#mitzah opportunity
ask-jumblr · 4 years
I know it’s probably a long shot, but in case anyone has any old or unused tallises, The Chevra Kadisha of Queens and Long Island and The Hebrew Free Burial are in dire need of them because of the number of deceased from COVID-19. 
If you’re able to either;
1) Drop off at 136-06 71st Road in Kew Garden Hills by placing in the labeled plastic bin on the front porch (this way there is no need for any physical proximity) 2) Mail it to: Mount Richmond Cemetery 420 Clarke Avenue Staten Island, NY 10306
This is a big mitzvah as not everyone has tallises at home to be buried in. If you are abroad or in other parts of the U.S., I would also recommend reaching out to your local chevra kadisha to see if they need them as well.
Mod here. If anyone knows of another chevra kadisha in need of tallitot, feel free to reblog or comment with information.
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boogiewrites · 5 years
Choking On Sapphires 90
Characters: Alfie Solomons x Genevieve (OFC)
Title & Song: Right Back Where We Started From
Summary: Genevieve has her Bat Mitzah, a grand celebration with everyone important to her. But Alfie uses the opportunity to turn the already memorable night into something she'll never forget. Song is Maxine Nightingale - Right Back Where We Started From
Warnings/Tags: FLUFF. Bat Mitzvah. LOTS OF FEELINGS. A LOOOOONG awaited chapter. 
Click on my icon then go to my Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. (Had to do this since Tumblr killed links, sorry.) Please like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed it! It helps out us writers A LOT!
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Another Shabbat passes and Genevieve finds herself becoming more and more preoccupied with the planning of her bat mitzvah ceremony. Although simple compared to a traditional bar mitzvah, as she didn’t want to ruffle any feathers with the orthodox and read from the Torah, she still had plenty to plan and worry about. Currently, the location being the biggest concern.
another sigh escapes her, Alfie had lost count of how many now. She hurriedly flipped through the notebook she’d been using to lay out her plans. The little leather-bound book hadn’t left her side for weeks. It was full of speech bullet points and notes for her chosen subject to speak about but she was currently stuck on the list of places left she could choose from. The options were dwindling by the day as they became booked. Every night Alfie would watch her tap her pen on the top line, a sad limp mark through her first pick for where to have her ceremony and party, but she’d been declined.
But he was always the close observer and decided to try his hand at giving her an early bat mitzvah gift. The first of many to come.
“Ya gonna bore a hole in ‘at if ya keep tappin' at it so.” He remarks with glasses sliding down his nose as he side-eyed her from his reclined position.
“I’m feeling so very indecisive about the location.” She sighed out frantically for the umpteenth time that evening. “I have everything else I want but...nothing feels RIGHT.” She clenches a theatrical fist in her conviction.
“You aren’t used to being told no.” He states it as the fact it is.
“I’m afraid I am entirely serious.” She retorts with a frown. “I have full power to customize this but the one thing I want I cannot have. It’s frustrating when this means so much to me.” Her face was round and pouting, pursed lips he thought were rather soft and precious when she was angry.
“I know love, I know. But ya can have whatever you like really. Just gotta know how to get it.” He gives her a pat to her knee in support.
“You would think with how much I’m paying for all this.” She huffs. “This is on par with one of my birthday parties.” She reflects. “Good thing we skipped that this year.” She grumbles. “I’m so perplexed. I’m paying for all this to not get what I actually want.”
“You’re paying for everythin'?” He challenges with an out of place smile.
Gen gives him a look that judges his intellect. “Yes, clearly. I haven’t asked you for so much as a pound have I?”
“I wish someone had told me this before I went and paid for the venue then. Shame, that.” He shakes his head.
“Alfie. I haven’t chosen. My word, have you not been listening at all?”
“You have chosen though. You wanted the museum.”
“And they told me no.” She responds with flushed cheeks. “Repeatedly.” she lets out a frustrated whine.
“Well, I wish someone had informed me of that before I paid for the bloody thing.” He responds to her blustery rant with a confusing indifference.
“Alfie? Are you okay? Are you smelling oranges dear because you are making no sense.” She places the back of her hand to his head.
“I’m makin' perfect sense if you’d just calm down and listen.” He chuckles.
“You said for the museum.” She states again. “But it’s not available.” She insists.
“Say that first part again. Forget the last.” He instructs with high brows as he sets his book aside. The poor thing was so distraught over her rejection she couldn’t see he was handing her the answer to her problems.
“You paid for the museum.” She rushes out.
“Yeah. And again. Slow it down pet, think of the words.” He keeps a fully amused look on his face.
“You paid for the museum.” She repeats slowly. “But…?” Her brows furrowed in question.
“I paid for the museum. For you to have the bat mitzvah ceremony there, love. I asked them and with a bit of persuasion, they said yes. You’re gonna have the museum.” He has to clarify in basic terms for her rapid-fire brain to grasp onto.
She blinks in a rush of realization. “You got the..?” She stammers.
“You have your heart set on it and I was tired of watching you lament every night about not getting it. This is important and I want it to be as close to perfect as it can for ya.”
“You…?” She whispers.
“Yes. With some exhortation, I managed to talk them into it.”
“You…?” She stammers again.
“Oui.” He lets out a laugh this time. “dois-je le dire en français pour que vous compreniez?”
“Oh Alfie, darling.” She coos, one hand to her chest and the other to his cheek.
“That’s more like it.” He smirks, reaching to hold her hand and kiss it.
“Oh bless you Alfie, you thoughtful man.”
“Nah. I just pay attention’s all. Not gonna let me own woman not have the bat mitzvah she wants. What sort of man would I be?”
“You wouldn’t be Alfie Solomons.” She smirks softly and kisses his cheek.
“Fuckin right love” he grunts and nods.
She chuckles against his cheek. “Oh, darling you’ve made me so happy.” She coos and nuzzles her nose into his ear. “Shall have to start calling you, Sweet Solomons.” She grins and kisses his cheek.
“Oh go on Genny.” He puts on a mean face but soaks up the affection. With her hands in his beard and hair, she turns his face to hers.
“Thank you. I love you. This means the world to me, darling.”
“I’m glad you’re happy.”
“And all because of you.”
“Was nothin'.”
“And modest! My goodness!” She chuckles and squeezes his cheeks, giving him a soft and affectionate kiss to his pouted lips.
“Man's gotta have his values.”
“Even a man like you.” She kisses him again and speaks softly.
“Even me.” He answers in a muffled voice before she takes her time, slow kisses to his plush lips that make him hum with content.
Gen stood tall on her pedestal in her closet, Freddie tending to the last minute adjustments for the embellished gown he’d created for her.
“These stones are being little buggers.” He mutters, keeping his thin face focused on the hem of the silk and beaded gown. It fell to the floor in a pearlescent puddle around her feet, Sheer little sleeves and a silver hue throughout that made her skin and hair stand out against its paleness.
“I can’t say enough good fings bout it, Fred.” Alfie captures their attention as he comes in freshly showered, slicked and perfumed with his trousers and white shirt on.
“You could try.” He smirks and Alfies face is kind and amused. The dress fit her like a glove, a band of embellishment around her waist and everything loose and flowing around her, she looked like an angel. He wasn’t one to get emotional about such things but perhaps the significance of the occasion was wearing the old boy down. He’d heard Gen practicing her speech, speaking of growth and change and finding meaning in the chaos of life and perhaps he was swayed to reflect himself. Tonight was a rather important night for both of them.
“Would you think it brash of me to suggest some pieces for you to wear with this, Chanah?” Her only been calling her by her given name all day and Gen couldn’t find it in herself to mind. She watches him looking through the glass-topped drawers at her collection of jewels.
“As long as I retain the right to turn them down, Certainly no.” She gives him a warm smile as she stays still for the sake of Fred’s sanity.
“‘Course.” He says obviously with his usually gruff tone. “I only had suggestions. I saw that dress and thought of certain pieces as soon as my eyes took it in.” He elaborates with a shaking hand as he moves about the circular space and collects pieces in his hands.
“I think that has it for now. I’ll have my kit with me all night. Won't have you looking a bead out of place if I can help it. Tonight’s too important. You’ll have photographs and I refuse to have you look anything short of angelic.” Freddie speaks with a pointed finger as he gathers a small satchel with beads, stones, and thread.
“It is gorgeous and it will be perfect. Thank you, Cheri.”
“Don’t make me cry just yet.” He protests with an exasperated voice as she takes his hand and kisses it.
“Not yet.” She shakes her head and pats his hand before releasing it.
“I’m off to change. I’ll be at the door waiting for you for the last check before your entry.”
“Lovely.” She says softly as she runs her hands down the textured surface of the gown.
Distracted, Fred has a whirling list of things to do in a short amount of time and is muttering to himself as he leaves.
“He’s a mess, bless him. He doesn’t handle sentimental occasions very gracefully.” Gen observes with a fond by pitying expression.
“He has a lot of heart, that Fred.” Alfie nods and agrees. “But I wanted to speak of yours while we had a moment, love.” His voice is cool and even, demanding her to him as he holds out his hand and she steps off the raised platform.
“What of it Ari?” She implores with inquisitive eyes.
“I wanted to give some significance tonight to what you wore. Jewels wise. I wanted to bring a bit of me into the ensemble. Even if it is a bit of a prick thing to say on such an occasion now that I say it out loud.”
Genevieve smiles and insists he’s incorrect with a shaking head, her long hair cascading down her shoulders. “Don’t be silly. You were so crucial in getting to this point. I value your input so please share.” She holds both his hands in hers and gives them a squeeze.
“As you wish, my love.” He gives her a rather formal nod and turns to start with one piece. “I would like to first recommend Sapphires for such an occasion.” Be announces loudly as if he were presenting to a group, But only Genevieve was in his company. “I believe your favorite stone, Yeah?” She nods with a gentle smile as he brings forth a ring she knows well. “I would suggest this first.” He puts the ring onto her finger and holds her hand, the warmth was felt not only through his skin but in the mild crinkle around his eyes as he spoke. “You wore this the first night you accompanied me out. I couldn’t make up me mind if I wanted to stare at you or your jewels and that is sayin’ somethin’ Both for your taste and your beauty, love.”
She leans forward to kiss his cheek and gives him a smile that disarms him as her soft hands rub against his hardened ones. “I’ll always remember that night.” She speaks softly. “Lovely choice.” She praises.
“And ‘is. A bit farther down the line.” He holds the long and weighted large sapphire stone encased in a halo of tiny diamonds. “You wore this the night I took you to the opera.”
“The night I cried like a baby at the show.” She huffs out a laugh to herself.
“The night I found myself truly mesmerized by you, love. Such softness under that wild exterior. Like a weeping angel, you were, yeah?” He gives a gentle pat to her cheek and she nuzzles into it with a soft kiss. “The last. So far the most important.” He begins with the teardrop Sapphires earrings that dangle from Diamond studs. “Our trip to Paris.” He says with a fond nostalgia in his voice. He puts them on her with strong and steady hands. “My promise to never make you cry real tears, only those of stone.” He pauses and takes her hands again. “I’ve not kept that promise I’m afraid.” He frowns.
“We cannot know the future Ari. As badly as we might want to. You know anything that caused me to shed tears that you caused is forgiven. You’ve only ever had my best interests at heart. That’s worth more than the mere falling of tears.” She squeezes his hands and he nods, not fighting her on it and deeply Proud of her understanding of him and their life together. “I recall it as the best time I’ve ever had with a man in Paris. When we told one another we loved the other.” She speaks softly from the heart and puts her hand to his cheek. “Where we danced by the Seine and played pretend like children to be married.” She sighs, her eyes misty at the fond memories.
“Oi, I recall. You becomin' my real-life fantasy of Lily Lafitte.” He gives her a soft smile.
“The only man I’ve ever introduced to uncle as well.” She adds with a nod of her chin.
“Speak of the Devil,” He smirks, “He and your mum will be there today.”
“Really?” Her band drops to his chest and her eyes go wide. “Mother wasn’t sure if she’d be able to, What with George being difficult with her leaving.”
“I believe a promise from Altar Lafitte when I hear it. He and Alma will be here this evening.”
“Oh, Ari.”She tears up and wraps her arms around his neck. “You’ve made everything so perfect already. I’ll be owing you after tonight.” She teases and kisses his cheek.
“It’s nothin if it’s to make you happy Chanah. You know within reason and reality I’d do anyfin' to make you so, yeah?”
“You lovey gentleman. You absolute mensch.” She nuzzles her nose against his. “I couldn’t think of a single thing you could do to make me happier tonight.” She whispers as she kisses him gently.
“There’s always somethin', Chanah.” He smiles and kisses her cheek innocently. “Always more I can do for a woman like you.”
Her entrance was dramatic with musical accompaniment in the grand style she was known for. The lights hitting her gown just right in the golden hour as she ascended the decorated stone steps.  Alfie stood in her shadow and watched as she was received by every sort of Jewish folk in London. Altar brought a few of the French family members and the east end roughians that worked for Alfie got to stay as long as they behaved. The posh wealth were in attendance as well, some out of good wishes and some to see if things would fall apart, either was fine with Alfie if they were giving her money.
Her art of religious text was spotted throughout the room, some for sale and others just for show. Flowers cascaded over columns and tables as the smell of lavender filled the air with their pastel palette warmed by late summer heat. The tall room with its giant windows and painted ceiling were a perfect setting to the important ceremony, stained glass cascading down jewel-toned light as the sun set and Genevieve became a woman.
After being greeted with loud hugs and kisses by some she hadn’t seen since she was a child.  A beaming Altar and a weeping with joy Alma allow her to be pried from their grasp by Alfie who adjusts her jewels and tenderly asks if she’s ready.
Genevieve Chanah Lafitte was formally inducted into the community with a short but praising introduction by her mentor Rabbi Gold. She gave a beautiful speech, all tying back to her studies and Rabbi Golds teachings over the past year or so. She spoke of growth and change, of tradition and finding one’s place in the world. She ghosts over the bad, only mentioning she hasn’t had an easy sort of life. She tells tales of the good with a charming smile. She chooses to focus on her mitzvah project and how they would be continuing after tonight. The teaching of all religions, the scholarships for Jewish girls, the importance of health and education among the youth and women of the community that she was choosing to focus her efforts on. She told of when she was a young girl, lost and lonely, and how the Jewish community embraced her and gave her a life. Altar pretended he wasn’t crying but Alma fully embraces the emotion of the night. Genevieve ends with mentions of donating to her scholarship and the charities she works with, as well as thanking her closest friends and colleges, Freddie, Claire, Aggie and Alfie among them.
Then came the other speeches as she took her seat at the table with those loved ones she’d just thanked on the stage.
Altar boomed and demanded cheers, telling of knowing she was special from the moment he held her. How he could not be more proud of the woman she had become. Alma confesses this night was her most wild dreams coming true as she had always wanted her most special daughter to find her place in the world and know her people and where she came from. She cries and so does her daughter, emotional tears run in the family. Aggie gives a very short speech sharing the same sentiment as Alma, how she thought of her as her own daughter and as everyone else had, she expresses how proud she is. Claire, much to Gens surprise also speaks and keeps it brief as is her way of doing things. She gets as sentimental as Claire can, calling Gen not only a business partner but a life long friend and sister to her, and that she was looking forward to what the next thirty years brought for them. Fred threatens stories of her wild youth but refrains with a laugh. Calling her a friend and confidant and even if he wasn’t Jewish, he was glad to know there was a warm community to keep her while they lived so far apart. Then came Alfie.  
He had been preparing for this night for some time, a lifetime it felt now. He was so gifted at demanding the attention of a room he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to make a show of it all.  He stood straight, hands accompanying his endearment and his voice rich and deep and full of affection for the woman of the hour. “I know, as a man, that I am lucky to have a woman like Chanah. And I want you to know that us, as a people, are lucky to call her our own. She has the capacity for tenderness which astounds me every day. Especially with some of the lot she has to work with. I include myself in that. She is brilliant. Smart, fierce, funny and not as important but it is worth mentioning that she is rather easy on the eyes. I have no doubt she will be a pillar for our community. Through her words and actions she is everything a Jewish woman should aspire to be, educated, charitable and strong. A survivor, as we all are and continue to be. I am honored to have a part in her story that brought her to us. Although I will take no credit for any of her achievements. She was already successful when I met her and since she has only grown in leaps and bounds both personally and professionally. We are proud to call you ours, love. And I am even more proud to call a woman like you mine.”
Gen was holding it together, crying but not weeping as Alma currently was into Aggie's shoulder. Altar sat proud and impressed, watching Alfie kiss her cheek and her beam at him with love and admiration. With his hand in hers, he closes out with telling the room to donate, give gifts and eat and be merry. It was a joyous occasion and they’d paid enough for everything so make good use of it. His humor as always comes through and the crowd chuckles and moves, conversations floating about and food being eaten, wine drinking and money changing hands. Gen is embraced with warmth and love, hugs and kisses, thanks and congratulations from all who came across her. She was lost in a whirlwind of praises in English, Hebrew, and Yiddish and was proud to understand each one. Altar networks, as is his way and the women closest to her all huddle like hens and reflect on the hard work they all put in to make Gen who she is. The room is full of life and love and Gen feels full in a way she never had before. A feeling of belonging, of completion and family that made her heart so full it ached in her chest. As the crowd settles into its groups, laughter, and discussions all weaving in and out as she moved about the space, Alfie finds her and takes her hand to pull her from the praising current she was swept away in.
“Might I have ya back now?” He smiles. “I surrendered you to the mob and it seems they’ve all feasted on you enough for now.”
“When the wine kicks in it’ll start back up.” She chuckles and moves to his side without hesitation.
“How about we let them marinate in it then eh? We’ve got plenty to see away from them yeah? And I’d like a moment with you on a night like this. Call me greedy but I rather like Keeping you to myself.” He teases as they lock arms and move to the edge of the room towards some hard looking lads by a velvet rope. “Boys.” Alfie nods and one pulls the rope back.
“Are we allowed back here?” She whispers and looks over her shoulder.
“I got the whole bloody museum love. Just didn’t want no one wandering about, wanted you to have all the attention and have the whole place to yourself. Which is what those rather rough lads were doin' there.” He motions back with his hand as they walk into a dim hallway.
“Never been here with everything so dark. Almost spooky.” She gives a small giggle as her hands rest on his arm.
“I had them light candles for ya love. I thought it’d be interesting to see it in a different light.”
“It’s lovely daring thank you.” She coos at him softly.
“How’s about we go to France eh? Your favorite?”
“Yes please.” She nods enthusiastically.
Only their footsteps echoed as he guided her through the flickering light in the hallways, towards a brighter room that housed the paintings she loved most.
“Monet is the one you like so much innit? The one you’re always on about when you’re out by the pond painting?”
“Yes, I love his work. So dreamy.” She sighs as they round the corner to the room and she stops and stares at the state of the room. “Oh my God.” Alfie stops and lets her take it in. The entirety of Monet's Water Lillie’s in its massive form. But it wasn’t only that that caused her to blink with disbelief. “Alfie.” She exhales softly as her eyes widen and dilate at the splendor of the view around her. The long and tall Water Lillie’s sit center as smaller paintings take up the rest of the space on the walls, but what covered the rest of the usually white space were flowers. Of every pastel color and variation, all surrounding paintings of similar tones as if the colors were bleeding off the canvas and onto the floor.
“I wanted something special for you tonight love.” He spews softly as her eyes flutter shut and she breathes in the floral perfume that filled the space.
“You’ve already done so much.” Her voice breaks, weak and breathy praise as she grips his arm in her hands unconsciously.
“Always more to be done. Like I said.” He fusses back as he moves her slowly into the room as she looked rather overwhelmed. “I told the florists I wanted the whole room covered, wanted it to look like they were coming to life for you.”
“It does. It is. It’s...breathtaking I don’t even know what to say.”
“That you love it and I kept it a surprise.” He smirks and she gives him a huge smile.
“I love it. Adore it. I had...no clue. Not even an inkling.” She enthuses, impressed. “It’s...like a dream. And such a beautiful and artistic take on an installation Alfie, you brilliant man.”
“I wanted tonight to be about your dreams comin' true. You talk about wantin' to get lost in those paintin’s, and I wanted to give ya that.”
She shakes her head and her mouth stays open and stutters. “I don’t...I just.” She stands dumbfounded. “It’s brilliant. Genius. Perfect.” She holds a hand to her chest now to steady her heart. She had been so caught up in her work and planning she had given Alfie room to plan something himself in her whirlwind of plans and appointments. She stood awe struck and speechless in the glowing light of hundreds of blooms. She recalled no other time in her life she had ever been.
“Since I finally have you alone. I did want to say a few things I couldn’t earlier. Or rather I don't fink you’d want me too.” He chuckles and takes both her hands into his as he holds her attention in the center of an artificial field of flowers. “The first time I had to make an apology to you, I used flowers.”
“I’ll never forget it. Just as I’ll never forget this.” She speaks so sweetly, squeezing his hands. “I remember feeling so much when I kissed you. How I didn’t want to stop.” She sighs and swoons and puts her hand to his cheek. “I do wonder often in my moments of reflection of how we came to be how long it truly has been that I’ve loved you. Ari.” She tiptoes and kisses his lips softly. “Sometimes it feels like I always did. I can’t recall a time in which I didn’t at least find you special.”
“From that first night I met you. In that gaudy golden club sitting next to Tommy. You are even more beautiful to me now than you were then, and I would’ve said that was impossible.”
“You were so handsome. So funny and cheeky.”
“You were full of clever wit and a smart mouth. Bold and fearless to put me down.”
“The brown was fucking awful.” She says with a low turn of her voice and he laughs out loud at her.
“And you’ve never shied from telling me a truthful opinion.”
“You’re a strong man. You can take it. Easy to see from the beginning.”
“Aye, but you are stronger, love.” He kisses her forehead. “And of the things you’ve had to face that prove time and time again that you are tougher and more resilient than I could ever claim to be… I wanted this tonight to act as another apology. For all the bad I’ve brought into your life, whether my own doin' or by relation.”
“We’re here now. We don’t have to dwell on it. Always forward.” She insists. “If it means having you and what we have I know I will always find it in me to forgive you.”
“I’m not worthy of your lovely heart.” He speaks softly.
“Luckily for me that isn’t up to you to decide.” She smiles.
“I am so proud of you. For tonight. For tomorrow and yesterday. In all the company I’ve kept in my life, I have never met someone like you before. No one has your spark, your imagination, and cleverness. Of all the minds I’ve known, yours is my favorite and I never tire of knowing you. I’m always left wanting more.”
She flushes in her cheeks and gets an almost bashful look on her face.
“There’s no one else on this fuckin miserable earth that I love as much as you. No one id rather work with or be with. No one else that keeps me interested and always wanting more from them. You are one of a kind, I truly believe that.”
“Ari.” He voices cracks as she wipes at her eyes with both hands and he shifts his weight.
“Which is why I have an offer to make you.”
“An offer?” She asks with soft eyes and an inquisitive voice as she expects papers to come from his pockets, but only a flat and rectangular box held out and presented.
“This.” He opens the box, inside, a bracelet that completes the set of jewels she wears. A row of round and shining Sapphires and diamonds.
She covers her mouth and the stones catch the light and reflect in her eyes.
“An offer of this for a commitment.”
He sees it in her eyes she’s still unsure of everything he was leading up to.
“Genevieve Chanah Lafitte.” He begins with a clearing of his throat. “Would you accept this gift and in return make the commitment to me, Alfred Ari Solomons in the form of marriage?”
He could swear he saw her heart stop for a moment. She choked with surprise. Which admittedly he’d wanted it to be. She blinks rapidly and he sees her mind working behind her eyes in frantic and unexpected chaos. “Y-Yes.” She manages to force out, heart in her throat and frozen there. “Yes. Yes! Of course I would I-YES!” She lets out in an ecstatic expression of joy and laughter as the tears gather in her eyes.
“Then with this,” He puts the heavy stones around her wrist. “You will be Mrs. Alfie Solomons. The other half to my soul, with my promise to love and cherish, to provide for and support you for the rest of our lives.”
She stares in disbelief still. Finally meeting his eyes and looking away from the stones. “Alfie I... this is...it's perfect. I love you. It would be a blessing to be able to join my soul to yours. A pairing no one except God Could tear apart.” Her heart was overflowing, as were her eyes, bless her.  She cries and he holds her, feeling her against him in this perfect moment, acceptance and peace fill his mind. A promise to be joined as one, a partnership that could not be broken, something solid and stable in the life of his that was anything but. She was a constant, a confidant, a friend, and lover and now soon to be officially his other half to complete himself in the eyes of his peers and God. She had him feeling things he hadn’t since he was a boy as she kissed his face and thanked him, whispered of how happy he made her, how perfect the night was.
He dries her tears, a warm smile as she sniffles and gazed up at him with love in her eyes. “Would you like to announce it?”
“It would be a good time to.” She nods. “But could you, I’m a mess.” She laughs and puts her forehead on his chest.
“Nothing would make me happier.” He kisses her head and rubs her back before calming her and heading back toward the stage.
“A final announcement to close out the evening.” His voice books over the room as the happy and mostly tipsy group swung their heads his way. “I must admit my loves bat mitzvah was not the only thing I had planned tonight. And I, or I should say WE now, are very happy and I am very proud once again to announce, that our woman of the evening, Miss Genevieve Chanah here has accepted my proposal and will soon be my wife.” The cheers make her cry all over again. Altar slams his fists on the table he sits and yells in excitement, Aggie and Alma sob into each other’s blouses.  Another wave of love and support wash across the room. “So as we wind down to a close tonight, I would like to thank you all for coming, Thank Genevieve for accepting and being exactly what a man like me needs in a wife and we will be seeing you at the wedding. L'CHaim He raises a glass left on the table and a reply of the same and various mazle tov's jumble in the air.
They are both embraced and congratulated, Altar squeezing Alfie and patting his back so hard he coughed before kissing his head. Gen was certain in that moment, surrounded by happiness and well wishes and those she loved the most that every bad thing in her life had been worth it for this feeling. She’d never known such contentment, such love. And it had all brought her to where she was now, and she felt thankful and hopeful. Knowing this feeling, this love existed made her certain that no matter what life threw her way that she could overcome it. Especially now that she wouldn’t ever be alone again.
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platinumjeon · 6 years
I met my tumblr best friend.
So. I don’t know how to start this. I don’t wanna make it this huge, sappy post, but holy shit. I’m so happy. I never thought it would be possible. So let me give you all a little back story:
Julianne ( @mintyjin ) and I met through tumblr waaaay back in end of 2016. I was talking to my sweet, now inactive anon and somehow the show X-Files came up. I don’t watch shows other than the occasional episode of Law & Order SVU, and so as I was trying to steer the conversation another way this chick, known as juxianne at the time, popped into my inbox with “Are we talking about the X-Files?????!!!!!???”
I immediately thought she was 12 years old. I begrudgingly replied that yes, we are, and that we should talk about something else. But “juxianne” kept coming back. And finally, I’m not sure who it was, but we began messaging back and forth and the rest is history.
So now, a year and 6 months later, I’m here. Sitting next to Julianne, on the steps of the Georgia Aquarium. Laughing at Julianne on her bed beckoning her pretty, fat cat Misty towards her for pets. Laying in the bed in the guest room, wondering how this all happened and how incredible the internet and Tumblr really is for connecting two people who would have NEVER crossed paths otherwise. And I mean, never. I’m from Illinois, about 30 minutes outside Chicago whilst Julianne, lives in a little town an hour from Atlanta. We would have never known each other without Tumblr and that prettt much blows my mind.
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About 93 days ago, it began as an idea. And then it spiraled into plane tickets and accommodations and before I knew it, my little countdown timer looked like this:
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And boom. I was in Georgia. I was on a 6:40am flight to maximize our time together and it was all worth it.
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As I hopped off the flight, wandered around the biggest airport in the world in search of something familiar, asked a lot of random people for directions, jumped on the Marta (the sub way type thing there. Yeah, I thought it was weird, too) and found myself in College Park awaiting Julianne, I realized it was finally happening.
This girl, who knew all my secrets. Who knew everything about my life without actually being there to witness it. Was finally going to be there right in front of me.
So as she pulled up and got out of her car, it wasn’t this big hello. There were no High School Musical-type jumping or any ugly crying. But I could tell in the smiles between us both that it was like - this is real. This is really, really real. And you know what my first thought was? “She looks like Taylor Swift.”
So Julianne,
Thank you. Thanks for everything. You know how much this meant to me. Stay cool, stay weird. Don’t stop singing Werewolf Bar Mitzah at the top of your lungs on the way home from Atlanta. Keep playing baseball with pool noodles and please continue watching weird YouTube cooking shows.
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Never stop writing!!!! Like. It’s okay if you write 2 sentences a week. 2 sentences a MONTH is an accomplishment, right? Did you guys know that Julianne has a Chick-Fil-A calendar? Yeah. It’s true. But anyway, I’m so lucky that I have the opportunity to have a friendship with 1000 miles between us, and have it prosper anyway. I find it so unique- how many of us can say that we have a friend we met on the Internet? That normally may be taken as a negative statement, and having this friendship has gone against everything I’ve been taught as a child. You know, the “don’t talk to strangers on the internet” type thing. But I’m so glad I did it.
So @staff , thanks. Without Tumblr, this friendshop wouldn’t exist. Without kpop; BTS, GOT7, BigBang, Day6, our friendship wouldn’t exist. So I’m thankful that fate decided to give us a go.
Moral of the story? These faceless usernames you talk to on the internet are real people, and you can so easily make a positive impact. Take advantage of that ability and make a new friend. With caution. Like I did (not). Ha.
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progressivejudaism · 7 years
is it appropriative for a converting person to start wearing yarmulke? thanks in advance!
Hi there,
Thank you so much for writing in!  [Please know that in this discussion, I will not be discussing the concept of a non-Jew wearing a kippa out of respect (like during a Bat Mitzvah ceremony, at a funeral, in someone’s home when celebrating Hanukkah etc).  Under my signature, I will address this issue.]
The short answer to your question is, no.  It is not appropriative for a person converting to Judaism to wear a kippa.  But please keep reading because this is a complicated answer to a complicated question.
By asking this question, are you really asking “can I wear a kippa?”  In order to answer that question, I ask that you have a conversation with your supervising rabbi or cantor. 
I think that this might be a great opportunity to give a quick synopsis about language to avoid any issues.  If a potential conversion student is not yet working with a rabbi or cantor, they should not yet call themselves a person who is converting.  They can say that they hope to convert in the future, but one is not converting until they are working with a clergyperson.  Please note that if you are not working with a clergyperson, you should not wear a kippa.
Good luck!  Please let me know if you need any help locating a rabbi or a cantor to chat with about this!
P.S.  In regard to a non-Jewish person wearing a kippa out of respect at a Jewish lifecycle event (Wedding, Bnai Mitzvah, Funeral, Brit Milah, Brit Bat), at Shabbat services, or at a Holiday service or event, this could potentially be a tricky area.  I believe that it is always best to do what the community expects you to do.  If in doubt, you might want to ask a host and/or a friend with whom you are with.  Also, do you feel comfortable wearing one?    Ultimately, I do not think that this is an appropriative issue.
P.P.S.  The question of talitot might come up in this conversation.  The talit is a symbol of Jewish adulthood.  In many congregations around the world, the talit (gadol) is what children receive upon reaching their Bar or Bat Mitzvah.  It represents an adult Jewish person’s commandedness to perform mitzvot because we are associated with the Covenant (Brit) between God and the Jewish people.  I believe that non-Jews, and children under the age of Bnai Mitzah, should not wear a talit.  That is certainly the case in many communities, but not the case in some.  If you are in a community wear the rabbi or cantor, not a congregant but the clergy, encourages you to wear a talit- please wear one if you wish.   But this is not normative practice.
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jonfarreporter · 6 years
Sonoma woman was honored by her “2nd Bat Mitzvah” seeing it as a re-dedication to her faith.
There are many ‘snapshot moments’ in life that people cherish. For devout people like Sonoma’s Bonnie Walner it is the Bat Mitzvah. She had the privilege of celebrating it again through a 60th Anniversary commemoration this past January 12 at Congregation Shir Shalom in Sonoma.
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Walner took a few moments to speak to this reporter while on assignment for the Sonoma Valley Sun to express her gratitude and excitement for a wonderful day which no doubt has become another special ‘snapshot’ moment of her life.
“Seeing a room full of friends and family was a frightening experience for me, she said. I am not a public speaker. My knees began to shake and I found my voice quivering when I was about to welcome those people who were in the synagogue honoring me.”
Celebrating an anniversary is not uncommon but it is unique when someone celebrates the day of her Bat Mitzvah.
“Not sure if this is ‘a trend’ said Shir Shalom’s Rabbi Steve Finley. But some where around the 1980’s it has become not uncommon to have an adult recreate his or her Bar or Bat Mitzvah; and once again stand before the community and re-dedicate themselves to the holy aspects of living a Jewish life.”
Rabbi Finley is very pleased that Walner wanted to celebrate her Bat Mitzah, sharing with the congregation in Sonoma her re-dedication and commitment to the Faith.
She admitted that despite her eagerness she was nervous. Studying Hebrew again was an exhausting challenge. But…
“Then I got on with it, said Walner. I lead some Hebrew prayers and songs, and I began to relax a bit as I sang my Haftarah, and lead the congregation in song.”
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“Oh what a day, she exclaimed. My heart opened up to grasp the love in the room, the sunshine outside as we broke bread together and had a sip of wine. I was able to experience the joy of renewing my love for my faith,” said Walner.
With the help of Rabbi Finley and congregation member Pat Rather, she was prepared for this holy day.
Finley went on to explain that for an adult a Bar or Bat Mitzvah anniversary celebration is much more than what it was at age 12 or 13. “It’s actually manifesting a second chance to give the ceremony more mature meaning, deeper significance and the opportunity to reflect upon practical applications to one’s life now” (as an experienced adult.)
Rabbi Finley sees many advantages coming from this type anniversary celebration. “In Bonnie’s case – now that she has been re-learning Hebrew, he said, she has volunteered to assist in our Hebrew school for children at Congregation Shir Shalom.”
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Walner considers giving back to the community as a vital part of her experience of faith. She is very involved in the local community and that extends beyond just the congregation. This is why her re-dedication is so important to her. 
“I had no idea the outcome would be so ‘Magical,’ said Walner. I had no idea I would or could open my heart to such joy. I had no idea, Walner continued, I could find such love and peace in my soul.”
Rabbi Finley sees her re-dedication by way of the Bat Mitzvah anniversary celebration “a stepping forward to additional commitments within our congregation.”
And, Walner has no problem with that, as she said.
“I thank all the friends and family who helped to create this special moment for me, one I will treasure always and never forget. Just like my Bat Mitzvah in Chicago Illinois, on January 9, l959. I was 12 years old, Walner said, and it was really one of the most memorable days of my life."  
Finley noted that, “ceremonies such as the Bat/Bar Mitzvah give meaning and structure to yearnings from our heart. They are an expression of both labor (such as studying Hebrew) and love.”
Ecstatic and still glowing from the experience more than a week later, Walner said. “Now the journey will continue which is so exciting to me.”
Rabbi Finley agreed as he added. “May Bonnie continue to grow from strength to strength, - Mazal Tov!”
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thebeautyoftorah · 5 years
Shalom. The thought of this week of my book Healing Anger is "Even though it is difficult to accept rebuke and certainly does not come naturally, we should try to think, 'How lucky I am that someone speaks to me that way because they care about me and want me to improve'. By training ourselves to think in this way, anger will not flare up.” Buy my book at http://www.feldheim.com/healing-anger.html If you want to buy it from me in Israel let me know. This article is based on the teachings of R' Yissachar Frand. You have the opportunity to share in the mitzvah to honor a loved one by sponsoring my weekly review, or refua shelema (healing), shiduch, Atzlacha. To join the over 4,000 recipients in English and Spanish and receive these insights free on a weekly email, feedback, comments, which has been all around the world, or if you know any other Jew who is interested in receiving these insights weekly, contact me. Shabbat Shalom. VAERA-Raw Potential Does not Give us Any Credit
In his week’s parsha the Torah mentions explicitly for the first time the name of Moshe Rabbenu’s father, Amram ben Kehat ben Levi.[1] Amram married his aunt Yocheved and together they had three children, Miriam, Aharon and Moshe.
In last week’s parsha we learned about the birth of Moshe and there the pasuk ambiguously says: “And a man from the House of Levi went and he married the daughter of Levi” [2]. It would have been more logical to tell us about Moshe’s father when initially mentioning his birth. Why does the Torah omit the identity of the parents when first narrating his birth?
Rav Moshe Feinstein explains that when a couple bring a child into the world, at that early stage in the child’s life, the parents really have no great “claim to fame.” We do not know who the baby is or what the baby will become. At that point, the baby is just “a bundle of raw potential” (bekoach, not befoal).
At the stage of Moshe Rabbenu's birth, complementing and honoring the parents would be premature, because he was only a baby. But in this week’s parsha, the situation has changed. In Parshat Vaera we already know who Moshe was. He is someone who could have remained comfortably in the house of Pharaoh, but he grew up and went out with his brethren and shared their suffering. Moshe Rabbenu stuck up for the oppressed; he killed the Egyptian to save the life of his fellow Jew and had to flee for his own life and go to Midian. Moshe Rabbenu also stood up for the oppressed daughters of Yitro at the well. These are only a small fraction of the deeds that he will yet accomplish in his life.
Now in this week'e parsha, the pasuk can inform us that he is the product of an Amram and a Yocheved [Moshe is now 80 years old and has already demonstrated his true character]. Only here the parents can now proclaim: “See the child that we have raised.” They can now stand up and take credit for who he is. Let the world know who Moshe Rabbenu’s father and mother were. Moshe Rabbenu is more that just raw potential. The potential has been realized. He made it happen.
Rabbenu Bachaye in Parashat Bereshit alludes to the same idea in the Creation of the world. Throughout the days of creation the Torah uses the refrain “And G-d saw that it was good.” At the end of creation the pasuk says “And G-d saw everything that He did and behold it was VERY good.” [3]. We find three distinct expressions: “ki tov”, “tov”, and “tov meod”. The first expression (“ki tov”), says Rabbenu Bachaye, is used when we are looking at the potential of a day or an item or a person. Each day of creation was “ki tov” because there was tremendous potential in each and every day. But it was only a part of a much greater sum that was going to yet happen.
However, when Hashem reviewed all of creation at the end of six days, the full creation was “tov meod” because the  potential was realized. The sum is greater than all of the parts. The “parts” are merely “ki tov”. The sum is “tov meod.” [If we rearrange the word מְאֹד, we have  אָדָם -man. Only after creating Adam and Chava Hashem considered the Creation as "tov meod"].
Rabbenu Bechaye – back in Parshat Bereshit – references the language used in connection with Moshe Rabbenu here in Chumash Shemot. When Moshe was born, the parents knew they had something very special in their hands. The Midrash says that the room filled with light. His cry was that of a mature child. This was not just any little baby. This was someone special. The Torah uses the expression “ki tov hu” at that point [Shemot 2:2]. He was only potential. Therefore, just like the intermediate stages of creation, he was designated “ki tov”. He was unbelievable and unimaginable potential, but only that, raw potential. And then later, when Moshe matured and with his actions proved himself, he in fact merited the accolade “meod” as it is written [4] “And the man Moshe was ‘anav meod’ (exceedingly humble)”.
Even Moshe Rabbenu had to reach his potential. Until he did he was merely “ki tov”. When he reached that potential he was “tov meod.”
At the end of Parshat Bo, we learn the laws of the firstborn. There is the law of the firstborn of man, the firstborn of a kosher animal, and the law of the firstborn of a non-kosher animal. There is a seemingly strange-law called “Petter Chamor.” The firstborn of a donkey has to be redeemed with a sheep. If the owner chooses not to redeem the donkey in this way, he must decapitate the animal.
The Netziv of Volozhin says that a firstborn who wastes his potential forfeits his right to remain in the world. The firstborn is special. He has special capabilities and special potential. He must develop that potential and maximize the powers he was given. Failure to do so justifies the harsh fate that befalls the donkey who was not utilized properly to fulfill the mitzah of “petter chamor.”
The Netziv generalizes this to be a “klal gadol baTorah” [over-arching principle of the Torah]: Someone who has the capacity for greatness and is lazy and does not realize his potential is far worse than someone who never had the potential in the first place. We must always remember that there is no greater tragedy than leaving our potential undeveloped. It would have been preferable to have never been born into the world than to waste one’s potential. May Hashem help us to develop completely our potential. _____________________________________ [1] Shemot 6:20 [2] Ibid 2:1 [3] Bereshit 1:31 [4] Bamidbar 12:3
Le Iluy nishmat Eliahu ben Simcha, Mordechai ben Shlomo, Perla bat Simcha, Abraham Meir ben Leah, Moshe ben Gila,Yaakov ben Gila, Sara bat Gila, Yitzchak ben Perla, Leah bat Chavah, Abraham Meir ben Leah,Itamar Ben Reb Yehuda, Yehuda Ben Shmuel Tzvi, Tova Chaya bat Dovid.
Refua Shelema of Mazal Tov bat Freja, Zahav Reuben ben Keyla, Yitzchak ben Mazal Tov, Elisheva bat Miriam, Chana bat Ester Beyla, Mattitiahu Yered ben Miriam, Yaacov ben Miriam, Yehuda ben Simcha, Menachem Chaim ben Malka, Naftali Dovid ben Naomi Tzipora, Nechemia Efraim ben Beyla Mina, Dvir ben Leah, Sender ben Sara, Eliezer Chaim ben Chaya Batya, Shlomo Yoel ben Chaya Leah, Dovid Yehoshua ben Leba, Shmuel ben Mazal Tov, Yosef Yitzchak ben Bracha. Atzlacha and parnasa tova to Daniel ben Mazal Tov, Debora Leah Bat Henshe Rachel, Shmuel ben Mazal tov, Yitzchak ben Mazal Tov, Yehuda ben Mazal Sara and Zivug agun to Gila bat Mazal Tov, Naftali Dovid ben Naomi Tzipora, Elisheva bat Malka. Pidyon anefesh-yeshua of Yosef Itai ben Eliana Shufra.
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