Hey Guys
I changed my url!
Used to be- mistletoeandhotcocoa
Now am- cozychristmascocoa
So if you see my blog name and don't recognize it, that's why. :D
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I updated my theme and all that good stuff. Hope you guys like it, man, working with those stupid music players is a bitch! But, I'm glad I have one now, so people can hear my favorite Christmas songs.
Thanks to christmas-snow-and-cocoa for checking out my blog and making suggestions. <3
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The past few days have been so cool and breezy outside. :) It's been lovely!
I also had my very first caramel apple last night. :) It was hard as hell to eat and I ended up with caramel and nuts stuck all over my cheeks like a 4 year old, but it was still yummy.
Well, I will be home all day so you guys shoot me a message and let me know what's your favorite things about fall since it's officially here!
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Santa Butthead.
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One of my favorite Christmas blogs, bringmedecember, just did this and made me want to as well! :)
Remember back when we did myspace bulletin surveys? This is a Christmas one...:)
It pains me to say this, but I am NOT a fan of egg nog in the least bit. :( So, hot chocolate definitely. And omg, bringmedecember, Seattle's Best Hot CoCoa Trio was the most amazing drink ever! :)
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
Elves wrap them and Santa does all the heavy lifting. :)
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
I like colored lights on the tree and white on the house. But, colored lights on the house are always good, too. Can't have just one or the other!
4. Do you hang mistletoe?
I used to have a mistletoe sticker that was on my door frame and I would make everyone who came into my bedroom kiss me! But, as of late, I have not.
5. When do you put your decorations up?
People say the ideal time is the day after Thanksgiving, but I'm way too impatient for that. First week of November for me!
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
Honey glazed ham! All mashed up on my plate with mashed potatoes, gravy and cranberry sauce. Awww yeah.
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child?
The year when I slept on the couch to catch Santa Claus but I couldn't stay awake. I fell asleep by the Christmas tree lights and woke up to presents! I have the best picture of me in front of the tree grinning my ass off with my Dad behind me in his pajamas smiling, too. :)
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
Most people consider this unfortunate, but I was pretty complacent about it. One day when I was 6 it just clicked in me and I flat out asked my Dad and sister "Santa's not real is he?" and my Dad kind of looked confused and said "Well...no" and I said "Ok!" and resumed playing. Haha.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
YES! When I lived with my parents we would open our presents from my Aunt Paula and Uncle Steve. Now that I'm grown, Logan and I go to his parents house and open a gift. It's always new pajamas, because that's their families tradition.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
Well, Logan puts the tree together. It's pre-lit, so we don't have to put on any lights. We put up garland strings first, then loose tinsel, then ornaments, and last the star.
11. Snow, love it or hate it?
LOVE IT. We rarely ever get snow ON Christmas, it usually comes in Jan or Feb.
12. Can you ice skate?
I've never tried. Lol. I can't roller skate to save my life. I have no balance what so ever.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
When I was a kid, probably Baywatch Barbie. She came with a dolphin for some reason, but she could sit on it and you clicked a button and it made a dolphin sound. As an adult? Well, I did get engaged to my first husband on Christmas. Haha. Yes, the marriage did not work out and we are no longer married, but at the time it was still very special.
14. What’s the most important thing about the holidays for you?
Being with the people you love. A lot of the time people spend the holidays worrying and nit picking and turning themselves into a holy mess over what to get who, and when to get the shopping done, all I worry about is being with my fiance, snuggled up together watching a Christmas movie. That's all I need.
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert?
Pecan Pie!
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Hmm. Well, the opening of new pajamas on Christmas Eve is a new one, but still good. Watching 24 hours of A Christmas Story on TNT with my Mom, Dad and sister, always missing certain parts, then catching certain parts. Dinner with my immediate family. Logan and I getting our yearly Hallmark ornaments. He collects Nightmare Before Christmas, I collect Wizard of Oz. And the Christmas countdown chocolate packs!
17. What tops your tree?
At my parents house, a light up star we have had FOREVER that is all taped up because it's falling apart. Logan and I have a plain ol' star.
18. Which do you prefer, giving or receiving?
BOTH. I mean we can all sit around and say giving is better...most of the time it is. Especially when you give someone something they REALLY love. But, getting a gift that you know someone put some thought into is equally rewarding.
19. What is your favorite Christmas song?
Ooop. Shouldn't have asked me this. I cannot pick just one. All I Want For Christmas Is You- Mariah Carey, Do You Hear What I Hear?- Carrie Underwood, Holiday Season- Andy Williams, This Christmas- Donnie Hathaway, Merry Christmas Darling- The Carpenters, Here Comes Santa Claus- Gene Autry and many many many more!
20. Candy canes:
YES. On the tree, in stockings and several more packs for eating purposes.
21. Favorite Christmas movie?
A Christmas Story.
22. What do you leave for Santa? 
Nothing these days, because I don't want to waste a whole glass of milk. Haha. But, when I was a kid I think we may have left cookies or candy canes.
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Cooking dinner for my loving husband at the moment. Queue will be filled up within the hour, friends. :D
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Awesome, thanks! I think I remember those sweaters at American Eagle last year, they were so cute! Sorry I didn't have my ask open I just realized it today haha oops :P
:) It's cool, I probably couldn't have fit all that into an ask anyway. I know, I was so sad last year because I couldn't get one of those AE sweaters...they are pretty expensive. :/ Just like everything there. I'm hoping that some thrift shop will have one and I can snag it up. :) No prob.
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Trying out this playlist thing on my blog. Gotta say, I'm not really digging it and it was a pain in the arse to figure out how to get it on there in the first place.
But, I'm going to tweak it a bit and see if I can get it to where I like it, if not, sorry you'll just have to imagine music on my blog. Lol.
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Watching The Holiday and feeling all kinds of FEELS. I've only watched it a couple times, but the scene where Iris walks Arthur into his career celebration get together and he sees all the people clapping for him, his lip quivers and I'm like.......
"Hiadhshiahsfiahifhaigfjaifjidjaidjijosiajighenjnfafnfsuhnruehiafh" *sobs uncontrollably*
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your blog is perfection!(:
Thank you! Same to you, darling!
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I love this blog' I live in Australia so Christmas is in summer, and as much as I love it, there's always something about wooly socks, big pine trees, hot chocolate and snow that makes me feel all warm and happy inside, so thank you for that!
Thank you. :) You know, I can't imagine having Christmas in the summer time it seems so strange to me. Weird the difference distance makes, huh? :) You are very welcome, I am glad you like it.
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I saw another fellow Christmas blogger make a post like this and it made me think...My followers, if I don't follow you back, it is only because I only follow holiday/Christmas blogs. So that I won't have to sift through to find the Christmas posts. BUT, that doesn't mean that I don't love and appreciate you! I appreciate you all, very much.
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Sorry for the absence, guys! I've been having some pretty awful nightmares lately. They've kind of been touching a nerve and making me a wreck/ruining my day for the past few days.
Then, my fiance and I spent the night with a couple of friends, so we've been away from our respective communities. But, I'm filling up my queue extra large tonight!
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Almost 230 followers. And I love every single freakin' one of you!
When I started this blog, I seriously did not think I would get ANY followers. Then they just kept growing and I would tell my fiance every night "Guess how many followers I have on my Christmas blog now..." :)
Now, I'm almost at 230 and it's only September! I gotta say, the community of holiday and winter blogs have been so nice, inviting and friendly. I love you all. It's really nice to be able to communicate with people who have an unhealthy obsession with Christmas time like myself.
Getting all sappy at 3:00 a.m. people.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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'What Christmas Means To Me' - Stevie Wonder
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My Favorite Things To Do In December
Watch Christmas movies, all day, every day!
Put up and decorate the tree/my house.
Make Christmas decorations.
Drink hot chocolate as often as possible.
Make Nutella Mug Cake.
Bake cookies, brownies and all kinds of winter treats.
Play in the snow.
Take photos of EVERYTHING.
Get my shopping done super early.
Wrapping presents!
Listen to my Christmas playlist.
Sit in the living room with nothing but the light of the Christmas tree. :)
Take my dog outside to play in the snow.
Come inside and get super warm with hot beverages and cuddling under a thick blanket!
Driving around looking at others Christmas decorations.
Thrift for snuggly winter clothes!
Be with people who I care about. <3
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