lanawinterscigarettes · 8 months
The Masters + finding rocks that match the color of each other's eyes
Characters included: Simm, Missy/Gomez, and Dhawan
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Warnings: some cute and romantic fluff, brief mentions of light hearted threats/violence (it's The Masters, what do you expect), brief swearing
A/N: for anyone who doesn't understand the context here basically there was a trend on tiktok where you and your partner or friend look for rocks that match the colors of each other's eyes and I thought that would be a cute thing to write with the masters (if y'all want me to do a version with the doctors or the companions then just lemme know)
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Simm! Master
Absolutely does not want to do it with you at first I'm sorry
He needs to be either tricked or bribed, or you need to catch him at a moment when he's already feeling vulnerable
Honestly it'll most likely end up being the former of the two
Bribe him with extra kisses and cuddles. It'll work, even if he does still complain
Doesn't actually look for the right rock color at first, he just wants to throw rocks at other people instead
Gets mad when you tell him to stop and (lovingly) threatens to stone you
As soon as he finds the one he's looking for he wants to leave immediately, even if you're still searching. He does not care
Acts like he doesn't know what happened to the rock he found that matches the color of your eyes when you ask him about it later on (he snuck it in his pocket and stares at it every night before he falls asleep)
Missy/Gomez! Master
She'd be the most excited out of all of them honestly, even if she doesn't show it on the outside
I'm a firm believer that Missy is a true romantic at heart and actually really loves cliche couple activities okay
Ends up taking you to a stony beach or rock covered planet with her TARDIS, wanting to make a day of it
She doesn't rush you when searching, mostly because she also doesn't want to be rushed
Spends her time finding a rock that matches the color of your eyes perfectly, and if you can't find one that matches hers then she'll help you look
She wants to sit with you on a blanket and hold hands while watching the sunset <3
Later she finds something that'll turn the rock she found that matches your eyes into a piece of jewelry that way she can always have a part of you with her
Dhawan! Master
He doesn't need to be bribed like Simm! Master does, but it will definitely take some persuading
Refuses to let you choose where you're going to search. It's his TARDIS, and he'll take you wherever he wants lmao
Says he doesn't want to spend all day looking, but then does just that because he's a perfectionist who refuses to settle for anything that's not the best, especially when it comes to you
Grumbles under his breath the entire time he's searching because he gets upset when he doesn't find the 'right' rock as soon as possible
If you help him look not only will his frustration disappear he'll also get calmer and maybe even give you a kiss as a thank you
He ends up leaving with an entire bag full of rocks because he couldn't decide on just one, so now he has a whole collection of them that's literally just your eye color
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Main masterlist | Doctor Who masterlist | wanna be added to my taglist?
🏷 taglist: @theonetruepotato87
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heyitsspaceace · 9 months
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don't let their seemingly straight-passing tension fool you, they are still very gay and dysfunctional
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tonsillessscum · 4 months
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The Doctor & Missy: text posts – pt. 5
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spideysenze · 1 month
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gaypanicattackonlegs · 4 months
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never not thinking about them
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the-patrex · 4 months
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Based of @lazer-screwdriver's post about Master face swapping! Dhawan playing the Saxon Master, Simm playing Missy type and Gomez playing the Spymaster!
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madhatter0309 · 16 days
I want another female Doctor
I want another female Master
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thekingofspin · 2 months
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lanawinterscigarettes · 8 months
Hey, if it's okay, then may I please request a Gomez!master (missy) x reader. The reader has been kidnapped by Missy and someone they are working with. The person with missy tells them how when they're done with you that you will fall in love with the first person you see and how you will obey them. (Which they will make sure is missy) the person then knocks you unconscious and when you wake up you see missy, your new "programing" is activated.
anon I'm not gonna lie, I probably had wayy too much fun writing this than I should have, I literally sat down and didn't stop writing until the whole thing was complete. I hope you love it as much as I do <3
Side Effects Include (Missy/Gomez! Master x reader)
Warnings: kidnapping, drugging, the ending can be read as slightly suggestive
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"What are you doing? Let go of me!"
You struggled against the restraints of the chair you were tied up in, glaring across the room at a person who you thought was your friend. Well, they were really more like a work friend than anything else, but that was besides the point.
"Sorry, I can't do that." They responded simply, shrugging some.
You rolled your eyes at their response, though your annoyance quickly switched over to fear when you heard another voice begin to talk from behind you.
"Now, now. Try not to get overexcited. I'd hate for you to hurt yourself."
Missy stepped out from behind you, walking around the chair in a slow, predatory fashion.
"You." Of course, you should've known she was the one behind this.
She chuckled at your reaction. "Yes, it's me. Aren't you so thrilled?"
"What am I doing here?" You asked with a slight growl as you fought once more against your restraints.
"None of that, now." Missy wagged her finger at you like you were a cat who was trying to chew on one of her houseplants. "You're here because- well, to be quite frank, I've found myself to be growing infatuated with you."
You narrowed your eyes, trying to figure out just what she meant by that. "You- what?"
She sighed in exasperation at your response. "I have feelings for you, dear. That's why I paid your little 'friend' here to kidnap you." She gestured to the other person who you'd forgotten was still in the room.
"Oh." You grumbled, shooting them a dirty look that they seemed to be pretty unfazed by.
"Come, now. Don't seem so disappointed." Missy said sternly. "There are worse things."
"Oh, yeah? Like what?" You retorted snarkily. Big mistake.
She clenched her jaw, her nostrils flaring in anger. "I've tried to be reasonable here. But it seems as though you're leaving me with no choice." Turning, she spoke to your 'friend'. "Let me know when the procedure is complete."
They nodded in understanding as Missy left the room. As they turned to face away from you, you noticed a fairly large table with a bunch of test tubes and glass vials that you hadn't seen before.
They started mixing something, though what, exactly, you couldn't be sure. You gulped, getting the sense that maybe getting an attitude with such a formidable force like Missy wasn't the best idea.
Your so called friend turned, holding up a strange looking flower, one that you could only assume was from some kind of alien planet. "Do you know what this is?"
"Of course I do. It's obviously a hat," you responded with sarcastically.
They kept on as if you hadn't spoken. "This is a very rare strain of flower that contains the chemical compotents required to cause someone to experience a very intense romantic attraction towards someone else."
Letting out an irritated sigh upon seeing your confusion, they rephrased their previous sentence. "It can be used to create love potions. The strength of said potion depends fully on how much of it is added.
"A few petals would make the subject have a slight crush, whereas the whole thing creates a world for them where nothing matters except for their love. They'll do anything that's told to them by the person to which their affection is based. This-" they gestured to the flower "-is merely here as an example. I've already gotten the materials I need from another similar flower."
You felt the blood in your veins run ice cold as you started to put two and two together. Not only did Missy want you to be hers, but she would do anything she could to ensure that you wouldn't ever try to leave. I mean, she was evil, sure, but surely she wouldn't stoop so low as to do that... right?
"Wait, why can't she just use her powers of hypnotism, if she wants to be with me so bad?" You asked suddenly as they moved to place the flower back on the table.
They picked up a large perfume bottle, and you noticed they now had some kind of surgical mask on their face. "Because the effects of hypnotism have to possibility of wearing off after a certain amount of time, even for someone as powerful as her. This can only be reversed by the corresponding antidote." They made their way over to you and held the bottle up to your face. "Now, stay still."
"No, don't you dare spray me, you son of a bit-" You felt yourself get spritzed in the face before you could even finish your sentence, the aroma of the flower permeating your senses and settling deep in your lungs. Your eyes became droopy, and you barely noticed it when a chloroform covered rag was forced over your nose and mouth to ensure you wouldn't keep struggling while the potion started working.
When you woke up again a little while later, your old 'friend' was gone and Missy had returned. You blinked a few times, trying to shake yourself rid of the effects of the perfume in vain. She kneeled down in front of you, a look of glee clearly visible on the features of her face.
"Hello, dear. How are you feeling?"
"Ugh." You mumbled, not even able to form a full word, let alone a sentence.
As your eyes began to focus, you noticed for the first time just how gorgeous Missy truly was. Her eyes were enthralling, her smile dazzling, and had she always done her hair up in such cute ways?
"Hi, Missy." You eventually slurred out, your voice dripping with adoration. "You're really pretty."
She let out a playful giggle, noticing the lovestruck look on your face and how compliant you seemed, a sure sign that the potion had done its job. "See? I knew you'd love me. Now, let's get you out of those restraints so I can show you just how much I love you."
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Main masterlist | Doctor Who masterlist | wanna be added to my taglist?
🏷 taglist: @theonetruepotato87
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tonsillessscum · 4 months
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khruschevshoe · 8 months
Kinda adore the fact that any time the Master comes back to Doctor Who the Doctor basically pauses the story and tells their companions "sorry, gotta deal with some psychosexual romantic drama with my on-and-off-again genderfluid homicidal ex/narrative foil that WILL traumatize you (and your family/boyfriend/loved ones) for the rest of your lives" all the while the companions are literally just the Live Slug meme
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spideysenze · 13 days
i’m going bed
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neon-psychopomp · 1 month
could you please draw some missys??
Thank you!!
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Some Missy for your viewing pleasure.
Thank you so much for the request, I needed some Missy practice :D
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enbyeighthdoctor · 2 months
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Peter Capaldi and Michelle Gomez behind the scenes of The Doctor Falls
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