#mite infestation
plantanarchy · 5 months
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My variegated lemon tree is blooming in my greenhouse and I hand-pollinated some flowers today. Citrus trees are one of my least favorite plants to care for but somehow this one hasn't annoyed me too much yet.
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 5 months
Gonna be wild if Ushijima ends up as the last HQ!! character in this competition... honestly didn't think he'd outlast Kageyama.
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angered-box · 5 months
tormenting elderly vampires is a passion Ilias takes very seriously
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I don't know if it's just me or something, but these weird AI generated celebrity images keep popping up on my feed with users who have the name evil-something in it. Its happened more than once so now I am like super sus of these things. Watch out folks, there be corporate mites about.
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lore-pls · 5 months
Found webbing on one of my plants and while I absolutely used a pesticide, I'm quietly worried about accidentally killing a spider instead of spider mites. 😭
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softwarmfur · 10 months
been seeing a lot of guinea pig related posts on my dash recently and it's making me miss my now deceased childhood pets soooooo bad. a fat guinea pig is literally the perfect weight to feel in your lap or have resting on your chest...
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creepiefarm · 2 years
sometimes u get a grain mite infestation in ur mealworm cultures and u just gotta cowgirl up and cry a little
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so Saturday when my dad went to buy a 12 pack of sodas. he grabbed the box handle and like the cardboard easily ripped apart. we thought it was weird but whatever, bought the 12 pack, went home. today I go to grab a soda. I open the box and I'm like. huh. th ebox feels weird like there's texture on it? I turn the light on. COATED in tiny fucking bugs. so many like white specks
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endoyamato · 1 year
dont b sad about ur bug infested house, beautiful sunset ok?
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mrsbeef · 1 year
My baby bell peppers have spider mites and I'm so sad
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bogleech · 7 months
Top ten imaginary bugs?
A tree dwelling cockroach that lights up like a firefly
A big spiny predatory katydid that lights up to lure the cockroaches
A freshwater mantis shrimp I could just find at the average creek like I can crawfish.
A "giant" (like 2 inches) flightless lousefly that can thrive on any vertebrate blood and bites things at night like a vampire bat, wouldn't spread disease or infest homes or even be any more painful than a mosquito but you know it'd freak people out real bad anyways. Just something extra to keep humans on their toes.
A giant (like 1 inch) snout mite because they're really fun carnivorous mites with pointy noses, I wanna be able to keep them as pets too, or an even more giant tick but it's a non-biting scavenger. I want a big friendly tick.
A freshwater goose barnacle that can grow on land and catch insects like a venus flytrap.
A fully terrestrial crab that lives positively everywhere just so we'd have a culture in which crabs have to be recognized as common woodland creatures instead of mainly sea or beach creatures. I just think that would be fun. Might be neat if it's also super spiny all over.
A positively colossal (half an inch) tardigrade. Some tardigrades are predators, it could be one of those. A ferocious mega tardigrade that eats worms and termites and things.
One single small, plain species of trilobite that survived extinction by coming onto land but it's a petty nuisance to us, like it loves to eat stucco or something.
A biting vampire butterfly. Vampire moths exist, but they're rare and nocturnal. The vampire butterfly should be common and act like any other butterfly except that it will bite you if it gets the chance. As with the woodland crab I just wanna see what cultural impact there'd be if one butterfly was scary. It should look really distinct among all butterflies for ease of artistic use. So nobody has to explain what kind of butterfly it is if they got it for a tattoo or put it on an album cover.
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terefah · 2 years
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been really hard for me to talk about this but the NSW government is trying to kill my dad’s bees, even though they’re not infested with the varroa mite.
the government only acknowledges petitions with at least 20 000 signatures… it’s a long shot but we have three days to just *try*. please sign and share with your circles, it’s a quick thing that means so much to my family!!! thank you so much 💔🐝🚨
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enubus · 2 years
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p-e-a-n-u-t-s · 2 years
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asmpestcontrol · 2 years
Does Your Business Require A Pest Control Service In Richmond?
Pest problems affect everyone, and the business industry is no exception. It is common for everyone to talk about pest infestations at home and ways to prevent them. However, controlling rodents, ants, cockroaches, flies, and even much more may be a challenge for any business which makes it necessary to hire a pest control service in Richmond.
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Pests of various kinds keep business owners on edge all year, from manufacturing and warehousing to food production facilities and foodservice businesses. Every commercial facility is prone to pest problems, whether it’s cockroaches in the kitchens, rats running around the trash areas, or even carpenter ants inside your wooden constructions.
Food Industry & Pest Control Service go hand in hand
Regular pest inspections are required in industries such as the foodservice industry, which includes restaurants, cafes, and bars, to ensure that they are following food safety rules. The most prevalent pests we find impacting food industry operations are rats, cockroaches, and ants.
Another area where a pest control service in Richmond is required is the food manufacturing industry. Any facility involved in the production or packing of foods must adhere to stringent food safety regulations, or risk being shut down if a health inspector discovers problems, especially pest infestation. Beetles, moths, cockroaches, ants, flies, mice, and rats typically find food in food processing plants and warehouses. As a result, these pests can be tough to get rid of, but the repercussions of an infestation can be disastrous for your company.
Carpenter Ants and Termites are two pests that can cause serious problems in commercial buildings. Carpenter ants will nibble away at wooden structures, damaging the framework and potentially putting employees in danger. If you have any worries about any pests, we offer a free quote.
Large spaces where products are held, such as warehousing, provide an ideal environment for pests to survive and thrive. Your pest control company should evaluate your property on a regular basis to look for signs of pests and put preventative measures in place.
When there is pest infestation in a food processing facility, it’s critical to act quickly before populations grow and product and structural damage occurs. Furthermore, pest-related health code infractions can ruin a company’s reputation, result in regulatory fines, and, in severe situations, lead to closure.
ASM Pest Control Service in Richmond to your rescue
You’ll need a professional pest control service, ideally backed by a team of specialists, to identify, design, implement, and maintain an effective pest management program as required by government regulations and third-party certification standards. If you’re worried about a pesky pest problem and want it checked out, our professionals can come out and evaluate your problem and give you a clear action plan to get it back on track.
The professional and qualified exterminators at ASM Pest Control will create a pest control maintenance program tailored to your company’s specific needs.
Call us at 604-589-5403 to learn more about our commercial pest control services in Richmond.
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froody · 20 days
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Clean bill of health for both of the ladies! Except that they have a severe ear mite infestation. I thought they were itching and scratching because they had fleas but these poor ladies had the yuckiest crustiest ears I’ve ever seen. An easy fix. No congenital issues, good heart and lung sounds, no worms, no fleas, no worries. They were given their initial vaccines, an ear mite rinse and a preventative treatment for fleas, roundworms and ticks.
Philomena reacts to stress by meowing, trembling and panting. Odette reacts to stress by shitting. Like father like daughter, I guess. I thought she was doing so well in the car in comparison to her crybaby sister. Then she emptied her bowels all over the carrier. Not her fault but it was a mess. Philomena tired herself out with her little panic attack and was mostly well-behaved at exam. Odette fought tigerishly. I have to say, I always thought Philomena would be the problem child…
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