moonsidesong · 1 year
i drew this in a very bumpy car but every artfight season i'm reminded that i keep making girls with long bangs and -_- faces and they keep getting meaner every time
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yumejo · 1 year
mizael asks me about human culture cause he, himself, doesn’t much due to him being a barian and all- and the others thinks it’s date between us ajsbsjsbsjsb
mizael unintentionally doing romantic things for you, and everyone is just teasing him about it; and yet, he just doesn't understand? and he gets a little pouty when you, specifically, poke fun at him~ everyone else gets his prideful wrath >:3
—"yes, i bought mari a new sweater. her other one was getting worn, what else was i suppose to do? keep watching her struggle with that broken zipper? hm, i'm 'boyfriend material'...? what does that mean. explain." —"i had to ask you bae, what happens when—oh, bae? i was told it means 'before anyone else', am i wrong?" —"everyone keeps saying we're going out on a date. and i told them, yes, tuesday. and they all laughed at me! the nerve!!"
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junna666 · 1 year
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garnetsidus · 4 months
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Mizari • 09. 06. 24. 🍢 akatsuki no yona
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mizaryrottmnt · 26 days
Curiosity beats fear
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Little something I really wanted to draw in full.
Because Unity is afraid of Raph's body but I really wanted to make her interact with this big boy, so I think it's a good idea. She's curious and he knows something she didn't. Everything is in place!
(tell me if you can read my writing, I can change if it's too hard to read.)
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“HEADACHE -Begräbnis TERRORAKT split release show-”
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rose-greenhouse · 5 months
mizari on your dash
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picrew used
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neixins · 3 months
happy gijaeha gtuesday! what’s an underrated moment you love? 🎤
THANK U FOR INDULGING ME LIKE THIS <3 i couldn’t possibly pick one single moment so i’ll just keep going until i can’t add any more images
i’m gonna stick to truly underrated moments btw, so no hot springs bonus chapter, no “if you feel the way i do, that means i can trust you to have my back in battle”, no love potion shenanigans, no “he’s stronger than i am” and adjacent moments, no “it’s refreshing to hear you discuss important things”, no cool battle couple moments, no “if you keep being so reckless, you’ll get yourself killed”, no “you can still live” (and definitely not those last two in relation to each other…... that’s already its own post actually). on that note, i’m also not gonna be including anything i’ve already posted about even if it’d technically count otherwise. was this an excuse to mention all of those moments anyway? perhaps! but u asked for underrated and underrated i shall deliver. ready? let’s go! <3
[transcription note: all the upcoming images are panels from “yona of the dawn”. end note.]
the first moment that comes to mind is this one from ch 135. like gija doesn’t tend to think things through often (he’s far from stupid; he’s just not a Thinker), but this—finding a way to use mizari’s interest in their powers to their advantage, in this case specifically to help jaeha—is just so endlessly interesting to me
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[ID: part of a page consisting of multiple panels. mizari is clapping excitedly, saying, “that was incredible! how wonderful! how do you enlarge it? if i trained hard, could i do it too?”; jaeha is breathing heavily, visibly exhausted, and gija watches him before saying, “could you…bring us some meat dishes?”; mizari looks confused as he asks, “meat dishes?”; gija says, “jaeha’s gotten awfully anemic.”; yun adds, “some liver from a cow or a bird would be best.”. end ID.]
i also love it when he’s not using any of those braincells that he clearly has though <3 like this moment in ch 155. it’s also really sweet how he just continues chilling beside jaeha throughout the rest of the scene despite doing an absolutely abysmal job of hiding his hand
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[ID: a panel showing jaeha and gija in a hot spring; jaeha says, “another guest, hmm? we won’t be able to leave for a while.”; gija moves to stand in front of him, holding out his arms, and says, “you can hide behind me, then!”; jaeha responds, “you shouldn’t have your hand out where anyone can see it, either.”. end ID.]
married couple behavior from ch 129. leaving out the previous panel so that i can include more moments but this happens after jaeha calls them the beautiful monsters of kohka
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[ID: a panel showing gija as he turns towards jaeha to correct him, saying, “the four dragon warriors.”; jaeha responds, “fine, fine. what he said.”. end ID.]
speaking of which, i love it so much when they have basically the same reaction to things (the examples below are from ch 172 but there’s more i’m not including). this becomes more prevalent later on which is just such a cute detail like yessss impact each other’s lives all the way down to picking up each other’s mannerisms <3
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[ID: the first panel shows jaeha and gija leaning over the edge of a cart with similar expressions of surprise; jaeha asks, “algira? voldo?!” and gija asks, “why are you here?”; algira shushes them. in the second panel, zeno says, “the fellow sure is popular. when did that happen?”; gija and jaeha are standing beside him, both staring wide-eyed. end ID.]
this bit from ch 203 is soooo unbelievably funny to me. “i can’t take u guys” he says, holding onto gija……
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[ID: a panel showing yona and the four dragons. she says, “but…i’ve only just been permitted to see you all here.”; jaeha says, “we’ll go through the window. even if we’re caught, i doubt they’ll try to harm us.”; gija says, “great! let���s go.” as he climbs onto jaeha’s back, wrapping his arms around his shoulders; sinha is clinging onto gija’s shoulder while zeno is doing the same to jaeha; jaeha says, “hey, i can’t take you guys.”; his hands are hooked beneath gija’s legs, holding him up. end ID.]
“woohoo! you’re so cool, gija!” from ch 159. they’re never EVER beating those allegations
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[ID: a panel showing gija stepping forward, saying, “everyone, step aside. i’ll handle this.”; behind him, jaeha cheers, “woohoo! you’re so cool, gija!”; they’re both shirtless. end ID.]
love it when jaeha’s like “don’t ruin your pretty face” whenever gija’s acting feral. the example below is from ch 35 but there’s also a similar moment in ch 86.
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[ID: a panel showing jaeha saying, “good grief. gija’s going to ruin his pretty face.”. end ID.]
who would i be if i didn’t include a panel where they’re badly injured and covered in blood? :) i’m just obsessed with the exasperated fondness here (also with gija’s chronic fatigue and other assorted issues codedness) (ch 143)
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[ID: a panel showing gija slumped against jaeha, the psychomimes indicating that he’s woozy; jaeha smiles slightly as he says, “good grief. you’re nowhere near recovered.”. end ID.]
there are many candidates vying for the final spot but i gotta give it to this panel from ch 225. there are many implications one can glean from this if one is a yaoi scholar like myself but also just look at them. LOOK!!! THEM <3
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[ID: a panel showing gija and jaeha asleep next to each other; gija is sleeping soundly and reaching towards jaeha with his dragon hand, poking the side of his face; jaeha is frowning. end ID.]
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rddykilowatt · 2 years
ramble ramble ramble ramble zeno beloved ramble ramble ramble ramble
I’m gonna dump akayona thoughts here ‘cause I love this series lots and they make me very happy to ramble about! (warning for spoilers if you’re unaware of anything about zeno or his backstory)
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I don’t see a lot of people analyzing or digging at the things that I do, usually they’re more centered around widely known details and fan favorites and such.
So here we go:
Ever since Zeno wiggled his silly way into the group (the dragons, yoon, hak and yona) he completely threw away all of his self preservation. And you can say “well ofc, he’s there to protect yona” but I think you’d be wrong for simplifying it that way. He's such a complex character. Out of all of them he is the one that stands to be the least affected by Yona’s presence same with the presence of the other dragons. He simply decided to approach them on his own accord, they didn’t approach him. This guy has had to kill and run to protect him from others and from himself for millennia.
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He’s completely lost his purpose in life by the time we meet him in the series, having lost so much and constantly being at odds with the concept of time. But he found that purpose again in protecting the hhb, which is where I bring this back to the previous statement that he completely threw away all his self preservation, or rather he actually gained some.
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During the Xing arc the dragons end up being imprisoned, and Zeno willingly offers himself up to Mizari to have his arm cut off as means to get away easy, but they all outwardly express their disdain toward this. Jae-ha being the one to intervene and avoid Zeno being subjected to such treatment.
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Though I think it should be said that he could’ve easily sacrificed himself for them here, it's just his arm right? But he let's Jae-ha intervene and sway the topic away from him. Despite the fact that he could at any moment throughout the series (after his power has been revealed) when there’s a battle or confrontation, power his way through fights and run away or get help at the drop of the hat but guess what? He doesn’t do that, he stopped doing that for the sake of the others. He instead he chooses to stick by the side of his companions even if he could just as easily tear himself apart or be torn apart in order to help them escape.
A good example is this scene in the current arc:
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Even with the artifact from Hiryuu castle in their presence that causes there powers to amp up and everything, Zeno sits tight, literally. He sits there tied up tight with the others. I bring this scene up as an example because like I previously stated he could just tear himself apart here, now more than ever to help them escape. But he doesn't.
(Whether this is due to his wisdom beyond years or because he doesn't want to upset the other dragons is up in the air for sure but we're gonna say it's cause he doesn't wanna upset the others for the sake of this post)
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I feel like it should be explained further, it’s been brought up multiple times throughout the series where Zeno’s partook, especially in anxiety inducing parts, the others don’t like to see Zeno hurt even if he heals, even if he’s used to the pain. They don’t like it, they’ve been very upfront about how much they hate it, how much it scares them to see him injured in ways that would kill any mortal being, in ways it would kill any of them. Seeing him bleed is the worst experience for them. And I think Zeno makes the conscious choice to no longer completely tear himself apart just to escape in order to save them because he doesn’t want to scare them more than they already are in the situations they get involved in. As well as when it wouldn’t be necessary to do so, when they work together just as well to escape without unnecessarily blood being shed.
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Zeno is honestly an enigma of a character, he says a lot but simultaneously says nothing. Which makes me love him even more.
What I’m saying here is all me reading between lines and using my own brain to come up with something that would make sense rather than it being a verbal statement or thought being stated in the series. There’s no real textual evidence that outright states that Zeno has made any of the choices I’ve stated, it’s just my own thoughts surrounding him.
At the end of it all here, I personally believe this is one of the best ways his character could be written, especially as the only one remaining from the original dragons. He gives things away to the group and the readers but only with bits and pieces. The rest is speculation or a matter of putting things together. In my opinion he keeps us hooked into the series, he’s the one character still present that carry’s so much weight and wisdom with him. He’s the one character in the hhb that understands the pain that each separate individual has faced that even they amongst themselves can’t understand.
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They’ve all learned how cruel the world can be, how painful being alive is in their own ways but in my opinion Zeno is the only one that understands their individual experiences infinitely. For crying out loud he knows things that the characters around him don’t even know and that we the readers don’t as well. He’s seen and lived through more life than them all combined, but he still holds onto his humanity albeit rather stubbornly. He still continues to learn and grow and above all else he sees that everyone is human and that there can be/is still good in the world even with all the bad.
Yona maybe be in the title of the series, but Zeno is still just as much of a main character as she is.
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zeno-obsessed · 2 years
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yumejo · 1 year
mizael very boyfriend material so true. he would be very gentleman like and the others would totally tease him about it
i like to think mizael is so smug about it when you're not around too; he loves it when he makes you blush and swoon over him, and he'll boast about how utterly adorable you looked when you smiled at him as you thanked him for paying for your meal (until everyone starts collectively teasing him... then he goes red-faced and becomes a stuttering mess as he tries to deflect their comments) LOL
"hmm, see how she's wearing that necklace? it has an 'm' on it—for mizael." "are you sure she's not just wearing it because it reminds her of her own name?" ← vector "uh, no! 💢💢 i bought it for her!" "ooh, he's laying his claim on her!" ← alito
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avesrp · 1 year
MDZS roleplay idea. If interested, DM or message on Discord Mizary#7524
The setting is the same time and same place as cannon, all except there is no Cultivation magic.
Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng go to Cloud Recesses to study martial arts. Like in cannon, Wei Wuxian stirs trouble, and tries to get all of Lan Zhan’s attention with teasing and nagging. He only studies there for three months, until he is eventually kicked out.
Years later, war strikes with the Wen clan. Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan are reunited as they join forces. They grow close under the circumstances and trauma, watching as loved ones die and forming a friendship that leads to romance later, as they support and are there for each other. After the war ends, they start a life together. Finding peace and happiness, but it’s only temporary.
Wei Ying contracts an illness. He’s sick for days, and the doctor says there is nothing he can do. Days later, he passes, leaving Lan Zhan all alone.
Lan Zhan grieves for thirteen long years. One night, drunk and under the stars, a shooting one passes by, and Lan Zhan wishes for Wei Ying to return to him.
Days pass after his wish, and Lan Zhan wanders down a road when he hears a familiar tune. He is shocked, because the tune played only two people in this world knew it. Him and… Wei Ying!
He rushes to the sound, coming to a hilltop, where underneath a tree is Wei Ying, in a different body. But Lan Zhan, despite this knew it was him. The only thing was, this man had no memories of Lan Zhan, or who he himself was. He didn’t know his name, where he was born, what he was doing in this world. So Lan Zhan and Wei Ying go on a journey to find a way to revive his memory.
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garnetsidus · 4 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤꈼ 🥨 ༾ 09.06. ! ˘︵ 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 !
ㅤㅤㅤ#akatsuki_no_yona ; ミザリ - mizari ⚾
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤбольной нахуй 🧸 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮!
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ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
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mizaryrottmnt · 2 months
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Part 1 - Next
Little something I wanted to make. When unity starts her relationship with the Hamato family. Unlucky she's pretty uncomfortable for some reasons.
(Really hope it's not cringe because I feel so strange to share short comics with oc\official characters)
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rose-greenhouse · 5 months
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i like him a little too much i hope you still love me
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