caitmayart · 4 years
Howdy-hey! What are your thoughts on The Explorer's Guide to Wildemount? I for one am ridiculously excited!!!
Did you know this message sent three times?
I am also extremely excited, predominantly on the new wizard subclasses and exploring more into Dunamancy as well as Matt’s lore history!! Oh and I know a ton of the people who are doing art - which is gonna be BONKERS! Very very excited about it!
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paperwizards · 5 years
Look, every job comes with its negatives. Sometimes you get bad customers. Sometimes you get bad bosses. Sometimes concussed undead crows imprint on you as soon as they have breath in their lungs again.
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earnedmagic · 5 years
I'm the sole person in my workplace that can successfully calm the leopard gecko; I can make a treadmill with my hands until they calm down and lie still against my palm. It's absolutely adorable and makes me feel so happy to even think of it!🦎
oh that’s so cute! thank you so much for telling me 💕
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icllucia · 6 years
This miracle will always remain a mystery Cause once again, it leads me to you
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Purple and fuschia!
PURPLE = I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog
FUCHSIA = Your blog content is gold
Thank you so much, that is so very sweet! I’m glad you enjoy my content! 
Thank you for the ask
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checkeredtablesloth · 4 years
Late night appreciation post for all my irl friends, new and old. You all make me so happy in your own ways, even if it’s just tolerating my innate need to making shitty jokes and references, and the general... weirdness.
@misskateshappen @wearenottheones @elizaxspears
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i-see-7-cats · 5 years
Tag game
Rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people
tagged by: @im-not-like-other-gays and @hopefully-not-the-ghostbusters
Nickname: I don’t have one really
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 155cm
Last movie I saw: Captain Marvel
Last thing that I googled: prismatica magazine
Favorite musician: oh god i don't know
Song stuck in my head: A Day in Falsettoland
Other blogs: none
Followers: 198
Following: around 3000?
Amount of sleep: 6 to 8 hours usually
Lucky numbers: 7
Dream job: if only i knew
What am I wearing: jeans and a t-shirt
Favorite food: probably pizza
Language: German and English (i did learn some french but i’m pretty sure i’ve already forgotten most of it)
Can I play an instrument: probably not anymore, but i played the violin
Favorite song: uh. don’t have one?
Random fact: i have an exam in a few days and i probably should be studying rn
Describe yourself in aesthetic things: honestly i tried to think of something but this has been sitting in my drafts for way too long now so i'm posting it anyway
@approximately12lbs-of-ducks @the-fae-lord-of-the-cats @misskateshappen @kacychase @pokemonmdfreak @katlover9807 @blue-obsidian @99fandomsandmarvelisone @sydthekid443 @starryeyedaspie @winterbirb @newrocketsuggestions @becky012 @thatoneplebb @mag-and-mac @peachygirlspirit @negamewtwo @ anyone else who wants to do this
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Demi aroace here, reporting from the Canadian embassy to formally request an audience to discuss my application. I'm artistic. Illusion based and animation powers, favorite trick is to animate small doodles made of paint and fluff. I've almost got the hang of reality glitching, and have learned to control it to a certain extent, but every now and again one of the doodles sprouts ears or wings or something when I'm not paying attention. Acceptable?
I am assigning you the Agent Code Number AroAce#76. Please report to your District Leader in the Toronto District for your first mission, and tell them whether or not you plan to set up your own Safe House (agents generally operate Safe Houses for new aspeclings on the first leg of their journey to the AIC). Please send an update when the Safe House signature jammer is operational.  
Send back reports and updates here as asks, or you can make your own blog about it (several people have done so) and send me your posts or @ me in them on the blog that you make!
If you want to be involved in Shadow Research, report to @districtleadercodeace50 in the Shadow Realm.
If you want to be involved in Stealth Research contact @aroace567 and @agender394.
Since you want to help research the Void contact @void-research-outpost. @ace-no3524 also does more specific chemistry research.
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itsjustolee · 5 years
Mandrake, belladonna, bay.
Favourite magical beast: This is an incredibly difficult question to answer... I wouldn’t want to call any of my humanoid favourites a beast so I’d have to give it to the Phoenix 🔥
Something I love about myself that others may find unappealing: I’m a huge day dreamer but I can become a little oblivious or slow to react/have a hard time focusing on things because of it. I’ve definitely had people confront me for my dopiness.
If I could have one superpower: ohhhhmygoshh, there are plenty of powers I’d love to have but truly and selfishly I want to be able to fly, haha 💦
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nh-ss-love · 6 years
Tagged by the lovely @chloelapomme thank you sweetheart!! I was bored out of my mind lol
name: Ana
nickname: Anchy (this is not really how you spell it, but it's like.. it's a thing, just roll with it)
zodiac sign: VIRGO~
height: 163cm
age: 21
language spoken: English, Serbian, used to know German but I studied it at high school and forgot it. In the future, I want to learn Japanese and French
nationality: ...Serbian and regret still living in this country every single day
favorite fruit: strawberry and banana. It's like asking me if I love NaruHina or SasuSaku more, it's just isn't possible to choose XD
favorite season: i'm a summer child so summer!! I love eating ice cream and taking a dip at our family pool (in front of the house). We got a bigger one this year too!!
favorite scent: lavender and coconut. I never knew this about myself until I had to answer this question
favorite color: orange and, for some reason, I'm really into baby pink now?? Idk why
favorite animal: doggos. I love cats too but they can hurt you so...
coffee, tea, hot chocolate: tea!!
average hours of sleep: 8 hours, I'm such a lucky bastard
favorite fictional characters: o-kay, here we go *stretches* Naruto Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuga/Uzumaki, Himawari Uzumaki, Boruto Uzumaki, Himawari Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno/Uchiha, Sarada Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha, Minato Namikaze, Temari Nara, Tenten (my two most playable charas in NSUNS4), Elizabeth Liones, Meliodas, King/Harlequin, Diane, Ban, Elaine, Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Cana Alberona, Erza Scarlet/Belserion (whoops, spoiler), Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser, Bisca, Ikki Kurogane, Stella Vermilion, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrien Agreste, Alya Cesaire, Nino Lahiffe, Chloe Bourgeois (... yes, the whole superhero package), Jughead Jones, Betty Cooper, Ted Mosby, Tracy McConnell/Mosby etc etc THERE'S TOO MANY!!
tagging: @zhenya-kotik @misskateshappen @theredjoka @natsuisnotapirate @fuckyeahsasusaku @fuckingchatnoir @unisonraidd @naruhina-sasusaku
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inkylizard · 6 years
Tagged in one of these things (for the first time in my tumblr life?!) by @misskateshappen, so: have yourselves an assortment of strange information about me. 
Name: Kit
Nickname: Kit is technically a nickname that i decided I wanted to wear all the time. 
Zodiac sign: Libra
Height: 5′-and-some
Age: 34
Language spoken: English, very patchy high school French, and a little Scots slang. 
Nationality: American, but I had to live Elsewhere for awhile to develop a sense of what that means to me. 
Favorite fruit: any fruit eaten right off the plant is, in that moment, my favourite. 
Favorite season: the in-between times
Favorite scent: fresh cut grass, and then dry cut grass at the end of summer; tobacco essence; woodsmoke; tomato plants;  the smell of cold air someone carries inside when they’ve been out all day.
Favorite colour: earth green, sky blue, deep blue and amber. brown and grey.
Favorite animal: I self-emblemize as Foxxen (arctic) but I also love birds of prey and cats and dogs and penguins and pangolins, and did you know that cows have scratchy tongues like cats? I may not be equipped to answer this question. I love All Of Them.  
Coffee, tea, hot chocolate: yes, and sometimes more than one at a time.  
Average hours of sleep:  9. (know thyself)
Favorite fictional characters: Uncle Iroh, Mister Badger, Ron Swanson, CJ Cregg, Kermit the Frog, Boober Fraggle, Cantus Fraggle, Anne Shirley, the Mrs W’s, the Golux, Data, Destruction of the Endless, Literally Every Character from Steven Universe, Yoda, General Leia. (And... many others i didn’t happen to remember right now.) tagging others always feels vaguely coercive to me, so I generally Don’t, (although I don’t happen to mind it myself) - that said; if you’d like to have been, then please do consider yourself tagged. <3 
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paperwizards · 6 years
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I have had multiple times when I have woken up to a puddle of drool on my pillow. Y'know how some people look nice when they sleep? I'm not one of those people. #inktober2018 #inktober #art #sleep #drooling #illustration #brushpen #glamourous #zensations #misskateshappen #drawing #doodle #selfportrait https://www.instagram.com/p/BonpK0cBX9g/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1e0hux9lmyts4
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icllucia · 6 years
Imagine Dragons.
Do I know them already?: yes | no
Favourite Song: I’m So Sorry
Least Favourite Song: Thunder
Favourite Album: Night Visions
Least Favourite Album: idk didnt listen to much off of other albums
Song that got me into them: It’s Time
Seen Live?: nope
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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paperwizards · 6 years
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"Pull the lever, Kronk!" (I forgot the prompt was "poisonous" and not "poison." Oh well.) #inktober2018 #penandink #blackandwhite #emperorsnewgroove #poisonous #art #doodle #inktober #misskateshappen https://www.instagram.com/p/BoahR1ahPeg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nwkucnlxnb81
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paperwizards · 6 years
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I'm fond of wearing duster cardigans at work, despite the fact that they catch on boxes and corners and books and I'm always standing on them. #inktober2018 #inktober #flowing #zensations #workwear #cardigan #style #drawing #art #illustration #doodle #selfportrait #misskateshappen ##traditionalart #brushpen #fabercastell https://www.instagram.com/p/BoxsYh6BGD2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n6nmvq07eu39
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paperwizards · 6 years
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I felt so proud of my witchy costume that I wanted to draw it, and I think this pic sums up both my feelings about Halloween and Inktober. This has been so much fun; I always find I grow as an artist when I do Inktober, and this year is no exception. Thank you to everyone who has liked and followed!😘 On a separate note, this month has made me consider opening up for commissions in the future. What do you guys think?) #inktober2018 #inktober #zensations #slice #itsbeenaslice #witch #witchy #halloweencostume #art #drawing #illustration #traditionalart #me #selfportrait #comics #costume #brushpen #penandink #misskateshappen #commissions https://www.instagram.com/p/BpoGIS7lIEX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=iffv3l12qbai
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