deepoceanedreamer · 1 year
….You ever feel needy?
…longing for attention from someone
…but not just anyone?
…you ever become so transparent that you complain to your friends that you want more and you’re feeling needy
But their kind response of offering a listening ear….just doesn’t suffice
I want you
I want your attention
I want you to crave me the way that I crave you
I want you to feel agonizingly pained by the amount of passion you feel flooding your chest
I want you to want my company to talk for hours and experience new things and not just with the goal in mind, of getting undressed
I hope you feel this tension for me and when you do I hope I don’t care
Cause nothing is worse than how I’m feeling right now , sitting in this feeling and unable to share
With you the desperation inside
It makes me angry , it makes me hate you and let me face it , by you, I can’t be satisfied
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missmaybe-not · 3 months
Ghosting Games & Glamour Shots: Is This My Reality Now?
Greetings, Maybe Nots and Maybe Yeses! I’m Back with a (Slightly Bewildered) Update!
First and foremost, mea culpa for missing another week. This time, no exotic adventures or charming strangers to blame. Life threw some curveballs, and I needed to take a step back, recharge, and mentally ground myself. Dating? Let's just say it was on hold while I hit the pause button (or not).
Meanwhile, in the Land of Mixed Signals: Speaking of hitting pause, that seems to be the theme with my potential suitors! Military Man reappeared at work for a whirlwind 30-minute visit. His words? "Just dropping by for a kiss." And kiss me he did (smooth operator, I'll give him that). No complaints there, but seriously, love warriors, a quick smooch and a dash isn't exactly setting the world on fire. Especially after what happened with Mr. Miscommunication.
After the kiss-and-dash act, Military Man's messages went radio silent again. He's a social media stalker extraordinaire, watching every story I post but offering zilch in conversation. I tried initiating a chat, seeking some answers, but all I got were question marks or monosyllables that left me more confused than ever. Did something happen? Crickets.
New Guy: The Plot Thickens... Across the border, things were (somewhat) different with New Guy. He was the chatty one, the one who kept the conversation flowing even during his own personal mishaps. Lately, though, the tide seems to be turning. He sent a photo yesterday, all dressed up and clearly ready for a night out. When I asked where he was headed, the answer was as mysterious as his behaviour today. His overall tone shifted – he seemed happier, but also distant. Did he meet someone special on his island? Or is there something else brewing he's not ready to share, and using the kids as an excuse for the sudden change? This whole situation has left me with some serious cold feet about my possible upcoming trip. New Guy does seem interested in me visiting, but his recent behaviour has thrown me off balance.
Dating Pool Blues So, love warriors, here I am, head spinning from the inconsistency of both Mr. Miscommunication and Military Man. The "whys" and "why nots" of their behaviour are enough to drive a girl crazy. Some days, I just want to throw in the towel on the entire dating scene. Some others, I think I should add up to the mess as these potential options feel more like backups than real possibilities. And some other days, the hopeless romantic in me fantasises about Mr. Miscommunication waking up and declaring his undying love (insert major eye roll here).
The Verdict? Still undecided. Stay tuned for the next chapter of this international dating adventure! In the meantime, send virtual hugs and maybe a shot (or bottle) of tequila (because, honestly, this needs all the help it can get!).
P.S. Do any of you love warriors have experience with guys who are all charm and no action? Or the disappearing act specialists? Hit me with your advice in the comments!
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It’ll be the ones you’ll do anything for that treat you like you're nobody.
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thereaderbee · 2 years
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📚 What are you reading today? Or planning to start this weekend?? It’s finally Friday, Bookworms … And thank goodness, because this week has been a LOT. I’m very much looking forward to getting through my last day of work this week, and then spending the rest of the weekend reading.❤️ Today I’m starting *Mixed Signals*, and I’m very excited to get started on it. I also plan to finish up *Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute* this weekend as well. I’m not sure what I will start next … I still have so many books I want to read this month. 😅 What are you reading today? Or planning to read this weekend?? ❤️ 📖 ❤️ 📖 ❤️ 📖 #AlltheBooksFeb23 #MyFictionalMusings #CourtofReadingFeb23 #ReadingintheWeb 📖 ❤️ 📖 ❤️ 📖 ❤️ #mixedsignals #bkborison #weekendreading #currentlyreading #fridayreads #amreading #tbr #toberead #romancebooks #romancereader #romancebookstagram #bookstagram #bookstack #shelfie #bookseries #cozyreading #bookaesthetic #booknerd #bookcommunity #booksaremagic #booksofinstagram #booksbooksbooks #bookdragon #booklover #books #reading https://www.instagram.com/p/CowwtyBuo5b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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labyrinth-lavie · 6 months
What if I told you? Could it be better? Will it turn everything bitter? What if I’ve been brave? Would it be enough to win you? Will I endure the sting of losing the fight for you? What if everything is just an illusion? Will you clear up my confusion? What if you will only puzzle my emotions?
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tarot-duality-art · 6 months
XVIII. The Moon
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Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Key Words: Surreal, Subconscious, Shadow Self, Confusion, Mixed Signals, Hazy 
Description:  The Moon harkens back to hazy, dreamy imagery. The environment around her seems to drag and smear into her. Often when we are overwhelmed, we can feel disassociated with reality, falling into a distant, foggy version of life. Thoughts move aflutter around us, but do not seem to grab our attention. It becomes easy to be lost to the noise of life, become part of the background. 
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anna3196441 · 6 months
I smiled after a long time,
I forgot about my sad life,
I got so lost in your eyes,
was it real or all in my mind ?
The laughs we shared,
The stolen moments,
The urge to kiss you,
Were you shy or unintrested ?
For you, it was not good,
but wasn't bad either,
you said it is a good thing,
I say, a maybe is a no.
Now its the after,
Are we back to being just friends ?
Or we might soon be lovers ?
Should I let go or hold on harder ?
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shopluth · 8 months
love and confusion. #shorts.
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relationshipg2uide · 9 months
Love Limbo: I Don't Want a Relationship But I Like Him
Do you need clarification on confusing signals and non-commitment? I don't want a relationship but I like him. This guide reveals the secrets of Love Limbo! Learn emotional self-care, how to set boundaries, achieve fulfillment outside of relationships, and navigate your path confidently.
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crstn1995 · 1 year
If you're not ready, please stop entertaining me. Why would you make someone miserable because you are miserable too? If you will never be ready to commit, stop giving me signals that you are interested in me. I'm slowly fixing myself, and I'm on the edge of falling. You said to take risks, so I will not have what-ifs in my entire life, but how will I take risks if I hear from your friend that you will never commit? I know you're traumatized, and I am. I don't know if I will be able to fix myself if I get broken again.
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savemefromtoxic · 2 years
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Emotional maturity is taking mixed signals from someone as a hard no and walking away. ~ Rick dC @savemefromtoxic #mixedsignals #emotionalmaturity #movingon #moveon #hardno #walkaway #walkawayfromtoxic #leaveaftertoxic #behealthy #healthyemotions #selfawareness https://www.instagram.com/p/CokVQtQrmZO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deepoceanedreamer · 1 year
I hate that you have so much power over me
So much that now that we aren’t talking and I have to text 10 friends just to make up for our lack of conversation….
And you’re only ONE person….just you
YOU ALONE had me satisfied
Now not even 10 convos with 10 different people feels the same as when I would talk to you….
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unendlichkeit4o8 · 2 years
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Mixed Signals in Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships
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dirtygaro · 1 year
MONEY Q WRIST - Smeseni Signali (Official Video)
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notyourgoodgoddess · 2 years
To protect your mental health, take mixed signals as NO.
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