#miyeon: change your mind
recoveringdreamer · 11 months
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TIMING: pre-goo PARTIES:  @fox--tales & @recoveringdreamer LOCATION: mike's pawn shop SUMMARY: felix is once again showcasing the haunting vending machine that stole inge's mom's stuff, this time to miyeon! CONTENT WARNINGS: none
The second Miyeon heard that there was a guitar coming out of a vending machine at the pawn shop, she started running. Only she had to turn around halfway there because she totally forgot that she had to pick up chips for the guy waiting there. She had no idea why he wasn’t as excited about the whole thing as she was. Come on, what’s more interesting to find in a vending machine, a chair or a bag of jalapeño chips? She knew her answer but this dude was apparently different. That probably made him boring, but she really did not care just then as she burst into the door of the grocery store. “Sorry, sorry, excuse me!” she yelled as she darted between shoppers, narrowly avoiding being run over by carts and almost slamming into a few people. Her shoes squeaked as she turned down the snacks aisle. “jalapeño, jalapeño, jalapeño…” she muttered as she glanced up and down the aisle. Of course, right where some teenage dude was standing.
“Hi, I need you to move,” she said as she shoved him out of the way, wrapping her arms around as many bags as she could carry. The guy shouted and started grumbling but she was already yelling, “sorry, bye!” and darting back down the aisle to the checkout counter. Where she may or may not have jumped in front of someone to throw the chips on the self-checkout table before they could mosey on over. “It’s an emergency, sorry!” She wasn’t even sure who she had cut in front of or what sort of dirty look they were probably giving her, she was too busy dragging bags of chips across the scanner and throwing them into bags. Miyeon tapped her card, hit the buttons, and didn’t even wait for the receipt to print. She was out the door and headed to the pawn shop. 
‘I’m here, I’m here!” she shouted when she turned the corner to the block that the store was on. She had in fact been running the whole time. And she was realizing she needed to work on her cardio. Oh god, it was so much easier to run as a fox. Why was it so hard when she was on feet instead of paws? Ugh! Miyeon tried to keep her pace up, but it was slowing little by little as she approached the dude at the vending machine outside the store. “Did anything… else… happen?” she said between gasps for air. As soon as she was at the machine, she threw down the grocery bags stuffed full of jalapeño chips. “Chips… I got them. Now what… Tell me.. Or show.” She tried to stay upright and not collapse on the floor from exhaustion, gesturing to the vending machine, hoping that was enough explanation.
“No, wait!” She held up a finger before he could say a word, digging into her purse for her phone and quickly flipping through to open up the audio recording app. “On the record? If you don’t mind?” She batted her eyelashes and gave a small smile, hoping that she looked way too cute to say no to. She may be a fox girl, sure, but she was a star student of the ‘puss in boots school of how to get what you want.’
The vending machine was… weird. Of course, in Wicked’s Rest, ‘weird’ was a pretty common thing. Felix was learning that the funny little quirks he thought he’d misremembered about their hometown were actually very real supernatural phenomena. They just… weren’t really sure what was causing this one in particular. In all honesty, their parents had never really focused on teaching them about anything other than balam and things that were dangerous to balam. Hunters, mediums, and exorcists were all at the top of that list. Magic vending machines? Not so much.
So Felix was a little out of their depth here.
The girl he’d been speaking to online seemed… interested, at least. They weren’t sure if she had any ideas on how to ‘resolve’ the problem or not — they weren’t even sure if it was actually a problem — but she wanted to know more. And she was bringing him chips, which did solve the problem of the balam’s rumbling stomach, at least. Most people would have probably given up and gone off in search of a snack someplace else after the third unsuccessful attempt at liberating chips from the vending machine, but not Felix. Felix was determined. And… maybe not the best at applying the logic of trial and error. 
A voice rose up, and Felix glanced over as she approached. She was younger — maybe about Van’s age. But the girl wasn’t really what they were focused on here. It was the grocery bag in her hands that had the balam’s full attention. Their stomach rumbled again, almost as if it was asking a question. We can eat that, right? And yeah, they could. They could definitely eat that.
Just… after their demonstration, probably. They had agreed to these terms, after all.
“I was waiting on you. Um, are you okay? Do you need to rest? We can do it in a second.” But she was determined, too, wasn’t she? She pulled out her phone, she batted her eyes, and really, she didn’t have to lay it on so thick. Felix had no reason to say no. Nodding, they turned back to the vending machine. “Sure, yeah, on the record. Uh, give me… Give me fifty cents? I’m out of quarters.” They’d used up every coin they had trying to get these coveted chips.
Miyeon might have been out of breath still, but she was just about ready to jump in excitement when the guy turned to the vending machine. Her phone was on, full battery, ready to record, button hit and…
He had to be freaking kidding. “Are you serious?” Miyeon gave an exaggerated sigh, stopped the recording, put her phone in her other hand, and started digging through her purse for change. “I don’t even carry cash anymore, let alone change, ugh!” Sheer desperation kept her rummaging, but it was so hard to see anything in there, it was so full. 
“Hold this,” she said, handing this dude the contents of her purse. First up was a small travel pack of tissues, then the lip gloss, mascara, lotion, hand sanitizer, then the pens and pencils. She didn’t really look up to see if he was managing all this. And why should she, anyway? It was his dumb fault that they were out of change and his hands looked big enough to hold a lot of things at once. Bigger than hers, at least. 
Miyeon was one second away from dumping the whole thing upside down and shaking her purse to see if anything came out but she knew better. There was no use, she wasn’t going to find any ch– “Ouh! Ouh! Something shiny! Hold this,” she said, handing him a small notebook and a small bottle of ibuprofen. She dug further in and grabbed the coin in question. It was silver. It was bigger than a dime. Maybe it was a– 
“Are you freaking kidding me?!!” she shouted up to the sky, stomping her foot. A nickel. A freaking nickel. This was plain evil. She screamed a little again before pausing to think. There had to be a solution. She glanced around and hoped something would jump out at her.
Oh. They were in front of a store. They could make change! “Do you have any cash?” she asked, finally looking back at the guy who was trying and failing to hold all the contents of her purse. “Oh. Sorry,” she said, holding her purse open in front of him, “you can put all that back now.” 
She seemed disappointed, and Felix offered her a small, apologetic smile. Maybe he shouldn’t have spent all his quarters trying to get chips from a vending machine that very clearly did not contain chips regardless of how it looked through the glass.
Nodding, they held out a hand to hold whatever it was she needed to be held… but there was a lot of it. Tissues, lip gloss, hand sanitizer, mascara, lotion, pens and pencils. How did all of this fit inside her purse? Was it magically enhanced somehow? Bigger on the inside, like the spaceship on that show with the weird accents? It had to be. Maybe that was why she was so interested in the vending machine — because it was like her purse. 
Still, Felix stood dutifully, accepting each new item thrust into their arms. It was a little hard to balance all of them, but he could manage. After all, jaguars and balance went together pretty easily. They craned their head as she seemed to find something she needed, hope rising up in their chest…
…and falling right back down again when he saw what was in her hand. A nickel. That wouldn’t get them anywhere, would it? Shrugging, Felix looked down at their pockets, but couldn’t reach them with his hands full. It wasn’t until she gave the okay that they began carefully placing things back in her bag, doing their best to put them back in reverse order that they’d been handed. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be hard for her to find them? The bag was apparently bottomless.
With their hands free, Felix dug around in their pocket, tongue sticking out the side of their mouth. Receipt, paperclip, car wash coupon… aha! Grinning, they pulled out a crumpled, soggy five dollar bill and held it out to her. “Here. Um, we can get some quarters for that. Right?” Yes. That was how currency exchange worked.
Miyeon stood there, blinking, looking at the sad, pathetic bill they were holding up and she tried to put a smile on her face but it was shaky at best. Her facial expression was probably about as rough as that five-dollar bill. “Yeah, that’s…. perfect.” She had to force the word out as much as she was forcing the smile.
Her hand hovered in front of her, reaching for the money. It looked disgusting. How long had it been in his pocket? She was just about to take it from his hand when she hesitated. “Oh my god, is that… is it wet?” She couldn’t help herself. The look she gave him was a mix of disgust and shock. 
Miyeon swallowed back a gulp and reached back into her back to grab a tissue and her bottle of hand sanitizer. With the tissue wrapped around her hand, she took the cash, holding it by the corner and keeping her hand held out far from herself. “Use this,” she said, handing him the hand sanitizer while she cringed. “You clearly need it. I’ll be right back.”
She trotted to the door of the shop and practically jogged to the counter, dropping the dollar bill on the counter like a grenade. Now that it was no longer her problem, she shook out her hands and her whole body to rid herself of that gross feeling. “Hi, I don’t know if this is still worth anything but can you exchange this for quarters, please? We need it for the vending machine outside.”
The cashier raised a brow but took the money and started ringing her up to get change from the register all the same. “Cash is cash,” he said with a shrug. “But I don’t know why you’re bothering. That thing doesn’t work anymore.” 
Now it was Miyeon’s turn to look confused. She opened her mouth and was about to tell him that he was super wrong, but immediately thought better of it. This was her story after all. “Thanks so much!’ she said with a saccharine smile, heading off now that the coins were in hand.
“No problem. Not my business how you want to waste your money,” he said before lumbering back to work.
Miyeon ran back through the door and to the vending machine and her current partner in journalism (and definitely not crime), holding out the coins with one hand and reaching for the hand sanitizer with her other. “Here you go. I’m surprised they took it.” Once she had wiped her hands down and shoved the bottle back in her purse, she grabbed her phone and got ready to record. For real this time. “Okay, ready!”
She didn’t look entirely thrilled with their offering, and Felix wasn’t sure whether to be offended or apologetic. She took the cash either way, though she didn’t seem entirely thrilled with it. Felix shrugged sheepishly, looking down at his shoes. “I got rained on. And maybe it went in the washer, too? And — And I fell in a lake the other day, but I don’t know if these were the pants I was wearing.” They probably were. He didn’t own a whole lot of pants.
Reaching out, they took the hand sanitizer and squirted some onto their palms, busying themself with rubbing their hands together as the girl made off with their money. For a moment, they wondered if this whole thing was a ploy to rob them, but it wouldn’t be a very successful mugging, would it? All that work just to make off with a very soggy five dollars? She’d be a bad robber. And besides, she’d seemed genuinely excited about the vending machine.
Felix looked back to the aforementioned vending machine now, inspecting it carefully. It still looked just as normal and unassuming as it had the first time he’d shoved a quarter in it. A normal vending machine, except for the part where it gave them chairs and bicycle wheels instead of the chips he really wanted. At least this deal with the girl and her bottomless purse had solved that particular problem.
Speaking of the girl… she was back now, hands full of quarters. Felix traded the hand sanitizer for the coins, shrugging again when she expressed surprise that the five had still been acceptable. “I’ve spent way worse looking ones than that. They, um, they’ll accept half a bill as long as it’s the bigger half. They’re supposed to.” They’d done a lot of reading about damaged currency… largely due to the fact that their general luck tended to leave them with a lot of it.
Turning to the vending machine, he flashed the camera a shy smile before beginning to drop quarters in the slot. Fifty cents for a bag of chips. It was a trade they’d been trying to make all day long. The quarters fell with twin plops, though it sounded… a little different than vending machines usually sounded. Felix scanned the number pad. “Okay. B4. That’s the chips. Ready?” They mashed the buttons in turn. B. 4. 
The machine whirred, a strange not-quite-mechanical noise coming from inside. Strangely, through the glass, nothing seemed to be moving. But then — plop. Something hit the bottom of the compartment. Felix lifted the door, stuck a hand inside…
And pulled out a lampshade. Large, gaudy, and beaded. They turned, showing it to their new friend. “Not chips,” they announced. “See? I pressed for chips.” 
Miyeon was trying not to bounce with excitement while holding the camera. Steady. She had to keep it steady. This was the money shot. This was going to be her– Well, okay, sure she didn’t know what this would do for her journalistic reputation at the end of the day, but that didn’t matter right then. All that mattered was being there on the scene, on the ground floor, getting the story, breaking it live! Alight, okay, she had to calm down, still had to hold the camera steady and at the end of the day, it was just a weird vending machine, not exactly solving a cold case or something like that. 
She inhaled and tried to hold her breath as he pressed the button, watching intently as the machine whirled and gurgled. Some part of her was worried that it would in fact just be chips. But it was so much better than that. Her jaw dropped to the floor and it took everything she had not to scream and start jumping up and down. Camera. She had to hold the camera and get the shot. But as soon as she had the shot of him pulling the lampshade out, it was all over.
“OH MY GOD!” she shouted, surely making the audio on the video absolutely cap out. “That’s so cool!” She ran over to the lampshade, camera still in her left hand, and reached out to touch it. It was real alright. No trickery, very solid, didn’t have any weird seams or fold lines. “This is way cooler than chips! And like, I got you chips. Who cares about chips? There could be anything in there!”
Miyeon darted over to the actual machine, still filming a very terrible and shaky video, and ran her hands across the buttons. “I wonder how it determines what to spit out. Like you pressed the same button multiple times, right? And got different things.” She bent over and looked inside the door where the things came out. It looked ordinary. And way too small to fit a whole lampshade. But she’d seen it come out of there with her own eyes. Sticking her hand in didn’t reveal anything new, either. “I mean we know it doesn’t just give you what you want the most or anything like that,” she said, crouching down even further all the way to the ground to try and look underneath it. “Because if that was the case you’d have like so many chips.” Nothing was out of the ordinary with the machine visibly. It had to be some kind of magic. The whys and the whos and the whats all swirled around in her head but she knew that this dude had even less answers than she did despite spending more time with the machine than she had. 
“Do you like need a lampshade at all? Or a guitar? Like are these things you thought about buying absent mindedly or something? Or is it just random?” She hopped up and turned to face him, grabbing his arms, camera still rolling but utterly forgotten by this point. “We should run experiments! We have enough change, right? This is so awesome, what if we get, I don’t know, like a canoe out of it or something! Or a one of a kind collectible! Maybe there’s a creepy doll, oh my god, do you think there’s a creepy doll? Don’t pull out a creepy doll please.” She was babbling but she couldn’t stop herself. Miyeon walked around to the back of the vending machine and there was a clear gap between the frame and the wall. There was no way it was just feeding though. She stuck her hand behind it and sure enough, it was just dead air. She squealed and turned back to the chips guy. “I could make such a good story with this! Do you think we can buy it? What if we sold tickets to people to come try it out! Do you think it would run out ever?”
While Felix found the vending machine odd and perhaps a little unsettling, their new friend seemed to find it exhilarating. The way she cheered when they pulled the lampshade from the slot was enough to bring a small, shy smile to the balam’s face. It was nice to see someone happy; they liked that. They liked it a lot more than they liked buying chips from a vending machine, so the sacrifice was probably worth it.
They held the lampshade still as she touched it, as if it mattered if it moved. The beads hanging down jingled with her touch, though the noise was fairly muted compared to her excitable yelling and loud voice. Felix got the feeling that even if the vending machine spat out one of those large, booming speakers that people put in their cars, it wouldn’t be loud enough to drown out the sound of Miyeon’s excitement. And they kind of liked that. People should be allowed to be loud with their joy, even if Felix felt anxious at the idea of allowing themself such a thing.
“Uh, yeah,” they confirmed. “Same button every time, but it never spat out the same thing twice. Some lady said that one of the chairs it spat out was her mom’s, so I took it back to her. But I don’t — Maybe she was lying.” They felt guilty for even suggesting it, but they’d never actually seen the ‘mother’ that they’d delivered the chair to. And it didn’t make a lot of sense, did it? For one thing in the machine to belong to a specific person when everything else seemed random. “A lampshade definitely isn’t what I wanted most, though. I wanted chips. Which I have now, because you brought them! Thanks again for that, by the way. I, um, I really appreciate the chips.” 
They were glad, at least, that she seemed to recognize that there was something going on. “What kind of magic? And, um… Why?” That was what really bothered them. Magic they could understand, but what was the intention behind it? What did someone gain by making a vending machine spit out random household objects rather than chips or snacks? Surely no one would go through this kind of trouble without reason.
Carefully, Felix considered her question. They tried to determine whether or not any part of them might have been thinking of the objects they’d gained when they’d used the vending machine in the past. “I play guitar,” they said, “but I don’t even think I have a lamp that would fit this. I mean, I don’t really even use lamps. My apartment has overhead lighting. Do you need a lampshade?” Maybe the vending machine had read her intentions instead of Felix’s, if that theory had any weight. “We can try more if you want, yeah. Uh, do you want to try?” They offered her the quarters in their hands. Maybe there would be a different result if she did it? It wouldn’t make any sense, but it would be some kind of a clue. Right?
“There could be a creepy doll. I don’t think a creepy doll would be any weirder than a chair or a pasta strainer.” Both of which were included in the list of things Felix had pulled from the vending machine. “But I don’t… have enough money to buy a vending machine. I’m pretty sure.” They didn’t know how much the machine would cost, but they were running pretty low on cash after all the quarters they’d sunk into it.
“Never the same thing twice?” Miyeon repeated, looking at the visible contents of the vending machine. She wondered if the items corresponded to something, had some sort of meaning tied up in whatever was going on there. No that didn't make any sense, they just said they pressed the same button every time. 
“Oh my god, it was her mother's chair?” she said, turning to face them, eyes growing even wider. Miyeon paused. Yeah, looking at them, she was pretty sure that they were easy to fool and pick on. Poor guy. He seemed nice. She hoped they didn't get picked on too often but something about them gave her the impression that wasn't the case. Maybe they didn't notice and that's why they were able to stay so chill about things. 
“Me?!” Miyeon's jaw dropped to the floor. How in the heck had she not considered trying it? How had she not already begged to try it out herself? She was slacking on her investigative journalism, clearly. She was so used to being a third party observer that the possibility of participating felt like a foreign concept. “Ye! You're right, yes, oh my god — take my phone. Record the whole thing!” she said as she grabbed the quarters from their hand, practically squealing at the thought of trying this for herself, and shoving her phone into the chip guy's hands. She was at the machine and about to slot the quarters inside when Miyeon paused and turned back to face them. “I mean, please record it. If you could?” she asked with a sheepish smile. She couldn't believe she had been so rude as a result of her sheer enthusiasm.
She watched and waited for her new friend to figure out how to work her phone. “It's the red one the— No, now you stopped it, you have to hit it ag— Yeah, perfect!” she instructed from the other side of the camera. She took a deep breath and turned back to face the vending machine. ”Okay. Here goes nothing.“ 
Click. Clank. She pushed the quarters into the slot and heard them rattle down into their new homes. She pressed the same buttons that the guy had in the same order, careful to select the right ones. One. Two. Enter. 
The machine started whirring and stirred to life. The kitsune was on the edge of her toes, leaning down to watch whatever was going on, wondering if she would get something new or just receive the long awaited bag of chips in question. She heard something thump in the bottom of the drawer and glanced at the camera quickly to make sure it was still rolling and that everything was in clear view. Miyeon pushed it open and slowly reached her hand in. No matter how hard she tried to look into the darkness to see what it was she was grabbing, everything was obscured beyond the view of the flap. Her hands wrapped around something solid, though, so there was  nothing left to do but pull it out and reveal her prize.
Please don't let it be a creepy doll.
With a tug, a large wooden object spilled from the machine. It was strangely shaped, it was hard to tell what it was at first. Was it another chair? Or—   “Oh my god, is this a rocking horse??!” she shouted as she got a better look at it. Poking it, it was clear it was solid wood, the real deal, no illusion to be seen. She set it down and began admiring her haul. “How the hell did this,” she said, pointing at the horse, “come out of that!” She finished by pointing at the machine.
“This doesn't get old. but I just, I have to know why it's like this. Like what's going on, why is there a whole garage sale coming out of this thing? Is it pulling from another dimension? What happens if we break it? Or tip it over? Or shake it?” By now, she hoped her companion knew that she was asking these questions of the universe, not of them specifically. “You stumbled onto something so interesting. I don't know what to do about it but I'm so glad you shared it with me.”
“Not since I’ve been doing it.” Which was, admittedly, longer than what most people would have given the machine. Felix had always been more than a little gullible; as a kid, their siblings would take advantage of it, playing pranks that they’d all laugh at together even if the laughter from Felix’s lips had been a little less genuine. It had come from a good place back then, at least. None of his siblings had meant him any harm, and none of the pranks had ever been meant to hurt anyone. These days, though…
It was hard not to think about Leo. Felix tried not to, tried never to, but it was so hard to keep him out of their mind. He’d preyed on that gullible nature in a way so much more sinister than anything anyone had done before or since. What would he have said if he’d seen Felix at this vending machine? With Inge before, with Miyeon now? The balam tried to distract themself, letting Miyeon’s voice tug them back to the conversation. “And her pasta strainer. And a vacuum, too. Uh, I think — a lot of the stuff in there was her mom’s. So maybe it, I don’t know, maybe it has to do with the person?”
Which could be proven or disproven by Miyeon taking her turn. Felix held her phone in their hands, squinting at the screen. Working someone else’s phone was hard, even for people who hadn’t spent their prime phone-wielding years living off the grid in the middle of the Maine wilderness. With Miyeon’s instructions, they managed to get it working. Only the first few seconds of the video would feature their thumb in front of the lens, which was a win in Felix’s book. They flashed Miyeon a thumbs up as she inserted the coins.
She pressed the button, and Felix leaned in close, belatedly remembering that phone cameras had zoom and utilizing it. She leaned into the machine. She reached in. She pulled out… a rocking horse. Felix stared at it, nodding. Yeah. All right. Checked out.
It made no sense, from a physics standpoint. The horse shouldn’t have fit in the machine at all, but they’d just seen it come out. “Is it yours?” Felix whispered, still holding the camera. “Or — Maybe it’s your mom’s?” Maybe the machine retrieved things from people’s mothers. Maybe Felix had only come back with a random assortment of items that evidently belonged to other mothers because theirs was —
No. Not a fun thought process to dive into. There was a rocking horse to admire. Felix took a step closer, panning the camera over it. “It looks, um. Well made?” Not mass produced. Was that anything? Was that a clue? “I don’t think we should break the machine. What if they ask us to pay for it? I spent all my money trying to get chips.” But they offered her a small smile at her gratitude, shrugging. “I don’t mind. I, uh… I’m just glad you believed me.”
Miyeon knocked on the wood. She wasn’t sure why, it just seemed like the thing to do. It made a nice little sound when she knocked and she guessed it was solid but honestly, she didn't know how to tell one way or another. She then pushed it to demonstrate the rock and it looked like really sturdy and solid to her. The kitsune didn’t know what to expect out of a quality rocking horse versus a non-quality one but like if she had to guess, this was quality. The story this guy told about the person’s mom’s items totally didn’t make any of this make any more sense, though. She pursed her lips and looked back up at them. “There was more than one thing of her mom’s? That’s odd. Who was she? It sounds like someone worth following up with. I mean, if this is a story. I don’t know. I think it is. Do you think it is?” She reached out and took back her phone, thanking him for taking the video again. 
She couldn’t hold back a laugh at the thought of her mom having a rocking horse. “I don’t think my mom ever had one of these.” The thought of her fully grown mother riding it sent her into a fit of giggles. “These so weren’t even invented when she was young enough to use that.” Her hand flew to her mouth to cover it, like she could swallow back the words. Ugh, maybe he didn’t catch her slip up. Or maybe he would just think she was making fun of her mom like a normal person might, calling their parents older than dinosaurs or whatever. Usually, that was what people assumed. Which like totally made sense, there was no reason to believe her parents were legit ancient, no hyperbole. 
“Anyway, good point. Breaking it would be a bad idea.” Even if she could probably afford to buy it. “Um, do you mind if I mention you in this story? If I write it? Or share it on the air, I mean?” She should really get this in writing but she ran her so fast she left her standard waiver forms at home. She always had a few in her work bag but that bag was not here. “Oh, uh, I guess I should mention that I host a radio show. And, like, introduce myself.” She was so caught up in this whole thing it had slipped her mind. Her manners really went out the window when she could feel a story right there for the taking. “I’m Miyeon,” she said, holding her hand out to shake, “I host Good Wicked Morning. Nice to meet you.” Afterwards, she gave a little shrug. “Of course I believed you, silly. This is like so not the weirdest thing I’ve covered this week. It is probably one of the coolest, though. And definitely the least depressing.” This was some weird town fodder that didn’t involve death or someone getting maimed. All in all, this was wholesome. She always needed more of those kinds of stories on the daily. 
“Maybe. I can give you her contact info if you want to talk to her.” Inge wouldn’t mind, would she? She wanted to get to the bottom of why her mom’s things were in a vending machine, too. She had to. Otherwise, what was to stop all her mother’s things from being stolen and put in vending machines again? “Maybe there’s a story, I don’t know.” Felix wasn’t the best at determining what was noteworthy, what ‘stories’ people might find of interest, but plenty of people had seemed intrigued by the vending machine and Inge’s mother was another piece of that puzzle, wasn’t she? Maybe there was something to be done there, something to be gained. The woman with him now was nice; they thought she might deserve to gain whatever she wanted from the experience.
Felix furrowed their brow as she spoke of her own mother, eyes darting to the horse. “Weren’t… invented?” When were rocking horses invented? Should they google it? They’d assumed they were an old invention — it wasn’t like there was much to them, after all — but maybe they were a newer thing. Not for the first time, Felix wished he could ask his father about it. There was so much they wanted to ask him, and they were so afraid they’d never get the chance to. It was terrifying.
“Oh, yeah. You can mention me if you want to.” There was a beat, and then she was introducing herself and Felix realized that they’d neglected to do the same. “Uh, Felix. Mendoza. Is my name. For, you know, you to mention me.” They let out a little laugh, kind of relieved to hear that she had covered stranger things than this. It made them feel a little less paranoid, a little less afraid of being called a liar. “It’s nice to meet you, Miyeon. I, uh, I look forward to checking out the show.”
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twice-inamillion · 13 days
The Company 
New Assistant 
Smut (Defloration, first-time sex, deep penetration, creampie, whinging, rough sex, ass spanking, little aftercare, slave contract)
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Chapter 17
3975 Words 
(It’s time for a new assistant with Irene getting busy with her new girl group. Luckily she has a junior assistant in training that is due for a promotion. As her new boss it is required for you to welcome her and break her in.)
The office has been busy since returning from San Francisco. Multiple meetings with project managers, clients, partner companies, and personal meetings. You previously met with JYP and suggested a survival show with the trainees from his company. He mentioned it would give it a twist when it comes to the creation of a girl group. 
At first, you were hesitant, but after much discussion about what it would look like, you decided to get on board. You even considered adding Mina as a contestant since you were confident in her skills. 
The only thing remaining would be to inform the trainees about their participation in a survival show, so you and JYP decided to hold a meeting with all the trainees.
The meeting went as you suspected; the trainees were nervous about their participation. The younger trainees saw this as a way to prove themselves and increase their chances of debut, while the older ones voiced their disapproval. 
Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and especially Jihyo were angry at JYP for even suggesting the idea after their failed attempts at debut. 
Jihyo cries from disappointment, with the other two comforting her, knowing how much they have worked for these past few years. 
The meeting ends, leaving a sour taste in your mouth, not knowing how to react. You should have gone with your gut, but it's too late to change your mind, and only for the best outcome. 
When you get back to your office, you discuss things with Jieun (IU) and understand the situation. Being closer to them, she has learned a few things and has learned how disappointed 3Mix would be with their recent failed attempt. They assumed that switching companies would have an easier path to debut, especially Jihyo, who has been in training for the longest time among the trainees in the company. 
“I can’t back out.”
”I understand, sir, but try to be a bit understanding.”
”I’ll try.
The room is silent; you can feel the tension in the air and ask, “What’s next on the agenda?”
”You have a meeting with Irene to discuss about Miyeon.” 
“When is that?
”Later today, it's your last meeting.”
”Thank you.”
You hear a knock, “Sir, it’s Irene.”
”Come in.”
”Thank you.” She stands in front of you with folders in her hands, waiting for you to look up at her. 
“Take a seat.”
”Let’s get to the point. How is she doing?”
”At the beginning, she had a bit of an adjustment to her new schedule. She asked a lot of questions but began to pick things up at a reasonable pace. I also made sure she continued her education and decided to pursue higher education.”
”That’s great. Seems like these few months have been good for her.”
”Yes, I tried not to give her so much at the beginning and slowly increased her workload. Now that I’m in my group, she makes my duties easier.”
”Do you think she can take over your duties once you get busier?”
”With the basic stuff, yes. I haven’t even her any sensitive information yet.”
”Let me ask you one thing. Do you think she can be trusted?”
”She hasn’t let me down. So yes, I think she can, but I can't promise she won’t make a mistake.”
”Jieun suggested a contract like the two of you have as assurance.”
Irene looks perplexed about Jieun's suggestion, “Do you think it’s a bad idea?”
”No, that’s a great idea. I should have mentioned it sooner.” 
In reality, Miyeon has grown on Irene throughout their time together. Hearing about binding her into a contract like the one she is in saddens her as she knows that Miyeon’s freedom will be stripped. 
“Here are her files, sir.”
You read over her report, the things she’s helped Irene with, and her newly gained skills as an assistant. You opened her health file and noticed that her birthday was recent, “Oh, she just turned eighteen. How nice.”
Irene clenches her fist, seeing your grin. She understands what you’re thinking and is disgusted by it.
”Yes, I bought her a birthday and a small dinner together.”
”That’s sweet.”
”Thank you, sir.”
You close her file and say, “Thank you for the report. I’ll have IU put together her new contract and set up a health check for Miyeon as soon as possible.”
”Is that really necessary?”
”I would have thought you would be happy. She’ll take over some of your duties unless you want her to?”
”No, I’m grateful,” but she just felt sorry for Miyeon.
”Okay, you can go now.”
Irene exits your office, defeated, and heads to meet her members in the training room.
It’s been a few days since your meeting with Irene, and now Jieun and Irene are meeting with Miyeon. 
She’s nervous about the meeting, hoping it's about her effort as a junior assistant. 
She is greeted by Jieun and escorted to the conference room you use for private meetings. 
“Irene unnie, good morning.”
”Good morning, Miyeon.” 
They sit and discuss Miyeon’s position as a junior assistant. It’s most of what you and Irene talked about a few days ago, but now it comes to the main part. Irene mentions that she believes Miyeon can take on a larger role within the company. This makes Miyeon smile and happy about her efforts being looked at after her mistake a few months ago. 
“Irene and I would like to consider you for the position of one of the CEO’s personal assistants.” 
Miyeon looks surprised and at Irene sitting across from her, “Does that mean that I’ll be working in the same position as you, unnie?”
Irene replies, “Actually, I’ll be taking a small role since I am trying to focus on my group, but you’ll be working closely with Jieun.”
Jieun interrupts and asks, “What do you think? Would you be interested in the position?”
Miyeon immediately replies, “Yes, I’d love that. I want to prove myself to everyone here after my incident a few months back, so I would love to do my share.”
”Great, that’s the sprint,” says Jieun. “We figured you would accept, so I brought up a contract for the meeting. You know, just to make this official.”
”Yes, of course.”
She goes over the contract and covers the position as the CEO’s assistant, as well as some benefits.
”I talked to CEO-nim, and he said that you’ll be getting a biweekly salary and spending money.” 
Miyeon looks at the contract and is surprised by the amount, “Oh my god, isn’t that too much?”
”He wants to make sure you’re comfortable.”
”Thank you so much.”
”Of course. Also, this section talks about you moving in with the CEO and assisting in his daily needs, like taking notes, setting up meetings, getting his dry cleaning, making sure he has his meals and other miscellaneous things.”
”Oh, I’ll be living with him?”
She looks at Irene, worried, and Irene responds, “We’ve all done it at one point, mainly at the beginning. Once you get out of your probationary period, you will have the ability to move out to your own apartment like we did.”
“Oh, I get my own apartment?”
“Irene says, “Yes, like the one we live in. The CEO provides it for us.”
”Okay, I’m excited.”
”Down below are some of the perks that come with the job.” 
Miyeon looks at the list and is surprised by the amount of perks, each better than the previous one.”
”Where do I sign?”
Irene interrupts, “Wait, we also want to let you know that this job comes with sensitive information, so confidentiality is required.”
”Yes, I understand.”
”Are you sure? Would you like us to give you some time as you read over the contract to make sure that everything is okay?”
Jieun gives Irene a side eye, signaling to not step out of bounds.
She turns the numerous pages and skims over the large letters that talk about job expectations, payment, sickness, insurance, dental, memberships, education opportunities, a termination clause, and other issues that are in fine print. 
“Where do I sign?”
Jieun points at the numerous blank spaces that require Miyeon’s signature. After signing about ten pages, she gets to the eleventh page and asks, “I have fully read and understood the content of this agreement. I sign this document entirely of my own accord without any enforcement and accept any consequences if the agreement is violated or broken. 
Irene tries to get Miyeon’s attention, but Jieun stops her, allowing Miyeon to give her final signature and stamps her Dojang (family seal) as a signed agreement. 
A tear falls from Irene, knowing that Miyeon has sealed her fate as your newest toy. “Unnie, are you crying?”
”Sorry, it's just that…”
”Irene is just happy for you, that's all.”
“Aww, thanks, unnie. I’ll make sure to make you proud.”
Irene feels like she’s about to cry and says, “Oh wow, look at the time. I have another commitment to get to. I’ll take my leave, but Jieun will continue with your onboarding.”
”Thanks again, unnie.”
Irene walks away and exits the room, leaving Jieun and Miyeon alone. Jieun asks Miyeon if she has any questions, and they continue to talk for a while. Most questions are about the role and about the chance to debut in the near future. Jieun replies that anything about her debut is up to the CEO, but she and Irene can answer questions about the job.
Jieun then takes out a folder with Miyeon’s name on the front, “I have your health file right here. It shows that all shots are up to date and have no signs of illness; they are practically healthy.”
”Yes, I take care of myself.”
”It shows.”
Miyeon giggles at the compliment when she hears Jieun ask, “Miyeon, are you still a virgin?”
Surprised by the question, she tries to calm herself before answering in a shaky voice, “Ye… yes, I am.”
”Just wondering. Since of your previous mistake.”
There’s a moment of silence, causing Miyeon to feel nervous, but Jieun changes the conversation, “I’ll submit the paperwork today, and your new badge should be ready for tomorrow. Also, begin packing, and I’ll send someone to pick up your items in the morning. 
Miyeon has spent most of the night packing her belongings. She tried to talk to Irene but never got home. Waking up, she sees a message on her phone from Irene saying that she ended up crashing at her member’s dorm after practice and will see her later today. 
Miyeon hears a ring and sees it’s the workers from the moving company. They help take her belongings to the CEO’s condo, where Jieun greets them. She escorts you to your room, which is much bigger than the one she was in previously. 
After unpacking the necessities, Miyeon accompanies Jieun to her office, where she gets her new badge and a copy of her job requirements and daily and weekly assignments. 
“It’s going to be most of the things you do now, but over time, you’ll be responsible for what’s on the bottom of the list.”
“Okay, got it.”
“Also, this is what a typical schedule for the CEO looks like. Meetings throughout the day, but his mornings and evenings are mostly free, and there are gaps throughout the day.”
Miyeon looks at the schedule and sees an asterisk for the morning and late evenings. “What are the asterisks for?”
“The CEO might need your help in the morning. For the evenings, it’s just helping him after a long day at work.” 
“Oh, like a massage?”
“Yeah, something like that.”
“Oh, okay. I’ve done that before with my appa and eomma.”
“Nice. I’ll show you how it’s done since it’s your first time.”
“Thank you, Jieun unnie.”
“You can go home and unpack. Just meet me in my apartment around dinner. I want to go over some things with you.”
Miyeon meets Jieun at her apartment a few hours later. They both enjoy a simple dinner and talk about their personal life when she receives a notification that you arrived back at your condo.
“He’s back from his dinner. Let’s get ready and greet him.” She looks at Miyeon and says, “Come with me. I’ll give you some things to make sure you look presentable for today.” 
They exit the elevator and head towards the large doors. Using their pin, they enter the room and hear the shower. 
“Seems like he’s showering. Come with me.” 
Miyeon follows Jieun to the service room and starts to get undressed. Surprised, Miyeon asks, “What are you doing, unnie?”
“Get undressed, rinse yourself, and put this on,” as Jieun hands her a two-piece bikini.
Jieun looks at Miyeon as she shows a lost expression, “Quickly before he gets out.” 
“What are we doing?”
She helps Miyeon undress and pulls her to the shower. Miyeon tries to cover herself with her arm but is shocked by the cold water coming from the shower head. Miyeon’s mind goes wild, thinking of what type of service Jieun meant. 
After rinsing, they quickly dry themselves and put on their bikini before coming out of the service room.  
They see you swimming in your pool, going from one end to the other. Before reaching the sliding door, Jieun pulls Miyeon to the slide and whispers, “Make sure to do whatever he asks. He can be nice, but if you rub him the wrong way, he’ll make your life rough and even ruin your career.”
Miyeon nods nervously and follows Jieun, who slides the door open and walks towards the side of the pool. She waits until your head pops out of the water and waves at you. 
“Good evening, sir. I see that you’re enjoying your swim.”
”After a busy day at work, I couldn’t help myself. It’s such a stress reliever.”
”That’s great to hear. I brought Miyeon with me today,” and waves at you to step forward.
”Good evening, sir,” and bows her head.
”I see that Jieun is teaching you properly.”
”Of course. May we join you?”
”Yes”, giving a satisfied smile.
Jieun walks towards the edge of the pool, grabs the rail, and walks into the pool. 
You look at Miyeon, who is standing frozen, “Join us.” She nods and follows, walking slowly into the pool. She makes her way to where you two are and is surprised to see your hand on Jieun’s ass. 
Jieun giggles and gets closer to you, letting you grip her cheeks, “Nice and firm like always.” Jieun blushes, “I try to work out since you like it so much.”
You look at Miyeon and extend your hand, “Come, don’t be afraid.” Miyeon hesitates but remembers what Jieun said earlier and extends her hand. “Wow, Miyeon, you look great in that bikini.”
”Thank you…” trying to hide her face by tilting down. 
Suddenly she feels the touch of your hand on her ass and freezes. “Miyeon, you have such a soft butt.” There is no response, and Jieun speaks up, “I bet she’s happy about your compliment but is too shy to say anything. How about we spice things up a little?" and undoes her bra, letting it float to the top. 
You let your hand off of Mieyon’s asscheek and grab Jieun’s waist, pulling her towards you. She wraps her legs around your waist, and you go in for a kiss on her neck. Jieun moans, feeling your lips kiss her neck to her collarbone. 
Miyeon remains frozen, seeing you massage Jieun’s breast as you kiss her. She understands now what Jieun meant when she said “service” and realizes what her role as the CEO’s personal assistant meant. 
Out of nowhere, Jieun says, “Did you know that Miyeon is a virgin?” Miyeon sees your attention and immediately goes towards her. “Oh, really?” 
“Yes, her body was silky smooth as well.” 
You put Jieun down, walk towards Mieyon, and say, “Come with me.”
”Where are we going?”
”To the bedroom, of course.”
She looks back at Jieun, who follows behind them. Miyeon asks in a trembling voice, “I don’t want my first time like this.”
Jieun replies, “Remember what I told you earlier. You belong to him now.”
You take Miyeon into the bedroom, drop your shorts, and toss them into the hamper. “Undress, I want to see what I’m going to be working with.” 
Miyeon's body trembles at the idea that she’s going to lose her virginity in this manner. She assumed it would be with her boyfriend and a romantic setting, but instead, as your assistant. 
You say sternly, “Strip, while I’m being nice.” Miyeon flinches and undoes her bra, dropping it on the floor before moving on to her bottom. 
With her completely nude, you circle around and admire her body, small breasts, flat stomach, and pretty face. You get behind her, part her hair to the side, and kiss the side of her neck. 
Miyeon closes her eyes, foreign to a male’s touch. She tells herself that she can do it; her dreams of becoming an idol are much bigger, and she is willing to sacrifice her body for a moment that will change her life. 
You can see her shiver in fear, like a gazelle that’s about to be eaten by a lion. It turns you on, the feeling of having control of a female. You get closer to her, and she gets startled when you press your body against hers. She feels a thick, hot sensation touching her back and remains frozen. 
You whisper in her ear, “I’m going to give you two choices; you can  be in control of what happens to you, or I make the choices for you.” 
She is at least thankful that she can decide on how she’ll lose her virginity. “I can do it myself.”
“Alright, tell me what you want me to do.” 
Miyeon tries to come up with an idea quickly. She looks around and says, “Get on the bed and lay down.” 
You agree, head to the large white bed, and lie in the middle of it. She walks and climbs on the bed, sitting next to you.
With no idea what to do, she climbs on your thighs and stares at your cock. It's the first time she's seen a cock, and she is lost on what to do. She turns around and looks at Jieun, who is standing in the corner. “Miyeon, grab it with your hand and stroke it like this. Here, you use this.” With the bottle of lube in her hand she opens it, pours some on your cock, coating it. She uses her right hand, stroking it awkwardly at first. As she continues, it starts to get bigger, which makes her use both hands. 
“I don’t think it's going to fit inside of me.” 
You respond, “You don’t know until you try,” giving her a smirk. She turns around once more and looks at Jieun, hoping for her to save her. Instead, Jieun replies, “Miyeon, you got this. Hwaiting!”
There’s no way around it; she has a future to think about, and giving her virginity is a small price to pay. That’s what she is trying to make herself believe. It’s the only way she’ll be able to accept what she is about to do. 
Miyeon then grabs your cock and lifts herself off. She tries to align your cock to her entrance and is scared by how big it really is compared to her small entrance.
She lowers her body, pressing her lower lips against the mushroom tip of your cock, and stops. Miyeon looks at you with the look of someone who’s accepted her fate and control of her life to you and slowly drops her body. 
You feel your tip spread her lower lips, pushing into her virgin hole. She groans, experiencing being stretched this much for the first time. She stops when she reaches her thin barrier and looks at you once more before giving her a hungry smile. 
With her hands on your abs, she gives a hard drop; she gasps but immediately bites her lip. “Fuck, you’re so tight!” 
There’s no response, only her body trembling as she’s trying to quickly adjust to the pressure. You place your hand on her arm, but she waves you off. She immediately apologizes, “I’m sorry, sir, it’s just that I’m trying to get adjusted to your size.”
“Don’t worry, it’s expected.” You touch her arm once more, this time allowing you to embrace her. 
“Want me to take over?”
She nods, “Yes.”
You place your hands around her small waist and lift her, pulling her out from her cunt. “Bend over and get on all fours.” 
She does as she’s told and places her body on top of the large pillow. She presses her face against it and closes her eyes and she feels you press your cock into her cunt.
“Hmph… hmm…” 
She clenches the pillow, feeling your cock stretch her walls. She yelps when you hit the back of her womb, “Wait, wait, you’re breaking me!” You don’t respond and increase thrust inside her. She clenches her hands on the pillow as you use her body for relief. You want to make sure that her body gets used to your cock, especially her womb, since you’re its new owner. 
“Does it feel better when I take over?” 
There’s no response from Miyeon, so you raise your arm and give her a slight slap on her ass. She yelps and lifts her head, “Ow!”
You increase the pace of your thrust, your balls hitting her flesh, “Fuck, you’re going to be as great as my new toy.” Miyeon just continues to bite onto the pillow, listening to you talk about her position as your new toy.
Before long you’re about to cum and warn Mieyon on your orgasm nearing. “I’m going to cum.” Miyeon lifts her head, her mouth drooling, and pleads, “Please… outside… do it outside…” You scoff and say, “You’re in no position to throw out demands, I’ll cum wherever I want, and I always cum inside.” 
Miyeon feels your cock throb and releases a large wave of cum, flooding her walls and womb. “No! So much inside!” Your cum floods her womb to the brim; she can feel her womb getting addicted to your cum and cock, knowing that there is no coming back after this.
Jieun leaves after the second round and is satisfied, knowing she did a good job for her master. You continue to fuck Miyeon, round after round, until she passes out, and even then fuck her until you get your fill. 
Miyeon wakes late in the morning completely nude, and her lower body is completely sore. She tries to get up, but any pressure on her legs causes her to tremble and fall back onto the bed. 
“Miyeon, it’s me, Irene.”
”Unnie, come in.”
Irene comes inside, sees the mess, and feels sorry for what Miyeon just went through. “How are you feeling?”
”Horrible, I lost my virginity, and my body is completely sore.”
”I’m sorry you had to go through this.”
”Jieun said it was necessary if I wanted the slightest chance to make it in the industry.”
There’s a silence, and Irene breaks the ice and says, “Here, take this.”
”What is it?
”A morning-after pill.”
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pinkzier · 5 months
hi sweetheart
May I request a Minji smut 😿 like anything you want but with a sassy rude Minji and bottom reader 😓😓
this is my first non anon request 😭🤭
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Kim Minji x F!Reader
A/n: HI SWEETHEART!! Tysm for the request and It was fun making it! sorry bc takes so long to do bc I wrote it in full but I saw that you hadn't asked for gp and I was so behind with my studies that I couldn't finish it sooner...This is fucking long AND I'M NOT GOING TO REVIEW THIS
Warnings: smut, fanservice, Possessive jealousy, swearing, fingering, cum eating, oral(r and m) sucking breast, pet names, face sitting (m receiving) scissor and idols being mentioned in the middle of sex
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If you were to be completely honest, it wasn't your fault about the lack of attention towards Minji, you were one of the most famous people in your group and you needed to do your mc paper, promoting ships and rehearsing the songs
But Minji couldn't think, your relationship was private, but it never went this long without sex, not that she's needy obviously
And it seemed like every day that passed seemed like everything was against her, literally everything
when you arrived at her dorm wearing only her sweatshirt she could feel herself blushing, and taking advantage of the fact that there was no one in the dorm what she thought she grabbed you fiercely, your body seeming tiny against hers, her lips tasted you desperately, her red lips tasting everything of yours, going down to your neck and giving open kisses, not even minding your hand on her arm trying to push her away, but not making any effort
That is until she hears the dorm floor creaking with hurried footsteps, while the voices of what could be considered Hanni's and Hyein's voices resound in the dorms, coming from Haerin's dorm to Danielle's and coming straight to Minji's.
you hurriedly move away from minji, wiping the remaining saliva from your lips that belonged to minji, and move away from her when you see bulging eyes looking at you, it was hanni and she could already feel the tension "did I disturb somethi-" she asks reluctant "no" you and minji interrupt her in unison
"The director said we're going to do a collaboration with some groups for this year's mama" Hanni says, a smile on her face and her eyes shining.
If you knew what would happen, you would have refused, they again made you join the famous idol from each group, making 3 group formations, the first group having you, wonyoung, yunjin and Miyeon, the second group being, Hyein, Leeseo, Eunchae and shuhua, and the third group was Minji, gaeul, Sakura and yuqi, they always left you far from their members to put you with the most popular ones, last year you were with Karina from aespa and it was the most viral news of the week
now you are on the other side of the room, while the director tells you to stay in the center while wonyoung and yunjin kiss your cheek and you do aegyo, all the groups have different directors and you can see Minji never looking away from your director as if that magically makes her change his mind and she can perform with you
" did you understand Kim minji?" the director speaks while minji continues paying attention to her director until gaeul softly calls out to her "Kim minji?" then she blinks softly and her cheeks flush "I'm sorry, what were you saying?.." she mutters and bites her own lower lip in embarrassment "you're going to wear an outfit matching one of the girls" how ridiculous, that was the height of it, she never had talked to any of the girls before and was going to have to do this? "Are all groups going to do this?" she asks, coming out thicker than she thought "they're going to do worse" the director murmurs and looks at your group "they're going to do worse, believe me" the director says once again and looks back at the girls in front of him, without noticing how Minji frowns and one of her eyebrows is raised, great thinks Minji
Minji could feel herself blushing when she saw your performance outfit, she felt like a dirty girl for being horny in a particularly normal outfit, she doesn't know if it was because her lips looked so tempting and she could only imagine what they would look in her strap as your eyes sparkled and you choked on its length, she swallowed and looked away from you, her lips forming a straight line as she waited for the makeup artists to finish putting on her makeup and tying her skirt, everything seemed perfect until she heard a two producers talking about you and yunjin "they would make a perfect ship" "I think she suits wonyoung better" and then she realized that you were going to get involved in yet another dating rumor with another bitch, not her.
The way to Mama was more tense than you thought, you always tried to talk to Minji, like saying her hair was cool, but she purposely pretended not to hear you and went straight to Haerin's side, holding her hand and whispering things in her ear. You can feel yourself tensing up and you narrowed your eyes, moving closer to hanni and grabbing the upper part of her arm "Do you know what happened to minji?" you whisper in her ear, as you continue walking towards the stage, hanni jumps a little and her eyes widen "you scared me..." she sighs and looks ahead "no...is she normal?" She raises an eyebrow "ok" you murmur as you drag your hand out of her arm's reach and resume walking following the members of your group
the performance was even more tense, minji didn't take her eyes off you and didn't even hide it, it was shameful, while you hugged wonyoung and she kissed your cheek the audience went crazy and from the side you could see minji burning your side straight from the head , almost as if he wanted to read your mind, when the presentation ended, You were on your way to the van and stopped at a place for people to take photos, something traditional, your place was on the left next to Minji but surprisingly now danielle stole her place..
When you arrived at the big van, you were going to sit in the front so as not to disturb Minji, but she nervously pulled your wrist and made you sit on her lap at the back of the van, the other members were too tired to see this, you could feel yourself blushing as you Minji's nails dug into your inner thigh and her warm breath blew on your neck
"W-what are you doing minji?" you mumble softly, as you try to adjust yourself but every time you move, Minji's nails dig deeper into your thigh "nothing" she says bluntly, while looking at the window
You remain silent, not knowing what else to say "Did you have fun with wonyoung?" she says, the question hanging in the air, while Hyein's snoring and low music coming from danielle's headphones is heard" i said" She keeps talking "Did you have fun with wonyoung?" the question now comes out more like a growl
you bite your lower lip, hesitant to speak, you know that anything and she would get more stressed "I don't know" you say hesitantly, a laugh sounds softly, making your body shake slightly "You little bitch.." she says, your hand coming down your skirt, you blush and instantly close your legs "h-hey...minji" "shut the fuck up" she says rudely "if you wake the girls up, it won't be good right?" she says ironically in your ear
she opens your legs without your will, you can feel her mischievous smile without even seeing it, she puts her hand inside your panties, feeling your wetness "you're wet" she says moaning "how come you didn't want that?" She says, running her hand all over your folds, rubbing your wetness until you reach your clit, she rubs it, you can feel it throb with sensitivity, Minji circles it firmly in her fingers
" Don't make any noise okay" she says softly and inserts two fingers at once, easily entering your hot walls, you feel something hard in your ass and you already know that Minji is hard
your legs shake slightly, as minji moves in and out quickly, your body quickly becoming aroused and wetter, minji towers over you and kisses your neck, leaving wet kisses on the corner of your neck "you're so tight, i always fuck you and You always look like a virgin" she says bluntly, the comment bringing a strange feeling in your belly of excitement.
with every second that passed you felt that sensation coming, and minji could feel you squeezing her fingers, her other free hand went down to your clit and squeezed it and then rubbed it "come for me" she says, her voice hoarse, with more After a few thrusts you cum, you let out a slight scream, which makes Haerin move in front of the van, your legs shake uncontrollably, while you let out small whimpers while Minji continued rubbing your clit, after a while she pulled away, removing her fingers from you. inside your pussy, and before you can process it she shoves them inside her mouth, closing her eyes and savoring it like it's a delicious food, you blush and hit her arm "idiot" you mutter as you adjust yourself on her lap, Minji gives a mischievous smile and moves away, putting your panties in place, making you feel dirty with cum, making you uncomfortable, and she knew it.
The van didn't take long to arrive, when it arrived at the dorm, Minji was the last to get up, as you arrived at the elevator, it was silent, Minji had her hand on your waist firmly while Danielle was almost asleep standing, haerin looking at the ceiling and hyein and hanni talking about watching a movie today
" I was so scared, the van was making noises and moving strangely" Hanni in the middle of the conversation "Did you notice that too?" Hyein says with wide eyes "I think it was from Danielle's headphones, she just sleeps like that" Minji enters in the conversation, justifying, the two girls seem to think and nod their heads in agreement
when the elevator arrives the girls get out first, minji forcing you to wait for the girls to get out
She wraps her fingers around your wrist and pulls you towards her room at the end of the hall, it seems like something has finally worked out in your life
She throws you into the room, closing the door quickly and pinning you to the wall, moving her hands not so subtly to your breasts, squeezing them like balls, feeling everything you want in her hands "M-minji, not here" you try to say but her lips get in your way, your tongues meeting aggressively
"Shut up" she says her fingers going down to the hem of her blouse, playing with her until pulling her up, throwing her anywhere in the room and grabbing her waist while pressing her hips with yours, making your head to spin
her hands go up and she goes to the clasp of her bra, her fingers fumbling with the clasp until it releases with a click, falling to the floor and her breasts are exposed to minji, her eyes shining
She quickly puts her right breast in her mouth, the sensation making it harden, Minji runs her tongue in circles over it while she raises her hand to the left and holds it between her fingers, rubbing it, then let go of the right breast and move on to the other, sucking them eagerly, you put your fingers on the back of her neck and pull her impossibly closer, minji moaning and immediately stopping "I bet you're very wet" minji says her lips letting go your breast with a pop and going straight to your mouth
minji's hands go down to your shorts, fumbling with the buttons because she's kissing you, on a shelf your shorts are on the floor
"let me see this princess" minji murmurs, squatting in front of you and seeing your transparent panties in excitement, she licks her lips and gives a smile, without even bothering to look into your eyes, she had a priority
She kisses your clit through your panties, making you shudder, she slides the panties aside and immediately sinks into your wet folds.
She licks your clit and lowers it to your entrance, her hands holding your thighs that were shaking, She circles your entrance with her tongue and sinks in, you instantly moaning loudly, she looks at you "if you moan loudly I'll stop, hyein can't hear that" she growls and sinks in again the sensation of nothingness making you shudder
She takes one hand off your thigh and circles two fingers at your entrance, immediately sinkings "I can't wait to fuck you" she murmurs, her fingers opening forming scissors inside you as you hold on to her shoulders for dear life, your legs going wobbly and almost falling to the ground, the combination of Minji's tongue and her nose hitting your clit and your fingers in your pussy, hitting that spongy spot made you scream, she was hungry, and she sucked your pussy like she was starving, she was desperate for this sensation
You could feel yourself getting close to the edge with every second that passed and when minji moved her fingers inside you and doubled them that was when a sudden explosion happened, your whole body shook with pleasure and you put your hand over your mouth to try and push the fingers away. inevitable moans to come out
when the pleasure was diminishing minji got up, taking off her clothes and revealing that she was wetter than she thought, she was soaked, when she took off her own panties she pulled you to the bed, opening your leg and getting on top of you, for a second staring at you until she sits up, the feeling of your clit against hers making you and her roll your eyes at the same time
you are sensitive from the past orgasm, and the sensation of your entrance rubbing against minji's made you squirm, minji's juices were making you more wet, your pussy and minji's were in sync, your clit hitting her entrance and then rubbing her pulsating clit
“Tell me no one makes you come like me, not even wonyoung” minji growls, demanding as she puts her hand on the back of your neck and pulls your hair, forcing your head back"f-fuck minji.. n-nobady" you babble, too focused on pleasure to know how to pronounce a word, minji bites her bottom lip, her mouth opening in a silent moan as she desperately rubs against you, their pussies making a wet noise that echoes throughout the room. "Ahn..ah... I'm going to cum" minji moans, bringing her face closer to your neck and sucking, leaving a mark" please...i-i...fuckk" minji moans loudly rolling her eyes and gripping the sheet, when she cums her legs tremble against you, but you are getting close to your own climax so you continue rubbing against minji's swollen clit, seeking your own pleasure
minji was getting overstimulated because of the pleasure and tried to push you away but you didn't care, your clits collided 3 times in a row then your turn finally came, you fought not to scream, your head spinning with pleasure
after you and minji cum you look at each other for a few seconds until minji separates from you, a string of cum connecting your pussy to hers, her pussy was swollen and red "clean me" minji says bluntly, She doesn't even give you time to respond, her head fogged from the old pleasure, she just goes in front of you and opens her legs in your face, you just accept it, eyes closed and just open your mouth, leaving your tongue for Minji to use
minji immediately sits on your tongue, rubbing her clitoris on your tongue, the taste of her left you addicted, the taste of your juices mixed with hers made you drunk, despite being tired you closed your lips on her clit, sucking and shaking her language in it
minji seemed closer and closer to the edge, then with a thrust she pulls your hair closer to her, suffocating you in her pussy, you do as you are told, minji seems to be very focused on the pleasure and with a thrust she cums, closing her legs on her head, her ears ringing from how tightly she closed her legs
After a few minutes she gets off of you, laying down on your side, panting and pulling you "Sorry" she murmurs "f-for what?" you say breathlessly "I wanted to fuck you in the middle of the people in your group..but I couldn't" she says normally and closes her eyes, her body relaxing "uh..why?" you say
no response.
You groan in pain and look up, seeing Minji already sleeping "good night" you kiss her forehead and close your eyes
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021894s · 2 months
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⭑ jakes apologies and heartfelt confessions keep pulling you back despite the recurring betrayals and hurt.
┃toxic!situationship, cheating, love confessions … 600 w
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You come home late, your mind swirling with the day's frustrations, and there he is again—Jake, leaning against your doorframe as if he belongs there. You sigh heavily, annoyed but not entirely surprised. It’s the same old song and dance, the one you swear you’ll stop playing but always end up humming along to.
His eyes light up when he sees you, a mix of relief and something darker. "Hey, baby," he says softly, the endearing tone a sharp contrast to the turmoil he always brings into your life.
You cross your arms, trying to put on a stern face. "Jake, you need to leave," you say, your voice firm, though a part of you already knows you’re fighting a losing battle.
He steps closer, that familiar look in his eyes—the one that’s both apologetic and enticing. "Come on, Y/N, just hear me out," he pleads, his voice dropping to that low, husky tone that always makes your resolve waver.
You hate how easily he can affect you, how his mere presence can unravel all the walls you painstakingly build. But he reaches out, gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, and you feel yourself softening despite your better judgment.
"Please, baby," he whispers, and that’s all it takes. Your shoulders slump as you give in, turning around and opening the door. Without another word, you step inside, leaving it open for him to follow.
He trails behind you, closing the door softly, sealing off the outside world. The silence between you is heavy, filled with unspoken words and unresolved tension.
you drop your bag on the floor, Jake steps closer, his presence filling the small space of your apartment. His arms wrap around you, and you can feel his breath against your neck.
"I missed you," he murmurs, his voice thick with longing.
You stiffen in his embrace, the memory of him with Miyeon flashing in your mind. You pull away, turning to face him with a cold stare. "It didn't look like that when you were all over Miyeon," you snap, your voice laced with bitterness.
Jake's eyes widen, a flicker of guilt passing through them. He reaches out for your hand, but you pull it away, crossing your arms defensively.
"Y/N, I... it wasn't like that," he stammers, his voice desperate. "She’s not you. She could never be you. I'm sorry, baby. I messed up."
You want to stay angry, to hold onto the hurt that’s been gnawing at you since you saw them together. But the sincerity in his eyes, the raw regret, makes your resolve waver.
"Why should I believe you?" you ask, your voice softer now, tinged with the vulnerability you hate showing.
Jake steps closer, his hands gently cupping your face. "Because I’m telling you the truth. I made a mistake, and I’m sorry. I love you, Y/N. No one else."
His words sink in, and despite the pain, a part of you wants to believe him, to trust that this time will be different. You close your eyes, taking a deep breath, before nodding slightly.
"Okay," you whisper, the word barely audible, but it’s enough for him.
Jake pulls you into a tight hug, his arms wrapped around you as if he’s afraid to let go. And for now, you let yourself be held, hoping that maybe, just maybe, things can change.
© 021894s do not copy or publish
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taglist: @cornenhapovs @myjaeyuns @magssu @jentlecoeur @heeslut4life @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @jaeyungxrl @rapmonie2047 @anormieee @nishislcve @leesura @en-happiness @heelariously @rikiwaify-blog @honeybunnee @seunghancore @winuvs @belovedsthings @heeseungwifey @gong-fourz @enhastolemyheart @jisungstuff @slvrnm @jayhoonvroom @svnuuu @lisaswifey @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie @yoonjise
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asraxfile · 3 months
━━━Missing you.
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sypnosis: Miyeon finally gives you the affection and tension you needed pairing: CEO!Miyeon x HouseWife!fem!reader genre: smut, fluff warnings: sexual intercourse(fingering, kissing breasts, sexual tension) word count1.1k
A/n: this is a short one, the anon who requested this I hope you wont be mad if I changed some things a little but still tried to keep your request, I also apologize for posting this very late for such a short fic. I hope you'll still enjoy reading^^
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It was a hot but fresh night. It was again one of those nights you spent alone, without her, your beloved Miyeon. She was a business woman and that’s what you liked about her, but again she almost never had time to spend with you. As Miyeon walked into your shared apartment, the weight of the day’s work was heavy on her shoulders. As the CEO of a really monopolistic company in Korea, her days were filled with meetings, deadlines, and endless responsibilities. The one thing that kept her going was the thought of coming home to her beloved wife, you, who was always there, waiting for her with a warm smile and open arms. Except, tonight something felt different. As she stepped into the dining room, she noticed that you were unusually quiet, barely facing her presence. The air was thick with unspoken words, emotions and million questions running through Miyeon’s mind.
“Hey, darling,” Miyeon greeted softly, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek. “How was your day?”
“Fine,” you replied while exhaling, not meeting Miyeon’s eyes.
Miyeon frowned, sensing your tired tension. She took her seat at the table, trying to start a small talk, but your responses were short and straightforward. The usually warm and cheerful atmosphere felt cold and distant.
“Is everything okay?” Miyeon finally asked, her concern growing.
Again, you sighed, pushing your plate away and finally looking at Miyeon’s worried and concerned eyes. “No, Miyeon, everything is not okay. You’ve been so busy with work that you barely notice me anymore. I miss you. I miss us.”
Miyeon’s heart sank at your words. She had been so consumed by her work that she hadn’t realized how much she was neglecting you. She reached out, taking your hand in hers, her thumb gently stroking over your knuckles.
“I’m so sorry, love,” Miyeon said softly. “I didn’t mean to make you feel this way.” 
The same concerned look now turned into a seduceful gaze, ready to charge at you.“Come here.”
She pulled you into her lap, wrapping your arms around her. Melting into the embrace, burying your face in Miyeon’s neck. For a moment, you two simply held each other, the silence speaking for you.
“I understand that your job is important,” you murmured, your voice muffled. “But I need you too. I need time with you, we’re wifes after all.”
Miyeon’s heart ached at the vulnerability in your voice. She realized how much she had taken you for granted, how her work had overshadowed the love and attention you really deserved.
“I’ll make it right,” Miyeon promised, pressing a kiss to your temple. “I’ll do better. I’ll be here for you, I swear.”
You looked up at your wife, your eyes getting filled with fresh tears. the tears you let go almost every night you spent alone without your dear Miyeon, and now she was finally there for you. Miyeon’s heart clenched, and she cupped your face, gently brushing away the tears with her thumbs. Your lips met in a tender, desperate kiss, it all felt like a new eternity. 
Miyeon’s hands roamed over your body, feeling your body melt into her touch. You responded eagerly, your fingers tangling in Miyeon’s hair as your kiss deepened, filled with need and longing.
Miyeon lifted you up, carrying you to your shared bedroom. She laid you down gently on the bed, climbing on top of you. Your eyes were filled with desire, your breath coming in soft pants.
“I’ve missed this,” Miyeon whispered, her lips trailing down your neck. “I’ve missed you.”
The reader moaned softly, arching into her touch. “Show me, Miyeon. Show me how much you’ve missed me.”
With a growl of desire, Miyeon’s hands moved to undress you, both of your clothes quickly fell to the gray rug next to your bed. She took her time, worshiping your body with kisses and caresses, making up for the lost time that you spent alone without her.
With such small touches, your moans filled the room as Miyeon’s lips found your breasts, her tongue swirling around a hardened nipple before taking it into her mouth. Her hand moved between your thighs, finding your clit wet and ready.
“Please, Miyeon,” you gasped, your hips being more impatient than you. “I need you.”
Miyeon didn’t make you wait. She slid two fingers inside you, as her thumb found your clit. In such sudden pleasure, you cried out, your back arching off the bed with every Miyeon’s move. Her lips captured yours in a searing kiss as she set a continuing rhythm, her fingers moving in and out, her thumb circling your clit. Your moans only grew louder, your body trembling with pleasure. Miyeon’s name fell from your lips like a prayer, and she felt a surge of proudness and needness. 
“Cum for me, love,” Miyeon whispered against your lips. “Let me feel you.”
With a cry of ecstasy, the reader’s body tensed, her orgasm washing over her. Miyeon held her close, her fingers never slowing until her wife’s body went limp in her arms.
They lay there, tangled together, their breaths mingling. Miyeon kissed her wife’s forehead, holding her close.
“I love you,” she murmured. “I’m sorry I’ve been so absent. I’ll make more time for us. I promise.”
You looked up, a small smile playing on Miyeon’s lips. “I love you too, Miyeon. And I believe you. Just don’t forget about us again, okay?”
“Never,” Miyeon vowed, sealing the promise with a tender kiss. “You are my everything.”
As you two laid together, Miyeon realized that you calmed down, but she wasn’t finished with you just yet. “Nobody said we’re finished, right darlin’?” She teased and pulled you yet into another hot and desperate kiss. This night is gonna be a long one. 
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diaryujin · 9 months
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summary: you’re the best thing that’s happened to the girls – a life-changing event. it shows.
OR little things that (G)I-DLE do with you and only you
genre: fluff
includes: google translated thai and korean pls do not come after me if it’s wrong or weird, indirect mention of soojin leaving but oh well, got a little deep in yuqi’s bit, mention of idol struggles, wHY ARE THERE SO FEW WARNINGS 
pairing: idol! (g)i-dle x non-idol! fem! Reader
word count: 1.3k
a/n: this is all fluff, a rare exhibit even i’m shocked…
taglist: @kflixnet
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cho miyeon
Miyeon is known for being extremely feminine and girlish and being on the receiving end of affection. It’s her trait, something everyone adores her for, and something she’s proud of. Yet, with you, she ends up doing things that are traditionally done by ‘the giver’ or the ‘man in the relationship’. Often, you’ll see her covering your shoulders with her favorite jacket when it’s cold, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you closer when you seem uncomfortable, letting you borrow her shirts and accessories, and – hear ye, hear ye – big spooning you. She does it all so casually and without a word leaving her mouth, just a sweet smile, making it seem like a normal thing to do when, in reality, it isn’t. She’s giving you her prized things without a single word of complaint – which isn’t the experience of the other members, as they have so grumbled to you before. 
Can you blame her? You’re one of the very few things that truly belong to her, and she can’t help but want to show everyone else sometimes, even if it breaks character. Plus, you look adorable in her outfits, and she’ll always push aside her narcissism and self-love for you.
yontarak nicha (minnie)
Nicha speaks to you in English, which is how she’s practiced and became proficient in it. She often finds herself malfunctioning though because of the crap you do to the point that she thinks in three languages. If you do something stupid to annoy her, for example, the thought train in her brain choo-choos from “โอ้ ให้ตายเถอะ เธอทำอะไรลงไป-?” to “잠깐만 왜 그렇게 웃는 게 이렇게 귀엽지?” to “OH CRAP THERE’S FLOUR IN MY HAIR?!” in a split second. It’s crazy to her because, before you, her mind’s default language was Thai, only translating it to words in English or Korean or something else she knew if she had to speak to someone who wasn’t from her country, which was a huge portion of the world. For you to be able to make her think multilingually? That was a feat she never saw happening. She makes sure that she speaks in English by the end of the day though, which is why she lags a couple of times when trying to respond to you.
First, her thoughts are jumbled in different languages. Second, she has to bring them all back to her native language - Thai. Third, she has to translate what she wants to say from Thai to English. Fourth, she has to make sure she doesn’t end up directly translating Thai phrases and idioms to English, where they make no sense. Give her a break.
(Thai - oh shit what did she just do-?  Korean - wait why is she so cute laughing like that?)
seo soojin
Soojin is quiet. She was the quietest member in (G)I-DLE, a stark contrast to the other girls. She also used to playfully reject most affection that they (Shuhua) offered, acting all tsundere-like. When it comes to you, however, you find that she’s the one initiating almost everything. Random back hugs, her hand suddenly sliding into yours perfectly, her lips puckering into that adorable duck lip she has when your faces are barely touching, you feeling your cheeks being cupped by her as she gives you uncalled-for kisses and more. If you try to push her away or ignore her acts of love, she’ll playfully whine and pester you to give her the attention that she desires from you. Of course, she knows where to stop bothering you and to give you space when you seriously need some alone time, but in moments unlike that, she’ll be like a small toddler bothering their parent for something insignificant.
It’s like you’re the Soojin to her Shuhua in SooShu, which is ironic if anything. She can’t be bothered to change her mannerisms though – she loves you so dearly that she’s afraid her heart might burst and she wants to make sure you know that.
jeon soyeon
Soyeon wrote Queencard and Allergy on a whim after you once told her that you didn’t like the way your body looked. You had been her muse for a few love songs, her favorite example being when she collaborated with Nicha on the lyrics of Dahlia and got endlessly teased by the girl for months on end for it (“You’re a simp!”), but these two were dedicated to you. Of course, she never mentioned it to anyone for fear of your name getting leaked out to fans, and she wasn’t going to get made fun of for loving you twice – she learned her lesson with one girl, imagine if all the others joined in on it? She didn’t allow you to listen to either until it was released officially, but it was all worth it when she got to see you screaming ‘why am I me?’ and ‘my boob and booty’s hot’ 24/7 around her. 
She’d always sport a small smile when she saw you listening to it, knowing that this made you feel at least a little bit better and confident in yourself. You had done so much for her and had been her rock and inspiration when she struggled and this was the least she could do to repay the favor.
(if you don’t like queencard or allergy sHhHh just go with it)
song yuqi
Yuqi is loud and argumentative to the point she can break the eardrums of whoever she sits in a heated discussion. She uses it to her advantage when she wants people to see her viewpoint and as a stan attractor for her group. Having to put up an image like that all the time in front of cameras and the eyes of adoring fans is exhausting though, and she always looks forward to the end of the day when she can come back to you and melt in your arms, or at least video call you if she’s on tour. You’re the calm to her storm, and she admires you for that. You’re able to handle her, rain or shine. Even if she gets overly emotional over something tiny, you’ll always be there to console her. Her favorite pastime is to simply cuddle with you on the couch and talk to you about random shit quietly as she closes her eyes and lets you hold her close. She can be herself with you, plain and simple, without worrying about what you think of her.
You’re her comfort space, where she can just be. As an idol, such a privilege is hard to get, which is why you’re her little secret, hidden away from almost everyone except a select few, and reserved for her only.
yeh shuhua
Shuhua is boisterous. She loves to make quips at people and bullies them playfully (just look at Miyeon). All the members and her family are victims of her teasing – no one is spared, except you. Instead, she lets you poke fun at her, with smacks to her head, mocking whatever she does, making disgusted looks at her when she acts cute, and whatnot. She’ll patiently wait there for you to be done before responding to you with an exasperated sigh or an insult back. It’s not as harsh as what she’s said to the other girls, and they have noticed the obvious favoritism whenever you go over to their dorms. They always complain about it to Shuhua, especially Yuqi, saying that they should get some of her love too. She denies any accusations of special treatment and argues back that they’re not her partner, you are, and thus they’re not worthy of her affection. It usually ends with Yuqi and Shuhua bantering for a long while as the rest, including you, watch in amusement.
You’re so special, one of the best things that’s happened to her. As much as she loves her group, you’ll always be on a higher pedestal in her head than them, resulting in a free pass and a shield from her relentless taunts. You don’t know whether to be grateful or a little concerned, but it’s nice to boast about a liberty to the others and watch their faces of annoyance.
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fanfiction4sooya · 1 year
Could you write about yena with this edit
Finally had time to sit and write this one!! Hope you like it, hun 💖💖💖 (this edit has been hunting my mind since the day you sent it, fuck 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤)
tw: crazy jealousy (seriously crazy), mentions of arson, face slapping, G!P yena, unprotected sex, agonophilia (fight kink), blowjobs, reader is a little shit, fingering, toxic relationship creampie, etc.
It's been two weeks since you and Yena had broke things off. You were very aware of the fact that she was trying to contact you by any means and you didn't care because in all honesty, you wanted her to suffer at least a little before you got back to her (as always). Toxic, yeah. But what else could you say? Yena had the best dick in town and you two loved each other very much.
You knew she was going to find you. She always did.
When you saw her across the club you had to put on your most annoyed face and leave your friends with the excuse of going to another girls house. It wasn't actually an excuse since Chaewon did ask you to sleep at her place, but since Yena and Chaewon had the biggest beef in history, that invitation was the perfect plan to make her go crazy.
You stood outside waiting for an uber and of course hoping Yena would fall into that little plan of yours. Looking around, you saw her black mustang stop right in front of you. Rolling your eyes, you stared at your phone.
"Where are you going?" She asked, her voice friendly and smooth.
"None of your business" You bend a bit, noticing how she eyed your cleavage, then acknowledged your mini skirt.
"It's late, I'll give you a ride" She said, her left hand on the steering wheel. Fucking attractive.
"I would rather chew glass" You told her, looking at your phone again. Of course you had already cancelled your uber ride. You saw her demeanor change a bit, internally smiling. "You told me to stay away from you, now you wanna give me a ride?" Your voice was like butter, melting into the word 'ride'.
"Come on, what kind of person do you take me for?" She told you as cars started honking behind her car. "I would never want you in any danger baby, even if we are broken up" You anxiously looked at the line of cars behind her, some of them were yelling for her to get out of the way.
"You are slowing traffic, Yena" You told her, fake annoyance on your voice. Oh how you loved she was just as crazy for you as you were for her.
"I won't leave until you get in this car" She turned the engine off, smirking. She was wearing a black hood and she did a pretty makeup on her eyes.
"You fucker" You told her, immediately hoping in, shutting the car door with so much force that even your ears hurt. Crossing your arms you motioned for her to go. "What are you waiting for? Go" She turned the engine on, shaking her head.
"Would the princess mind to tell me where?" Her smirk was there and you knew it was about to disappear in a second.
"Chaewon's house" You simply said, looking ahead but very aware of her grip on the steering wheel and the way her demeanor changed.
She kept staring at you from time to time, side eyeing you and your outfit. You were sure jealousy was eating her insides, her tongue swirling inside her mouth in the most attractive and angry way. She took a deep breath, her addam's apple very visible when she gulped.
"Now what? Are you and her fucking?" She finally said and you smiled before turning your whole body to face her.
"What if we are?" You crossed your legs, your skimpy skirt going up almost enough to show everything underneath. "Last time I checked, I am single" You shrugged. "You broke up with me, remember?" You leaned a little bit to her side so she could smell your perfume, that same perfume you knew it was her favorite one.
"I broke up with you because you burned my favorite jacket!" She slightly raised her voice so you did it too.
"Oh yeah, because you were talking to that girl Miyeon when I specifically told you that it made me uncomfortable because she very clearly flirted with you!" You shouted louder. "You were lucky I didn't burn your house down!" You crossed your arms, a visible pout on your lips.
"You are a psycho!" She yelled and you laughed.
"Oh yeah, I'll add that to the list of names you called me: Crazy bitch, menace and psycho" You counted on your fingers. "If I'm all that why the fuck are you worried about who I fuck or not Yena? Why are you taking me to the house of the girl that has been trying to fuck me for about four years now?"
She simply stopped talking, grazing her tongue on her lower lip, biting them. You saw her pull up to an empty parking lot, stopping the car and leaving.
"Yena? What the fuck are we doing here, take me to Chaewon's house right now!"
She was already opening your car door, pulling you out to push you against the back door, pinning both of your arms to your sides.
"I'm not taking you anywhere" She said, forcibly kissing your lips as you tried to let go.
"Let go of me" You tried to fight her off, your panties coated with slick as you did so.
"Or what?" she said, kissing your bare shoulder and neck, biting you hard. You whimpered, your knees getting weak.
"I-I'm gonna scream" You stopped resisting as her body now pressed against yours, her bulge grinding against you as she hissed.
"Scream for who, baby?" She told you, leaving love bites on your jaw and kissing you next.
Yena's tongue felt hot against yours, sloppy. You knew she missed you, but the way she was breathing heavier and heavier as you kissed made you see her in another light. You pushed her, switching positions to get on your knees and pull her cock out of her jeans. You saw it twitch on the dim light of the empty parking lot, swirling your tongue against the tip and making Yena moan.
"I missed your tongue on my cock, princess" She wrapped her hand on your hair, pulling you off of her cock so she could look at your face. "Put your tongue out for me"She said and you did it, feeling her tap her dick on your flat tongue a few times just so she would stick it to the back of your throat again and make you gag and moan.
She took it out of your mouth, pulling you up for another sloppy kiss. Her lips felt velvety, delicious. She went down to her knees as well, pulling your panties to the side, immediately sticking her tongue on your slit to gather your juices on it. You loudly moaned, holding on the car for support as she sucked your aching clit, sticking two fingers in your cunt.
"I've missed your taste, fuck" She said, pumping her fingers in and out of you and you pulled her up so you could kiss her coated lips. her fingers didn't stop fucking you and you started to pump her cock as well.
"Baby, please it feels too good" You cried out against her lips, clenching hard on her fingers. "Please baby, don't stop"She smiled, fucking you harder and harder.
"Just cum for me, baby" You closed your eyes, coming hard on her fingers and knowing very well she was holding herself back from coming as well.
She held you tight against her as you came down from your high, shaking hard. You whined, feeling her hard cock against you.
"Fuck me Yena, please" You moaned against her skin, kissing her neck and lining her cock on your slit, she held one of your legs up to better access and you both gasped audibly when she fully entered you.
"Oh, I missed you" she said for the third time closing her eyes and you blushed, feeling butterflies on your stomach upon hearing that.
"I missed you too" You hugged her neck to kiss her and she started to fuck you hard against the car, rutting against you and possessively holding your hips to fully slam her cock into you. "Tell me if Chaewon would fuck you better than me" She gritted her teeth, her eyes dark locked into yours. You screamed, rolling your eyes as you felt your body lose strength. "I am the only one that can make you feel this good" She thumbed your clit making you jolt.
You slapped her face, not with too much force, just enough to make her look at you and pay close attention.
"You pull any shit on me again I'll leave you for good" You said through moans and sobs, sinking your fingernails on her neck and scratching her. "Just know -Oh my fucking god" You closed your eyes as she slammed harder and harder, reaching deep into you. "No pussy will ever feel like mine, baby"
"I'm gonna cum princess, fuck" She stammered, hips going to a full stop with her cock inside you as he came hard and you did as well, both of you throbbing hard.
She lazily kissed you, holding your body against her in the most protective way. Her heart beating fast against yours. You moved her sweaty bangs from her forehead, caressing her face.
"You did it on purpose, didn't you?" She asked talking about Chaewon, after a few moments of silence. You chuckled, hiding your face on her neck and smelling her perfume and her natural scent. "I knew it" She kissed your forehead.
"You did that whole scene with Miyeon on purpose as well, didn't you?" She went silent, biting her lip.
"yes, but I didn't thought you were going to have a full on arson meltdown on me" You hit her arm and she held your arms down, pinning them to the car, smiling. "What can I say? I like it when you get all possessive over me baby"
You playfully tried to bite her and she laughed, trying to dodge your bites.
"I'll punish your for that Choi Yena" You said.
She opened the back door, pushing you inside and getting between your legs, your pussy dripping with her cum and yours.
"Oh, please do" She kissed you, her cock starting to get hard again. "You can do whatever you want with me, my love" She said.
And you did.
Over and over again in the back seat of her black mustang, until the sun started to rise.
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soyeonsbabygirl · 8 months
How would gidle react if y/n is lazy in bed (bottom y/n ofc) or like just tired to do anything how overworked she is?
So Miyeon and Soojin are gonna lay with you. They will cuddle you as well as just comfort you , they make you feel very relaxed melting your stress away along with placing sweet kisses to your cheeks. They also will play a movie with you to really help you turn your brain off but they make sure it’s something funny so then you can laugh as you relax. They also will let you ride their face to help release anymore of that nasty tension you may have ;)
Soyeon and Minnie know exactly how it feels to be overworked. They surprise you with your favorite food for dinner and then run a nice bath for you. After you eat they sit in the bath with you and just pamper you all over. They help you get changed into some nice pajamas and hold you as they cuddle you. They also don’t mind using their fingers all rough and harsh to fuck all the stress out of you so when you orgasm your left smiling.
Shuhua and Yuqi hate when you’re stressed. They have a self care day with you just to help you feel nice and relaxed. They give you Mini massages on your shoulders, help you in the bath, anything they can do. They end it with sweet praises and sweet nothings in your ear all while they fuck you on their straps giggling when they hear all whiney you are from getting the stress fucked out of you <3
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
{12} - Hotel California - Yandere!Demonic Entities!Ateez X Reader
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Yandere AU & Demon AU - Based off of This ask and Hotel California by Eagles
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Fluff, Slight Humor
Pairing: Ateez X Reader (Focus on Wooyoung & Yeosang, slight Jongho & Mingi)
Words: 13,562
Warnings: Sexual tension, a whole lot of it. Mentions of violence, some insecurities. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: The song that Yeosang plays for the OC is from The Two Towers, and is the first 1:30 or so from The King of the Golden Hall. It’s the main Rohan melody found throughout the series. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy the chapter, you should all know what and whom to expect for the next chapter *wink wonk* by the time you’re finished reading this. Hehehe, let me know your thoughts! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Main Story - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine - Part Ten - Part Eleven - Mini Masterlist
The remainder of that same day is spent resting and catching up on sleep. That headache didn’t want to seem to break until late that same night, and once it did, the tremendous amount of relief you felt was insane. 
The guys all noticed, of course, immediately offering to take your pain away and heal your headache. Only, you refused, saying you probably just needed some sleep. You had too many things on your mind to think about, so you figure that that’s probably what all the stress had been from, anyways. Plus, you have the added fact about Miyeon and the danger she poses.
Now, you aren’t dumb. You figured that they would have many, many exes and past relationships given who, and what they are. If they didn’t have at least ten significant others in all of their long years of living, you would be extremely curious as to why not. Still, you never expected their latest ex to hate your guts, more than likely wanting to kill you in the most brutal ways she knows how.
What a sad life that must be, to not be able to move on after twenty long years, and recognize one’s own faults. Clearly, Miyeon is incapable of self-reflection, but then again, she’s probably incapable of realizing a lot a things about herself if that’s always been the way she’s treated them. She is nothing but a narcissist, seeking that validation through manipulation, and believing that she can do no wrong.
When the next day comes, you still find it difficult to get out of bed, except to do the basic things like eat and bathe yourself. All you want to do is rest, your mind exhausted from all of this new information presented to you in the past week alone.
The guys are good about it. Giving you your space when you need it, but still making sure to check in on you every now and then. You’re still a little colder to Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and Jongho, though. A fact which the three know they all deserve, but still makes their hearts pang in their chests when it happens.
At least you never went back to ignoring them.
San, on the other hand, is constantly kissing up to you now. Every day, he’s making you your favourite meals, and showering you in praises and apologies. Granted, he didn’t surprise you as much as Jongho did when he originally voted ‘no’, but he did sound a bit hesitant to you when he said it, and he’s shown the greatest amount of remorse since the incident. The quickest, too. At least, in your opinion.
You’ve noticed a change within you, as well. The other four, certainly, you’ve grown closer to, but there’s a deeper understanding between you all now - a deeper trust. You even go so far as to begin smiling when you see one of them pop their head into your room, your eyes lighting up as they ask you how you’re feeling. Though, none have experienced quite the change as Yunho and Yeosang have.
If someone had told Yunho that you would be suddenly brushing up against his mind more often, let alone speaking to him through your connection over the next three days at the very start of your relationship - if you could have even called it that - he would have laughed in their face. Even now, on the fifth day after the mall incident, as you link your mind to his once more to show him an art meme you found that he might like, he cannot help but swoon. Finally, you’re opening up to him, just as he has always been ready and willing to open up to you.
He just wishes you’d come to see his art room, but he supposes that that’s all in due time. After all, good things come to those who wait.
Yeosang, on the other hand, is still one of the first ones to get you anything and everything you might need. He’s almost memorized your patterns, recognizing the familiar twitching of your lips when you’re starting to crave your favourite flavour of ice cream in the middle of the night, or even the slight trembling in your hands when you’re aching for another’s embrace.
One thing that they can both agree on, though, is how much more affectionate you are towards them. Even Mingi and Wooyoung have experienced the change, though you still keep a little bit of a closer eye on Wooyoung than the others. It saddens him, but he knows it’s only a matter of time before you’re opening yourself up to him in the same ways the others have already gotten the privilege to experience.
At least he’s not like Hongjoong, Seonghwa, or Jongho for the moment.
Poor Jongho. The one male you had seemed to be the closest to is suddenly the least of your concern now. You used to spend hours with him in the library, either simply just sitting in one another’s company, or discussing some book one or the both of you have read with each other. Now, it’s like all of that progress means nothing, and he knows he only has himself to blame. He just wishes you would talk to him again, instead of giving him short, one word answers, or brushing off his inquires entirely whenever he sees you.
Luckily, with each day that passes, the three of them have slowly been making their way back into your good graces. By the time a week has passed after the mall incident, it’s almost back to what it was like before the argument, just not as intimate. At least you’ve told them that you’ve forgiven them at this point, sternly reminding them about what would happen if a situation like this should arise again.
Both San and Jongho cried at your vindication, and even Hongjoong got a little teary-eyed. Though, none felt their hearts swell with joy as much as the eldest did.
As soon as those words had left your lips, Seonghwa had fallen to his knees, soft cries of gratitude falling like mantras from his lips. It was then that he asked if he could embrace you. A first for the eldest and what you have so often experienced with him.
The moment the confirmation had escaped your lips, his arms were around you. One hand immediately came up to cradle the back of your head as he tucked your face into the side of his neck, while the other wrapped securely around your waist. You felt the tears he had so desperately been holding back finally fall. The tiny droplets began to hit your shoulder once more as he whispered his thanks into your ear, promising you that he would never let you down again.
You had returned the embrace then, softly carding your fingers through the hair on the back of his neck while cooing comforting sentiments into his ear. Along with a joking, ‘you better not’, of course.
They had all chuckled at that, watching as you pulled away to stare deeply into Seonghwa’s eyes. An understanding had passed between you then, and you smiled. You actually smiled at him for the first time in what felt like ages.
All too soon, you were puling away, only to be asked by each of the other three if they could also embrace you.
You agreed, which could not have made any of them happier at that moment in time.
Currently, after a week and a day since the mall incident, you find yourself making your way towards the library, a bag held firmly in your hand. In all of the commotion and fallout of the past week, you have yet to open any of your new albums, or shelf your new books. Which is exactly what you’re going to do now.
Stepping into the library, you make your way over to your specific section, as you so lovingly call it, and place the bag onto the antique coffee table before you. 
Excitement thrums through your veins at the prospect of reorganizing your shelves after opening your new albums. It’s been a while since you’ve been able to do so, and you’ve found that it’s always been able to help calm you down; a relaxing way to take your mind off of things for an hour or more, depending on how many new items you have, and how quickly you work. You’re just glad that there’s ample shelf space for all of your things, you were starting to run out back in your old apartment.
Turning to the bag you’ve just placed on top of the table, you start to remove all of the items, spacing them out in neat little piles on top of the desk after sitting on the edge of the couch.
You don’t even hear the door nearest to you opening until you hear a fond chuckle from across the room. Looking up with wide eyes, you see Wooyoung leaning against the side of the frame.
“Want some company?” A small grin tugs at the corner of his mouth as his arms are crossed over his chest, mirroring the exact same position he was in when he asked you such a question for the very first time in the game room.
You cannot help but think back to that moment, a slight upturning of your lips as you do so. He looks much less nervous now than he did then.
“Sure.” You respond. “Though, I don’t know how entertaining this’ll be for you.”
Looks like you might have to tone down your reactions for certain albums when you open them, especially if you pull your bias. The last thing you want is another jealous demon to deal with for the moment. You giggle to yourself.
“Penny for your thoughts, Beautiful?” He quirks a brow as he walks over to you, sitting right next to you on the couch so that your knees are almost brushing.
The best part? You don’t move away.
So, you decide to tease him, a knowing grin tugging at your lips. “I’m just surprised you’re willingly ready to be made jealous.”
“I would never,” his jaw drops, hand coming up to cover his heart as if he’s personally been scandalized. Then, he’s nudging your knee with his own, soft smile tugging at his lips. “Don’t feel like you have to tone down your excitement for me.”
You shoot him an incredulous look, brow quirked and all.
“I want to know more about you.” The way he repeats the same words you said to him merely a week ago with such earnest reflected in his voice has your heart warming in your chest.
“Alright,” you meet his gaze, a softness shining there that he’s only ever dreamed of being on the receiving end before that makes his heart jump into his throat. In a good way, of course. Then, you’re shooting him a playful look, “but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“Seeing you happy makes me happy, Gorgeous,” he replies, smiling wide as his eyes fall shut.
You smile back softly, “I appreciate that, Woo.”
Oh, if only you knew how that one simple little word makes his heart thunder in his chest. His head spins at the fact that you’ve just referred to him by one of his own nicknames, the ghost of your lips tingling against his cheek once more.
A shudder nearly runs down his spine. Now, if only he could have you moaning as such beneath him… Yet, he knows: all in due time.
“So,” he begins, shifting closer so that his thigh is now pressed right up against your own, “how do you usually go about this kind of thing?”
“Well, I don’t really have a particular order in terms of opening certain groups first,” you admit, reaching for one of the albums in front of you. “But, I do usually save the albums I’m most anticipating opening until last.”
Wooyoung nods, eyes eagerly watching as your hands unwrap the plastic from the colourful package held in your grip.
There was more than one reason Wooyoung wanted to join you today. Yes, he wanted to spend time with you, and he’s so glad that none of his brothers have decided to interrupt so far. However, he also wants to get more of an idea of how you think. What so many people do not realize, is that every action they make, every word they say, slowly gives away everything about them. All of their fantasies - all of their desires - are laid bare in the subtleties that make up who they are, and how they want to be treated.
He isn’t the master of seduction for nothing.
Every single action you make, every ministration against the packaging, he observes. Even the words you have just uttered ring through his ears as he does so. 
You must like to be built up, then. Teasing yourself until you’re finally able to find relief in what you crave most. A relief that Wooyoung is always more than ready and willing to give to you, in any and every way he knows how.
He’s so caught up in his own thoughts, and staring at the delicate way your hands open each album, that he hardly registers that you’ve asked him a question.
“Sorry, Beautiful,” he grins sheepishly, “what was that?”
“I said,” you simply shoot him a playful side-eyed look, a chuckle falling from your lips in the next second, “any luck with finding Miyeon yet?”
“Not yet.” Wooyoung exhales a small sigh through his nose, lips tugging downwards in the corners. “We’re still trying to track her down, but she keeps moving from one place to the next before we can get to her.”
You nod your head in understanding. “I’m sure you’ll find her soon. I have faith in you.” You turn your head to meet his gaze, a soft smile causing your lips to quirk upwards reassuringly. “All of you.”
“Thank you, Beautiful.” Wooyoung cannot contain the pleased hum that builds in his throat. “That means a lot to me.”
Before he can stop himself, or lose the nerve for that matter, Wooyoung places a gentle hand onto your knee, giving it a light squeeze. Of course, he lets his touch linger, especially as he watches you place your own hand on top of his, giving him a soft squeeze back.
Oh, so badly does he want to let out a roar in happiness. You’re touching him. You’re actually touching him! And you’re not pulling away, or tensing beneath his grip. A fact of which only makes him more ecstatic for the moment, the pleasant thrum of his heartbeat echoing in his ears.
In the next moment, he’s shifting his gaze to the three opened albums you have stacked in a pile on the table, keeping his hand resting upon your knee all the while.
“Pull anything good so far?” Genuine curiosity is held in his voice as he asks this.
“So far, so good, but nothing monumental.” You smile back. “These three are only groups I listen to casually, anyways. Now, these on the other hand…” you trail off, motioning to the last five albums you have yet to open, “will be a different story.”
“Which one are you looking forward to most?” He looks over the five items spaced out before you on the table.
There seems to be three groups left, for there are two piles of two albums stacked together, while a singular album lays in between them. You reach for that one first.
“You’ll just have to wait and find out,” you shoot him a wink, and you feel him physically shiver with his leg still pressed firmly up against your own.
So, you like to tease, do you? Though, that fact isn’t all that surprising to him any more. He’s known that since the very beginning. It’s just different when you tease him now, for you’re no longer doing it unknowingly. At least, most of the time. Plus, there’s a greater significance to it now than there was when you were just doing it before just for fun. The fact that you want to tease him, to rile him up and make him go even crazier for you drives him insane. Always, in a good way.
Fuck, he can’t wait for the day when he can properly tease you back. In any and all the different ways he knows how. 
Though, that’s not including the times he teases you now. No. Wooyoung wants to be able to build you up, to have you aching for his touch in the best ways until you finally give in to him. He wants you to embrace every primal desire you’ve ever had, and experience a type of pleasure only he can provide for you. After all, he’d do anything for you, including letting you use him in any and every way you so desire. As long as it’s him you’re using, you could do whatever you want, and he would not complain.
“My word, she’s so beautiful,” your breathless voice draws him out of his much too vivid thoughts of laying you down on this couch and kissing you until you’re breathless and clinging on to him desperately, begging him for more.
Wooyoung blinks, eyes focussing on the album you seem to be flipping through at the moment. He takes the opportunity to lean further into you, resting his head on your shoulder as he gazes down at the pictures printed on the pages you keep looking at.
“Isn’t she gorgeous?” You sigh wistfully, turning another page and admiring the photos there.
“Sure, she’s pretty,” Wooyoung shrugs, nonchalantly agreeing with your statement. Then, in the next second, he’s turning his head to stare intently at you, his eyes shining as his chin rests on your shoulder, “but I’ve seen prettier.”
“Psh, sure,” you chuckle, a playful roll of your eyes as you flip over another page. “Who could be prettier than Kang Seulgi?”
Wooyoung hums, his lips tugging upwards gently. “I’m looking at her right now.”
You wish you could deny the way that your heart positively flutters at his words, a heat rising to your cheeks fairly quickly in the next moment. From the way you can practically feel his cheeky smile boring a hole into the side of your face at the reaction you give him, you just know he’s heard your response loud and clear.
“I meant it in a gay way,” you mutter, slightly embarrassed for the moment.
“Oh?” Wooyoung quirks a brow, shifting his body so that he practically drapes himself over you, wrapping his arms around your torso and leaning further into you in the next second. His voice is a low drawl right by your ear as his breath tickles the skin of your neck. “Should I start getting jealous, then?”
At the way he can feel you shiver in his arms, a smug smirk is stretching across his features.
“Depends.” You hum, deciding to play along with him for now.
“On?” The grin that pulls onto his lips is nothing short of devious, loving the way you still have yet to pull away from his embrace.
“If you believe there’s really anything to get jealous over.” You shrug, managing to push him slightly off of you for the moment as you close the album and place it to the side.
You can feel the growl reverberate in his chest as you say this, the pleased sound caressing your ears softly. You chuckle, reaching for the next two albums by the same group.
Little do you know of how significant those words are to Wooyoung. If what he’s interpreting them to be is correct, you’re implying that you would still choose him over this female idol any day. Despite the attraction you may feel towards her, the attraction you feel towards him is stronger, so he has nothing to worry about. Besides, you two share a deeper connection. You always will.
The sound of your voice draws him back to the reality before him.
“Two bitches, two bitches, one Porsche,” you mutter, almost subconsciously to yourself as you unwrap the one album.
Wooyoung snorts, “please tell me that’s not actually how the song goes.”
“The demo did,” you laugh, right along with him. “No, they changed it to ‘Two Baddies’, which, in my opinion, doesn’t make it any better.”
“Is the song any good?” He asks innocently.
“Subjective.” You tilt your head, tossing the wrappings into the bag with the others as you place the album on the table in front of you, flipping to where all the inclusions are. “My bias wrecker looks great this comeback, though- holy fuck!”
The gasp that escapes your mouth as you flip the first photocard around is nothing short of shocked. The way he can see your eyes widen, lips parting in awe has a pout tugging at his features. However, it’s the way he can hear you hum in content, nodding your head in the next moment that has the growl of discontent finally escaping him.
“Who is that?” His eyes narrow at the one photocard in your hand, nearly flashing black as he sees the second photocard displaying the same exact male on it.
“Mmmh,” it’s like you don’t even recognize Wooyoung is even there anymore as your hooded eyes stare at the two cards held in your hands, “Yuta. What a fine ass man.”
Wooyoung’s lips pull back against his teeth in a snarl as he releases you from his hold. The worst part is, you don’t even seem to be registering you’re saying these things. The response is so natural from you, almost as if it’s been ingrained in your mind since the very beginning, that Wooyoung hates every second of it. Why can’t you react like that for him? Why can’t he be the one who has you practically drooling at the mere thought of him?
“What’s so special about him, anyways?” He grumbles, crossing his arms against his chest as he slouches in his spot.
“So, it’s only the males I find attractive that you’ll get jealous over?” You quirk a teasing brow as you place the cards back into the album. “Double standard, much.”
“I’ll get jealous over anybody you find attractive that’s not me,” he tells you, a slight rumble to his voice as he watches you flip through the rest of the inclusions with a soft smile on your face.
“Even your brothers?” You quirk a brow knowingly as you close the album, placing it onto the pile with the others in the next second.
He grins, “especially my brothers.”
“It’s a shame, then,” you hum, a teasing lilt to your voice. “You won’t have a reason to be jealous much longer.”
“Oh?” His heart begins racing in his chest, excitement beginning to pour through his veins as he leans closer into you, eyes briefly glancing down to your lips. “Why is that, Beautiful?”
“Because, Woo,” the way you drawl out his name sends a pleasant shiver down his spine, “I find you extremely attractive, so you have no reason to be jealous over someone who doesn’t even know I exist.”
The growl of pleasure that wants to escape him gets caught in his throat, doing whatever he can to stifle his immense satisfaction for the moment. He can tell you have more to say, and like hell is he going to stop you, especially right now.
“You should know, though, that yes, I can still find people attractive, but looks aren’t what matter the most to me.” You shake your head. “In fact, I don’t really care about how someone looks. It’s their attitude and personality that really attracts me to someone in the end. And Sunshine?” You meet his gaze and his breath hitches in his throat at what he sees swirling behind your eyes. “You’re stunning.”
This time, he doesn’t even try to muffle his pleased snarl, eyes swirling with that all too familiar blackness as his hands find purchase on your waist, instantly pulling you on top of his lap so that your legs rest on either side of him. His grip is desperate, fingers digging into the skin of your thighs as he pulls you in closer, staring deeply into your gaze before his own is flicking to your lips once more.
Only, the way your breath hitches in your throat, your whole body tensing as you do so has him freezing in his spot. He can feel how hesitant your touch is as your hands steady yourself on his shoulders, purposely holding yourself away from him as far as you can for the moment.
A soft breath escapes him, immediately releasing his grip on your thighs in the next moment. His eyes droop, averting his gaze as he squeezes his hands into fists beside him on the couch to prevent himself from shaking until the need to touch you, the need to pull you closer into him until there’s no space between your bodies left, dissipates.
“Sorry, Gorgeous,” he swallows thickly, clearing his throat in the next second. “I got a little too carried away.”
Seonghwa is right. You really do make it so difficult to control themselves around you, in any and every way possible. Looks like he owes the eldest an apology.
You move off of him carefully, sitting back onto the couch beside him with just a tad more space between the two of you than before. A fact which makes his heart squeeze in his chest.
Fuck. Why can’t he seem to do anything right? Three steps forwards, one step back.
“It’s okay,” that all too familiar heat rises to your face once more as you reach for another album, attempting to control the trembling of your own hands. “I’m just-“ you let out a soft sigh, “I’m just not used to it.”
Wooyoung blinks, completely caught off guard by your admission. “Surely, you’ve been desired before.”
It’s not a question, but a statement that falls from his lips.
You shoot him a side-eyed glance, hands momentarily pausing in unwrapping the plastic from the album you’re currently holding. Then, you’re letting out a small sigh through your nose, a slight shake to your head. “Not in the way you all want me.”
For a brief moment, that conversation with Seonghwa all those weeks ago flashes through your mind.
“You lie,” there’s no malice in his voice when he says this, only pure and honest disbelief. “Impossible.”
When you remain silent, he shifts closer to you. Though, he’s cautious, not wanting to scare you away again.
“Have you-“ his voice is gentle, swallowing the sudden dryness in his throat. “Have you ever-“
“If you’re asking about whether or not I’ve had sex before, the answer is yes.” You reply, keeping your gaze locked on the album in your hands as you cling to it for dear life. “Now, whether it’s been satisfactory or not… well, that’s a different story.”
“What imbecile didn’t take the time to learn how to please you properly?” He nearly scoffs.
“You’d be surprised,” you huff, flipping open your album quite pointedly as if you’re recalling the memory right now.
He nearly growls in response until an idea pops into his mind.
“Well, you know what they say,” he hums, a smug look taking over his features as he leans into you, breath once more tickling the shell of your ear as his voice drops, “it takes a true King to know how to please his Goddess.”
The way his words have your breath hitching in your throat has another content rumble building in his chest, eyes swirling with that all too familiar blackness. The way he can practically smell your scent spiking in arousal has his eyelids practically fluttering shut, the ghost of a moan on his lips.
What Wooyoung wouldn’t give to completely ravish you right now. To pull you into his arms and beg you to let him please you in any and every way he knows how. A single touch isn’t enough. A small taste won’t be able to sate him. He wants it all, - your everything - and he wants it bad.
“Tell me, Gorgeous,” he shifts his head ever so sightly, his nose brushing along the column of your neck and causing a shiver to run down your spine. “When was the last time someone had you trembling from their touch? When was the last time someone worshipped you like you’ve always deserved?”
Your heart skips a beat, voice catching in your throat as your lips part in response.
“Tell me,” he hums, placing a tender kiss right over your racing pulse beneath the skin of your neck, and absolutely revelling in the way a shuddering gasp leaves your lips. “Has no one ever taken the time to drown you in ecstasy, focussing solely on your own pleasure, and the intimacy it brings from knowing that they are the only one to touch you like this? To please you in any and every way they know how, making you come over, and over, and over again for them and them alone?”
“Wooyoung,” your voice is breathless, an airy whimper of his name that he’s long since desperately craved to hear fall from your lips. Hearing it now sends a shiver down his spine, his cock twitching excitedly beneath his slacks.
“Because I would do it all in a heartbeat,” his voice is but a low growl on his lips, shifting once more so that he can nip at the skin of your ear, “and I would never expect anything in return.”
Your eyelids flutter closed, your breathing coming in shallow breaths as you attempt to control yourself for the time being. No one has ever said anything remotely like this to you before, and meant it so sincerely. A fact which just makes heat flood straight to your core, liquid fire burning in your veins. The fact that you believe him only adds to the amount of anticipation growing within you at this very moment.
Much to your disappointment, or perhaps relief, he’s pulling away from you while another pleased rumble escapes his chest.
“How about we save that for later, though,” he trails his fingers down your spine, caressing you tenderly as shivers follow in his wake. “Why don’t we start with you telling me about everything that you like? I cannot please you to the best of my abilities if you do not tell me how.”
Though, even without you saying anything, he can already tell the type of effect his words have had on you. You must absolutely adore when your lover is vocal, then. In every way possible, too - dirty talk, moans, groans, growls. Wooyoung is willing to bet you love praise, too, and heartfelt confessions during the moment, especially if your reactions now are anything to go by.
Still, anything and everything there is to know about you, he wants to find out. What better way, too, than to ask?
A moment later and you’re inhaling a shaky breath as your eyelids flutter opened once more. You take a few calming breaths to steady yourself, noticing how he continues to trail his fingers along the back of your spine comfortingly, the touch both soothing and sensual at the same time.
“No one’s-“ you swallow the dryness in your throat, “no one’s ever asked me that before.” 
The admission feels like a condemnation as you clasp your hands in front of yourself while leaning forward to rest your elbows on your knees. An image he recognizes from last week as he watches you curl in on yourself in embarrassment.
“I don’t think anyone’s ever cared enough to ask,” you say, your thumbs nervously rubbing over one another.
Immediately, his entire demeanour is shifting and the tension around the both of you lessons. Concern is on his features as his one hand stills on your back, the other reaching over to gently cup you chin using the tips of his fingers, guiding your gaze to meet his. The sincerity and love that you can see shining there has your breath hitching in your throat once more.
“I do.” His voice is firm as he stares deeply into your eyes. “I care. More than you’ll ever know.”
You smile faintly, heart racing in your chest at his words as you feel your entire body relax in his hold. Your eyes briefly glance down to his lips before a small, albeit hesitant, smirk is pulling at your own. “I didn’t think I’d need to explain the female gaze to you."
“The only female’s gaze who is important to me right now is your own, Beautiful.” He breathes out, his skin singing beneath his fingertips where his touches your own. “I want to know everything about you. I want to know what makes that pretty little mind of yours tick. I want to know your greatest desires, and I want to be the one to be able to fulfill them all.” 
He swallows, licking his lips in the next moment as his voice drops, his eyes hooding over as his grip tightens against your back. “I want to know every single little thing that drives you crazy, and then I want to drown you in the deepest of pleasures so that you can feel my love, my passion for you in everything that I do. Every touch, every whisper is for you, and you alone. Please, never forget that.”
“Wooyoung,” again, the way you whisper his name, so tenderly as your one hand comes up to cup his cheek, has his eyes fluttering shut, a shaky breath escaping him as he leans into your touch. “I believe you.”
His heart is pounding in his chest, and he’s sure that you can feel it pulsing beneath your fingertips as he watches you begin to lean in. His eyes glance to your lips once more just as he knows yours do the same to his, his tongue darting out to wet them in the next second.
This is everything he’s ever wanted, and so much more. The only thing that would make this moment sweeter is hearing you say how badly you want to kiss him, just as he does to you right now.
Only, before the question of permission can escape his lips, a harsh clearing of somebody’s throat draws both of your attention to the side.
You practically fling yourself away from Wooyoung, and to the opposite end of the couch as you both turn to see Jongho standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.
“No fucking in the library.” His voice is low, accusatory as he glares at his brother across from him.
“I wasn’t-“ you splutter, eyes wide in shock, “we weren’t-“
“Aw, come on, Jongie,” Wooyoung whines teasingly, “you ruin all the fun.”
Internally, though, Wooyoung is more than irritated with the younger male right now. He was this close to finally kissing you after simply dreaming about it for so long, and then Jongho had to go and ruin it for him. Ugh, Wooyoung could just scream.
From the pointed glare the younger sends him, too, a smug upturn of his lips as he takes a seat in the empty armchair across form the two of you, Wooyoung knows that Jongho’s doing this on purpose.
You little fucking shit. Wooyoung glares at him from across the way.
It’s not my fault you’re sitting in the place that I frequent the most. Jongho retorts, flipping open the book held in his hands quite exaggeratedly in the next second and pulling out his bookmark before beginning to read.
Wooyoung is so caught up in cussing his brother out mentally that he doesn’t even register that you’ve managed to recover much quicker than he has. In the next moment, an excited ‘oh’ is escaping you as you finally pull the photocards out of the other album you had unwrapped a little while ago.
Immediately, Jongho is glancing at you from over his book with a fond look in his eyes. “Who’d you get?”
“Jaehyun.” You smile to yourself, placing the inclusions all back into the album before reaching for the final two on the table.
Little do you notice the way both males seem to stiffen as soon as the admission is out of your mouth.
You mean that same bastard that broke her heart? Wooyoung nearly growls audibly.
At least we know which one he is now. Jongho adds.
“Who’s Jaehyun?” Before he can stop himself, the words are out of Wooyoung’s lips.
“Isn’t that just the million dollar question right there?” You sigh, shaking your head. “He’s just an idol I enjoy.”
“Enjoy how?” Jongho quirks his brow at you, doing his best to hide the snarl that pulls at his lips behind his raised book.
“In the same ways I enjoy the other idols I like, you weirdo,” you shoot him a suspicious look. “What are you expecting me to say? That I saw him every weekend for funsies until he broke my heart, and now I’m stuck in a sad bit of unrequited love pining after an idol I can never have?”
The snarls both men release are probably the most feral you have ever heard from them.
“Woah, okay,” you raise your hands, a semi-amused chuckle falling from your lips. “Reminded me not to joke about the idols I like around you guys anymore.” Then, more to yourself, “and here I thought the reaction to Kai and Taemin was bad.”
Wooyoung’s eyes flash at the mention of those two dancers, but specifically Taemin. There you go again, probably thinking about him when Wooyoung is right there, ready and willing to dance for you at a moment’s notice. Not to mention how he literally just admitted to being open to pleasing you whenever and wherever you wanted him to.
“We’re just…” Jongho searches for the right word, “concerned, given the fact that you told Yeosang and I that he broke your heart without a care.”
“Wait,” you blink at him, brow furrowing in the next second, “you thought I was serious about that? Did you also believe me when I said Samantha pushed me off the swings when we were five, and I scraped my knee?”
Jongho shoots you a bit of an irritated look.
“Darling, I wasn’t being serious.” You chuckle, and the use of the pet name has him instantly relaxing in his seat, unlike a certain demon beside you who only pouts at the fact that your attention is no longer on him for the moment.
“We just worry about you, Angel.” Wooyoung replies, a gentle tone to his voice as he looks towards you. “Knowing that you’ve been hurt before drives us insane because we haven’t been there to protect you.”
“I appreciate the sentiment, Woo. I really do,” you shoot him a tender smile as you reach for the second last album you have yet to open. “But, you all won’t be able to protect me from everything. No matter how badly you may want to.”
“We can try.” Jongho mutters, flipping the page of his book rather pointedly.
You let out an amused huff, shaking your head in the next moment as a silence settles over the three of you. It’s neither tense, nor awkward as you finish opening the final two albums on the table, a smile painting your features as you manage to pull a few of your biases for Stray Kids, sending a quick pic to your friend as you’ve also pulled one of hers.
Immediately, she’s texting you back, saying she’ll trade you her Lee Know for the Bang Chan you’ve pulled. Of course, you immediately agree, a smile tugging at your lips as she sends you a meme imitating how you usually react to seeing Minho in general.
“Thighs, huh?” Wooyoung’s voice is teasing, the same lilt to his tone as there was when he inquired about a certain knife kink you may or may not have.
At this, Jongho shoots a quick look towards his brother from overtop of his book, sliding slightly downwards in his seat to extend his own legs outwards, emphasizing the thickness of his thighs as he spreads them slightly apart. He nearly smirks when Wooyoung sends him a mental image of that brief flash of your phone screen with a meme of a gold star with ‘goddamn, your thighs are just *positive grunting*’ printed on it beneath a message of your friend saying ‘you when you see Minho’s thighs’.
“Female gaze, remember?” You decide to tease back, a quirk to your brow as you quickly lock your phone before standing back to your feet. Not before sparing a quick glance at the way Jongho is now sitting, of course. In the next second, you’re turning to your shelves. “Now, the fun part!”
The next hour or so is spent integrating your new books and albums onto your shelves, fitting them in nicely where there’s space and moving some things around to categorize them how you like. The two males still keep you company, chatting with you idly to pass the time.
Wooyoung did offer to help at first, but you brushed him off, saying you were okay for now. You admitted you don’t really like other people touching your albums when you shift, because that way if you drop them, or damage them in any way, you have no one but yourself to blame. That is, until near the end of everything, when they hear you swear under your breath.
“Shit,” you sigh, looking back at the coffee table where the last few albums rest as you purposely hold the space open on the shelf for them. You turn to look at the two men already staring at you. “Can one of you-“ you immediately stop, recalling the way your sweater was torn in two by two other eager demons ready and willing to lend a helping hand. “Sunshine, can you please hand me those albums on the table?”
“Of course I can, Gorgeous!” Immediately, he’s hopping up from his spot, a large smile on his face as he reaches for the albums.
“Remember,” your smile is nothing short of threatening, “if you damage them in any way, I will damage you.”
Wooyoung falters for only a moment as he picks up the albums from the table. Then, a sultry grin is pulling at his lips at he walks over to you. 
“Promise?” His voice is full of hope, his eyebrows raising at you expectantly.
“Wooyoung!” You gasp, clearly scandalized as your mouth parts in shock, hitting his arm lightly with your free hand as he comes to stand beside you. “I’m starting to think you’re a masochist.”
“Oh, you have no idea,” Jongho snorts from his seat, turning another page of his book as his brother shoots him a pointed look from over his shoulder.
Your eyes widen in understanding, a chuckle falling from your lips as you take the albums from Wooyoung’s hand to place them on the shelf before you. A moment later, you take a step back, admiring your work.
“Looks wonderful, Darling,” Jongho appears on your opposite side, hand finding purchase on your lower back as he looks over your shelves with you.
The best part is, you don’t move away, or brush off his touch like the last few times he had attempted to initiate contact with you.
You smile faintly, admiring the detailing of the library once more. Your heart swells in your chest as those all too familiar emotions of awe and gratitude flood your veins, eyes shining as they roam over the shelves of your collection.
“Oh, perfect timing,” you hear a voice from the doorway to your left. “Looks like you’ve just finished.”
Turning your head, you see both Mingi and Yeosang standing there with grins on their faces.
“I did,” you confirm, stepping back towards the table to grab the bag with all your garbage in it to clean it up, only to see it already gone.
“Great!” Mingi grins, sharing a look between his two other brothers standing just off to your right. “Yeosang and I have something to show you.”
“You do?” You blink in mild shock. “What is it?”
“It’s a surprise, My Dear,” Yeosang smiles at you, extending his hand out to you in invitation.
Instantly, you close the distance between the both of you, placing your hand in his. Yeosang wastes no time in interlocking your fingers together, leading you out of the library in the next second with the others following close behind.
Slowly, he leads you through the hallways and back to your own room. Only, you don’t recall closing your door when you left. Which is when you realize that the surprise must be inside, especially given the way Mingi giddily smiles at you when you spare him a glance over your shoulder.
You pause just outside the threshold, anticipation and excitement shining in both Yeosang’s and Mingi’s eyes as they watch you carefully. Both Jongho and Wooyoung stand just behind, also eager to see your reaction to their brother’s gifts. After all, your happiness brings them no greater sense of joy, or pride, especially when they are the cause of it.
“Go on, Starlight,” Mingi encourages softly with a nod of his head. “We’re right here.”
Carefully, you extend your free hand out to turn the handle, entering your room shortly after that. As soon as you cross the threshold, a gasp is escaping your lips.
“No fucking way,” your jaw drops, along with your hold on Yeosang’s hand as you see the giant Snorlax beanbag chair sitting off to the side, a black fuzzy lump curled up right in the centre of it.
The first step you take closer to the cushion is synonymous with the little furry lump’s raise of it’s head, and you cannot help but let your jaw drop. In the next second, an excited squeal is escaping your lips as you cover your mouth with both hands.
“Is that-“ you turn to look at both Mingi and Yeosang, eyes shining in awe. “Is that Kuroo?”
Mingi nods, eyes crinkling at the sides as he smiles widely at you.
At the soft mewl you hear, you turn your head just in time to see the little black kitten with the golden eyes jump off of the giant Snorlax and trot over to you. Happily, he rubs against your leg, beginning to purr quite loudly as you pick him up and hold him in your arms.
“Oh, yes, hello there,” you chuckle as Kuroo rubs his face all along your jaw and neck, purring all the while. “I’m happy to see you, too, Tetsurou.”
At the lick he gives your cheek, you giggle, and it’s one of the most melodic sounds the four men have had the pleasure of hearing, soft smiles adorning their faces as they take in the sight before them. What makes it even better is that in the next moment, you’re turning back around to face them, that look of wonder and awe directed directly at them.
“Which one of you-“ you briefly glance between Mingi and Yeosang.
“I did,” Mingi smiles once more, feeling his heart race as the bright expression is mirrored on your own face, directed straight at him. The fact that he feels you tenderly reach out with your mind to his own in this moment only makes it all the more sweeter.
“And the Snorlax?” You turn to look towards the shorter male standing right beside his brother knowingly.
“Was me, Dearest,” Yeosang nods in confirmation, a loving smile tugging at his features as you send one back. A fact which has Yeosang’s heart racing erratically in his chest.
You walk up to them, a warmth blooming in your chest as you take the time to meet each of their gazes.
“Thank you,” you breathe out, holding Kuroo securely in your one arm as you reach out to place a kiss onto Mingi’s cheek before turning to Yeosang and placing a lingering kiss onto his forehead. “The both of you.”
Mingi’s ears turn bright red, a giddy chuckle escaping him as he brings his one hand up to cover the cheek you’ve just graced with your lips. His fingers press lightly into his tingling skin, heart swelling with love for you and only you. He smiles wide, eyes crinkling naturally in response.
“Of course, Starlight,” his voice is barely above a whisper as he responds to you.
“We’re just glad you like the surprises we got for you,” Yeosang replies with a smile of his own, cheeks warming as he clasps his hands in front of himself almost bashfully. 
He can feel his forehead tingling from where you’ve kissed him, and he couldn’t help but to notice how he’s the only one to have ever been graced such an intimacy with you. Sure, three of his other brothers have all received kisses on the cheek from you, but he’s the only one who has had your lips grace his forehead. Besides, if Yeosang didn’t know any better, he would swear that your lips lingered against his skin a little longer than the rest, too.
“I love them,” you reply earnestly, scratching happily at Kuroo’s chin as he continues to purr loudly in your arms. “Now, could one of you hold him? There’s an urgent matter I need to attend to.”
“Of course, Dearest,” Yeosang is already moving to take Kuroo from you without a second thought.
“Thank you,” you grin while handing the kitten over to Yeosang. “Now, if you’ll excuse me for a moment.”
All of the boys share a brief, curious glance with one another as they watch you walk right up to the Snorlax bean bag chair before flopping face first into it with your arms spread wide.
You let out a blissful sigh. “Yeah, this is the life.”
None of them can help the fond chuckles that escape them, projecting this happy memory immediately to the others who are more than willing to share in your joy, even if they’re not in the room. The way your legs seem to be kicking slightly in earnest behind you has warmth flooding their veins, jaws twinging from smiling so widely.
“I think I’m going to have a nap,” you call from over your shoulder, snuggling deeper into the plush comfort of the Snorlax beneath you. “This is way too comfortable to be legal.”
“We’re glad you’re enjoying yourself, Dearest,” you hear Yeosang reply from behind you.
“We’ll let you rest, then,” Jongho says, and you can hear the soft smile in his voice as they begin to exit your room.
Just as Mingi goes to shut your door like you normally do, your voice calling out to him stops him right in his tracks.
“You can leave the door open, Min,” you turn to look at him from over your shoulder and notice the way he freezes with his hand still holding the knob. You smile softly at him. “I don’t mind.”
Mingi nods gently back in acknowledgement, his eyes shining with something you can’t quite understand from this far away. He leaves only a moment later, but not before wishing you sweet dreams, an adoring smile on his features.
Little do you realize the significance of what leaving your door open for them means. The trust alone makes their hearts flutter in their chests, warmth flooding their veins as content rumbles build beneath the surface. 
The opening of your door feels like the opening of your heart. To all of them. A fact of which they could not be more grateful for.
Turning back around, you adjust your position on the large plush beneath you, cradling your head beneath your arms as you let out a blissful sigh. Cuddling deeper into the cushion, you close your eyes, letting the darkness consume your thoughts and mind.
About an hour and a half later, your eyes are fluttering open, sleep still clinging to the corners. You yawn, stretching your limbs outwards like a cat would as you rub your neck. Next time, you should definitely grab a pillow or something for extra support.
Shifting slightly, you feel a small warmth at your side that mewls when you move.
A smile tugs at your features as you turn yourself around, allowing Kuroo to immediately crawl onto your chest and curl up into a little ball there. You fingers gently stroke through his fur, giving him soft, gentle scratches as he begins to purr once more. A few minutes later, and he’s fallen back asleep, perfectly content to lay on your chest.
Being stuck beneath a cat, or any animal like this, is never a bad thing. As your fingers continue to mindlessly pet Kuroo, it allows you time to think. All of the events from the past week and a day flood your mind, and that familiar warmth blossoms in your chest.
Despite the minor setback you had, and the major one with Miyeon, you do trust them. More than that, you appreciate their honesty. For, to you, it not only demonstrates the trust that they have in you, but also their respect.
Taking a deep breath in to steel your nerves, you decide it’s time to extend that same curtesy.
You drop your void.
It’s Yunho that notices first. Is everything alright, Petal?
Everything’s fine, you don’t need to panic. You reassure all of them. Don’t be popping up in my room suddenly, either.
Aw, darn, you hear Wooyoung jokingly complain. There go my plans for the evening.
Did you sleep well, Starlight? It’s Mingi’s voice that echoes through your head next, and you cannot help but smile softly, his concern easing some of the tension you can already feel building within.
I did. You hum. Thank you, Min.
You cannot see him, but you just know he’s smiling at you right now.
There’s, uh, actually something I wanted to share with you all. You begin, somewhat nervously. But I want you all to promise me not to come running. It’s nothing bad, I swear. I just don’t want to be crowded, and I’ve already received the comfort I needed at the time. I just- they can all hear you sigh, I just want you all to understand some things about me that I think you all deserve to know.
Did you kill someone? Perhaps it’s just you, but San sounds just a little too hopeful in his inquiry.
What? No! You immediately respond, and you notice how your shoulders relax from the distraction. 
You smile softly to yourself as Kuroo stretches, curling deeper into your chest.
Whatever it is you would like to tell us, My Love, know that we are all ears. Hongjoong’s gentle tone resounds in your head, and you can feel the way he reaches out to you to caress your mind tenderly.
Thank you, Joongie, you reply, subconsciously leaning into his phantom touch.
Hongjoong nearly drops the dagger he had been sharpening in his hands. This is the first time you’ve ever referred to him with an affectionate name, and he wants to revel in it. His heart thunders, for more than one reason now.
One of you already knows what I’m about to share with you all, you begin and Seonghwa can already sense where this is going, but I need you all to promise me not to come running.
There’s a brief moment where you can practically feel them all agreeing with one another before one of them is speaking to you in your mind.
We promise, My Love. Hongjoong informs you, a lingering feeling tugging at the back of his mind as to what you might be about to share with them.
Okay. Good. You nod to yourself before continuing. You’ve all been honest with me this past week, and I want to extend that same curtesy to you. I am sharing this memory with you all because I trust you, and I feel comfortable enough to do so. It will hopefully shed a little bit of light on why things have been a little rough to start on my end.
You pause, and they all wait anxiously for your thoughts to return. They can feel the nervousness pouring off of you in waves, the uncertainty in your emotions clear as day. This is a big part of yourself you’re sharing with them, after all. The vulnerability alone is astounding, and each male recognizes that, even before you continue.
Whenever you’re ready, Dearest. Yeosang’s soft voice assures you, feeling him also reach out to caress you tenderly with his mind in the next second.
You lean into his touch more than you realize.
Immediately, all eight of them are plunged into your memory, unfamiliar to all, except two.
“Do you want to know why I reacted the way I did when that happened?” You seem to be sitting inside of Seonghwa’s tailor shop, said man sitting across from you with your sweater held firmly in his hands.
That’s when they all realize: this is what transpired between the both of you that day all those weeks ago. You are finally sharing this memory with them, a fact which could not make them happier as Seonghwa’s own words about this not being his memory to share with them rings through their ears.
Intently, they all listen, hearing your words wash over them as you explain your feelings to the eldest in your memories. Each cannot help the way their breaths hitch at hearing that you actually enjoyed Seonghwa’s ministrations that first day all those weeks ago. A fact which still takes the eldest’s breath away hearing it for the nth time in your shared memories.
The echoes of your conversation from earlier begin to flit through Wooyoung’s mind as he listens to you admit to everything in your memory. No wonder you were so tense when he pulled you into his lap today. No wonder you said what you did.
If each of them could, they would go back in time to comfort you right then and there, pulling you softly into their embrace and whispering sweet nothings into your ears. They would tell you that you have nothing to worry about. That they do want you. You, and only you. Yet, from where this is going, they know Seonghwa’s already beat them to it.
Mingi and San both drop the glasses in their hands as they hear you utter words that could not be more untrue in this memory of yours.
“It’s because I’m not- I’m not beautiful.”
Wooyoung falls to his knees in his room, mirrored exactly by how Yeosang collapses into a chair in his own at this admission. Yunho, who had been working on painting a bouquet of your favourite flowers, drops his brush, managing to spill his paint water all over the floor without even realizing. The book Jongho had gone back to reading tumbles to the floor, his whole body frozen in shock as your words reverberate through him. 
The two eldest, who had both been expecting such an admission, are still not prepared for how harshly their hearts squeeze in their chests at hearing you say such an untrue thing once more in your memory.
Unbeknownst to you, tears spring to each male’s eyes, falling freely down their faces as your emotions within the memory wash over them.
The last glimpse they see of the memory is Seonghwa’s look of complete and utter bewilderment before he’s hissing out, “That is the filthiest lie that has ever fallen from your lips and you know it.”
A fact of which they all agree upon.
You end the memory there, choosing not to share with the seven men the words of comfort Seonghwa had given to you at the time. A sort of silence settles over all of you as you let the memory sink in. That is, until you’re breaking it.
Well, now you all know. Your voice is calmer than you feel, inhaling a shaky breath as you hold onto Kuroo’s soft body for support. Do with that what you will.
In the blink of an eye, you’ve closed your mind off to them once more.
San’s reaction is immediate, the sentiment echoed by nearly all of his brothers as he prepares himself for what he’s about to do.
I need to go to her. He’s about to transport to your room despite the promise they all made not to. Until Yeosang is appearing beside him and holding him back. Let me go! She needs me!
We all promised her we wouldn’t disturb her after this. Mingi reminds him mentally, even if he is also having a hard time not running to you immediately and pulling you into his arms, comforting every negative thought in that beautiful head of yours until they are no more.
This is not just difficult for you, San. Seonghwa reminds him.
Says you. Jongho is having a hard time keeping his breathing under control as more tears escape his eyes. You were there. You gave her comfort at the time, didn’t you?
Of course I did! Seonghwa’s response is immediate. Do you think that little of me, brother, that I would let the love of our lives believe such filthy lies about herself?
We never doubted your integrity, Hwa. Yunho wipes at his tears before moving to clean up the spilt water on there ground. Any one of us would have comforted her were we in that situation.
Did anyone else know? Yeosang finally manages to calm San down enough to sit him in a chair, the two clinging to each other practically for dear life as another sob escapes the younger’s throat.
A moment of silence as most of them deny knowing. All, except one.
Captain? It’s Mingi’s soft voice that asks.
I did. Hongjoong admits, staring intently at the dagger held in his hand. I overheard them talking that day, and concealed myself so Hwa wouldn’t know I was there.
When did you get there? Seonghwa asks, a slight frown pulling at his features. Only Hongjoong could sneak up on him like that. No wonder the younger entered the shop at the point he did, acting the way he did.
Shortly after she admitted that she enjoyed what had transpired between the both of you. Hongjoong tells them, twirling the blade slowly in his grip.
And neither of you told us? It’s Jongho who says it, a hint of bitterness in his voice.
It was not our memory to share. Seonghwa repeats his same words from days earlier.
We could have went to her. Wooyoung attempts to reason. We could have done something to lesson those worries in her mind.
I think we already have. Yeosang breathes, stroking a comforting hand through San’s hair as the younger demon finally calms down enough to speak.
She trusted us enough to share such emotions with us. San says, and they can hear the lingering tears still in his voice. She chose to share that memory with us.
All we can do now going forward is make sure that she never thinks - she never believes - such things to be true about herself. Yunho replies, eyes catching on the now dried out flower crown he has hanging on display at the side of his art room.
I’m sure whatever Seonghwa told her was what we all would have said in the moment. Yeosang adds.
It was. Hongjoong confirms. She believed it, too.
How do you know? San questions, genuine curiosity in his inquiry.
We felt it. Seonghwa answers for him. At least, I know I did.
A moment of silence as they all wipe at their lingering tears.
What are we going to do now? Mingi leans against the wall, supporting himself as he runs a hand through his hair.
We’re going to do what we promised her we would, and give her as much time and space she needs until she wants us to go to her, or she comes to one of us. Hongjoong responds. Until that time, just go back to whatever you were doing. Or do whatever you can to pass the time and take your mind off of things for now.
Echoes of agreement sound throughout each other’s minds, each male going off to do their own things to channel their feelings for the moment.
Immediately, Yunho is grabbing a fresh canvas, setting the one with the bouquet of your favourite flowers aside for the moment. If there’s one thing he knows he can do right now, is express himself through his art, and he knows exactly what he’s going to paint. 
Grabbing a pencil to begin outlining the figure, a single tear escapes his eye once more.
Artistry be damned, Yunho is going to paint the most beautiful portrait of his life right now, and he doesn’t care if it takes him weeks to do it. By the time he’s done, he’ll have painted the exact way he sees you. A fact which he hopes will make you never question your unfathomable beauty again.
Meanwhile, Seonghwa loses himself in his shop. He grabs a fresh stencil, outlining a design for a new dress, this one even more extravagant than the rest. A brief thought crosses his mind, but he quickly shakes it away. He doesn’t think you’re ready for that type of gift from him, yet. Though, perhaps he’ll still start a set for you. After all, he only wants you to feel as beautiful as he’s always known you are.
By the time he’s done designing and fashioning you an entire outfit like this, you will finally be able to realize the royalty that you are. By the time he’s finished, he’ll make sure you both look and feel like a Queen.
Jongho, on the other hand, begins browsing through the stacks of poetry in the library. He’s always been better with words on paper than with speaking them, anyways. Besides, he’s more of a listener, and he loves listening to you, but perhaps this time, it’s better if you listen to what he has to say.
Pulling some books off of the shelf, Jongho is quick to grab a highlighter and a pen. Once he’s done, he will have compiled an entire library’s worth of quotes from his favourite poems and poets about how he feels about you, and of beauty, life, and love. He will quote them to you as you read them, repeating every annotation he adds in order for you to understand what you mean to him.
There is no greater part of himself that he can give to you than the pieces of his soul scattered throughout his favourite pieces of literature for you to find. For you, and only you.
San, Mingi, and Hongjoong all do what they normally do when they need to relieve some tension from their bodies. They spar, practice, and train. 
Hongjoong focusses on throwing his knives, hitting each target and pretending that they are every single person who has ever made you feel less about yourself, or insignificant in some way. He imagines skinning everyone alive who has ever told you such lies and made you believe you are not the most beautiful thing to have ever walked this earth in decades. He only wishes he could kill all of your insecurities in the same ways.
Mingi and San spar with each other, a tangle of emotions and limbs as they clash their weapons against one another. Each male has tears still lining their eyes, not caring how rough or irrational they’re being with their attacks right now. The only thing on their minds is how best to comfort you when you call; how best to protect your mind from such horrid thoughts taking control again.
There are tears in Wooyoung’s eyes as he vents his frustrations out while in the dance studio, the speakers playing some of his favourite songs. Choreographies he’s made for you are second nature to him at this point as he runs through the dances again, and again, and again until he collapses onto the ground in a pile of sweat and tears. The sound of the music barely muffles his sobs, his mind reeling with both your shared memory and what happened with you earlier in the day.
Wooyoung doesn’t regret what he said or did earlier, no. He only wishes he knew. He wishes he could have controlled himself better, or even tried to brush against your mind to see if you would be open to sharing your thoughts in the moment. 
He just doesn’t understand how you can’t see how precious you are to him. To all of them. He feels as if they’ve failed you, that he has failed you by not making you see how utterly stunning you are to him - to all of them. He’ll just have to find a way to show you; to make you believe you are both incredibly special and beautiful for the rest of your life.
At the same time, Yeosang finds himself in the music room, picking up the instrument that he loves so dearly. He spends a minute tuning it, making sure everything is properly in its place before bringing the small piece of carved wood and strings up to his shoulder. Raising the bow in the next second, he begins to paint a melody, letting the music guide him through his emotions.
The notes soon begin to flow together, blending into a hauntingly beautiful symphony that cascades around the room as his eyes flutter shut. He’s always had a way of getting lost in the music he creates, and when it now concerns you - the emotions you shared, the memory, and everything that you make him feel, Yeosang cannot help but to let the sombre notes ring out.
The song is hauntingly beautiful, reflecting every emotion that he’s feeling right now for you. The melody itself is you, embodied within his music - how he sees you, how you make him feel, what you do to him. Everything that you mean to him is put into the way he draws his bow across the strings, his fingers pressing into the neck of the violin as he plays this song for you.
He doesn’t know how long it’s been since he’s started, but by the time he hears footsteps approaching the room, the sun is beginning to set behind him. The warm hues of light filter through the large windows as he rounds out the melody, heartbeat racing erratically as he recognizes those soft footfalls to be yours, drawing closer and closer to the music room with each step.
His back is turned to you when you reach the open doorway, and he can feel your gaze staring intently at him as he lets the last note ring out through the air. Slowly, he lowers the instrument to his side, turning to face you in the next moment.
The moment his eyes meet yours, your breath hitches in your throat. The tender love and affection you can see shining there sets your heart racing. Not only that, but the clear concern, and empathy you can see lingering there, too, has a warmth spreading through your entire body.
You smile at him softly, an expression which he returns almost immediately.
“You play beautifully.” You comment, voice a bit airy as your breath escapes you in awe.
That single expression - and admission - is enough to knock the wind right out of his lungs.
“Thank you.” His voice is small, heart catching in his throat as you two stare at one another.
“How long have you been playing for?” There’s an excitement in your voice that he can hear you trying to contain for the moment. A fact which just makes him smile, palms suddenly becoming sweaty at you interest in his other passion.
“A millennia or so,” he admits, running his thumb lovingly over a string as he holds the violin at his side. “Give or take a few centuries.”
“Wow,” your eyes go wide, swallowing the sudden dryness in your throat. “Can I-“ you nervously shift from foot to foot, averting your gaze so sweetly. “May I watch you play?”
Yeosang nearly collapses on the spot. This is everything he’s always wanted, and so much more.
He clears his throat, a soft smile gracing his features as he meets your gaze, “I would be honoured.”
Slowly, carefully, he walks over to your form still standing in the doorway. Extending his free hand out to you in offering, he gently guides you into the room. Your touch, placed so delicately on top of his own, sends a pleasant shiver up his spine, his thumb brushing over the skin on the back of your hand.
“I, uh-“ he clears his throat, helping you sit down on the piano bench at the side of the room, “I actually have something that I would like to play for you. Would that be okay?”
Immediately, you nod your head, eyes lighting up as a smile adorns your features. “I would be honoured.”
It’s the way you repeat his very own words back to him, combined with the way you’re looking at him right now that has a feeling unlike any other spreading throughout his body. It’s a pleasant feeling, yes, but there’s also a lingering sense of nervousness that Yeosang has not felt when he’s played in years.
He says nothing, opting to place a lingering kiss onto your forehead instead before stepping away from you and taking his place once more in the centre of the room. The way he feels you brushing against his mind has him immediately latching onto that feeling, solidifying that connection so that you both won’t be disturbed by the others.
This moment is for the two of you, and the two of you only. Nothing will change that.
With the connection open like this, Yeosang is privy to all of your thoughts and emotions. He can sense the excitement strumming through your blood, making your pulse race beneath your delicate skin. He can feel the anticipation lingering in your mind, curious to hear the song that he wants to play for you. His only hope is that you like it, and that he can do such a song, given it’s meaning to you, justice.
He raises his instrument, bow at the ready, as he shoots you a final smile. A soft one being sent back from you almost instantly.
Taking a deep breath, Yeosang begins to play.
As soon as you hear the first notes echoing around the room, your whole body straightens in your spot. Your breath hitches in your throat, heart leaping in your chest as tears spring to your eyes. Immediately, your one hand comes up to cover your mouth while the other grasps at the jewel shining around your neck.
The beautiful sound of the melody of Rohan fills the air, flooding your senses and comforting you like a warm blanket on a cold day. Your absolute favourite violin melody.
You can feel your entire body trembling as the first of your tears begin to trail down your cheeks, your hands never leaving their positions for even a second. Chills wrack your body as goosebumps form over your skin, the meaning and significance of such a song washing over you in this very moment.
With each rise and fall of the notes, your breath hitches, sitting frozen to your spot as you watch Yeosang lose himself to the melody, his eyes having long since fallen shut.
It isn’t a very long song by any means, the simple melody only lasting a minute, maybe a minute and a half at most. However, the fact that he learned this for you, that he is playing this for you because he wants to, not because you asked him to, or he felt the need to, has your heart swelling in your chest. 
More tears trail silently down your cheeks as the final notes ring out in the air between you. You wipe at your eyes, chest shaking as you inhale a breath, your emotions overwhelming you.
Every thought, every feeling, Yeosang understands. His mind is still connected to yours, so every fleeting emotion you felt during his performance, he felt, too. A fact which has his own heart thundering away in his chest as he’s over come by your awe, your gratitude, your wonder, your fondness, but more than all of that, a single emotion he’s never experienced from you before. An emotion that he doesn’t want to assume, or feel for too long, as he doesn’t want to get his hopes up before the time is due.
Wordlessly, you stand to your feet, drying your eyes with the back of your hands. You swallow the lump in your throat, taking a deep breath to steady your nerves.
“Yeosang,” the soft call of his name from your lips is like the gentlest of breezes caressing his skin after a long summer’s day. You begin to step towards him slowly. “Did you-“
You can hardly form the words, but he already knows exactly what you want to say. Even if you both already know the answer, you still want to hear him say it. You need to hear him say it.
“I did.” He breathes, allowing his arms to fall to his sides, his one hand holding both his violin and bow. “I learnt it for you.” A brief pause as he swallows. “I learned them all for you.”
All of your favourite songs. He taught himself all of your favourite songs on the violin for you.
You can hear your heartbeat echoing in your ears as you come to stand in front of him, tongue darting out to wet your lips. A movement, which you notice, that he catches.
Softly, your one hand comes up to caress the side of his face, eyes shining with all of the unspoken words you wish to convey. Not only that, but there’s such adoration and fondness shining there, that he cannot help but stare into them. 
He leans into your touch, raising his free hand to gently place it over your own.
“Thank you,” you breathe out, caressing his cheek softly with your thumb. “Yeosang, thank you.”
It’s one of the greatest, most meaningful gifts you could ever give me.
His heart skips a beat in his chest, eyelids fluttering shut as he revels in both your touch, and your praise. Anything for you, Dearest.
Your lips part, glancing down at his own as you subconsciously step closer into him.
“Can I-“ your breath catches in your throat, hardly able to get the proper words out. “May I-“
“Yes,” Yeosang’s eyes are flinging open, a desperation you’ve never seen before shining within as he hears you pose the question in your mind. “Please, Dearest. Kiss me.”
Your lips are on his without another thought, your one hand moving to tangle in his hair as the other continues to cradle the side of his face tenderly in your palm. Without another thought, you deepen the kiss, pulling him in closer as he gently cradles the back of your head with his one hand, his opposite arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you into him.
Yeosang cannot help but let the pleased rumble that builds in his chest escape him as he feels you tug him closer into you. This is everything that he could have ever asked for, and so much more, especially when he hears the small whine escape your throat as he pulls away, teasingly tugging your lower lip between his teeth as he does so.
His eyes fall shut once more as you both lean your heads forward to rest against each other. Nothing can take this moment away from him, right here, right now, with you. He revels in the feeling of your hands against his skin, his lips still tingling with the ghost of yours as he attempts to catch his breath, along with you.
“Dearest,” his one hand tightens its hold on you as he pulls you impossibly closer, overcome by his own emotions for the moment as his lips tug upwards in a brilliant smile. “You are my entire world. There is nothing that I would never do for you. I am so in love with you, I fear I lack the words to describe such strong emotions. You are so unbelievable beautiful, kind, intelligent, and unquestionably perfect in every way. Please, never forget that.”
“Yeosang,” you breathe out his name once more, pulling away just enough to stare deeply into his eyes as a tender smile tugs at your features. A brief pause, until you’re uttering the words that have his heart racing once more in his chest, “I believe you.”
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kimbappykidding · 10 months
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Other Parts: Part One, Part Two and Part Four.
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V felt better than he had in a long time. He had a clear goal in mind and that gave him purpose and a reason to wake up in the morning. You. He knew now the future he wanted involved you and while that future was not guaranteed it gave him something to work for.
The first thing he did was cut out all his crutches, the booze the girls and everything in between. He didn't put anything in his body that he shouldn't and he immediately started feeling the benefits. Next, he started taking work more seriously. He began exercising to get his stamina back up to what it could be and went with Jimin to his vocal coaching appointments. He was on time at work and stayed late whenever he needed to. About a month in RM commented on V's progress and V thanked him but he wouldn't feel proud until you noticed the change in him.
Now his life was more stable he started working on himself. He started talking to a counsellor about his worries and struggles and she helped him come up with healthier mechanisms. He got checked out to make sure all the partying and sex hadn't affected his health or made him catch anything and felt so reassured when all his tests came back clean. He started examining his friendships and any that weren't okay with him taking a healthier approach to his life, he cut off. The guys in particular seemed happy when he told them he wasn't hanging around with that crowd anymore and he realised his members had been through a lot too.
He saw his family more and made sure to spend time with his mum in particular. He went home for her birthday for the first time since he'd broken up with you and she burst into tears when she saw him. He had no idea she'd missed him that much and promised to visit her more which just made her cry even more. Of all the things he'd done, this was what you noticed first.
When you came off hiatus you decided to just pretend V didn't exist so didn't look in his direction at any events and were hypervigilant about anything BTS. However, on your private Instagram, you could look at what you wanted and you'd seen the video on V's mum's Instagram of V surprising her for her birthday and were pleased. She was so happy to have her son back and he stayed with her for several days which was nice. V looked healthier in the photos and you couldn't help but notice that all his family members had alcohol but he clearly had a bottle of water instead. You had no idea if it was just a coincidence or not. You remembered what V had said at the end of his apology text about wanting to become a better person if you wanted him. Was this what he meant?
You were curious and so you asked your members what V was doing and they reported he'd dropped his toxic friends and they hadn't seen him at a nightclub in weeks. "Apparently he's performing better too" Yuqi said "my friend at Hybe said he's working hard to be a better idol and is always practising, exercising or rehearsing. They think he's turned over a new leaf but I'll believe it when I see it". "Or when it actually lasts long term" Soyeon said "he could easily revert back to his old ways". You nodded along but were a mixture of confused and dare you say excited? This must be the change V meant and if he did pull it off...well then you might think differently about letting him into your life again.
"Why?" Minnie asked noticing your frown and you shook your head "no reason". That convinced nobody. Soyeon narrowed her eyes at you and Yuqi shook her head "no come on, what's the reason?". You shook your head "nothing just...V said something to me after that video was leaked and I was wondering if he really meant it". The girls were SO curious so you showed them the text and were met with silence. "So you think...he's serious?" Shuhua asked cautiously "that he's changing like he promised?". You shrugged "I don't know...maybe?". "Do you want him to?" Soojin asked and you frowned "I don't know! Am I an idiot if I do?". "No!" Miyeon said "not at all!" and the girls all echoed her except Yuqi. She was the most straight-talking of the members so you looked at her and called her name. "Yuqi, what do you think?" you asked. She looked down and then up at you. "I don't know, part of me wants to just bundle you up and take you away from him because he does not deserve a second chance and I don't want you to get hurt if he reverts back to his usual ways". "So you think I shouldn't get my hopes up?" you asked and Yuqi shook her head "not at all and I think he's definitely doing all this for you". "You do?" you asked and Yuqi nodded "100% but I just hope it lasts. I think you need to give him time to mess up honestly. I'm worried he'll break your heart again if you go back to him now". You blinked "woah Yuqi I'm not planning to go back to him now". "You're not?" she asked with a hint of relief in her voice and you shook your head "god no! I was just checking if there were any reasons to hope this might be a good sign". Yuqi smiled "there's always a reason to hope, we'll keep an eye out for signs for you" and the girls all rushed to agree. "Thank you" you smiled at them "I promise I won't rush into anything" and from how tightly they all hugged you, you knew they all felt like Yuqi. They didn't want to see you hurt, you just hoped you'd be able to protect yourself better than last time.
V felt like his life was finally on track again but he reminded himself he couldn't expect you to suddenly come rushing to him. You might not actually be interested in his anymore or the damage might've already been done. He might've destroyed your trust in him and you needed solid proof before you were ready. Or maybe there was someone else or you were taking a break from dating after that leaked video nearly wrecked your career. There were so many reasons why you could be hesitating and V couldn't get ahead of himself. So he kept his head down and just carried on but some of your joint friends had different ideas.
Kai had noticed the changes in V majorly and he also knew about the text he'd sent you. At first, he was angry. Did V really think not sleeping with tons of girls and stopping putting toxins in his body for a few weeks would make things okay? He hoped you wouldn't fall for it and had his obligatory "he's not good enough for you" friend speech ready but he didn't need it. You didn't mention V and everything seemed to be okay...but then Kai started believing it. He'd known V for a while and heard a lot about him through Jimin and despite everything he didn't think V was a calculating person. He knew how to play the game and act when he had to but he wasn't malicious...so was this change real?
One day when he was hanging out with Jimin he "casually" asked how V was. Jimin looked at Kai almost questioningly and then nodded "he's good". "How good?" Kai asked "just the news has been really quiet about him lately. Is he on hiatus or something?". Jimin shook his head "no that's been all V, he's been a different person lately and all that's behind him". Kai snorted "yeah sure!" Kai smirked and Jimin shook his head "it's true!". "Jimin, I know he's your member but come on, I've seen him on a night out. Guys like that don't change". Kai didn't mean what he said but he wanted to prod Jimin into spilling more and it worked.
"Well you clearly don't know him and are judging him like everyone else!" Jimin burst and Kai held up his hands "calm down, no need to get mad". Jimin nodded "I know but he's been working really hard lately. It's not just his health and his worth ethic which he's taken charge of. He's repairing family relationships, he cut out bad friends who use him and he's talking to someone about the pressure and stress we're under! He's doing so well Kai and I don't care if you run and tell Y/n or not but he's doing amazing and I'm so proud of him". Kai nodded "you should be, it sounds like he's doing great". Jimin nodded taking a breath and after he'd calmed a little changed the subject but V stayed on Kai's mind the rest of the day.
Kai watched V even closer and recruited his members to also watch him and report back anything bad they'd heard but there wasn't much of that except a small bit from Sehun. "Binna is pissed at him" he excitedly said one day, taking to his detective role very happily. "Why?" Baekhyun asked "because he broke up with her?". Sehun nodded "apparently he'd ended things with her lots of time before" he said, doing air quotes when he said ended "but they always got back together or well Binna could find some way to convince him to carry on but not this time. According to my source, she's tried everything even showing up at his apartment in the middle of the night wearing nothing under her coat. He wouldn't even open the door to her and when she wouldn't leave he called her members to come get her. Apparently she went kicking and screaming". "Wow" Kai said "that must've been horrible for him" and all the guys nodded. "Are you going to tell Y/n?" Chanyeol asked and Kai noddded "I think I have to, I know she still cares about him and if he really has changed then I think he could make her happy". "Yeah and if he doesn't she knows we'll all kill him right?" D.O. asked and Kai smiled "I will make that crystal clear.
Kai did exactly that. He sat you down one day and explained why he thought you might just be able to listen to what V said. He warned you he'd only been watching him for 2 months so it might not be long term but so far it was looking good. "I'm not telling you this to tell you to get back with him" Kai said "just so you've got all the information. I'd considered keeping it from you but knew I couldn't do that. I want to protect you but I also want you to be happy and V might be able to do that". You got goosebumps as Kai said that and nodded "I've been watching him too, it looks good right?". Kai smiled "it really does" and you both exchanged things you'd noticed and were pleased with. "Okay so what do I do next?" you asked and when Kai hesitated you smiled "and I don't mean romantically. That's in the back of my mind but I want to start off as friends first. So how do you think I do that?". Kai smiled "leave it to me".
"Okay" Kai said the next time he saw Jimin "what would you say if I told you Y/n was open to being friends with V again". Jimin's huge eyes got even wider "WHAT!" he cried "she said that? She's open to him? This is amazing!". Kai held up his hands "calm down, I'm just feeling things out". "But you must think she's open to it if you're asking me" Jimin pointed out. Kai nodded "we've both noticed the changes in V's behaviour and they've seemed pretty consistent...and that is the only reason I am encouraging this" Kai said "if I thought for a second V was trying to trick or deceive Y/n..." Kai started but Jimin shook his head "he's not Kai. Trust me, I like Y/n and don't want to see her hurt. If I thought he wasn't serious I would tell you to put her off but he's deadly serious. He's had laser focus and it's really impressive". Kai nodded "okay great, so how do we do this? Y/n is open but also nervous". Jimin frowned "would she be okay if V messaged her or should we do something a little more organic?". Kai nodded "I like your thinking, what are you doing next Saturday?".
Chanyeol's birthday party was pretty low-key to say how popular the stunning rapper was but he liked it that way. However, lowkey for an idol meant a party with 100 people and so Kai managed to get two tickets for Jimin and V to attend. He'd checked with you in advance and you were okay with it and actually a little excited. Even though you were definitely coming at this from a friendship perspective, you still dressed extra nicely tonight knowing V would be here. Kai was probably more nervous than you and with two good reasons 1. he had helped organise this so if V hurt you it would be his fault and 2. Yuqi had threatened to kick his ass if no.1 happened. So Kai was fluttering around you nervously when he saw V enter.
You hadn't noticed, too busy chatting to NCT's Johnny and Kai was unsure if he should warn you or not. V saw him watching him and gave him a small nod which Kai returned. Kai took a seat next to you and you could just tell from the look on his face V was here. Sure enough, when you searched you found him. He was at the bar with Jimin but he didn't order anything. He looked nothing like the last few times you'd seen him. Before he'd either been cocky and smug or emotional and frantic. This time he seemed softer, you watched him smile at something Jimin said and nod to some Red Velvet members who passed him. You looked down, worried he'd look up and see you watching him and felt a little flushed. You reminded yourself the whole point of V being here tonight was so you could talk to him and wondered how you'd do that.
Luckily it happened pretty casually. You were walking with NCT's Doyoung and Jeno when Jeno saw Jimin and rushed to hug him. Jeno had apparently met Jimin years ago at some event before he was an idol and they'd remained friends. Doyoung also went over to greet Jimin and V. You followed and smiled at Jimin before looking at V. He was staring at you a little and looked almost stunned you were in front of him but he quickly smiled and bowed to you. He said a polite hello to everyone and the conversation continued. You let Jimin and Jeno talk before looking back at V. He caught your eye and smiled "I liked your latest comeback" he said softly. You smiled "thank you, it was a lot of work but it turned out well". He nodded "I can imagine it was, the concept was so cool and the routine looked really difficult". You nodded "it was, I still don't think my thighs have recovered" and V laughed. You liked the sound of his laugh and smiled a genuine smile. V noticed and paused "would you like to go have a chat? I'd love to catch up on how work and stuff is going?" and you nodded.
The two of you talked for about half an hour and it was a little awkward but sweet. V was careful with you and you could tell the effort he was putting in. He'd clearly remembered everything you liked when you were together and when he asked about your favourite sports team you had to smile. "I thought about you when they won" he admitted and you did blush a little at that. He asked you tons of questions and watched you answer with his attention fully fixed on you. You could see Kai and your members watching you nervously so decided to wrap things up before anything could go wrong. "Yeah of course!" V said "it's been so nice speaking to you, would it be okay if I texted you?" he asked and you nodded "yeah I'd like that" and V smiled.
So after that, the two of you were in contact. It started off slowly, exchanging polite conversations and funny photos before it got more casual and evolved into meeting up. The two of you had to be super careful not to be photographed together but V always made sure you came first and were comfortable with where you wanted to go. You went to all your old hangouts and also lots of new ones. V commented on how much you'd grown since you'd last been friendly and you did feel proud. You weren't the same person as before and had matured so much...the same could be said for V. He was different not only from when you last new him but also from the sex-obsessed party boy you'd come to know him as. He explained to you what some of these changes involved and how he'd given up the drink and other addictive substances. He admitted he didn't know who he was in those times and how he enjoyed his life a lot more now. You were so happy to hear that and had noticed a huge difference in him but didn't really know what to do from here.
You'd told Kai you just wanted to get to know V as friends and you'd done that. You'd sussed him out and liked what you saw but what now? You were terrified to take the next step even though on paper everything was straightforward. V was stable, healthy and in a place for commitment. You still had great chemistry and had never stopped finding him attractive. You felt great when you were around him and found yourself missing him when you didn't get to see him for a bit. So why couldn't you just tell him you wanted him?
It was really bothering you and V noticed you seemed more anxious than usual so he asked you why and it all spilled out. "I don't know what's wrong with me!" you admitted "everything is perfect but something's making me hold back". V shook his head "nothing's wrong with you Y/n, I hurt you really badly several times so of course you've learnt to be cautious around me and it's not in your nature to jump into something with me". You frowned "I know but I figured if I spent time with you that fear would go and it hasn't! We've been hanging out for nearly 3 months now and I'm still wary of going any further. The attraction isn't the issue either, I like you and I want you I just can't" you said exasperated. V nodded and patted your hand "Y/n it's okay, you don't need to blame yourself. The problem is clearly me and something you're not getting from me so think, what do you need me to do?" V asked "seriously just tell me and I'll do it". "V it's not that simple" you sighed but he shook his head "no it is, you tell me absolutely anything you need from me and I'll do it to prove how serious about you I am". You shook your head "I want there to be something, some act that can make it all better but I don't know V...I'm not sure if there's anything that can reassure me enough. I'm too nervous and scared about the whole thing".
That broke V's heart. "I never want to make you upset" he said and you smiled sadly "and you haven't, these past months have been so nice and I'm really glad you're back in my life...I just don't know if it was wise. I feel like it's made us both want each other and I didn't want to give you false hope but I just don't know what you could possibly do to prove it all to me". V nodded "I understand, can I still see you?" he asked "or do you think that would be too painful for you?". You shook your head "I don't want to lose you V just maybe we'll need a break for a bit. If I see you right now it's just going to remind me of what I can't have and that will just make me upset and depressed". V nodded "okay I respect that, if you think of anything I can do though can you let me know?". You hesitated before nodding "I can't think of anything that would prove to me how serious about all of this you are but of course yeah, if I think of anything I'll tell you".
You parted ways quickly after that with heavy hearts and V was wracking his brains of ways he could fix this. What you said last to him stuck in his mind. He gave it a few days and when his mind still didn't change he decided to go for it. It was the riskiest thing he'd ever done but if it showed you how serious about you he was, it would all be worth it.
V set up his phone and purposefully chose a room in the studio that locked. He'd vaguely told the staff he was going live but left it at that so technically he never lied to them about what he was going to do.
He quickly greeted fans after he went live and then got to the point. "So I know this in unplanned but I'm here today because I've got something I need to confess. The truth is, I'm in love with Y/n from G-(I)dle" V said. He felt the atmosphere change even though it was a virtual medium and knew this was monumental but kept going. "We dated for 3 years and broke up 5 years ago because I wasn't a good boyfriend. I was immature, unsupportive and wasn't happy having one amazing girl. Y/n put up with me for way longer than she deserved" V said as a member of staff tried the locked door. "When she ended it with me I was happy because it was the excuse I needed to sleep with any girl I wanted but I now realise it was the worst moment of my life. Y/n was an amazing girlfriend, she was caring, thoughtful and made me feel like I could do anything. She loved me more than I even knew was possible and with her I just felt at home" V said smiling slightly at the memory before his smile vanished "but then I ruined everything" he said. "I'm telling you all this because some of you have taken it upon yourselves to abuse Y/n for dating me. I'm telling you all if you want a villain, it's me. I started that argument you all saw with Y/n because I was selfish and wanted her to come back and save me after all I'd put her through. I was a jerk but I wasn't the one put on hiatus or punished and anyone who harassed her is not a true fan of mine" he said shaking his head in anger. The person trying to get in started knocking on the door getting louder and louder and V sighed "I'll be cut off soon but I wanted you all to know. I love Y/n and will never love anyone else like I love her. She is the greatest person I know and I would give up everything, all of this" he said gesturing around the room "for her...because she's really that special and I wanted you all to know that".
He ended the stream and opened the door, ready to face the consequences.
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justimajin · 10 months
The Profit & Love Statement » Pt. 23
↠ Pairing: Seokjin x Reader
↠ Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst
↳ 4.1k / CEO AU
↠ Summary: Through hours of endless training and hard work, Kim Seokjin is finally the CEO of Kim Electronics. He has everything at his hands - status, money, power. He owes it all to you, his rigid and sarcastic mentor who overseed his entire training. But as he steps into the shoes of becoming the CEO, he can only wonder what it means for your relationship now.
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↠ Last Update (Epilogue): Friday, December 1 (series masterpost here)
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You have never felt so out of place.
There’s business and businesswoman everywhere, dressed in professional suits and dresses. The venue is enormous and it’s coupled with marble floors and walls, a giant crystal chandelier dangling above your head. The area is running rampant with waiters and waitresses, who are walking around with trays full of glasses of champagne – one of which you gladly take. 
Among them, the man who stands beside you has a tall silhouette that is enveloped sharply within a dark blue suit. There’s a pair of thick glasses resting on the rim of his nose, his hair gelled and coming over to frame his face. 
He looks incredibly dapper, but it’s not really reassuring in the least.
You attempt to smile, but hiss underneath your breath. 
“You know, this isn’t what I had in mind when you wanted to go out on another date!”
“I didn’t know they changed the day!” He retorts in defense, before quickly smiling at an executive that walks by. 
You purse your lips, a heavy sigh leaving them. 
“Jin, I stick out like a sore thumb.” 
To be completely fair, you knew how important this party was going to be. It was meant to be the official introduction of Jin as the CEO of Kim Electronics to the world, in which he would have to meet and interact with important higher-ups and showcase all that he is. 
However, when he had informed you about it, you thought you had more time to prepare for this party. But the invitation came much faster than expected, and before you knew it, Jin had dragged you here with him last minute. 
Which resulted in you having to borrow one of Miyeon’s elegant long silk dresses, the shade being a royal blue that matches perfectly with his suit. 
However, as gorgeous as it was – it was not something you would wear yourself. The fabric was longer than your preferred length, the material loose and dragging too much, making you feel uncomfortable the more it was on you. 
Combined with an environment that practically screamed rich people club, you can’t help but feel a little misplaced. 
Jin clutches onto your hand, his face inches away from yours. 
“No, you don’t.” His voice softens, “You’re here with me, and you look beautiful in that dress.” 
You flush, staring at him for a moment before– 
“Okay…” His words got to you, “I’ll try to go along with it all.” 
You eye him intently, “Only because you look handsome today.”
“I’m always handsome.” He cheekily winks, and you roll your eyes.
You let him guide you around, taking in the fact that you could recognize some higher-ups from the company, while being completely unfamiliar with some others. 
And yet, everybody seems to know who he is. 
“CEO Kim.” An older man mutters, walking over to Jin and reaching out his hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you.” 
“Likewise, Chairman. I’ve heard a lot about you from my father.” 
“And who would you be?” He gestures to you with intrigue and you harshly swallow. 
That was another thing – if this was Jin’s official introduction as CEO to the world, then this is the world’s official introduction to who you are. 
Glancing at your unease, Jin is quick to step in. 
“This is my girlfriend, Y/N.” 
His hand is on your back and you’re startled, unsure of how to conduct yourself. “N-Nice to meet you.” 
He shakes your hand and you instantly paint on a professional smile. He turns to Jin, proceeding to ask him questions about the company and you let out a low exhale, letting your eyes wander and scan around the area. 
You’ve been in the field of business for a long time, having both studied it and worked with it. But you couldn’t understand why Jin was so keen on bringing you with him, or why he seemed so on edge since the moment you had arrived. 
It looks like you have your answer.
The setting is too grand, and it’s as if there’s a spotlight everywhere you go. People haven’t spoken to you, but have judged you tenfold already. Their gazes are not only glued to every single one of Jin’s movements, but to your own as well. 
It’s almost like you’ve been thrown into a different world. 
Which you have been – not your world, but Jin’s world. 
“The blue looks incredible on you.” 
You spin around at the familiar voice, relief flooding you at Miyeon’s smile. 
“Thanks, I hoped I didn’t look weird in it.” You mutter timidly under the attention.
“You look great, Y/N.” 
You softly smile and she gently holds your hands, voice dropping down a tone. 
“It’s a lot, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah.” You breathe out, before whispering, “There’s just so many people…” 
“ –and you feel like they’re always watching your every move.” She concludes, “It was one of the things I had to get used to after getting married to my husband.” 
You hum, “It’s nice that you came though, I’m sure Jin really appreciates it.” 
You glance in his direction, watching him converse with the same man until his eyes wander briefly. They land straight onto you, relief filling him at seeing you with Miyeon before he resumes back into the conversation.
“Tsk, they’re all so business minded.” She jokingly remarks and you chuckle at that. 
“They’re all very intelligent too.” A man strides behind her and you recognize him as Seokjung, Jin’s older brother.
“Sure, they are.” Miyeon jokes and he laughs, gaze landing on you.
“We meet again, Y/N.” Seokjung reaches his hand out and you gladly shake it, “I’m sure meeting in this location is sort of odd.” 
His words draw you back to when you were at their home, eating breakfast at the very same table as them. Back then you were naive about your romantic relationship with Jin – practically being non-existent when he had insisted you pretend to be his girlfriend, a role you never thought you’d actually fulfil one day. 
Your brows snap together, “Actually, it’s definitely much different from last time…” An uneasy laugh leaves you, “–you see, me and Jin weren’t technically together back then.” 
Miyeon sharply turns around, “What?” 
“It’s kind of…complicated.” You chuckle as both Seokjung and Miyeon stare at you with wide eyes, “We started off having a mentor and mentee relationship, but then became friends along the way and now we’re here.” 
You warmly smile and Miyeon shakes her head, “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, Y/N! I didn’t realize you weren’t together–”
“It’s okay.” You wave it off with a grin, “In a way, you did predict the future for us.” 
She chuckles, “That’s true.” 
“It’s also great that you’re together now.” Seokjung remarks, softly smiling at you. You watch as he glances at Jin from the corner of his eyes. 
It’s not hard to decipher the bright look in them, sheer pride shining through. 
“He’s doing a really good job.” He says quietly to Miyeon, but you catch on. 
“He is.” She replies. 
“Say…” You begin, capturing both of their attentions. Now that they were here and you were with Jin, the question that had been lingering within the bottom of your mind arises. 
“Jin explained to me that your father chose him to be CEO.” You turn to Seokjung, curiosity swirling deep in your orbs, “But what I couldn’t understand was why you didn’t want to be.” 
He appears taken aback at your blunt question, but then the corner of his mouth quirks up. 
“I worked at the company too through an internship, just like Jin.” He explains, “My father was Vice President at the time, and the two of us were just looking for permanent positions at first, nothing else.” 
You hum and he continues, “I liked working there, and the job I have now is similar to it, but I don’t know…I think part of me always saw Jin stepping up to become the CEO.” 
His attentive response catches you off guard. 
Seokjung nods, “Jin had all the right qualities, and our father immediately noticed.” He gestures to you, “You’ve probably seen how he works. He has potential, but only if he takes things seriously and actually believes in himself.” 
You nod, aware of it all – from Jin's tendencies to compare himself to the man before you, deeming him more capable and better in many ways, to his plunging doubt that would arise suddenly and just take over. 
It makes you want to smile, a warm feeling spreading through your chest at the acknowledgement that his brother didn’t back away because of his father’s choice, but rather because he had full confidence in Jin's abilities of becoming the future CEO. 
He lets out a chuckle, pointing to his younger brother. “Though I doubt it’s even a problem anymore.” 
He gestures to the man, who’s currently engaged with speaking eloquently to the several businessmen surrounding him. Long gone is the reckless intern, now replaced with a confident and serious CEO of Kim Electronics. 
An affectionate smile blooms on your lips. 
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Soon, dinner is being served. 
Waiters set up the long tables for the buffet style and begin guiding guests to tables. You had watched as Jin had spoken to several influential figures, all keenly interested in getting to know the new CEO. Typically, you had opted to timidly just stand to the side, but he would place his hand on your back, introducing you and including you into the conversations. 
It makes a smile tugs on you, his efforts making you feel less like a fish out of water. 
However, as the two of you attempt to filter the crowds of people to find your table, the murmurs near you suddenly rise. 
There’s a tall older man that enters, sharing the same smile and wide eyes as Jin. The woman with him is of a similar age, features delicate and nearly identical to his. 
Your irises round at the appearance of his parents. 
And it’s something he recognizes as well, stiffening in your hold.
“Hey,” You whisper, thrown off by his reaction, “Everything okay?” 
He gulps, clearing his throat. 
“Y-Yeah, everything’s okay.” 
“Are you sure?” You press forward, not convinced from either his demeanor or answer. 
He doesn’t respond to you, and instead averts his eyes down. It’s not until they draw closer that he abruptly scrambles up, leaving entirely with a quick ‘Excuse me’. 
You watch his backside disappear, “Well, hello there.” 
Turning around, his mother strolls over to you, accompanied by his father. You immediately regard them, erasing all hints of distress from your expression. 
“It’s nice to see you again.” She smiles and his father squints, attempting to recall ever meeting you. 
His wife chides him, “It’s her. Y/N, remember?” 
The man's eyes flicker, “Oh yes, Y/N.” He chuckles, “How could I forget? Jin talks about you all the time, Y/N. From how you trained him, to how talented and hard-working you are.” 
“Thank you for supporting him.” His mother places a hand on your arm, “I feel so fortunate he now has someone like you by his side.” 
“O-Of course…” You fidget, growing bashful underneath all the praises and affectionate stares. 
But at the mention of their son, you become vigilant. “I’ll just be back, I have to…uh, use the restroom!” 
They both nod, buying your excuse immediately. 
You spin on your heels. 
The elegant blue dress is bunched and hiked up within your hands. 
Your frantic eyes dart around, attempting to locate the man whose suit matches you. Thankfully, it doesn’t take long to find him at the front of the venue, his strides fast and long. 
“Jin!” You call out, “Wait–” 
One of your heels slots against the marble ground and you scowl, attempting to get it back into your foot amongst all the blue fabric. You can barely see across all the silk and it’s a fact someone else acknowledges too. 
Jin leans down, carefully removing the shoe before placing it in front of your feet. You balance yourself with his hand, wiggling your foot back in. 
A loud sigh escapes you, “I still don’t know how Miyeon wears this dress.” 
He softly chuckles at that, but your gaze latches onto him. 
“What happened?” You probe. 
He bites his bottom lip, “Nothing happened.” 
“Jin, you just bolted out of the room.” You state, “Something happened.”
He sighs, finding it impossible to hide from you. 
“It’s not a big deal, just–” He squeezes his eyes shut, “This is the first time they’re seeing me as CEO at a formal event and I, well, never told them….” 
“Told them what?” 
“About my restaurant.” He finally answers, “My plans, the work all of you put in, Namjoon’s involvement…nothing.”
You stare at him puzzled and he slowly walks over, bringing over a nearby cushion for you to sit down on. 
You do so after a moment, but the feeling doesn’t leave you. 
“Why would you not tell them?” You quietly utter. 
He was CEO now. He not only completed his father’s wishes, but showcased his own abilities and stepped up to the role. 
Why was there a need to hide? 
“I-I don’t know!” He enunciates sharply, shaking his head, “I could barely face them when I got let go at the internship, how am I supposed to tell them I opened a whole restaurant when I just became CEO?” 
Silence lingers and he shifts uncomfortably, like he wasn’t expecting to be talking about this. But he’s here now, and knowing everything you know about him, you know running away isn’t an option for him anymore.
And based on prior experience, it means you have to push against him. 
“Well, I think you’re wrong.” You stand up, crossing your arms. “You should tell them.” 
His gaze snaps up at you, frustration tinged in his words. 
“Shouldn’t you agree with me in these moments?” He scoffs, “Like I don’t know, call me handsome or something to make me feel better.” 
You cock a brow up. “Now would that seriously make you feel better?” 
He sighs, tension running deep in his forms. 
“Listen to me.” 
Although it’s obvious he’s annoyed, he obliges. 
“When Yuna first came up during dinner and told me she wanted to act, I could barely understand why.” 
Surprise is reflected in his features, “–But she persisted, insisting that should the chance ever come up, I should come see her. So I tried to be enthusiastic and guess what? I realized I was wrong, that I made a judgement without knowing what Yuna was capable of.” 
He knows where this is going and you persist, “Your parents actually know who you are now, they wanted you to become CEO because they saw potential in you and you proved it to them. But you have to stop hiding and running away.” 
You press on, “This restaurant was your dream, but now it’s a reality too and you have to protect it.” 
He pursues his lips, deeply considering your words. 
“And besides,” A small smile tugs at your lips, “There’s nothing my extremely handsome boyfriend can’t do.” 
You almost want to laugh, watching Jin’s eyes practically shine, like you’ve resurrected him. Thankfully, it serves as his last bout of much needed confidence. 
You watch from afar as he strides towards his parents, anxiety running deep on his expression. His father grins at his arrival, patting him on the back as his mother’s irises light up. You continue to watch as he frantically mumbles, ears tinting red and appearing nothing like the confident CEO he is.
“I-I have a restaurant. It’s something I’ve been planning for a while and I understand you want me to be CEO–” He sucks in an inhale, “But this is something I also want to do, I–” He pauses, “I just hope you’re not disappointed.” 
At his words, his father stills and his mother’s face is blank. A twisting sensation churns in your own stomach. 
“Disappointed?” His mother wonders, “Why would you think that?” 
“Seokjin,” His father places a hand on his shoulder, “If anything, we’re tremendously proud of you.” 
His eyes round and his mother smiles, “We were just talking to your Aunt about your progress and telling him how wonderfully you’ve excelled at being CEO.” She chuckles, “Do you know how proud we felt?” 
He feels it – a weight lifting on his shoulders that didn’t even realize had been there all this time. Tears sting his eyes and the sensation is so close to overwhelming him, a thought running deep into the confines of his mind. 
He finally feels like he’s enough. 
“It’s not going to be easy.” His father seriously states, “You have the duties of CEO to tend to now, and you’ll be busier than ever.” 
Jin slowly nods, “But after seeing all that you’ve done son, I know this restaurant of yours will be as equally as amazing as you are.” 
The older man doesn’t have the chance to say anything more. Jin throws himself onto him, drawing a hearty chuckle out of the former as he hugs his son back. 
His mother fondly watches the two, her gaze lifting and glancing around. She finds you situated from afar, watching the entire interaction with soft eyes. 
There’s a warm smile on her lips and you return it. 
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Jin whirls back to the front of the venue, head feeling light and shoulders hiked up high. He feels like a new person, ready for anything that comes his way. 
Passing higher-ups take curious glances at the man, watching him exclude natural confidence as he glides along the hallway. 
“How was it?” 
He finds you leaned against the same cushion, holding a small knowing smile. 
There’s no immediate response – he takes two strides closer and instantly finds your lips. It completely catches you off guard, and you nearly stumble, but he’s quick to catch you and wraps his arms around your waist. 
He’s so close you can hear his own thudding heartbeat against your own, heat rising to your cheeks. He kisses you with so much vigor, your lips feeling swollen when you part from him. 
“I did it.” He gasps out, like he was still processing it. 
A small chuckle leaves you, “You did it.” 
“I did it.” He shakes his head, “I feel so much better, oh my god–” 
He looks like he’s going to collapse onto the floor and you laugh, holding onto his shoulder. 
“You can’t pass out here! We haven’t even had dinner yet.” You point out and he chuckles within your grasp, reaching out to lace his hand with yours. 
“Then what are we waiting for?” He brings you closer to him. 
You deadpan, “My boyfriend’s revelation to be over.” 
“Your handsome boyfriend’s revelation.” He corrects. 
You wrinkle your nose, “I don’t know, he’s got a bit of an ego problem.” 
“Well, at least he knows how to have fun.” He quips, “Maybe you should take notes.” 
You drop your mouth down in offense and he playfully laughs, the familiar squeakiness echoing off the walls. 
Walking hand in hand with him, you re-enter the venue. 
The rest of your evening consists of finally stuffing your empty stomach with food and watching your CEO boyfriend greet everyone on a grand stage. 
Jin doesn’t seem fazed when he’s called up, despite telling you beforehand that he was nervous to be speaking in front of so many. He rises from his chair, poise in his actions. 
Regardless, you send him a quick thumbs up and he grins at it. 
He introduces himself as CEO Kim Seokjin to everyone, explaining his takeover of the company after his father had stepped down. He discusses the company's recent work surrounding the product and the new launch that is being planned. He goes on to promise that although he isn’t able to manage the company the way his father did, he would put his sincerest efforts forward for the progression and management of the company. 
Everyone claps after his speech – including his parents, Seokjung and Miyeon, and of course, you. 
Seeing him rise, step into his own as CEO and grow so much, makes you swell with pride. 
You couldn’t have been prouder. 
After he steps down from the podium, he joins you with his family and observes more higher-ups go up with their speeches. Yet nearby eyes are glued to him, whispers and murmurs of the great potential the future CEO seems to have. 
Jin takes it all in, not missing the times the same voices had deemed him incapable. 
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You chuckle, “It’s kind of late.” 
“It’s never late.” Jin points out, unlocking the empty shop. The door opens wide and there’s instantly a breeze of dust, resulting in both of you to break out into coughs. 
After the party was over, Jin and you had bid the majority of the guests and his family adieu. It was long past hours into the night and you could tell the constant attention was a bit much, something that Jin had wholeheartedly agreed when he offered that both of you could leave. 
However, he wanted to make one final pit stop for the night. 
You hold up your flowing dress in your hands, gazing around the empty shop for the restaurant. 
Jin waves some dust away, “It definitely needs to be remodeled, but I’m going to consult some of the decorators you had for me.” 
You hum, “Thank Taehyung. He’s got a ridiculous amount of contacts.” 
He smiles, bringing over a small table put off to the side into the center. Striding over to the stacked chairs, he places them each on opposite ends of the table. 
Bringing your chair out, he gestures for you to sit down. 
“What a gentleman.” You remark and he seats himself.
“I know, right?”
You both smile, and your gaze drifts. “I can’t wait to see what you do with it, it’s going to look incredible.” 
“And what about you?” He leans forward, “What does the future entail for you?” 
You softly smile, “I may have gotten my promotion, but my eyes are still on that Manager’s chair.” 
“You’ll do it.” Jin grins, “Like have you seen yourself? It’ll be their loss not to make you one.” 
“Oh my god, stop.” You flush at the sudden compliments and he laughs, squeakiness accompanying it. 
A comfortable silence falls, the sounds of nearby traffic echoing through the four empty walls. 
Jin clears his throat first. 
“What about…us?” 
You spin your head, not expecting that question. “What about us? We’re together.” 
“Even moving forward? Into the future?” He ponders, deep in thought. 
“I don’t know,” You lean back, crossing your arms, “You ended up taking me to an empty shop to spend time together so I guess it’s not looking too bright.” 
He rolls his eyes and you grin, “I’m being serious.” 
“I know.” You softly say, reaching over to clasp his hand, “No matter what the future brings us, I’ll always stay by your side.” 
His smile is warm, tenderness radiating in his eyes. 
And of course, you can’t help yourself. “Besides, my boyfriend’s the CEO and super handsome. Sounds like a great deal to me.” 
He snorts, “You make it sound like you’re with me just for the profit.” 
“Not just profit, but also love.” You softly respond, “A lot of it has to do with the fact that I love you.” 
A deep silence echoes. 
You blink, the realization of what had slipped by you sinking in. Glancing up, Jin’s eyes are as wide as you have ever seen them. 
“W-What did you just say?” He sharply inhales, leaning closer to you. 
The shock starts to dissipate and it’s instead replaced with a tender smile. 
“I love you.” You repeat, but then he moves and pulls you close. 
Brushing his lips against yours, you melt into his kiss, basking in the warmth he radiates. 
“I love you, too.” 
You let out a giggle at his proclamation, butterflies blooming within your chest. He interlaces your hands together, the gesture feeling far more intimate as the evening moonlight pours into the shop, casting over your silhouettes. 
There is no place you’d rather be at, other than right by his side. 
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seryu-17 · 5 months
Most underrated vocals in KPOP (my opinion)pt.1
My most underrated vocals in K-Pop. This is only my opinion and isn't supposed to hurt anyone. Let me know your opinion in the comments. Who do you think has underrated vocals?
I don't hate any of the idols or the groups. If I don't mention an idol that has an amazing voice doesn't mean I hate them, I am just gonna talk about the ones I think get too less attention. There are way more idols to mention!
The8: I mean, have you seen his voclas in "Fallin' Flower", "Anyone" and "Home; Run"!?!?!? ""Hai Cheng"?!?!? For me he has one of the most underrated vocals. Give this man some more lines please. Btw I love "Side by Side" both versions.
Jun: When we are talking about The8 than we also have to mention Jun as well! His vocals as well in ""Fallin' Flower" are just so underrated and amazing, but as well as in "_World"
S.Coups and Vernon: Vernon's part in "_World" and "Circles". S.Coups soft part in the end of "Rock with you" or "Circles" are just amazing. Their rap is even more amazing but when they have vocal lines they're killing it.
Wonwoo: Even if he is in the Hip-Hop Team, his vocals are so amazing. His low voice gets me everytime. Just look at "Circles" and "Ima". When he covered S.Coups part there. Everyone in SVT has amazing vocals in my opinion. The mentioned ones are just underrrated in my opinion.
Yuqi: Now that she dropped her first album she gained more attention, I guess but before that I think she mostly got praised for her deep voice and her nice vocals with her deep voice but she proved that she definetly can hit those high notes! For example the high note in "Eyes Roll" so amazing, my jaw DROPPED imidiatly. Don't get we wrong. I love Yuqi and her deep voice but when I heard her in "Eyes Roll"....damn.
Soyeon: jumping from Yuqi to Soyeon. I guess after Super Lady she defenitly proved that she can hit thos high notes. In a video she or Minne? said that neither Minnie nor Miyeon could hit the high notes in the beggining so Soyeon did it herself. I don't wanna say that Soyeon is a THE best vocalist in G-Idle, but she defenitly proofed that she isn't simply a rapper. She is also the one who records the song for the members so they know how they have to sing it.
RM: Just look at the song 4 o'clock by V and RM. He's an amazing rapper, but in 4 o'clock we can see that he has a soft deep voice and I appriciate that. But we can also hear his beautiful voice in his album "Indigo". Other example is his song "Lonely" and "tokyo". He's not my fav in this list but I defenitly think that his vocal potential is underrated!
Mina: I know, a lot like her and I do too, but I don't think that she gets the attention she deserve for her vocals. Her "Snowman" cover is absolutley beautiful, change my mind. But also her vocals in "Boqute", "Marshmellow" and "Do not touch" are sooooo beautiful.
Chaeyoung: Chaeyoung's cover of Justin Biber's song is just so good and I love the "Popstar Chaeyoung Remix". As well as Dahyuns vocals, aslo pretty underrated sometimes! Like her in "I GOT YOU".
Changbin: You you ever seen his performance in the masked singer??? I never could have thought that this is him. If you haven't seen it...here. I LOVE HIS RAP, but this...this is just different. I don't want to say that he has the best vocals in SKZ, I just think that his vocals are underrated.
11. Hwang Hyunjin: Watch his 00s "Psycho" performance. He sings the high notes. I just think that now day he doesn't get enough chances to proof that he can serve beautiful vocals as well. I know that Hyunjin gets praised alot, I just think that his vocals don't get enough attention. I mean, he is the Versace prince himself and SKZ attended the Met Gala.
All of these idols and groups are amazing and should be praised for their hard work and all the groups and idols I haven't mentioned in this round are also amazing and deserve every love and recognition. These are also just 11 idols which I mentioned, there are way more to mention. Let me know your opinion.
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tiny-pretty-sana · 9 months
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˚.°✿⋆.ೃmasterlist ࿔:✿°. ˚
the sleeves of her sweater | jeongyeon x jihyo
genre: fluff warning/tags: au, twice reunion, secret dating, stablished relationship w/c: 3.2k
i will take good care of you | mina x chaeyoung
genre: fluff warning/tags: au, stablished relationship, domestic girlfriends w/c: 3.1k
push and pull | jeongyeon x jihyo
genre: plot with smut and a bit of angst warnings: nsfw (+18), minors dni, men dni tags: au, ceo!jeongyeon, ceo!jihyo, rival relationship, enemies to lovers (kinda?), betrayal, happy ending, other twice members w/c: 18.4k
ceo!jeonghyo | headcanons
ceo!jeongyeon and ceo! jihyo from push and pull headcanons warnings: nsfw content (+18), minors dni, men dni
be as one | twice
pairings: nayeon x jeongyeon, momo x mina, sana x jihyo genre: christmas fluff warnings/tags: au, unnie line as mothers, school meal club as kids, twice reunion, stablished relationships, domestic fluff, christmas day, subtle past angst, not proofread w/c: 11.2 K
jeongyeon gf | headcanons
warnings: nsfw content (+18), minors dni, men dni
sana gf | headcanons
warnings: nsfw content (+18), minors dni, men dni
tzuyu gf | headcanons
warnings: nsfw content (+18), minors dni, men dni
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zero to hundred | jeongyeon x jihyo (request | wip | soon)
you can’t get enough | chaeyoung x f!reader (request | wip | soon)
i’m gonna change your mind | momo x sana (request | wip)
spotlight on us | mina x nayeon (request | wip)
before all i heard was silence | dahyun x tzuyu (request | wip)
sleepover | jeongyeon x jihyo (request | wip)
let’s build a home | nayeon x mina (request | wip)
behind the scenes | sana x dahyun x tzuyu (request | wip)
can we just talk it out like friends? | jeongyeon x jihyo (request | wip)
state of affairs | sana x tzuyu (request | wip)
princess treatment | sana x miyeon (wip)
puppy love | soyeon x yuqi (wip)
angel baby | mina x chaeyoung (series | wip)
new year's kisses and wishes | (g)i-dle ot6 (belated holiday special | paused)
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raynelovesyoongi · 1 year
Love me again
Party rock is… || Chapter Two
Paring:Xu Minghao x Fem!Reader
Warnings:cussing, drinking, mentions of weed, weirdo creep, flirting (yns friends flirt with her as a joke, it’s 100% platonic!), mean jokes (yn and her friends joke around but it’s all for funzies),mentions of menstrual cycle, that’s all I think.
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It was time for the party. Mingyu had picked the three of you up, and it was safe to say you guys were excited. Yeji was quite literally bouncing around in the backseat while Miyeon was already singing her heart out to the music you had put on. Mingyu and you got lost in your own conversation, talking about whatever came to mind. Mingyu stopped by Vernon’s dorm to pick him up too, and when you saw Vernon, your mouth quite literally dropped. Why the hell was this man wearing a goddamn suit? To a fucking frat party? "Aye change this trashy ass song, yo!" Vernon screamed as he slid into the backseat.
"Y/N, sit down. I'm literally going to crash if your ugly ass tries jumping in the back again," Mingyu said while pushing you back down in the passenger seat. You guys finally arrived at the party after a few minutes. The smell of alcohol and weed filled the air. You guys knocked on the door and were welcomed by the sight of Jake already drinking.
"Yoooo! What’s up, guys? Go make yourself at home. let’s get blacked out wasted, dude!" Jake shouted with a smile on his face while you guys made your way in, giggling as you guys did so. There were already a few people there, and you did what Jake told you to do; you made yourself at home and grabbed some drinks in the kitchen.
"Hey there, sexy." Oh god, you just got there, and you were already being hit on. You wanted to enjoy yourself by hanging out with friends before fucking around. You turned around expecting to see some random dude; you at least hoped he was going to be hot. When you turned around, you saw Seungkwan holding in a laugh. "HAH! I bet your huge ego just got bursted after finding out it was just me instead of some random guy hitting on you."
"Fuck you! I’m actually glad it’s just you and not some random because I was not in the mood to flirt yet." You hit his shoulder and poured him a drink as well. "Also, what was the new kid like? Are they hot? What’s their name? Do we have any classes together?"
"Oh god. Don’t get me started... He’s quiet and kind of lame, to be honest. But he’s good-looking. I’m not gonna lie, and I’m pretty sure you have like two classes with him. We have history with him, and you have math with him, I think."
"He’s lame?! How so? Do his looks make up for it at least?"
"Jesus, y/n, all these damn questions! He’s lame just because I barely spoke to him, and when I made jokes, he didn’t even budge. He’s just silent and a bit rude, but yeah, I guess his looks do make up for it." Seungkwan finished and took a sip from his drink. You were practically beaming with joy; you were always excited to meet new students and maybe even become their friend. Since Seungkwan was always the one showing them around, you always asked him for reports on the new students so you could talk to them one day.
"I hope he comes to the party! " You were interrupted by someone barging in through the back door of Jake's house. Jake didn’t live in the dorms because the dorms had too many rules, according to him and his roommate Yeonjun.
"PARTY ROCKERS IN THE HOUSE!" Someone loudly sang, making you and Seungkwan turn heads towards the door.
"ITS ‘PARTY ROCK IS’ DUMBASS!" Of course. It was none other than Soonyoung and Seokmin; behind them were Joshua, Jeonghan, Wonwoo, Junhui, and some other guy whom Wonwoo was covering. They waved, but you still couldn’t see the guy. Whatever doesn’t matter anyway. You said your hellos, then let them go do whatever they wanted to. As the party went on, you had more fun and got more drunk. You danced with friends, played cup pong, and did many other fun activities with friends, and you thought this was probably one of the best parties you’ve been to in a while since school has been a pain in the ass recently. It was fun to let loose. Until the creep who sat next to you decided to show up.
"Y/n? Is that you? I thought you said you weren’t coming. Did you lie to me?" He said it with a frown on his face as his voice cracked a bit.
"Oh! Yeah, it is me. I decided to come last minute. I did tell you I don’t think so, I never said I wasn’t coming for sure." You responded and it was a half lie because you really didn’t know whether you wanted to go or not because of the schoolwork you had to do.
"You’re so pretty. You know that, right? It just stinks that you’re such a fucking liar. I saw the way you looked back at your friends and the way you shifted away from me in class. You tried avoiding me all night today. I’m not stupid y/n, don’t piss me off."
"Don't piss you off? What the fuck are you talking about? How about you don’t piss me off? You’ve been harassing me non-stop ever since we got assigned to sit next to each other, and you’ve been nothing but a literal fucking weirdo towards me. Leave me the fuck alone, asshole!" You spat back, your finger pointing aggressively at his chest. God, you were getting irritated, and being drunk didn’t help at all; it only fueled you with more adrenaline, and you couldn’t care less about the eyes that were now starting to stare at you two.
"You're embarrassing yourself, pretty girl, don’t you think we should take this outside? Hm? What do you say?"
"Don't fucking speak to me like that! I’m not your girlfriend. So don’t call me that." You said as you were making your way outside to the front yard of Jake's house; he was following behind you. When you both made it out, he grabbed you by the arm and pulled you into him.
"Don't fuck with me, y/n. Whenever I lay my eyes on something I want, I will find a way to get it."
"I'm not an object, so stop treating me like one. get your filthy hands off me and leave me alone! I don’t even know your name, so please just get the fuck out of my way." You said as you were struggling to get out of his grasp; that only made him angrier and made his grip on you tighter. You were about to give up until you fell to the ground suddenly. You opened your eyes because you closed them when you were struggling out of the guys grasp. When you opened your eyes, you saw his body on the ground. Mingyu had punched him, and Chan helped you up while wiping the tears off your face. You didn’t even know you started crying until he did so. Chan dragged you upstairs into Yeonjun's room after Vernon made sure it was okay to do so by checking in with Yeonjun. He set you on the bed and asked you what had happened while Joshua and Vernon came in the room with water and snacks in their hands. You were in there for about 15 minutes, trying to sober up. You told them what happened, and that’s when Miyeon came into the room with Seungkwan.
"Y/n!! Are you alright? I heard what happened, babe!" Miyeon said as she replaced Joshua by sitting where he was, and when you told everyone you were okay, they all left and began to join the party again after checking in with you and making sure you were really okay.
"OH! THE NEW DUDES HERE, Y/N!" Seungkwan announced jumping up from his spot. You completely forgot about the Youngbin guy; apparently that was his name. You also got up and dragged both your friends downstairs, making Seungkwan show you where the new guy was. You guys looked around and couldn’t find him anywhere. Yeji joined in, but with no luck. Just as Yeji was about to ask Jeonghan about him because, according to Miyeon, he was talking to the new guy, you stopped Yeji and told her it was fine because you’d just see him tomorrow at school. The party was soon over, and everybody left, including you. Mingyu told you that Youngbin refused to leave and the cops were called. You sighed in relief but also thought about how you’d have to still see him at school. When you got home, you were way too tired to wash up or change, so you just slumped. You could deal with everything tomorrow.
Your alarm rang and woke you up. The headache you had was insane. You got dressed up in a lazy fit and washed up, then made your way to school with Jihoon. You told him about last night, and he laughed in your face about how stupid you are for partying on a school night, but he became serious when you told him about what happened with the creep. You told him you didn’t want to speak about it because you were embarrassed; he understood and dropped it. Class went by fast today. Youngbin moved schools and was in big trouble for what he did last night. You were so happy that you couldn’t care less about your sore body and the headache you had. When you entered work and greeted all your co-workers, they all smiled, and you guys all began talking to each other while working. Today the cafe was a bit packed for some reason, but it was okay since you were with your friends, until you heard a familiar name being called out.
"Minghao! You’re finally here. What the hell took you so damn long?" You could’ve just been hearing things; there was no way he was actually there in the same room as you. You were too afraid to look back, so you decided to keep your focus on the line you had in front of you. You kept taking orders until you heard the damn name again. "Minghao, since you came here late after promising you’d help me study, you have to go buy me a drink. My friend is working at the register! You’ll like her for sure, she’s cool!" That’s when you decided to look over and see who was there. You swear you felt your heart sink to your ass.
"Seungcheol! cover for me! Please, it’s urgent. I have to use the restroom! I…uh… got my period! I gotta go!" You rushed out.
"Wait, did she just say she got her period? Oh my god, that means I’m next! We always sync! Goddamnit.." Miyeon groaned as she worked on the orders she was getting with Mark. You panicked as you ran to the bathroom. You couldn’t believe this; there was no fucking way.
An: minghaos grand(?) entrance 😜😜 story will start get interesting next chap fs🤓☝️
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mariabtsos · 6 months
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One That I Want - Chapter 7: Helpless
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Description: It is summer of 1956, and leader of the T-Birds Yoongi is working at a food joint at the beach to make extra money over the summer, when he meets a pretty girl. They start a summer fling that unfortunately had to come to end, but an unexpected turn of events will bring them back together.
Genre: 1950s au, angst, fluff, some smut, Greaser!Yoongi x Square/Goody-Two-Shoes!OC.
TW: underage drinking and smoking, sexual content, violence, misogyny (it’s the 1950s so peak macho man era).
Word Count: 1.2k+
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"Men are rats!" Nayeon said to Lottie after she walked up to her, making the latter chuckle, "worse, they are fleas on rats, they're amoebas on fleas on rats!" She continued, Lottie was now laughing, maybe not as loud or full as Nayeon would hope, but this was a start. "They are too low for even dogs to bite."
Lottie nodded, she looked down to the floor, she still had Yoongi's words stuck in her head, 'try the yellow pages' who did he think he was? To humiliate her like that, in front of everyone, and to lie about what they did during the summer, for what? Some dumb reputation? Who's going to care after high school? The reality is, most times, you wouldn't see your peers again unless you were one to go to reunions.
"Come on, we'll drive to yours and get you a change of clothes and head to my place," Nayeon gave her a sweet smile, Lottie nodded and gave back the gesture.
After the confrontation the guys retreated back to Namjoon's car, under the excuse of having to pee, Yoongi walked off to try and find Lottie, he had to explain himself, he had to make things right, seeing her heartbroken was not worth this silly reputation of his.
After a while of pushing through people, and looking at random heads, he finally spotted her, her arms were linked with Nayeon's as they walked to her car, Lottie saw him, and he just stood there, looking at her longingly, hoping to express how sorry he was through his eyes. But she just rolled her pretty brown eyes at him after a bit, giving her attention back to her friends. At that moment, Yoongi felt he had lost everything.
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Nayeon was doing Lottie's nails, as the girls spoke about tonight's events. "You've had a rough day," Jiyoon stated after turning on the TV, she placed her hand on Lottie's shoulder as a way of reassurance before getting back on the bed.
"Min's got some nerve, I told you, all deadbeats, so terribly immature" Miyeon added, checking herself out on Nayeon's vanity mirror.
Lottie brushed her hair, a heavy sigh leaving her lips, "he was just so different this summer."
"That's why I prefer a more worldly type of guy," Miyeon stated, getting up from the vanity to get something from her bag, "excuse me, I'm feeling a bit chilly," she took a beautiful, long, pink silk robe out of it, and put it on.
"Where'd ya get that?" Kim asked her, touching the soft fabric.
"Kibum sent it to me," she answered nonchalantly. "Didn’t he move to the U.S.?" Jiyoon asked.
"For University, yes," Miyeon added calmly, "who says I can't exploit my summer flings for pretty things?" She continued.
“Flings? Plural?” Nayeon asked.
“Well I can't put all my eggs in Kibum's basket,” she explained. "You wanna see him?" The question was directed at Lottie who nodded right away, which prompted Miyeon to pull out her wallet from her purse. Once she opened it, a long string of pictures unfolded in front of the group.
"Jeez Miyeonie!" Jiyoon and Nayeon said in unison, their jaws dropping at the number of pictures.
"You really weren't kidding!" Lottie said, grabbing one of the many sleeves with a picture in it, "How do you keep them all entertained?" Kim asked.
"Well, I am a terrific pen pal," Miyeon answered with a flirtatious tone, "I write a letter, they send a present," she smirked.
The girls giggled, Lottie was enjoying herself a whole lot, and the girls were actually quite fun and nice! It helped her get her mind off tonight, what it didn't get her mind off of, however, was the horrible sting on her toes.
"Hey Nayeonie, I'm not sure what nail polish you used, but it sure stings," she giggled nervously while fanning her toes with her hand.
The aforementioned's expression quickly dropped, looking at both bottles next to the bed, "oh my goodness, that wasn't nail polish remover, that was Nair!" Nayeon wanted the ground to swallow her whole, immediately running to the bathroom to wet an extra handkerchief she had and coming back to rub it on Lottie's toe nails.
"Unnie no offense, but you'd make a terrible pharmacist," Jiyoon stated as she looked at the scene unfolding in front of her. Nayeon gives her a dirty look.
"I'm sorry Lottie, I just have a lot going on in my mind," she admitted.
All the girls looked at their usually cheerful friend with concern. "Well, what's been eating at ya?" Kim finally asked.
"I just feel like Seoul Central is a dead end for me, I don't want my life to be school projects," she stated.
"You're dropping out?!" Jiyoon asked with concern, "it's not dropping out, it's a strategic move, I'll be a future graduate of JYP Beauty School," she stated proudly. The girls decided to cheer their friend on. Kim brought out a bottle of wine from her bag, a shocked Jiyoon grabbing it and reading the label. "We could have twinkies with this!" She said excitedly.
"Gosh Jiyoonie you're so immature," Miyeon rolled her eyes.
"It says so on the bottle unnie, it's not my fault your glasses are only for show and that you can't read it," the younger retorted, making Kim and Nayeon giggle. They all took turns, taking more than a sip and giggling afterwards.
"Well, we can't have all the fun, Lottie, why don't you have a swig?" Kim was overly sweet, and Lottie didn't know her well so she didn't pick up on her sarcasm.
"No thank you," Lottie stated.
"I bet you've never had a drink before, or smoked?" She shook her head at the leader's question, "I did have some sparkling cider at my cousin's wedding!"
"Well ring-a-ding-ding!" Kim exclaimed, this time though she definitely felt like Kim was trying to embarrass her.
So, she decided to go to the bathroom to wash off the Nair from her toes before she had a worse reaction to it, she closed the bathroom door so she could have some privacy. The girls on the other side were discussing her, and whether or not she'd be good enough to be indicted into the Pink Ladies.
"I don't know girls, she looks too pure to be pink," Kim sighed heavily. "I mean have you seen her, she strikes me as those squares that won't get laid until they are legally married," she rolled her eyes. "She probably has never ratted her hair, I mean have you seen how flat it is?! And she's never smoked?! Even the surgeon General said it's good for you!"
The other 3 girls looked distraught, when Kim turned around to see a shocked Lottie staring at her, "you making fun o' me Kim?" She asked, to which the aforementioned rolled her eyes one more time. "Some people are so touchy," she replied.
Nayeon went up to Lottie to comfort her, she didn't know why Kim was acting this way, then again, she knew she had been keen of Yoongi last year, so perhaps she was jealous that his newest acquaintance got so much out of him in such little time.
All the girls were startled at the sudden honking, it was close to 11pm, who in their sane mind was awake at this hour?!
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hotlink907 · 2 years
Kinktober Day 12 - Humiliation/sensory deprivation - Soyeon
prompt: Humiliation/sensory deprivation
pairing: dom!Soyeon x fem!reader
warnings: semi-public fairly intense humiliation, blindfold, headphones, restraints
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“If you could see yourself right now,” Soyeon said. “In fact, I think I’m going to take a few pictures. Just to show you later. Maybe I’ll show Yuqi too, I know she’ll get a laugh out of it.”
You felt yourself turning red--even more red than you already were--but you couldn’t stop yourself. The thought of anyone finding out about this, even Yuqi, who already knew about your submissive tendencies, filled you with deep embarrassment.
It was a supremely vulnerable position. Not too mention you were sure that you looked ridiculous. And if she recorded the things you said...
You moaned, unable to form the words to vocalize what you were thinking. Soyeon had you fully restrained, spread-eagle but upright. You were blind-folded and you knew that she was about to put earplugs or headphones or something else that would cut your hearing off on you as well. The only reason she hadn’t yet was so that you could hear what she was saying to you.
“How do you think our friends would react if they knew what a slut you were?” Soyeon asked. “If they knew that you were my little slut? Because that’s what you are, isn’t it?
You nodded helplessly. What else could you do? And anyway, she was right. You were her little slut. Anything she asked you to do, you did. Just because you couldn’t help yourself. Obeying her orders made you feel so good.
“You don’t need to hear me,” said Soyeon. “You don’t need to see me either. You don’t need to see my tight body or my perfect ass. You know something? I’m naked right now. And you can’t even tell, because you’re blindfolded.” She laughed to herself. “You’re so desperate that you’d do anything for me.”
You nodded your head weakly, feeling your cheeks burn. You didn’t have it in you to argue with her. Not when she was right about you.
You could hear her approaching you and you swallowed. There was a moment of silence and then you flinched as you felt her trace her finger down your stomach, starting from just under your breasts and going all the way to below your belly button. You shivered and squirmed, wanting her to keep going. But she didn’t.
“I’m going to ask you a question,” said Soyeon. “And I need you to answer honestly. Because that’s going to change what happens next.”
You swallowed and nodded again.
“How much humiliation can you take? Because I have a few people who wouldn’t mind seeing you like this. But you have to be okay with it first.” Your jaw dropped. Could you really...? You thought you could handle it. You had certainly fantasized about it. But to make it a reality... that was something different entirely.
But then you remembered that you were nothing but a slut. And you deserved it. You deserved to be seen like this, because this was who you were.
You spoke quietly. “I can handle it.” Soyeon kissed your cheek. “If it’s too much, you say the safeword. And it all stops and we never go back to it again.”
You nodded, but you were shaking. From apprehension. From excitement. From the sheer humiliation you knew that you were about to experience. “How many people?” you asked. “At least tell me that.”
You could hear the smile in Soyeon’s voice. “Five,” she said.
And the trembling took over your entire body, because you knew exactly what that meant. “Okay,” you squeaked. “I can handle it.” Soyeon moved again, and a moment later, you felt her placing something gently on your head, over your ears. And then, you could barely hear anything at all.
You couldn’t move. You couldn’t see. You couldn’t hear. You had no idea what was going on in front of you. And you were totally naked, totally exposed.
You were so wet. You could feel yourself dripping, and you knew that Soyeon would surely mention that. Five people... Shuhua. Minnie. Yuqi. Miyeon. Soojin. And Soyeon herself. She had hinted that one day she would try this. But for it to actually be happening...
Your trembling reached an uncontrollable level. You imagined you could hear the door opening, the sound of the girls stepping in. The sound of them laughing at you as they pointed. You thought that maybe you could hear someone’s voice, maybe Shuhua’s, but the headphones blocked out all sound. So you just remained in your restraints, shaking and reeling with humiliation and horniness.
And then you felt someone touch your stomach, lightly. You would have jumped, had you been able to. The hand traced a pattern around your belly, then moved to your thighs. You let out an involuntary moan and tried to thrust forward, but the hand refused to go where you wanted it to. A whimper of frustration escaped your mouth and you begged in a shaky voice, “Please, please touch me! I need it!”
The hand withdrew, and there was a pause before you felt the headphones being removed. The first voice you heard was Miyeon’s. “She really is desperate. You weren’t lying.” Soyeon’s voice was proud. “Isn’t she a good slut? She’ll do anything I ask.” Yuqi laughed. “I can tell. She looks pathetic up there! And look how wet she is! I bet she’d beg just to grind your thigh.”
Your face was on fire. You were blushing so hard that you could feel it spreading to your neck and chest. You squeezed your eyes tight behind the blindfold. Don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it.
But of course, Soyeon said it. “She does that all the time,” your dom answered. “One time she even begged me to hump my pillow.”
Shuhua burst out laughing. “That is so pathetic! What else does she do?” “Why don’t you tell us?” Soyeon asked you with a mischievous voice. “Tell us the most pathetic thing you’ve done. Then I’ll put the headphones on and make you edge once, really hard. And then we’ll be done with you. Can you do that for me?” You nodded, your brain racing. You wanted to pick a story that wasn’t too embarrassing, but if you did that, Soyeon would just make things worse. You had to be honest, or it wouldn’t count. Finally, you thought of something. It would be hard to say, but...
You hung your head and opened your mouth to speak.
“She made me beg her to so I could worship her ass. And then when I was making out with her ass, I got so turned on that I started grinding myself against the bed, which I wasn’t allowed to do. So she made me have a ruined orgasm while I my tongue was inside her, and... and...” You could barely get the words out. “And it was such a bad orgasm that I started to beg her for more, but she wouldn’t let me have it. And I begged her so much that she tied me up and edged me again until I was in tears.”
You stopped speaking, so overcome by your embarrassment that you could no longer get the words out. The five girls were all laughing at you, but Soyeon was looking at you with pride on her face. Underneath the humiliation, you felt the beginning sparks of happiness. She was going to reward you, surely. And you felt so, so turned on.
Soyeon nodded approvingly. “Good girl,” she said. She turned to the other five. “I hope you liked the show.
“So good,” said Minnie appreciatively. “Let’s give them some privacy now, okay?”
And with that, the other girls started to exit, leaving you alone with Soyeon. She was looking at you with gentleness and love. “You did amazing,” she said quietly. “Such a good girl. Are you alright?” You nodded, though you knew that your blushing hadn’t faded. “Y-yes,” you stammered.
Soyeon began to undo the restraints and helped you out of the bindings that held you in place. “Come here,” she said, pulling you into a warm hug. “You did so good. I’m so proud of you.” You shook a little in her arms. You were overwhelmed, but not in a bad way. You felt amazing. It had been far deeper than you had ever gone in subspace before.
“How would you like to cum?” Soyeon asked. “Any way you want, as much as you want.” Your eyes widened. “And then cuddles?” Soyeon smiled at you. “And then cuddles.”
You didn’t even need to answer. It was all you wanted in the world. Your heart fluttered as Soyeon led you to the bed. You couldn’t imagine anything better than this.
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