last.
but he does not feel. he is not human. there is something wrong with him, he knows it, but he doesn't care. he will ruin you, and he should feel bad, but he can't, he doesn't. and then there it is--your eyes are flickering low, eyeing the mask, and you are wondering how much effort it would take to push it up and lick into his mouth, taste him, suck the warmth of the bourbon from his mouth and replace it with your own.
he will kill again. the cage is shut, it is locked, and he is watching the bunny in its cage, watching as it becomes aware of its surroundings, takes in what is new. but just like he figures, just like he knows, this little bunny has no idea what this cage is. she has no idea she is even in one.
fuck what johnny says. if johnny was like him, if he was not skin and bone but steel and reptile, he would not have died. he would have come back. he would have moved his head, shaken the blood off, and gotten back up, but he didn't, and he's not here, and he's not real--so fuck what he thinks, fuck what he says, fuck him because he left me, and i'm all alone, and if i don't devour and eat and tear apart, i will wither away because i am not me, i am something else--
he smiles under the mask. you notice it, the slight movement there, and you smile, too, suddenly. his hand falls, and the back of his knuckles graze over the swell of your breast, down your stomach, and then he's gripping your waist. that hand slips behind you, and you brace yourself with both hands on his chest as he cups one side of your ass. possessive and suffocating--you think maybe you should run again, but you don't want to.
you want something more. you want something a little rough, something a little sharp. you want something to tell you that a little blood is good sometimes. that answering blood with a little more blood was exactly how it should be. that we don't have to be docile, to back down. you want to be told that it's okay to bite.
there is something wrong with you.
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woozihaes · 12 days
pairing: sorta s.coups x f!reader, but i'm really just writing this to be funny warnings: hockey!au, but i have no idea what i'm doing or what i'm talking about. notes: inspired by @bfwonu's hockey/figure skater au and the short fic that @97-liners wrote for it.
hat trick
"a bake sale?" seungcheol, captain of the hockey team, has the audacity to laugh. "are you serious?"
"i don't see you coming up with better ideas," you snap, rolling your eyes and slamming your pen on the table of the reserved study room. "i mean, a beefcake calendar? really?"
seungcheol looks personally offended. "you think they won't sell? have you seen my team?"
you shake your head. you had no idea how it was statistically possible that the entire hockey team were probably almost all of the prettiest boys on the varsity roster, but you weren't about admit it. "i'm vetoing this. the boys on the figure skating team aren't going to do this. it's obviously just to show off and stroke the hockey team's members' egos."
"we need money," seungcheol argues, voice rising. "sex sells!"
"we're in college! we're not supposed to be selling sex!" you shriek, horrified.
"just because you're a bunch of prudes—"
you both jump when someone bangs on the door to your room.
"SHUT UP! we're trying to study out here!" someone screams, and you color. seungcheol, for all his cocky bravado, has the decency to do the same.
"sorry!" you say, loud enough for the person to hear, and then whisper-shout, "bake sale!"
"calendar," seungcheol whisper-shouts back, and you know he does it to be petty.
their heads turn when the door opens, and a miffed-looking guy pokes his head in. his hair is shaggy and you can imagine that his canines would be a cute feature of his if he weren't frowning.
"hey, cap, mind lowering the volume?" he asks. "trying to study out here."
"we're just about done here, actually," cheol announces, getting up and gathering his things. "sorry for the noise, mingyu."
mingyu looks surprised, but then withdraws quickly. "oh, okay. thanks, anyway." he shuts the door behind him.
you whirl on seungcheol. "we're not done!"
"yes, we are," he says firmly, slinging his bag over his shoulder. "no bake sale."
you sputter. "then no beefcake calendar!"
"see? done." he's halfway through the door when he winks your way. "let's fight about something else tomorrow."
he's long gone before you muster a response.
"this," seungkwan—who seungcheol nominated (threatened?) as event organizer, because of course he'd nominate someone else—declares, "is a terrible idea."
"i think it's wonderful," you chirp merrily. you hold out your hand for the payment the girl next in line seems eager to dump into your hand. "your captain said it himself: sex sells."
"on paper!" seungkwan cries frantically, gesturing to the long, long, long line of ladies awaiting their turn. "this is practically assault!"
your eyes dart to the sign above you. kissing booth. "oh, come off it. it's not that bad. besides, it's not like your captain didn't approve of it."
although it is, you admit, pretty bad. you thought it was a good idea at the time when you kind-of-sort-of predicted a decent turn out (you weren't blind to the hockey team's collective good looks). but at this point, the beefcake calendar would have been a salacious, but ultimately safer, option.
you have no idea what seungcheol was thinking, agreeing to this booth.
"mingyu is missing," seungkwan cries. "he's been gone for half an hour! what if someone kidnapped him?"
you flash him a look. "what are you talking about? he's huge. there's no way they could drag a guy like that off campus."
"my turn!" the girl next in line declared. she didn't even wait for you take the money—she simply dropped it on the table in front of you and whirled on her victim. one of the players—whose name you learned was d.k.—shrieked and sprang into a sprint.
"he should be in track," you comment off-handedly. "see him pump his arms like that? he could easily run the hundred meter without breaking a sweat.
“next!" you call, but find surprise when it's not a girl, but a guy lined up. in fact, it's seungcheol. "um. hi?"
seungkwan blanches. "wait—"
seungcheol rolls his eyes. "calm down, kwan. i'm not in it for the hockey team." he turns to you and raises and eyebrow. "i wanna kiss you."
your jaw drops so fast you're sure you hear a comical, resounding clank. "what?"
seungkwan's jaw does the same.
"come on," cheol says good-naturedly. "if you put my boys through it, i gotta put the figure skating team through it, too."
you sputter, "b-but—"
he rolls is eyes. "seriously, your girls got off scot-free with that bake sale you went behind my back for, by the way," he says with a shake of his head. "have to take my revenge somehow."
you're still not comprehending. "but—!"
he rolls his eyes and pulls out enough bills to cover five times the cost of one kiss. "here. you can't turn me away now."
you swallow. that is a good amount of money... "fine. one kiss."
"i'm paying you," he retorts. "i get to make the rules, no?"
he leans forward and it's so sudden that you jump away. "wait, i'm—"
seungcheol grunts. "oh, for—" and it all happens faster than you can blink.
his hand cups the back of your neck, fingers threading into your hair. his mouth slants over yours, and the first thing you think is his lips are warm and soft.
it's a nice kiss. it's a good kiss. and you find yourself—
someone clears their throat very loudly, evidently very annoyed. you try not to think that that's maybe because you were kissing the captain of the hockey team for long enough a time to consider it "sucking face."
you jump away from seungcheol, dazed, blinking away your confusion. the girl behind the hockey captain is practically glaring at the two of you, and seungcheol sheepishly moves to the side.
in a haze, you take her money and she slides away to find her victim (based on the trill shriek off in the distance, you're guessing d.k.'s a crowd favorite).
"well," seungcheol coughs. "um. yeah."
"yeah," you croak, and you feel embarrassed that that's all you can muster.
"i think, um, i think seungkwan left," he says, a little too woodenly for it to be natural. "i'll, uh. i'll—i'll look for him."
"sure," you say, equally as wooden. you don't look after him when he leaves.
"i'm literally right here," seungkwan declares, but you barely hear him over the pounding of your heart in your ears.
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hxyleswritesthings · 1 year
Poly!KiriBaku Headcanons
Author's note: Just some little things on what domestic life is like with these two beefcakes. Enjoy!
- Bakugou and Kirishima are the exact opposite in the morning. More often than not, Kiri sleeps in as late as possible, but he wakes up cheery. Bakugou, on the other hand, is usually the first one up every single morning but he's liability to be around for at least the first hour he's awake.
- You are the classic grumpy morning person. As long as the guys are home, they're usually the ones to wake you up in the morning, and they both know to give you space until you've finished your first cup of coffee.
- As the first one up, Bakugou likes to shower first and make coffee for the three of you before you part ways. If he has the time, he likes to go on a quick morning run/walk and grab pastries from the bakery around the corner.
- On the rare occasion that you do wake up on time, you like to make a quick breakfast for the three of you to eat, packing them both bentos for lunch as well.
- There was one time Kiri walked in to the kitchen, following the smell of breakfast and coffee, only to find you bent over the kitchen counter, practically drooling as Bakugou relentlessly pounds into you, taking out his bad mood. Bakugou just grins at the redhead when he looks up to find him staring, not missing a beat as he reaches around to thumb at your clit until you're begging for release, thighs shaking as you gush on his cock. Bakugou's not far behind, grunting as he pulls your hips back against him to fill you up, grip hard enough to leave bruises. Kirishima just watches the whole thing over his coffee cup, pants feeling tight from where he sits at the dining table.
- You're weak now, Bakugou's arm the only thing keeping you up as he gives you both a moment to breath before he's slipping out of you and pulling his pants back up. head leaning on the table as bakugou keeps you standing, giving you a moment to catch your breath before he's slipping out of you and pulling his pants of his hero suit back up and tucking himself away. He leans down to pull your leggings up as well, silent as he scoops you up and dumps you in a chair next to Kirishima, serving you both a heaping plate of eggs.
- You're a little dazed from the events of the morning, whining as you get placed down before crawling into Kirishima's lap in need of affection.
- The three of you rarely have any serious fights, but due to his temper and your stubbornness it's not unusual for you and Bakugou to bicker. You love each other dearly, but you've been known to butt heads over the smallest things. It rarely ever gets out of hand. Most of the time one of you breaks pretty quickly and you both laugh it off and move on.
- This courtesy does not extend to game night. You and Katsuki are known for full on screaming at each other and making Eiji play referee to whatever the nights chosen game was.
- You never let Katsuki live it down when you absolutely crush him in Mario Kart.
- I hc that as he gets older, Kiri starts growing his hair out more and he looovesss to sit between your legs and let you play with and braid his hair.
- Bakugou's not big on you playing with his hair but sometimes he does let you paint his nails a solid black, claiming it looks good with his hero suit.
- With them being busy pro heros, getting everyone's schedules to align can be difficult, but you make it a goal for all three of you to sit down for dinner together at least once a week. Most of the other nights, it's usually you with either one of them, or you don't even have dinner together at all.
- Bakugou's not much of a partier, so he's usually the DD when y'all go out with your friends. He does enjoy a drink or two on the nights he's not too tired to stay up after work. When you guys host, it becomes Kirishima's personal mission to get him absolutely /trashed/.
- Bakugou becomes VERY clingy when he drinks and he opens up in a way his friends don't usually get to see. You find it quite endearing.
- Before the three of you formally announced your relationship to your group of friends, everyone could tell with how handsy he was with Kiri. Everything finally came to a head once Shoto walked in on them making out in the hallway. He came back, nervous to tell you how he had caught your boyfriend's infidelity, and you couldn't help but burst into laughter when the blonde in question came back into the room, Kiri in tow, both of their faces bright red at being caught.
- It took your friends no time to warm up to the idea, Mina jumping up with a squeal and shouting at how Denki now owed her money from a bet.
- At night, you guy switch between the two bedrooms depending on the mood. Bakugou's bed is bigger, but there's something extra cozy about how many pillows Kiri keeps.
- The three of you are just a bunch of grown up kids who love each other very much and are doing their best to navigate life together :’)
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college!ari + elevator
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Want you to want me
Pairing: college!Ari Levinson x female!reader
Summary: Ari really likes you but doesn't know how to ask you out.
Warnings: super fluffy, Ari is a shy beefy boy and should be protected always! This blog is 18+ only. Minors DNI.
Authors note: feels like I haven't written in soooo long! I've had this in the pipeline for a while but just needed the muse to cooperate ✨ this sits in the same universe as our lovely college!Andy and will most likely have more parts 🩷 (word count: 1.2k)
"Just ask her out."
Ari turns his gaze at the sound of his friends voice, already missing having you in his line of sight.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Ari grumbles, fiddling with the pages of the book he's been pretending to study from for the past hour. If only he could pull his gaze away from you.
Andy let's out a chuckle, "she's cool, she's nice and she likes you, just go over there and ask her out."
Ari sighs as he looks over to you again. You're talking animatedly to someone from your class and Ari can't help the soft smile that graces his face as he watches you.
It's not like he hasn't spoken to you before, you both had a similar group of friends and you shared a couple of classes. It was the fact that every time he spoke to you he'd get all flustered and tongue-tied and you'd give him a smile that both calmed and tortured him.
"It's not that simple, man," Ari huffs, pulling his eyes away from you again.
"Sure it is, just go over there and ask her out."
Ari stares at him, "I can't just go over there and ask her out."
"Sure you can!"
Ari sighs, dropping his head as he thinks it over. He wants to ask you out, god he really wants to. But what if you say no? It's not like you'd laugh in his face or anything, you're not like that. But you're friends and what if that's all you see him as?
"Is that how you got your girl? You just asked her out and it all worked out fine?"
Andy smiles as he looks at his friend, his dumb, clueless friend.
"Well I tutored her for a while and then we fucked in that room over there," Andy grins, gesturing to one of the study rooms.
Ari stares at him wide eyed, "so you didn't even take her on a date?!"
"Christ you're old fashioned," Andy laughs, "I took her on a date after. When two people want each other you don't have to stick to a timeline, dude."
Ari can feel his cheeks warm up, he wasn't a prude or anything but he was raised by a single mother who instilled chivalry in him. And he liked you too much to risk doing anything stupid. He wanted, no needed, you to like him - in whatever capacity you were willing to give.
"I just want her to like me," he mumbles quietly, almost hoping Andy doesn't hear.
"Pretty sure she already does, man. And right now she's coming over here and I would put money on it being to talk to you and not me."
Ari's head whips up and he catches your eye as you reach their table. You flash him a sweet smile and Ari swears he loses the ability to think.
"Hey beefcake," you grin as you come to stand in front of him.
That name, and the way you say it, has lived rent free in his head ever since the first time you called him it.
You'd been drunk at one of Andy's parties and to say you had two left feet would be an understatement. Ari had arrived late after working a double shift at the garage and honestly all he wanted to do was go to bed, but as soon as he saw you dancing and stumbling he knew he could stay for just one.
You caught his eye from across the room and he swears the smile you sent him could light up a whole town. He didn't know why you were so happy to see him but in your excitement and inebriated state you tripped over the leg of a table. You would have fallen flat on your face if it wasn't for Ari's quick reactions and strong arms.
He caught you with ease. His arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you up like you weighed nothing.
The giggle you let out has played on repeat in Ari's mind ever since. Your small hands resting over his biceps, giving them a squeeze and giggling even more.
"So strong," you giggled, "so beefy."
"How much have you had to drink?" Ari mused, unable to hold back the smile as he looked down at you.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your chin on his chest as you peered up at him pouring, "only a little. Thank you for catching me, beefcake."
Ari's brows lift as you descend into another fit of giggles. With your chin against his chest he just prays that you can't hear his heart thudding.
"Beefcake, really?"
"I think it suits you," you beamed.
And well, who was Ari to disagree.
Andy's voice snaps Ari back to the present.
"So, are you coming to the Halloween party on Friday?"
Ari feels his cheeks heating up, wondering how long he was staring at you before his friend jumped in. Looking anywhere but you, Ari just wishes the ground would swallow him whole.
"I don't know yet," you say, Ari's eyes flicking to you at the sound of your voice, surprised to see you're already looking at him, "are you going, beefcake?"
Ari stutters as he tries to form a coherent thought, "me? I, um, yeah I think so, maybe?"
Ari can see Andy smirking out the corner of his eye and wishes he could whack him in the face with his text book.
"Well I hope you decide to," you smile, biting your lip slightly and Ari feels his chest constrict, "who's going to catch me when I fall otherwise?"
Ari laughs and he swears your eyes get brighter, "well in that case I might make an appearance."
"Look forward to it," you wink, "well it was lovely seeing you boys. I'll see you in class Ari."
You send them a final smile before turning and heading to the elevator.
Ari's eyes remain on you until Andy throws a pen at his head.
"Dude, what the hell?"
"Ari, seriously go fucking ask her to the party! She clearly wants you to go."
"What? No, she was just being nice, making conversation," Ari tries to brush off, his eyes connecting with yours before you quickly turn away and step into the elevator.
"I swear to god, go ask her now or I will set her up with Steve!"
Ari shoots daggers at Andy before he's up and out of his chair and rushing towards the elevator. His brain doesn't catch up with his body until he's squeezed himself through the closing doors and is stood face to face with you.
"You okay there, beefcake?" You chuckle, taking in his rosy cheeks and the way his huge chest heaves under his shirt.
"Um, about Friday, err Halloween, I um, was wondering..." He trails off, scratching the back of his neck and looking anywhere but your eyes.
"I'd love to go with you," you smile softly, placing a gentle hand on his arm.
Ari's face splits into the widest grin as he breathes out, "really?"
You let out a soft laugh as the elevator doors open on your floor, "really."
Leaning up onto your tip toes you place a chaste kiss to his cheek before turning on your heel and walking away.
"Make sure you wear something pretty, beefcake," you sing over your shoulder. Sneaking a quick glance back at your favourite shy, beefy boy before the doors close. You see him smiling and touching his cheek and you know you're already in too deep.
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Aw I'm so happy to finally share this! My college boy universe is expanding and we have Ari in the club! As always comments and reblogs are super appreciated 🩷 also please send me thots for more college!Ari ✨
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octuscle · 10 months
Full time barista here I’ve always been envious of the men on stage especially the heavy weights. Don’t want to over work the chronivac but help me become a muscle bull as big as jean pierre fux.
Mate, I understand you only too well…. There are few things hotter than the real heavy beefcakes. I've tried it long enough myself… But I didn't make it either. Jean Pierre is a pretty good role model… But I have an idea…
Friday morning. It's 06:00, you have to hurry, in one hour you have to prepare the first coffee. You don't have time for much more than a few situps and pushups. In the bathroom you have to hurry. You need longer and longer to conceal your receding hairline. You are now 40 years old, slowly you just notice that you are getting older. If you go out tonight to party, it will take you almost the whole Saturday to recover. The cosmetic industry has nothing effective to offer against the wrinkles in the corners of your eyes. And even if you don't need to be ashamed of your body: You won't gain much more muscle in your lifetime.
Shit, at 07:00 o'clock people are already queuing up. You hate it when you can't open the store in peace. But as it looks, it will be 10:00 o'clock, until you have the first moment of rest. In fact, it's even 10:30 when your colleague thinks you can take a break. If you need it, he adds with a wink. You look fantastic today! You take a mineral water and sit down in the warehouse. In fact, you feel pretty damn good right now. You drink the water in one go. You don't have much time for a break. And you have to piss again before the lunch business starts. Your lower jaw drops as you wash your hands. Fuck, what happened to you. There are no more receding hairlines or laugh lines. You look ten years younger than when you got up today. The only difference is that you look as if you'd spent the last ten years doing little else but lifting iron. Your T-shirt is almost blown up by your biceps and pecs. And your jeans look like they're painted on your monstrous legs. How could you not notice that? As you tie the apron back on your way back to the counter, you wonder why you were just amazed. Since your 20th birthday, you've spent every spare minute at the gym, investing every penny you earn in protein and supplements. Hell, if you didn't look the way you do, you would have wasted a hell of a lot of time and money.
The calm in your coffee bar begins to subside again. The lunch business is starting up. There's a beefcake in your line that makes you jealous. Yo, bro! he greets you. It's nice to see that there are real men working here, too. What you can recommend to him. You suggest the protein bomb. A scramble of 10 eggs with 400 grams of chicken breast. He grins and nods. And a liter of still mineral water. The bro shares your taste. While you type everything into the register, he asks you if you're all-natural. Of course you are. With the money for the meal, he slides you a card. In case you want to think about it.
It is 17:00 o'clock, when you tie off your apron. Fuck' according to your watch you have walked 12,000 steps today on the few square meters behind the counter. But it also looks like it's been a pretty good day so far. You're 20 now, and the idea of opening your own café with healthy and, above all, protein-rich food came to you when you were 16. That's when you started getting into high performance bodybuilding. And a place like this was missing at that time. And then you built this place with your mentor and trainer as a straw man. But you can't stand behind the counter for more than ten hours. Even if you are the best advertisement for your products, you have to work out at least four hours every day. Otherwise you don't stand a chance on the big stage.
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You might not be one of the big ones yet… But you are on a really good way to get there. You met Jean Pierre Fux once at a fitness fair in Germany. A great role model for you. And he said that at your age he would have been a linnet compared to you. The prerequisites for a brilliant career are there. Enjoy it and make the best of it!
This and other hot pics @anton227ludwig
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navybrat817 · 6 months
Navy oh my god
I need to tell the world about this and immediately thought of you because I am truly living my best beefy personal trainer Bucky x plus size reader rn 😭
I just recently started feeling comfortable in my body again (truly such a journey, it’s been great) and I’m back on dating apps and I added some full body pics I’m truly proud of for the first time ever. I’m on hinge, so I can see who likes me first and I can decide to match or not.
Well- I saw that this absolute beefcake of a ginger gym daddy (he’s 7 years older than me) liked me. I thought “oh there’s no way…” and then thought “no bitch! You’re a catch!” And we matched, and we’ve been talking for a few days. And while talking about gyms and such he told me he just opened his own and wanted me to come down to be his curvy eye candy to get more clients 😭😭😭 he also told me I have the body of a Greek goddess and he makes me swoon just asking how my day is going.
Like I’m truly losing it today because it’s only been a few hours since he texted me and I miss him????? Who am I! He lives 3 hours away which is truly not a big deal to me but I want to see him so bad. UGH
Maybe ill keep you updated on this journey LOL
-I’ll have to come up with a fun sign off name
Ahh, nonnie! I love this journey for you. Alexis Rose just popped in my head. You are living the PT!Bucky x plus size!reader life! 🥰
I thought “oh there’s no way…” and then thought “no bitch! You’re a catch!”
YES. This is the energy we love to see. I'm so happy that you're comfortable in your body. It makes my heart happy. And this PT sounds amazing.
And I couldn't resist sharing a gif. 😉
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Please keep us posted on and if you think of a sign off name or emoji. ❤️ Love and thanks! ❤️
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sylkana · 2 years
here have me giving my opinions about each of the winx club specialists bc i'm bored
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a dumb bitch. literally the entire plot of season 1 could've potentially been avoided if he WASNT SO STUPID AND JUST TOLD BLOOM THE TRUTH. was the cause of all of bloom's sad montages when she goes home to earth. needs to kick diaspro OUT of his life for good i get he feels bad where she's concerned but my dude. you have miss BLOOM PETERS!! appreciate her more!!!! still love him tho. he's an idiot but he's MY idiot and i will ultimately defend him and his poor choices bc he tries to give kiko (bloom's pet rabbit) a "man to man" talk (4kids dub) and he gave us iconic lines like "*wakes up from being dead for 5 minutes* bloom... you're AWESOME. will you be my girlfriend?" and then thanking her when she says yes (4kids dub) and OF COURSE: "you left the door.... WIIIIIIDE OOPPPEN" (rai english dub) sidenote: i laughed so hard when bloom's dad banned him from their planet in the second movie like GOD they're all so dramatic 😭
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beefcake. 6 year old me's biggest crush. peak man shit right here. GET YOU SOMEONE WHO TREATS YOU THE WAY BRANDON TREATS STELLA. like my GOD. in season 2 when he's being forced to marry that one queen and he screams at her that he can't marry her bc he's in love with someone else and then when they're at stella's princess ball and she walks in and his JAW LITERALLY DROPS AND SKY HAS TO CLOSE HIS MOUTH FOR HIM. also that one episode in season 3 where stella gets put under a spell that makes her "ugly" and she, the girls and brandon go look for a way to break it and flora had put an illusion spell on brandon so he'd just see the old stella but then when stella is crying bc she doesn't think they can break the spell and she doesn't want brandon to leave her bc she thinks he only loves her for her looks but then he reveals that flora's spell wore off hours ago so he's BEEN seeing her and tells her he loves her not for her looks but the beautiful person she is inside....... set my standards way too high. also he's a really good friend and doesn't feel the need to be a jealous menace (minus season 4 kinda) like riven and sky can be. he KNOWS he's hot
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the biggest moron in the entire show but you know what? it WORKS for him. i love him despite his dumbass jealous tendencies. i get it, he's scared the person he likes will eventually see how awful he thinks he is so he covers his emotions by being a giant jerk. but my dude, my guy, sometimes you gotta let yourself be vulnerable :( you can't always have these huge walls up and push away the people you care about!!! him recognizing his mistakes in season 4 in regards to musa and him trying to better himself was GOOD and RIGHT and they threw it away and i'm still upset about it lol also in season 3 when he saw musa and nabu together for like 0.2 seconds and he IMMEDIATELY got on his leva bike to go wherever the fuck they were to beat the shit out of nabu only to get his own ass beat and then become bffs with nabu is one of the funniest moments in the whole series ps he and bloom would've made a great couple and i'll die on this hill !!!
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he has the biggest dick of the entire group i just KNOW it. he's smart, kind, considerate and is constantly in awe of his equally smart girlfriend. he NEVER tries to talk down to her or hold her back. and he rips his glasses off before going in for the kiss so he gets extra sexy points for that. he's literally so unproblematic i can't think of a single one of his flaws. except maybe when he wasn't understanding that tecna wanted him to see her as more than just a tech buddy but we all know he's been simping for that woman since he met her he's just bad at expressing it sometimes
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KING. SHIT. god i love him so much. the way he's introduced as a pacifist in season 2 but in the SAME EPISODE we see him using force to defend flora and ONLY flora as his hair blows beautifully in the wind and he makes sure she's ok before leaving. IM STILL SCREAMING ABOUT ITTTT. also he draws so. you know. that's hot. he's on thin fucking ice after his haircut in season 4 tho... never forget what they took from us!!!!
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HES SO UNDERRATED IT MAKES ME UPSET!!!! like cmon he's a WIZARD!!!!!! he has questionable taste in being besties with riven but i'll let it slide bc he's the only guy who is fairly competent in a fight even tho everyone else actually goes to a whole ass school that's supposed to teach them how to be heroes and fight. i feel like they could've used him more when fighting valtor bc hello... that's the only other wizard we see lmao basically i'm sad he was introduced so late into season 3 and that..... THAT.... happened in season 4 :( he deserved so much better
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spxxkygays · 11 months
( josh heuston. he-they. cis man. ) the courts of veritas welcome  EASTON JESSE ALLEN! it’s been said that the 24 year old WIXEN is known to be CHARMING and SNAKE TONGUED. when BEEFCAKE MCGAY or EAST isn’t working as a WAITER AT NIGHT OWLS, they can be found participating in JEWELRY MAKING. if you visit their home in RAVENWYCK, it may remind you of hours of video games, late night moves and insomnia, silence in a crowded room, missing that someone that stole your heart. they may be your best friend or your greatest enemy. (juicy couture. any. 26. est. )
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Full Name: Easton Jesse Allen
Nickname: East
Age: 24
Gender: cis man
Pronouns: he-they
Ethnicity: Anglo-Srilankan
Nationality: Australian
Education: High school
Occupation: Waiter
Hometown: Byron Bay, New South Wales
Current location: Ravenwyck
Species: Wixen
Written Aesthetics: hours of video games, late night moves and insomnia, silence in a crowded room, missing that someone that stole your heart
Face Claim: Josh Heuston
Height: 6'1
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Eye Colour: Bright blue green
Dominant Hand: Right handed
Distinguishing Features: Washboard abs
Abilities: Water magic, and standard witch abilities
Have you always been aware of your abilities?: Pretty much, yes.
Favorite Magical Items: Locket I gifted my best friend
What supernatural creature is your character most scared of?: Fairies
Who or what would they die for?  Dusty and their best friend.
Does your character fight or flee?  Depends on the situation, but most likely flee.
Positive Traits: Quick study, charming, patient
Negative Traits: Stubborn, Aloof,
Neutral Traits: lighthearted, optimistic
Goals/desires: To be able to master the art of healing through magic
Fears: Never being able to see Weston ever again
Hobbies: gaming, baking, painting, swimming
Habits: constantly twirling a pen in his fingers
your answers to these questions do not have to be in depth, though of course they can be! they’re just here to help you grasp your character a little more, as well as for me to get an understanding ! 
QUESTION ONE: social media and the video games that are pretty exclusive to the outside world, i miss going to the movies most of all.
QUESTION TWO: the entire island itself feels mesmerizing to me. 
QUESTION THREE: I fear ignorant people and they do tend to be human so a little bit actually.
QUESTION FOUR: he keeps constant eyes on dusty because he's afraid the little runt might hurt himself if he doesn't.
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theomnicode · 2 years
When you're tired from shitty sleep and work so you don't feel like making that daily (meta)post about OPM zzzzz. Also feelsbad when your brain is most active and buzzing with thoughts at night but proper sleeping rhythm means you actually gotta go to sleep.
It would be kind of interesting to dig into other character metas besides Saitama and Genos but just like Saitama, I need to get mentally stimulated and care enough so I can spend 4 hours formulating a tumblr post. Can't be bothered to expand my understanding about all the other chars to that level prolly.
Which is another metatopic I wanna to make, that Saitama's brain needs constant stimulation because his powers of psyche (and that's why he's made out to be constantly bored and needing things to do) and other stuff, but not today.
Or I could just watch the anime again and chill and look for some funky stuff what I've been missing (beefcake theme) or reread the manga for the 5th time or something. Or finally make that God masterpost that I dread making. Oh god...
Or maybe someone can throw me a bone? If you've found anything interesting about Saitama or Genos.
How ya folks enjoying dem meta posts?
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disneymarina · 2 years
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I posted 3,133 times in 2022
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2,461 posts reblogged (79%)
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#fun meme - 292 posts
#devil may cry - 233 posts
#my art - 230 posts
#my artwork - 225 posts
#generator - 161 posts
#resident evil - 159 posts
#devil may cry 5 - 156 posts
#ask meme - 154 posts
#dante sparda - 152 posts
#aesthetic - 88 posts
Longest Tag: 108 characters
#⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ cover your and heat room with ⭐️sticker
My Top Posts in 2022:
Albert Wesker x Werewolf! Reader
@houndofscream​​ Asked: “ Im not sure if you still doing requests. But if u are can do u wesker x werewolf reader”
________________________________________________ (Here the Masterlist to Headcanons!)
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See the full post
79 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
Imagine Chris being little spoon even though your small person compared to him.
(Here the Link to read more of my headcanons)
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Y/N: *kiss Chris’ forehead while cuddle him like big spoon* “My strong little spoon I love you.”
81 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
Leon s. Kennedy soft boyfriend headcanon
(Here the Masterlist to Headcanons!)
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- Leon Love giving soft cuddles and kisses when you're having a bad day. -  Leon shop for you, when you need anything or just want to help you out.
- Leon such a sweetheart when comes to your birthdays, dates nights, other eventful things for you two. - Leon Love to wake up early to make breakfast for the two of you. 
- Leon just a big old softie and he love you so much!
88 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
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Me has fairy that I made in picrew ^^
110 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hey! I was wondering if you could do some Chris Redfield headcanons where he falls in love with a new member of his squad or team or whatever? But she are like really cool and he ends up liking her? You don't have too but if really like it! Thanks you for your time, and take as long as you need.
Hello @dorkyratqueen​! sorry if this took so long to reply I want to make it perfect for you. I hope you love it. ^w^ 
(Here the Link to read more of my headcanons)
Chris Redfield x Female! Reader (Where Chris falls in love with the reader)
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- When Chris Started to fall in love with you, when your 1st join star.
- He was just young man with full of happiness and playfulness and when Wesker said that they are going get a new member he was so excited to play prank on them like he did with others came into star.
- that very moment you came into his life. He was like holy moly who is this angel and He want to protect you.
- He was fool for being a showoff, He want to show you that he can be your man. But you already in love with this beefcake.
- so one day you ask him if you want hangout by the doughnut shop near the station. He was surprised that you ask him to hang out with him.
- you giggle at his shock face told him the time when they can meet at the doughnut shop.
- he nods and said see you soon. Jill laughs at her friend. She said "wow! Chris your crush just asks you out." She smirks.
- He was dumbfounded about what happened to him he said. "The Angel just asked me to hang out with them."
- Later that week was the date. Chris was picking out his outfit and Claire help him out by picking out his clothes and going for semi-casual.
- Claire said "She would love this on you. This style I pick work out nicely. Now time to fix your hair." She giggles.
- many hours later it was time to go to the doughnut shop, both you met halfway when Chris saw your outfit, he really thinks you're an angel from above. You were shocked on how handsome your beefcake is in his outfit.
- After you guys complement each other's you guys went in the doughnut shop. You offer to pay both of your and his coffee and doughnuts. But he assisted on paying.
- you agree to let him pay and after Chris pay and pick up the coffee and doughnuts you guys pick a table for you guys.
- After you guys settle down, he asks about yourself and where you come from. So, you did, and he was really interest in you and learning about the past.
- you also feel the same about him has well. You both bonded and you both have confessed you guys love each other.
- you and Chris were so happy that you guys told each other about having crush and falling in love with each other.
- For rest if day you two became a lovely couple.
186 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cappurrccino · 2 years
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I posted 6,517 times in 2022
That's 573 more posts than 2021!
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I tagged 4,821 of my posts in 2022
Only 26% of my posts had no tags
#//juri speaks - 1,265 posts
#juri's ffxiv - 421 posts
#the magnus archives - 346 posts
#ffxiv - 184 posts
#ffxiv: hw - 172 posts
#magnus archives - 152 posts
#hollow knight - 115 posts
#oc: lemon - 107 posts
#juri's grad school adventures - 100 posts
#malevolent podcast - 94 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i won with a little help from a cheater npc (but it was getting late and i think if he hadn't helped we'd still be there for 3 hrs yet lol)
My Top Posts in 2022:
G O D quincey trying to shoot dracula is even better than i expected bc this motherfucker just. Says Nothing. he just steps out of the conversation, leaves the room, goes outside, and shoots the goddamn window out, and only then is like “O SHIT, hang on, sorry guys, i’ll come explain myself”
10/10, very texan of him
302 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
started thinking something along the lines of "aw, what's wrong with me that i feel bad for unsubscribing from company emails" but then i remembered sitting in on a marketing meeting during my internship and listening to them proudly talk about how they use like. behavioral psychology to figure out how best to manipulate people into using their services and i feel much less like there's something wrong with me now
304 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
watching venom is fun bc absolutely nothing I osmsed from tumblr has been correct yet sgdkfgsjd
423 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
maybe it's just bc im an adult with other things to do, or maybe I have too many interests, but I think my problem with a lot of modern games is that like... you know how every professor seems to think their class is your only class and heaps work on you accordingly? except you're taking multiple classes and have no time left?
it's kinda like that. So Many Games seem to be built with the idea that like. this is and will always be your Only Game, so it's built to be huge and grindy and take hundreds of hours to complete, and I feel like really all it does is make it unreplayable or too intimidating to start if you have other things going on in your life (which everyone does)
like... I'd like to replay DA:I a couple times to see what it's like as different characters with different choices but I think my first playthrough took nearly 200h, and sure, I could skip sidequests, but what if they're different? what if they impact the end of the story?
or hzd! I didn't get very far into the game bc I thought I had made decent progress until I realized the map zoomed out and I'd uncovered maybe 5% of it and I knew it would be another game that needs a massive investment
idk man, I just miss the days of like. halo reach and halo 4 and portal and the other 360 games I have that I played dozens of times, over and over and over, bc they told their story and didn't take a hundred hours of resource gathering to do so
1,991 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
ryan: [trying desperately to ask a ghost questions]
ghost: VACCINE
ryan: 🤨
4,100 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
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my-weird-news · 10 months
😡 NFL Game Bumps 'Bachelorette' Finale! Fans Furious! 😱
Bachelor Brouhaha: Football Fumbles with Love! So, folks, gather round and let me tell you a tale of love, loss, and Monday night TV madness. We all know the kind of intense devotion Bachelor Nation has for those rose-strewn romances, right? But oh, the chaos that unfurled in Washington, D.C.! Picture this: Charity Lawson was on the brink of her much-awaited "happily ever after" on the Bachelorette. She was all set to pick her prince charming while the rest of the world (well, not really the whole world, just the part hooked on reality TV) held its collective breath. But hold on, D.C. dwellers didn't quite get the memo. What did they get instead, you ask? Drumroll, please! The Washington Commanders, yes, the preseason NFL kings, took center stage on those local airwaves. Can you believe it? Charity's quest for love was benched like a second-string quarterback. You could almost hear the collective gasp of outrage echoing through the nation's capital. And oh, Twitter wasn't too far behind, with tweets hotter than a touchdown celebration dance. One irked viewer bellowed, "Whoa, @ABCNetwork, your choice of airing football over the Bachelorette finale screams 'fumble' louder than a ref's whistle!" And then there was the astute observation that watching a bunch of helmet-clad beefcakes chase a pigskin wasn't exactly the perfect date night for romantics. "But wait," someone else cried out, "is this a fever dream? Preseason football? Seriously?" Yes, my friends, the Bachelorette fans in D.C. were forced into a TV timeout, while the rest of the world reveled in rose ceremonies and dramatic breakups. Someone grab the smelling salts; I think a few fans might've fainted! The local affiliate, WJLA, tried to mend the broken hearts by shooing away disgruntled viewers to a channel called Charge. Sure, it's free – if you're swimming in a sea of cable subscriptions. Meanwhile, the cord-cutters who've embraced streaming services like YouTubeTV and Hulu + Live TV found themselves in the technological dark ages. Guess what? The New York Times also had a field day with this gridiron vs. roses debacle. They even found a fan who was "pretty frustrated" with missing out on the live action. Bless her heart, she was grappling with a 24-hour TV blackout, and no, it's not a power outage, folks. It's the agony of not being part of the Bachelorette buzz in real-time. And just to pour salt on the romance-wounded, the Commanders clinched a victory against the Baltimore Ravens. Oh, the irony! But hey, at least they didn't get the satisfaction of a loss. Small blessings, right? Hold your hats, because the story isn't over yet. Charity, our lovely leading lady, finally handed her rose to Dotun Olubeko amidst beaches, palm trees, and enough emotional turmoil to rival a daytime soap opera. There was also a Joey Graziadei in the mix, who was later announced as the next Bachelor. That's right, the guy who didn't get the rose gets to throw his own love party. It's like the consolation prize was a ticket to the romantic circus! Charity poured her heart out to Dotun, proclaiming, "You've made me believe in love again," as if he had singlehandedly invented love like the Steve Jobs of relationships. And then, oh then, Dotun drops down on one knee, presenting his case like a lawyer arguing for a lifetime of commitment, saying, "the love that we have is perfect." If I had a dime for every time someone uttered that line… Fast forward to the "After the Final Rose" special, and Charity's dishing out all the details like a celebrity gossip column. Wedding bells are in the air, but not for long. The engagement's apparently going to be as short as a speedy touchdown run. No set date, just some vague promises of marital bliss while they "enjoy the season of life." Classic! Because who needs wedding planning when you can watch strangers dance on reality TV instead? So there you have it, folks, a tale of TV twists and turns that Shakespeare himself would've been proud of. Charity's on her way to the dance floor, probably twirling in a rose-patterned ballroom gown. And the rest of us? Well, we're just here, popcorn in hand, waiting for the next touchdown pass to sail across our screens – or maybe a bouquet of roses, who knows? 🌹# Bachelor Brouhaha: Football Fumbles with Love! So, folks, gather round and let me tell you a tale of love, loss, and Monday night TV madness. We all know the kind of intense devotion Bachelor Nation has for those rose-strewn romances, right? But oh, the chaos that unfurled in Washington, D.C.! Picture this: Charity Lawson was on the brink of her much-awaited "happily ever after" on the Bachelorette. She was all set to pick her prince charming while the rest of the world (well, not really the whole world, just the part hooked on reality TV) held its collective breath. But hold on, D.C. dwellers didn't quite get the memo. What did they get instead, you ask? Drumroll, please! The Washington Commanders, yes, the preseason NFL kings, took center stage on those local airwaves. Can you believe it? Charity's quest for love was benched like a second-string quarterback. You could almost hear the collective gasp of outrage echoing through the nation's capital. And oh, Twitter wasn't too far behind, with tweets hotter than a touchdown celebration dance. One irked viewer bellowed, "Whoa, @ABCNetwork, your choice of airing football over the Bachelorette finale screams 'fumble' louder than a ref's whistle!" And then there was the astute observation that watching a bunch of helmet-clad beefcakes chase a pigskin wasn't exactly the perfect date night for romantics. "But wait," someone else cried out, "is this a fever dream? Preseason football? Seriously?" Yes, my friends, the Bachelorette fans in D.C. were forced into a TV timeout, while the rest of the world reveled in rose ceremonies and dramatic breakups. Someone grab the smelling salts; I think a few fans might've fainted! The local affiliate, WJLA, tried to mend the broken hearts by shooing away disgruntled viewers to a channel called Charge. Sure, it's free – if you're swimming in a sea of cable subscriptions. Meanwhile, the cord-cutters who've embraced streaming services like YouTubeTV and Hulu + Live TV found themselves in the technological dark ages. Guess what? The New York Times also had a field day with this gridiron vs. roses debacle. They even found a fan who was "pretty frustrated" with missing out on the live action. Bless her heart, she was grappling with a 24-hour TV blackout, and no, it's not a power outage, folks. It's the agony of not being part of the Bachelorette buzz in real-time. And just to pour salt on the romance-wounded, the Commanders clinched a victory against the Baltimore Ravens. Oh, the irony! But hey, at least they didn't get the satisfaction of a loss. Small blessings, right? Hold your hats, because the story isn't over yet. Charity, our lovely leading lady, finally handed her rose to Dotun Olubeko amidst beaches, palm trees, and enough emotional turmoil to rival a daytime soap opera. There was also a Joey Graziadei in the mix, who was later announced as the next Bachelor. That's right, the guy who didn't get the rose gets to throw his own love party. It's like the consolation prize was a ticket to the romantic circus! Charity poured her heart out to Dotun, proclaiming, "You've made me believe in love again," as if he had singlehandedly invented love like the Steve Jobs of relationships. And then, oh then, Dotun drops down on one knee, presenting his case like a lawyer arguing for a lifetime of commitment, saying, "the love that we have is perfect." If I had a dime for every time someone uttered that line… Fast forward to the "After the Final Rose" special, and Charity's dishing out all the details like a celebrity gossip column. Wedding bells are in the air, but not for long. The engagement's apparently going to be as short as a speedy touchdown run. No set date, just some vague promises of marital bliss while they "enjoy the season of life." Classic! Because who needs wedding planning when you can watch strangers dance on reality TV instead? So there you have it, folks, a tale of TV twists and turns that Shakespeare himself would've been proud of. Charity's on her way to the dance floor, probably twirling in a rose-patterned ballroom gown. And the rest of us? Well, we're just here, popcorn in hand, waiting for the next touchdown pass to sail across our screens – or maybe a bouquet of roses, who knows? 🌹 Read the full article
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veritasislehq · 11 months
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Welcome to the Isle, Veritas Isle that is. Your journey has only just begun. We are delighted to announce that the following have been accepted! Please click anywhere on this sentence to be redirected to the checklist. Please message the main if you have yet to receive a link to the discord server or if you have any additional questions. We're here to answer any and all concerns.
( josh heuston. he-they. cis man. ) the courts of veritas welcome  EASTON JESSE ALLEN! it’s been said that the 24 year old WIXEN is known to be CHARMING and SNAKE TONGUED. when BEEFCAKE MCGAY or EAST isn’t working as a WAITER AT NIGHT OWLS, they can be found participating in JEWELRY MAKING. if you visit their home in RAVENWYCK, it may remind you of hours of video games, late night moves and insomnia, silence in a crowded room, missing that someone that stole your heart. they may be your best friend or your greatest enemy. (juicy couture. any. 26. est. )
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ikkaku-of-heart · 2 years
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@abyssusinvo​​ asked: ( Drake ) 💋 *gives you dino man to gently hold*
Everyone sending ‘💋’ in my inbox gets a kiss from my muse 
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Despite him being a Marine, Ikkaku surprisingly didn’t hold any ill-will towards Drake. Yes, he chased the Hearts around the North Blue, attempting to foil their plans and arrest them, but no matter how many times they fought or she ended up in the brig, it was hard to hate him for it. Maybe because, unlike her brother, he seemed to actually uphold the moral standards the Navy was supposed to. How many times had he missed out on he chance to capture a pirate because he was busy protecting civilians? She couldn’t be sure but it was enough that her feelings towards Drake had warmed considerably over time, to the point where she couldn’t really classify him as an “enemy” as opposed to everyone else who’d ever joined the Navy.
Unfortunately, that sometimes made things complicated.
Key turning in the lock of the thick metal cuffs, she smiled apologetically at the groggy rear admiral. It wasn’t the most noble thing, drugging a man’s drink and luring him into a storage room at the back of the tavern, but sadly necessary. Both for the sake of the plan, and his own safety. At least she was confident that he’d metabolize the sedative within a few hours, and he was a smart, resourceful guy; he’d find a way to get himself free from his non-seastone restraints and easily break out of a locked room. This was meant to delay him, not keep him completely out of the way. His arrival was actually a key component to the second half of Law’s plan.
“I really am sorry about this,” she said, coming around to the front of the chair she’d tied him to. The engineer had at least made sure it was a moderately comfortable one with padding, and once he was fully conscious it would break easily enough. But the sedative would keep him out of commission for at least another two hours. Long enough for the Hearts to storm the governor’s mansion and flush out Joker’s underlings. Once Law had exposed that scum and raided the underground lab of whatever intel and treasure he could, he’d leave them for Drake to arrest while the Tang sailed merrily away.
Another thread of Joker’s underground web cut, and the rear admiral got to play hero. It was win-win, really. Yet they all knew Drake was too noble to actually work with pirates except under times of extreme duress, so alas, underhanded measures needed to be taken.
Ikkaku cradled his cheek in her hand, and she had to bite her lip to keep herself from cooing when he sleepily nuzzled against her palm. For a beefcake Marine who could turn into an Allosaurus, he really was quite cute at times. She might have to tease him about that later. Unable to help herself, she leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, giggling a bit when she felt him lean in to return it. “I’ll try to make it up to you sometime,” she murmured, pulling away but straightening the lapels of his jacket. Much as she’d love to muss that clean, white suit up, now was not the time. And it wouldn’t be right anyway with him not being fully in his right mind.
She was a pirate but there were certain lines she would never cross. The kiss was honestly toeing it as it was.
“Next time I kiss you, you’re gonna be fully conscious and it’s gonna rock your world,” she promised, smiling down at him before darting out of the storage room, locking the door behind her. She couldn’t linger, even if she wanted to. There was still more work to be done.
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