#mitsuya is a tomato
dzvelinaskebiyars · 3 months
can you please write some hc with boys x foreign reader ?(Please mitsuya, baji, chifuy and mikey)
Sure! Thank you so much for requesting<333
GN Reader. (since the gender wasn't specified). I made the headcanons of foreign reader who's new to Japan btw.
Mitsuya definitely would help you to learn Japanese.
He doesn't mind if you call him "Takashi" or without "kun", because he knows you aren't used to Japanese yet. But he'll teach you to don't call others by first name unless you're their lover or family member/relative.
He'd introduce you to his friends because he wants you to feel welcomed.
He'd take you out on Japanese festivals and teach you all about Japanese culture and traditions.
I'd say he's very supportive and friendly with you.
The more time you two spend with each other, the more attached he became with you.
For example, he loves when you watch him sew or even better, help him with it. Except from his club at school, no one of his friends shared the same interest as him so he appreciates you a lot for that.
When he teached you why Japanese people don't call others by first name except their families and lovers, you asked him why did he let you to call him by his first name. He became all flustered and told you it was because you were foreign and had no idea so he didn't mind. Little did you know he had feelings for you.
He'd gladly listen about your country, culture, food and etc. He likes when you talk about your country, you look so lively that time.
Once he told you 「愛してる」 but you didn't know the meaning back then. After you learned about it, you realised he has confessed. (愛してる means "I love you")
Please don't count on him to teach you Japanese, he has to learn it himself first. Of course he can still teach you how to pronounce Japanese words and etc.
You would come over his place and study together.
Despite everything, he's your first friend in Japanese. Baji would be a bit hesitant to introduce you to founding members, since they're gangsters. He doesn't know what kind of reaction will you have so he'll introduce you to his other friends. Of course there's NO WAY he can avoid Chifuyu, so you'd know him too.
He'd actually start going to festivals because of you. You'd ask him to teach you Japanese festival games and he would. He would make sure you'd having a good time.
Okey, he actually doesn't know any other language than Japanese. A bit of English, yes but not fluently.
"豪華" (Gorgeous)
I swear he'd deal with a LOT OF teasings when you would write in Japanese better than him.
Surprisingly to him, you didn't end the friendship when he told you that he's gangster. You didn't run away, you didn't push him away...That was surprising to him.
He already teaches Baji, so he wouldn't mind helping out his other friend.
Unlike Baji, he would tell you about Toman with ZERO hesitation. It's not like Chifuyu tries to hide the fact that he's a delinquent. So you'd know from the beginning that he's a gangster.
Despite teaching you and Baji, he wouldn't really like to teach others because he's not just some teacher or mentor and he dislikes being treated like one. Sure he'll help his friend out but he would be very disappointed and upset if you would think of him as a teacher rather than a friend.
Okey let's get it straight with Chifuyu. He has crush on you. That's why he asked you that he'd help you out with Japanese. Because that's an excuse to spend time with you.
He'll drag you to festivals and introduce you to so much traditions and foods! Especially his favourite ones.
Like Baji and Mitsuya, he'd be very shy to confess so he'd say "私はあなたに想いを寄せています」, completely unaware of the fact that you know what it means. (I have feelings for you)
"何?" (what?)
"何?" (what?)
"今何と言いましたか?" (what did you just say?)
The realisation that you knew what it meant got him flustered and blushing like a tomato.
Okey this guy seriously doesn't know any other language than Japanese so you'd have to know at least average amount of Japanese.
The first thing he'd introduce you to are Japanese food and you BETTER love Doriyaki and Tayaki or he's not seeing you ever again.
Mikey doesn't hide the fact that he's delinquent either, rather he's proud of it. So he'd definitely tell you.
He'd introduce you to his friends but don't be surprised if he might get jealous. As if he'd tell you tho.
He'd take you to festivals and etc just to spend time with you. He would became your guide to literally every step you take just because he wants to spend time with you, he'd take you to rides just because he wants to spend time with you, he'd take you to everywhere just because he wants to spend time with you and etc but when Emma would ask him if he has crush on you, he'd just dismiss her with "they're my friend".
His confession would be something like:
"Do you even know how to say 'I love you' in Japanese?" (he learned some English from you)
"愛してる" (I love you)
"私も愛しています" (I love you too)
"....何?!" (What?!)
「待って! 本気ですか?" (wait! Are you serious?)
"もちろんです!" (Of course!)
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bones4thecats · 8 months
When Their S/O Meets Their Family
Type of Writing: #4 - Poll Result Characters: Manjiro Sano, Mitsuya Takashi, Souya Kawata, and Hakkai Shiba Family: Sister (M.S.), Mother and Sisters (M.T.), Brother (S.K.), and Sister (H.S.) Name: When Their S/O Meets Their Family Original Poll Link: Here
A/N: For Hakkai's part, it only features Yuzuha meeting the reader because of how Taiju is an abusive a-hole to them. Anyways, have fun reading this!
Slight spoilers for: Black Dragons Arc
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🍡 Mikey is very close with his family, and everyone who has ever met him knows this
🍡 When you first met Mikey, he no doubt wanted you to meet his sister, Emma, because he knew that she would like talking to his brother's S/O
🍡 He introduced you guys to one another a couple weeks after your relationship began, in which he just rode up to your house and asked you straight-up if you wanted to meet someone important to him
🍡 You hopped on his bike, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind and rode with him from your home to his to meet this person
🍡 Mikey has told you all kinds of stories about his family, from his late older brother Shinichiro to his younger sister Emma
🍡 His bike came to a stop in front of a Dojo, it was his family's, the same one that he was raised in and technically adopted his sister, Emma
🍡 He grabbed your hand and dragged you through the doors, announcing his and your arrival loudly for someone to hear
" Emma! You here? " " Yeah, oh! Who's your friend, Mikey? Is this your S/O? "
🍡 A youthful girl walked out from around the corner of the hallway and looked into the Dojo-themed room, her yellow eyes stared into your (E/C) eyes and she smiled
🍡 Introducing herself, you learned that this was Emma Sano, Mikey's younger half-sister, specifically her father's mistress' child
🍡 Unfortunately for Mikey, you and Emma bonded so much that you were pushing Mikey's affections down a peg, meaning you were ignoring him slightly, prompting him to start pouting
🍡 Why was his family such good conversationalists?
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🪡 You have heard millions upon millions of stories of Mitsuya's younger sisters, Luna and Mana, and his mother
🪡 He has wanted you to meet them for so long, but, since his mother worked late and normally wasn't given many breaks from work, he hasn't had any time to actually set up a meeting
🪡 Both thankfully and not thankfully, his mother was given time off, only because she had gotten sick
🪡 Mitsuya was putting in a lot of effort to helping his mother get better fast, so, when you called and he explained the situation, he was shocked when you said you were coming over with some soup
🪡 He tried to protest, claiming he didn't want you getting sick, but, you protested his protests (omg i've never typed that word that much) and you hung up after telling him you'd be there later that day
🪡 Mitsuya sighed and and laid the phone down, you really were a stubborn person when it came to things like this
🪡 When he heard the sound of his sisters yelling that a person was at the door, he got up from the kitchen stove, where he had a tea kettle and opened the door
🪡 You held out a tupperware filled with a reddish-orange thick liquid, he was guessing it was the soup you had made, probably tomato
" Love, you really didn't have to do this. " " Well, I can't have my future mother-in-law staying sick for long, now can I? "
🪡 Your boyfriend directed you to his mother's room while his sisters played in the living room, and when his mother saw you, she smiled and laughed, teasing her son
🪡 He smiled lightly as he handed her a spoon and laid the smooth-vegetable soup in her hands, before wishing her health to reach her and leaving the room with your boyfriend
🪡 This may have not been the most ideal way for you to meet his family, but it did remind him of why he loved you, you're an amazing person with an amazing heart
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💢 If you met Angry, you no doubt were destined to meet his twin brother, Nahoya, or Smiley
💢 Angry has wanted you to meet his brother for a while, but, his brother could be quite a lot to take at once, and he understood that, he grew up with him for Pete's sake
💢 When you called his home one day and Smiley picked up, he pretended to be his twin brother, since he obviously wasn't gonna step up to have you meet him anytime soon
💢 He snickered once you hung up, bidding goodbye, and he began to start laughing, though he attempted to hold it in, his brother was in the next room after all
" Who was that? " " Oh, just a spam. I decided to prank the scammer, it was fun! "
💢 Angry was relaxing on the sofa, messing around with a plush you had gotten him a few days prior, by what he knew, they weren't expecting any guests, especially ones after 5:00pm
💢 When he opened the door and saw you standing there, his eyes widened and he cocked and eyebrow, asking why you showed up unannounced, and when you replied with how he asked you to come over for dinner that night, he connected the dots
" That must have been Nahoya, my brother... " " Oh! Now I'm embarrassed, I can't even tell my boyfriend apart from his brother. " " Not by voice, no, but, you'll definitely tell us apart by our physical features... "
💢 Nahoya jumped out from behind the corner and hugged you, saying how happy he was that he could finally meet the person that his brother raved about when healing or resting
💢 This was gonna be a long night...
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☄️ I'm gonna layer this on very thickly, he does not want you to meet his older brother, he's a sadistic man by heart, and he doesn't need you to suffer from his cruelty
☄️ Hakkai wanted you to meet his sister, yes, but, due to your busy schedules, he couldn't seem to find the perfect time where Taiju and Yuzuha were apart
☄️ So, whenever you guys had met up to hang out, he normally led you to your home and away from his, he didn't need any trouble now
☄️ But, when you came to his house unannounced, he froze in place
☄️ Oh God, why were you here now?! Taiju wasn't in the brightest moods by what Yuzuha told him, and he didn't need to risk your safety like this!
" Hakkai! Who's at the damn door?! It's takin' you forever! "
☄️ You cocked and eyebrow as he yelled out to the male how it was someone he needed to speak to outside for a few minutes
☄️ He ushered you back outside the doorway and stood with you outside his home, and he sighed, knowing you were gonna ask him a ton of questions on what was going on
☄️ Hakkai slightly teared up as you asked what was happening, and, when he just told you that they had some 'familial bonds' that were kinda rusted over, you groaned, knowing he was lying
☄️ Instead of pushing salt into the wound, you hugged him, allowing him to sigh and wipe his tears away as the door opened
☄️ He swung around to shield you as a young girl walked out, she had light-orange hair and piercing amber eyes, and when she saw you she tilted her head
" Who are you exactly? " " I'm- " " This is the person I've been telling you about, Yuzuha. Y/N, this is my older sister, Yuzuha, and this is my S/O, Y/N L/N. "
☄️ Yuzuha smiled and held her hand out for you to shake, saying how she figured he had an S/O with how cheery he was whenever he hung up the phone sometimes
☄️ Hakkai got flustered and tried hiding his face as you and Yuzuha exchanged stories about Hakkai being a dork as he mumbled about how you guys were 'ganging up on him'
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chochuuya · 11 months
tending to his wounds.
scenario with (a few) tr boys! ヾ(・ω・*)
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"no... no it's okay," he reassures quietly.
he doesn't want to complain that you're being a little too rough with his wounds. he's already bothering you enough, he thought. still can't comprehend the fact that you're so nice to him, despite always getting into fights.
he can still remember the first time you tended to his wounds. his heart just flutters every time he thinks of the sweet memory.
you with him? it's almost like a black cat and golden retriever sort of situation. who's who? i don't even know.
"it's okay." you mocked him.
"liar. you're clearly hurt. always fighting and then asking me to patch you up. i already told you to not get into fights, babe. or maybe lessen it a little..?" you rambled on and on while cleaning up the wounds on his knuckles.
"i'm fine," he grumbled back. while it may be true that he's hurting, he's far too stubborn to admit it. he doesn't like showing his weaknesses to anyone, especially not someone as sweet as you.
his mind goes into a frenzy when he hears your pet name for him, causing him to turn an embarrassing shade of red.
"babe..?" he mutters under his breath.
you look up to him with an eyebrow raised. "what's wrong?"
"n-nothing." he quickly changes his facial expression so that he no longer looks all red and flustered. his heart rate immediately slows, although it is still pumping at a much faster rate than before.
"just thinking, that's all," he added.
you thought about it and quickly realized as you pressed your lips together and shutting your eyes in shame.
damn it. why and how did that slipped out?!
"shoot, sorry. it's a habit."
he didn't expect you to apologize. his eyebrows shoot up and he tilts his head slightly.
"sorry... for what exactly? calling me babe?" he asks curiously, taking in the fact that you, in fact, used a nickname for him.
"uh, yeah." you quickly stick on the bandaids and stand up from your chair.
"okay, all done!"
he notices that you don't look nearly as embarrassed as he is. this causes him to blush even harder and his face looks like a tomato. he watches you stand up, not really knowing how to react.
"wait, where are you going?" he asks quietly, not wanting you to leave.
"going home obviously, it's almost 5." you say nonchalantly as you put your backpack on.
"alright.." he mutters as his eyebrows furrow, watching you put your bag on. while he tries to contain his emotions, something slips out.
"do you maybe wanna hangout after school one day..?" he asks in what he thinks is a casual manner, but is actually full of nervous glances your way.
hm, maybe this is the start of something new. wink wonk
RINDOU, chifuyu, mitsuya, inui, BAJI, angry, akkun, draken, your fav ♡
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please do not steal, copy, translate, repost to other sites or claim my writings as your own. plagiarism is real!
just imagining rindou acting this way makes my heart ache (-ω-、) i hope you enjoyed reading this~ reblogs & likes are always appreciated!! ♡
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emilsendo · 11 months
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Baji Keisuke x Male Reader
Type: Angst to Fluff. (enemies to lovers)
"Can you finally notice me!?"
Baji Keisuke and You literally ALWAYS hated each other. Neither of you knew why, maybe because one was better at fighting than the other? Maybe because of behavior? Who knows.
Unfortunately, Mikey took a liking to you very quickly when you were all kids, which meant that you had to see the brunette with canine teeth every day. And this made the whole situation even worse, Baji often insults and interrupt you when you were talking about something, he hit you for no reason, which most often caused fights between you and him. So Draken, together with Mitsuya, had to pull you away from each other.
But after a while, when you were both 13 years old. You noticed that Baji started behaving strangely. I mean, weirder than usual.
A boy with black hair and canine teeth sometimes, even often, glanced at you out of the corner of his eye when he thought you weren't looking. He stopped insulting you and interrupting you while you were telling stories to others, and instead listened to you with buttery eyes.
Maybe someone just hit him in the head too hard during the fight? If so, it must have been a REALLY hard hit because Baji is acting like some kind of puppy around you. You don't even look like you're enemies anymore! Which terrified both you and the rest.
(Timeskip. You and Baji are 15 years old)
You were walking somewhere near Musashi Shrine, it was already after the Toman meeting, so all you could do was walk slowly home. But after literally a few minutes of walking, someone punched you in the face. You fell to the ground because you didn't expect this attack, but you knew exactly WHO hit you. Baji Keisuke.
Only he's able to punch you in the jaw hard enough to make something crack, so it's pretty obvious that the perpetrator is Baji. You got to your feet with a pissed off face, ready to punch Baji back. But when you saw the boy looking down at the floor and his long hair covering his face and cheeks which were now as red as a tomato. You instantly frozen.
The boy looked at you with an irritated, even angry expression. Then he gritted his teeth and shouted at your face:
- Can you finally notice me!? - his cheeks became redder than before after he shouted it loudly and clearly. You were surprised and confused. What did he mean by that?
He always hates you, bully you and fights with you. So what was this sentence supposed to mean?
- What was that supposed to mean, Baji? Are you playing with me again, do you want to get a good punch in your face or something? - You said with a frustrated tone, looking at the other teen with confused and angry expression. Baji was even more angry and frustrated than before after your answer, he looked like he wanted to say something but didn't have the guts to do so.
After a minute, he quickly grabbed you by the collar of your gang uniform and pulled you towards him to place his cold lips on yours. This made you make a surprised noise. What the hell is going on here!? You thought in your head as Baji continued to kiss you gently on the lips. After a while, you returned the kiss, your heart was beating like crazy and a slight blush appeared on your cheeks. You didn't understand why you felt this way. You were supposed to hate each other... right?
Your lips separated from each other after a minute or two. You both looked deep into each other's eyes in silence until Baji broke it and said, panting slightly.
- I love you, idiot! Is it so hard to notice...? - he said at the end, more quietly and softly. He then grabbed your waist and hugged you tightly, burying his face in your shoulder to hide his blush.
Maybe being enemies paid off?
so I finished my first oneshot, which I think sucks 💀👍 but I hope not that much.
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sy3ra · 2 years
tokyo rev series; when someone flirts with you.
episode I
sano manjiro ◖⁠⚆⁠ᴥ⁠⚆⁠◗
• is lowkey confident, lets them flirt with you.
• he knows he's your number 1 and you won't ever replace him.
• starts to worry when you (teasingly) take interest in them.
• clings to you when it gets out of hand.
• glares at the person flirting at you to the point they scurry away out if fear.
• you reassure him that you were only kidding and he'll forever be your number 1.
• you treat him with dorayaki as an apology.
matsuno chifuyu ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ
•gets worried and anxious that you'll leave him.
•who would leave this angel anyway, he's a walking green flag.
•you reject the person flirting with you because you notice chifuyu's anxiousness.
•you cuddle with him at home all day.
•you even call baji to come over so he can cheer up.
•ends the day eating peyoung yakisoba with you and baji.
• never leave this angel, ever.
haitani rindou 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
•this man.
•he glares at them so intensely that the person flirting with you didn't even complete their sentence.
•wraps an arm around your waist to show them you're taken.
•after the person leaves, you kiss him on the cheek and reassure him that you didn't have any interest in that person.
•would blush so hard he looks redder than a tomato. He hides it from you though.
•cuddles with you all night long after.
mitsuya takashi(⁠✿⁠ ⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠)
•he's always so calm but his face shows everything.
•would honestly not care until it gets out of hand.
•he trusts you. So it's hard for him to worry.
•but when he does, he drags you away and peppers your face with kisses and clings onto you like his life depends on it.
•looks out for mfs who try to flirt with you in the future.
baji keisuke (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
•two words: total menace.
•shoots an intense glare at the person.
•would grab you close to him to show dominance.
•would burn their vehicle (if they have one)
•you teased him about it and the whole week turned into you two pulling mean pranks on each other.
•you two eventually called a truce and spent the weekend feeding stray cats.
kokonoi hajime (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
•would bribe them with money so they would stop flirting with you. Works almost every time.
•but if it doesn't work, he kisses you in front of them.
•if the mf won't really take the hint...he drags you away and distracts you by buying you ice cream.
•well its works you forget about what happened.
•you both spent the day shopping at the mall.
kurokawa izana (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)
•stops whatever he's doing and stares at you both.
•drags you away from them.
•once you both are all alone he makes you face him.
•then he hugs you tightly. You were clueless to be honest.
•you pull away and you peck him on the lips.
•you made him teach you guitar so he would forget about it.
•if you tease him about it, oh boy, good luck surviving the night.
sano shinichiro¯⁠\⁠_⁠ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ⁠_⁠/⁠¯
•this man...is so lazy.
•clings onto you and diverts your attention to him.
•drags you away (3)
•he hurries home and you know what's coming for you.
•you two spent the night making love ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
•"Is my Shin-chan jealous?" You told him.
•he didn't say anything and rested his head on your chest.
wakasa imaushi ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
•i mean your relationship with him is stable. He's calm and cool most of the time.
•he trusts you and knows you're his. No one would ever lay a hand on you.
•but if someone does..
•at first he isn't bothered knowing you wouldn't and would never replace him.
•he only gets bothered once he notices you're getting uncomfortable.
•you were tugging his sleeve and there was evident discomfort on your face.
•he makes the person leave.
•makes you forget about it by eating candies at home.
..next episode: no idea yet sorry. If you have any idea please do tell me.
07/02/23- update, next episode: tokyo rev series; when it's your birthday
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delulu-sushi · 8 months
Could I request a general Toman x fem reader? Maybe a comfort? Reader isn't apart of Toman but she's really good friends with Emma so she's naturally friends with all of them. (like reader doesn't fight). She's really sweet and friendly, a little bit socially awkward and shy though. But if reader is being yelled at or if she hears people yelling she'll get really quiet and stiff and compliant to try to avoid the conflict escalating because she lives in a house where her parents are constantly yelling at each other?
(Also maybe include Readers hands are constantly shaky?)
A/N: Ofc!! Mitsuya x reader except they’re not in a relationship… yet 
The rain was pouring down, throwing daggers on your cold hair. Yet, at the moment, that was the least of your worries. For years your family had been breaking apart, bit by bit, and you wondered why your parents just couldn't make up.
Were they trying to torture you?
Countless nights trying to sleep in bed, covering your ears with your pillow in an attempt to sink out the screams of their fights, but to no avail. Your pillow becoming damp by your soft sobs, and your eyes turning puffy, all you ever wanted was to escape.
The only time you could escape was with your friends.
Emma Sano, your confident and drop-dead gorgeous bestie was always walking by your side. She would catch you walking to school and link her arms right in yours, her non-stop chatter breaking your smile with occasional giggles. "You know, you look really cute when you laugh", you remember how your cheeks flushed red at her words, but her innocent (ironically) stare told you she meant it. She was taking you to a new club, telling me that I would enjoy it, and when you inquired the name, she kept it a surprise.
"Ah!~ We're here" Emma exchanged a smile with you as she pushed you into a close-to-empty classroom. The sun filled the room with spots of light, and you noticed one ray landing on him
"Emma!" You whispered under your breath, realizing her plan, "heh! Have fun!!"
You stood paralyzed in your position, staring awkwardly at Takashi Mitsuya, holding your fingers to prevent them from shaking. Your eyes held their position. His back was slightly turned away from you, giving you a view of his side profile, his sharp eyes, tipped nose, perfect lips
"Eh?" A harsh voice brings you back to reality as a big figure approaches you, making you take a few steps back.
"Peh-yan, Pah-Chin, why don't you be welcoming with our guest!" Mitsuya walks forward in a soothing yet commanding tone, instantly making you loose your tense shoulders, feeling as if a huge weight was lifted off. "Ah~" Mitsuya takes a look at you, as your face turns tomato-red, "Your Y/N-chan right? Mikey and Emma's friend?" His smile offers a sanctuary of heaven, yet you start fumbling.
Fidgeting with your hands, you manage to let out a "Ah, Yes." to which Mitsuya only brightens a smile and beckons you to follow him to the other two boys, who you recognize as friends of Mikey's.
"Mikey talks about you a lot" Mitsuya starts in an attempt to break the silence, "Ah Well, not romantically" he blushes slightly, right around his nose, "I just uh see you around Emma a lot"
"Oh um yea, I know Mikey" you say in a soft and shy voice, and attempting to talk more, "I know Mikey, Draken, and Baji" you say again. Gosh you wish you could slap yourself in the face and be as confident and talkative as you are with your friends.
Mitsuya smiles at your blushing, as your friendship begins.
As the months went by, your life started entering Tomans. Though you weren't part of the gang, constant exposure to Emma, Mikey, and Hina made you feel a part of it, spiritually. The boys would always tell you what happened, showcasing their fight moves and often getting into quarrels with each other.
What really made you feel a part was the way they cared for you.
You remember how Draken carried to the doctor when you sprained your leg, or when Mikey cheered you up after you burned your favorite food. When the Kawaka twins' quarrels lifted your mood, and how Peh and Pah were so stupid yet confident. You liked Baji's rashfulness and Chifuyu's adoration. You related to Kazutora's home life and his awkwardness. But the person who cared most was Mitsuya. His lavender hair  paradoxing the cherry blossoms yet still making him look so grand, his charming smile and caring personality making you fall head over heels.
You stood there in the rain, the bustling sound of Shibuya making your head run. You're going crazy
Drip, Drip, Drip
The raindrops piercing your head voic
The voices of people forcing you to cover your ears, tears strolling down your cheeks as you try to erase the loud voices of your parents shouting. Wishing the rain would drain it out
Your legs stop.
You don't know where you are.
You dont know what to do.
“Y/N?” A hand on ur shoulder makes the rain stop, u turn around to face the owner of the calming voice, who’s holding up an umbrella to shade u away from the tears
But it doesn’t. U try to turn ur face to him, but a glimpse of mitsuya’s lavender hair leaves u bawling, as he pulls u close. His hand right on your shoulder and his cheek bending down to your hair.
He walks you to a shade, and takes your shaking hands in his. “Y/N, what happened?” His voice is overtaken by concern. All he wants to do is hold you close in his arms, and comfort you forever. He wants to be by your side forever, and make sure you never have to feel scared. He wishes he could make your parents understand just how much they affect you.
He wants to take you far away with him where you’re safe.
He firms his grip on your hands and pulls them up to his face. His plump, soft lips embrace your knuckles when he plants a small kiss on them, moving his forehead on yours and placing his jacket on you.
“Y/N” he whispers close, his voice shaking and soft, “Y/N I love you.”
You want to tell him you love him too.
You want to hug him tight and find solace and comfort in his arms, his voice
But your paralyzed
“You’re safe with me. Your safe here”
Mitsuya continues, never letting go of u
“We all care about you, you parents may be fighting but don’t be scared” mitsuya lifts up your face and looks deep in your eyes, and tender small smile forming on his face
“We’ll always come for you”
A/N: I hope y’all enjoy!!! If u want a specific character don’t hesitate lol, I chose mitsuya cus he’s a caring bby and there’s always ppl out there like him who care a lot!
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
(I'm sorry I thought I had sent in my last one but I woke up with this on the brain because I used to at least try to do this in my last relationship)
Kazutora, Baji, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, and (I CAN'T NOT INCLUDE THIS BEAUTY) Izana when their S/O just starts showering them in compliments because they absolutely adore them (I.E. "your eyes are so beautiful," "I love your hair, it's so soft," "you have really gorgeous hands, you know," "you smell really nice"[that'll be one where S/O would snuggle up], "I adore your voice")
“You’re eyes are so beautiful…” you mutter as Kazutora continues to talk, a small blush coming over his face as he tries to ignore the compliment
bro he LIVES for compliments and comfort 🤚
“Your eyes are pretty too.” he says sheepishly as you just stare at him, a small blush joining your cheeks too
”But you’re as better! They like.. shine in the sun. I’ve never seen someone with eyes like yours”
Stop it! He might have to take a break to cool down!
he legit is so cocky and brushes compliments off so easily 💀 in public, that is
He nudges your hand slightly, pulling his hair away from your fingers with a frown. “Sorry, I just adore your hair. It’s so soft, my hair isn’t even like that. I bet others get jealous of it, right? And-“
He will put his hand over your mouth and will ‘shhhh’ you before he turns red
he looks away as the blush worsens
will use compliments back at you too 👆 He just uses them in different settings
blushes so bad he looks like a damn tomato
You play with his hands as he talks with baji, every once in a while bringing them to your mouth to pepper them in kisses as he stumbles on his words
”I was trying to have a civil conversation, you couldn’t wait to kiss me?” he says as he huffs, trying to cool off his blush but rather looking even more cute
”But you just have such pretty and cute hands. They’re not beat up like Baji’s. And they are always soft…” you explain as he halts his movements to look back at you
”You’re doing it again.”
”Doing what??”
”Being too nice.”
”No, All I said is true.”
Mitsuya sighs as he sets his things down, beyond tired from making countless things for an upcoming contest as he settles down on the couch
taking the opportunity, of course you have to join him on the couch too
”You smell nice today, Mitsu’.” you say as you lean into his side, raking your fingers through his whispy hair as he glances down at you
”You think so?” he asks, a small smile creeping onto his face “Yeah.”
makes a note of it and buys no other cologne that the one(s) you compliment him on and like
Izana goes over his plans one last time in the meeting, concluding it as he hugs you from behind (yes, sitting on his lap during a stressful meeting is a must for him.)
Everyone leaves and you’re just left there with him as he sighs and stuffs his head into your back
”You know I absolutely adore your voice, right?” you say to break the silence as you earn a squeeze to your hand
He’s just glad he is behind you, otherwise you would see the goofy smile on his face from the compliment
he didn’t get very many compliments in his childhood, so he will take any he can get and will value them until the day he dies 🥹
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lostsowly · 8 months
Takemichi and Chifuyu Friendship Headcanons
Just wanted to share some hcs for my favourite tr duo <33
In the Bonten timeline (ignoring the Bonten part), after Takemichi time leaped back into the future, Chifuyu made sure to record everything that happens in the past through video recordings, photos and diary entries (for things he couldn’t record). Since Takemichi would end up skipping twelve years of his life, he didn’t want him to miss out on all the good things that happened in the past because of him
He also made extra sure to record his proposal to Hina (assuming it was the past Takemichi who proposed), and made multiple copies to keep it safe for him when he returns (Takemichi cried when he found out)
During high school a lot of people would approach Takemichi to ask him to pass on their confessions to Chifuyu because he was the one closest to him. He would at times get overwhelmed with the amount of confessions (I imagine Chifuyu being really popular in high school), but would always make sure each one of them reached him because he was hoping Chifuyu would find someone he can be happy with
The first time it happened they both spent considerable amount of time freaking out over how to reject a confession (in the end they asked Mitsuya for help)
They both share the same brain cells when it comes to Shoujo manga. They would be the kind to have a breakdown together over a couple holding hands for the first time and won’t stop screaming and will get yelled at by the people around them
They would also always end up rooting for the same guy in case of love triangles but for different reasons
Chifuyu invites Takemichi to his house often to hang out and he’s always polite when he comes over so Chifuyu’s mom likes him because he’s the most “normal” friend he has (she doesn’t know he’s one of the captains of the biggest gang in the country)
Basically for Chifuyu, Takemichi is that one friend your mom tells you to be like
Takemichi noticed that Chifuyu gets happier receiving gifts that are for Peke j than receiving gifts for himself so for his birthday he would always get him gifts for Peke j (usually toys) along with getting a gift for him
Chifuyu is the biggest TakeHina shipper (along with Emma of course)
Chifuyu puts tomato ketchup on the most random things before eating and somehow it rubbed off on Takemichi as well, so now they are banned from eating out with the gang if they don’t stop doing that
Chifuyu once tried to take Takemichi to shop for better clothes but Takemichi kept picking up weirdest clothes that Chifuyu gave up and went home
In the final timeline, along with Mikey, Chifuyu is the only person who knows about time leaping because Takemichi wanted him to know even if he couldn’t remember the previous time lines
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kazutora-kurokawa · 8 months
Pah-Chin Relationship Headcanons
♡ Pure Fluff and Cuteness, Entirely SFW ♡
For @mysouleaten, hope you enjoy 😺
Pah-Chin 100% invites you to every gang meeting (Mikey didn't like it at first, but when you started bringing snacks he was onboard)
Makes you wear his gang jacket whenever you go on dates (he gets all flustered and tells you how cute you look wearing his stuff 🤭)
Steal his jackets and shirts and he'll turn redder than a tomato
Taking late night motorcycle rides and watching the sunset together 😫
You're literally besties with Peh-yan. Him and Pah-Chin will tag team tf out of someone for you
He's not great with words most of the time, but after taking some advice from Draken and Mitsuya (the most sensible people he knows), he gets a better understanding of how to express himself and his love for you ❤️
Might not seem like it, but he's sensitive and with Peh-yan constantly calling him stupid, he gets a little self-conscious and starts underestimating himself
Pretty please reassure this man that he's your one and only and that you think he's very intelligent 🙏
He absolutely folds whenever you call him pet names. Honey, Sweetheart, Baby? He's at your mercy immediately
You used to drop off gifts to him while he was in juvie (just like Draken did)
Patching him up at your house after gang fights 🛐
Kiss the scar on his lip and he might just die of happiness
He's always checking in on you when he's not around to protect you (the worried parent type of partner fr)
Drives you to and from work or school on his motorcycle (eventually teaches you how to drive it yourself)
Is obsessed with you fr, everything about you is perfect in his eyes. Worships the ground you walk on. Tell him to leap, he'll ask how high
Will beat someone up for you, the type of bf that would end up in jail because of you 😭
Gets super jealous when guys hit on you, but the jealousy subsides pretty quickly cause he knows you're all his 💕 (he plans to marry you as soon as he can get a ring 💍)
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silversatin2105 · 4 months
Hi!!!!! I’m so excited the inbox is open again. Can I please have a part 2 of your Chifuyu fic? Thank you
Yeah you can have a part two to this story though I was considering making a three part story if this is to your liking and you want more.
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Plan B
Chifuyu X Reader confession part two :
After his failed confession to you at the festival, the first division captain left feeling bummed out and like fate was acting against him, should he take this as a sign he thought to himself, he mulled it over in his mind time and time again until one day whilst walking home from a Toman meeting  he noticed you walking side by with a certain pink haired flirt from his early days with Toman.
Not wanting to confront you at the time and not like you two were actually dating, Chifuyu put it to the back of his mind or at least he did until Mitsuya mentioned that you had been talking with Ryusei quite frequently since he returned to Tokyo, with that dawning thought and a cold feeling in the pit of his stomach Chifuyu came to the ultimate conclusion that he’d tell you how he felt no matter the consequences for he loved you and to see you be with him of  all people filled his heart with a feeling like knives from a drawer.
With that plan B came had been formed, confession over homework, he had decided that the day before school started up again he would invite you over to finish any undone homework from summer break and on a dwindling summer night you received a phone call of invitation to Chifuyu’s place.
“Hello Fuyu…How’s it going?” you asked as you answered the phone from your living room as you paused your (Insert name) Anime to talk with him a potato chip in your mouth as he began to speak to you.
“Hey im doing well yourself?” He replied almost forgetting the main reason for his call, you went on to explain that you were okay apart from the heat getting to you stupid summer nights were always the bane of your existence after a short conversation he finally stopped beating around the bush.
“So Y/N I was wondering would you like to come over next Sunday to finish out summer break homework?” Chifuyu asked you and seeing as the heat was getting to you and your math homework laid undone because of this, you agreed, the plan was for you two to meet at a local 7/11 to get snacks for the study session and go to his to do the homework and his plan was to confess to you after you had all your homework finished.
On Sunday after you arrived at his place with snacks in the bag both literally and figuratively you both set up your study corner in the living room, textbooks on the table, you both puzzled over each answer as you worked though your homework in no time, after that you both sat in silence as he read Nana and you read (Insert Manga name here), after a small time Chifuyu decided to break the silence with one simple question, the rest of the plan hinged upon your response.
“So Y/N are you seeing anyone at the moment?” the blonde boy spoke as the heart in your chest spiked, your face forming into a tomato shaded blush as you began to speak out in a flustered tone the word no, this was perfect Chufyu thought as he grinned to himself, finally he could confess knowing you were single.
“Okay I see now well if your free this coming Thursday would you like to…” Chifuyu went on to speak as you spoke out something you were hiding from him, a confession derailed again with your dawning response as you spoke out the truth of the matter.
“Is this about Ryusei ? if it is I can assure you its not what you think he had came to me to give me a warning….Its Keisuke …He’s thinking of leaving Toman…” coldness swept over Chifuyu as he heard these words, Leave Toman ? what in the world was going on he asked himself as he looked at you with a mix of worry as you assured him that you’d help him with anything.
Its true that Chifuyu wanted nothing more to continue with his confession but now wasn’t the time again as he put this on the backburner and your heart yearned for love but you understood what Toman means to Him and so you decided that if you had to you’d wait a lifetime to hear those words….
“Y/N I love you…lets ge married and raise cats together”
Please do not remove original tags in Re-blogs, don’t re-post anywhere else or alter the original work.
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 2 months
Um hi I don’t know if your taking requests or not but if you are can you do a mitsuya fic where like his little sisters call reader auntie or like they just view her as one?
Mitsuya and reader don’t even have to be dating I just thought it would be cute
Ofc!! Thank you so much for requesting<333
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You and Mitsuya were going to home together from school, since you two were neighbours. The walk was pretty nice, since you two had a lot to talk about. It wasn't awkward at all.
"How is it going in your club?" You asked him in order to keep the conversation going, but on the other hand, you genuinely were interested. It was nice to see him talking about something he enjoyed besides fights.
"Everything's going pretty well. Nothing new for now." He answered. Mitsuya's lavender eyes looking at you with such gentleness, it's so hard to believe that he's a delinquent. Delinquents are cocky, stupid, troublesome, aggressive, impolite and loud assholes but he was so different from that. Quite opposite actually. And that was very...attractive.
"I see. Same as usual then, huh?"
You continued. "Yatsuda-chan was talking so much about the design you're working on, so I thought you had news." You glanced at him with a smile. "What are you working on now tho?" You could swear you saw his cheeks turning pink.
"Um, nothing much, just a dress." He rubbed his neck in embarrassment, looking away.
You laughed. "There's nothing embarrassing about that. Is it for someone or..?"
"Actually yeah. It's for a girl." He spoke without looking at you again, avoiding eye contact for whatever reason.
"Ohh~" Seeing your smug expression, he blushed even more. "For a girl, huh? Good luck!"
He thanked you and just as you were to say goodbye--since you two already reached his house--suddenly Mana and Luna came outside. "Big brother! And auntie!"
"A-Auntie?" You questioned, your cheeks slightly pink.
"H-Hey, Luna, Mana, what are you doing here?" Mitsuya asked them, not glancing your way since he was clearly embarrassed.
"What?" Mana started questioning her brother's behaviour. "Aren't you the one who always talks about he-"
"Go inside, you'll catch a cold!" The guy panicked.
"It's 39 degrees-" The little girls got cut off by Mitsuya pushing them in the house and finally he turned around to face you, his cheeks as red as tomato, awkwardly rubbing his neck. "I'm sorry for that." He sighed.
You just returned the giggle, shaking your head from right to left. "It's okey. They're as lively as ever." The guy smiled at you, nodding his head in approval before you two bid each other farewell.
You don't know why exactly, but that just made your day!
Yeah I should've posted sooner😭
Sorry! I had personal issues so I couldn't find time!
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darkreunioniscoming · 2 years
Headcanon: Mikey doesn't know how to cook.
Mikey: I want to cook today.
Draken: Hell no.
Mitsuya: You can cook when I'm 80 and on my death bed.
Takemichi: Why can't he cook?
Baji: You see..
Epic flashback montage
Young Mikey: Guys! Can I have you guys eat my secret recipe?
Young Baji: Sure, why not.
Mikey in the kitchen, whistling: Smells nice.
Young Draken. Mitsuya, and Baji trying a bowl of the dish
Mikey: Oh you know, the usual.
Mitsuya: What's that?..
Mikey: Gummy bears, mustard, cereal, tomato sauce, lettuce, and ice cream.
End of flashback
Takemichi: Ice cream and tomato sauce..? Mikey where did you get this recipe?
Mikey: A kids show.
Draken: That explains so much...
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mitsuyeaah · 1 year
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get to know the sleep deprived writer behind the stories (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
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my pen name is mitsu! (derived from my mitsuya-inspired url) and i am a uni student. — a woman in stem! i do enjoy dyeing my hair as well & my current hair colour is dark red. i have 10 piercings and i want to get my very first tattoo!
i’m a taurus baby and an intj. i love lifting weights and going to the gym; my current goal for my deadlift is to lift 100kgs (i’m at 90kgs). my favourite day is definitely leg day hehe.
short >:(
i have been writing sfw fics on wattpad for a very long time and i’m very new when it comes to writing nsfw fics here on tumblr. i try my best to make it as delicious as possible!
i love writing poetry. although, i only write when i am going through it lmao but i do find the beauty in the poems i write. i used to have a poetry account on here! but i deleted it rip.
i’m quite new to anime, i started watching during early 2020! the first anime i was introduced to was ‘attack on titan’ and i immediately fell in love with jean kirschtein.
i love reading books as well! my favourite series at the moment is the ‘crescent city’ series by sjm and i’m absolutely whipped for tharion ketos hehe.
reading, sleeping, writing, thinking about sanzu, annoying my cat, watching true crime/paranormal, gym
good food, sleep, a certain pink-haired man, coffee (am an avid coffee drinker that it’s SO bad), poems, winter season, reading novels, the rain (when i’m not outside), lifting weights, watching sunsets, watching true crime/paranormal docuseries, stargazing, CATS.
gaslighters, liars, people who assume everything is about them, loud chewing, summer season, BUGS, sweating, people who rush me, tomatoes, hayfever, driving under the rain, gatekeepers, shit-talkers, cardio (help).
— feel free to discuss any of these with me!!
attack on titan
jujutsu kaisen
tokyo revengers
demon slayer
blue lock
obey me!
play it cool, guys
buddy daddies
— tokyo revengers
mitzu (sanzu)
rinsu (rindou)
ransu (ran)
mitsutora (kazutora)
— obey me!
mammsu (mammon)
lumi (lucifer)
mitmon (solomon)
barbmi (barbatos)
— buddy daddies
reimi (rei)
— blue lock
bachitsu (bachira)
kaisu (kaiser)
rinmi (rin)
— jujutsu kaisen
mitsuguru (suguru)
mitoru (satoru)
nanamit (nanami)
— haikyū!!
oikatsu (oikawa)
miroo (kuroo)
— demon slayer
doumi (douma)
— attack on titan
jeanmi (jean)
miteren (eren)
— others
mitmoot (me & my moots 🫦)
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emilsendo · 9 months
Tokyo Revengers [preferences]
Type: fluff
Warnings: Male reader, G/N reader, Tall!male/GN reader, bxb, Shorter!Character, fluff.
Characters: Mitsuya Takashi, Chifuyu Matsuno, Nahoya Kawata, Souya Kawata.
Their reaction when you're taller than them. PART 2
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Mitsuya Takashi:
He would keep his eye on you, 'cause you look kinda dangerous in his mind.
But after you both talked with each other, he changed his thoughts about you. He even starts thinking about becoming close friends with you.
His little sisters loves you, I swear.
They always shows you their drawings (one of them even showed you and Mitsuya together as a couple, our bro almost faint from embarrasment when he saw it and your reaction👀)
You're his model. Don't you dare refuse or else Mitsuya will glare at you. (I mean, like REAL death stare 🌚)
He is sewing a lot of clothes for you, even if you don't ask for it. (It's a bit of showing off his territory, because he always sews his name on them)
A VERY romantic dates.
He loves to give you a welcome and goodbye kiss on the cheek, ofc, you have to bend down or else he will force you to.
I have to be honest, you don't go anywhere without a kiss, 'cause he'll not allow you.
He is kind of acting like a male wife.
Even if you're tall and strong, he makes you feel like a big teddy bear in his arms.
He isn't jealous. But can be a bit irritated when he saw another boy or girl flirt with you, even if he knows that you're loyal to him.
He calls you: Babe and honey (ya, literally male wife-👀)
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Chifuyu Matsuno:
He would not trust you at all.
When he was alone or near you, he gave you a big side eye.
He started to become softer to you, when you found his cat who ran away from his home.
After a few months, he catch a love feeling. He wasn't happy at all about it, 'cause he thought it is wrong to love a boy.
He was blushing around you when you weren't looking.
He loves when you give him a piggyback ride.
He hugs you when he's feeling cold or just clingy.
Park dates ✅️
He is a bit shy to kiss you first, so you have to take the initiative.
Scene: "Come on, fuyu. Just a one kiss." You said. Chifuyu was already as red as tomato, as he looks away from you. "Umm.... I don't know." He said quietly and hesitately. "Pleaseee?" Your begging tone made him change his mind, so he nodded and close his eyes tightly before letting you kiss him gently on the lips.
He calls you: M/N-San, love.
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Nahoya Kawata:
You got punched by him, because he wanted to test your might. 💀
When he lost, he was pissed off but at the same time amused by your appearance.
Bro changed his sexuality in a moment.
Everytime he saw you, he punch you just to see you angry. (Idk why, bro.)
After a......attention, attention, my children. A WHOLE WEEK, he asked you out. Bro didn't waste any time to steal your heart.
He is a "little" bit possesive.
When he saw another boy just looking at you, he starts beating him up.
He jumps on your back everytime he sees you, just to give you a hug and soft kiss on the cheek. (He will not get down that easily, even if you want him to do so.)
He will cook for you, his brother and himself delicious ramen.
Souya and you become friends.
Movie nights and dates.
He calls you: Bae, Handsome (cringe, I know.)
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Souya Kawata:
He didn't show much near you.
But he was curious about you and your personality.
To be honest, you both become friends very fast. You didn't even know when lol.
You and him likes to talk about random things, even about a damn tree. That's it.
He hold your hands all the time.
Very shy sometimes.
He loves when you have to bend down to kiss his forehead.
He have fluffy hair like his brother. (Very good thing to let your stress out.)
He sometimes fells asleep on your lap.
Park dates.
He calls you: M/N or just simply sweetheart.
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ichigopanhpff · 1 year
When We Were Young
I'd been sitting on this one for a while. Honestly, I'm still feeling uneasy about this one, but I will post nonetheless!
I noticed a lot of first times are written with rose-tinted glasses on, which isn't bad. But I feel it sets an unrealistic expectation, like you have to make your partner(s) orgasm several times or something. And if you did/have, that's amazing. And of course, everyone's experience is different.
What I noticed some writers don't cover is how awkward it can be. Yes, it can be romantic and sensual, but many steps had to be taken to get to that point. Solid communication need to be established. It's important to talk with your partner(s) about your likes, dislikes and what you're comfortable giving consent to.
Consent is key. You've heard and read this many times, but I cannot stress how important this is. It lays the groundwork for trust and intimate connection. Not only are you trusting them with your physical body, you're entrusting them with your emotions and sensations to create a safe space to feel good with everyone involved.
I say everyone because a relationship is not always just between two people and I want to reflect that.
Enough with the PSA; let's get right to it! This one-shot takes place in the final timeline of TokyoRev and I've done my best to keep it spoiler free. Mitsuya and (Y/N) are 18-19. Some characters/events tie in with "Begin Again."
It’s been nearly four years since Mitsuya and (Y/N) started dating.
What started out as a young and blossoming teenage love had now fully grown into a maturing and decadent flower.
They’ve seen through each others best and worst times, through Toman and their conflicts with Black Dragon and Tenjiku, every fist fight, hospital visit, last minute school assignments, and the rush of reckless youth; they were beside each other hand in hand.
Taking their relationship to the next level was something they kept an open conversation about; if they were honest with themselves, their raging hormones did not make this easy.
Were it not for Mitsuya’s promise to Jun, this would’ve happened a long time ago.
A very long time ago.
They started out slow with exploring each other’s bodies and reading articles in lifestyle magazines on their own time; they wanted to learn each other’s pleasure points, memorize every divot and curve, taste every inch of skin, ingrain the sound of their voice when aroused. Their warm, lingering touches on each other left them craving more every time.
When they tried oral, it was… not how the stories made it out to be in the magazines.
Mitsuya couldn’t find the balance between licking, sucking, and fingering. He couldn't find her clitoris and got close to it a few times, thinking that was it when he heard her voice change; he's also lost count the amount of times she yelped in pain from him trying to push his finger inside her too early when he thought she was wet enough; it was from his saliva, not her. The only thing he found in the end was a spot that made (Y/N) ticklish where she had to push him off because she was laughing too hard.
(Y/N) was too shy and not confident enough to try it because “it’s where your pee comes from” and opted to try a hand job instead; poor boy thought his girlfriend was going to rip it off with how hard she gripped and how fast she did it. Never in his life had he felt that raw and took nearly 3 days to recover. His loins felt like he had terrible rug burn.
Despite the open dialogue and experimentation, they were both still too embarrassed to be fully nude in front of each other.
There were nights where Mitsuya found himself mindlessly sketching out lingerie designs for his girlfriend to wear, some of which hardly left anything to the imagination. His face stained tomato red and had half a mind to rip it out of his sketchbook and throw it away. The lilac haired boy had to use every ounce of his self-control; his sisters were sleeping on the other side of the partition curtain. Safe to say, he hid that particular sketchbook way out of reach from his nosy siblings.
And there were times where (Y/N) found her mind wandering to what positions her boyfriend would put her in while pumping himself inside her. Feeling hot and bothered from her running imagination, she’d use her fingers to satiate her lust; though her boyfriend’s would probably feel much better if he didn’t try to rush it half the time.
They were caught in the middle of a downpour during their date one autumn day and took shelter under a random awning of a shop; unfortunately, the convenience store sold out of umbrellas from the early birds. Already soaked to the bone, the two made a break for it when the storm lightened up and made their way to her apartment. After shaking off their drenched jackets and brushing their respective locks from excess water, the two entered shuddering violently from the cold rain.
“Wait here,” (Y/N) instructed with audible shivers she tried suppressing in her throat. “I’ll get you a towel.”
Sliding open the storage closet by the bathroom, she pulled out a fresh set and threw a small one at her boyfriend to dry off before coming in. Revealing his lanky and toned torso after peeling his black oversized t-shirt off, she hastily grabbed the half soaked garment and wrung it out the best she could before hanging it up to dry in the bathroom. Mitsuya stepped in not long after and hugged her from behind to warm her trembling body.
“You’re shaking,” he mumbled in her ear, feeling his body quivering from the cold still. The warmth of his breath sent a different kind of senses down the nerves of her skin. “Wanna take a bath together?”
“You first,” she suggested. “I’ll take one after.”
“But it’ll save time and water,” he suggested with a small whine before pressing a warm, open mouth kiss on her cold neck while moving the wet, matted strands of hair out of the way. She leaned into the sensation and let out a small breath from her nose.
“As nice as that sounds…” she gasped out and turned to face him. “I doubt we’ll be doing much bathing.”
“I’m not seeing the problem here,” he lowly chuckled in his throat, his lavender gaze slightly darkened.
She gave him a nice, long kiss and pulled back before Mitsuya could do any more. Playfully biting on her bottom lip, she pushed herself off and took her damp top off to hang dry, revealing her bra to him before walking out of the bathroom.
“Really?” he huffed from frustration with his arms out in his half-excited state. “You’re gonna leave me hanging like this?”
Releasing a dejected sigh, the lilac haired boy got to disrobing and hung the rest of his soaked clothing up before turning the shower head on to warm himself up and wash the cold off his skin. Emerging a few minutes later, he wrapped his lower half with a towel and found a dry set of his clothes on the floor; she cleverly disguised the reason as ‘something for her to have in case of weather emergencies’ when she just wanted to wear his clothes. Switching off, (Y/N) jumped in and let out a huge sigh of relief the moment the warm water hit her frozen body.
“I’ve revived,” she drawled contently, exiting the bath wearing one of his oversized t-shirts and entered her bedroom, where Mitsuya was splayed out flipping through one of her photography magazines. The sound of calm, steady rain fall could be heard from her closed window, the pattering of drops clacking loudly on the tin roof from one floor up.
“So that’s where that shirt went,” he looked up from the magazine with an amused smirk.
“It… conveniently made its way into my drawer,” she playfully fibbed and batted her eyelashes.
“Right…” Mitsuya drawled and rolled his eyes. “Like those three in your drawer there?”
“If you didn’t want me stealing your shirts, then don’t make ‘em so comfortable to wear.”
“I actually bought those, y’know,” he pointed out.
She faced him and put her hands on her hips. “It’s really your fault, Taka. I can’t sleep in anything other than your clothes anymore.”
“Really?” he mused with a cocked brow and a matching smirk.
“Your scent calms me,” she pouted and hid her blushing face by opening the closet. She took out her futon for the two of them to lay on. Even though their date was ruined by the rain, they could at least be cozy together.
Smoothing out the plush mattress, she patted it as an invitation for her boyfriend to join her. Lazily smiling with his signature half-lidded gaze, he closed the magazine and crawled to her side. Loosely wrapping his arms around her frame, she unfolded the blanket and draped it across their legs. She let out a content sigh and leaned her head into the lilac haired boy’s torso, feeling his body warmth envelop her with his cuddles.
“I’d say this makes up for the rain, yeah?” He kissed her cheek and nuzzled into the crook of her neck, making her chuckle.
“I think so.” She faced her boyfriend with a grin before wrapping her arms around his shoulders and leaned in to share lips. “How do you do it?” she softly asked.
“Do… what?” he asked with a quizzical look.
“How do you make it so easy for me to love you?” She pecked him on the lips and played with a few stray strands of his shoulder length lilac hair; he decided to grow it out after Toman disbanded. “You’ve spoiled me rotten for anyone else.”
“Are you implying there’ll be others?” he inquired with half-seriousness, making her softly laugh.
“I’d like to see them try prying me away from you.”
“Damn right. ‘Cus you’re all mine.”
Pulling her onto his lap, (Y/N) straddled her legs around Mitsuya’s waist. Threading his digits into her locks, he sighed into their kiss and deepened it by running the tip of his tongue on her lower lip. Their wet muscles openly danced as his hands roamed around her exposed thighs found themselves at the hem of her oversized shirt. Slowly pulling it off of her, he cast the top aside and gently traced every inch of her back with a shaky breath. His eyes drunk in the masterpiece sitting on top of him.
“Gorgeous…” he whispered and pressed a kiss on her collar bone and moved up to the crevice of her neck. She let out a soft moan and cradled his head gently, stroking his soft lilac strands around her fingers. His hands gently caressed her back and found them at her bra clasp; she felt him clumsily fumble with it and let out a small giggle.
“Need some help there?”
“… Yes.”
Giving him an endearing smile and a chaste kiss, (Y/N) got off of his lap and turned to show her back to him, revealing the two row hooks and demonstrated how they work together.
“There’s some that’s three rows, even four,” she explained. “But those are usually for larger chest sizes that need more support.”
“Those gotta be a pain to take off…” he noted.
“They’re a bigger pain to put on.”
Mitsuya reached out and gently unclasped her bra and softly ran his fingertips down the small of her back, sending goosebumps up her skin and arched up as an audible shudder escaped her. Pulling himself in, he peppered kisses along her lotus tattoo and proceeded to slip his fingers under her bra strap to remove it off her shoulders. (Y/N) immediately covered her chest with her arms, feeling exposed. His arms snaked around her waist and moved his hands up to gently knead the fleshy mounds, eliciting a soft moan and whimper from her. Her boyfriend let out a throaty groan and open mouth kissed her neck, sucking harshly on the skin and leaving red marks on her right shoulder. His index and thumb found her cold, pebbled nipples, giving it a firm pinch; she let out a small whimper and felt something thick and hard start to poke the back of her thigh.
“I want to see you,” he whispered on the shell of her ear.
Shyly turning around, her body trembled with nervousness as she let her arms down, revealing her plump breasts for Mitsuya to see. Her nipples were hard and excited from his previous touches mixed with the chill in the air from the rain. His soft, lavender gaze went dark and felt himself twitch as he sucked in a breath.
“So beautiful…” he whispered. Snaking his left arm around her waist, he pulled her into a searing kiss before gently laying her down on the futon and laced both his hands with hers as he hovered above. Slowly releasing, he looked into her eyes with love.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t feel ready…” His left hand came up and softly caressed her cheek and kissed the top of her head.
“I am. Just…” Her right hand reached up and placed it on top of his. “Go slow, okay?”
Silently nodding, he took his t-shirt off, revealing his lithe and toned body. (Y/N)’s hands slowly trailed up, feeling each divot of his muscles on his stomach as he hummed with approval. He reached down and removed his shorts, revealing a very obvious protruding member in his black boxer briefs. Her eyes gradually widened with surprise.
“… Will that fit?” she haplessly blurted out and blushed, unconsciously clenching her legs together. Mitsuya snickered while she covered her face, reeling from humiliation.
“We’ll have to find out…” he chuckled and leaned back down to her lips after gently pushing her hands off her face. The lilac haired boy wedged his knee between her legs, feeling the pooling warmth from her panties. Mitsuya let out a throaty groan and trailed his lips down from her neck to latch onto her left nipple. (Y/N) softly gasped the moment she felt his tongue flick on the hardened bud and sucked on it; his left hand fondled her other breast, pinching it every now and then before switching off. She threaded her fingers into the strands of lavender, encouraging her boyfriend for more through soft sighs and hitched breaths, his name leaving her lips in tiny whimpers. His large right hand trailed down her side and languidly rubbed her inner thigh, trying to gain access her growing want.
She let out a surprised gasp and sighed when she felt the tips of two of his fingers slowly rub her clothed slit up and down. For some reason, she felt wetter than usual as her body naturally reacted to each of his tender caresses. Mitsuya released his lips from her nipple with a soft pop and focused his attention to her now drenched panties. Hooking his fingers on the sides to remove it, (Y/N)’s hands jolted up and grabbed his wrists in a fit of panic.
Was this really happening? Right now?
“Y-You first…” she meekly stuttered out as an attempt to stall.
Letting out a light sigh through his nose, he smiled at his girlfriend with understanding. He moved his hands to the waistband of his boxers instead and slowly pulled it down, freeing his now extremely erect cock hitting his stomach; his breath hitched from the sudden chill hitting his hot skin. The tip glistened with his pre-cum; a protruding vein ran up his shaft. He was lengthy with a good amount of girth.
“This… This is me,” he shyly murmured with a tint of pink blooming on his cheeks.
Unconsciously reaching up, she wrapped her hand around his length and gave it a light jerk, earning a soft, breathy moan from him. Unlike his hands, (Y/N)’s were soft and felt like he was melting into her touch with every languid stroke; she’s learned to go soft and slow after the last time. How many nights had he imagined her doing this to him instead of his own whenever his mind was clouded with lust? His hand immediately grabbed her wrist, stopping her movement.
“Sweetheart…” He swallowed hard and seethed at her touch, his deep gaze glossed over with desire. “As good as that feels, I don’t wanna cum just yet.”
“Is that all it takes?” she joked.
“With the way I am now, yes,” he confessed. “Besides…” He used his body weight and pushed (Y/N) back down, slipping his hand under her panties and took it off in one go, making her softly yelp in shock. “It’s your turn.”
The moment he did, she quickly clamped her legs shut, embarrassed by how turned on she was.
“Come on, love. Don’t be unfair…” he softly cooed out and rubbed soothing circles on her quaking thighs and trailed light kisses on it. He rested the side of his head on the outside of her right leg with puppy dog eyes. “I wanna see all of you.”
Hesitantly coming around, she relaxed and allowed her boyfriend’s hand to stroke across the expanse of her left leg to fully open them up. His deep lavender gaze stared down at her moistened folds with the warmth of need radiating from it. The tips of his left fingers teasingly trailed up to the inner parts of her thigh, making her whimper and muscles tighten. He let out a long, elated sigh the moment he made contact and gently stroked her labia with his middle and index fingers.
(Y/N) sharply inhaled and let out a broken, high-pitched squeal, squeezing her eyes closed. Her head tilted away while feeling her boyfriend’s fingers explore her most intimate spot, letting out shallow breaths as she tried her best to stifle her voice; the apples of her cheeks burning fiery hot. Mitsuya laid down beside her, feeling his stiff cock poke her from behind.
“Don’t be embarrassed,” he encouraged with a soft, baritone bass in his voice. “I wanna hear how good you feel.”
He peppered kisses down the back of her neck before sucking on that one spot that made her weak. Squelching sounds sharply bounced off the walls of her room as she breathlessly moaned his name. Mitsuya successfully found her clit and slowly rubbed it, making her breath hitch and body jolt from the sudden sharp, foreign sensation. His other arm slipped around her shoulder and fondled her left breast.
“So wet for me…” he praised and hissed from how excited his girlfriend was. Feeling her relax, he slowly slipped his middle finger inside her and gave a few test thrusts. He groaned at how her muscles tightly wrapped around his digit and pulsated in satiny warmth. (Y/N) felt her pelvis bucking into his touch and lightly rocked into his finger as lust and stray tears covered her eyes. His thumb found its way to her clit and flicked it in rhythm to his finger pumping in and out of her hole. Letting out a sharp gasp, her muscles tense up as she felt something hot build inside of her.
“Taka…” she whimpered, feeling her body get hotter and wetter. Her face flushed as she gasped for air while he continued. “I-It feels weird…”
“I read it’s supposed to make you feel really good…” he panted as he continued thrusting and rubbing in rhythm, feeling her insides clench tighter around him. “Let me make you feel good…”
She found her breath hitching in her throat as her back arched, her voice let out a strangled moan the moment she felt the tightly wound thread inside her snap. Mitsuya hummed with approval and languidly kissed her neck, sucking more dark spots on it as her pulsating muscles convulse around his drenched finger from her very first orgasm.
“Taka…” she whispered with moaning pants and broken cries while he slowed his strokes, her lower half still shaking and jerking from her release. “I wanna make you feel good too.”
Steadily removing his nectar-coated fingers with a squelch, Mitsuya brought it up to his lips and tasted how sweet she was. After licking his digits clean, he pulled her chin to him and let her taste herself on his tongue. Releasing in a daze, she stumbled to sit back up and pulled one of her mini desk drawers open to take out a condom they bought ahead of time.
“Nervous?” she asked with a quaking smile.
“Me too.”
“Are you sure you want this?” he asked again for confirmation as he took the wrapped contraceptive from her; she softly nodded in confirmation.
“Taka, I’ve always been yours.” She kissed him tenderly and released, her stare darkened with carnal ardor and adoration. “There’s no one else I’d do this with.”
His heart leapt into his throat, enveloping his emotions in her words; he needed to show how much he loved and needed her now. Ripping the foil, he rolled the condom over his length, lightly hissing at the cold sensation of the lubricant touching his hot skin. Positioning themselves in missionary, the two stared into each other’s souls, their hearts pounding fast in their chest as their limbs shook nervously.
(Y/N) reached up to pull him down to capture his lips to relax. He rubbed the head on her slick folds; the two times he tried pushing into her, the tip popped back up from it being too slippery and nerves. She readjusted herself on the bottom and he successfully entered, letting out a long gasp as the head of his cock bullied its way in her. She gritted her teeth from the pressure and mewled.
“Hngh, so tight…” he grunted between breaths with his whole body shaking as he pushed in little by little. “Try to relax…”
“Easy for you to say…” she squeaked out, feeling herself stretch to Mitsuya. It was overwhelming and felt like she was being split in two. Her legs trembled as her hands vice gripped onto his shoulder blades like her life depended on it, her nails digging into his skin. Hot, crocodile tears streaked down her cheeks the moment she felt him bottom out, letting out a dry sob the moment she felt something pop inside. The pain was sharp and barely tolerable as she felt her thigh muscles squeeze and shake. They looked at each other, letting out light, shaky breaths from being connected body and soul for the very first time.
“You’re doing so good, baby,” her lover consoled and wiped away the stray tears that stained her cheeks, peppering light kisses on her face. “You’re… so soft inside,” he moaned and rested his forehead on top of hers. His hands found solace on the sides of her head. “I feel like I’m gonna melt in you.”
“Don’t say something embarrassing like that while you’re in me!” she huffed out with reddened cheeks, still trying to breathe through the pain; he merely let out a breathless chuckle.
He clumsily crashed his lips on hers, completely drunk on the sensation of her body; his long lilac hair matted onto his now clammy skin, feeling his body heat rise from the new found erotic sensation of being forever connected to the love of his life. He did his best to stay still while his girlfriend adjusted to him. Gingerly shifting her legs to wrap around his hips, she gave him a chaste kiss on his lips.
“I think…” she swallowed thickly and sighed. “It’s okay for you to move now.”
Her boyfriend looked down to pull out a little and did a few shallow test thrusts before putting some more strength into it and softly moaned from feeling her clamp down on him with every move.
“Feels good… You feel so good… So hot,” he gasped out before capturing her lips with his again. Swallowing each other’s moans, her legs twitched while he plunged into her oasis sloppily.
Her breathing became erratic, gasping out his name through broken moans and felt something inside her break with a hot sensation. (Y/N)’s boyfriend stilled his hips as her stifled cries and throbbing velvety walls clenched around him. He watched her face contort between pain and pleasure as her back rounded from what he was doing to her, trying his best not to come on the spot.
“Taka…” she slurred out, feeling the contact high with blurry eyes and reached up to cup his face with her hands.
“Does it still hurt?” he asked with worry.
She slowly shook her head and flashed him a soft, convincing smile. “You can go a little… harder…” she bashfully muttered.
“… Are you saying this ‘cus you want this or for my sake?”
(Y/N) softly stroked his cheek with the pads of her thumbs and whispered, “I want it and I want all of you, Taka. You don’t have to hold back.”
As if under a spell, he dove down and fervently kissed her, the tips their tongues openly dancing as he started thrusting inside her again with vigor, their foreheads touching. His muscular arms tightly held onto her while hers wrapped around his shoulder while one of her hands weaved into his damp locks, lightly pulling on it from his rapture.
“More…” she moaned. “Deeper, love.”
Mitsuya thrust his full length into her with soft, guttural grunts and pants, the snap of his hips making the lewd, sticky sounds of their juices audible between their sounds of pleasure. Unable to hold back anymore, his hands gripped her hips as he sped up, the wet slapping of their skin getting louder and louder as her muscles clenched around his length. Uttering her name out like a prayer while chasing his release, his body stuttered and choked back a soft grunt as he climaxed, feeling her squeeze every drop out. Screwing his eyes close, he felt his warm seed exit in spurts and pool at the tip of his cock inside. The two caught their breath as her boyfriend gingerly reopened his eyes in a half-lidded state, dazed from his orgasm. Slowly pulling out, he hissed at the feeling of leaving her warmth, revealing the amount he came in the contraceptive. Carefully rolling it off of his now softening member, he tied it before wrapping it in a tissue to dispose of it later. Grabbing a few more sheets, he cleaned himself off before tending to his girlfriend.
She let out a light groan and turned to her side, feeling the soreness between her legs and panting. A light sheen of sweat covered their skin both from their lovemaking. Mitsuya gently pulled (Y/N) into a deep embrace, feeling her soft, supple flesh on his. The patters of the rain softened up from the downpour before.
“Was I too rough?” he asked with a look of concern, seeing her wince from discomfort when she readjusted her body for a better position to cuddle in. He rubbed soothing circles on her thigh as a way to alleviate her aches. She shook her head.
“You were fine,” she reassured and leaned into him to lazily kissed her boyfriend while smiling into it. “I read the pain’s common after.”
“Would a warm bath help?”
“It depends: are you joining?”
“If you’re inviting…” her boyfriend replied with a light chuckle and brought her left hand to his lips, kissing the ring on her left ring finger he gave her glimmering in the dimly lit bedroom.
“Don’t think we’ll get much bathing done,” she laughed.
“Again, I fail to see the problem here.”
Before they could continue their banter, the sound of jingling keys could be heard from the door. The two looked at each other with widened eyes, their breaths hitched in their throats from anxiety. (Y/N) glanced at the calendar on her desk and that sense of dread dropped into the pits of her stomach.
Her dad was coming home after 2 months.
And today was that day.
Oh. Crap.
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jhoudiey · 2 years
Came across a moot who had filled out these ship questions and decided to jump on board since work is boring and I've got so many spinning rotisserie chicken ships in my head I'm suffering.
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So the first one Imma do is Aimitsu, my first TR OC! (Commission from @/julymarte). Gonna put answers below the cut cause I'm not a complete asshole.
How did they first meet? Aiko's family are the caretakers of the temple that Toman meets at, and meets them at first when they're talking about starting the gang. She approaches them and tells them they'd better not cause any problems for the temple/grounds cause her grandparents are getting old and they don't want to clean up extra!
What was their first impression of each other? Aiko- Delinquent that's gonna cause problems for Ji-chan (gramps). Mitsuya- cute but worried about the wrong thing. (Doesn't care about the gang meeting there, only cares if they'll make a mess. What?)
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Not particularly, though once Mitsu's crush becomes apparent gets teased about it by the guys pretty frequently.
Who felt romantic feelings first? Mitsu. Aiko at first had a crush on Hakkai cause he's 'the strong and silent type' (see: unable to talk to girls).
Did either of them try to resist their feelings? Mitsu did cause he tried to cheer Hakkai on and urge him to get over his 'not talking to girls thing.' It didn't work.
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think? Mitsuya would brush it off cause no way, and Aiko would probably turn tomato red cause she's a sucker for romance movies and it would be SO SHOCKING to learn.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go? It ended up progressing quite naturally. They become pretty good friends and pretty much the group parents then eventually Mitsu gathers the courage to actually ask her out and she agrees.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like? They do! They go for a ride on his bike (which aiko freaks about cause every time she rides it she thinks she's gonna die) and go out to Odaiba to overlook the rainbow bridge at night! Aiko gets fired up and says that she should have brought a thermos full of soup because it's chillier near the water than she expected (which is what she's carrying in the pic I used :>)
What was their first kiss like? Mitsuya kisses her in the middle of her rant about what kind of thermos and soup would be best, because he finds it very adorable when she gets worked up about the wrong things.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)? First everything.
What’s their height difference? Age difference? he's about an inch taller than her and about a month older.
What’s their relationship with each other’s families? Complete and utter adoration. Mana especially likes Aiko cause her hobby is making namagashi and teaches the girls how to make it and will even call it 'managashi' for Mana (plus, they have the same hairstyle). Aiko's grandparents think Mitsuya is a good kid with a good head on his shoulders and is glad he'll take care of her when they're gone.
Who takes the lead in social situations? Mitsuya. Aiko is very... errrr... out of touch? and a bit retro in personality (raised by old people amirite?) so Mitsu usually takes charge.
Who gets jealous easier? Mitsu. There is not a jealous bone in Aiko's body.
Who said “I love you” first? Mitsuya!
What are their primary love languages? Acts of service.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA? Publicly, nearly never. Aiko is very reserved and saves everything for in private.
What are their favorite things to do together? Go to the fleamarket and completely dominate the sales at the supermarket. There's no way either of them are letting the 99 yen egg deal slip through their fingers.
Who’s better at comforting the other? Aiko. I think Mitsu is used to being the comforter and not often the comforted and aiko slips into that position very easily as a natural caregiver.
Who’s more protective? Mitsu, cause Aiko is pretty naïve and expects the best of people no matter what.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection? physical!
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise? uhhhh... I mostly listen to metal so not much applies so uhhh..is there a song about two teenagers that are basically grandparents that are just so comfortable with each other they're basically married from the start?
What kind of nicknames do they call each other? Mitsu calls her Ai-chan like the rest of them until their relationship progresses and he just calls her Aiko. Aiko goes from Mitsuya-kun to just Mitsuya, to Takashi.
Domestic Life
If they get married, who proposes? Mitsuya! Her grandparents give him the approval (and their wedding rings)before they pass away when they're teenagers and he tells her he wants to get married but will propose properly when he can afford a proper wedding.
What’s the wedding like? Who attends? Very traditional, at the temple they met at. Basically everyone from Toman is there :)
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like? They have 2 in their late 20s/early 30s. Boy first then a girl, and they're both sweet as pie and think their parents are THE COOLEST.
Do they have any pets? Aiko has 5 shibas growing up at the temple (kuro-black, shiro-white, tofu-white, sobi-red, pekoe-red), and when she moves into her own place only Kuro goes with her. After he passes they hold off on any pets cause the hair gets EVERYWHERE and is hard for Mitsu to make stuff that doesn't come with extra dog hair.
Who’s the stricter parent? Aiko, but only by a thread. They're both really chill overall.
Who kills the bugs in the house? All bugs are ferried safely out the window.
How do they celebrate holidays? With friends and fam with cute desserts Aiko's made!
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning? Mitsuya. Aiko is a pretty strict IT'S 5AM IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP NOW person (holdover from her days at the temple and is just an early riser.)
Who’s the better cook? Mitsuya is better at the savory foods, Aiko better at the sweets, but they're both very good at it.
If you've read this far YAY! thanks for reading about the grandparents ship that is just so lovely and wholesome all around. Cheers!
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